The new age. (Portland, Or.) 1896-1905, July 26, 1902, Image 8

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    yufHf my wintinn bmeMbm
pAipri riARDEiors mmm
Ho wnu colubrntin muss in St.
-John's Chapel, in the K'coml story of
tiio U'iito Tower, whon tliu tumult
urono. II Ih attendants, foremost nmonK
tlicin our Ky friend Iteginald Unrdo
lot, who nliowod in that trying hour
that ho curried tlio liunrt of n brnvo
tnsn behind lils outward show of lovity,
iiurrlud to lock tho door. Tlio arch
Mnhop cnlk-d upon thum to dooint.
"Do not ondnngcr your lives, my chil
dren," ho wild, In n gentler .volio than
ho won accustomed to uso in issuing his
command. "It Ih my lifo that they
seek, and I know how to dio. Let tlio
forvant of God doj art in peace I nm
old, and I lmvo lived long enough. Do
not anger thorn hy rusistunco."
KowrthoIoRH the door wan locked.
They woro not kept long In suspi'iito.
For a minute or two, in nplto of tho
deaotiing din from without, thoy heard
foot tops and voices dlfipurpod through
the hiiilding In vain quest, but present
ly a thunder nt tho door,' which mint
tomh-lllo echoea through tho vaulted
chapel, announced that tho blood
thirsty mob line! found its victim.
Again tho urclibichop adjured his nt
IcndantH to offer no roglbtnnro. Itegiu
stld drew his diiggor and ho and tho
IroMcHtof Ida companions stood in lino
in front of tho door, roaolvcd to bjII
their lives denr.
llio door burnt open with a clanir,
and tlio foremost of tho mob tumbled
Iieadlong in. Tho thin lino of defend--era
ntrnck out wildly, but thoy woro
bonio down by tho weight of tho maag
precipitated on them. A ringleader of
tJio mob, n furiaui released rlaoncr
from ono of tho jnilf, who wins armed
with iltt fottora and had been holding
theoi aloft battering at tho door when
it Htiddenly gavo way, woh hurled upon
Itegtnuld and tlio fettera felled him to
tho floor.
A hurst of yollfl and laughter signal
izad thia triumph. Then thoro was an
involuntary hush, producod by tho
apoctaclo that met their eyes at tho
upper end of tho chapol. Tho arch
bishop stood before tlio altar, a crosa
in ilia left hand, bin right rained in tho
nttitudo of benediction, his command
ing Nguro at ita full height. fly Ida
nldo Htood a chaplain, who raised aloft
tho corpus domiuicifra.
The mob was aweatruck and hushod
for a moment, and tho doomod man
nohod tho opportunity to apeak.
"I m ho whom yo cook," he Fa Id,
'your archbishop and father in God.
What would yo, my children, with thia
untuemly brawl? Diaporae in peace,
lost "
A voice intorruptod him. "Wo nook
tho chancellor, not tho archbishop."
Then tho clamor broke out again.
"Yea, tho chuncellorl" thoy cried.
"Tho traitor to tho king!" "Tho
idtindororof tho rwmnonsl" "Whoro
ro your accounta?" "Whoro ia tho
money of the commons?"
U'liey yelled and apat at hint.
Then two or three atoln along behind
tho great round pillara of tho ulalo, and
Hot between him and the altar, and
huddonly hltt arms voro )Inloned from
A cry was rained, "To tho council
,'lmmhurl" and thither the untortuuato
inati was drugged hy hia jelling
.In tho council chamber a ghastly
mockery of juatlco was enacted. Tliu
rib. ld clown who had played tho part
of Herod aoatod himself in tho king's
chair. Tho other buffoon In tliu fan
taatk. dioa of tho Devil kept tliu door
m uahor. Others Hung thuiUPolvcH into
l emts of the couiiHollnra, and tickled
tint npectatora v.istly with their ribald
HHrtiiiijitiniH of dignity, Nothing could
Iwi Imagiiud inoiti hi'deoua and appall
,ing tlinu this trumilent mirth; it can
not unhappily bo fairly called Inhuman
man only ia capable of audi extremes
of deviltry.
1'muHitly tho mock president of tho
oourt Hpoko with horrible Mares and
frowns in hia Herodian character:
"Sir Chancellor you two on your
trial hoforo tho commons of England,
inipe.tched of Indug a heliiuns traitor to
tho king, and a moat outrageous ex
tortioner of the common. Have you
might to euy why you ahould not bo
adjudged to tho death of such male
factors?" Tho archbishop looked at him stern
ly. "1'rofan.o and ribald wretch," ho
Itotian, "I am no traitor!" But hia
volco wiih lost'lu a tempest of angry
llorod frowned and commanded
tdleucti In a voice of thunder. "Dost
hmt," ho cried, "to insult your royal
Tho archbishop turned from him in
contempt, and addressed tho throng
wltit unbending dignity. "Take
Iieod," ho aaid, "my children, what yo
do this day, lest for your sins the Holy
Tather lay all tho realm of Englaud
under an Interdict."
Tho threat of papal interference
vrownod his offenses. "Enoughl
huougiir' cania front, tho
"Away with him!"
Frantic applause
frtvAUnl tho humor of
tho Devil, who
capered forward to claim his victim,
That nothing might bo wanted to
couiJota this travesty of judicial forma,
the implements of legal punishment
woro now produced. In raue&cking the
vfamiber of the Tower some of tho
moli had lighted on a block and aword
that woro ordlnarjly used In tho pun
Sfthment of traitors. These, were hand
uaMta tho council chamber over the
suaa&s of tlw crowd that filled the stair
casus, vaid carried by the blackened
lanpe of the igent to the foot ol the
throne, awld loud voclferatioHs of de-
light. It must bo admitted thai of
ninny who suffered death on thia earno
block, thoro weio covcrnl who, though
thoy had moro of tho ceremonial decen
cy of justico, had very littlomoroof the'
"To tho Tower Hill!" phnutod tho
mock provident. "Away with him"
A procesIon waa now formed. Tho
unhappy chancellor nuhmllted pasrivo
ly to hia fato. II N fnco woro tlio calm
oxptoaxinn of n man for whom the bit
terness of death ia pant. II Ih dim oyea
woro turned heavenward; no soomed
not to hear or bco what was passing
Such gravo dignity and unmoved
courage- as ho showed in thin auprome
moment would havo won him tho sym
pathy, or at lcaat tho respect, of tho
populace, If they had not thoiiifwlven
been tho axocutlonora. But na it waa
they had no pity for hia gray hairs, no
rcapoct for hia tranquil dignity; thoy
yelled at him, spit at him, pelted him
with fljth. And evor tho devil of tho
pageant capred with ghastly ribaldry
in front.
Arrived at tlio plaro of execution,
tlio brazen-lunged Herod proclaimed
ailenco, tho prlFonor'a nrms woro un
bound, and it waa algniflcd to him that
ho might add rcH tho people after the
maniior of criminals in a last aprcch
and dying confession. Hut ho only
looked round calmly and aaid that ho
forgave hia tormentor, that thoy know
not what they did, then knelt for a
minute in silent prayer, and laid hia
head on tho block.
It waa an unhappy chanco for tho In
aurgent cause that left tho mob gath
ered in tho city trco to work ita will.
It Iiiih prejudiced tho loadora with
tHiatorlty, and at tho tlino it dostroyod
all nroMtwct of good lesult from tho
concessions of tho king.
After all, tho lawlocs vlolenco of tho
mou, dollrloiia and mthlosa na It wua,
rostrainod Ittolf within limits that do
not appear en oxcessivo when compared
with what their liettera worn in tho
habit of doing with moro decorous form
and ceremony of justico. Four more
victims of distinction were' added to
thoir Hat of executions, all typical men
in tho government that had become ao
hateful. Sir Robert Hales, tho king's
treasurer; Sir John Log, tho tax com
mlnsionor; Richard Lyons, a notorious
monopolist and Jobber of tho public
ruveuuea; and Friar Wm. Appledore,
whoso crlnio was being the confoseor of
John of Gaunt. This oxemplary sacri
fice of heads was not moro Intomperato
than wo find ctintomary with tho most
highly respoctablo factions of nobles
and prclatea when thoy gained the up
per hand, and procoodod to a chango
of govornmont. Such changes reldom
took place in tho mlddlo ago without
hoiiio judicial alaughter of tho weaker
party. Seven years later ono of tho
king's uncloH waa maator of tho situa
tion, and several of thot-o who advised
Richard in puniahlna tho rebel oaaanta
were doomod to death by tho axe or the
alowor torturo of exllo. Sir Simon
Hurley, Do la Polo, Troslllan, the
king's favorite, young Do Vero, and
tliu doughty alderman, Sir Nicholaa
Hramber, were not moro guilty than
Sudbury or Ilalea when thoy foil before
tho ambition of the Dnko of Gloucester
uh corrupt uud dangeroua traltora; they
had u moro formal Impoachmont uud a
inoio protracted trial, but their judgca
wero not loa prejudlcel. Thoro waa in
truth uiiiiu of tliu spirit of juatico in
the rough retribution of King Mob,
who in ell matters of procedure gen
erally follows tho fashion of hia social
Hut though tho reign of terror wan
thus far not ludlKcrlmlmite, hut regu
lated by precedent, it was not to bo ox
pected that tho upper cluaces, who woro
furious at tho idea of emancipating the
perfs, and wero beginning to recover
from their first panic when they caw
that tho simple rustics wero less form
Idahlo than bad at flt appeared, it
was not to lo expected that thoy would
mlsi tho advantage given them by tho
rlota for bringing over thu waverers
among their own number to a firmer
policy. Thu leudora of tho insurgents
wero not really responsible for tho ox
ioHO of tho mob within tho walla
while thoy lay without, but tho excewes
of tho mob could bo made to cover the
whole movement.
Tho reaction wai hoaded by the
major, and tlra leading aldermen of
tho city, Walworth and Hramber and
Philpot, who from tho first hud do
liplsed the Insurgents and advocated
energetic measures. They socured tho
co-operation of Sir Robert Kunlles,
wno.oe military experience and fame
made hlru a valuable ally. Thoy then
proceeded to reason ovor tho loading
members of the king's council.
Hut first thoy learned all thoy could
about tho actual strength and tho feel
lugs of thu rebels. Thin waa more
easily done now. Among tho insurg
ents wero, na we havo before aaid, a
good many gentlemen who, like Sir
John Newton, had "been forced to join
them. Of the alternatives, joining or
lighting for their lives, they had pre
ferred the former. ,
After the king had agreed to abolish
bondage, and the purpose of the rising
was thus gained, these unwilling coad
jutors wero free to return to thoir class,
and they KOUHht amends for their deg
nutation, and at the same time recova
ery of favor, by urging that tho Insurg
enta should now be attacked, and rep
resenting how easy It would be to put
tkeat to rout.
Sir Richard lUiahan wa peculiarly
eager to bo revenged lor the indignities
he had suffered, and had special reason
to fear that it might be difficult to
make hie peace at court. It galled him
to remember that the knaves had asked
him to join, because by birth he was
ono of themselves; and the recollection
that to savo his life he had helped to
order them on the march, awoko other
feelings than wounded pride. When,,
thercforo, his old captain, Sir Robert
Knolles, to whom ho had obsequiously
attached himself quotloned him about
tho strength of the rebels, ho ppoko of
thoir array with tho utmoat contempt.
Th"y hod no atoro of victuals; tho moro
provident offthem had 'brought small
bags of eoarto meal on their hacks, from
which they had to feed tlio less provid
ent na well oa thomFclvc. Half of
thorn did not know what thoy hud risen
for, and would bo only too glad to bo
pafoly back in thoir homes again. To
lio within walla in fear of such a herd
ih if they were a regular army waa
ridiculous. A handful of men at-arms
would rido through thorn like a flock of
Now it had been tho policy of Sal la
bury and others about tho king to givo
tho rebole what they asked, and when
tho aimplo churls hud disported io their
homos to revoko thoir charters and tako
ample revenge for thoir presumption.
Hut when theso representations wero
pressed hy Knolles and the aldormen,
tho klng'a couiiFollora began to think
that thoy hud boon too timid, and to bo
ashamed of, and angry at, thoir former
Already on Friday afternoon the
gathering that had eo frightnuod thorn
began to molt nwny. Tho peasants
wero filing away district by district, as
fact uh thoir charters wero ready. Hy
Friday night nearly all tho men of
Ehpcx woro gone, marching off with
their documents in peaceful triumph.
Thoro still remained bivouacked around
Smithfleld, under Tylor'a command, a
forco computed at thirty thousand men.
un una point tno leaders ol too com
mons woro firm nono would go with
out thoir chnrtors; thoy would stay till
thoy saw thoir charters oxocuted, and
had thorn delivered for a triumphant
march back to thoir homes, no longer
bondmen, freomen In tho oyo of tho
Hut tho Industry of tho clerks had
greatly reduced tho numbers thus in
watting. Tho good and true men at
tho diaposal of tho government could
easily deal with all that romalned.
Why, thon, dolay vengeance? Why
not throw off the mask at onco and un
deceive the presumptuous rascals while
their foolish conceit was still hot with
in them? The leaders wero there; lot
a signal example be mado of them
without delay.
This was mooted to the king. He
indignantly refused his consent. The
boy's unsophiBtirated ponse of honor
was outraged. He had passed hia royal
word. The word of a l'lantagenet was
sacred. In vain they argued that the
promise had been extorted from him,
and thus waa not binding on his con
science; lie would keep it nevertheless.
Richard's tome of honor, unhappily,
becamo blunter in hia more mature
years; how could it havo remained un
corrupted in such an atmosphoro?
rhis, his first great oxpolenco of
affairs, was a memorable lesson in
treachory afterwards, ono la glad to
know, put in practice at the cost of
somo of his tutors.
The moro exporlonced statesmen,
men of tho mediaeval world, chafed at
tho boy's fcrupulosity, and trlod
another tack. If ho would not broak
his word outright, ho must bo managed
into giving them an equivalent oppor
tunity. It was reprosoutcd to hlrh that
Tyler's prueenco In Smithfleld with an
armed and half starved hot was a
menace to tho pence of tho city. Thb
oxcotjeea of thu mob lud shown how
grave tho menace waa, Granting Tyler
honest, could ho answer lor tho good
behavior of hia rabble?
They wero ataylng thoro for thoir
charters. Homtty on one side deserved
contldeuco on the other. Why would
they not trutt tho king's proinUo that
tho i-hartors should bo sent to thorn?
Thia waa touching tho chivalrous
Richard un a tendor point. Ho agreed
to go with thorn next morning to
Smithflold, and rurson of tho mutter
with tho captain of the commons To
avoid tho very appearance of provoca
tion, thry woro to go u our mod.
(To bo Continue t.)
Satisfied, Anynow,
"Maria,'' eoM the colored
"I feel lak my time has come at las'; I
ia mighty low."
"Ain't yo' been eatin' do'eiiinel's
"Oh, yea."
'-non, didn't yo' know be dona
plx'ned tho las' Ono er dem?"
"Did he phon urn?"
"Dat settles mo. Hut, Maria"
"What do you want?"
"I wux all day at urn, en I eat nine
tefo' I quit." Atlanta Constitution.
Almott True
"Now," commenced the attorney for
tho green goods men, "it is stated that
when vou discovered that tho tin box
held sawdust you exploded with laugh
ter. How do you reconcile this state
ment with your claim that you were in
flamed with wrath?"
"It ain't exactly the Nets, Judge,"
aid the plaintiff. "I acknowledge
that I was busted , but I deny that I
laughed." Baltimore American.
A DtlicaW Pel.
"It swms to make Bcaddlngton'a
wife as mad as a hornet every time h
boasts that ho began at tho foot and
worked hia way up,"
"Well, he started as a bootblack, y cm
know." Chicago Reeord-Heratd.
Friend Got any defense?
Criminal No; but I've got a tret
class lawyer. Puck.
Always ask for the famous General
Arthur cigar. Esberg-Gunst Cigar
Co., general agents, Portland, Or.
Everybody smokes the celebrated
Monogram and Pandora cigars. They
have no equal
For first class dental work and
Iirompt attention, go to the Now York
)ental Parlors, Fourth and Morrison
Money to loan, on furniture, pianos,
or any good securities. Notes and
moragages bought. 8. W. King, room
5 Washington building.
Call at the Catto Saloon, corner of
Jefferson and Chapman streets. Ffno
wlnos, liquors and cigars of tho best
brands, and tho boat brands of case
goods always on hand. Weinhard's
beer. J. V. "Campbell, proprietor. "
The Graham Manufacturing com
pany manufacture all kinds of fur
nituro, woodwork and fixtures. Ore
gon 'phono, Hood 202. Nos. 370, 372,
374 Front stroot, corner Montgomery,
Portland, Oro.
Fronoh Dyeing and Gleaning Works.
All work done at very modrcato prices.
Dyeing and cleaning of all kinds of
ladies' and gont's clothing. Morn
ing cloth dyed in 48 hours. J. Dc
lcau, proprietor, 4S5 Glisan street.
The proprietors of the Oregon
Bakery, cornor Fourteenth and Fland
ers Sta., Portland, aro both old and ex
perienced bakers, men who woro foro
men In tho host shops on tho coast, and
who mako a superior loaf of broad of
any kind. Pullman loaves a special
ty. Wo want your trade Music half
prico; musical instruments of all
kinds, cash or installments. II. H.
Wright, wholcsalomnd rotai) dealer in
music and musical merchandise
Tho Music building, 349 Wnsighnton
street, Portland, Oregon.
Pacific Rtlla Company.
Manufacturers of badges,
banners, lodge regalia and
Portland, Oregon.
The PloMir Paint Ce.
The firm of F, E. Beach A Co.,
corner of First and Alder streets, is
he oldest established concern in
the paint and oil business in the
Northwest. For over 20 years this
house has maintained its reputation
for reliable business dealings with
all patrons. F. E. Beach k. Co. car
ry the highest grades of paints, oils
and varnishes. Thoy also handle all
builders' materials, and no order is
too small to recoivo prompt atten
But If you aro going East write us
for our rates and let us tell you about
the service and accomodations offered
by tho Illinois Central Railroad.
Through tourist cars via tho Illinois
Contra! from Pacific CoaBt to Chicago
and Cincinnati. Don't fall to wrlto
us about your trip, as wo aro In a po
sition to give you some valuablo in
formation and assistance. C319 miles
of track, over which Is operated somo
of tho finest trains in the world.
For particulars regarding freight or
passenger rates, call on or address:
Commercial Agent.
J. C. LINDSEY. T. F. & P. A.,
142 Third streot. Portland, Or.
Friends are AH Cordially Invited
To Attend,
! UHd,M eveabag train, and Tue Express,'
aooa trala. Cress Oauaa (er Cateago.
Day trala $jU wtag toia ftw Omiha far
JKJSSBrVBBpVffjaj sjtajja, gyt, j IRH
Ttckta ol agents el enaniwHag Bata.
W. H. BRILL, Wat, rats'r Age, Oeaate.
A. m. aumoM, aril 3Tr. mkakt, a.ojm.
-- - t-a
For particulars regarding freight or
passenger rat, all oa or address
Commercial Agent,
J. O. LIKDBKY, T. F. A P. A.,
If) TkW St., Portland, Or.
gttastlsbtslaa. t.tNt.
lcrrHSJwtrt, IMI.
Portland Coffee and Spies Go.
For the Trade Only.
Tea, Coffee, Spices, Baking Powder,
Extracts, Etc.
OUR 8PCIAL I1RAND3; Bplcoj, Acme. Mult
nomah ! flnkloe Powders. Deflnnce, Double
Quick) Coffee, Kojral Blend ; Sugar, titt Bar.
84-2 Fiuti Mtrmmt,
Mmtt Amh mini Ankmny.
Fourth and Yamhill Sts.
SENA STINtON, Ladf Altlltanl.
:. It. (lAlU)NKlt. VIco 1'rc.ldent.
W. W. TKKK V, Treasurer.
Portland Implement Co.
188-194 Front Streot, Portland, Ore.
A.J. JONKH, Proprietor.
Retail Dealer In
M All Klids if liejortti lillcaclis.
21 N. Park Street,
Loewenberg &
yi irn t ill
ssi iBslsMslsfll li tf&sj9i J9H
' For Sale at All the
Brmwmry mntt Offlcm
..-.DEALERS IN....
Second Hand MmoMneiy
MSO Emmt Watmr Strmmt.
Zimmerman - Weils Machinery Co.
Marin, Mialag, Saw MilL Logglog, Tood ITorldne, Keiatkc aai Tfaas
rokaloa Machinery. Engineer' and Loggers' SuppUaa. Agets A. Lascli
Sc Sobs Rope Co Celebrated Hcrcuks Tkc Rops, R. N. Naasoa k C's Iff
Mcating Oils and Compounds.
Amr ila. Any QaiaaUtjr Amy MjU
Kufekar ! a.4 Shoas. Baiting, raahlaaj .
Largest and Moat Coaapltt. AsaorlBant e( all Kinds ! BasUtr 04.
m. rauaaMk, rrwiatai, r. as. anaraau,
Atkins Smwm mrm
Do You .
Know the News ?
You can have It atl tor
Per.... CnPer.,.
In The Evcnlnn Telegram, ol Portland,
Oregon. It la tho Iaw at evening news,
paper published In On gjns It contains
all the nowa ot the ataty and of tho na
tion. Try It tor. a. month. A sample
com- will be mailed to rou tree. Ad-
Z dress
$ Portland, Oregon.
W. U McOabs,
E. H, Hamilton,
Also Honolulu, H. I.
Hmmtl Ofttoma Tmommm, Wmmh.
Cable Address! McOADK
N H Water Street. Liverpool.
SCI Morrison Streot.
Developing, Printing and
Mounting ior Amateurs
A Specialty.
Largest Selection of Pacific Coast
I'tiones: Oregon Main 770., Columbia 420.
butter, earns
All goods wholesale and retail.
204 Yamblll St., ar. Third, Portland, Off
Going Company
Stove Ranges,
Hollowware nj
Specialties... .
Handled by All First
Class Dealers...
Royal Steel Ranges Are
the Best and Cheapest
in the' Market
Principal Saloons
' .
Of ThlHth ma murnmhlm Mtrmmtm '
iK Truant J. A. UUWFAMB,