The new age. (Portland, Or.) 1896-1905, July 26, 1902, Image 7

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Vrf r i
flmnmrnl Tkmhilit
fl, .- .w VWWBa,W
r Day In and out there Is that feeling ot
Weakness that makes a burden of Itself.
Food does not strengthen.
' Bleep does not refresh, ,
It Is hard to do, hard to bear.'what
Ithould bo easy, vitality Is on tho ebb, and
the whole system suffers.
For this condition take
fHood's Sarsaparilla
. It Vltallkc's the blood, gives visor and tone
.to all the organs - and functions, and Is
(positively unequalled for all run-down or
'debilitated conditions.
Uood's 1'ills ear eouitlpatlon. u cenu. '
' In Polities.
"Ho wna too dignified to Join In
scamblo for ofllco."
5 "And what has ho now?"
"Nothing but hia dignity." Brook
'lyn Eagjo.
WondtrUnd 1902
Ib boing called for from ovory part of
the country. Libraries, schools, road
ing rooms and homos nil, want tho
Northern Pacific's latest. Bond six
cents for it to Chag. 8. Feo, 0. P. &
T. A. at Bi. Paul, Minn.
A Dlisppolntmtnt
Shopper I want a shoe that Ja both
comfoitablo and stylish.
T Balesman Vory sorry, madam, bul
the age of miracles is past. Judge
KITA FmnanenUr Curat ifo fit or narrouaoaa
rllSf flfHnl UT'"in-oflr. KIlBt'iOr-ftt Nerrt
2tonr, toodfor FUKK ti.M trial ImicU ami treat
it. D.B.U.KtlKi,l,W..t3IArch3t..PUlll.lpMt.P-,
De Style Have you 6ver hoard of
ping pong? ,
Gunbuata (innocently) Oh, yes; I
frequently take my foundry to him.
Smart Sot.
"Where to Hunt and Fish."
Northern Pacific's now game book is
now ready for distribution. Illustra
tions of LIVE GAME a particular
fcaturo. Four full pages (rom Soton
Thompson's drawings made specially for
this bodk. Send address with six conts
and book 'will bo mailed to you by
Ohas. S. Feo, G. P. nnd T. A., St.
Paul, Minn.
',' " ' A.MIiundmtoodsMjin. ' '
Goraldlno Did .you .ever havo tho
feeling that peopio. didn't understand
Gorald I often havo it; I uno tho
'telephone a great deal. Smart Sot
Mothers will find Mrs. Wlnstow's Sooth
Ins: Syrun the best remedy to use for their
i toudrtn during the teething period:
,SUl PlnWlsl 'Efforts.
'I v
Jack Was the church garden party a
Julia Well, I worked hard enough:
I ate ice cream with overy young man
on the grounds. Detroit Froo Press.
"North Cent Umlttd"
Is run only by tho Northern Pacific
botuoon Portland and Minneapolis and
St. Paul through Tacoma, Seattle,
Spokane, Butto, Livingston, Billings,
Bismarck and Fargo. Eight of tlico
train are on tho run daily, four east
and four west. Each Is 'a solid vest!
buled train, carrying Standard and
.Pullman Tourist Bloopers, dining car,
day couches, mall, express, and baggago
car and tho elegant observation car.
Each train is brilliantly lighted with
ovor 300 lights, 'and the beauty of it
all is, you can travel just as cheaply on
this train as on-any other. All repre
sentatives will bo glad to give you ad
ditional information. A. D, Charlton,
Assistant General Passenger Agent, 265-
Morrison street, Portland, Oregon.
"Didn't you shoot anything at all.
"Yes; I got a fine bag of game, but
it waa atolen from me bn tho railway."
"Well, never mind, John; you've
brouahttionie quite a new story."
Caasell's Journal.
Bore and Ulcers never become chronic
ales the blood is in poor,coadiUon is
sluggish, weak and usable to throw oil
the poisons that accumulate in it. The
system must be relieved of the unhealthy
matter throuea the sore, and ereat damrei
to life would follow should it heal befom
the blood has beest made pure and healthy
and all imnurities eliminated from the sys
tem. S.3.S. begiHSthccurebyfirstcleanj
las; and invigorating the blood, building
up the general health and removing from
effetematb& WH THE SYSTEM.
Whea this baa been accomplished the dis
charge gradually ceases, aad the sore or
ulcer nous, it is we lenaency ot tuese oia
indolent sores to grow worse aad worse,
aad eventually to destroy the bonem. Local
applications, while soothing aad to aom
extent alleviate pain, cannot reach the seat
of the trouble. S. S.S.does, andnomattcj
hew apparently hopelesa your, erwditioa,
evca though vour constitution has broken
down, it will brine: relief when aothiac
lac can. It supplies the rich, pure blood
ateceuary to heal the aore aad aawrisb
the debilitated, diseased body.
Mr. J. a Taltxrt. Lok Eos a4Wlaeaa, VMS,
r i v Els years my lea; from the knee to
i fast m one aolla sere, several BbTiicba
treated me aad I rude two trip to Hot Spring,
ItMtfoandsofcllar. iwaaloauccatatry 8.S.g,
aaautaaae a complete curej j nav cccn a per
fectly well man ever siace."
krB'B i the oaly sorely veg.
ctable blood purifiet
k k known r contaiaa no
BBB poiabaoas aaiaerala to
W a rata the digestion and
add to, rather thaa relieve your suffer
ings. If your flesh doc stot, heal readily
whea scratched, bruised or cat; year blood
ia in bad condition, and aay oraiaary sore
la apt to becosaa chroaic 4
Scad for oar free book aad write oat
paysMtaaa abeat yowrxaafV We make bo
ii'VllY MMfT aWBW f. aruwia, a.
Lord North Had a Habit of1 Bleeping
In 1'arlUment. , , '
Lord North, wn s the sleeping-parliamentarian
of the eighteenth century,
Ho was forever yawning lu the faces
of members and their speech . Blnk
and White Bays of him that IndlgnoMt
orators were constantly complaining
of his refusal to listen to them, nnd
ho was never nt a loss In subjecting
them to the further humiliation of a
sharp retort
"Even now, In these perils, the noble
lord is asleep!" burst forth nu nngry
member of the opposition; nnd Lord
North' awoke. In time to murmur, "I
wish I. were!"
Again he said to another grumbler,
"Tho physician should never quarrel
with hs own medicine." ,
To a speaker who Impeached, ulm of
nil sorts of crimes, nnd, called ntttn
tlon to his dozing through the attack,
Lord North rejoined:
"It Is cruel to deny me the solaco
enjoyed by other criminals that of n
night's rest before they meet tliclr
) Tho best story of the sleepy premier
Is that connected with a peer who
bored Parliament with n history of
shipbuilding from the time of Noah
nnd his nrk. North began dozing nt
the mention of the nrk, And slept until
the speaker reached the Spanish Ar
mada. Then a colleague woke him.
"Where nro we now?" nskijd North.
"In the reign of Queen Elizabeth."
"Dear! dear!" exclaimed the prlmo
minister. "Why dldu't you let in
Bleep a century or two more?"
They Dwelt Within Kench of Vcauvlnn
Scorching -Urcnth.
On the side of Mount Vesuvius, which
hns been comparatively (inlet during
tho last few years but may break odt
nt any time, Is nn observatory. Here
live somo scientists whose task- It Is to
study tho volcano. Nothing can ex
ceed, suys Mr. Arthur Norway In 'Nn
pies, Past nnd I'teseut," the value of
tho services rendered to science by
these gentlemen, who t elect to spend
their liven upon n spot which Is'nlwnys
dreary and exposed to constant dan
ger. r
The last grent eruption of Vesuvius'
was In 187-'. 'While It was proceeding
the position of the courageous men lu
tho observatory was rather glorious
than safe. Vesuvius was "Hwentlnir
lire," to use the words of Professor
Pulmlcrl, one of the scientists who was
In the observatory nt the time.
."On tho'olglit .of, ApYll 20th;" ho
writes, "the obseryatorylay between
two torrents of lire. The beat was
Insufferable. The glass of the windows
was hot nnd crackling. In nil the rooms
there was n Btuelbof scorching.'
v When "one petition! on what Is In
Yolved In these words, nnd learns that
"stones fell on the observatory df such
size that tho glass of the .unshuttered
windows was broken," oue Is nvuly
with Mr. Norway, "to take off his hat"
to tho stout hearts nnd keen Intellects,
to theso "otitpoHts of mankind," who
do not merely dare danger occasional
ly, but I've In the midst of It; who fear
nothing that comes to thuin whllo they
servo the cnuse of science.
The OIU-Titne Tune.
Oh, Mr. Organ Grinder, play a tune that
is a tune:
I'm sick of Florodorn and the ragUme of
the coon;
These rootless tunes, to-day, dou't seem
to set a nrouer hold.
So play uiy some or anything that'a rea
sonably old.
Grind me the strains your fathers ground
witn such consummate ease.
From "Olivette1' or "Mlgnon,,-lthcr'oni
of them would nlease .'
Or Lauterhach, or "Uuttrcup," r many
more, like these,
Or e'en the one devoted to the praise of
Lliuburg cheese!
You're surely noticed all the bands of all
the world, to-day,
Can't sweeten up tho atmosphere In
Patsy Ulhuore'a way;
And of all the boasted primes never one
can put a tongue
To a tuuc that, baa the flavor of the sort
that Lotta vuui;;
And pluulsts Imported for the splendor of
their ha'ir,
And virtuoso fiddlers pulling ratgut
through vthe alr
Ob, their renderiugs are well enough, hut
yet bey can't compare
With the oldeu organ grinder times for
solid wear aud tcaft
Say, If an organ grinder of the kind we
used to kuou, '
With a little strap-back -organ of the
make of long ago,
Should under Into town and ravel out
a little striug
Of the souk thut Mario Stone and Suslo.
Kirwlu mred to slug;
Nay, a prophet I am not, und yet a vision
I can see
A judge a-pnttlng jujube, happy as e
judge can be;
A danclug. prancing crowd around, In
cluding jouand me,
And a minister u-Ucking up his gaiters
in his glee! , '
Chicago Journal.
TrasspIanteU by n Htorm.
Wll Stepbemwn. residing near Atchi
son. Kan., grows oi'dou sets for u large
seed house under a contract, aud he
planted twenty acres thU spring. When
(he high winds blew reteiufy nearly ull
the oulon sets were actually b'lown oit
of the ground und Into uu adjoining
cornfield. The wind continued to blow,
and blew dirt arouud the roots, and
Stephenson. upWj has about ten acres of
perfectly planted oulons frofii a quar
ter of a nolle to a mile from the spot
Where they were originally planted,
They have since Sprouted and ar5 jlo-
ns nicely. v w ,, ,
They talk of it he path ' of 'the, trans
gressor being bard, but evef good uxtu
thinks 1 hJ,dea'a ffl'. j' s
One man and a deadly torpedo float
ing about beneath the surface of the
water. The torpedo charged -so thnt It
will blow a great warship1 to destruc
tion; the mail provided with means by
which to discharge his dangerous
weapon In a way to do the most harm.
Such Is the latest of nil torpedo boats
a oiiciinan affair, not larger than a
large fish, nnd yet as effective lu Its
purposes, If the theory of Its Inventor
Is correct, as oue of the Holland sub
marine boats.
The man who has perfected this of
fensive and Invisible destroyer Is
Thomas J. Morlnrity,' for many years
the mechanical expert In the employ
of the United States Government ut
the torpedo station nt Newport.
Mr. Morlarlty was long ago Impress
ed with the Idea that the only way by
which to make the action of the tor
pedo actually certain wus to put an ex
perienced operator Inside it; for, while
Its automatic machinery operates with
almost human Intelligence, there Is no
certainty that It will on long ranges
do exactly what Is required of It. From
the Idea of putting a man Inside It to
that of placing a man outside It, the
transition was easy; aud It then be
came u problem to give him a safe
shelter, means of locomotion, of sub
merging and of discharging tho projec
tile. To accomplish these, essentials he has
devised a cigar-shaped boat of bronze
plates, iibeut ten feet 'long, three feet
deep' and llvo fet wide, llciicath this
Is suspended the Whitehead torpedo lu
a frame, and It Is propVllcd by com
pressed air when the operator has ap
proached near the mark.
Dcaluticd for Great Kxiiosltlott by n
Clilcuuo Mum.
Mr. Joseph Husalt, of Chicago, Is pro
put cd to out-Fenis Ferris at tho St.
Louis exposition, or at any other expo
sition which may come along and make
room for his "Iron elephant," UOO feet
long and L'SO feet lu height, or for his
"Jonah's whale," 50 feet long and big
lu girth In proportion.
The "Iron elephnut" Is tho chief fea
ture aud creation of Mr. Husak's In
ventive faculty, and he purioscs to
ndapt tho metal beast to more uses
than the Indian beast Is capable of lu
the flesh. The body of the animal Is to
be four stories In height, the floors' to
be reached by elevators running In tho
legs of the creature. The tlrst floor Is
to be used und rented for small show
rooms; tho second floor for a cafe and
restaurant, and furnish entrance to the
elephant's trunk, which Ib to be con
structed to pull the ears Up and down
aud at the same time swing. The third
floor will be Used for all sorts of
amusements, and serve as an entrance
to the "chute of ehutes" and to tile
email Perrls wheels In each cur of the
elephant. The. fourth floor cati bo used
for a theater or music .hall, placing tint
stage In the Jieatl of'tho'beast. On top
of the creature will be a roof garden
or an observatory. The eyes wll be
two glguutlc searcljllghts, and the tail
might be used uy somo Inventor to
show a new lire escape. All signals
tnuy be trumpeted from this structure,
and electric power will bo used to run
the different devices.
Mr. Husak's whale will be In propor
tions to simulate the real thing. Even
the Interior of the animal will be con
turctcd according to economy of na
ture, 6nly that entrance to (he Inside
thrugh the mouth will be through an
uplifted Jaw; Widows will bq pro
yldud, and the whule, swimming 'in a
circular tank, will be operated by elec
tricity, rising nnd sinking at the slight
est wish of the operator.
Bhe keally Couldu't Dear to Waste
Tine from Iter Work.
Some of tho feats which our fore
mothers performed quite as a matter
of court when domestic emergencies
occurred were such as would tax the
, endurance and courage oi the hardiest
Xoeesssssao wflKqT A
oooeooiefo ervSX
Iweoooflimo oirffrfL
JlooolWoc ontooo f"L
Wlicn in the boat the operator lies
on a cradle astride of Its support. Pad
ded prongs on the cradle curve over bis
shoulders and hold blm In place, provide
lug also n purchase for his arms when
operating the lever In front of hi in.
He wears u waistcoat .made of two
thicknesses of ulr-tlght material, to
which Ib' attached a small mouth tube
by which It Is Inllated. It serves as a
padding for the body while the oper
ator Is In the boat und also as a life-
tttftamtAH lt rill Att.ittfstiA
Air Is admitted through the rear mast
nnd circulates throughout tho boat.
This air tube Is. however, automatical -
ly closed when the boat Is beneath tho
surface of the water, nnd the conning,' "' " '. '""
tower Is completely covered by means ed'1 chn,"'d- ",irl"'lm ,m,r "
of a hydrostatic piston, open to the' w ,,e'w ,08e nltraetlons surprised
wnter at the bottom of the boat, tho
pressure of the water nt tho Increased
depth forcing up the piston, which nc -
.,....d Invnr .,, fnr,.,. n n1v nvnr thn
alt-tube opening, thus preventing tho
entry of wnter through It.
entry of wnter through
The name motion of tho piston oper
ates lexers connected to a valve In tho
compressed air tank In the bottom of
the boat, opening it aud thus allowing
a line stream of air to Issue therefrom
Into tho bout, nnd supplying the oper-
ntor with fresh air.' As the boat again
reaches the surface the pressure on tlw
hydrostntle piston Is released because
!.... to iu. .i,..i. nf ,..n.. i..i it
tube Is'nguln opened und the air tank
vnlve closed.
The torpedo Is flred by compressed
air, but on leaving Its casing the pro
pelling mechnulBiu of tho projectile Is
set In motion, and It, starts oft under
Its own power for the murk,
iiiviv sss ,n u.fss va i ti utiu tiiv mi
athletic maidens of our own day. Han
nah Sanborn Phllbrook, In a recent
nrtlclo on old-time Sanboruton, relates
how an nhcestress of hers supplied a
deficiency In her wenvlng apparatus.
She found unexpectedly that her
work required the uso of n cortulu reed
nnd harness which could be obtained
ouiy at a placo llvo miles, dlstnut;
reuciieu by a road leading over a num
ber of steep and dangerous hills.
She was alone lu the houso with her
bnby and another young child, whom
she could not lenvo to go ou uu er
rand. Nevertheless, shu could not en
dure tho Idea of wasting ttmo In wait
ing for that reed nnd harness when If
she only hud them she could make such
good progress wlthhor web. Her -bus-band
owned tho "smnrtest -1-year-old
colt In town," nnd this lively animal,
nothing daunted, she mounted with her
baby In her nrms, taking tho other
child ou a pillion behind her.
"Soon ufter her arrival," writes her
great-griiiiddnughtcr, "there wero signs
of a coming tempest, and sho had to
hasten. The reed and harness, at leaBt
four feet lonir. were liotiml tn Hm ir
'and sho turned toward home.
"My areuf-great-uuclo Cato said that
when she pusscd his houso sho was go
ing llko the wind, the sky was black
with tho comlug storm, and tho thun
der nnd lightning were terrible. As
soon as It cleared off ho saddled his
horse and followed, 'oxpectlng,' ho said,
'to find Tubltha and tho children dead
In tho road. But I weut clean over
nil the way, and there sho was, getting
uiivi iiuu siugiug, as lively as a
, Sho wus not eveu wet; for thu smart
l:year-o!d, urged to tho utmost, hud
succeeded, lu spite of his queer nnd
cumbrous load, lu racing tho shower
nnd beutlug It. Supper over, Mrs. Sun
born, with a tranquil mind and the
proper Implements, was able to resume
her uninterrupted weaving.
llrliig tho End Together.
A certuln colonel somewhere In tho
South (no mutter where) was In the
habit of telling yams und greutly ex
nggerutlng. He hud a negro servant
who corroborated everything his mus
ter told. One duy tho colonel hud some
gentlemen to dinner, and they were en
joying some fine veidson very much.
The colonel suld:
"Ves, I went huutlng the other dnv
nnd saw a fine buck. 1 took u good
sight ut him and shot him through tho
head, und the bullet weut through his
hind leg."
The gentlemen looked nt each other
u little mystified. Tho negro scratched
bis head und ut last said:
"Ves, Indeed, geiumen; Just us tnassa
raised the gun to shoot de buck ho
raise his hind leg ond scratch his unr,
and the bullet went through tho head
and right through de hind leg." The
gentlemen looked more satisfied.
After the guests hul gone tho negro
said to his master:
"Gorry mighty, massa, next time you
tell one of dem yarns do get (he ends
cloater togedder. I had hard work to
make both ends meet."
A man Isn't really great until thv
newspapers begin to print Jokes he bus
originated, which are so dreary they
couldn't draw a laugh from a man with
money In his pocket.
Clttte Known, but One of the Greatest
ltltcra In the World.
One of tho greatest rivers of tho
world, i the Orinoco, Is also one of the
least known to Europeans. Its sister,
the Amazon, has often been described
by Wallace and Kates' among others,
but Humboldt remains practically the
only writer of standing upon the great
strGam which, rising on the frontiers of
Brazil, runs for 2.000 tulles through
encj!ucln, receiving In Its course such
Immense tributaries as the Mera aud
Vpure, and discharging Itself by n hun
dred mouths Into the south Atlantic op
posite the British Island of Trinidad.
The ptlticlpal entrance, nnd the only
one available for sailing vessels, Is the
Boca Orande, to the south, Into which
How, among other tributaries, the Ara
Hint aud the Amacuru, the latter also
coinciding In its course with tho Schom-
burgk boundary lino between British
Guiana and Venezuela. But most of the
tratlle of the Orinoco pusses through
Trinidad, where passengers nnd good))
are transferred to steamers almost
lint-bottomed, and reach the Orinoco by
the mouth known ns Macarao, the open
sea being 'uvoldcth It was by that
route that the writer started In the
Aptire, chartered for the bccuslon, -f or u
trip of fiOO miles up the great river.
forming probably the first, ond certain
7 h W. jmrtjr of tourists which
lmu( r ncmlet nt.
L,x ',m,re n"e4r, ll,nvlm Iorl ot 8nn
"J" trance of the Mnciirao was reach-
vu, nun iui luiiiieeii iiuiiih we iiuini"
who had read of the delta of the Orin
oco ns a dismal swamp, thousands of
, fqunro miles In extent, tenanted only
b ft fc'W '" HnllniH. WllO bllllt their
! J,0ll"e" ln tton ,tho 'F008; "".f
bt,n8t8 nn.(1 b',',,8: T,l !k,HC.rlntlo
is true, though the Impression left !)
not quite collect. Well' nigh Impene
trable forests nnd undergrowth hid
ground which Is for tho most part ooze,
covered for half the year by water,
M"i ""iiraum imiiuiib, many oi wnuiii
IMiiltlleil out to meet the steamer and
i,v,u rou1,1' ' rrom
thu ,nilll ' tree. and who dispute
supremuey of theso wilds with Jaguars
I fll. .. t. I.. II.. .- M I.
I - tli i
nnd ulllgntors, nro extremely low spec
imens of humanity,, though attachment
to their dogs, law, rougli-hulred and
vxcelent hunters, should bo inuntloned
to tneir credit.
But the pnsser-by sees none of the
horrors of this grent swamp. They are
concealed by niagiilllocnt trees growing
to' tho wuter's edge, whoso branches
may sometimes be touched from tho
steamer when she is steered close to tho
shore lu order to avoid the current.
Sometimes that spelndld parasite,, the
inatupalo, has wrapped lu Its deadly
folds several adjacent trees, and, these
perishing; It stands alone, showing
walls of green and resembling a largo
ivy-uiuuiicd tower, upon tins aim upon
the toiis of the tallest trees other para
sites lllug musses of blossom. A flock of
tlauilugoes makes i brilliant scarlet
patch here ami therei the sun Hashes
from parrots of many sizes and various
hues; snow-whlto crimes guzo Htolldly
from the banks; macaws, greeu and
yellow, or deep crimson on head und
breast, fly heavily past, and smaller
birds of every color of thu rainbow
scieam or chatter or sing among the
trees. Caracas (Venezuela) Herald.
A Crime to Frighten Children.
" Beople' who have the care of little
children vary lu opinion as to the best
menus of punishing them, for eveu the
best of little people' need correction
at times, The mother Is without doubt
the person to whom this duty belongs, I
and It Is her paramount duty to see
that It Is never deputed to any ono who
will frighten the child. Nurses who
ure properly enough forbidden to ad
minister eorporul punishment ure very
apt to full buck ou some such methods
If uot cnrefully warned against them
and due supervision exercised to see
that these udinoultliius are uot neglect
ed. It Is true, perhaps, thut the lin-,
aginary person who wus supposed to
bo always coming after naughty chil
dren tho bogeyman, lu fact, of our
own childish duys Is a being of the
pust. But he hns inuiiy relations close
ly resembling him, and on so Important
a mutter mothers ought to bo watch
ful. If a child Is constitutionally nervous
It Is no use to think thut It can ho
mndo different by force. Argument,
too, lu many cases, only Intensifies the
terrors which children often feel If
left alone lu the dark, and gives dell
nl to expression to feurs which are pure
ly Imaginary. .Many peopio urguo that
a child who Is afraid to be left alone
or to go Into it dnrk room ought to bo
made to do either of these things !n or
der to Hud out that no harm will como
to him. Now, children ure seldom
really ufrald unless they huve Deeu
made so, and It Is n curious fact that
the most t lipid child shrinks from dis
closing his fears to any oue. In such
a case somu oue hns certainly warned
him thut worse things will happen If
ho dares to disclose tho reason of his
alarm. Very often It Is tho simplest
thing which has been made to appear
so terrible under certain conditions,
Queen of Fashion,
!' II IS 1
Jtelievo I ho Monotony.
Fifty-five thousand packuges of vege
tubles and flower Heeds are being sent
to the British troops lu tho South Af
rican blockhouse by nu Kngllsh firm
of tlurlsls to enable them to relieve tho
monotony of their existence.
Ilolween Marriott Men.
'Whcrs did the expression, 'To look
out for No. 1' originate?"
"I suppose some bachelor said it,"
Detroit Free I'rcss.
Idolize a woman If you will, but don't
try to understand her,
, a iwi,n;i"ihiM, t
rAitums. ' '
Frcih RrestT nml Cnkci 1IW. OrnnmcnMfr
nice a iDcclallrt Only the best anil nticd
Cnien a ijccialty Oniv the
niRterlal used In our llnkerr. Ilrcnri drum
free to any j.urt of tho city. Telephone Dark
781. 1117 1'aclllo Avenue, Tacoma, W MhlDxmo-
Townwnd( ws.htngto-.'
"" commission NKitcnarrm
minium jiuuso iinjKcn ami DiCTrtuzrva.
Eitabllilicd IMS,
riranch offlcc Ti
1'cter Snmtbcrfr, Proprietor.
Pole RKont for OiiIhcm' Btnut and Unia ATat
Ilend llro. llnttllug). Katnblliihetl 1KM. Tele
phone Main 699. 1140 I'nelllo Avuue;4ia
I'oimnerio Bt. Tncoina, Washington.
FryeBruhn & Co
1310 Pacific Avenue, Tacoaia, WuU.
Wholesale and Retail Butcltfrs
Meats furnished for Kalbsmdsi '
and Steamboat Lines.
Office lOJTonlh Bt.,8outlieait eonktcaff Jl.
Tacoma, wasu.
Hicks, Coupes, Carriages, Btffi-tP T
At All Hour.
rniirnccrn and lliffirnirn trnnnformT
rctUli'iicensml hotola to ami from nil linaUamtn
tralnt. Ilsml your check i for uaggnRe o tnat
mrineniter, vino will meot yoiiiiinlliarmw
Iiik Irntiis nml lioala. Hml ctnuaMrerr. Otwci
alinlHhl. All rlKR maraoil "T. V. AlCxUttf
Grand Central HoteL
W. W. HARMON, Uiies aniVMpu
Headquarters for Lumbermtfr
Miners and Tourists!.' .,
f I SH
I tt
First c1aa bar In connection. ,
1211-1218 r-aclflo Avenue. TACOMA, WaaN
' v . '
1300013 I riiflK r 3010 PL
I "
Trunks, Trawling Bags, Suit Cfcsw
730 Pacific Ave.
Dealers ll
General Hardware
1601-1603-1505 Pacific Avenu
Steam Laundry
407 South J Street
Dealer In
Agricultural Implements
Wagons, Buggies,, Etc.
210, 212, 21-1 Front Stree, Cor. BuTuum,
Furniture, Carpets and Sbm
you JiouuKKiunavo..
Cut This Out and Get a K&utmmU
Henry Jenrtfisr..
173.174 YIM SlveatX.
Pendleton Roller Mills
W,8, UVKK8, rteprleloM
Daily, Capacity 00 Euxelk. .
Rlbliorr and livers' Beat
Bran and Shorts.
Rolled Barley always on llaadu
Pendleton, Oregon