iTptr-'- THE ' N"E"W AGE, PORTLAND, OREGON. ,! IDAHO ADVERTI3IN0. BOLVU fiCilUEIIIKIt. Funeral Director. tt43l front Street, Oppoilto It. R. Dcpol mtk. Ueli tJjon 2121'. I iid. phone 4s. 11018E, IDAHO. s SXK OjLNKOF IDAHO. Wolicr, Idaho. CAPITAL, SGO.OOO. JMwatA Slinlmvatil, 1'rctldent. Chm. J. Belwyn, Cashier. Atiwhami litancli atCumbrlclRO, Idnlio. The eopterft(.nk. Bollclti four business. Hotel Weiser, Wolscr, Idaho. IMTOl & BRIZENDINE, Proprietors. Froo fsttnrdo Roomn. Rates reason mM&. Minora', Stocknicn'H and Coin nureril Men's liendqtiarturH. tlarfrAt nnd best appointed hotel in Wenictti Idillio. Kooins with imtli, touts licat and electric call bolls. liar fhsr ehifi Li connection. The Idan-ha EBlUUI A HOTEL CO., Ltd., Proprietors B. V. 8CIIUIJKUT, Mnnagor. iJJOISK, IDAHO. OPENED JANUARY, 1901 AMKKIOAN PLAN. ItATICH tl'.GO AND UPWARDS. ffeadquartcrs for Tourists, Mining Mm and Commercial Travelers. Prescott, Brandt & Co., omoj wiiii .r. if. (lUAYimi,, ImmlKratlou Ant. 0. 8. L. It. It. DEAL ESTATE AGENTS 'OTfc ureal home land mild rllmnle, pnro woanlftlii nlr, line water. Tlio denth ralo Is towrrlu tiUlio tlinu lu mi); cither ilnto In tlio Cabin. No cyclone", storms or billiards. Flnt premium on fruit at the Worlds I'slr, Ctilcaao, IS')3; t'arls Kxiinilllon, lwo. First ajrvultim on I.umln at Chicago Htnsk BIuiht, 10. cloM, alUer, copper, coal, Hue timber. iSntw wln'At, oats, barley, corn, all kinds ol aeuUlvatol gramus, Add vem'tablcs to purfeo. ftbin. Wo will tie pleiiMMl to alww )oii fluo lrrl sata.1 Uuds at Nainpu, llolio, Caldw ell, I'syetto ndliir )liita. Wo lmo lmrtfulm In laudi rout UOM prr acre up. Corrcupondetico so. ttdtsnl. Address PRUSCOTT, BRANDT & CO. , Hlekey lliiildlmr, NAMl'A, IDAHO T HK OOMMKItCIAI. IIOTKU A. Illukey, Proprietor. rtntrtaat In all reipools. Hpeolal attention tii (a commercial nun. Long dlitauau tela Stuua t'l oonucctluu. NAMl'A, IDAHO. IFOR CHEAP HOMES An.1 How to Reach Tluim, Call On or Address J. H. QRAYBILL, , ' TravBlIng Immigration Agent Oregon Short Una Ry. NAMPA, IDAHO. The Ba:ik of Nampa. riti:i (I. MOCK, Caihler. WC 60UCIT YOUR 1IU8IKKSS. NAMl'A, IDAHO s JLU I.IVK11Y, KKKI) AND IIUAIllll.-MJ BIAlll.K rimtelM rig (iirnUticl to all point. 8e- ,ceUl r(t to Kiniiu'U, Hlar, IVrl mid finale Klwr. lipoolul altuutloii tilveii to rommereUl W, J, DUVA1.I., Proprietor, Nampa, Idaho. 1-OOIH HUNZIKKR. i fttAOl'ICAI. WATOHMAKKIt, JKWKI.KU AND OWIUJAK. OUinoivdi, Walehca, Jewelry, Silverware, Op tical (louili, Cut 0U. TM Utn Street. I'KNDI.KTON, Oregon T UK OWI. A OKNTI.KMAN'S RE80UT. Tvakt Wiuei, Mipiora and Olgart. OlraUaa vCalt. Opp. tivpjt, lAilt Hand Walk. fiMlTH A KOCKWEI.I-, Proj. La Urande, Oregon Ratea 2.60 Tor Day and Up. THE GEISER GRAND (AMKRIOAN) A. OKISER, Proprlotor. Commercial, Family nd Tourist Hotel. BAKER CITY, OREGON j THE ZEBRA MULE iMjg some ell oris wive reecimy neen iii.iup 10 cross mo zenru on me nuirp mm thus produce nn animal of the mule ti'Pr, hnvlnK some of the attractive charac teristics of the r.elua. The efforts have tint met with encourajjlni; success. In the lirnt pia"e the relira Is wild, vicious and apparently not disposed to Intimate fiiRociation with hones. Nevertheless mine of the efforts have been successful. The Illustrations show tamed zrbni that Is the sire and one of the zchrnld colts, it will Dc seen that tue greatest attraction, tne ncaumui marking or ine relira, ate lost in the cross. This practically determines the cross as of no value. The small sire of the zebra will always make Impossible any great size lu his colts, and slsc Is absolutely necessary In a mule. , , WANT STEUBEN RECOGNIZED. Government Ankcri to Appropriate Money for it Htntiic. A bill wan Introduced In the flrut ses sion of tlio Klfty-ficventh CongrcsH ask- iiiK tlio government to give recognition to tlio Kervlccrt of Ilnron S t e ii 1) e u during tlio Hovolu tionary War ly np proprlntlng ?.J,000 for t lm erection of II NtlltllO to IiIh in o in o r y. This iiuhi'm HcrvlcuH wero of IncHtlmn bio vuliio to tlio people, l'roin the lints ol 1IAIIJN HTI.UIII.N VnII(,y ,,ol.K0 t0 th(J surrender nt Yorlttown, Steuben niiido his Impress on tlio continental army, but nowliorc In Anierlcn will ono ilnd any ovldoiice, so far hh governmental recognition koch, that his work was appreciated. Ponnsylvniila and New York gave him grunts of land and his last dnya wero npent upon tlio latter. There he wiih burled and thero his grave wiih unmarked until historical and local German societies erected a monument, firadually this was neg lected nml It Is only lately that loglsla TDK 1.0U IIOUHK AT bTKL'llK.N, N. Y. tlvo action was taken to Improvo thu spot. Soldier of fortune that ho wns, tho picture of a battlelleld beckoning blni on to glorious aclilavemeuts could no( be resisted by Huron Steuben. Details were rapidly made. Ilcnjamln Frank lin was In Paris, seeking a man who would enter tho American army and establish the order and discipline so much needed by General Washington. Dr. Franklin could offer no assurances of iluanclal support, could not oven guarantee thu reimbursement of tho baron's expenses to America. Con Uneod, howovcr, that ho would suc ceed In his venture, tho baron em ployed his private fortune, which wiih not Inconsiderable at tho time, to thu payment of his own expenses to Amer ica, ami later, us the needs of thu army became Imperative, Impoverishing him self for tho benellt of tho American soldiers. Ho made no conditions, and Imrgalned for no reward. .Mllltarydls Unction nml active employment wero tho chief objects of his ambition, tho Immedlato motives of his conduct. Upon his arrival u America, In De cember, 1777, Steuben was greeted with (ho announcement of the capture of Iturgoyno and his entire army, and looked upon It as n good omen. Ho lost no tlmo In entering upon active service. Ho not I II cm 1 Congress of his arrival, expressed his deslro to servo the country without conditions other than to bo allowed to gain tho conil deuce and slmro the fortunes of the commander of tho forces In tho Held. Congress accepted tho proffered scr vices with resolutions of thanks, and Steuben reported almost Imme diately to General Washington, Then began tho work to which Steu ben devoted his entlro energy. All of tho abuses and defects that had been dominant lu tho American army cub minuted In tho encampment at Valley' Forge, and showed the need of radical reforms, Although the country abound, ed with provisions, n famine existed In tho camp, Washington had notltled Congress that something must bo done or tho troops would havo to disband to seek subsistence. The men were starving, wero barefooted nml almost naked, unablo to take advantage, of tho many opportunities offere'd to strike ef fective blows upon the llrltlsh forces, It was Steuben'a duty to bring order out of chaos. How It was accomplished thero Is not space to tell here, but the results 'soon began to bo manifested. Steuben was made Inspector general ami did valiant servlco In tho organiza tion of tho army. Ho composed a book of regulations In 1778-70, which was adopted, and upon which tho present American army regulations are based. Hut ho Anally tired of this service uml luado an effort to secure active work In tht Held, at tho bend of regiment 3? NOT A SUCCESS. Thero wns objection to tills, and ho threatened to resign. Ho was tlually given a command and served with dis tinction during tho trying times, Into In tho war, when ho was compelled to sleep on tho ground because ho could not buy n tent, when the credit of the country wns exhausted and the affairs of the coloulsts were In distressing con dition. Ho served lu the South In 177D 80. and achieved somo distinction In the Held, In splto of 'the starved and J poorly equipped condition of his forces, lie wus appointed to command In Vir ginia, and remained thero most of tho tlmo until June, 1781. At tho close of tho wnr an effort was made to havo Huron Steuben reim bursed for his expenditures and paid for his services to tho nation. Genetal Washington warmly urged this, nnd his last letter, before retiring from public life, wns written to Steuben, nnd contained the wnnnest expressions of appreciation of the baron's services to tho country. Steuben resigned froirl tho army In Mnrcb. 1784, and a month later was presented by Congress with a gold-hllted sword and a vote ol thanks. Then It required seven years aotlvo effort for tho baron to secure a settlement for his services, nnd then only after It bad been plainly shown that ho had been reduced to tho ex tremity of cither starving here or beg ging In Europe. Tho compensation, when It was llnally made, was so mis erly In nmount tlmt the debts of Steu ben had nbsorbed nil ho received, and thjkman who hnd done so much to nflfo the victory of tho America.!! forces possible wns compelled to rctlro to a llttlo farm given him by tho Stnto of Now York nnd which was located In what Is now tho town of Steuben, about twenty-ttvc miles north of Utlc,a. Hero ho built a log house of tlvo rooms, nnd lived, almost In poverty, until his denth In December. 17C4. OUT OF A DILAPIDATED 8TATE. riillnctolphln In to tteatnro tho II la torlc Cougreaa Hull. Philadelphia, as a municipality, Is about to do a patriotic work. Old Con gross Hall, ono of the historic places jrjf thu city, Is lu a frightful stntc of dilap idation nnd tho bureau of city property has determined to spend ?33,O0O In tho work of restoring It to Its original con dition. Tho associations clustering about this structure nt tho corner of lth and S f'fr - .v ..ii , f.a v ' . ' h i . :i c r ?irv v ! ..' '. '?. jaaplf - W hf "r, OLD CONdltr.bS II ALL. Chestnut streets are of extraordinary Interest. In 1700 Philadelphia offered Congress tho use of the building until tlio Capitol wns permanently estab lished and tho name of Congress Hall, then applied to It, has remained ever since. It was hero that Washington was Inaugurated In 1703 and John Adams In 1707, and other Important events took place within tho building In tho ten years that tlio government used It ns a Capitol. The hall Is a modest little structure of red brick 70 feet long, 30 feet wide and 30 feet high. Tho floor tins fallen In and pil lars, plaster nnd gallery railings are lylug In tho cellar. His Qualifications, Ho was pleading his cause earnestly. "I am wealthy," ho said, "and could make nmplo provision for you." 8ho nodded ami checked ono polut off on her lingers. "I have bad cxperleuco with tho world," he continued. She checked off another point. "I have passed tho frivolous point," ho went on, "and I have the steadfastness, the ago and the wisdom to guard and guldo you well." y Ho paused for an answer, "The points you make uro stroug ones," sho snld, "but Uiey lead In'devla tlugly to the conclusion that you. would mako at excellent father for mo. You have all the necessary qualifications, but Just now I am looking for a kun .MaWIII rvAi- - " JnlfinvrMti 1 If " la 0 fWKf zKJfflB nuUESPo a - VMUr "I .."" , 8HE WAS PHILOSOPHICAL Widow Wasted No Tears' but Fortified Ueraelf for a New Mate. "I -rnrf stopping for a couple of days with Undo Itube Oliver among the Cumberland mountains," remarked our (southern tramp, "when n boy brought word that n squatter living about a mile away Wns dead. Undo Rube and 1 went over nnd found tho news to bo true, although neither wlfo nor chil dren seemed to appreciate tho situa tion. She said thu funeral 'would bo next day, ruid ns no preacher was. to bo bad ncdrer tlmn eight miles she nsked mo If I couldn't attend nnd ninko n few remnrkH. "'I would like to oblige you,' I re plied, 'but there must be others who can do better. 1 should hnrdly know whnt to sny about tho lato lamented.' " 'Who's that?' sho queried. " 'Why, your husband.' " 'Well, I can tell yo what to say. Ho was mighty slack on hard work and mighty ambitious on tho hunt: Ho wns alius cxpectln' to die, but didn't git around to It till last night. Whllo he didn't go much(on rellgun, ho didn't steal co'n. Thut's about all you can sny about Tom.' "'Yes?' " 'Yo' can say nbout tho children thnt there Is llvo of 'em, nnd all need to be whopped a dozen times a day.' 'Yes'ni.' r - " 'That'll bo enough about tho chil dren. Then yo' enn sny that thar'B a good cabin and two,apres of co'n nnd three of potatoes and a mewl on this 'cro squat'.' A'Yeb'ni.' ' " "That'll bo enough nbout the squat. Then yo can turn to me and say thnt I'm henltliy, lovln', hard workln' nnd savin', and thnt tho right kind of a critter who comes nlong will llnd tho right kind or n critter waltln' to wnlk eight miles nml buck with him to get married.' "I mmle nn excuso thnt I must re sume my Journey next day," snld tlio northern tramp, nccordlng to the De troit Frco Press, ".and thnt Uncle Hubo would probably 1111 the bill, ami sho shook hands nnd replied: "Tbnt's all right, nnd ns yo' Jog nlong yo might Jest mention that Tom Henderson' has departed this life nnd his wldder kin be found dny or night at the old stand nnd prepared to replaco him with a better.' " FIRST SPRING BED. Jntticn I.lddy Mario It, Using Ililgg-y florins" In It Coimtructloii. Tho lirst spring bed over made wns recently. unearthed from n lot of old rubbish in n garret nt Wntertown, N. Y., where It hnd been stowed nwny many years ago by tho Inventor, Jnmea I.lddy. It consists of n series of par allel slats, between each pair being firmly bolted n buggy spring of tho end variety, tho mattress having been laid upon the upper tier of slats. I.lddy, then n boy, was nn npprentlco In n blacksmith shop. Apprentices In those days were expected to furnish their own beds, bedding, crockery, etc. Mr. Llddy received $11 a month, nnd slept on nn old four-poster bedstead with ropo cording. One day during thejioon hour tjio ap prentice snt In it bugy that stood in fronj: of the shpp, where It had been lert for repair, and was watching a game of ball, "three old cat," as'lt was called. Ho enjoyed tho easy springing motion of the seat, nnd the 'Idea' occurred to him that n bed that wnsns oasy and springy ns the buggy seat wpuld be n great Improvement on the ropo bed stead. He hunted up n lot of old end Jiuggy springs,' lltted them with slats, and set his contrivance on the fraind of his fotu -poster. Thereafter he slept upon his spring bed. after a hard day's work in ills smithy, and was so reluc tant to leave bis couch that many a morning his master, ufter calling 'ills 'prpntlco boy, several times to light a, lire lu tho forge, would threaten to smash tho "buggy bed" with a sledge hammer. Mr. I.lddy used ills buggy spring bed for several years, nnd thou contrived one with spiral wire springs. Whether there werocontempornueous Inventions of the spring bed Is not known, but It U certain that nouo wero brought to Wntertown for ninny years thereafter, and I.lddy claims tho Invciltlon, 'al though It never occurred to him nt the time thnt he hnd made anything pat entable. Chicago Journal. Queen Mary's Consolation. This following anecdote, ns told by M. W. Ituyens, Is ns good as new and as now as good. When Mary Queen of .Scots stepped loftily up to the block In tho castlo of Fotherlnghay to bo be headed she appealed to tho oxecutloncr for th prlvllego of saying a last word, and, cousnt 'being given, said, lu thnt voice whoso charm was Irresistible: "Many crimes are laid ut my door. It Is said that I murdered Damley lu or der thnt I might marry Bothwell, and that I conspired against Elizabeth. Tho world baa pronounced me a beautiful degenerate, aud my own people havo called me witch, ogre, dragon, virago, shrew, Tartar, vixen and fury, but ut tho cud of all, aa I lay my head beneath tho deadly nx. It Is a supreme conso lation to know that nobody ever called mo 'Mamie.' "New York Press. The Becret, "So you and Tom were finally mar ried, eh, NiHl?" "Yes, but we're not happy." "Why, how's that I" "Wo didn't marry each other." When you see a man shaking die the difference between sound aud seuse la apparent. A man seldom gives his health a thought uatll after he, loavk., MINTAN. AOYEnTISEMENTS. CLOTHES THAT WEAR and are fit to wear, bear our label, Bmrkmra' Oomts, Walters' Jaokmt i and Aprons Gans& Klein, HELENA AND BUTTE, MONTANA. HERRMANN & CO Furniture and Carpets, 201-303 Bromdwrny. Undertakers and Embalmers, 129 Broadway, Tulcplionn 949. HEI.K.VA, MONT. Kessier Brewery, 'mmm BREWERS AND BOTTLERS Ol Illgh-arnilo Doers, Holonk, - - Montana CAM. AT TIIK Keller Studio roB Youn Fine Photographs Wc iap nil the latest nt.rlcn In Mmttila. liritiK onr Kouftit vorii nun sot pricoi. k'PI I PD ia7UN.MnlnHlri.rt, r.L,L,L.C;K., op,,, tf'o, neiiH, Jlont. Blazier's... i No, 248 Burnsldo Street, Bet. Second and Third, PORTLAND, ORKGON Tho Ilcst of Wines, Liquors nnd Cigars HOTEL OSBORN GLEAN, AIRY OUTSIDB ROOMS REASONABLE RATES Transient Solicited ...DOTH rilONE3. Travelers liouMtHko"S" Street Car at Union Pepot and triwufer at Yamhill Street to Kait Ankne) Car. A. W. HEyETTr, Prop. Multnomah Market THEO. A. GODEL, -.-Dealer In Fine Meats and Sausages, also Fish, Poultry, Oysters and fine. 512 Washington Street. Oregon Pbuno Main 033. Columbia I'hone 633 BKANp't MA HKET-295 North 16tJ 6t. Colum bin rhoue 100, Oregon l'lione Clr 678, i Smoke the SCHILLER and STATE SEAL Cigars. Schiller Cigar Factory Manufacturer, Wholesale and Ketall Dealer In HAVM1 AND DOMESTIC GIGIRS Telephone No. 1831 piaok. 281 Washington Street, N. W. cor. Fourth, l'ORTLAND, 0U Ask Your Dealer For Z f5H r$qWD.KSV-sg aw i mM.wrm.aamM am wm . TiuGc rT y ttB. MARK. UQU WALUWALU,WASN.,ADVERTISINI. TJRYAN BltOB. New Llrity, Fari and Salt Stable. Ilubbcr Tired Hacks a tpeclaltr. Carriagt ealh attended to nlitht or dar. Southwest cor. Becond and Alder Btreoti. Telephona 67. WALLA WALLA, WASH. T W. COOKEULY. ' Undertaker and Genera! Funeral Furnisher. Embalmln n Specialty. nabcock'i Uric Illock, 7H Flnt Ht. Tilcphono Black 891. WALLA WALLA, WASH. McBrlde Bros. 'LIVERY STABLE. Rubbtr Tired Hack x Specialty. Baggip; Wagon. WALLA WALLA, WASH. Telaphone 66. 124 E. Main St. HOTEL DACRES S. SIMON, Proprietor. Formerly Simon HoUSC. Ratett $2.50 to $3.00. WALLA WALLA, WASH. DEMENT BROS. COMPANY. WALLA WALLA. Patent Flour: "White Spray" AND "Demerit's Best" For Breakfast Food: "WHEAT GRANULES" H. R. BECKWITH, Wholesalo Agent, Portland. GILBERT HUNT CO. Machine Shop and Foundry Mamifncturcrs ol Pride of Washington Threshsrs, Self- Feeders, Drapers and Mnchino Extras of Every Description. 9 RepalrWcrk a Specialty. Catakgjs Free. WALLA WALLA, WASH. ST. CHARLES HOTEL IOHN GIBLIN, Prop. Tlrtt-ClaM Accommodation! nnd I'romptierr jcr. uirsu rnmiuu woonu or Commercial Travelers. s Phone 7. Cor. First and Washington Sts. Altany, Oregon. F. 3. QODFREY Wholesnle and Itetall Healer In STIFLE AND FAHCY GROCERIES Ail All Klris if lijrirtMl Bellcielis. 314 Burnsido St., cor. Sixth. Oregon Phone Black 1931 Columbia Phone BS6. PORTLAND, 01 Bavaria .Beer Hall. LOUIS KLUO, Proprietor. Cor. leeoad and Oak SU. PORTLAND, Or. 0 YKARr KXPKRIKNOI 'RAMC MAWt RtaiaNa CovntoHTa Ac Anyone, aep(Ma att ami d crtclq aa qwcklr ascertain oar opinion fr wsattiar. aa InTtntlon ttrobblr utatUm Comauafc SckiKliTc jmfca. A.lwaiMmtlrWw(nt4WMklr. I-arwrtjf. MalAllan nf uf mfkMntLin LmnuL Traia. m nwiloafiaontka,f. eMlHrtJlMVs4!n. iiSBTE amammW' t wmnmemW aant In. Uldaat aavner tor aMuruajatBta. FUants Ukan tbrouio Mann Co. lotT ajHxUliuNM, vHkootaUfH, tatM ; Jit. ESBBflj W&ii&SaiUm imimmfimnimtmtmfmm