'tyfSi::fiMT HiUWW(wH"S!rtWirv aw2tfMliMftMl1tfMUk'llMNttffir4 .-...yy.,-. ilwyMiiMi'irf'tl'H aw-wety fy. M1 TT 'J" Wk-f wj5';Tt '15r9fr, "".-Cjpn'' I f,v r tyw '? pi THE NEW AGE, PORTLAND, OREGON. s r-tlr' J TOPICS OF 77H TIMES. ) Most remedies for prejudlco seem to be fatal. Itosts more to bo stingy than It docs to bo charitable. . Ai tlilnjr of beauty Is a Joy whllo It continues to draw. There Is no place like the home of a young man's best girl. Successful men have no time to go back and cover up their footprints. It requires something besides a rango to thaw out n cold audience so says a Alngcr. Many a mnu's pessimistic vIowb of Ilfo are duo to his uciiuulutaucu with lilmself. Evidently the ltussluu peasants do not consider It good fun to sit still mid tarve to death. It Is thought Undo Paul Kruger has managed to save n portion of his salary out of the wreck. Gen. Wood says: "Money Is not ev erything." Ho Is now eligible for mem ticrshlp in young John IVs lllblo class. About the only way to Induce the av erage man to take ndvlce Is to slip up on his blind side and drop It Into his car. About the only chances tlio kings of thoHO different Ueriiiiin Utates have to jfot their pictures In the papers come wliuii they die or go crazy. A professor has Just completed n 17-volumo "Life of Udgar A. I'oe.' Neyer until u)W have wo thought of l'ue'as a possible rival of the Uucy clopedlu lirltaunlcat Years ago a man bearing the name of John .Smith had H changed to Ungadlg (Jlgadab, which liaule ho selected be cause It was as unlike John Smith as ho could possibly got It. And now tin Kngllshmau, olio Pamlico IMcklci, has had his name changed to John Suiltli. Thero is no accounting for tastes. At a recent pedestrian contest n veg etarian won, In the International match from llerlln to Dresden. The distance Is It;." miles. The winner walked It In n Utile more than (wcuty-Hovon iours. Ills competitor, a Incut cater, fell be hind an hour and forty-tlvo minutes. The vegetarian bau also beaten the fa mous raco of the Greek from Mara thon to Athens, who covered 110 miles In twoitty-Hovon hours. While proof Is vtlll lacking that an exclusive vege tarian diet Is tho best muscle-maker, data are accumulating which show (hat meat Is not Indispensable anil that health may be promoted by diminish ing Its consumption. Tho U reeks, wlio were In their golden age tho most graceful as well as the most. stalwart athletes, ate little meat. Whllo the price of beef continues high Americans jcun better afford to experiment with a , vcguUblu diet m u muscle-maker. Tlt celebration of tho cententlal an tilwreiuy of the establishment of tho Military academy at Went Point fur itUlietl occasion for reverting to the Important part tho famous Institution Cor training soldiers has played In our national life. The cententlal exercises wero Incidental to the regular com mencement, at which a class of tlfty four wero graduated. Public Interest iiaternlly centured tills year lit the commemoration of tho founding of the academy, the occasion drawing togeth er many of the commanded, who liaro Itono from Its halls to tight the battles of tho Union and who have shed luster ou tho annals of tho army. Whllo the United States Is making soldiers who re tltted by training to become otllcers tit the army It Is also giving Its cadets an education lit mntliematkt, engineer ing and the sciences that will compare favorably with the courses In the high est Institutions of learning In the world. Some Idea of tho standards of acholarshlp that are maintained at West Point may be gained from the fact that about one-fourth of those appointed by .Senators and Representa tives usually fall to patm the prelim inary examinations, while only a little over oufe-hulf the remainder are finally irraduutcd. Upon graduation cadets are commissioned iih second lleuteuuuts In the United States army. Tho whole number of graduates during the hun dred years of Its existence Is now n little over1 -1,000. The academy has n history that grntllles tho national prldo. The martial achievements of many of Its graduates In tho great crises of the republic are uu Inspira tion to patriotism and national unity. Tho affection of womeu for cats has long been tho stock lit trade of the Humorist. If tho woman wits "ait old inuld" uud the cut a roistering fellow islveu to Into hours uud daytime kuooxcs, so much tho better for the Joker. It Is ttmu for a defense of pussy, and lurlrieulully. for u defense or my lady's discrimination In her choice of u pet. The popular estimate of the vat bus ulways been based ou conipuruou With lhi tlog, Hut cats are nut dogs, and wlmuvor regards iuin us qirlufo rlor species of dog does both nulnmls wrong, Tho chief characteristic of tho cat Is her Intense originality. That of the tlog Is his teachableness ami linlta tlvcNess, Whpover will know Mistress Cat must stu.ty ueruot try to teaoli bar. Vk does uot catch human ways. ' - iltftkjmmv -iinfirtvrfi. utttMimrtt Ab she li domesticated, protected, well fed, she becomes not the more like be mistress.' butrthc more" herself. Her personal preroncdMs lawi(At a given, minute fjhctfiioes liot vIshto be fon dled, , ifiid fepayfc''a caress wUliVn scratch. SheUhooiel her own tluiejo bo 'affectionate'. Her habits' and 'choices aro persistent. Let her bo punished forty times "for sharpening her claws on, the carpet, and she will continue, to do so. This Is not becauso she docs liot know what the punishment means, but because she docs not care. Like PalslulT, Bho 1ms -"the disease of not listening, the malady of not marking." Such stoical persistence, such untouch' ed originality of Impulse, such 'splen did characteristics pt the primeval Jun gle, unmarrcd by centuries of so-called "petting," aro surely impressive. To the woman who has patience, nud who Is not so anxious as a man might be to mold qualities to her1 own Iimige, tho cat will prove n more and more fasci nating companion,. . - A professor of biology has published his predictions concerning the future of' mankind. He makes some strange forecasts as to the characteristics of the ruco In the distant future. "Strange men, far different from those now liv ing, will walk the earth In centuries to come," he says. "They will be n race of brainy, four-toed giants." The bruin, of course, will be the dominant organ, and tho body will be much Inrg er than that of tho present man. Tills future man will not Buffer from appen dicitis, as tho useless appendix will have disappeared, us will also the Ilttlo toe of each foot and the tloatlng ribs. Tho chest and the upper and lower limbs will be large as compared with those of to-day. All tho dlseasos which arise from the development at microbes will have been banished and the first signs of old age will not show them selves until tho one hundredth year. The blonde hair of the future will be exclusively peroxide, as tho extreme types of light and dark people will havo merged Into a uniform medium type. Thus there will be no race prob lem to worry nny section hereafter. There will be no tremendous dentists' bills, becauKu man's teeth will not de cay, find no need of disappointing and perfidious hair1 restoratives, because there will bo up baldness. Thero will be no surplus women, becauso It will be, practicable to predetermine sex, and tjie supply will harmonlr.o with the de mand. The future memory will be dis criminating. All the useless details which It Is necessary to learn In order to master a few Important things will be discarded and -forgotten, whllo es sential facts will remain as thougn graven ou enduring bronze. Evidently tho learned professor has not read "Tho First, Mau In the Moon," a serial story which ran recently In ouu of the magazines. According to this Ingenious tale the Inhabitants of Mars, through tho operation at tho law of the survival of tho fittest, had Ilttlo left but brains. Their locomotion was accomplished by means of machinery more adaptable and Inconceivably more rapid than legs. However, (ho tliio Is so far distant When all theao transformations arc to take place that the average man jeed not worry respecting tho legs or appur tenances of his Immediate offspring. TOMMY ATKINS TAUGHT THEM. The two sheep shown In this repro duction have nit Interesting history and are probably tho only "baa-baas" ou record that have acquired tho goat-like passion for chewing tobacco. Tho sheep were tho pets of tho Hrlt Ish camp at Pekln, China, all during the recent war, aud wero brought HIIEtl THAT CHEW TOUACCO, thither from India on a transport which moved the Hrltlsh troops. Not being required for food on the voyage, they wero lauded, and soon be came great .favorites with Tommy At kins. They wandered about the camp, eating anything and everything thoy could find, uud the soldiers taught thebt the "filthy habit" of chewing tobacco, aud tho Bheep seemed to thrive on It, An Airy Invention. "Yes, I've got n tlnu new scheme. It's a llfe-snvlug net for aeronauts. You spread It on light steel rods and hang It to the bottom of tho car of the bal loon. Then when the aeronaut topples out or tho balloon blows up be fulls Into the tier nud Is saved." "Hut supposo they both fnllt" ''Who? Tho mui nud the net? They V'ttn't fall. The ilet U fastened to the car by tested, steel chains." "Hut supposing the balloon falls?" "Tho balloon can't '" either the net Is lt tho way." Cleveland Plalu. Dealer. Fatal to tlio Kyi-slght. Most persons employed In the Vene tian glass Industry begin to lo.e their sight when they aro between -10 aild 60 years of nge ami In a short time Jie como totally blind. This blliulnps H canned by the excessive heat aiul glare from the glass furnaces, A flatterer means half he says. If the llatterer la a wouiau. she uteaua tun, quarters of IL I M r- if -yH 15 Ji . I ' " ' I i L ggffffSgka- d i LEADING BUSINESS FIRMS OF 9 EASTERN OREGON. fn ,!the mintsaLoonw 3 I'm. L. MEO-iUIST, r,wwav &. DEBT BRANDS OF WINES AND LIQUORS I, i t IMPOnTKD.AltD , POMESIIO CIUAK8..U. ' Cornef Perot Btreet nd Jefferson Avenue, LA OKANDC, OR. The Leading FURNITURE DEALER AND OF EASTERN OROOON IS ..M. A. RADER.. Funeral Dlrrctor anil EmLtlmcr Lady AnUtant. rKSDLKTOX onicaos B. Y. Jodd. l'f it. F K. Jcnn, Ber'jr ani Trtai. Tikrum K. Kill, Manager Incorporated, ISM Capital St oik, f 10,000 PEHOLETOH Woolen Mills Manufacture ot FleeceWool Blankets, Indian Robes Casslmeres, Flannels Pendleton, Ore 01 T JIB CELEDUATED COI.UM1IM UKUWKltY AVQUbT IlUCIIf,Elt Trap. Tlili well-known brewery ft nnw turnlnrr "Ml the beet fleer nml I'orteriaat of tlio Chcmi1ci. Tlie latrat njijillancvi for tlio maniifnctiire of good liealtlifiil lleor have been lulrntlnrcd, and only tho tlrtt-ilaia article will Ui plat'ud on tb btarkit. Eait HcconJ Hirt'et , THE DAM.ES, OP. Dalles Laundry Co. FIRST-OLASS WORK at Short Nolle Gentlemen's Work a Specially Local 'rhone 34 1 Zorjg Dlitaitoa 003 THE DALLES, OEQON Z. F. MOODY THE DALLES, OR. General Forwarding -AND- Commission Merchant. ORtce and Warehouaei at RAILROAD AND STEAMER DEPOTS W ool handling onr enaelaltr. Q rain boujbt and aold. Columbia Brewery Thm . AUQUST BUCHLER, Propr. Of the product of thli well-known brewerr. the United Htatet Health Keporti fur June 'Jit. Ituo, !?: "A more luperior urevr never fnicrta the labratory of the Onlted Htatet Health' Ke porte. It U abaoliiteir aevmu oi tne aiixnten trace ol adulteration, nut on ineoiner nana It corapoted ot the belt of malt and chotceit of hopa. Ma tonic tiualttlet are of the hlghi'it, and It can be uied with the gruateit benefit and eallifactlon bv old and young. In uo e an ion. aclentlouily b pre'erlbed by the phynlelana, with thetertalnty that a better, purer or mora wh6leiome beverage could uot poialbly be found." Mnf at., THE BAVUE9, . Bar Fixtures and ..Billiard Tables.. eRUNsniraneo. Have Re-established their busi ness in PORTLAND, at 49 Third Street. A full stock of Bar Fixtutes, Bil liard and Pool Tables. Bowling Alleys and Supplies always on hand. EASY PAYMENTS. J. G. REDDICK, Manager. UPPINCOTT'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE A Family Library Tin hst in' Cumnt UUntm 12 Com put c Novel Ykarlv MANY SHOUT STORIES AND PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS 'fa.COPKRYBAR; aSOTt.ACOPV NO CONTINUED STOR.IES KVCKV NUMKR 6MPtCTK IN ITLP - U. nyi.it.. 0iWAT r THE COULTErGROCERY cSTORE fo'rinsT class 000D3; . m Cnrry FuiOj.Ino of. Staple and Fnnct k Groceries. Tclophonu White fJt07. & j W kast fetnE. 5l lr. PT EASTIDE. lUfc . . , ., i mltE H. T. HUDSON ARMS CO. Wholeaale and Retail tiealcm In Guni, Fish ing Tatkl, I)aeb(ill,i,Tlietrl(:I and tOJninav lum (kni'ds. A. (l. FpatdlnVi Atlilctlc Good, fleadqnartcra for Cult Good, Hand Uiadd fclielU to order nf every- deicrlptlon. Fine Qnn repairing a ape clalty. lift Third h'tj IOKTLArI, dHEqON "QLJELLE" 8. E. Corner Sixth mid Stnrk Sta. Fritz Sechtem. , 44i3aron'' Schlenk Most Elegantly Appointee! Itufectory in tho Northwest. Crawfish n Specialty. Foreign nnd Domestic Dclicucics. Grill Room in Connection. PHILLIPS TRUNK CO. Trunks Made to Order Also Taken in Exchange. TRUNKS REPAIRED. 311 Morrison St., . Opposite Postoffice Nottingham & Co. (U.tablfahed 1882.) JOllUKItH IN Lime, Cement, Plaster, Land Plaster, Hair, Lath, Shingles, Flour and Feed. BOf.K AOKNT8 roll Big Bend and Moss Rose Flour i Ilotn I'lion,ei Ml. , Central Dock, Foot of Washington St. Portland, Oregon. A. Qoodnongh J. O. Hlcnrm 600DN0UGH &. STEARNS Real Estate Loans and Insurance Washington Ilulldlug, 1'orllaud, Or Ctty, Suburban and Country Property, I'm proved and unimproved. Timber and Coal Jjindi. Chotco yater Krontago aultnblu for manufacturing purpoiei. Valuablo builnen proiiorty for ialo. 0. It. Eclplo. M. 8. Hsij.le. ' OWEN H. SEIPLE & GO. Dcaleri In STIFLE AND FANCY GROCERIES rilONE SOUTH icOO. in Morrlsoi SL PQBTLAKD, OREGOI Timber Lands and Homesteads Located) Xitlmateaof Timber by Competent Kitlmatora, EQUITY RENTAL AND REAL ESTATE CO. ' Dealers in Itenl Estate. Rents Col lected; Business Chances and Loam Negotiated. C. L. Cue. A. R. Sprcadborough. Oregon I'houa Unlou KM, Main Offlce: M Kaat MorrfMn 6t. POUTLANP, OKI TIME CARD OF TRAINS PORTLAND Pepart, . Arrlr. Worth Coait Umltc4 ..., 2:up 1. M, 7;W A, M. Twin City Rxvrtf. : V, Jl. 4:20 V, X. KanMi'Clty & St, toula toaclal,,' - -.: A. M. JltlOP.M. rutt 6ound Umtted...... ;U A. U. :ii I'. U. Take the Pugot Sound Limited For Olyropla, Squth Bend und Gray's Harbor joints. All traius dntly. Our trains dailv to Tacotna and Seattle, Three'through to tho Eat, A, p. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent 5 Mdrrtsoa St., cor. Thlrd, K)RTLAND,' OKEGOX mm ril'MrVi Kill OH ' fMi ttjVmii OREGON Shorj Line ANb union Pacific' rnri' I TIMI cncouLe i j .'aura W 'PortUnd. 0.i j "! rhleaco Tortland . Bpeclal , :W) a, m. via Iluntlnfton. E.lt tikr, Denrer, Ft. north.Omaha, Kama. Oltjr, St. I.ouli,tihlcagoand tat. :50p.i At'antte Exprtia :co p.m. Walla Walla twla-ton.Fpiilcane.Mln-eapolll,Bt. Paul, Imlutli, llllwau ket.UhlcagoAlCail lib. 'ltontlngion. . . , i j a & .. Ft 1'anl I ant Mall iOO p.m.. Tla Cpotana Bait Lake, Dearer, Ft. Worth.Omaha, Xaniai city, St. Ixiul,Cnlcasoaud 7;00a.ra. l- 72 HOURS " ' ' PORTLAND TsO CHICAGO No change of cars. r "' 1 r 1 Loweit Ratei, Quickest Tlma. ' OCEAU AND RMR SCHEDULE JTllUM rOUTLAHD, IflOp.BU Ali lalitnr Jatat subject to changa Tor Fan Franelieo Ullttary daa 4:00 y.av Pally Xx.Munrtay liUuo.m. faturday XUtMJ p. m. Calnmbla Rlitr Ittamtra. To Aitnrlaand Way Lauding. 4 00 n. m. Xx, Sunday (iiSa.m. Ix. Sunday WllUmttt River. Oregon City, New. berg. Salein, Indo nendiui; A Way Undlnta. tinp.n,,) Xz. Sunday 7:00 a.m. , Inta...Thur. and fiat. Wlllamtlt and Yarn r ,alllHI,r. SilOp. m. Hon.. W.J.. and FrL Orevon City, Dar ton, ii War Xjaud ' ,u"- ' ? d V f :45 a. m. Tut... Tlinr. aud bau. Wlllamitr Hltr. Portfarftl'fo Corral. Ill A Way Laud. Inga. 480 p.m. lion.. Wed. and FrL Tor low ratei and other Information writ ta A. L. CRAIG, Central Taaaenger Agent, Portland. Qa., EAST AND SOUTH ' VIA - SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. Shasta-Route - Trains Icuvo Weit Rclo lor Portland and way alatlona at lOii) a. m. Leave for Albany at 3:uJ p. in. Leave Portland 8-30 a. m,, 7 p. m. " Albany pj:au p. m.,l0:!Ui m. Arrive Aihland 1'M a. in., U::ki a. m, " Dacrainento 6 p. m,, i:U a. m. " ban Francl.co 7:45 p. in., 8:15 a. m. , Ogden tiM a. m., 11 M a. m. " J)cn er V a. m., 0 a. in. Kaifta City T.U a. in., 0:30 a. m, M Chicago 7:45 a. in., 8:W a. in. " I Augelei l:Ki p.m.,7 a. m. M K) PkioO it. in., 6 p, in. " Fort WorlU 0:Su a. nt., :30 p. m. " Cltyotlexko9:55a.m,, 9:65 a. m. " Ilouaton 4 n. nt., 4 a. m. - New Orleuu 6VX p. in., S:25 a. m. M WaihlngtonflMia. ro.. fl.4ia, m. ' New York 12:43 p;m.,12;U p. uu Pullman and Tourlit car on both train. Cbalr cilrt Kaeramento lo Ucdeu aud Kl Pa.o, and tourlit car to Chicago, tiu Loud, New Or lean and W aihlngton. Connectlnir at t-an. Franelaco with ceveral Jinn lor Honolulu, Japan, China. Phtllppln,' Central aud boulh America. Km . MILLER, O. P. A., Poptlmntl, Ottmmwu White Collar Line Portland -Astoria Route Str. "BAILEY GATZERT.t Dally round trip except Sunday. Time card, Iarea Peitland,. ...Mv...- -7:00 A. II Leave Aitorla - - .7:00 P. M Through Portland connactton with 8teamer Nahcotta from Ilwaco and Long lk-ach poluti. Whltu Collar Una ttcket Interchangtabl with 0, 1U A N. Co. and V. T. Co. ttcketa. The Dalles-Portland Route STEAMERS' "TAHOMA" and "METLAKO" Dally trlpa-except 8nnday. Str. 'TAHOMA." Leave Portland. Hon., Wed., FrU.... 7:00 A. M LaaviCTfa Ualle.,Tue.. Thur.Satt70A.M Str. "METLAKO.', Uave Portland, Tue., Tho., Sat...7rt A.'M.' Uavei Tbe Dalle Mon Wed., Frl 7:u0 A, M. Landlnr aud offlce I l"oot Alder Btreot, Both phone JXaln S51. Portland, Oregon. AGENTS. - JOHN it. FILLOO.N ..... The Dallea,Or A. J, TAYLOR......,.-., ...... -. ......Aitorla, Or J. J. LUCKEY-... -Z- Jlood Wver.Pr WOLFOKD A WYEU9 ... White haliuon, Waih J, C. WYATT -..-.-.....-..Vancoinrer, Wash R. B. OILHHKTH ..... '... Lyle. Wah JOHS M. TOTTON.....M....6tevenaon, Wah flKSKY OLMS-IED ... Canon, W.th WM. BUTLKK....,.-.............Bmter, Wash E.y. CRICHTON, - Pottbnd, Oregon tie imt fwni co. (lacorrorated.) Manufacturer o Woven Wir Mattresses; Carpeti, Portfer. ,Kug. Lace Curtalm, Bhade. Furaltu(-, Wall Paper, llctura name; stattreiae, Bedding. ' lj4artakMga4 wtalwhn It idty Store at Albany and Siltm, Or. ' u Factory t JUUuy, Ore. Maaoak Taaapl, Albaxy, Oaaaoa, "raI3M Mi Lt Jj V VjCMiJafeikP' BV KAIt, AND WAtmt. A STORIA&COLUMBU ' i c Two Slrainiii Passenger Ms Daily v i W,T, r?viq THROUGH PARLOR'CARS ' ItETWLKM Portland, Astoria- Seaside Lcnve Union Depot Portland; For Mnypp". tlaln ler, Ciutakanre tWeKtportirOllfion,' Aitorla, Warren, ton, Flnvel, (Icnr linrtl'urkiudbca. ldc. r. Aitorla i. Beaihora Expreii Dally. ' m i Aatorta Ezpret Dally. Arrive Unlon'l)e6 tlPorttand.; Irt a. m. ,11:10 a.m. (f:40p. m.7 rt:Mp. m. (2:30 p.m. Daily except Saturday, y Baturuay only. , n j i Ticket office, 2S5 Morrlion afreet, and Ontor depo,Por,.and. ,,C;MAVO,- Cen. Pan. Agtnt, AitorU, 0 SHAVER TRANSPORTATION .'.STEAMER GEO. W. SHAVER, Will lenvc Portland, foot ot wkalilngton Bt., Sunday, luciday mid tlliurndov uvcnlnif at 6 o'clock, for MitiYle1ilMi(l,m. Ilolvni, Cuplei, Dror L'niKl, Martin, Knlnma, Neur City. Itanlcr, Mt. t'omn, Ma)cr, HU-lla, Oak Point. Frcciuniii, JUiiiaiilllu.t'lnuUanly aud all war landing., r . . . fBE8T,Or- EVERVjMljlQ"! In a word thli tell of tho pa, longer terrlre tla THE' NORTHWESTERN LINE Kight Trln flally bvtncon St. Paul and Chlcatio, couiprlalUK Ilia f.ntoai-l'ulliiiftir-ftletper," rvyrlfi IHiihifC Cnra, tilbrnry hiiiI olirvMtlon Cara, krott IteolliiliiK Uhitlr Car. . TllK TWKTfKTll qENTpgyIUlN . "THE NORTHWESTERN LIMITED" Runs Every Day of thM Year. The Finest Trpln In the Vorld J Electric Lightecf Stem Heated TO CHICAGO HY DAYIJGHT. . . ' The nadcerRtate Kxprea, the finest DayTntn ItunnlitK Hutwfen Ht Paul aud CJiIohrq via. the hliort l.luo. Coiiuvctlum fioiu tho Weit made via. The Northern Pacific, V ',T ,r Great Northern and Canadian Pacific Railways- Thli I alio the beit line between Omaha, 8t Paul and Mlnnt-upolli. All Agent ell Ticket via "Tlie Northweit ern Line." W. H. MEAD, Oeneral Agent- H. L'. SISUGR, T. A. v 948 Aldor Street, 1'ortUnd, Or. J ,QO EAST.. -VIA- $ .iv Shortest and Quickest Line? TO IT. PAUL, DULUTH, MINNEAPOLIS, CNIOAW AND AH, l'OISTS KA8T. .- Through Palaeti and TnurUt niatipor,. UiuliiKHiut Huffet 81111111111; Library Can DAILY TRAINS: FAST TIME BERVICE AND BC'KNKKY UNkQIMLbD. T'rketsto polnti Eait via tlio Grcat Nobtii iRKKAtLwav.on .ale at Columbia Southern aud tl. It. St N. Depot Tlckat OOce, or'GaaiT KoaTHiBN Ticket Ottii ' . 1 Third Ht., Porlland, Or. For Ratei, Folder and full Information re garding Eaktern trip, call ou or addrcn A,B.C.DKNN18T0N. CltV Tut. and Ticket Ageut, Portland, Or. L. M, PARIU8II. FRANK K. WATKTNS, Notary Publte. Notary Public G, E. WATKIN8. PanniSM, WATKINS 1 CJ. REAL ESTATE Insurance. House and Loan Agents. ,4 !H ildir Jt. PkytW, frffii 10 YlCArtr EXPCRIKNCE Anroa Mneiug a akateb aae) viumir w.i.i imr wpiniua UooaMrletlreoiiaaaotUL : aajH free. OMeat aencr tr irnirtaa aetanta. i-.i.ou taxtn tbroui ta ituna Co, receive' MrtataoKca, srllboat "). if owSoTof any MManuao CtraS-' TV!.(eiL? r tty.'.y "oath. tL JUJi iiiiiaVra. !W&lZZ23!!S.lr RIVER RAILROAD CO aW agftgaaate. -J flgflflflflflflflPiaglllaaVV VggflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflgflflllflfllL II cu. !aaH ' J I al k 'gPkl agffsiaV aagfaw V ! 1 am aaaHaaaV J H HHpPaaamVHHBl tsaaaaaaaT.!. gseajB- ljea.CT naHaH H wmmmm ?iie.te; , ilafaailaTlfci 'rm - -- Niv Jf W ." L .Au - u J