ZSZSSMKSfSt&SfSISBfifa't'Xti "rtf jb3b3 WTPtI"WKW r N ' .rvsrw.Tn.w " rt '''.Tj THE FEW AGE, FOKTL.AND, OREGOIS". ilHMwSiCe- niUfc i ,11? I n.i...ra.iMl WIMl1llmill WWW M Ml.l. .jwr-ywi fg.j-i " in.i.ifTyw AAtAWAAtatat ILM ffAHDELOT'S IHl BY WILLIAM MINTO. CIIAPTEIt XXVII. Tlio Bccno onnctcd on tlio morning of Friday was oho of tlio most striking in KngliHli history, but Instead of bolng, iiH it purported, tlio happy coiiHUiiima tion of n groat t0cinl ehango, it proved to bo only tlio prologue to n perplexed and bloody tragedy. Nevertheless tlio net proceeded at ilrat with iimrvolloiiH smoothers. Tlio liill cppoBito tho Towor was early astir. Aa tlio morning wore on tlio crowd been mo Inrgor mid moro noiny, nnd, knowing nothing of the conclusion arrived nt within, begun n continuous roar, donmndiug thnt tlio king should conio forth to Hpcitk to thorn. This wiih tlio burden of their cries in fo fnr as tlioy woro nrtlculnto, but voices were oIh rained clamoring for tlio hu.irtH of traitors nnd threatening to breuk in by force. Presently, nmld tlio appalling din, two heraldfl in t aim rile of white and red appeared on the leads of the western gnto, and, blowing their trumpets, iniiile proclamation thnt tlio king would go to Mile Cud soon niter prime to 'uponk with hln faithful lieges and hour what they had to nay to him. Thtu near enough to hear ran hack with the noun, nud (lion the drawbridge waH lowered, and thu heralds rode out, la'coinpanlod by a ninglu lioraumnn, in tlio garb of i Wyclilllan prion. The tridgo was quickly mined behind tliceo mossciigorri of peace, nnd then they rodo round by Mile Knd nud Smith field, where tlio bulk of thu insurgents lay In grod oritur, and hack by St. I'iiiiI'h, halting now and thou to repeat with blunt of trumpet the welcome proclamation, boon niter nino tuu drawDrulgo wan lowered nut to ho ruhed HiIh tlmu nnd the royal party I filled forth. JIu nidus thu meuihera of the council, itich nrd had insisted on taklng(ltalih liar delot with hiiji, to rido on hln left hand in IiIh fthiln russot garb It wiih n dan gerous honor, not to much from tho -vloloiuo of thu mob, fnr with them the garb wan popular, but the haughty nobluH did not like thii irregular pro motion, Such danger us thuru might Lie to the king from the discontented 'peanantH wiih hhared by IiIh mothur, thu princess; Clara Itoos accompanlod hor iu liur carriage, nud thoy rodu behind tho council, attainted by nn escort of iruiMit arms. (Knisrart Implies that thu princess remnliied buhituf in tho Toner, uud wax thuru insulted nnd frightened by thu mob; but thu city record dUtiuctly states that ttliu u renin panleil thu king in a chariot. ltlluy'H 'iMumnrialH," p. -tit).) Arrived at Mile Hud , where ho wiih received with loud, IiIIuWuuh welcome from thu ranks of thu iisuiuhlcd pens juitH, thu king repeated the, formal word of thu nrovlous day; "tiirs, I urn your king, I am come hither to speak with you at your request; what In your will with mo?" Ho lUtoucd with gravo dignity while 'Tyler iu thu tiamu of hid fellown sjKiko lirlelly of thu hardships suffered by erfH and vIIIcIhh from faUu and weeos nlv claliiiH of huco survlco. Ho touched nlpo on the wiiHtu of treasure wrung from pour men on warn from which the realm derived no profit, "ThuMi mattcri"," ho raid iu conclusion, "wo humbly triiHt it will pleam your iimjes ty to take hi hand and caumi to bo in qiiirod interior we aru perHiiadud that your taxes go to thu uurlchmunt of K reedy nnd worthhiHS men; but iu thu ineautime it 1h our will that wit l no jnoro callod bond nor reputed no," "Our will," muttered Halisbury usldo to Da la Pole. "Thu kuavd liu's no inannorrt." "Ms tuuguu may loam another Ian Riiago lioforo many days nroover," vlilipered the other, with u algiiiticnnt look, ltlclianl nuawerod with grneloiiH con ileHconalun, "rilrs, your request la leu HouabKi, and wu grunt it freely," Tyler turned to Ids follower and raining lila aouoroua voice told them tho king's anwaur, whoroupou rough tdiouta of jay tout the air, 'Hum lyler turned again to the king, uud, in uh courteous phrase aa hia on. trained speech could Hud, intimated thut they must have letters executed to confirm tholr new privileges, nnd that those lettura must be delivered to thuni to carry homo uud show to their fol lows. He contrived to convoy thnt thoy did not mistrust thu king, but thut IiIh ministers did not possess their contldonco. For this also the king was prepared, thanks to tho previous communications through Italph. lie beckoned to a clerk to come forward, ami ordered him to road a form of patout letters which "had boon drafted iu anticipation of tills demand. This draft charter released all personal bondmen from tholr servitude, commuted villeins'' t)rvlroa to runt not to exceed fourpunce an acre, uud grunted them liberty to buy uud sell in all markets. The council liad ottered no opposi tion to this comprehensive emancipa tion. There wua no harm In making us thorough us possible what could bo revoked as easily us it hud been granted when tho mutinous ruscals had dls )Hicd to their liomoa, Tho more com fdetu thu concession tho more likely it una to soud them homo content!. And this wua indeed ita effect, The uimplo peasant woio enraptured with this formal document of freedom. The uacrod parchment wua carried from point to point and road aloud so thut till might hear, thousands of eyos fol tqwlng it with devout veneration and Joy. They wore too absorbed In this uddtm exultatlou to uiurk the ilnUter exchnngo of meaning lookw nmong-grent mon who know bettor tho valuo of tho parchment. Whilo mattors woro in this ntnlcnblo frnmo, tlio charter making ita round llko some ndored idol, tho king chntlod witli tho counsellors near him, nnd tho princess looked with intorost nt tho rnnka pf tho insurgontH, nnd beckoning to Ralph asked him to lull her thu names of any nmong thorn whom ho know As ho rnn his oyos ulong in compli ance with .thla request his attention wns Biiddonly arrested bv tho nnnonr. mice of n knight in armor, who was coming forward from nmong them to wnrds tho roynl train, IiIh fouturas com posed in an expression that wna meant to bo deprecatory and ingratiating. Roveral knights nnd other gentlemen had biien impressed with the insurgontH in the com ho of thoir cathorlnK. Some. Mko tho gallant Itobort do la fc'nHo, of Norwich, had contemptuously refused to Join, nnd had pold for thoir hardi hood with their lives. Hut mich cour ngo nnd loyalty wore rare. Tho major ity, llko 5ir John Newton, hnd con Fontod to march with tho Insurgents. Among them washlr Illchnrd Itninhiim, whom Italph now loeognlzod, taking advantage of thu nmicablo euttlumont to move out of tho rnnkH of tho peas ants, plond constraint iih an npology for his appeal anco, nnd try to make IiIh peace witli tho court. Tlio priucosH signifying a dusiro to speak to tho Earl of Arundol, Itnlph moved round to tlio othor sldo of tho carrlngo and illrected Clnra'H attontion to another figure standing next to tho npaco that tho knight had just quitted. "That, face in known to me,"ho whispered, "but I cannot romom'bor whero I saw It," "Do you not rumombor?" alio nuaw erod. "I shall novor forget It." Then, as ho still looked puzzled, nhu uddod, "The dungeon nt Stunuoro." Tho missing link wns found. Ho re membered now. It wna Jnnnequln Cartor, tlio pnvngo tnttordomnlion whom ho hnd with such difficulty pro vented from taking Immediate vongo anco in the dungoon. Jannoquln's faco woro n patient, half sleepy nlr, ns If ho woro waiting ccntontedly for Homothiug nnd took llttlo intorosi In tho great business of tlxi hour. Hut thoy had llttlo time to observe him or to speculate upon IiIh nppuur nuco in such curious proximity to tho knight. Tho draft charter had nindo its round, and the toll-worn faces of tho peasant rankH, turned now towards tlfo king in expectation of tlio noxt Miovo. woio gleaming witli satisfaction. Tlio king held tho charter gayly aloft, and intimated that tho whole staff of chancery clerks would at once bo sot to work to write out tho desired lotters patent, and that' they would !o sealed with thu great teal nnd dolivurod to them by townships uud villages as fast iih thoy wuro ready. This gracious information was pro claimed iu louder tones and groctod with happy acclamation. A king and hia people reconciled. Thu galling abuses that hnd bred nils chief between thorn swept away with a word; n score of Industrious pens rumlv to make thu promise of freedom good forever. It was a happy sceno, more in keeping witli tho brluht Junn iluv than thu ferocity uud clamor of wrathful mobs, In tho city thlngH woro a less smiling aspect. The great mass of tho insurg ents woro steady, laliorious mun, who hnd rlsrn ngninst the Inw because thu law made their lives a continuous mis ery. They bad no sympathy with dis order, with wanton riot and destruc tion; homely, patient, long-suffering drudges, they desired relief from the pinch that hud hecomo Intolerable, and were oliedient nnd tmctnhlo in tlio hands of their lenders. Hut mixed up with theao simhlo, patient niBtlca, wetu many of a moro turbulent sort; born lawbreakers, restive under any re straint, ready for thu wildest excesses when relaxed authority guvo them a fteo hand. And when thu lenders of thu Insurrection, and all who woio sternly and law-abiding among thoir followers, withdrew outside tho walla on the king's Invitation, nil control over tho riotous pusalona of those men wua removed and n reign of terror onaiUM. A largo mob on Tower Hill wltnosied the departure of tlio royal party for Mllo fcnd. Thoy woro expected to fob low, anil some did, but it soon U'came apparent thut there wua more exciting work in hand. Aa tho men-at-arms who formed nt tho rear of the roynl procession rodo out over tho drawbridge, a daring spirit contrived, nt tho rsk of being trampled under thu hoofs of tho hort'ea, to Blip past and gain tho archway of thu inner gate. Little wua thought of it by thu wartlora. It looked Hko a mad freak. Tho insurgents wuro to bo conciliated; It seemed harsh In the hurry of the moment, to thrust tho madcap under tho horses ' feet; a llttlo good-huiunicd rough remonstrance and tho hilarious rulllun was allowed to shelter hm?uU In tho porter's door within tho arch way. Another and another, dodging nimbly and warily past tho hortoa, fo. lowed thla daring lend, and aa thoy passod Into tho porter's door thoy were allowed to pass up tho atalrs leading to tho upper chamber from which tho drawbridge was worked. Llttlo was thought ot it in tho hurry of the moment. A crowd is always ready for such freaks. Hut tho freak uaaumod a moro serious aspect when tho last tuau-at-ariut wat out and the order wan given to raise the brldgn. Tho drawbridge could not be rnlsod. Tho rowdica had thrust tho porter aslda and woro in possession of tho machin cry. Tho ontranco to the Tower wns open. In a twinkling tho situation was realized by tho mob. With frantic yells, only half sorlous ns yot, thoy rushed at tho gnto and poured in. Conspicuous In the Tower Hill crowd from early morning had been a burly rufllnn in tho glaring costumo of tho Horod of tho Myntory Flays. Theao plays hnd not been intormittcd upon Corpus Christ! day, any moro than tho Bolomn procession. Tho crowds, excit ed as thoy woro, would havo been loath to forego this popular entertainment, and it was not ovory Corpus Clirlett day that tho horny-handod players had tho cbnnco of such an nudionco. 8omo of the players, and notably this Herod and tho Dovil nnd his Imps great Forlo-comic characters did not Iny nsido thoir dressos when tho play was over; nnd Horod In especial had mndo himself prominent in tlio crowd by tho violoncu of his language nnd his goat uro, and tho amazing power of his lungs. Ho wiib a follow of gigantic dopth and broudth of chost, with a hugo black curly head, and, taking his stnnd opposlto tho Towor, ho swngaored with his wooden 'sword, boat his broast liko a chimpanzeo, nnd yollod out an ondloss stream of menaces and impre cations. ' Whon this noisy ribald caw tho crowd rushing through tho gates, ho dashed forwnrd to join the stream, doubling tho ferocity of his crieH. "Now for tho tinitorsl" ho yelled. "Bring thorn before mo, thnt I may chop off thoir heads nud mako footballs of them I Out with tho traitors! .Seek thorn out! Thu chancellor! Tho treasurer! VVhoio nro tho traitors? Lot mo account to thorn I Tlio chancellor! Tho treas urer Bring them forth!" Hia crioi woro takon up by tho mob, and whit wna utturod at first in coarso sport was soon repeated in savage earn est. Tlio dovillah suggestion quickly matured itself in heated brains, always upter for evil than for good, nnd tho appetite of tho human tlgor was rouFod. It passed through tho crowd, llko foiiio sort of contagious madness. Hundreds who had rushed for tho open gates on a mad frolic impulso found thomsolvos as thoy pushed unnd jostled along, gnash lug tholr tcotlr nnd howling for tho chnncollor, liko n pack of hungry wolvos. Wolvos in full cry but thoro was one thing that mndo tholr united voices moro horrible to the car than any sound of infuriated boasts, thu leaven of savngo laughter that ran through it and filled up tho lulls in tlio volmno of thoir more brutish howling. Tho olllcors of tho garrison were takon by surprise tuko responsibility. ) M 1IYV .Ulf A I, A "" m. & wr vr m w v a m m-m ms 9 Always ask for tho famous General Arthur cigar. Esborg-Qunst Cigar Co., goueral agents, Portland, Or. Everybody smokes tho colebrateA Monogram and Pandora cigars. They havo no equal. For first class dental work and prompt nttcntion, go to tho New York Dontnl Parlors, Fourth and Morrison streets. Money to loan, on furniture, pianos, or nny. good securities. Notes nnd morngnges bought. 8. W. King, room 45 Washington building. Eltb!llhtd Jsn. 1. 1889. Incarportltd Jul; 8, 1891. Portland Coffee and Spice Co. For the Trade Only, Tea, Coffee, Spices, Baking Powder, Extracts, Etc. , OUR BPKCIAIj JIRANDH: Bpleci. Acme. Mult nomah; linking Powders, Defiance. Double Quick ; Coffee, ltoyat lllcml ', Hugar, xxxx Bar. S4-2B Frmtit Sirmmt, Smt. Amh mud Ankmty. PQHTLAHD, OltCBOM. f Call at the Caito Saloon, cornor ot Jefferson and Chapman 'streets. Flno wines, liquors nnd cigars of tho boat brands, nnd tho best brands of caso goods always on hand. Wolnhard'B boor. J. V. Campboll, proprietor. Tho Graham Manufacturing com pany manufacture nil kinds of fur nittire, woodwork and fixtures. Ore gon 'phono, Hood 202. Nos. 370, 372, 374 Front strcot, corner Montgomery, Portland, Ore. EDWARD HOLMAN UNDERTAKER Fourth and Yamhill Sts. BOTH PHONES NO. 607 RENA STIliaON, Lidf Aitlltant. Do You Know the News 1 you cat have It all for Month 50 C Mon th French Dyeing and Cleaning Works. All work done at very modrca'to prices. Dyeing and elenning of all kinds of ladies' and gent's clothing. Morn ing cloth dyed 'in 48 hours. J. Do louu, proprietor, 455 Glisan street. Tho proprietors of tho Oregon Bakery, cornor Fourteenth and Fland ers 8t8., Portland, aro both old and ox pcrlonccd bakors. mon who woro fore men In tho best shops ontlioconnt.nndl wno mako a suporlor loaf of bread of nny kind. Pullman loaves a specialty- Wo want your trndo. Musio half price; musical instruments of all, kinds, cash or installments. II. II, Wright, wholcsnlo and retail dealer in musia and musical merchandise Tho Musio building, 349 -Wasighnton ktrrnt. Pnrtlilnd. Orocrnn. -I - 1 w.-0w... L. W. CA UNA lUNi Twlilsnt. (.'. II. IIAKDNKIt. Vlco I'rctldent i ' W. vv, TEUIIY, TrtMiiror. - Portfand Implement Co. dOHINf DEERE PLOWS, HARROWS, ETC. FARM MACHINERY AND. VEHICLES. In Tlio Evening Telegram, ot Portland, Oregon. It l the largi it cveiilnff nov paper piibllihcd iu Ortgjn; It contatns all the nora ot the statu and of tho na tion. Trr it tot a month. A laniplo coprwllibe mailed to you freo. Ad. A areu ' z t THE TELEGRAM, X PortlandV Oregfon 2 W. U McCadk, Beatils. E. 8. Hamilton, Tacoma. M'CJIBE & HAMILTON .. STEVEDORES.. PUGET SOUND . Also Honolulu, H. I, Hmmtl Offtomt Tmoontm, Wmaia Catlo Addreisi McCAOB GRACTE, BEAZLEY & CO., Agent 14 Vattr Street, LiverpooL 188-194 Front Street, Portland, Ore, Pacific Rcalla Company. Manufacturers of badges, banners, lodgo regalia and Portland, Oregon. buttons, supplies. The Plonttr Paint Co. Tho firm of F. E. Hench & Co., cornor of First and Alder streets, is ho oldest established concern in No ono dared to tlio paint and oil business in tho Tho cry was raised Northwest. For over 20 years this by tho rioters thut thoy enmo in tho houso hns maintained its reputation king's namo, that tho kin had given ! for roliablo business dealings with thorn tho traitors to doal with st thoir all patrons. F. E. llcach & Co. enr pleasuro. Thoro was no tlmo to dclib-' ry tho highest grades of paints, oils orato, no tlmo to consult suporlor auth-' nnd vnrnishes. Thoy also liandlo all ority. Tlio outer guto was mastoiod with a rush, and tho mob poured along by thu south wall and around and ih rough tho entrance in tho bloody Towor while tho warderH of tlio great portcullis woro still hearkening iu bo wildcrod doubt to tho clamor of tlio Hiulilen irruption. Their flmt sure knowledge that the mob had brokon in to tho fortress caino from agllo ruffians who loapod up the stairs with tho cry that they enmo In tlio king's name, and who brought with thorn tho unques tionable mandatoof overponuringnuni-horH, Within thu pqunro central kcop the tour-turroted Whlto buildors' materials, and no ordor is too small to rccoivo prompt nttcn tion. DON'T GUESS AT IT. PARK GROCERY. A.J.JO.NK8, Proprietor. Itetatl Dealer in STAPLE AND FAHGY GROCERIES And All Kinds of imported Dillciciis. S. W. ROBINSON. COMMERCIAL PH0T0GR1PHER SOI Morrlton Street. Developing;, Printing- and ,-Mounting- for Amateurs A Specialty. Largest Selection of Pacific Coast Views. i BROMIDE ENLARGEMENTS. I'lionca: Oregon Main 770., Columbia 420, TheLAGRANDE CREAMERY COMPANY BUTTER, EGOS Main nwrrcr. 21 N. Park 8trcct, ... .,.,..... rpUTLAND, OREGON ( 204 Yamhill St., nr. Third. Portland, Or surrounded by tho howling mob, Bud bury heard tho flerco uproar, and nt once divined its moaning. Ho was prepared end calm calmer, ho said to Ids terror-struck attendants, than he had ovor folt in bin lifo. Novor, cer tainly, hnd ho borne himself with such meok and gracious dignity. Dut If you nro going East wrlto us for our rates nnd let ua tell you about the scrvlco nnd accomodations offered 'by tho Illinois Central Railroad. Through tourist cars via tho Illinois Central from Pacific Coast to Chicago nnd Cincinnati. Don't fall to wrlto us about your trip, as we aro In a po sition to glvo you Bomo vnluablo in formation and assistance. C319 miles of track, ovor which la onoratcd sorao Towor quickly i of tho finest trains In tho world. ! For particulars regarding freight or passenger rates, call on or address: H. II, TRUMDULIi, Commercial Agent J. C. LIND8BV, T. F. & P. A., 142 Third street, Portland, Or. (To be ccmunueil.) BHIEF BUT KILLING. Wu Remedy Wat Not Rccommtndtd, Out Very Effective In Its Way, A rocout West Philadelphia political meeting was nmrKod by tho tolling of thu following story ns illustrative of tho evil of being too laconic in everyday ppeoch. ltrevity was tho dihtiiiguialp lug charucterintio of thu village whero in lived Jim nnd Zach, farmers, and each tho owner of a horho. Thoy mot ono day nnd spoko a follows, relates thu Philadelphia Tlmoi: "Mornin', Jlml" "Moriiln1, Zach!" "What did yoit give your horso for thahottb?" "Turpentine." "Good mornin'," "Good mornin'," Thoy again encountorod each, other s few duy.4 later, with this roault: ". Mornin', Jlml" "Mornin'. Zuchl" "What did you say horto for tho bottb?" "Turpentlno." "Klllwl mlno." "Mine, too." "Good mornin' I" "Good mornin'!" Loewenberg & Going Company MANUFACTURERS, OF AND DEALERS IN Stove Ranges, i Hollowware and Household... , i Specialties... j 1 mk infTnIni I T!kW ' K?7S ill V LmkmMml ifc mr k Handled by All First Class Dealers... FREDERICKSBURG MUSIC HALL. SEVENTH AND ALDER STREETS Friends are All Cordially Invited To Attend.. GRANT. you gave your It Dpndi, "What is a captain of industry?" aked the boy, who is going to bo very w!m eonto day. "It is a term that Is applied to th. head of a great monopoly when be is at a banquot." ' And what is a robbor baron?" "It's tho samo m'an when ho is in politics." Washington Star. Our BROWN & t9 tm 933 Tmytor Strmmt t8 to 194 Saoont19trmt Royal Steel Ranges Arc the Best and Cheapest In the Market PORTLAND, OREGON DRUNK THE FAMOUS For Sale' at AH the Principal Saloons. Brmwmry mnd Oftlcm . mm TmhfkmmlBmemmhjmmrmmtm Tmitphmn Muttihmr 7. THE H. C. ALBEE COMPANY DEALERS IN. Second Hand Machinery 90 Emmt Wmtmr StrmU PORTLAND, OREOONi In Mtnwry el Or, Johaion. Dr. Johnson's long association with tho Strand, London, is to bo com momorated by placlna a beautiful stained glass window in St, Clemwit't Dauo chapsl. Ttia Limit!," evening train, and "Tho Eipreaa, boou train, from Qcoaba tor CUIcajo. UNEXCELLED SERVICE Day train and evening train from Osuhaler MlaoMpolla and St. rauL TlckeUof aceatioJcoanectlnx Unea. W, U. UHIIX, DUt rass'r Agt, Omaha. A. M. H1KSOS, a?Ju jTV. HKKKf , J.O-PX fllOi ItttuMaai For particulars regarding freight or pasoenger rates, Citll on or address li. II. TRUMBULL, Commercial Agent. J. O. UNDSEY. T. F. & P. A., 142 Third St., Portland, Or. Zimmerman - Wells Machinery &q. Marine, Mining, Saw Mill, Logging, Wood Worldnf, Holsttog and Traaa- J miction Machinery. Engineers' and Loggers' Supplies. Agents A. Trarhrn .' & Sons Rope Co., Celebrated Kerctdes Wite Rope, R. N. Nanaon be Cb.'s Li? ' fcricatlng Oik and Compound. j 41-43 SECOND STREET. PORTLAND, OREQON Anr ! Any Qaaatltr Aajr StyU MACKINTOSHES, RUBBER Ato OIL CI0THING Kubb.r Boat an 4 Shy. HalUns;, Pahnv Bnt Hoi.. Lart.U and Hoai CoojpUta Auortment ot all Kindt of Rubber Oooda. GOODYEAR RUBBER COMPANY a. r&, rraiiuvut. r. m. oiicrAnu, Jti.. iTtajunr J. A. SUKfAKO 73-7 FISST STREET, PORTLAND, O1EG0H. . C. ATKINS A GO. The Atkins Saws aro Always Ahsadmm Mm. 9m ftvf mwmmt, X S i J;