-.ir --.? -, -w "m- "w- wfiTiioffii-. tifif- "" " "" "",,,. - "1 ,a&!at- TIP NEW AGE, PORTLAND, OREGON. i 1 TOPICS OF ) THE TIMES. - Truth never dotlKes up an alley, no natter whom It ineetH. Few otllcelioliltTH ever resign and few politicians ever reform. Kvery time n lnr.y man looks at tint clock the day becomes longer. ' Men who pievatlcato are Just as llttlo appreciated as the ordinary Ham. It Is almost Impossible for a man to go ahead after he Is sure he's right. A wise man looks Into things for the purpose of enabling him to size up the outlook. What a brilliant lot we should bo If every man was half as smurt ua he thinks lie Is! It Is nlwoys cowardly to speak HI of a man behind his hack, and It Is often dangerous to say It to his fuce. Many a rapid youth finds It easier to contest his father's will after the old mail Is dead than while ho Is ou earth. A Kansas spiritualist claims to bo ablo to materialize the Angel Gabriel. Ilut who cares as long ns the horn Is emitted? There arc several kinds of talking machines on the market, but none of them can hold a candle to those In evi dence at an old-fiisliloned sewing circle. Txml Wolseley says ho thinks Ameri can soldiers are the best In the world. Ilia predecessors of some one hundred and twenty years ago wero persuaded Into a llko opinion. A German military balloon was at ruck by lightning and Its navigator precipitated to the earth. If this sort of thing keeps up aerial navigation will goon become u dangerous as automobll lug In for the pedestrlau. Tlio tolling newspaper paragrapher juaiillcs his delight over peacu In South ATricu by the mournful thought that tan good old Missouri mule Joke will henceforth be u mighty hard one to fc-ork off ou the reading public. XiOntlnn brokers are wearing n badge bearing tho words: "l'ermlt bearer to walk nbout the earth. lMerpont." They tiiluk It's a Joke, but are likely to wako up some morning and llud that It Is l Mly another truth lu tho form of a Jest Sotno societies are better than others. Ono of the good ones was organized lu IStiw York about two years ago to In atruct tho children lu tho tenement dis trict! lu the euro of domestic auuials. Alreudy It has twenty-llvo chapters lu the city, the members of which 'attend (jiectugs where they talk about ani mal h, and tell how they have helped those lu distress. If there were more audi societies, the work of tho organ Isntlous of adults for tho prevention of crucify would bo considerably de creased. It Is good for the animals to lie cared for, but It Is better for the children to learn consideration for all living things. "How much Is It worth V" Is a chnr acterlstlu Yankee question. Light hits leou thrown ou tho value of a new commodity by tho recent settlement by certain railroad of a claim for dam age. The claim wuh that of a charm lujr young woman, ami was brought for the destruction or serious dlsllgure meut of her nose. There seems to liavo been u wide difference of opinion an to the value of beauty as represent h1 lu a nose. Tho railroad originally thought that f-MXK) was about tho right figure. The attorney for tho heroine (she was a heroine lu allowing her nose to net us witness lu Its battered con dition) thought that (711,000 was not too high a price. Tho compromise ar rived at was ?1H,(HH). and all the ex peiistes of "nurses, doctors and special tstii." Now ono wishes to know wheth er a nose ranks higher lu tho beauty market than any other feature. Would a chin be worth (10,000 or $1,000? An cyo has value as an ornament and also ns nit Instrument. What about ttio price to be bet on a smooth and rounded cheek? And would It bo pro fane to speculate ou tho market quo tation of a dimple? t- Tho report that certain great rail roads Intend to reduce the running time of their fast trains between Chi cago uud New York to twenty hours unturnlly revives speculation concern ing tho possibilities of transcontinental travel. Tho move. It Is wild, "Is an other step In the direction of bringing the two coast at least a day nearer together," nn'd tho Inference that such K-ln u time will bo made ultimately la by no means unreasonable. Itoughly apmtklug, twenty hours from New York to Chicago would mean an aver age, speed of forty-live miles an hour, It might probably be Increased to llfty utile an hour, and the total tluio might ! thus reduced to eighteen hours, but tho greatest saving would have to be made In tho connections lu Chicago nud In tho rate of speed westward. Tbo Hues from Chicago to tho I'aclllo coast full considerably below forty miles nti hour with their fastest trains, ami though they have an admirable service now there can bo no question -about their ability to lucrcaso their peed to an uverugo that would accom plish the desired result lu gptto of tho fact Unit they buvo a grout deal of hard mountain climbing to do. For they operato long stretches of track which admit of nsj;great a.-spced as can be nttalnc'd anywhere In the world If the trnfllo promises to bb profitable enough the trains will be put on as, a matter of course, nnd the necessary connections will be mudo with the East Connecticut farmers discovered some' time ugo that birds were their friends, and secured the passage of laws to prevent their wijnton destruction. Fur thermore, they saw that tho'laws were enforced. Somo of tho fnrmera even set out cherry and mulberry trees, ex pecting that tho fruit would attract to their Holds birds which would eat the bugs and worms that Injured their crops. This spring tho result of tho past few ycurs' care wero apparent, and Hocks of n hundred robins were not uncommon. As tho season ad vanced other birds appeared In largo numbers and were welcomed. It Is an old error to suppose that birds aro tho farmers' enemies. No doubt some times they Injure the crops; but usual ly they attack the Insect pests. Thirty robins will keep flvo acres of potatoes free from bugs. Tho meadow lark, In stead of hurting a clover Held, eats grosshoppers In clover time. Tho blue bird, phoebe, brown thrusher, king bird, houHc-wreu nnd catbird aro Insect-eaters, and by theJr services In the held more than pay for the small amount of fruit they tako to vary their diet. Tho Connecticut experience has been duplicated lu other Stutes. Tho birds wero first foolishly driven uwayj then tho crops suffered, and laws hud to be passed forbidding the killing of birds. The Audubon societies have done much to enlarge iwpular knowl edge, .and now It Is not uncommon to see peoplo feeding birds In order to Invito them. A few crumbs thrown out of tho house every day will soon attract them, and no town resident with a small garden would find any other hospitality so profitable as that which he might bestow on a family of robins or bluebirds. Tho evolution of the ubundoned farm Into something better and more profit able than they ever were before has be come a noticeable feature In tho rural sections of Now Hnglaud. Tho Iioston Transcript calls attention to the change In llerkshlre County, Mussachuttcttts, where abandoned farms a few years ago weio so numerous that It was fear ed tho western part of tho Statu lu somo sections would soon bo depopu lated. In place or that "there hits been u record-breaking period of construc tion of street railways. Tho erection of big and modem hotels has been note worthy. A large number of uew Indus tries of u minor Importance have been Inaugurated. In muuy cases the former abandoned farms have become summer residences for those who have plenty of money to spend and who aro anxious to spend It. Tho advent or the summer boarder has caused the desert of tho last decade to bloom as u rose garden. The abandoned farmhouse has now be come u summer cottage, whose plctur esiueness delights the t ruined eye of an artist." All this Is but tho natural outcome of the movements of social summer life. Originally the season last ed only from June until September uud the seashore was the favorite resort. Gradually tho rush for Imestmcnts be ciimo so great that nearly all available sites ou the New England shore from Stouiugtou to Kastpott have been taken up, as well as the Islands near shore. Those that are left are held at such high figures that only millionaires can purchase and Improve them, I.lttlo by little tho summer cottages have been pushed farther Inland, and as the sea son has now been extended from Sep tember, when the seaside resorts close, to Thanksgiving time, and tho social locality changed fiom tho shore to the hills, there has been a bteadlly Increas ing demand for these "abandoned farms" as autumn residences and sum mer residences alike. Not a few of thorn AImo have been bought for golf links and tho old farmhouses turned Into clubhouses. Thus what was at one time a serious problem has been most happily solved, and those who have been lucky enough, after moving away to tho cities or elsewhere, to hold ou to their land will make haudsofue protlts. Tho woruout old farm has more than once proved to be a buuuuzu, lt tyr n Tor nutlonn. Diamonds and other Jewels have been lost lu all sorts of queer ways, but lu none more unusual than tho accident mentioned In the Huston Transcript, by which u diamond brooch was snatched from tho owner's dress and left some where on the great plains. A young woman wus traveling by mil through Kansas. At Kinsley, where the train made n considerable stop, a fair was In progress. Hero the young woman bought of a peddler n toy bal loon for a little girl who had wou her fancy. The child was delighted with the plaything, and as they rode along she ciuitteu witu ner uew menu and pulled tho balloon up uud down. At length she playfully fastened tho string to tho lady's diamond brooch. Tho train was rounding a curve at the moment, and a strong gust of air came through the car. Tho balloon was curbed out through the open window. The sudden Jrk on the string loosened the broach, nnd away It sailed. Tho Jewel was o valuable that tho young woman offered a reward of five! hundred dollars for Its recovery. Spur red by this Incentive, cowboys scgurtsl tliq plains for days lu all directions, but without success. ,11 I I -I -'" I ! Wo have noticed Unit no one Is so oloqent over the attention wo owe tho graves of tho dead iu the man who has n monument or flowers to selL LEADING BUSINESS FIRMS OF EASTERN OREGON. THE MINT, SALOON V .,.. . O. L, MCtLLQUIST, Prep. BEST P-RANDS OF WINCES AND LIQUORS I ! I IMPORTED AND POM KS 1 10 CIGARS ) Cornet Perot Street and Jefferson Avenue, LA CRANDC, OR, The Leading FURNITURE DEALER AND I OP EASTERN OREdON IS ..M. A. RADER.. Funeral Director and Embalmcr Lady Assistant. fbnuLeton - OnEOON K. Y. Judd, P'eit. V K. Jnnn, Bec'y and Treas. TiunoH E. Ftll, Manager Incorporated, IBM Capital Block. 1 10,000 PENDLETON Woolen Mills Manufacturer ol FleeceWool Blankets .Indian Robes Cassimeres, Flannels Pmntllmton, Orm, 01 II mUB CKLEURATED COLUMMA llRKWKRY AUGUST DUCIILER, Prop. Thla well-known brewery Is now turning nut the beit Deer nnd Porter east of tho C'asciidei, Ihelatut appliances for the manufacture of good health fill lleerliavo beon Introdiued, nnd only the llrat-elRia article wlll.be placed on till market. Eaat Second Street " THE DALLE", OP. Dalles Laundry Co. FIRSTiOLASS WORK at Short Notice Gentlemen's Work (..Specialty Local l'hone 34 1 L'nng Distance 90S THE DALLES, OREQON Z. F. MOODY THE DALIES. OR. , General Forwarding AND Commission Merchant Ofllce a and Warehouses at RAILROAD AND STEAMER DEPOTS Wool handling our specialty, drain bought and aold. Columbia Brewery Thm Omlmbrmtmd AUUU5T UUCHLUK, i'ropr. Of the produot of thla well-known brawerr, the United States Health Reports lor June . 1900, says: "A more superior brew never entered the labratoryof the Unltrtl stales Health Ke porta. It la absolutely devoid o( the slightest tracoof adulteration, out on tho other hand la compoaed of the beat of malt and ch6lrett ot hop. Ita tonlnijualltlfa aro ot thehlghtat,and It can ba Died with the itreateat benefit and eatielaction uv.old and Touni;. Ila uae can cou acleiitlouiljr ba prvtorlued by the phyalclaua, with the certainty that a better, purer or more wholesome beverage could not poaalbljr ba lound." Cmmt MMf St., THE DALLE, 0lt. Bar Fixtures and ..Billiard Tables.. BRUNIMKE-WHCO. Have Re-tafallihed their busi ness to PORTLAND, at 49 Third Street. A full stock ol Bar Fixtures, Bil liard and Pool Tables. Bowling Alleys and Supplies always on band. . EASY PAYMENTS. J. Q. REDDICK, Manager. LIPPINCOTT'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE A Family Library TlM list 111 CatTMt LitHltWI 12 Complete Novel Yearly MANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS S2.60 FEitYEAa; 2S era. a copy NO CONTINUED STORIES EVERY NUMBER COMPLETE IN ITaELf cXu, at THE COULTER GROCERY STORE FOB TUlST CLASS GOODS Carry Full Uno of Stnplo anil Fancy ' Groceries. Telephone 'Whitq 007. EAST SIDE. ' mHE H. T.-HUDbON AIIMS CO. Wholenle and Itetnll Denlpra Irt Guna, Flih IrlR Tackle, Daacuall, ThentrlrHl and bj-mnav liiinUooda. A. O. Spalding's Athletic Oooila. Ilcndqunrtcra for flnlf Good. Hand Loaded Sheila to order pf cyetr description, ,FJnu Oun repairing hipccliilty: ,!,,',, . -. ' 110 Third bt.f 1'OUtLANI), OllEGON "QUELLE" S. E. Comer , , , SlxtludStar.Sta. f, Fritz Sechtem. "Baron" Schlenk Most Elegantly Appointed Ilefectory in tho Northwest. Crawfish a Specialty. Foreign and Domestic Delicacies. Grill Iloom in Connection. PHILLIPS TRUNK CO. Trunks Made to Order Also Taken in Exchange.' TRUNKS REPAIRED. 311 Morrison St., Opposite Postofflce Nottingham & Co. (K.labllilicd 1682.) JOIUIKItS IN Lime, Cement, Plaster, Land Plaster, Hair, Lath, Shingles, Flour and Feed. HOLE AOKNT8 FOB Big Bend and Moss Rose Flour Doth Phonci SSI, Central Dock, Foot of Washington St. Portland, Oregon. A. Goodnough J. O. Stuarni GOODNOUGH-& STEARNS Real Estate Loans and Insurance Washington Building, Portland, Or City, Suburban and Country Property, Im proved .and unimproved. Timber and Coal Landi. Cholco Water FrontaRO, auttRolo for manufacturing purpoici. Valuable builnen property for talo. O. II. Belple. )l. 8. 83I pie. OWEN H. SEIPLE & CO. , Dealers In STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES PHONE SOUTH 1000. 3S3 Morrison St. PORTLAND, OREGON Timber' Lands and Homesteads Located: Kotlmairtof Timber by Com pelt) ut Killuiatora. EQUITY RENTAL AND REAL ESTATE CO. DcnlcrH in Ileal Estate. Rents Col lected ; Ihiblnea.s ' Cliuucea uud Loans Negotiated. C. L. Case. A. R. Spreadborough. Oregon Phone Union USA, Main Ottlce: U4 Kast MorrUonEL I'OKTLAND, ORB TIME CARD OF TRAINS PORTLAND , . Depart. Arrive. Xortb. Coatt Umtte4 ...... W I'. M. 7:00 A. M. Twin City Ezprcia..... U: V. M. 6;S0 V. M. Kautaa City i Bt. Uuli Special -. 8:iS A. M. 11:10 V, Jl.. ruget Sound Umlld.... V:2S A. M. :JJ 1'. V. Take the Pugot Sound Limited For Olympia, Sotth Bend and Grny'a Harbor itoints. All truing daily. Our trains dally to T.uxwiu and Seattle. Three through to tho East. A. D. CHARLTON, A&ilatiiht General Vuscnger Agent 355 Morrison St,, cor. Third, fOUTLAKD, OREGON PR k OREGON SHOIr LINE and union Pacific Iirfiaj f.,rtl,nd. Or. - A,l" r t : : ' Chlrairo Eult Uke. .Penver, 4t30p.m. I'nrtlntid 'Ft. Vtortn.Oraaha, . bpecUl Kama Cltj", Bt. ftuOa. m. ?, I.ouli,ClilcoauJ , via lti s Huntington. . At'antto Walla Walla !rla- li 10 a.m. .Kxprcia ton.Spakane.Mln- 1:00 p.m. neapolli,it. Pain, Tin Dultitli, Mllwan- i Huntington'. ka,C'hlcai;oAKait , ' Ft. Panl Bait Lake. Denver, TlOOa. ml rft Wall Ft.WHrth.Ornaha, . C;o0 p. m. Kaninti City, St. via Louli,CaIigoaud Cpokana tut. 72 HOURS PORTLAND TO CHICAGO No change of cars. Lowest Katct. Quicken Tlmo. OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE yitOH POUTI.ANU. I X) p.m. All iatllnc datei ubjtct to,chauK For Ran Franclieo fcallavary i daya '4:Mp.i Dally It. Sunday liWo.m. Faturday lotuw p. m Ctluaibla Rlf Itiamtri. To Attorlaand Way Laudliigi. 4-00 p.m. Xx. Huuday 6:iia.m. x,ktuuday Wlllamatla Rlfr. Ortgon City, Ntw borK.Bktcm.'Inda- riandaucs a Way .audlnft. 4:10 o.m. , Kx.Bunday 7:00 a. m. tim.j'Thur. aud Bau WlllimaHa and Yaat hill Kliiti. Orfiron City, Day. ton. A Way Laud lOfi. :S0p. m. Uon.,vWal and Fit r. I' (:45 a in. Tuti., Thtir. and Bak' Wlllimitt .aivar. Portland to Corval. IU 4 Way Laud Inga. 4:80 p.m. Hon.. Wed. andFrl. for low ratei and othar Information wrlta U A. L. CRAIO, Gantral Paaaangtr Astnt. Fortland.Oa. EAST AND SOUTH -VIA- SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. Shasta Route Tralni leave Wct Solo lor Portland and way tatloni at 10:45 a. m. Lca e for Albany ut 3:a5 p. in. ( Leavci Tortland 8-80 a. m., 7 p. m. " Albany W:3u p. m., 10:30 p. m. Arrlvci Aihlaml UW a. m., 11:30 a. m. ' ' Hacrnmeiito 6 p. m., 4 :M a. ra. " Shu Fraiiclnco 7.45 p. m., tt:15n. ro. Ogden o:l a. in., 11 M a. ml " DonorB a.m., 0 a.m. " KaiitnH City 7:' s. ni 9:30 a. rn, " Chicago 7ji5R. in., UMU a. in. , ' I-o Aiii:t'lv ls'.M p. in,, 7 a. in. " Kl I'anoU p. m., Oil m, . " Fort Worth 0::t0 n. m., 0:30 p. m. " CliyolMoxlioO:i5a.m,,0:5J a. ro. ," Hiiuilnn 4 n, m..4a. m.' " New Orlmiii 6:ii p. in., 0:25 a, m. " WmliliiKiim C:U a. ra., 0.44 a. m. " Now York 12:4J p. m., U;U p. ro. Pullman and TotirUt can on both train. Chair cnraKACramtinto to Oedonand Kl Pato, and tourist can to Chicago, St. lxut, New Or leauinud Waahlnetou. ' Connecting at t-nn Franrlico with leveral lliut lor Honolulu, Japan, China. Philippine!, Central and South America. R. B. MILLER, O. P. A., Portland, Oregon, White Collar Line Portland -Astoria Route Str. "BAILEY GATZERT." Dally round trips except Sunday. TIMK CAltU. Lavea Portland..,,. ....- ,.... 700 A, M Leavra Aitorla 7:00 P. M Through Portland connection with Steamer Kahcotta from llwaco and Long- lleach olnti. nnita uouar i.ine tioaeti intarchangeabla with O. Jl. ii N. Co. and V. T, Co. ticket. The Dalles-Portland Route STEAMERS "TAHOMA" and "METLAKO" - - Diir trip except Spnday. Str. "TAHOMA.w Uavri frUand. -ton., Wed., FrU 7:00 A. U Leavea Tho Dalle,Tuea,1'lhun. Bat.,7.v0 A. M Str. "METLAKO." Uavea Portland, Thm., Thu.. 8at..70 A, M. Leavei Tho Ualle Mon Wed., Frl-.7:w) a. J4. Undlngandomco: Foot Alder Btroet. Both phonea Ualn S51. Portland, Oregon. AGENTS, JOHN U. FILLOON ... .The DUei,Or ' .J .TAXI;'U""" -- Attorla, Or J. J. LUCKKY .Hood River! Or o ii?t nAA-Vi .-.., Vancouver. Waih W M. BUTLER .....Butler. Wuh E. W. CRICHTON; Portland, Oregon TIE HOSE FHRHISHIIIfi CO. (Incoriorated.) i .i 4 Uanufacturtn o( Woven Wire Mattresses. Carwu, PorUen, Mugi, Iw Curtaioa. BhaJea. Furulturt, WaiJ IVHr.l'iCiUM Frame, Mattrtuei, Bedding, Uadcrtakbtand waihalmlnga specialty 8tofe at Albany and 8alein, Ore. Factory av Albany, Ore. - Muoalo Temple, Albamy, Oaxaoa, nY RATI. AND TTATKR. A STQRIfi & COLUMBIA Two -Slraislil Possenger Trams Dally V ' WITH ( " 'THROUGH PARLO'ftXRS" t ' HETWLEM Portland, Astoria Seaside r Lvacs Union Depot Portland I For Mnypcri, Italn ler,Olntaicanlo Wt-ntport; Clifton, Aatorla, Warren ton, Klnvcl, dear hart Par,k and bca tldc. Attorla A HeathorV Express Daily. AMorla zprcn Daily- Arrives Union Dop6t Portland 8:00 a.m. i AtMp. m. , 2:3op.m. ,11:10 a. . 9: 40 p.m. ' Dally except Saturday, Saturda)only.' , Ticket offlce, 245 Morrlion itreet, and Union depot, Portland. J. C. MAYO, Gen. Pan. Agent, Aitorla, Or. SHAVER TRANSPORTATION CO. STEAMER GEO. W. SHAVER, Will leave Portland, foot of Washington Bt., Sunday, Tucudny and Ihurnday ovonlng at o o'clock, for hauvlea Island, Ht.- llolvnr, Caplei, Deer lilnud, Martlm, Kalama, Neor City, Hauler, Ml. Collin, Mn)ircr, Stella, Oak Point, Freetnam, Mautanlllo,ClatikanU aud all way landing. "PEST OF EVERYTHING" In a word IhU tclli nf tno pai icngcr lorvlce via THE HOBTHWESTERN LINE Eight Trains Dally between 8t. Paut and Clilcnjo. comprising The T.atait I'ullniMn Hlaspera, 1'errUaa DIiiImk Curt, Llbrury Mint tllmervHtlnn Can, Pratt ItaelliiliiB Chair Cars. THK TWKNTIETIt CKNTUHY TRAIN "THE NORTHWESTERN LIMITED" IllinV Every Day of the Year. The Finest Train In the World Electric Lighted Steam .Heated TO CHICAGO HY DAYLIGHT. The tladcer Btate Kzpreii, the flncst Day Truln Running lU'twcen St. Paul and Chicago via the short l.lne. Coiimctloni from tho West made via. The Northern Pacific, Great Northern nnd v . Canadian Faclfic Railways This li aim tho best lino between Omaha, St Paul and Minneapolis, All Agents sell Tickets via "Tho Northwest ern Line." V. H. MGAD, Oencral Agent. H. L. SISLGR, T. A. 348 'Alder Street, 1'ortUh.l, Or. "" P-i ..GO EAST.. .-VIA Qs Shortest and Quickest Line r-TO ST. PAUL, DULUTH, MINNEAPOLIS, CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS KAST. Through I'nlaof) anil TnurUt Hleepen, UlnliigMiiil ItunTet Smoking Library Cars DAILY TRAIN'S: FAST TIME; SKHVICE AN'D SCENKItV U.VtQUAl.f.1). T'eketito point East la tin Grsut North- km ItaiLWAY, on rale at Columbia Southern and O. H. A N. Depot Ticket Office,' or Grcit Ncbtiukk Ticket OQlca j 133 Third St., Portland, Or. For Kates, Folders and full Information re garding Eastern trip, call ou or address A. B.C,pjJ.NNIBTON. City Pass, and Ticket Agent, Cortland, Or. U M, PARU18H. FRANK E. WXTKIN'P. Notary Public, Notary Public. G. K. WATKIN'B. , IHRISH, WiTKlHS 1 CO. REAL ESTATE ' Insurance, House and Loan Agents. " lUMtt St PirtlM., Vrifii BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE i- TratNa CvmoHTa Ac Anvona sendliu a ktth a aaricttoa T ejolcklr unsruln oar optaU-i fw. whether a uvaaMnii Is probably paesMabM. Coaao'a ttons strictly oonadsntt-VBaoitbook oa CumM ots iraa. uiom aseoey for securuia P"".. PatanU takan i txirUi a(, without ttroufti Mnnn co. run out o-arse. la the Scientific JUNcrkaN. A b-adsomely Htaetratwl waaklr. T-reeatJ oalaHon of any cianltao tournaj. Terms. leari roar mootas. BoMvyaa aaaar "IM ftCo, . Hew York aea-aa O-tea, 4 V B-, Was-logtoo, P. 0 jHgHH "BsL-assssssssssssssssssVsTl . r .