The new age. (Portland, Or.) 1896-1905, July 19, 1902, Image 1

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i ' Daalgnnt.d Depositary kni VlnincUl A(nt of th United State.
fmlclliLl. IT. Vt. TnitinttT caihler, K. O. Wlthlngtoni UltTtant caahter, J. W. Newklrk ood.
uliunteuhKr, W, 0. Alrotd. ,
, LttUra ef ertdlt limtd. Tsllable tn.Knropa and the Kattern lUt. Blghf xchf a4
ttUsraphle tranifara aola on Naw Yot( Botton, Chicago, Omaha, Bt. Paul, ttan Franclftco asi
th principal nolnti in tbe Northwot. eight and Ule bill drawn In lumi to ault on London,
fitfi, Berlin, Frankfort-on-the-Maln, Hon Koiif.
ColUotloni mad on favorabl term at all aeceaalbl point. r
M rrfc. A -TORI
Eatabllihad in 185.
Interost allowed on time deposits. ( '
Collections made at all points on favorable,4erms. Letters of credit issue!
available in Europe and the Eastern states. c jq,., , ,
Bight exchange and Tolegraphlo Transf-rsspM pn 'NeYorV, shlngton,
Chicago, St. Louis, Donver, Omaha, Ban Vrahclaoaf Md Mratiods points InOre
gon, Washington, Idaho, Montana and 'British Colombia. , -
Exchange sold on London, Paris, Berlin, Frankfort and Hong Kong.
- t f n . ' x ...
OFFICKHSi iCi. or.t)KKrrlrtont; M. ALKXANDKR, vWprcifdn( II. N. COF.
WFIN,.Cihleri J.Jf. IIAINKH,AsiiUtantCaiiliier. ':.,, t . t
IUKUTtKy Itobt.Knble,Thonl)avli. 11. K. Oltlon, J Jf.jUlm., Jj K. Vatct, J. D.
Morrprr. V. ItCRan, M. Aloxandor, F. H. Collin.
Mmmoutitm mtHtrnkm. Flrmm, Omrpormtlonm mum IndMdumlm ffaomlvmd mm
tmm mfmmi UmmrmTTmrimm Omnmlmtmnt WUh Soundi Bamklitm.
Bsim oirr, orcoob. , , .
ft alia Walla. Waihlnittoii. (Flrit Nrionnl llanlc In th Htate.)
M (Transacts a Genera' 1J Banking Business.
V f1i. 'A 1'ir4L l2?ff ' wiwi-va iioo,w.v '
LEVI ANKENV. Protldont. " AI. UKYN0LDS. Vlco Proildcnt. A. It! SURFORD, Ca
1 r
- -J. ' -
CaIUl, 170,000.00. Surplus aid Tndividi Ttffkt, W.0OO.M.A 1 'l
-. RKSEUVE, AQENTSr-Fint National Bank. Chlrago. Jll.; Firat National
Bak, Portland, Oregon Chemical National Bank, Now York, N. Y.
President: 0. B. Wade, Cashier;
od, W. S. Byers, W. F. Matlock,
Organized March I, (880. Capital, $60,000. Surplus.SSS.OOO.
Interest allowed on time deposits. Exchange bought and sold on all priav
tlpl points. Special attention given to collections.
W. J. Furnish, President; J. N. Toal, Vice-President; T. J. Morris, Cashier,
Five Reasons for it '
5 Count 'Em. ). No chargo for tenting.
,, 2. Thqrough oxamiiirttlons with modern Fclontlfic instruments.
3. Courteous treatment, Wo don't hurry pationtfl.
l'. 4. Our Glasses imnrovo
5 Count '6m. 5. , Very 'Rcusonablo prices.
JAEQER BROS., Jewelers and 'Opticians.
Remember the Place.
Willamette Iron and Steel Works.
Founders, Machinists arid Boiler Makers,
Marin and Stationary Engines and Boilers, ' ;
aw Mill, Logging and Mining Machinery,
Roll Grinding and Corrugating Machinery,
Power Transmission Machinery.
W constantly developing Mttdsro.
SHIT Uft-tO-
OatS piSH.1 nUI u l
mr- ooirupondinoi souoitso, -em
lf.iu"J0nXp"i Anchor
Gtaat CMMbtaatloa oIMrafaatJMantr.
.Tea Tra Txit Bnoa." ,
,Jfr . ( Tna Old ranca. Ths Axcnoa nms,
ace uur siiibiiur wini
Yon woii44 mrprUed It you knv
kow Utile it would coit you to fix. up
that old lae. HelUr tend lor com
r'Aaefcor Ctanp au.l Upright!, and 5
tlr el our Bloehen, and inak yowr ol
.! fae look Ilk a nw one.,
ANCHOR FENCE look to nlc and
Is 10 itron that larmr iorottlaie
think that Ft "aut b hl,h pried. II
ka't, tboaf a.
4 sJ
.Vmrnt. urat,MNiNniipi. IVKsrxa Bun after c1Ib
vrtts for Mew a4 cataietM. The Portland Anchor Fence Co.
"ftwftn. 74J NicW St., PORTLAND, Ortfea.
I 1
i ( i
, " i .j .a
lyvl'Anken, President W. F.Matlock,
II.'C. Uaerensy, Assistant Cos hi or: J.'S,
H. F. Johnson. ' ' ' '
the looks.
Morrison St., bet. Fourth and Fifth
Maejer feraptcWpuftisse, wMe
m(n .wiiy VIIU nnwinMn
r it'A-i
Clamps and Upright.,
. .
A Comprthtntlvc JUvUw of -the Imporitni
Happtnlngi orthcPut Wtck, Pmentid
1 In a Condtnttd Form.' Which It Most
Likely to Prove or inttrut to Our Many
' The war department line ordered tho
Marietta, now nt Kingston Jalnalcn, 0
La Guayra, Venezuela.
itKins Edward has so far, recovered
tliat' ho has btion nblo o!go aboard his
)aclit It toifof i drulso. 'l xA l
Trauy'fl last exploit was near Enmn
clw, jWljorc )w luno a. boy shnvo,, him
whii'o threo nion looked' pn" '
6no'hunrffotl and eight' Boors iiavo
JuBt nrrlvod at Now York from JJeN
muda;ahrtvl3()y woeq , co;flnod as
prlsonors of war.
David Merrill, the
? 1 ,
Mnrconl has recoived'Wiroless slgnalfl
nt n dlHtnnuo .of 1,400 iniloH. Com
ploto motBiigOH woro recolvod at a dls
tanco of 850 mllos. '
Tho United States transport Rosen
crarja has ben sold for f5p,000, n little
nioro than a third of its cost to tho
Kovernmont in 1801).
Four, Chicago railroads .havo made
individual agreementB with thoi strik
ing JroighthnndlorH. This may cauEO n
geuornl. break in. tho strike. ,
Tho body of Lord PAtincefoto, Into
ambassador Great Britain nt Wash
ington, has boon laid to rest in tho
family tolnb, pear Nowarkr-on-frent,
'fwo bundled miners nt Leavenworth,
Kan., havo gone on strlko.
Tho Poary roliof ship Iiuh started on
her trip to the Arctic regions.
The president lias appointed Director
Morriaui as permanent director of tho
Tho emnoror of Coroa has accented
an invitation for that country to parti
cipate In tho St. Louis exposition.
Blanks for Jndlan.war veterans Jiavo
beori issued and applications wilj soon
bo going in to' tho ponsion department
at Washington.
Tho poseo in pursuit of-Tracy has ro
turned' to'tHeattlo'1 for a resv Tho forco
will bo' reorganized an(ra, J more detor
mined campaign inaug'uratel.
GoBeral Chaffee has been relieved of
command la .the Philippines and will
be assigned (o 'duty Ihp tho United
States. He wlll(bo'Bucce6del by Gen
eral Davis., fy ,
Masked men'tteld up a'Denvor & Rio
Grande passenget' train in Colorado.
It is not known how much they se
cured, but 'tho train, usually Sanies a
largo amount 01 money.
By the finding of Morrill's body, tho
story told by Tracy has proven to be
true. Tho body has been found a fow
miles from Chehalis, at the place Tracy
declared he fought with Ills partner.
A boy passing through tho canyon dls-
overed it lying in tho brush,
Fixing of coronation date bus upset
London.eociety's plans. '
.The flood situation a( Topcka, Kan.,
is becoming more serious.
A number of violent earthquake
shocks have been reported from Vene
zuela, f.
Tiie Vatican is anxious to establish
diplomatic relations with the United
(,: - ailJHBSBSk ".-'it!
ssssssssssssssssssstVMVaiyTVlPtff1 ' try V
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LssssssssHbssbW V V '73 t T - ?
' ' mXmmmWWt&USBLv
BBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSn' r-.-V' ,Tf rti wsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssu . vmW
o f, sssssssssssssssssssm:uisssssssssssssssssssskikW
hiiiiiB v '?; t V'UTisssssssssssssssssssssiiTTJ
sssssssssssssssssssW 4 , v J t SrfJRTOsW
. Ua.4 baaslBssssssssssW
Ljsssssssssssssssssssssst tt 1 AlJBSssssssssssssssssV. I
Relieved of Command In the Philippines
rDavli to Succeed Him.
- y
Washington, July 17. Gonorol
Chaffee lias heun relieved qf tho coin
mand in tlo PhlilpninoH and,ordored (0
tho command of tha4opartmunt of tho
1 EaBt by an prdoi; iesucd by Bocrotary
' Hoot- Tlio order is as follows
"fly direction of tho prcsidont, Major
Oonoral GoroB W. Davis will roliovo
MajonGonernl Cliaffoo of tho command
of tho divielon of tho Philippine1, bop
.tornoer aO, IU02. On, boin rpl.i6yed
General Clinffco will with his author
izod aid roj-air to Governor inland,
Npw.York, and nBSunio comnvnnd of
tho departmont of tho East." ' '
A, tow days ago Gonoral Clmffeo was
cabled that ho could liavo command of
either tho department of tho EnrfCor the
department of tho lakus if ho dcalrod
to como-hoine athis'time. , lio was
informed MidYtlieTctlrcmontof Gonoral
Ilrooko. affprdud nn opportunity of
ifTakJjgl eitlicrj'oxcliango "he"tleirqtl.
Tlio'ca'bleL'ram closed with acoimnon
dation by tho Bfcretnry of war on Gon
jral.ChonooJa.BcryiccB in China and tho
2, I'i I ' i i t. . il ' 1
insli' ,D
. 1 ', t 'JiJIJTOt
Murdered Outlaw.
rliilfpplnoft, Al reply wnd recolvod
from Gunoral Clinffco stating that lio
left tho matter entirely with tho do
partmont, but that ho would prefor
Now York i;i en so ho was relieved in
tho Philippines. Uo suggostcd that
September 30 would bo a good duto to
make any chnngo in tho command of
thu PhilippiucH,
Tho statue of tho c6mmandor of llio
dopartmunt of tho East, as qualified
by tho last ordor is as follows:
Gonoral Biooku is at present In com
mand, but ho is to retiro at the end of
tlio pieeent month. Gonoral Mac
Arthur is in command fof tho depart
mont of tho lakes at Chicago, hut ho
will be temporarily ordered to Now
York aftor Gonoral Brooke's retirement
to command the depart ment'of tho East
wliilo tho combined maneuvers nro go
ing on. lie will retain tho command
until roliovod by Gonoral Clinffco,
probably about November next, when it
is exjiected Gmioral MacArthur will
return to his present command in Chi
cago. 1
large Part of lh-Jennlnji Field In Loulil.
dcilroyed ty Fire.
Jennings, La., July 17. During a
hoavy electrical storm thut pineed over
the Jennings oil field today n bolt of
lightning struck the fluid rtoragolttanks
qf the JonnnH oil company, sotting
them a lire1. 'Tlio Hames spread to the
derricks of tlie company adjoiplng,
and in a short time tho derricks and
tanks wero destroyed. Burning-streams
of oil from the funks ran in tho direc
tion of Coulee. All workmen in tlio
Hold immediately stopped work and, n't
about throwing up levees so us to pio
vent as far as'po&iblu tho spreading of
tho fire. In fhort tjmo, howevpr,
another tank had broken loose, andho
wind had driven the flames into thu
tanks of tho Southern, Northern and
Crescent oil companies, hut they in
eomo manner egfaied destruction,
Portland and Are Sale.
Victoria, B. C, July 17.. Twa .pas
sengers from Nome, lauded hero by (ho
collier Melviljo Dollar on her way to
LadyBiiiith, report the'safo ur rival nt
Nomo of both tho Portland and the.
Jeanlo. Tho steamers, they viy, nr
rived al the fame time, tiie Portland
towing the Jeanio, which wa diHtbled,
part of the way. No hardship" wore
suffered by the passenger and crews, tho
two steamers being within hailing dis
tance of each other. The Portland
getting free first, ateisted the Jeanie to
get out.
Commercial and Fmawetel 'Haaaewlngi of lm
portince A Brief, Review of the Growth
and Improvemcnb of the Many Induitrlei
Throughout Our Thriving Commonwealth
' Lateit Market Report.
A street fair will bo hold at La
Grnndo this fall.
Clackamas county hop growers havo
sold 83,000 pounds of tho 11)01 crop at
20 cents per pound.
Marlon county farmers anticipate
much troublu lu getting hands tu work
in tho harvest fiolds this year.
Tho committees nro aotivo in tlio
preparations for tho stroot fair to bo
hold in JJnkor City in Soptombor.
Timbor lands in Klamath county nro
gdlng fast. In tho neighborhood of
200 filings hnvo boon irindo already this
Tho first free rural mail dollvory
r,oiito in Southorn Orogon will 'bo es
tablisicd out pi Ashland about tho first
of September. ,
A violent wind 'storm dld'sorious
damngo in Umntllla county Inst week.
Much fruit was knocked off tho treos
and soino 'grain blown down.
Two howitzors, Fhotlsand other rolics
of tho historic Fort Sumter, in Charles
ton bay, havo boon secured for tho
soldiers' nionumont In Poitlnnd.
Real estato valuations nro ilsing rap
idly around Ln Grande. A Mve-acro
fruH farm which wits purcliased threo
years ago for 1,100, lias boon sold for
The'Eastern Oregon Medical Asso-elation-hold
n meeting nt Hot Lake Inst
week 1 Tlioro wore 48 ol tho 05 mem
bers present.' The next sosslon will bu
held at La Grande in January, 11)03.
Tho Salem cannory hts closed dowiw
nnnr&tlnn. thvIm rnuiimml If tlio nonrs
and apples ' are or a good scannjng
quality." The pick-iliis" year hasooen
4(000' c alne0t',0s)0Ul4t year!
Warrants havo boon issued in pty
mont for' tho services of mombors of tho
Orogon City, Wpodburn nnd Salem
militia companies whilu hunting Mor
rill and Tiacy, tho total oxpuneo lor
this purj)O80 holng 700,
A largo box and basket factory is to
bo ostablishod at Eugonb.
Sal6m lion buyers nro closing con
tracts for tho 1002 crops at 20 cents per
Two Oregon postoftlros wero discon
tinued July 15 Irum, Curry county,
and Wuldron, tVhevior comity.
A blaro at Shoop Rock mlno, four
miles from Sanger, Enstorn Orogon, lo
stroyod tho stamp mill, hoist and other
Clf Izoiih of Crook county nro consid
ering numerous plans of ridding tho
county of rabbits, which are tlio worst
pest in Eastern Oregon.
Mountain climbers havo started on
their annual pllgrimngo to tho top of
Hood. One party has already made
tho ascent. Thuy report much snow
and ho stli on tho side of tlio peak.
Thn rmmtv bridce over Hubbard
crook, at Millwood, Douglas. county,
'collapsed wliliu a toam witn a ioau 01
lumber was crossing. The driver was
fatally injured and both horses killed,
Wheat Walla Walla,01tf05o
valley, OOu; bluestem, 60c.
Barley-117.50 for old, 10.50 for
now crop.
Flour Best grades, (3.0593.60 per
barrel; graham, $2.053.20,
Mlllatuffs Bran, 1616 per ton;
middlings, $21.50; shorts, $18;
chop, 1 10 1
Oats No.l white, 1.161.20;gray,
Hay Timothy, $12015; clover,
$7.60 10; Oregon wild hay, $50 per
ton. ,
Potatoes Best Burbanks, 7585o
percental; ordinary, 60c er cental,
growers prices; sweets, $2.26(32.60
per cental; new potatoes, lc.
Butter Creamery, 2021c; dairy
1018o; store, 1510c.
Eggs 2022Ko for Oregon.
Cheese -Full cream, twins, 12
(dl3c;YoungAmerica, 13QHKc; fac
tory prices, l Vt. less.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3,60
4.60; hens, $4.005,60 per dozen,
llUc per pound; springs, 11
11 tfc per pound, $2.504,60 per doz
en; ducks, $2.503.00 per dozen; tur
keys, jive, 13QJ-lc, dressed, 1610o per
pound; goese, $4.C06.00 per dozen.
Mutton Gross, 23c per pound;
dressed, 6c per pound.
Hogs Gross, 60; dressed, 77Kc
per pound.
Veal 78c per pound.
Beef Gross, cows, 33&c; steers.
3 tKc; dressed, 78o per pound.
Hops lfl17c; new croj1718c.
Wool Valley,1216jEaUrn Ore
gon, 8H4c; mohair, 2526o potuw).
Granti Pate Visited by a $50,000 Flre-OHg-Inaled
In Defective Flue.
Grants Pass, Oregon, July 16. A fire
which is bollovcd to havo hnd its origin
in a dofoctivo fluo in a iiotol yesterday
afternoon destroyed $50,000 worth ., of
property hero. A eouthwost wind
that wag blow ing a galo scattered ' tha
flying embors oor jll parts of tlio city
and ninilo it practically impossible for
tho flromon to keep tho flames urfder
control. Tho flro was a most rcmark
ablo ono in that it did not swoop every
thing as it wont, but skipped hero and
thoro, making tho situation all the nioro
difficult for tho firemen and tho - rill
ions, who fought horoicn)ly to quell tha
destructive Hames. Nearly all of the
residences and buildings burned wero
Insurod for one-halt or two-thirds of
Uiolr vnlno.
' Tho flro. originated in tho old City
hotel, on Front street. I'lnnies wea
discovered breaking through tho kitchen
roof about 1 o'clock in tho- afternoon,
and probably caused by a defective fine.
Fanned by tho, fierce wind, tho flames
hnd completely enveloped tho City hotel
and tho adjoining buildings before tho
flro department 'could roach tho scone,
notwithstanding tliofr prQtnpt response.
Tho Grunts Paso brewery was next iu
tho path of tho flames, mid In n fow
minutes was reduced to ashes. ' Tlio
blazo then leaped across tho street to
tho railroad yards of tho Southern
Pacific, whoru aro locatod tho round
houco, machine shops mid wood yaid.
Those woro booh a mass of Hames.
Across the streot woro tlirca residences,
and thoso were next to go. By this
titno tho whole city was in gicat alarm.
Tho wildest oxcltemont provnilod, for
tho solid business portion of the town
on Front street and till of tho residences
of tho city, comprising half of Grants
Pass, seemed doomed, as thoy weredl
roctly in tho path of the flames. Every
available foam, dray and truck' in thu
city weio brought into use in getting;
tho contents of stores and retddoncea to
places of safoty
The mayor telephoned to Ashland for
assistance and tho: fire depart et,iof
that , city . Mt loaded y onto jMeial,
.train awl, hwrrhitte faiKvmXffigiM-tf
conflagration, whora good rorvice Was
renderod, in saving tho rumainder of
tho town. ' , ,
It Wae, Expected, but Not to Soon Succeeded
by A. J. Balfour.
London, July 10. Tho fact pf the
resignation of the proniiorshlp of Great
Britain by Lord Salisbury lias Ihjoii offi
cially given out. Tho primo minister
laid down tho responsibilities of bin
olllco July 11.
Within 24 hours his majesty elevated
A. J. Balfour, tho gourumeiit'H chief
representative in tho house of commons,
to thn position of premier.
Whilo it was expected in political
mid commercial circles that Lord Sal
isbury's retirement would bo coincident
with tho coronation of King Edwcrd,
It nus scarcely looked for prior to that
event. Consequently about the only
surprise expressed as tho news spread
through Ioudon concerned the date,
rather than tho fact of tho resignation.
Tlio real Interost was not so much in
reference to Lord balisbury's with
drawal us it was iu thu uppointmuut of
his successor.
Tlio liveliest speculation is rifo as to
thu personnel of thu now cabinet. The
most discussed feature of tho ponding
chunucii is tho position of Mr. Chum
borluin, thu colonial secretary, who in
many quarters hns been regarded as tho
most promising candidate for tlio pre.
mlersiilp. As to Lord Salisbury's withdrawal,
tho main reason is considered by prac
tlcully all well informed persons Jo
havu been a desire for a quiet llfo on
the part of i man advanced in years,
whoso activities hato been unusual and
whoso scientific tustos predisposed hint
to study and seclusion,
Although Lord Salisbury's resigna
tion does not necessarily involve the
construction of thu cabinet, it is be
lieved there will bo some changes. It
is considered not unlikely that somo'of
the ministers will tie mmlo poors in
order to make room for now blood iu
tho cabinet.
Water Are Falling.
Tnpeka, Kan., July 10. The flood
situation is beginning ,to show soma
Improvement, Tho Kansas river has
fallen nearly four inches since 10
o'clock this morning, and tho prospects
aro that tho fall will bo steady now
until tho water has reached its usual
level. Railroad traffic on the Santa Fo
and Union Pacific Is entirely thut oft
between hero and Kotfeus City on ac
count of washouts near Lawrence. It is
thought that the damngo will bo re
paired tometlmo tomorrow,
1 ' '
Collide in Malacca. v
Singapore, June U, via San Francisco,
July 10, A coll l Ion took place the
night of June 0 in tho Straits of Malac
ca, between tho local steamer Teutoala,
and a Chinese junk, Both vessels sank
almost immediately, and ouly 08 jr-
sons were, saved out of 100 on board,