VTl I tl u n THE NEW AGE, PORTLAND, OREGON. e Wapy r t S Difficult Digestion That Is dyspepsia. ' , It makes life miserable. Its Buflercrs eat not because the umnt to, but simply because they mutt. They krfbw thcy,are. Irritable and fretful ? but they cannot be otherwise. They complain of, a bad tasto In the mouth, a tenderness at the pit of the stom ach, an uneasy feeling of puffy fulness, headache, heartburn and what not. The effectual remedy, proved by perma nent cures oi'uiousancis or severo cases, Is kUkcience regeflTvenfionl An Austrlnn material for preventing the Tlslng of dust oil sweeping proves to bo cottonseed oil. lu a teat at Vi enna, It was found that floors oiled twice .a year could bo Bwept weekly ww f ri ,gt j wuuout any wuimng or tue uust, nuu UOOCl S iiarSUparUia ,tho material was recommended for nil Jioon'a 1'ills tre the beit cathartic. Provti llli Htrolim. "Did you oay," asked tho author's friend, "that your hero, who is poor, is to marry tho rich heiress" "Yob, that is tho way ho proves his heroism.' Indianapolis Nows. Hamlin's Wizard Oil is a good medi cino; pain and suffering cannot abide whii it; yqur druggist will tell you so. Reasonable Inference. "Did the ovlilenco in that divorce suit indicato that Mrs. Flash was gid dy" "t guess so. Tho Judge and five of tho jurors wanted to marry her." Brooklyn Life. CRTS Prtnnntlr Curwj Ko II ti r nerToutoon X'f9 inT n"!.fe,.,.,'rof '"" KHB'i Orf t Nem JUitorar. tend lor FllBUt)-.j.MUUI hottlattul trait In. Da.lt.ll Kuki.LW..W1I ArchSt.PUUd.lphlt.P Point of View. Now England Btntosman Wasn't that a mortifying scone in tho senate chamber? Statesman from tho Breezy West Mortifying! . It was disgusting.. It was topped before wo could tell which ono was tho best man! Chicago Tribuno. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Tin Kind You Have Always Bought CZ&tfZtfk Bears tho Slgnaturo o The Standard BuiheL Tho Winchester bushel, which is tho standard for tho Unitod States, con tains 2,150.42 cubic inches. Who's Your Grocer? If ho doesn't handle Monopolo8pices he ought to. If you want to try thorn, send us his namo and address with two 2-cent statpps for postngo and we will end vou a 10 cent tin of Monopolo Cayenno or Ginger or White loppor or other variety. We know you'll say it is tho finest you ever used Send at once to Wadhama & Kerr Bros., Fort land, Oregon. Cut Off. "I went to the play last night." "How did you like it?" "I didn't hear it. I sat In front'of two women who wero talking about wedding." ' Mothers will find Mrs. Wlnslow's Booth, itr Syrup the best remedy to use for their illdren during tho teething period. to The Sure Way. "How dnro you sond a collector my house7" "To toll tho trtith, sir, wo wero a lit tle doubtful about you." "Then why not-hnvo mo looked up? You would then huvo known that I nover pay my bills." Lifo. . rooms receiving mnny persons, as well ns for laboratories, libraries aud otjior places to bo kept scrupulously dust , free. By regulating the -food of a milch cow.'M. Spolverlnl claims to have mailo Its milk a satisfactory substitute for human milk. Tho Urst experiments were mhde on n goat by feeding It with eggs or a little meat In addition to the regular food, and Inter on another goat was fed with sprouting grains of barley. In each case tho goat's mill: was changed to thechemlcul composi tion of humnn milk' ' In acknowledging an anonymous gift (Df $20,000 to the Harvard College Ob servatory, l'ror. u. o. Plckerlug an nounces that tho money will be used for the preservation and study of the astronomical photographs made under the auspices of the observatory. "These photographs," says Prof. Pickering, "furnish a history of tho cntlro stellar universe for the last twelve years which Is not duplicated elsewhere." A new building for the storngo of these precious documents Is needed, and money Is required to pay the expense of having them carefully Inspected for yet undiscovered objects of Interest. f Thus the anonymous gift comes very opportunely. . That It may have the cntlro Held to Itself aud escape the keen competition of hosts of tropical relatives for the nectar aud minute Insect's In tho deep tubed brilliant flowers that plcaso him best, that Jeweled atom, tho ruby 'throated bumming bird, sole represent ative of his family cast of the Missis sippi, travels 'front Central America or beyond to Labrador aud back ugnln every summer of Its Incessantly active llttlo life. Think what the Journey from Yucatan even to New England must menu for a crcaturo so tiny that Its outstretched wings measure bare ly two Inches across! It Is tho small est bird wo have. Wherein lodges the forco that propels It through tho sky at a speed and a height which takes It Instantly beyond the range of human vision? says Ncltjo Blanchan, In tho Ladles' Home Journal. One of the difficulties hitherto en countered by explorers among tho gl- gnntlc monuments of hnclcnt Egypt Is tho lack of sufficient light In the hurled chambers and long passages of pyra mids, tombs and temples. Recently this difficulty In the exploration of the great temple of Karnak ha been laigely overcomo by Prof. 'Maspero through the Introduction of electric lamps. The' pyramids also arc to be lighted with electricity, their myste rious chambers and passageways pene trating the Interior of tho vast struc tures will bo more easily traversed, aud Interesting discoveries may result. Unless wo learn to avoid wasto In tho uso of coal, says Prof. John Perry, tho world, In a hundred years or fo, will resemble a spendthrift who has run through his patrimony. What Is needed Is somo form of engine to con vert, as directly and cheaply as possi ble, tho energy of con) Into electric energy. Scleuco, be belloves, la capa ble of achieving tho desired result, but "That'll be .about all o' that," ha f)roki out, with a grin. "I know what you'd like to have me go to a Trap pint monastery or to the Old Man's Home until your mother happens to come around enough to enable you to keep your binoculars on me every tnlu ute of the day or night. Or you'd like to navo mo surrender myself for n vug. and tnko a turn over on the Eastern Branch until you'ro In shape to accom pany me. But the hotel In Atlantic's gpod enough for mc, thanks. There can't be nny too many girls, chessy cats or otherwise, In any seashore Ho tel, for mo, nnd If they wero lu tho ratio of 4.000.000 to 1 the better it 'ud tickle me. I'm sorry your mother Is Blck, and nil that, of course, but I'm not 112 years of age yet. and the schedule for my vacation as arranged Is going through, on' the dot, so. Tar ns I m concerned, nnd there nlu't going to be any solitary conUuemcut stunts In It. at that." Then the brute nccompnnlcd her over to Baltimore, and went biking off to Atlantic City nnd the cliessy cats, leav ing her sulky and suspicious. Wash ington Post. Don't Oat JFootsorat Oat Toot-Easa. It It certain cure for sweating-, callous and hot. tired. Arhlnv feM. UtkM nnw nr tlvht shoes easy. Try it today. Bold by all DruigUt. only through united effort, supported Irtce25c. Don't accept a substitute. Bam pie ,, ,.. a.i,i I .... A.... . sent fbbe. AddreM Allen B. Olmitod, IKo7 , "J lar capital. Ho suggests that If tho expenditure of 5.000,000 a year A WiaoVall. "You say hie money fell to him?" "No, he fell to it tumbled through coal hole and sued tho city." Chi cago Herald. CANCER Sufferer from this horrible) malady aearly alwaya inherit it sot necesurilv from the parents, but may b from some' remote ancestor, tor waacer often rum through 6c vera! generations. This deadly poison may lay dormant in the blood foe jean, or until you reach middle life, then the first little sore or ulcer makes its ap pearanceor a swollen gland in the breast, or some other part of the body, give the first warning. To-cure Cancer thoroughly and perma ently all the poisonous virus must be eliminated from the blood every vestagc of it driven out. Thi S. S. S. does, ami to the only medicine that cap reach deep- n case her mother Illness proved not C.KU, vuouuaiB yww uuuimcb iikwu, to DB serious. were entrusted for two or threo years to such men as Lord Kelvin or Lord Raylclgb, tho problem might be solv ed. WIFE8 PLEA N VAIN. V , Brutal Hueband Wasted No Bolltude on Ilia Vacation. Last Saturday, tho very day on which a certain young Treasury clerk wua to start away with his wife on the annual leave, tho wife received a tele gram from, one of her sisters, announc ing the sudden Illness of their mother lu Baltimore. It was, of course, de cided that tbo wife would have to go to her mother's bedside, and as the Treasury clerk had had his leave grant ed all In duo course, and as the other clerks bad their leave schedule all fix ed out, be couldn't see any way for It except to start off on the prearrang ed trip to Atlantic City by himself, With hla wife to follow along later on OLD PROVERB'8 REAL MEANING. Colda to He Cured by Fasting, Heating, Dieting) nnd Mglit. Long ago Sydenham said thnt disease was an effort of nature to restore health. But we(do not treat a cold as If It were of this. character; we regard It usually as a thing to be stopped rather than to be helped along gently In Its own direction. That Is a wrong policy altogether. There Is an old proverb, "Peed a cold nnd starve a fever." This has led many people to take a heavy meal when a cold Is on them, nnd such a heavy mcul .may have so stimulating an effect upon the system thnt the sys tem will be put Into working order for a short time, nnd then mny be able to go on by Itself. But the orlglnnl prov erb was not a command. The first part of It was a condition. If you feed a cold you will hnve to'stnrvo a fovcr later on. That was tho real sense, and tho real advice conveyed by It was "starve a cold." This gives us tho best or at least the most economical means of prevention nnd cure. When wo have n cold tho balance of nature has somehow been upset. Tho cold generally starts from the stomach. Give the stomach a rest fast for a day or two, or for several days-nnd probably the cold Itself will disappear. The next means Is light. It Is prob able thnt If the whole body were al lowed sufficient light, colds would be unknown. Dr. Porbes Wlnslow and Sir James Wyllo, Into physician to tho Emperor of' Russia, and many other physicians, nil emphasize the Import ance of light. Tho Irtst of these au thorities calculated tho effects of light In the St. Petersburg hospitals. lie found that, tho number of patients cured In rooms which wero properly lighted was three times greater than tho number cured In dark rooms. Even slow eating aud mastication of food might by Itselr bo sulllclent to prevent any cold; even deep, slow, full brcnthlug through the nose might bo sufficient; even cleansing, followed by Invigorating water treatments, with rubbings nnd exercise, might bo suffi cient; in fact, there are numerous ave nues to Immunity. We must never Im nglne, writes Eustaco Mills In the Morning Oregonlnn, that the draught or tho wet feet can ever be by them selves tho real and vital cause. CHINE8E BARBER'8 METHODS. Complications Which lleact the Celes tial Hairdresser. New York's Chinatown has now two bnrbcrs, and the monopoly once en Joyed by Lee Yu of Mott street Is at an cud, unless he forms n syndicate with tho nen comer who has n shop In Pell Bt His trade Is more complicated than that of his "forelgu-devll" col league, and demands a longer appren ticeship, lie shaves with a smaller razor, aud for a shaving brush uses what looks suspiciously like n cheap tooth-brush. Iu lathering, he applies a small daub of soapsuds which covers about one square Inch. When this Is shaved off lie daubs another little tract of skin, shaves, nnd so keeps ou until the tnsk Is over. Not only tho lower faco nnd neck, but also tho temples, forehead, the sparo around tho cars nnd the lower back of the head, are operated upon. The ears require especial attention. Por their treatment ho has -an ear razor, no larger than n surgeon's lancet. With this he shaves the fuzz on tho A Shofllcld boot-maker displays this notice lu his window: "Don't you wish you were In my shoes?" Tlt-Blts. "So you nro lu society?" "Yes." "In renl society?" "Yes." "Wny-up so ciety?" "Yes." "Does society know lt?"-Ch!cngo Post "Blngles Is n lucky man. His time goes right on whether he Is waking ot slcsplng, sick or well." "What Is Bln gles' business?" "Watchmaker." Blobbs-How did you like tho melo drama? Was anybody killed? Slobba No; tho audience yelled for tho au thor, but Jio wouldn't come out "Undo William, are you troubled nbout thn hnreiiftcrV" "N'n anli! It'a back of the tar, the down on the front ! do whnrfo' cr do herein what keeps nnd tho bristles lu tho car passage. . mo gucssln'l" Atlanta Constitution. TIOOM, WISH., 1DVEDTISIML D KNABEL, 1V Proprietor of THE GERMAN IIAKKRY AND COFFER 1'AItl.OKH. Freih Dread and Cakes daily. Ornamental Cnle a tprrlnlty. Only the beat and purr material used In our llakcry. Dread delivered free loany jmrt of tlie city. Telephone ParJt TBI, 1117 Pacific Avenue, Tacoins, Waihlngtoa. ROTHSCHILD & CO. Port Towniend, Washington. 8HIPPINO AND COMMISSION MEKCttANTfa, Cuitom llouie Drokcri and Stevedore. Eitabll.ucd ISoS. Branch offices Taooma r4 Seattle. ENTU0KY LIQUOR CO. Peter Sandbars, Proprietor. WINES, LIQUORS AND CWARS. Ale. Tele- Pole agent for Onirics' Stout and Unit' litena tiros, liottllnel. KstabllMicd 1681. plimio Main 6W. iuo l'aclllo Avenue; 11 Commerce St. Tacoma, Washington. Lady Tourist (doing the cnthedrnls or Scotland) This Is Gothic, Isn't It, John? Juvenile Vender of "Guides" (severely) No, mem. This Is Presby- After shaving, he polishes tho ear with a cottou pad, and then a hard-stone rubber. According to the tonsorlal canons of the far east, the model ear Is pink and polished, like, a carving tcrlan. 1 3L i . . ... ... I Sounds thrilling: Bobble-Paw, will Tho hairs which grow lu the nostrils y0l, buy mo l)0ok? ,,nthcrWunt Is are removed by tweezers This opera- the namo o tho book you want? Bob- tlon, painful to an Amcrlcnn, hns no , bio-"Nlcaragua Bill." -Ohio State terrors for John Chinaman. He be-' journal gins tweezering In youth, and at 25 Is, ' . '., . . , ,. accustomed to the practice. According ' J" cofl(,cn: o Customcr-Wnl or. t th. i.nM,r ii,n ..... -n. i. "l Quarter. Suggest a good din- or and looser,' so that ! eacL " Ulv conic. ' ? ' W",tCr "? WC,r)' l DUIUU VIUIT it'BUIUlllUl, BIT. TKY Frye Bruhn Sfc Co. 1310 Pacific Avenue, Tacoma, Waah. Wholesale and Retail Butchers Meats furnished (or Railroads and Steamboat Lines'. out with but llttlo trouble or Binnrt. After shaving comes the dressing of the cue. This Is not a simple straud of hair, as It appears, say's tho New York Post, but a rope lu which n llt tlo hair Is Ingeniously plnlted xvlth black silk cords. The average cue Is one-fourth hair and three-fourths silk. llio barber uuplnlts It, layB nsldo tho silk, shampoos, dries and oils the hair; rulrn It with a silk cloth, combs It out, and then braids It with the silk. Af ter the braiding is over he scents tho tho masterpiece with a very small amount of some perfume. When the customer Is In n hurry this ends tho operation. In other cases ho pnsses through a scries of massage aud Swedish movements. His head Is ro tated, his back aud shoulders pounded aud rubbed, his arms aud bunds moved vigorously at every Joint, tho lingers opened nnd shut nnd each knuckle pull ed until It cracks. Tho barber must examine the eyebrows, eyelashes and fingernails and attend to every blem ish. Por this purpose ho has tluy scis sors, camel's-halr pencils and Instru ments very much like thoso of tho manicurist. For skin disorders ho hns many prep arations, washes, ointments, powders and plasters. Young Chinamen, espe cially the well-to-do, are eager to hnvo nice complexions, and rely upon tho barber for the euro of all cutaneous dls dors. Ills compensation Is very good, from either a western or eastern point of vlev?. Por a shave he charges 115 cents, nnd for n full performance, wth an mo oriental extras thrown In, a hair dollar. , i In ouo respect ho may bo lmltatedjby our own tradesmen. He uses a towel made of soft silk, which Is a hundred fold more grateful to tho skin than tho cotton or linen tissues of our own civilization. When all the poison baa been forced out t the system the Cancer beaU, and the disease sever returns. Cancer begins often in a small way, as the following letter from Mrs. Sbirer shows . A mall pimple came on ray Jaw about an inch kclowlbecarontheleftaUaolsayface. Jtfayi finer, aud I should bat forgotten about it bad it atottxgiui to lnSameaM Itch ; Tl fuld bleed a little, tbea scab over, but , t juld not heat TtUa ontlaucd for sometime, when my Jaw began to well, becoming very palaful. Tue Cancer be. an to cat and aprcad, latil it was a Urge a a faalfdollar.whenlaearA f S. a. p. a uJ determla. a to live it a fair trial, and H was lemarkablc what a wa-Mcrful effect k had from the try Uglaatog ; theaare btf am U Steal and after taking a few bottles disappeared vhuivij. u wii iitb year ago j mcicarcsii! BO mat of the Cincrr. and mv nnrnt tieatll eoaliauca good. Mas. IU Sawi. La Plata, Mo u uta ereateK ot bl I blood purifiers, and the only on gaaraatecc. JajaES ; OBtiauc good. Mm SSS purely vegetable. Sem for our tree book oi CtBcar, contalaleg valuable aad interest lay information about tint disease, ant write our phytkiaes about Tear cat, Wt make bo charge for medical advice. tmxx Sr3 et atlauta, u. The wife, however, couldn't precisely ee this. "Why don't you Join that camping party that's going down the Potomac to-night for a week or bo, until mam ma gets better, and then we'll go to the seaside together?" she suggested. "They're all nice boys, you know." "Don t care for these stag outfits any more," he replied. "Well," she said, "why can't yon go to some quiet little place over In Mary land on the Chesapeake and stay there until I Join you, to go to Atlantic City?" He didn't make any reply to this, but looked gloomily out of the window, "Ob," she went on, "why couldn't yon go and visit 'your brother at his West Virginia farm until I am able to go to the beach with you?" This Idea didn't appear to make much of a bit with blm, either, and ro bo kept etui "What fun would It be," she contin ued, "for you to go to. that Atlantic City hotel, where' there are about forty ,Mr)s to one man. and all of the horrid things grinning at the mea (Ike chessj cats, while 'S How Ho Lost Pension. "I'vo Just applied' for a government pension," he said, "but I don't think I'll get it." "Why not?" "Well, you see I caught a bad cold In the Civil War." "Of course." "An' It's been a-worklu' on-me ever sence." "Naturally." "An' t'other day It broke out In a galloplu' consumption." "Why, you don't look like a " "I know It; an' that's Jest where the trouble comes In. Tho very minute the consumption hit me, an' I put In my application to tho government, the old lady fell to prayln' fcr me, an' 'bout a quarter to 10 o'clock last night or mebbe it wua 20 minutes to 10 her prayer wuz answered, an' I com menced to feel better, until now I'm Accidental Convene. There are tuoro people than there ought to bo lu this country who wor ship patent medicines, but a mission ary in Burma gives an accouut In Stray Stories of how she was the Inno cent cause of the worship of empty medicine bottles having been Insti tuted. In ono of her tours she came upon a village where cholera was raging. Hnv Ing with her a quantity of palu-klller, and thinking that she might at least allay the Buffering somewhut, she went from houso to house administering the remedy, and left a number of bottles to be used after she had gono. When she returned to the vlllnge tome months later she was met by the head man of the community, who cheered and delighted her by this In telligence: "Teacher, we have como over to your slJ; the medlclue did us 'feared I'm plum well. Takln' me nt i0 n,uch. .good tmU we uave ccepted my looKa no government in the world , rfXT . . . . . 'I itvni1nt Is a-goln' to pension me, I don't want to muzzle the old lady, but It looks like I'll have to. Atlanta Constitution. Overjoyed at this news, she was con- ducted to the house of tho head man, who opened the door of a room and showed her the painkiller bottles sol- Lesson in Politeness. eranly arranged In a row upon the The oldest boy Is a treasure, but In helf; and before them tho whole corn- trying to be polite be sometimes slips P8-"? Immediately prostrated them- up. The father of this lad bad reared selves In worship. him to be always courteous to bis el ders. On going to a distant school bis father bad told him to telegraph home "Yes" If he found everything satisfac tory and arrived safely. He did so, but the busy father had forgotten the arrangement, so, being puzzled, he telegraphed back; "Yes, what?" The answer, came: "Yes, sir." A Sufferer's Plea. Lady You are sure you have put the piano In good condition? Tuner Quite so, madam. I guest your daughter will find It as good at new when she resumes her practice. Lady I hope so. Did you do anything to It, by the way, besides tuning? Tuner Yes; I deadened the hammers. Rear Boom Hoarder (sotto voce) I wish, while you were about It, you had done the same to the hammerer. Bleb mond Dispatch. What has become of the old-fashioned man who. when asked where he got his new clothes, replied: "Sold eggs and buyed 'fin 7" Ax the Uame. "nurrab for Spider!" shouted the tall young man In the grand stand. "Spider?" echoed the pretty girl 'by his side. "Why In tho world do you call him such a name?" "Because he catches so many files. Do you understand?" She did not. understand, but she quickly retorted: "Well, If he catches files why don't you call him 'Ply Paper?" ' ' " ' ' i 1 1 i i Hello of Uonaparto. The historic dessert service which was to have figured at a banquet In Brussels by which Napoleon had Doped to celebrate a victory over the allied forces was recently sold In Brussels for the sum of $1,000. The strange part of It all Is that so valuable a ser vice should have been held In Brussels to loug at so low a price. We all do a great deal of grumbling, and there la usually something back of It Smart Set Traveling Acquaintance I wonder that tho regular passengers don't agi tate for better service. Commuter Wo do, nt times, but It merely gets ut agitated. Puck. Poor Mike: Doctor -How nbout that mustard'plastcr I prescribed for your husband? Mrs. Grogau Bhuro, doc thor, I couldn't mnke Mlko ato mort nor th' half av It. Judge. It's queer that people who are al ways railing at the world are never theless willing to pay the doctors a fortune to keep them from leaving It In a hurry. Atlanta Constitution, Tho commuter at homo: Suburban This Is shameful! I'll hot stand that cook's lusolrjnco a moment longer. At soon as I get to Now York I'll ring her up on the telephone aud discharge her. Judge. Looking blue for milkman:' "I more than suspect our mllkmnn." "Of what do you suspect him?" "Of trying to work tho Filipino water-cure ou us. Look at 'the color of that tullkt" Cleveland Plain 'Dealer. "Say, our bookkeeper Is foolish." "What do you mean?" "Why, ho Bays when he gots old he wants money enough to go out aud live whero he can see tho moon go down behind a hedge." Chicago Itecdrd. Analysis: She After all, what Is the dlffercucj between Illusion nnd delu sion? He Illusion Is the lovely fan cies wo hnvo about ourselves; delusion Is tho foolish fancies other people have about themselves. Life. A comedown for her: "Did 1 under stand you to say that she lowered her telf when 'she married him?" "Yes. 8ho slid down from n third-story win dow, using a ropo mfido of bedclothes." Chicago Record-Herald. Discretion: "So you mndo a great bit In your presentation of 'Hamlet,' Mr. Barnstormer? I suppose the audi ences called you to como out before the curtain." "Called mo? They dared mel" Baltimore News. "it would be helpful to you," said tho prison visitor "If you could takt somo motto and try. to llvo up to It." "Thut's right." replied tho convict; "I'd llko to select, for Instance, 'Wo are hero today and gone to-morrow.' " -Tlt-Blts. The proper thing: Tho President- Then you don't caro to.have your tinino mentioned lu connection with your out hundred million dollnr gift to our uni versity?" The Philanthropist Well, you might say that you give mynume without my consent. Ex. Cheerful: Tess So, Mr. Groosum really proposed to you? Tess Yes, While we were strolling In the ceme tery we came to their family lot, and be asked me bow I'd like to be burled there some day, with his name on the stone above me. Philadelphia Press. "Do you think It would Improve my style?" Inquired the 'varsity man who had got Into. the crew through favorite Ism, "If I were to acquire a, fustor stroke?" "It would Improve the crew," replied tfio cnnuiii trainer, "If you got a paralytic stroke." Tlt-Blts. No conversation: Barber You're next, sir. Hulr cut? Pepprey Yet, aud here, put this In your pocket for yourself. Barber Thank you, sir. I don't often get my tip before I begin, and I appreciate Pepprey 1 don't want you to consider that u tip. but "hush money." Philadelphia Press. Mummy Bless tnah heart I If de chile ain't cutttu' his eye-tooth I Little 'Itustus (In alarm) What's an eye tooth, ronmmy? Mummy Why, 'do eye-tooth, chile, watches ehry word dat yo tongue uttehs, an' ebry time you say a bud word It'll pulu dut good eye tooth bo much dat It'll ache fo' two uouahs! Puck. "Lady," begun the dusty wayfarer, "could you help u poor sufferer of Mont Pelce?" 'Mont Pelee?" echoed the housewife; "why, you un no real dent of Martinique.' "I know dat mum, but 1 am a sufferer, Just d lame. Half de things kind ladles li.ttl saved fer me dey sent down dere." i'hlladclpbla Itccord. TRLRPIIONR tit. TACOMA CARRIAGE and BAGGAGE TRANSFER COMPANY. Office 102 Tenth Bt., Southeast corner of A. TACOMA, WASH. Hicks, Ciupes, Carries, BtsOtfi WiftM . At All Hours. PaueriReri and nrsKe tramferred lease reildvncci and tiotela to aud from all boat! atUI tritlni. Hand vour rhvcki for Vjkkk to out mcipeiiKvn, who will meet )ouoii all luconw Inptraliiiand boata. Klist c4i l.herr. Onea iTiilglit. All rlgi marked "T.O. All. t.C. Grand Central HoteL W. W. 1IAKMON, Leuee and Ugr. Headquarters for Lumbermea Miners and Tourists. Flnt clan bar In connection. 1211-1218 raclno Avenue. TACOMA, Water Tacoma Trunk Factory. Trunks, Traveling Bags, Suit Cattt a4 Telescopes. REPAIRING DONE. 730 Pacific Art. Ticeni, Will HUNT & MOTTET CO. Sealers In General Hardware Mill AND LOGGERS' SUPPLIES. t 1501-1603-1505 Pacific Avenu TACOMA, WASH. ...OLYMPIC... Steam Laundry 407 South J Street MICHAEL J. BJOHN 4 LOUIS J. BJOII VltUI'lllKTOIta TACOMA, WA8H. W. C. HOLMAN. Dealer In Agricultural Implements Wagons, Buggies, Etc, 210, 213, 214 Front Street, Cor. Bslmoa, PORTLAND, OREGON. WHEN VOU 11UY Furniture, Carpets and Stoves tOU IIOUSHKEKl'I.VQ Cut Tlili Out and (Jet a Ikductlou a Henry Jennings. USe-174 Flrtt Ntrcat. Pendleton Roller Mills W. S. I1VKH8, I'roprletor. Daily Capacity 800 Barrcli. Manufacturer! of Bine Ribbon nd Dyers' Ileal Hrmi and Hliorts. Rolled Hurley always on Hand. Pendleton, Oregon Floor, r fr