'.'"V MJ j V.( THE NEW AGE, PORTLAND, OKEGON. IDAHO ADVERTISINB. iDOLl'U SCUKEItlER. Funeral Director. tlM20 Front Street, Oppoilto R. n. Dapot Auk. Dell phone 212K. Ind. phone 1S. BOISE, IDAHO. fi TATX BANK OF IDAHO. Welier, Idaho. CAPITAL, $60,000. Mward Bhalnwald. Cha. J. Belwyn, Prcildent. , Cnhler. Alio ha a branch at Cambridge. Idaho. The People' Bank. Bollcit your bualueai. Hotel Weiser, Welscr, Idaho. IART0N & BRIZEHDIHE, Proprietors. Frco Snmplo Rooms. Rates reason bio. Miners', Stockmen's anil Com wrclnl Men's Headquarters. Largest nml beet appointed lmtcl In Wt-Htorn ldiilio. H(X)iii8 with bath, ttenm heat iuid electric call bollB. liar Bcr shop in connection. The Idan-ha JDAKIIA HOTEL CO., Ltd., Proprietors E. V. SCHUBFIIT, Manngor. HOISK, IDAHO. OPENED JANUARY, 1901 AMERICAN PLAN. MATES $2.60 AND UPWARDS. Headquarters for Tourist, Mining Men. and Commorclal Travelers. Prescott, Brandt & Co., Offlce with J. IMIItAYFItlL, Immigration Agt. 0. 8. L. R. R. REAL ESTATE AGENTS The great home land mild climate, pure Mountain air, nun wntir. The death rate li ftwer In Idaho than In any other etato In the anion. No cyclone, torm or hliiiarrt. Urat prflinliim on fruit at the World a Fair, Chicago, 1693; l'arli Kxpoaltlon, 1U. Flnt yremlum on Lamb at Chicago Htock Show, 100. (J old, ilUnr, copper, coal, flno timber, row wheat, oat, barley, corn, all kind ol tultlrated graMca, and vegetable to pcrfea Won. We will bo plcarcd to Miow you flue Irri tated land at N'auipa, Ilolae, Caldwell, Payetlo nd other polnta. Wa Imvo bnrgalna In lamia Jrom 110.00 per aero up. t'orrcapoudeuco ao tlcllvd. Addroaa PRESCOTT, nRANDT & CO. loom 0, IlloVoy llulldlng, NAMPA, IDAHO T UK COMMERCIAL HOTKL. A. Illnkoy, I'roprletor. Flrat claaa In all rrapecta. Hpcrlal attention llveil lo commercial men. Long illatauco tela thou In cuiiuuclluii. NAMPA, IDAHO. FOR CHEAP HOA1ES And How to Reach Them, Call On or Address J. H. QRAYB1LL, Traveling Immigration Agent Oregon Short Line By. NAMPA, IDAHO. The Bank of Nampa. KIIKI) (1. MOCK, Cathler. WX SOLICIT YOUR RU81NKH8. NAMPA, IDAHO s TAU LIVKRV, FKKD AN II IIIIAIMI7M 01 A" I. r. Flrat claaa rig lurnlahrd to all polnta. Hpe lal ratra to P.imnull, War, IVarl and Snake River. Special attention ghen to commercial aien. W, J. DUVAI.L, I'roprletor, Nampa, Idaho. a: I- OUIH HUNZIKKR. i I'ltACTICAI. WATCIIMAKKR, JKWKI.KH AND OPTICIAN. . Diamond, Watches, Jewelry, silverware, Op tical Uooda, Cut Ulaaj. Kt Main street. PKNDLrirON, Oregon miiis owu A OKNTI.KMAN'S lU'BQKT. Fttioit N lnc. I.l'iuura and Cigar. (llveOaa Call. Opp. Dvpot, I.cll Hand Walk. BM1T1I X IIOCKWKI.U Crop. La (Iraude, Oregon Rates 2.60 Per Day nnd Up. THE GEISER GRAND (AMK1UCA.N) A. GEIsr.lt, Proprietor. Commercial, Family and Tourist Hotel. 11AKEU CITY, OREGON RELICS OF 'Sojeoft arfto -rxwv m tic 'a!?vl TMft&rafu& -IWil B I rE nmirhiitrii Mmw II ml KtKjmm W n III lllllI m .... .. 1 1 trr trUhAB af 7hrtbjtt&htl) ZWWeSh tovmapttotu ' Jbr the title t?crs of lyor . Sr fcflWfWlir- An exhibition lately held In London, of more than ordinary Interest to the antiquary, wns composed of all kinds of curious relics of royalty, Including paintings of monarchs of Urcat llrltulu nnd Ireland, nnd their descendants. Many of tho objects shown, though devoid of beauty or artistic value, jet possessed a melancholy, romantic or tragic Interest from tho associations connected with them. No ono who had followed tho fortunes of Roundhead and Royalist through tho pages of his torical romance, or wept over tho death of tho uufortuiinto King, saw without a thrill tho piece of tho ribbon of tho (Jarter worn by Charles I. on thu scaf fold, or tho bit of tho pall that covered his cotlln. In n enso (lent by tho Earl of Ash burnhatn) were some of tho undergar ments worn on tho samo melancholy day. Tho King's garments were divid ed amongst his attendants, and theso fell to tho sharo of John Ashbumham, tho ancestor of tho present earl, who also left a lock of tho King's lmlr. In front of a magnificent portrait of Queen Ellzaboth, lent by tho Duko of Devonshire, was a en so full of pathetic Interest. At ono end wero tho tiny garments fashioned nnd beautifully worked by tho samo great Queen, when Princess Elizabeth, for tho child which never enmo to gladden her sad-faced sister; and nt the other end n little tippet of ImltuUou minever, with sad brown stains upon It, left there when It was taken off tho neck of poor head less Anno lloleyn. Hero wero shown her high heeled shoes, too, together with a rough tnggy beaver hat, .reddish In color, with a green ostrich feather stuck In It, belonging to Henry VI 11. Attached to theso was a note of con siderable Interest, showing how a largo COW GIRLS OF OREGON. They Itopo Htccru, llruml Cnlvea nml Coimuer tlio Wildcat Horace. Eight girls do almost all tho work of n big cattle ranch In Oregon. No cow boys aro more skillful at roping a steer or branding a calf than aro theso en terprising daughters of William Walk er, whoso homo Is In tho plcturesquo nud rugged section nt tho headwaters of John Day River. Theso Walker girls nro noted ns daro-dovll riders, who can conquer tho wildest horses. Tho homo wns ono of tho first sights C) -&j )& " . 'v r -m n--- ONK or 1HK COW aiULS. , that caused their baby eyes to kindle with excitement, and they havo been practically raised In the saddle. Their costumes aro plcturesquo and practical, mostly of duck nud buck skin, with phitn calico skirts. Their canvas coats nro more often tied to tho back of tho Buddie than worn. They rldo ustrlde, as eycry ono has to do In that rough region. Tho country Is not itdapted to nldesnddles or wheeled ve hicles. Tho Walker horses ami cattle havo a very oxtenslvo range, but very llttlo of It Is level, nud when tho girls go to 'cut out" a horse or cow some lively racing has to bo done. Tho riders aro apt to bo going straight up tho moun tain ono minute and straight down the mountain tho next or to bo hovering over a precipice. Rut however It may chance, tho girls aro always equal to tho occasion and keep a firm seat. Tho herding and handling of wild stock Is very, hard on their saddle horses, so that they aro constantly breaking In new ones to rid, liefore $&' fiMrs mr kP4 V..eaW' Bal . 3 rvw 'JK: . j bJan .. .ajjjr . a&rikTiri A ROYALTY. kftfy quttijElHabettjAftdf catp rlv-rfk i I r l asjasetetete. CoybtfOfrkiJL-rfiffltfbo,, Snuff -bo 'quetiflnqe estate In Herefordshire passed Into the hnnds of Nicholas Urlstowo. Amongst tho manuscripts was tho confirmation of all gifts and charters of tho founder (Henry VI.) granted by himself to Eton College, with tho Oreat Heal attached. All tho Royal Seals of England, a very Interesting collec tion, were lent by tho Society of Anti quaries, and there was a flno collec tion, too, of English gold and stiver coins. Conspicuous among tho paint ings was a very beautiful diptych of Richard II. adoring tho Virgin and Child, lent by tho Earl of Pembroke. Tho young, almost cffetnlnatc-looklng King, Is kneeling before a vision of the Madonna, who appears surrounded by angels robed llko horsclf In exquisite luminous blue, and nil wearing the Order of the White Hart, which ap pears also on tho King's left shoulder. No one seems nblo'to say with any an. thorlty by whom It was painted. Much Interest was concentrated on tho Coro nation relics, shown In a largo caso In ono of tho galleries. Several arc lent by tho Earl of Ancastcr. Tho helmet shaped owcr of silver gilt used at the coronation of Queen Anno was n per quisite of tho first Duko of Ancastcr as Lord Great Chamberlain, and the owcr nnd salver used by Gcorgo III. becamo tho property of tho third Duke In llko fashion, as well as tho corona tion robes of Georgo IV. Tho pens used by Queen Victoria at her corona tion nnd her marriage, wero lent by his majesty, nnd ono of tho arm slings made by her lato mnjesty for tho wounded In tho Crimea, but relics of Queen Victoria wero not so plentiful as might havo been expected, Tho Or chnrdsou portrait group of tho four generations of tho royal family, nud one of tho best portraits of tho King that pnlnted by Mr. A. Stuart Wort ley, nnd lent by tho Junior Cnrlton Club, werq much admired. their colts nro a year old tho "Walker girls lasso and brand them on tho range, nnd then allow them to run wild until they, aro 3 years old, when tho girls get them up nud snddlo and con quer them. It Is wild work, but tho plucky young women do It to perfec tion, nnd havo nover oven been hurt nt It. It Is no slmplo mntter to brenk and train ono of theso horses. Thoy nro as wild as any animals to bo found In tho West. They kick and strlko nnd "buck" and lunge, and throw themselves over backward with Intent to crush tholr riders. Yet for dnring nnd skill In horse breaking tho Wnlker girls havo fow superiors. Furthermore, they nro seasoned mountaineers, and dead shots with tho rifles thoy always carry across tho pommels of their heavy stock sad dles. They are thoroughly at home In tho mountains, and If night overtakes them far out on the range, thoy can curl up In their snddlo blankets nnd get n good night's sleep on mother earth. Amorionu Lcntliur the Host. American kid leathers nro growing In favor abroad, especially In Australia. Recently ono of tho largest morocco manufacturers In Lynn, Mass., made a shipment to that country of 11,500 dozen skins, which shipment Is said to bo the lnrgest over mado from there for for eign pnrts. It Is not so very long ago when tho best kid shoes wero made from skins Imparted from France. Now France Is buying largo quantities of kid from this country. I.oiik Hlttltiir of t'dilUmcnt. Tho longest recorded sitting of the Rrittsh House of Commons was in 1SS1, On Monday, Jan. ai, 1881, the house, having met nt SH continued. Bitting until Wednesday at 0:30 a continuous sitting of upward of forty-one and a half hours. Tho next longest sitting oc curred In 1877. On Tuesday, July 31, 1S77, tho house, having met at 3:45, continued sitting until Wednesday af ternoon at 0:1R, a period of twenty-six and a half hours. IuimtKrntlOR to Cubn. The Havana Post estimates that 00,. 000 Immigrants, mostly Americans and Spanish farm workers, bayo lauded .In Cuba In the last thneo yean. The num. ber alio includes about 1,000 Chutes. Kp THE GROWTH OF VENICE. The Ancient City Taking on the Spirit of Modern Times. It Is tho prevailing Impression that Venice got ta growth centuries ago; reached the zenith of its power, wealth nnd prosperity in tho fifteenth century, nnd since that time hns been In n state of gradual decline, writes William E. Curtis In the Chicago Record-Herald. I havo heard people who ought to know hotter assert that the latest new build ing was erected 200 years ago, and that slnco then there hns been no work In Vcnlco for carpenters, masons and members of tho other building trades except to repair dilapidations nnd re store tho crumbled walls. That Is a great mistake. Venice Is growing, llko other European cities, In population, wealth, Industry nnd commerce, nnd three of the most beautiful palaces on tho Grand Canal havo been erected ,wlthln tho last two years. Ono of them remains unfinished. Thcro hns been n largo nmouut of other building nlso, much o the regret of tho ncsthetlc cult, who fear the re vival of commerce nnd Industry will injure nnd perhaps destroy the artistic beauty of the cl.ty. Sliullur complaints have been made in Florence. Apostles of the picturesque will tell you thnt modern enterprise hns ruined Home of tho most ndmlrnblo spots In the old cnpltal of tho Medlcls; thnt palaces of wondrous beauty have been torn down to give place to ugly edifices In the de signs of which utility nlouo hns been considered, nnd thnt tho quaint old narrow Btrcets havo had their nttrnc tlous destroyed by tho municipal coun cil, which Insisted upon tcnrlng down facades that woro erected COO years ago In order to make room for omni buses to pnss. Doubtless thcro Is " moro or less ground for theso criticisms, nnd per haps tho fears concerning Vcnlco nro well founded. Tho sinoko from the tall chimneys of tho new factories will no doubt pollute tho ntmosphcro and Injure the beautiful tints which ngo has given to the marble carvings; and, of course, alterations will be necessHry to make any of tho old palaces con venient for business purposes. Many peoplo believe thnt Vcnlco should bo preserved untouched as n great Inter national museum nnd school of archi tecture nnd art; that commerce should bo suppressed, nud thnt no ono should bo allowed to live there except peoplo of leisure and -cflncd tastes. Grain ele vators, flour mills, Iron foundries nnd other practical enterprises which nro being introduced into Vcnlco nro cer tainly obstacles to artistic growth, but tho people of tho city aro actuated by inorcennry motives llko the rest of mankind, nnd nro not content with tho Income thoy dcrlvo from tourists. ROBBED WHILE HE 8LEPT. Kzperlence of un American Army Of ficer In Porta U Ico. Porto Rico is notorious for the singu lar ability of tho thieves who Infest certain localities on thnt beautiful Isl and. They nro so skillful and daring that woo betides tho adventurous per sons who go thcro to live nud who -neglect to take proper precautious looking toward tho preservation of goods nnd chattels. They and the owners will bo quickly separated unless tho utmost euro is taken. Just after tho Spanish war nn artillery otllcer wns sent to Porto Rico. When ho nrrlved there, for a fow days ho put up at u hotel, nnd then, having secured a small.house, ho moved Into It. ITor two or threo days all went Well, until ono afternoon a friend nnd old settler on tho Island gave him warning, "I notice," snld he, "that you sleep with your windows open. Somo lino night tho thieves alKUtt hero will find thnt out, and what they will do to you will make you feel very poor." "Not so," returned tho other. "I sleep light, nnd no ono could get in without waking mo. If they over como hero I'll mnko them very sorry they ovor paid mo a visit." So spoke nnd thought tho otllcer In his prido nnd Ignorance. "Ob, wbnt a difference In tho morning!" Ho had gono to sleep In a neatly furnished bed room. Ills clothes ho had folded on a chair near his bed. His shoes lay near tho door. Tho walls were covered with pictures and tho table with knick knacks. When ho nwoko he looked about him In surprise, Ho wns in a totally baro npnrtment. No pictures wero on tho walls; nothing on tjio ta ble; ludeed, there wasn't any tnblo. His shoes were not besldo tho door, nor his clothes upon tho ehnlr. There wasn't any chair. All thero was In that room wns a bed which was occu pied by un exceedingly surprised aud its the truth dawned upon him exceed ingly angry nrtllllery otllcer. Those Porto Rlcan bandits had taken every thing that wns movable, And taken them without disturbing his sleep. &idly ho rolled himself In his Bhcet, and later ho sent to tho friend who had warned ldtn tho day before tho follow ing note: Dear Jack: Apropos of our talk and your warning of yesterday, I find that I knew too much. They cleaned mo out last night Tho laugh Is on me, nnd I might remark, par parenthesis, that that Is nbout all they lert bn me. For heaven's sake, send mo some clothes. BILL. Employes Mail Speak Spanish. Tho Moxlcan government has order ed that all railway employes coming Into contact with the public must be able to speak tho Spanish language well enough to deal directly with the passengers. Pullman car employes will bo principally affected. After a girl reaches 20 she acts to ward her mother as If she had been charged with the job of bringing her up, ' 10KTIU UlEalltEKEIITS. CLOTHES THAT WEAR nnd are fit to wear, bear our label, Barkers' Ooats, Waltmrm' Jaokmtm ami Aprons Cans & Klein, HELENA AND BUTTE, MONTANA. HERRMANN A CO. Furniture and Carpets, 201-203 Bromdwmy. Undertakers and Embatmers, 129 Bromdwny, Tolrphoiin 0. IIKLKNA, MONT. Kesmler Brewery... BREWERS AND BOTTLERS Of Hlgh-Grado Been, Helena, - - Montmnm CAM. AT tJK Keller Studio ron you Fine Photographs Wo have all tho latent tyle In Mount. iiring your Kouaa wore ami get price. kfPI I PD 137U N. HmIii Htrnot, iCL,L.Ct, Qpp. V. O. Helena, Mnnt. Blazier's... No. 248 Burnside Street, Bet. Second and Third, PORTLAND, OREGON Tho Rest of Wines, Liquors and Cigars HOTEL OSBORN CLEAN, AIRY OUTSIDE ROOMS REASONABLE RATES Transient Solicited -BOTH PHONES. Traveler ahould take "S" Street Car at Union Denot and iranafer at Yamhill Street to Eaat AnVney Car, A. W. HEWETTT, Prop. Multnomah Market THEO. A. GODEL. Dealer In Fin Meats ind Sausigis, also Fish, Poultry, Oysters and Game. 512 Washington Street. Oregon I'hone Main 633. Columbia Phono 633 BRANCH MA nKET-295 North, 16th St. Colum bla Phone 160. Oregon Phone Clay 578. Smoke the SCHILLER and STATE SEAL Qgars. Schiller Cigar Factory Manufacturer. Wholeiale and Retail Dealer In HAVANA IND DOMESTIC CIGARS Telephone No, 1831 Black. 281 Washington Street, N. W. cor. Fourth, Pi ORTLAND, OR Ask Your Dealer For WyrjtiE,lMHSS5g53s tmk 9 y MARK. WALLA KALU, WAIN., ADYENTiSINI. TJRYAN BROB. New Lively, Feed and Sale Steele. Rubber Tired Hacks a apeclatty. Carriage call attended to tilght or dayi Southwest cor. Second and Alder Street. Telephone 67. WALLA-WALLA, WASH. T W. COOKKRLY. Undertaker and General Funeral Furnisher. ErnbalmlnR a Specialty. Bnbcock'a Brick Block, 7H Flrt St. Telephone Black 9L WALLA WALLA, WASH. McBride Bros. LIVERY STABLE. Rubber Tired Hacks a Specialty. Baggag; Wagons. . WALLA WALLA, WASH. Telephone 66. 124 E. Main St. HOTEL DACRES S. SIMON, Proprietor. Formerly Simon HoUSC Rates: $2.50 to $3.00. WALLA WALLA, WASH. DEMENT BROS. COMPANY. WALLA WA.LLA. Patent Flour: "White Spray" AND "Dement's Best" For Breakfast Food: "WHEAT GRANULES" H. R. BECKWITH, Who!e3alo Agent, Portland. GILBERT HUNT CO. Machine Shop and Foundry Manufacturer ol Pride of Washington Threilisrs, Self- Feeder.-!, Drapers and Machine Extras of Every .Description. Itepilr Work a Specialty. Citalcgui Free. WALLA WALLA, WASH. ST, CHARLES HOTEL TOHN GIBUN, Prop. Flrat-Claa Accommodation and Prompt aerr Ice. Large bumile Qoom for Commercial Traveler. Phone 7. Cor. First and Washington Sts. Albany Oregon, F. S. GODFREY Wholeaalo and Retail Dealer In STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES M All Kinds ef Imported toiletries. 314 Burnsido St., cor. Sixth. Oregon Phone Black 2933. Columbia Phone lb6. , PORTLAND, OR Bavaria Beer Hall. LOUIS KLUO, Proprietor. Cor. Bccond and Oak Eta. PORTLAND, Or. BO YEARS' Tradc Maim DtllSNI Copyrights Ac Anron Mnding a ikateh and daacrtptloa aaaf quickly aaeartaia our opinion fra wuathar an IUTnt)on.U prohabljr patentable. Commuulaa tlouiutctlrconSdantUI. Handbook on Pal nl free, uldeat asencr for aecunnarpataBta. f5,,"l"..,,t,n Jnrouh Mono i Cta. recatra tpttiai uotlt, without chart, la tha Scientific JUktrkaii. A haadaoinclr Uhutratad weaklf. Tjoctat etr. eolation of any (Clentuto-tnarnal. Tana. H Btf.i2?rJ?0J,b, Wlitawa4jft. MFWWmWwmawaaWf&Sijiij rf&tnfc&jifot JrMe.-.- V..lMip4, WWllii )tatt) kimW mWV tifyftwfviimmm mmp tjw w i irfji pypii'i 1 v' -,;' 'mi'.'h mm' ptmmmmf l! a, r4 - s . tmmlJfAmmi liij!ia'iViJv-. HW -- tjaE.JU.i X. ' .-- f4WJ'i,x