Mtmmr mkni THE NEW AGE, POBJTLAND, OREGON. ip '& i)2 Dragged'Dotvn Feeling In the lolnt. , Nervousness, unrcfreshlng sleep, despon dency. It Is time you were doing something. x The kidneys were anciently called the reins In your case they are holding the reins and driving you Into serious trouble. Hood's Sarsaparilla .Acts with the most direct, beneficial effect I on the kidneys. It contains the best and safest substances for correcting and toning these organs. The Utter "E." "E" is the most common letter. In 1,000 letters "" occurs 137 times In English, 184 times in French, 145 in Sp.nifih, 178 in Gorman. A Distinction. "Papa, wore we descended from monkoys." "Not all of as, my boy. 8omo wore ascended. "Detroit Free Press. A bottle of Hamlin's Wizard Oil is a Medlclno Chest in itself: it curcH pain in every form. 60 cents at druggists. flP The North Side of a Tree The side of a tree on which most of the moss is, found is the north. If tho tree be exposed to tho sun, its heaviest and longest limbs will be on the south side. A Woman's Aim. Justice Did you throw a brick at this man? Mr. OToole No, eor. Justice Then how was, it that you hit him? Mrs. O'Toolo Bccauso I t'rowed it at sotno wan oleo, yer honor. Cincin nati Enquirer. Bhnkn Into Your Hlinr Allen's Foot-Kasq. A powder. Itinalcos tight or now shoes feel easy, it is a certain euro lor sweating, callous and hot, tired, aching fcot. Bold by all Druggists. l'rlco25c. Trial jiackngo mailed KKKE. Address Allon 8. Olmsted, Lo Koy, N. Y. . ' More Interesting. "Woroyou interested in that ac count of tiio Washington man who sud denly disappeared?" "Well, I'd have been more inter ested in an account, of a man who grad ually disappeared!" The Written Proposal. Scribbles I wrote a story once "that came near winning a $50,000 prize. Dribbles What side-tracked you? Scribbles Tho girl's father. Chi cago News. "The Bride Was Attired" Wife (looking over old-fashioned magazine) What frights wo must have been in 1805. Husband Yes, lovo Is blind, all right. That's tho year you married me. Almost Discouraging;. "We are going to have a number of bocutlful libraries," said tho happy man. "Yes," replied tho gaunt person with tho lustrous oyo. "It is a terrible responsibility to put upon this genera tion. I don't know who is to writo tho books worthy of such magnificent sur roundings." Washington Star. Deserved Better. lie Do you mean to say tho plumb er baa not been here yet? She No; isn't it shameful? And we are such good customers; our plumbing ia nearly alwaya out of order! A Bad There b a certain disease that has com down to us through many cen Disease turies ana u older than history itself, yet very few mifatflA of those who have learned from bitter ex- Erience know anything of its nature or aracteristics. At first a little nicer or sore appears, then glands of the neck, or groins swell; pimples break, out on the breast, back, or some other part of the body and fill with yellow pustular matter : the mouth and throat become sore and the tongue is at all times badly coated. Headaches are frequent, and muscles and loinU throb and hurt, especially during damp, rainy weather. These are some ol tho symptoms of that most loathsome of Ul diseases, Contagious Blood Poison. This strange pols- ContaglOtlS oa does not affect Blood Poi.on :B'ft'HT; eaten up with it within a short time after L.:H ..ns.,i1nt.l wIiUa rtttierm afmw but slight evidence of any taint for a lopg time after exposure, but its tendency in every case is to complete destruction of the physical system, sooner or later. S. S. S. is a safe and infallible cure for this bad disease the only antidote for this specific poison. It cures Contagious Blood Poison in every form and stage thoroughly and permanently. S. S. 8. contains no Mercury, Potash or other harmful minerals, but ia strictly and entirely a vegetable remedy, and we offer fi,coo.oo reward for proof that it is not. OOR MEDICAL JfkUk was i eaUV DCVAK.TM.CMT a doll noU vKk lm rellarlMr auffarla. Olve our Bhyatolana m abort history of your ease sua their advloa. Tbta will coat ram metUav, an what you eay wUJ hj mM la atricU-t co&fldeae. With Ihalr fcalp a-Ul a copy of our keek oa Oeataarlouji JUood Polsoa you eaus mmnmm your swa eaae aaA ems your If avt hoaaa. fWlfT SPECIFIC CO., AM4-4. fa. HOITT'S SCHOOL Parents desiring home influences, beautiful surrounding-, perfect climate, careful super vision, and thorough mental, moral and phys ical training for their dots, will And all thesa requirements fully met at Holtt'a ttchool, Vsnlo laik, 8an Mateo County, CaL stead for Catalogue. , (truth year batins August ttth. 'uuft HOllf, Ph. D., FrteetpaL CROWS BATTLE WITH HAWK. The Fight Ends In the Death of the Predatory lllrd. Druid II1I1 Park, In, Baltimore, nenr Superintendent Cnssull's residence, wns the scene on n recent Sunday of one of the fiercest buttles ever fought between crows on tho one side nud a largo chicken hawk on the other, and per haps the only battle of Its kind lu which the hawk suffered defeat. It Is n well-known fact that the rela tions between hawks and crows hnvo been strained perhaps since creation, hawks neglecting no opportunity to de stroy young crows before they leavo the uc8tB. Representatives of the two species of birds rarely meet without a battle. They usually fight In midair. This Is no doubt the reason why the hawk has won so many victories. Fully twelve or fifteen crows .took part lu this battle. The hawk was at tacked In midair while hovering over . crow's ucst. Tho onslaught made him furious, and he retaliated by swooping down on the treo In 'which the nest was built. The crows were determined to drive off the enemy nud made a sys tematic and coucerted onslaught on the Intruder. First one and then another would drive at blru and In a short time the ground under the tree was strewn with feathers. The hawk fought with bill and claws, while the crows used only their bills. The fight became so,hot that the hawk was compelled to leave the tree, and, bclug too exhausted to fly, mink to the ground. There he nintlo a tlunl stand, and the battle was an Interesting one, passengers on the Emory Grove cars be ing among the spectators. First one crow and then another would give the hawk n dig with Its hill and then Jump hack to escape the Ravage plunges of the hawk. The hawk fought as long as he could stand ou his feet, says the Itultlinore Sun. Even while lying on IiIh side or buck he kept up the struggle. The crows, however, were relentless: nud kept on pecking away until their ad versary fell dead. They then Hew off a considerable distance. Not one of their number was killed. TRIPLICATE BAGGAGE CHECK. It Is a matter of common knowledge, among travelers especially, that much confusion and annoyance result from the present duplicate system of check ing articles In parcel rooms, railroad stations, etc., mistakes In delivery often occurring bccauso there Is no moans of Identifying the owner should tho article he delivered at the wrong address. Tho object sought to be at tained by William F. Connor, of New York City, by tho use of the triplicate check Is to give the owner of the par cel or bggnr. a third coupon, to be given up as a menus of Identification upon delivery of the goods. Tho tag is to be used lu the following manner: On each of tho three :iarts appears the same number, nnd If the baggage Is to be transferred from tho station of do- TJIIIID COUPOlf IDENTIFIES OWNKIL posit, then the parts will also havo the nnnio of the station of departure nnd destination. The two detachable coupons aro given to the owner of tho baggage, and the third Is placed on the goods. When the owner arrives at his or her destination nnd desires the de livery of the baggage one of tho cou pons may he given to the delivery man, enabling him to Bccure the goods, the remaining coupon being given up when the delivery Is made, thus Identifying tho owner, and at tho same time pro viding a receipt to prove the proper delivery has been made. Koufrlero's Two Craters. The summit of Mouut Soufrlere, St. Vincent, a,G00 feet above seu level, Is divided Into two craters. The first Is three miles In circumference nnd 500 feet deen. and Is separated from what is known ns the "uew crater" by a very thin nnd narrow wall or riuge or gran itic lava. Tho "new crater" covers about three ncres. An English sailor once crossed this dike of granite, which Is barely wide enough for a cat to crawl over, but no other person ever attempted the feat, either before or since. Tho funrfy part of the matter Is that the sailor was bout half Intoxicated at the time, and crossed the dividing wall for a wager of one dozen bottles of port wine that one of the officers offered to the person who performed the feat. Lett in the Dark. A little girl ubout 3 years old was out playing when suddenly It became very cloudy. She ran Into the houso and startled her mamma by saying: "I'm not going to stay outdoors any more." "Why?" asked her mother, "Because God blowed the sun out." Little Chronicle. Any man with "good paper," und a big tent, can make money In the circus business. We have never seen a thousand dol lar dog that we would give 10 cent for. RAM'S HORN BLASTS. Warning: Notes Collins the Wicked te Uepcntauc. Nl.Y a good man ...... rt w n .. .1 tk" , " things lu others, jf T"3 AV sy,,r-,, yourseir Bure uuoiuer. The farm nud the garden arc tho best gold dinging. Care Is the stum bling bluck lu the pathway of Happi ness. Purity opens the way to a world of gladness. Memory makes many payments for a good deed. Don't ring the hell of prayer and run away; wait. Loving deeds are the best seeds; they bear In all soils. Tho least man Is an essential part of God's great plan. Learn to be contented, and you will know how to be rich. Leisure hours are tho best or tho worst part of our lives. The weakest saint ou his knees Is too stroug for the devil. Tlie merry-hearted have a fortuno that thieves cannot steal. You areof the aristocracy. Hut It Is the aristocracy of service. Do your best to-dny and you will bo able to do better to-morrow. Conscience, Uevelatlon and Exauiplo are the street lamps of (Sod. Airing other people's faults never made them smell any sweeter. We must live for Christ here. If wo would live with U lm hereafter. ' Measure your plans by n line that wjll reach across the next world. Love had rather serve Christ In a dungeon than satau In a palace. Adversity gives the great man a chance to show how great he Is. Clod alone can change us. Others, can only bring out what Is lu us. The constnnt Christ In tho hcut't makes the couslsteut Christian lu tho world. If there Is no sunshine In your relig ion do not be surprised If nobody wants It. The will of Christ ought to be nioro to you than the good will of your neighbors. The happiest people In this world are this who are at rest from thciusclvei and at .work for others. The devil Is not wort y lug over I lie preacher Vvho puts mure rhetoric than Christianity Into his sermons. CARE OF THE FEET. BtiKRCttious Coucernlim Shoes, Stock Iiikn und Aiiiulciir Chiropody, Yvu may congratulate ounclvcs that more and mute, as time goes on, cus torn nud fushluu move together In tho direction of the proper care of the feet. In shoes the extremely nurrow-poliited toe Is fur tne moment tabooed us vul gar. But fashion, u las! only repents of her slits to commit the name over ugalii, and the pointed toes will probably he forced upon us again long before the feet crippled by the last hatch can b) cured. In the meantime, while common sense und fashion go hand in hand, we must make the best of our day of op portunity. Many Insults are offered to those faithful, hard-working servants, the feet, besides conllueineiit lu narrow, cramped and 111-llttlug shoes. Wo talk .learnedly of tho necessity for vcutlla- tlou.aud then wesnut the reel into tigiii, Imprevlous leather and expect them to beur up the weight of our bodies all day long without u gruiihle and without a breath of air. Or we tako pains to havo our shoes loug enough, und then put ou socks of- stockings half an Inch too short, and wouder where the corns come from. Almost us necessary as the proper clothing of the feet Is the proper toilet At leust morning and night they should , bo bathed nud then manipulated to keep them smooth and supple. Stock ings should be changed frequently, he-1 cause the feet, owing to their constant contiuement and the hard work they are called upon to do, are always per spiring. Tho same pair or shoes should not bo worn two days lu succession. It is an easy mntter to have two pairs lu use ou nlternnto days and Is excellent J economy besides, ns It gives the shoes a chance to become perfectly dry, and consequently they keep In better shape nnd last; longer. I Very hot water, unless ordered for. medicinal purposes, should not he used, as It has a tendency to soften tho feet) and make them tender. A Ilttlo alcohol well rubbed In after tho bath is good, especially for those who aro much exposed to bad weather, as It gives them tone and prevents too pro fuse perspiration. Finally, there should bo no amateur corn-cutting. Badly cut corns are apt to spread, to say nothing of tho dangers of blood poisoning, gangreue, and other dreadful accidents that occasionally follow clumsy, Ignorant surgery on tho feet. Youth's Companion. Charcoal Eph'a Dally Thought. "Dey ain't no use tulkln'," said Char coal Eph, as be sprinkled ashes on the sidewalk, "dls worl' am full o' tips an' downs. Bo keerful o' dat patch o' Ice, Mlstuh Jackson!" Baltimore News. Bchool Fund of Texas. Texas has u permanent school fund amounting to nearly $8,000,000, Some people, after casting a crust of bread upon tho wutera, think theyt should get a bowl of milk toast In return. IMFTOv i THOUSANDS DIE EACH YAR IN AGONY. ! ill I i I HOW THOUSANDS ENDUItE TERRIBLE AGONIES. Last year, In India, tigers killed 800 people, wolves 338, leopards 327. One thousand four hundred and two more met their deaths by tho teeth, horns, or claws of other animals; or -,000 In all. Taking this average for the rest of Asia, the death roto on that continent from nnlmals alone may bo put at 4.500 a year, of which number tigers r.rc responsible for 1,500, wolves for 000, leopards for about 450. Wolves havo a fur wider rango than leopards. Lions account for noiuo 000 lives yearly lu Africa, other animals for 800, while the toll to Jaguars lu South America, panthers In North, wolves and otlir dangerous beasts all over the world may he calculated on a popu lation basis at a further 1,800. Ilut this total of 7,700 Is only tho be ginning of lives lost to tho forest kings. Cobras and other colling death 8TIRRINQ UP THE WEST. One Man' Soclnllstlc Idea Are Ilelng Put Into Kffect. A mnn of middle age. with not a Ilt tlo ability and a brain full of Ideas, Is causing omethtug of a stir lu tho west ern country. He litis set tho mer cantile captains to thinking In fact, they are worrying about the effect which his schem ing and doing are solng to have on lto various lines jf business, Tho fellow's iiamo Is Vrooman '' atB-. v!w u. viiouit.t.v Walter Vrooman. He Is a MlBsuurlnn by birth, and comes of a family which has always been or iginal In Its thinking. Ills father was a Free Thinker, and the rest of tho family all have socialistic Ideas. In his youth Walter was known as an agi tator. They called him "Tho Boy An archist." When Martin Irons started a great railroad strlko In 1885, Vrooman Joined hlui, as an organizer of Knights of Labor lodges. Several times he waa arrested and at Parsons, Kan., ho stnrted n riot Next ho became a Con gregational preacher, nnd was pastor of a church In Kansas City, Kan. All this was before he was 20. His early teachings, his associations, his experiences all directed his mind along socialistic lines. Ho beeamo the chum of Edward Bellamy. Then he went to Englund, and at Oxford es tablished ltusklu Hall. It has the sup port of the federated labor unions, nnd 3,000 students are taking udvantage of . Itu university extension system. It' tenches communistic principles. It Is the basis of a co-operative movement In England and Is working out Vroo- man's Ideas. This, In brief, Is a description of the man who Is Just now one of the con-1 splcuous figures of the West Ho Is not a philanthropist, but bcllevcH that his own Interests, as well as those of other people, aro best served by a com bination of effort and an equal divis ion of llnunclnl results. Ho has mon ey, and It Is Invested In tho co-operative movement. He says that Its In vestment after this fashion gives him more enjoyment than ho could get In j.innti.l.Hliirv It- lii tlwi ii until armu.nj if i IMjllililwi:. !(! ft -WW .S(TM1 t-VVOVH M the rich. Now, what Is this man doing? At Trenton, Mo., he has founded Ituskln College. It Is a school which has self- help as Its fundamental principle, It gives u collegiate training, hut exacts from Its students labor rather than tui tion fee. Every student works. Ad Joining tho college Is a farm of 2,000 acres, on which ho established a dairy. The farm was put under cultivation and timber land was cleared. From tho trees cut down the students sawed luniber, which was used In the erection of a factory and other buildings. Ax handles wero manufactured. From some of the farm products canned goods were turned out Tills still con tinues. The studenU of Ituskln do all the work. They are paid 10 cents an hour for their labor, and most of them are thus enabled to earn 3 per week, which covers their expenses for board, lodging and tuition. So well did Itus kln College succeed that Vroomun broadened his Ideas, The Western Co-operatlvo Associa tion was formed. It purchased a dry goods store, stocks of dmgs, hardware, notions and a laundry In Trenton. Four grocery stores were subsequently add ed. The raiting of chickens and the dealers killed 24,021 human beings In India last year, and that despite the fact that rewards were paid for the death of 108,000 reptiles. Snakes, prln- ! clpally cobras, acqount for a full 35,- wu or Asias yearly tieatn roii. Airica, the home of tho vipers nnd hideous puff adder, adds 0,000 to this list. South America comes next. The bush master, and many swamp snakes, besides tho giant anaconda, claim their Rhtiro of lives. Not less than 2,500 South Americans die yearly from snake bites, while rattlesnake, mocas sin, and for do lance account for nn-J other 1,500 In the northern half of tho continent. Add a further 2,000 for the great Polynesian Islands, Austra lia and Europe, tho total yearly loss of life by snakes amounts to 47,000. Wild beasts and snakes between them killed 5,470,000 persons during the nineteenth century. manufacture of drugs and proprietary medicines followed. Trenton Ib now In tho grasp of a co-operative trust There Is oven n co-oporatlc theatrical company, with Walter Jefferson, one of Joe Jefferson'B sons, nB manager. Members of the association can attend performances free. At Gallatin, Mo there Is a grocery store. Negotiations are In progress for several stores at St Joseph, At Independence the asso ciation owns five stores nnd nlso 100 acres of land. In addition there Is a complete dairy, which will supply In dependence nnd Kansas City with milk. There Is also a grocer' store at Wcstport In all the association con trols twenty-live stores. f In the purchase of these establish ments probably half a million dollars havo been Invested, of which Mr. Vroo man furnished something like $200,000. Every member of the association finds employment, Is a stockholder and shares lu tho profits. In mnn' In stances the former owner holds a re sponsible position In the store. Store keepers aro beginning to see the possi bilities lu tho enterprise, nnd arc offer ing their Inrgc stocks of 'goods, In some Instances as much ns 150,000 worth, for shares In the association. Just outside of Kansas City, tho ns ttoclntlon Is about to build a model vil lage. It has acquired 400 acres, and Is negotiating for (WO more. Hero It will erect new fuctorlra. It will also estab lish what It claims will be a children's paradise. The children will do shop work. They will learn to cook nud to sow, will weave fabrics nud study the arts and trades. Their Instructions will be varied with wholesome amuse ments. With his cnmpalgn of Industrial and mercantile reform well under way In Kansas and Missouri, Mr, Vrooman will go East ' New York Is to he In vaded. The methods In use lu the West will be explained at meetings to be held lu Carnegie Hull. The city Is to be Hooded with literature. Mr. Vroo man says from 200 to 300 persons of great wealth, living In tho metropolis, are Interested In his plans mid will mako Investments. He thinks that be fore long New York will have KHJ co operative stores. Ililiiseliold .Moulin iiImii. A curious piece of mechuiileiil luxury has been set up In Sir Jiiuies IllythVi home In rorthiiid place, by menus of which the dining-room can noiselessly double Its size. One saunters down to drink a cup of coffee, und llnds n spu clous uud well-proportioned room, pit pered In warm crimson nud hung with liandsomeplctuics, There Is u door of communication with the adjoining room, on cither side of which tilings a hirgo picture In u heavy gold fruine. The floor Is polished, and a thick carpet comes within n yard of tho wall nil round. The coffco Is excellent, but one doubts Its potency when, on turning round, one Is confronted by the partlonlng wall, doors, pictures, and all half-way through the floor! Hllently It sinks be. low, and no flaw lu the polished and oven floor Is perceptible. Only the crim son walls aro twice s long, and there aro bordered carpets. It Is the most perfect triumph of mechanical skill. Kindly Tuot. "And you broke off the engagement'" "Yes-not brutally, you know, but I managed It." "HowV" "I told her what my snlitry Is!" All the space between tho cradle and the grave Is filled with uncertainty. TAGOMA, WASH., ADVERTIStNB. T KNABEL, ix Proprietor ol THE OEItMAN tlAKKItY AND COFFER l'AIU.OKH. FrcMi Ilread and Cakes dally, Ornamental Cakci a specialty. Only tho best and purest material used In our llakcry. Hrcad delivered free man vprirt of tho city. Telephone Park 79I. 111? Wclllo Avenue, Taconia, Washington. ROTHSCHILD & CO. Port Townscnd, Washington. SHIPPING AND COMMIBSlON MF.nCHANTft Custom Houso Ilrokcrs and Btevcdorcs. Established 18A8. Branch ofllccs Tacoma and Seattle. jENTUCKY LIQUOR CO. Peter Bandbcrg, Proprietor. WINKS, MQUOltS AND CIGARS. Pole agent for Guinea' Btout and Ilnss' Ale, (ftend llros. UottlhiR). Established 18S4. Tele phone Main COT. I HO Pnehlo Avenue! 11M Commerce St. Tncoma, Washington. THY Frye Bruhn & Go. 1310 Pacific Avenue, Tacoma, Wash. i Wholesale and Retail Butchers Meats furnished for Hailroada and Steamboat Lines. TRT.KIMIONK 4.1, TACOMA CARRIAGE and BAGGAGE TRANSFER COMPANY. OOlce 102 Tenth St., Southeast corner of A. TACOMA, WASH. Hacks, Coupes, Carriages, Baggagi Wi.ons At All Hours. Pnnirngcrs and IlSKRftKe transferred from resilience and lintels to and from all boats and trains. Ilnml your checks for lioKKO to our tnvrst'iiRcrs, who will meet )nu on all Incom ing trains and bouts. First class Msrr. Open allulght. All rigs marked "T. C. A 11. T. Co." Grand Central Hotel. W. W. HAlt.MON, Lessee and Mir. Headquarters for Lumbermen Miners and Tourists. First class bar In connection. 1211-1213 Paclflo Avenue. TACOMA, WasV v Tacoma Trunk Factory. Trunks, Traveling Dags, Suit Case and Telescopes. REPAIRING DONE. 730 Pacific Ava. Tacoma, Wish. HUNT & NIOTTET CO. Dealers In General Hardware Mill AND LOGGERS' SUPPLIES. 1501-1603-1505 Pacific Avenue TACOMA, WASH. ...OLYMPIC... Steam Laundry 407 South J Street MICHAEL J. BJORN ft LOUIS J. BJOKN l'KOl'KIKTOMS TACOMA, WASH. W. C. HOLMAN. Dealer in Agricultural Implements Wagons, Buggies, Etc. 210, 212, 214 Fiont Street, Cor. Salmon, .'OUTLAW), O1CIW0N. WHEN YOU IIUY Furniture, Carpets and Stoves YOU IIOUHKKEKI'INO Cut This Out and Clot a luductlon at Henry Jennings. 173rl74 Klrst Htraal. Pendleton Roller Mills W. H, UYKIIS, I'roprlotor. Daily Capacity 800 Barrel Manufacturers of Blue Ribbon and livers' Rest Floor, Ilran and Hiorts. Rolled Hurley always on Hand, Pendleton, Oregon II