ww-ettwTw""fi,l,,w"" " THE NEW AGE, PORTLAND, OREGON. The New Age A. D. QRIFFIN, Manager. Oflloti, 242J4 Blurk St., Concord llliln., Portland. Oregon. Entorcil at tho iwstofllce at Portland, Oregon, a second claw matter. 8UIIS0ICIPTIOM. One Tear, Titrable In Advance S3. 00 Established 1800. Printed at 2MJ Stark 8t. Third Floor, WHAT IS EDUCATION? A vory flno nrtlclo, though written with n tono of cynicism, if not of insin cerity, is that of F. liurko in tho Juno Forum, n fow oxtrnctH from which, nil thoro Ih space for heroin, nro appended : "Thooldpchoolmat-tordiscovored that tho secret of teaching n child merely to know or to do things was to Induce in him nn effort. TIiIh ond tho school master accomplished hy u system of clover ilovicue fear of punishment, hopo of reward, excitation of prido or of rivalry, otc. TIiofo doviccH of tho method of offort, hotvovor, nro uttorly inofllciont to produce tho feeling in gredients. Yot thuso nro just tho in gredients which tho pnroirtH, tho citi zens, niid tho church portiimciotiHly in Hint aro tho vory tilings thoy want in ordor to givo vitality to charnclor and citizenship. Tho spectacle Ih pathetic With tho energy of u mole and tho servility of ti shwo, tho old school master Iiiih patiently undertaken to sort out, according to tho tradltloiiH of IiIh tribe, tho inllnlto and heterogeneous acta of hiHtory, literature, ecionco, biography, nature Htudy, art, music and goodness known what all. Ho has condensed these factH Into essence, niomory drlllH, reason drllla, observa tlon exorcises, Imagination laddern, and such other healthful dovicoa for IiIh pupil aa tho wisdom of IiIh forefathers hath revealed unto him. After years of patient toil, ho hap exhibited IiIh pupil's ability to pronounce, to spell, to dollno sympathy, truth, honesty, and sobriety; ho has produced neatly ptragraphed and elegantly worded compositions from tho latest dictionar ies and most approved encyclopedic authorities, or even from laboratories. Ho has gone even farther, and, by the Hamo method, Iiiih trained tho child, at approprlato intervals, to inquire in tender tones about IiIh rich uiicIu'h health, to pasa a fruit stand with his hands in his pockets, or to acknowl edge that it was his linger that had been In tho Jam pot. And yet when, with touching symplicity, tho school master has laid those beautiful offerings at the feet of IiIh nuihtors tho par ents, tho people, tho cltl.ona thoy have turned tiion him with contumely, and have harshly said: "It Ih not enough. Thin Ih merely lip soivico and not heart movement. Wo want no detlnitiona of honesty, but an honest heart, not an intellectual unalysls of human character, but tho throbbing feelings of character. Wo do not care no much whether or not the child in quires, in proper form, aliout his uncle's health, but wo wajit him to lovo his dear undo; and an" for that jam Incident, the working of tho lips, in tho perfunctory confosslonjof houIIosh habit must bo accompanied by a living feeling of righteous duty, a lovo of translucent truth, and a hatred of cow nrdly ryingr Thoro Ih food for n whole lotof thought in thla quotation, and in tho rest of tho article. What does our edu cation amount to, anyway"? Ih It tho real thing? NEW COUNTY AND UIALH. CITY 01TI- On Tuesday next tho now officers elected on Juno 2nd to tho various county and city offices to servo for tho ensuing three years, will bo installed. Tho majority of Ilium aro now men, yet many have occupied publlo offices hero iMforo. Thu opinion Is general that all of them aro capable and worthy gentle men and will discharge the duties of tholr respective offices with ability. Tho county ticket Ih headed by a very able and courteoitH gentleman in tho person of Judge L. K. Webster, who will a 'minister tho affairs of the county court for tho next four yeara. Judgo Webster's great oxporlonco and ac knowledged legal ability is in itself a guarantee that tho important office will Ihj conducted In tho urupor manner. W. A, Story, whom tho voters have elected to servo us sheriff, (swell known to noarly every cltixen in tho county. Ho was oloctod by'tho common council to finish out tho term of tho Into Mayor Mason, and at tho following election was an Independent candidate for mayor. "is menus prcuici uiai no will mako a good official. Tho gentleman selected to till the important office, of county, clerk, vMr. Frank 1. Fields, haa tho reputation of being a very popular, ahlo and courte ous gjntloinnn, and that ho will make nn efficient county clerk goes without paying. Capt. Chas. K. McDonnell, tho assessor, haa tho honor of being tho only county official elected to succeed him self at tho recent election, and will be denn of court hotiao family for the next four yeara. Capt. McDonnell ia very popular, a fact demonstrated by his splendid victory on Juno 2nd. Carl Brandos, tho now county auditor, ia well and favorably known throughout tho county and no mistake ' was made when ho wna folocted for this import ant office. Wo predict that tho peopU will have no cause to regret having placed thla responsibility upon h'a shoulders. SPEND BILLIONS ON WAR. United fitatea Expend More than Any Other Civilized Nation. The United States during the century Just closed has been regarded as a peaceful nation and yet over one-third of the enormous cost of war paid by all the nations tins fallen on her. The dis bursements by the United States treas ury on accouut of tho Civil War from July 1, 18(11, to June 30, 1870, amounted to ?0,1S7,1M3,383. Thomas K. Wilson, In the Kevlew of the Itepubllc, esti mates that the additional Civil War dlAburstments for debt, Interest and pensions from June 30, 1870, to July 1, 1000, amounted to $3,004,838,776, mak ing a total Federal expenditure of $10, 002,082,100. The disbursements of the Confederate government exceeded $3, 000,000,000 for the mere maintenance of armies In the Held. Mr. Wilson esti mates that the governmental expendi tures on both Hides In the Civil War will, when the books arc closed, amount to $17,772,000,000, and that the Individ ual losses during the war amouuted to f30,000,000,000. Placing the cash ex penditures of tho United States In the Civil War at $17,722,000,000, In the .Spanish war at $500,000,000 and In the war of 1812, the Mexican war and tho Indian wars ut SMW.OOO.OOO, Mr. Wil son makes tho total contribution of the United States treasury to the war fund for tho century $18,772,000,000. It Is estlmnted that Napoleonic wars from 1703 to 1810 cost $0,200,000,000; the war between Itussla and Turkey lu 1828, $100,000,000; tho war between Spain and Portugal, from 1830 to 1840, $250,000,000; the war between France and Algerln, from 1830 to 1817, $100, 000,000; civil war In Europe in 1848, $50,000,000; the Crlmeuu war. $1,120, 000,000; tho war lu 1850 between Franco nud Austria. $225,000,000; the war of 1800, between Prussia aud Aus tria, $100,000,000; the war between Germany and France In 1870 and 1871, $1,080,000,000; the war of 1877, 'be twoen Russia and Turkey, $050,000,000; the war between France and Mexico In 1870, $70,000,000; between Brazil and Paraguay, In 1801 to 1870, $250,000,000 These figures are from Mutual!, and In clude only direct government expenses. It Is estimated that the mluor wars of Great Britain In India, Egypt and Afri ca have cost $2,000,000,000. The Boei war has already cost England $500,000, 000. France's minor wars have cost $1, 000,000,000, and Spalu has spent in va rious wars $0,000,000,000. ' On these statements presented by Wilson and Mutual!, manifestly Incom plete and unfair, the United States Civ il War cost more by $7,00,000,000 than ten European wars, and tho wars of the South American republics have cost more than all the Russian wars In Asia. The total expenditures of civilised na tions for war In tho century are put at 40.008,000,onn. Klnctrlu Hhooknitf or Men anil Ilorara A writer states that the difference In susceptibility to electric shock between horses and men Is largely a question of shoes. Tho solo, of a man's shoe has a very high resistance, but n horse, with his four Irou shoes fastened on with Iron nails, Is apt to got tho full benefit of the current. Johnny on the Ulrafrn. The giraffe Ih a tall, spotted nnlinal Uiut kind of tdoni'N down from hli shoulders to IiIh tall nnd linn a neck that looks like a hroouiHtlek had been run up through It. The giraffe la the tallest of the animal specie, au(l Is found In Africa aud In shown, where It grows to a height of Hlxtccn feet and ! very fond of onions nnd carrots, though its customary food Ih hay, wldch It oats with gusto. Oft have I gazed at the giraffe and thought to myself wonderful are tho wayaof Prov idence, how does he hold his head up? The other name of the giraffe la cam elopard, hut giraffo U easier to Hay. Sometimes I have to look through largo hooka to thul out these things, hut I don't mind It. Wo ought to hunt out nil the knowledge we can while wo are Htlll young. There waH n man once that tratned a giraffe to pick penchei from tho top of the tree. He kept It from eating them jby putting a ring around Its neck no It could not swallow. Tho giraffe Is active, but runs like an old cow. JOHNNY. A Gentle ltemlmlcr. Hicks 1 find as I grow older that my memory is not so good as It used to he. Wicks I have noticed that. For In. tance, you seem to have forgotten all about that $10 that you borrowed from me last January. Soiuervllle Journal. Cuban Tobacco. Bofore the war Cuba contributed about one-twelfth of all the tobacco In tho world. Some meu nro useful, If "managed" properly, but become worse than use. less If their fur Is always rubbed thu wrong wsjr. Tho Karth Viewed from tho Moon. As seen from the moon, the earth would appear four times greater In diameter and thirteen times wider In surface than the moon does- to us. The Illumination of the earth' la fourteen times greater on the moon than that of the moon on the earth. Unnjo Parchment. The parchment on the best banjees it made of wolfskin. American ivino as uooa as Any. Many Americans lenrned at Paris for the first time that we produce wines In some grades equal to the best Imported varieties. When you have n boll, how other people want to open It! SHERIFF'S SALE. In tho Circuit Court of tho State of Oregon, for the County of Multnomah. Albert Seckatz, plaintiff, vs. Walter Vivian, defendant. By vlrtuo of nn execution duly Is sued nut of and under tho seal of tho above entitled court, In tho nbovo en titled cause, upon a judgment ren dered and entered In the Justice's Court, East Portland District of tho Stnto of Oregon, for Multnomah coun ty, on tho 9th day of May, 1902. In fa vor of Albert Scokntz, plaintiff and ngalnst Walter Vivian, defendant, for tho sum of $30.00, with Interest there on nt the rate of 8 per cent per an num, from the 7th dny of October, 1900, and tho further sum of $10.00, with Interest thereon at tho rato of 6 per cont per annum, from tho 9th dny of May, 1902, and accrued costs nnd tho costs of and upon this writ, I did on the 23d dny of May, 1902, duly levy upon tho following described real property, to-wlt: Lot four (4) in block two (2), In Plensnnt Homo Addition to East Port Innd (now n pnrt of tho city of Port land), Multnomah county, Stnto of Oregon. Now. therefore, by vlrtuo of sntd ex ecution. I will on Tucsdny. tho .1st dnv July, 1902, nt tho hour of ten o'clock n. m. nt tlin front, iloor nf tlm flnnntv Court House, In tho city of Portlnnd, i snld county nnd Stnto. sell nt nubile auction, subject to redemption, to tho hlphcst bidder, for United Stntcs gold coin, ensh in hand, nil tho right, title nnd Interest of the within named de fendant, In nnd to tho nbove described real property or any part thereof, to satisfy said execution, Interest, costs nnd nil accruing conts. Dntcd Portlnnd, Oregon, Mny 28th, 1902. WILLIAM FRA52ER. Sheriff of Multnomnh County, Or. SHERIFF SALE. In tho circuit court of tho stnto of Oregon, for tho county of Multnomnh. P. Unscho, administrator of tho part norshlp CBtato of Basehe & Company, which consisted of P. Unscho aud JamoH P. Faull, who woro doing husi loss under the firm namo of P. Bascho & Co., plaintiff, vs. N. 8. Wright, Gcorgo Wnlkor, David Ogllvy, Sidney Walkor, G. Kutzschan and Joo Waddoll, defendants. lly,yirtuo of an execution duly Issued out of and under the seal of the above ontitled court, in thu abovo ontttlcd causo, to mo duly directed and dated tho 17th day of April, 1002, upon a judgment rondored nnd entored in said court on tho 10th day of March, 1804, In favor of P. Uascho, administrator of tho partnership estate of Uascho & Company, which consisted of P. Basche and Jamos P. baull, who woro doing business under tho firm namo of P. llascho & Co., plaintiff, nnd against G. Kutzschan, Sidney Wnlkor, George Walker and David Ogilvy, dofondnnta. for tho sum of f 1,457. 45 with interest thoreon at tho rate of 8 per cent per annum from tho 10th dny of March, 1804, and the furthor sum of f 75 with interest thereon at tho rate of 8 per cent per annum from tho 10th day of March, 1804, and tho further sum of $74.45 costs and disbursements, and the costs of and upon this writ, I did on tho UlU day of April, lUOL', duly levy upon tho following described real property, to-wlt: commencing nt a stake standing in tho south lino of Clay Streot 52 feet west on said south lino of Clay street from the confer lino of 13th Streot ex tended; thence wost on said south lino of Clay streot, 25 feet; thence south parallel with said 13th Street extended, 100 feet; thenco east and parallel with said Clay Street 25 foot; thonco north and paraloll with said 13th Streot ex tended, 100 feet to tho place of be ginning, in tho City of Portland, Coun ty of Multnomah aud State of Oregon. Said 13th street being the old namo of said street; it now being known as 10th streot. Now, thoroforo, by virtuo of said oxo. :ution, I will on Tuosday tho 10th day of Juno, 1002, nt tho'.hour often o'clock A. M. nt tho front door of tho county court house, in tho City of Portlnnd, said county and state, sell at publlo auction, subject to redemption, to the highest bidder, for U. S. gold coin, rash in hand, all the right, title nud Interest which the within named de fendants or either of them had on the date of tho judgment heroin (tho 10th Jay of March, 1804) or since had, in and to the above described real prop erty or any part thereof, to satisfy said execution, interest, costs and all accru ing costs. Dated Portland, Oregon, May 8th, 1002. WILLIAM FRAZIER, Sheriff of Multnomah County,"Oregon. OREGON P1IONK ULACK 2S34. New York Grocery Gl'S. II. 1IINNKNKAMP. Proprietor. F1HGY AND STAPLE GROCERIES TEAS, COFFEES AND SPICES A SPECIALTY. Cor, Eleventh nud Morrison Sta., Portland, Oregon SERIFF'8 SALE. In tho circuit court of tho state of Oregon for tho countv of Multnomnh. Charles E. Wise, plaintiff vs. Eliza beth Wiso, defendant. By virtue of an execution duly issued out of nnd under the seal of tho above entitled court, in the above entitled cause, to me duly directed and dated tho 13th day of May, 1002, upon a Judgment rendered and entered in tho Justico court, East Portland district, of tho state of Oregon, for the county of Multnomah, on tho 10tli,day of March, 1895, In favor of Charles E. Wiso, plaintiff, and against Elizabeth Wiso, defendant, for tho sum of $111.52 with Interest thereon nt tho rato of 8 per cent per annum from the 10th day of March, 1895, and tho furthor sum of $0.00 costs and disbursements and ac crued costs, and also tho costs of and upon thla writ, I did on tho 14th day of May, 1002, duly levy upon tho fol lowing described real property, situato, lying nnd being within Multnomah county, state of Oregon, to-wlt: Lot 11 in block 4; lot 17 in block 5; lota 13 and 14 in block 14, Columbia Heights; also lot 7 in block 3, Piedmont park. Now, therefore, by virtuo of said ex ecution, I will, on Tuesday, tho 17th day of Juno, 1002, at tho hour of 10 o'clock A. M., nt tho front door of tho county court houso, in tho city of Port land, said county nnd stnto, sell at public auction, subject to redemption, to tho highest bidder, for U. S. gold coin, cash in hand, all tho right, title and interest of tho within named de fondant, in and to tho abovo described real property or any part thereto, to satisfy said execution, interest, costs and nil accruing costs. Dated Portland, Oregon. Mny 14, 1002. WILLIAM Fit A 7. 1 1-1 II. Sheriff of Multnomah County, Oregon. ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. Notice ia hereby given that tho undersigned has been duly nppolnted by Hon. W. M. Cake, judgo of thu county court of Multnomnh county, stnto of Oregon, administrator of tho CBtato of Samuol W. Sladu, deceased. All persons having claims against snld estate nro hereby required to present tho enmo, properly verified, as by law required, within six months from date hereof to Chas. A. Lucas, Attorney, room 520, Chamber of Commerce. Date this 28th dny of Juno, 1002. J. W. HAUSER, Administrator of tho estnto of Snmuol W. Slndo. Kor a good nodal tlmo call and xeo JOHN WOIDA. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Telephone Clay 03. 4CO Ullsau St., Portland. Or KOKES80K KICK. MAX MAYEIt. Portrait and Landscape Artist. Teacher In Drawing and Painting. Studio and Art Uallerv, 318 Alder St., Thursday. Tclophouo Itcd 2837. Portland, Oregon ADOLF PKTTEHSON, Proprietor. OLOK BWENKON. Darkcoi'Cr, THE STOCKHOLM. Where can bo found Uncut of Liquors, Wines and ClKars. Oregon Phone Clay 687, Corner Sixth and Flanders. Portland, Or rpHK POPUI.AK. JOHN IXKLUND, Proprietor. Telephones: Oregon Hed 931; Columbia 668. 125 First Street. Portland, Oregon. ft 1CIIMOND LAUNDKY CO. COn. UNION AVKNUK AND WKIDLKIl 8T. POUTLAND, OKF.GON. Columbia 52JB. Oregon, Scott 1211 plUCAOO PACKING IIOU8K MARKET. JOK NAHH, Proprietor. Wholesale dealer In Fresh Meats, Cured Meats, Poultry, Fish and (iamc. Teas, Coffees, Bplces, Oregon Honey, Kggs, Hutter, Choose, Celery, Fruits, Etc. Telephona Oak Hi. 4.1 N. Sixth 8t., near Couch 0 ALL AT NINTH AND (1I.I8AN STS. s J. M. RYAN, Dealer In Groceries, Fruits, Confectionery and Raking. Corner of Ninth and Gllsau Streets G. I). DUNNING. P. CAMPION, Dunning & Campion. Funeral Directors ' Emhalmcrs 66 Ilurnslde St., bet. Third aud Fourth, PORTLAND, OREGON, Oregon Phone Main 430. Columbia Phone 430 Night calls ring night bell. o z It. A. OAY. Excelsior Planing Mill Mouldings, Brackets, Turning, Stair Building and General House Work. Phono White 501. E. Seventh nnd E. Morrison Sts. PORTLAND, OREGON TELEPHONE SOUTH 306. Ann Arbor Home Bakery. M. SHIELDS, Proprietor. HOME MADE BREAD, CAKES AND PIES. Sixteenth nnd Gllann Sta., Portland, Or George Miller. Hiram Fugltt. Wagner Cafe Phone Main 876. 148 Sixth St., Portlnnd. Comfortnblo Quarters for Commercial and Business Men. S. JUL. MAYEll, Prcs't and Sec'y.. Fleckenstein Mayer Co. Established 1870, Incorxratcd lH'JI. Importers and Jobbers WINES AND LIQUORS. OurSpcclAlOes: Maryland Club Rye and Kentucky Taylor Bourbon. 27-29 Martin Ht., CINCINNATI, OHIO. ZlVWt Onk St. PORTLAND, OltK. CITY LAUNDRY GO. Gents' Work a Specialty. Phones: Oregon 429, Columbia 410. FOURTH AND COUCH STS., PORTLAND, OREGON HARNESS, SADDLES, STRAP WORK See Our Prices Before Buyiag. Bend for free catalogue. Extract from Ret. liar. Makers P. A. Mar.27, 1902: "Vanktrk & Wilson are quoting prices In their catalogue that no retail dealer cares to meet." V. HEPP. That's what the Ring says of us. Oct our VANKIRK AWILSON. lSOProotStBrOUffiS, IfUSllBS, TWJlBS, P&piT, Real Estate Bargains! Six-Room Modern Houses in Wood mere. Fino acrcngo on olectric car lino Biiit ablo for platting. Choico lota on easy torn a. Houtoi built to Biiit and nold on easy tsriuH. OEO. W. BROWN, 203 Falling Building;, 3d and Wash ington Sts. I.aRATTON Prest, C. Ct WOODCOCK Vice Prest. 8. ij. conn Bec'y Standard Box Factory Oates, Berry Boxes, Fruit Pack ages, Packing; Cases of all kinds. Cor. Water and E. Washington Su., Tckphoae Eut 4. PORTLAND, OR oo BKlgHgMHglggBgMHgHgHfiBaM u igiHiHgEgfinciMglgggl coa ppnV3HHlHRIRgggD $ BsggV9BR?HgggRRRRRRRl. sHgflnnsMsiggwR0Kl9KrTvngggll FERRHjlK22iSuMgMflRRRH I liggggBggggggflgflBggBtlH j OigUgggHgHt 3 RkgkKfiH Telephone Red 951. PrlTata rooms. Gambrinus Garden Saloon. Andrew Bwanson, Prop. t Choice Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Cor. 23d and Washington 8U. Pobtlano Ob Madam Allen (Lato ol New York City.) CORSET MAKER J 633)4 Washington St., Good Work. Low Trlcea. PORTLAND, orb Oregon Phone Union 21. GRAND AVE. MARKET. Joe Badura, Proprietor. Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal ind Poultry. 1 will keep (inlr the bett and choicest meats, aire me a trial and I will conrincc you. 22 Grand Ave.. N. Poktland, Ob. Coal - Coal - Coal Western Feed & Fuel Co. Dealers In all kinds of COAL. COKE, CHARCOAL Try the famous ROCK SPRINGS COAL. Both Phones. Office; 1M North Filth St. ..I BROOKE DRUG CO.. Prescriptions Accurately and Care fully Compounded. Telephones Columbia 7K, Oregon Red WA Prescription - Druggists? 67 North Third Stroot PORTLAND - - OREGON" When in Medford 8TOP AT The New Nash Hotel F1RBT CLA68 IN EVK11Y PARTICULAR. W. J. HAMILTON, Proprietor. Hurst Candy Parlors Ice Cream and Confectionery Fine Box Goods A Specialty. Phono 'Hood 203. 200 Morrldon St., bet. Fourth and Fifth PORTLAND, OREGON. tEmtmhHmh! IMBS.) F.B. DALLAM & CO. Wholesale Dealers In Wooden and Willow Ware Pipir Bags, Tinware, Gran iteware, Eto. XS2, 230, 22B Front St., Mmn Frmnalmao, Oml. mnd 71 Front atrt, Portlnnd, Ormgon. Write for Catalogue. MAIL ORDERS FILLED PROMPTLY 15Cm 15c. ELECTRIC LAMPS Edison Electric Lamps reduced to 15 cent each, or $1.75 per dozen. Use these Lamps with proper voltago and make your light the cheapest and best. Portland Qmnmrmi Eimctrio Cm. Smvmmih mm AUmrStm. ISc. k.A "