.; J r ') u!e, J 6 Mi I .'-y ' .V W.v a u- 1 r "r Via The wAge. JH ' '' f - - , v A,' VOL. VI. PORTLAND, OUEGON, SATUBDAY, MAttCir 21, 1)WL NO. 52. ) 1c Nil V1'" X. . FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF5!??JD Dailgnntcd Depositary and aTlnithcUl Agent of the United States. nwMcnt, H. W. Cotbctt; cashier, E.O. Wlthtngtont aislitant ceihler, J. W. Newkltki second Militant cashier, W. C. Alvord. fcetUraof credit luued, available In Europe and the Eastern states. Sight exchange and telecraphlo translers cold on Now York, Boston, Chicago, Omaha, 8t. Paul, 8an Krancltco and the principal points In the Northwest. Bight and time bills drawn in sums to suit on Loudon, rrto, Berlin, Franklort-on-the-Maln, Hong Kong. Collections made on larorable terms at all accessible points. LADD TILTON, BANKERS SKSC Established In 1889. TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Interest allowed on time deposits. Collections made at all points on favorable terms. Letters of credit issued available in Europe and the Eastern states. Bight exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Washington, Chicago, St. Louis, Denver, Omaha, San Francisco and various points in Ore gon, Washington, Idaho, Montana and British Columbia. Exchange sold on London, Paris, Berlin, Frankfort and Hong Kong. BAINK OP COMMERCE, BOISE, IDAHO. LIMITED. OFKIOKItHi M. K. OI.1IKK, President; .M. AMCXANDKK, Vlco President; II. N. COK- KIN, Ca hlur; J. M. IIAINKH, Assistant CnMiler. DlKKUTOltst ltolit. Noble, Tho. Dnvln, II. K. Olden, J. M. Italncs, J, K. Yates, J. II. Morrow, T. ItcRan, M. Aloxamler, K. It. Collin. .Aeeeamfa el Bmnkm. Fir mm, Omrtormtlonm mnd IntHvlHumlm Rtcmlrmd on Ihm Mmmt Lfhmrml Tmrmm Oonmlmtent With Sound Banking. lack schK. s G0L0 MNES AND INVESTMENTS BAKER Oirr, OREGON. TEN YEARS EXPERIENCE IN THE EASTERN OREGON GOLD FIELDS. EXAMINATIONS AND REPORTS A SPECIALTY. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Walla Walla, Washington. (First National Dank In the Mate.) Transacts a General Banking: Business. CAPITAL I100.0OJ. HUUPI.UB 1 100,(00. JJtVI ANKKNY, President. A. II. KKYNOLDS. Vice President. A. II. UUUPOKD, Cashier THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK. Pendleton. Oregon. Capital, $70,000.00. Surplus and Undivided Profits, f60,000.00. BESERVE AGENTS First National Bank. Chlrago. III.; First National Bask, Portland; Oregon; Chemical National Bank, New York, N. Y. ' OFFICERS AND DIRE0T0R8 L"vl AnkeBr.President; W. F. Matlock,. Vice President: 0. B. Wade, Cashier ; IL C. (inerensy, 'Assistant Cashier;' "J. 8. McLeod, W. S. Byers, W. K. Matlock, II. F. Johnson. THE PENDLETON SAVINGS BANK PENDLETON, OREGON. Organized March I, IQ80. Capital, $60,000. Surplus, $55,000. Interest allowed on, time deposits. Exchange bought and sold on all prin cipal points. Special attention given to collections. W. J. Furnish, President; J. N. Teal, Vice-President; T. J. Morris, Cashier. V J6 i rJrrMW s. 'Jii !k Sl Lm7 Trail x 11 WmJiBBBm BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBWf BBBBBBBW BBBBBBBBBM BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbW Ve WbBBBM BBBBBBbWW Don't Ask Us About tho merits of our wares nnd work lot tlioni do tho talking. Tlioy nro good campaign speakers, by tho wny, nnd huvo made uh many new frlondH. Won't you join tho ranks? F.vorything electric, from a push button to u giant dynamo. Orders filled with ulcctric speed. Wire and wiring ; telephone and telegraph instruments. Western Electric Works, 30S4 Washington St., PORTLAND, OREGON DR. B. E. WRIGHT DEINTIST. 342 Washington Street, corner Seventh, Offlco Phono North 2101. Residence Phone Pink 571. POATLAND, OREQON. Narrow Minded People Think they can control tho entire city trade. Not bo with mo ; I am satisfied with my share, and endeavor to treat people accordingly. My stock of Jewelry In second to none, with priceH that Hell. Fine Watch and Jewelry Re pairing a specialty. Old Jewelry made over into new. Highest prices paid for Old Gold. E. J. JAEGER, Jeweler. 290 MORRISON ST. I carry a large stock of Emblem Goods. South side of St., bet. 6th and nth. Willamette Iron and Steel Works. Founders, Machinists and Boiler Makers, PORTLAND, OREGON. OStlGNKRS AND BUILDIUS OP... Marin antl Stationary Eftglnaa and Bollara, aw Mill, Logging and Mining Machinery, Roll Grinding and Corrugating Machinery, Power Transmission Machinery. 'tjt M constantly developing Modern Machinery for special purposes, which ur up to-date plant enaiUa us to build accurately and economically. mw ooaaBSPONDiNoi souoitkd. -aa ifi VENTS OF THE DAY FROM THE FOUR QUARTERS OF THE WORLD. A Comprehensive Review of the Important Happenings of the Put Week, Presented In a Condensed Form, Which Is Most Likely to Prove of Interest to Our Many Readers. Tho indications aro for nn early ad journment of congress. Cocll Rhodes, "tho uncrowned king of South Africa," is dead., Miss Ellon M. Stone, tho Amor lean, missionary, is on tier way homo. There may bo somo dllllctilty in tho United States jotting a coaling station in Cuba. A passenger train struck a buggy in tho suburbs of Pueblo, killing its three occupants. Another mounted forco of 2,000 men is being rnbed in Canada for horvico in South Africa. Two masked nion held up nn Em poria, Kan., hotel, but wuro unable to li.nnl t.i.tt .In. tin t it Tlt(. liana Iili.a . ( mmA I t I a rt applications for tho governorship of tho rt I. it'.... r...n. i i.i .i iyninii Musi iiitiiup, riiuuiii iiiunu islands bu sold to tho United States. A forco of Laguna rebels lias sur rendered. Cuba will be turned ovor to tho Cub ans May 20. Thoro havo been -10 cnolorn cases and 30 deaths at Manila. A St. Jot-oph, Mo., man is undor nr roat for lmving 13 wives. Emperor William's now ncht, tho Motcor," will lw ready to cross tho ocean in a fow days. Two men, chargod with grand lar ceny, sawed their wayout of a Mon tana jail and escaped. President-elect Palma, of Cuba, is confidont that tho career of tho new re public will bo successful. Judgo W. Van Dovanter, of Chicago, has been prominently montioned as a successor to Secretary of tho Interior Hitchcock. Tho scnato is working on tho oleo margarine bill. An Alabama negro was lynched for tho assault of a little white girl. An agent of tho Southern China reb els has arrived in this country to buy arms. Governor General Wood, of Cuba, is being talked of as a successor to Gen eral Miles. An ex-premier of Japan says his country is not going to have any trouble with Russia. A Kansas postoffice robber has boon captured on tho Pacific coast after a chase of over 5,000 miles. The m ineworkers association of Penn sylvania has ii-sued an ultimatum, and if it is not accepted by the mine owners a repetition of the 1900 strike will oc cur in the anthracite region. A man has been arrested in Wiscon sin forburglary who confesses that he is an anarchist and that he tied the handkerchief over tho hand of Cxnlgosz just prior to the shooting of McKinley. Cholera has broken out at Manila. A coal miners' strike in Virginia and West Virginia is probable. A hardware trust has been formed with a capital of 130,000,000. A combine is being formed in New Vork which, if completed, will control tho entire nickel output of the world. Tho new Chinese exclusion bill con tains a clause which will prevent China from participating in the St. LouIb fair. Tho Canadian Pacific freijrht sheds at Winnipeg were burned, together with all freight records, for the past 22 years. Loss, 150,000. kiffijBBKi. ! u . i -Casiggggs i sHBev ' 4V smmI &MBBBBBBBmi.lwMmlBmr7jBBm PimBBBBBBBBm Hfir'v vjLH nbgggflHBa '"' VAH HigSMBMMT-LK'-';i rBBm vGiggggK;)k ' ' '.'''''- ; Jgfl yiLgggggaajkw j'&v'apgH XBBBBBBBmmaBBBm &,!' zlBBBBBBCy'- BBBBBM 'S'BBBbW:? MBBBWm f&irl n" BBBBkT1. ' jawMaMHl ggggiaagnBlfcj.! WbbbbbbbKb1bW&LJ WBBBBmBBBmr AWBB.''-;W CfUII, HIIODKS. BagSKgagggggY '' r dggggggggai RgggggggggggPsttgggpggggggggggggH lmBBBBBBBBBBBBBm':''BBBWiBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB)i BBBBBBBBBBBBWjBB-'BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBm gggggggggggggggggggggg4aflSHgggw ( jggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggW bbbbbbbbbbbbbbWbW2bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbW( aggaW BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbIbBBs AmBBBBBB bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbmmbbbbbbbw JLbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbT NEWS OP THE STATE A. A. COUUTKNKY. Kcpulillrau OmullUHtt! (or t lie U'elslutunt. One of tho ngrcoublo surprlsea of tho recent Republican county conven tion was' tho unanimous nomination mr member of tho lcglslnturo for Mult nomah, of tho gontloman whoso nnmu stands at tho head of this article Fow of , tho dolcgatCB had ovor thought of Mr. Courtonoy for ofllce, but be fore the convention was In aesulon nn hour It became evident Umfho could havo anything in tho gift of tho convention, so great waB tho Impression created In his fnyor by tho nblo, fair and Impartial manner in which ho dis charged the duties of presiding ofllcer. HIh ability as a parllmcntarlan was commende oven by tho minority nnd It Is hut fair to say fow men havo ever presided over a convention under similar circumstances' with mom crodlt to theawtelVM., Mr. Courteney is a oalmon brokor nnd has resided in Portland for aboijf, S yoars. Ho Is a life-long Republican, and this Is tho first timo ho.haa ever' aspired to offlco. Ho Is n resident of the Sovcnth Ward nnd has a- faiiy.ailBtlna; of.a.wlfo nnd two children. , , CECIL RHODE8 DEAD Passed Away Peacefully at Ills Home Near Cape Town. Capo Town, March 27. Cecil Ilhodes dlod peacefully at 5:57 P.M. yohter- day. Ho slept in tho nfternoon, but liis breath became diilicult and his strong th percoptlbly diminished until ho passed away. Mr. Khodos was con Ecious until 5:65 P. M., when ho mut tered a fow words and funk quietly. Tho immediate causo of his doatli was two buccobb1,vo attacks of lioart failure. Mr. Ithodos' last words were tho names of his brother and somo of tho othors prosent, which wore mount to be good-byoe. The body will bo taken to Groot- eschuur, tho rei-idenco of the deceased, near Capo Town, on a special train to day. Thoro it wilt probably lio in state for a day or two, and tlio public will bo admitted to view tho remains. It has not yet been determined wiioro ho will Ihj burled. It was tho wisli of Mr. Khodes to bo intorred at Matopo Hills, Ithodesia. Certain of his friends will proceed to Matoppo Hills to deter mine whether it is uractlcablu to carry out this wish. The government has decidod to givo Mr. Rhodes a publio funeral. His re mains will bo broughi hero from Groot eschuur for the burial t-orvico, which will be held in the cathedral. The body will be then taken back to Groot eschuur, and eventually will bo interred at Matoppo Hill. Cecil Rhodes' Career. Cecil John Ithodos, tho English colonial statesman, whote ambitions and ability won for him the title of tho Napoleon of Africa, was born at JISnIi op's Strotford, Hertfordshire, England, July 6, 1853, His grandfather was a well-to-do dairyman in the Islington suburb of London. His fathor, Nov. Francis Will'ani Rhodes, was for many years vicar of St. Michael's church in tho parish of Bishop's Strotford. Cecil, the third eon, a weakly youth, received Ills early education at tho local gram mar school, one of King Edward VI's foundation, as did his numerous broth ers, one of whom died in the heart of Africa and others did honor to the rolls of the English army, A term or two at Oriel college, Oxford, followed, and then phyt-icians ordered him to tho Cape. He landed with moderate means and took to diumond mining, ultimately cnntolidutiug all the mining intere-its and controlling tho diamond mpply of Africa. 'J he warm Alrican climatohad made a mountain of energy of a weasly English youth. Capo politics noon at tracted him. Ho entered tho colonial parliament nsa member for ISarkly West and later took ofilio in tho ministry of Sir Thomas Scan Ion. On tho fall of Sir Gordon Hpiiggx' ministry, July 17, 1800, lie became premlei of the colony. In 181)1 ho visited England, nnd while thoro donated $50,000 to tho Irish Homo Hole fund. In September, lHD.'l, ho took (ho field against Lnlnmguoln, tho warlike king of Miitnbelehind, with u Hying squadron of (100 trooper?. When tho Anglo-Hoar war broke out, Mr. Ithodos was at Kimberley, whore ho romaltiud during tho siege, placing hlnifulf at tho head of a regiment of guards that ho organized nnd main tained. On the relief of tho city, ho hurried to London and mot Mr. Cham berlain, but the subject or result of the conference was never announced His health being bad, ho returned recently to the Capo in tho hope that the South African air would benefit him, but his condition steadily grew worso. FOR 8T. LOUI8 EXPOSITION. Chief of Agricultural Department will Visit Portland. St. Louis, March 28. Tho work on tho world's fair lias progressed so far that It is poHslblo for a casual visitor to make out roughly tho main features ' of tho picture which is to be painted on the site with buildings, lagoons, trees and avenues. Saturday plans and specifications will be ready for the ma chinery building. Tho ostimatod cost of the building is 000,000. The department of works has pro pared plans for chaugos which 'shall convert tho St. Louis Athletic Club nn the world's fair slto into a temporary honpital, Tho large increase in the number of men employed on the sitn makes some provision for emergency aid to the injured necessary. F. J. Hart, architect of the Arkansas world's fair building, lias arrived in St. Louis to' make final survey and preparations for tho erection of the building. C. F. Taylor, chief of tho department of agriculture and acting chief of tho department of horticulture of tho I world's fair, and Charles M, Itceves, I wcretary of tho joint committee on leg islation and t-tato and territorial ox 'hibits, have left on a Western tour of exploitation, to last about three weeks. They will meet the governors of New Mexico, Nevada, California, Oregon, , Washington, Idaho, Utali and Wyo ming, as well as tho members of the business ortrunizntionH of tho capitals of those states; also tho leading citi zens of several other cities, including San Francisco, Portland and Tacoina. New British Army Rifle. London, March 28. Tho war office has approved the new rifles and they will probably eoon be issued to the whole Ilritish army. Tho new arm is 10 ounces lighter and its barrel is 5 incites shorter, but it has the same range as the rifle now in use. It has the Mauser breech mechanism, but an improved bolt action. It is provided with a wlndgauge and a foresight, It will hold 10 rounds of ammunition in the magazine, ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM ALL' PARTS OF OREQON. ta r . Commercial and Financial Happenings of Im portance A Brief Review of the Growth and Improvements of the Many Industrie Throughout Our thriving Commonweals ,i Litest Market Report. Tho creamery plant nt Junction City j$ will soon bo in operation. .- A party of about 20 immigrants ar- . i rived in Yamhill county a fow day ago ; from TenuesBco. A commercial club has been organ ized nt Froowator to furthor tho inter oats of that city. Tho Goloouda mino, in the Cracker ', crooK district, sovon miles wost of Sumpter, has been sold for f 250,000. Tho husino-s men of Salem, now that a flax mill is assured, aro working lor tlio establishment of a linen mill. Preparations nro being mnilo to ro- ' colvo a 10 stamp mill nnd complete oqulpmont nt tlio Maybollo mino, in tho Granite district. Tho Grant county dologatos to tho llopublican congressional convention nro for Williamson. Tlioy aro not com mitted for governor. Tho noted Roaring Gimlot mino, in tlio Gold Hill district, bus caused another sensation In tlio nature of n rich strlko. Tho mino was purchased last week by Indiana men for tlO.000. and since its tmrchnso tho now ownnm havo struck n big pocket led go on tho main vein, nnd removed a pan of near ly pure gold, or about $18,000. Tho Prohibitionists of Washington county will hold their convention April 5. It is tho Intention to placo n full county tkkot in tho field. Demo cratic primaries wero hold in Umatilla county March 25 and tho county con vention in Pendleton March 21). The voto at tho primaries was very light, thoro being no contost ovor the elec tion. A full county ticket wbb named. The, Columbia River Development clOHofJlncorboratlonT- Capital. 'wJrTL 00- ' " && Tho sottlors rates alven hv tlm ratli'" roads nro bringing many now arrivals from the East daily, who aro buying homes in various parts of tho stnto. The Ilakor City & Snako Itivor rail road, with headquarters at Ilakor City, lias filed articles of incorporation. Its object is to build a railroad from linker City northeasterly to tho mouth of S(junw creek, on tho Snake river. Cap ital stock, $2,500,000. Republican county conventions and primaries wero held in n number of countloH Saturday, In tho Socond con gressional district tho fight between Moody and Williaim-on was the chief issuo. Results i-eem to havo loft the contost in as great doubt as over. Moody appears to havo the best of it in Ilakor county, and Williamson in Union. Wheeler nnd Gilliam aro for Williamson and Sherman for Moody. Columbia county is rinld to bo mostly for tho Wasco county mun. Clatsop will go for tho man from Crook. For KOVOrilOr. Geer llOH rnrriml n numltA. nt counties, and Furnish is in favor in hastens Oregon. In many of tlio mors Imnortaiit .cotnitlnn. Iiouov.ir !. ii- gatlons are noncommittal. PORTLAND MARKETS. WheatWalla Walla, 03K64c; bluestom.OOc; Valley, (H05o. Rarley Feed, 2021.; brewing, f2l21.60 per ton. Oats No. 1 white, fl.16ai.22Ji'; gray, fl.10Ql.20. Flour Rest grades, f 2.803.40 per barrel; graham, f2.602.80. Millstuffs Dran, f 18 per ton; mid dlings, f20; shorts, f20; chop, f 10.60. r' Hay Timothy, fl213; clover, f7.608; Oregon wild hay, f 5t) per ton. Potatoes Itest Ilurbanks, fl.10ai.3t per cental ; ordinary, 7O80c per cen tal, growers' prices ;s wee ts, f2.262.6 per cental. Dutter Creamery, 26a30o; dairy, 1822Kc; storo, 13ai6c. Eggs 14o for Oregon, Cheese Full cream, twins, 134J 13c; Young America, 1416e; fac tory prices, llKo less. Poultry Chickens, mixed, H.OOe 6.00; hens, f5.00(l.60 per dozen, Hi V 12J6o per pound ;sprlngi,liailio per pound, f34K per dozen; ducks, f5&6 per dozen; turkeys, live, 1213ci dressed, H10o per pound; geese, f6 7 er dozen. Mutton Gross, 4c per pound; digest ed, 77$c per pound. Hogs Gross, 5?c; dressed, 8Ka7e per pound. Veal 88 for small; 77 for large, Ileef Gross, cows, 3tf4oj steera, 44Hc; dressed, 0$7Jc per pound. - Hops 1213e per pound. Wool Valley, 1316c; Eastern Ore- 7 gon, 812ej mohair, 21021 o per pound,. M rW