J--m WHTH" w MwvriV SSFSf THE NEW AGE. PORTLAND. OREGON. -,.. ; ALMNA FEMIY EXCHANGE John Ererson, Proprietor. Dealer In i j Choice Wines, Liquors and Cigar. ' - 18 Albtnn avenue, corner Hlver itroet. AlbltiB, Oregon. mllK DAVARtA SALOON A.B. nUltOKIt, ITop. u Imported and Domestic Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Wrlnhard'a Ucor. ( 1'hone Oregon Ulnik 191 R K. Corner Second and Oak: Utreets, . ', roilTLAND, OHE00N. PORTLAND ROLLING MILLS ' Manufacturers of RAR IRON AND STKEL. N. K. AYER, Manager. ' Twcntj.Second and Nlcolal Streets. "ly 0. NOON BAO CO. Manufacturers and Importers of RAGS, TWINES. TKNTB AND AW.VIN08, FLAGS AND MINING HOSE. Rsgclng Material, Canvas, Sail Making in all Its Branches, Cotton Duck, Cordage, etc 1M4N. First St. and 210-212-214.21(3 Couch St., PORTLAND, OR. Bl II'AZIER BROS. Club Rooms Second Floor Wine Rooms, Concert, Tool and Billiard Hall Oregon Phone Grant 71 243 Burnslde St. PORTLAND OHKOON. Tl AYES & SHORT AKT18T1C PIIOTOOKAPHEIW. New Studio i Seventh and Washington Streets, Or Dresser's New Grocery. T ELDING BROS. Dealers In Diamonds. Watches, Jewelry, Silverware Spectacles, Etc. REPAIRINO A SPECIALTY. ALL WORK WARRANTED. 45 Third St. Bet. l'llio and Alh. Old Gold and Silver Bought. Portland, Or. MAOLE BAKERY. 'Phone Clay 214 II. A. Brammer, Proprietor. BREAD, CAKES, PIES, CONFECTIONERY. Ornamental and Fnncy Cakes to order. Cor. Twelfth and Gllsan Btreeta. mHE WESTERN LUMBER COMPANY Office: Seventeenth and Front Street, Portland, Oregon. TkAY & HENDERSON All Kinds of FURNITURE. Practical Embalmeri and Undertakers. Order by telegraph filled promptly. Phono Black 47, Cor. W lllamelte and 7th Sts. EUGENE CITY, OREGON. a RIFFIN HARDWARE CO. Wholesale and Retail Hardware. BTOVES AND TINWARE. Willamette 8trcet, EUGENE, OREQON QNOW FLAKE SALOON O. PETERSON, Prop. The Choicest Brands of Wines, Liquors and Cigars. l'rlt at Rooms. 280 Burnslde Street, Corner Fourth, PORTLAND. OREGON. T UK EXCHANGE. George Sebeckl. FINE WINE8, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. WEINHARD'S BEER. 101-Third Street North. flAIA AT 531 FIRST BT, Fr Fresh Bread, Cakes and Pits Dally. A Fresh Line of Groceries, Teas, Coffees, Etc. MRS. E. N. BUCHANAN, Proprietress. CHARLES A. LUfAS,, Attorney and Conn. se)or-atLaw. Room 629 Chamber of Com merce. Practice in all Federal and State CourU. Portland, Oregon. J. Rorder. N. Marquart SEVENTH A GLI8AN EXCHANOE. Choice Wines, Liquors and Cigars, Bellwood Beer, Phone Clay 6b9. 115 N. 7th 8t.. Portlaud -MEW YORK HAT CO. UtNUFACTURINO HATTERS. x Hals Dyed. Cleaned. Blocked and Trimmed. Latest hlyle Hats In Stock and Mad to Order. Union Halters. Phone Clay 726. Hi Fifth Street. PORTLAND, OREGON -SPRANdER'S ARCADE 30, 3. 34 North Sixth Street, Corner Couch. ...BILLIARDS AND POOL... Ladle' and Gents' Reading Room E. H. SPRANOER, Prop. rtf n Phone Main 754. Columbia Phon 751 Portland, Oregon. Baggage and Omnibus Transfer ...COMPANY... Offlc 8. W. Cor. Fourth and Stark Bts. Telephone 630. PORTLAND. OREGON, Exchange Your Checks With Mcacenger a Trains and Order Carriage or Coupe. Batrgape checked at resi dence to any destination. Branch Ofllcea; Hotel Portland: United Csjriage Co., Eeveuth and Taylor. L. H. ADAMS, MT. UTEHKKEN A JULIEN- Wholcrale and reatall grocer, 312-114 Rum side street, corner Sixth, Portland, Or. Tole. phone, Oregon Mack 932, Columbia 686. rOIIN KKLI.Y General Iiurance Agent, Fire and Marine. Fcottlsh Union A National lin.Co,, IMIliburg and London; Western F. and M. Assurance Co., Toronto, Can. 82 Third St., Columbian Bldf. c. K. MILLER. Oregon Thone Clay 761 PHOTOGRArilER. 22" Washington St. Portland, Oregon. THE BELL SALOON. Nate Solomon. Mgr. Phone Ore. Main 617. 'Phone Col. Tit. Hot Luneh served every evening from 9:30 to 1:30. !i36 Washington Street. Portland, Ore. A RMORY CANTEEN. Aug. Eschle, Prop. Northeast corner Tenth and Couch 8ts. Ore. 'Phono Hood 605. Portland, Oregon. mHE TRANSCONTINENTAL HOUSE. J. J. Engelhardt, Proprietor. 773 Savior Street. Portlnad, Ores on A NDERSON A JOHNSON Dealers In FINE WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. Gambrlnus Ugvr Beer on Draught. 187 Third Street. Phone, Blaek 0C3 Ilriviicli 828 Washington Street. Phone, North 334. Portland, Oregon. mHE TOTEM. First class In every respect. Headquarters for Ola Kentucky Home Club Whiskey and Schlltz Milwaukee Beer. Family entrance on West Park St. 880 Morrison street. Phono, Hood 717. A. CLOSE, Manager. P. F. NAIL. Cor. Commercial and Stanton Bts,, Portland Ore. Wlne, Liquors and Fine Cigars. Oregon Phono Pink 41S. V. M. PRESTON. GROCERIES. Free delivery to all parts of the City. VM) Ijirrabcu St., corner lln.salo. Portland, Or. 'Phone Scott 371. NEIL O'HARE. Oceania Exchange. Choice Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Kicc Lunch. Cor Husscll and Brendle Sts., Portland, Or. C. DAVIDSON. New and Second Hand Clothing, Boots and Phoes, Trunks, Valises, Jewelry and Tools bought, told and exchanged. Highest price paid tor all kinds of vsluable goods, at 87 N. Third St. and 41 Third St., Portland, Oregon. 'Phones Clay 513, Green 477. Tailoring, Dyeing, Cleaning and Repairing done on short notice. 1 MEIUCAN BAKERY. Gus Mankerti, Prop. Alt Kinds of Bread, Cakes and Pits. Haae- mado Bread a Specialty. Satisfaction Guaranteed. 600 Williams Ave. Portland, Or T HE TOTEM. First-class In every respect. Headquarters for Old Kentucky Home Club Whiskey andBchlltz Milwaukee Beer. Family entrance on Wait Park St. A. CLOSE, Manager. JONTE CARLO SALOON. Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars, Etc. Latest ilrands. HAGODLOM CARLSON, Proprietor. Cor. Eighth and Gllsan Streets. Private Room entrance on Eighth Street. 1 WEES BEE SUPPLIES SPRAY PUMPS SEEDS SEED3 BUELL LAMBEBSON'S SONS SEEDSMEN, 180-1S1 Front 8t., Portland, Oregon Poultry supplies Garden Hot Fertiliser) CALL AT 171 North Sixth Street, For the Latest Brands of Cigars and all kinds of fruits when in season. C. M. PENNELL, Prop. Call at 211 Third StrBSt for Fine Candies. Fresh Fruits every day. The very Latest Brands of Clears. M. A. CLOW, Prop. T HE CABINET RESTAURANT. George Jones, Proprietor. Open from S a. m, to 1 a. m. Private rooms lor Ladles. Luucht put up for Travelers. Phone North 441. 232 Yamhill St., near Second c. P. JONES. CIOAR8, TOBACCOS, CANDIES. FRUITS, NUTS, ETC. 133 Sixth Street, Delu cen Qltsau and Hoy t. Portland, Oregon TnOR BAR0AIN8 CALL ON II. S. GOLDMAN. Dealer lu New and Second-Hand Clothing, Gents' Furnishings, Hati, Caps, Hoots, Sho a. Blankets, 1 rnnks, Valli,, Tools, Etc. Cait-09 Clothing bought and exchanged, 66i North Third St., bet Davis and Everett. Portland. Or Telephone Brown 423. OQUARE DEALING IS OUR MOTTO. NEW YORK LOAN OFFICE. Drumberg A Co., Proprietor. W bay, sell, trade or lend mnnv on Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry and Articles pf Every Des cription, Kargatns in unredeemed pledges for cash or installments. Phone Red 20. .So. 16 Third St., bet. siurrison aud Yamhill, Portland A First Class Market. WILLARD, EHRMAN & CO, 364 Washington Street. DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF MEATS. Free delivery o all parts of the city. Oregon Grant 141L Columbia Telephone US. A. E. SIEOEU. Dealer in all kinds of STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES Butter, Cheete, Eggs, Etc. Ham and Bacon a Specialty. Phone, day 584. 95 N. Seveatlt St DKESSES FOK SPRING. THOSE OF 8ILK MAKE THE ECON OMIZER GRIEVE. Hod Ice and Skirt Are Unsuitable for Wearing Separately Moire Bilk Keatorcd to Favor Some Very Elabo rate Gown of Thin Material. New York correspondence: I'llINQ dresses of rIII arc hand some nffulrs that mnke the evonom Ixer Brieve. Not only are their inn terlnl.s line and their trimmings hatijRomo, but the ormttnentntluns of bodice nml skirt mrttch so closely thnt neither may be worn without the other. Not n few women could p c r u n dc them selves that they could afford one of these dresses, If It was on the Inter changeable plan, yet decide other wise on findlutt thnt bodice and skirt nre practically In separable. Foulards and dresden silks make an especially handsome showing among these dresses, the beauty of the MODIiLS SET FOR goods being re-enforced by the daintiest of trimmings, In which Ince, embroidery and ribbons are used with pretty Ingenu ity. Moire silks arc restored to high standing, too, and moire vplour and moire Louisine are right at the front, A deal of these weaves Is In white, hut there are light tints nlso. The white makes up very handsomely. To-dny's small picture hints of how the goocln is employed. Here bodice and skirt were appllqued with chiffon roses and velvet leaves run with black velvet. The revcrs were embroidered In silver, and a stitched band of the silk appeared on the skirt. Apparently summer will sec much of white mo I re. nnd there Is a black and white striped weave that has much favor. Swiss muslins promise to be conspicu ous In the summer array. They are ex pensive, but beautiful nnd worth their cost. They come In cjqulslto cloudy ef fects, In pretty stripes nnd figures. Many re shown fordnformnl wear. They ure high In the neck, have long sleeve nnd many are trimmed almost wholly with ribbon. Others are embroidered nnd em bellished with lace. One of thin class My , If NOVELTIES FHOM TAILOUS AND DRESSMAKERS. appears at the right lu the next picture. It was white, and the embroidery was In pule blue silk. The lace wus cream Irish crochet. All theiie muslins are made over a foundation of crisp lawn. Some are trimmed with bands of coarse cream, white or ecru braid lace. The middle gown of the second picture Is an example of the treatment of veil ings, a dove gray veiling being there put over white silk uud trimmed with bl.uk chantilly, narrow white braid and cream luce. Some of these veilings and kin dred solid color goods nre made of alter nate rows of small tucks, the plain part filled In with medallions of white or crenm faee outlined with spangles. Hern stitching, herring bone Btltchlng and fag ottlng appear ftequeutly. Pongee silk batiste and white linen lawn robe costumes arc haudsume enough. The borders are beautifully em broidered In white, self colors or In com binations of tints. Pongee makes up well, too, over lawn of the same color. The first picture of this group of three figures wns made In this way, pongee and lawn being of a beige shade. Pleats, ap plique of batiste embroidery and much tucking were the embellishments. Dimi ties and polka dotted and figured Swisses ore stylish materials deserving of favor. These are made tip with the same elabo ration of trimming that nppenrs on silks mul soft cloths. The third gown In the group of four Is Illustrative, being n black dotted swUs over white silk, with finish of box-pleats, black chiffon quilling, and medallions of white nnlnsook embroidery outlined with silver spangles, yoke and collar being embroidered In green silk floss. Stnmlne and canvas veiling are materials that are found In a great ra ricty of tints this season nnd mako up prettily. The practical tailor gown Is still a pos sibility, but not absolutely plain as it was recently. It Is trimmed with Btltch ed bands, shows pleats and fine tucks in some form, clears the ground and, If made with a drop skirt of silk, no under petticoat Is worn. Etigllsh tweeds, French cheviots nnd homespun nre the materials for plain gowns, and mohairs in blue, light shades of beige and gray are offered for later use. Smooth faced cloths, can vas and silk are well represented among the elnborate tailor costumes and new features of trimming arc passementerie SUMMER COPYING. ornaments, fancy braids and a passemen terie embroidery on silk filet, which Is used for collar and cuffs. The outside two figures of the concluding lllustratlou retlect the new tailor styles. The left hand gown was of light brown mixed Scotch tweed, trimmed with slashed folds of the goods run with red velvot ribbon. The vest was white cloth and brown silk braid. The right hand gown was beige stnmlne over silk to match. Iloth skirt and bodice were trimmed with stitched bands of beige silk outlined with whit braid. Yoke, collar, belt and cuffs were dark red velvet. Styles of coats nre le gion In tailor-mades, but cton and short jackets prevail. Itcference has been made In the fore going to the elaborateness with which soft cloths are made up. There seems to be no end to the torturing to such ma terials as nun's veiling, albatross, wool crepe de chine and wool canvas are put. After being snipped, clipped and stenciled fantastically, the richest and most com plex trimmings nre applied, nnd yet the result Is not deemed overwrought. Yet the tendency has gono to extravagant ex- tremes, and It seems as ,If fashionables soon must turn uwuy from It. A moder ate example of It Is pictured lu the sec ond model of the Inst picture. This gown's material was cream albatross, the skirt flounce edged with black chiffon qulliinj. Tucked white chiffon gave yoke und col lar, and applique of chiffon and velvet trimmed the bodice showily. A new Idea for weddings Is to have the bridesmaids carry silk muffs, trimmed with (lowers, Instead of bouquets. These muffs, which are of extra large size, and match (he hat lu color, bare double ruUIes of silk at the edges. TaCOHIA, WASH., AOVEnTISIHQ. t) "SNA BEL, 1V I'roprtetirot 71 IE GERMAN IIAKRAY AND COFFEE PARLOUS. Fresh Bread and Cakes dally. Ornamental Cakes a specialty. Only tlio best and purest material used in our llakcry. Bread delivered free tnanv part of the city. Telephone l'ark 791. 1117 l'aclflo Avenue, T&coma, Washington. ROTHSCHILD & CO. I'ort Towuscnd, Washington. SIIII'I'INO AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Custom Holiso Brokers and Stevedores. Established 1U8. Branch offices Tacoma and Scattlo. JKNTUCKY LIQUOR CO. 1'oter 8andbcrg, Proprietor. WINES, LIQUORS AND CIOARS. Pole agent for Outness1 Stout and Bass' Ale, (Read Bros. Bottling). Established 1SSI. Tele phono Main CW. (no l'nclila Avonuej 1139 Commerce bt. Tacoma, W ushlngtou. TRY Frye Bruhn & Co. IMS Pacific Avenue, Tacoma, Wash. Wholesale and Retail Butchers Meats furnished for Railroads and Steamboat Lines. TEI.F.niONK 43. TACOMA CARRIAGE and BAGGAGE TRANSFER COMPANY. Office 103 Tenth St., Southeast corner of A. TACOMA, WASH. Hacks, Coupes, Carriages, Baggage Wagons At All Hours. Passengers and Baggage transferred from residences nnd hotels to and from all boats and tralnn. Hand your checks for baggage to our nirrsvngers, who will meet you on all Incom ing trains and boats. Kirnt clnss Llvury. Open allnlKht. All rigs marked "T. U. A II. T. Co." Grand Central Hotel. W. W. HARMON, Lessee and Mgr. Headquarters for Lumbermen Miners and Tourists. First class bar In connection. 1211-1111 l'aclflo Avenue. TACOMA, Wash Tacoma Trunk Factory. Trunk, Traveling Hurb, Suit Caiea and Telescopes. REPAIRING DONK. 730 Pacific Ave. Tacoma, Wash. HUNT & MOTTET CO. Dealer In General Hardware MILL AND LOGGERS' SUPPLIES. 1601-1503-1605 Pacific Avenue TACOMA, WASH. ...OLYMPIC... Steam Laundry 407 South J Street MICHAEL J. BJORN 4 LOUIS J. NORN I'llOI'llIKTUltS TACOMA, WASH. PORTLAND UMBRELLA WORKS H. ANDKUSON, I'roprletor. Umbrellas and Parasols Made to Order, Recovered and Repaired. Cant Repaired. 1H Third 81, let. Yamhill and Taylor. rbon uiaek w roniajifl, urBzOti. W. C. HOLMAN. Dealer In Agricultural Implements Wagons, Buggies, Etc. 210, 212, 214 Front Street. Cor. Salmon, I'OIITLAND, OftKliON. Pendleton Roller Mills W.B.BYBUB, I'roprletor. Daily Capacity 200 Barrels Manufacturers of Blue Ribbon nml lirern' Heat Flour, llran and Hiurts. Rolled Uarluy alwayH on Hand. Pendleton, Oregon WILLI WALU, WASH., ADVERTISING: TRYAN BROS. b Hew Lively, Feed and Sale Stable.' Rubber Tired Hacks a specialty. Carriage calls attended to night or day. Souths est cor. Second and Alder Streets. Telephone 67. WALLA WALLA, WASH. T W. COOKF.RLY. Undertaker and General Funeral Furnisher. Embalming a Specialty. Babcock's Brick Block, 7)i First St. Telephone Black ISL WALLA WALLA, WASH. McBride Bros. LIVERY STABLE. Rubber Tired Hacks a Specialty. Baggiga Wagons. WALLA WALLA, WASH. Telephone 66. 124 E. Main Si. HOTEL DACRES S. SIMON, Proprietor. Formerly Simon HoUSC. Ratut $2.50 to $3.00. WALLA WALLA, WASH. Fine Furnished Rooms Refreshment! - Cuba Cafe - ROBERT SCHULZE, Propr. ED. WHITEHEAD, Mgr. 03-95 Fourth Strt, Opp. Chamber of Commerce, TORTLAND OR DEMENT BROS. COMPANY. WALLA WALLA. Patent Flour: "White Spray" AND "Dement's Best 9 For Breakfast Food: "WHEAT GRANULES" H. R. DECKWITH, Wholesale Agent, Portland. GILBERT HUNT CO. Machine Shop and Foundry Mamilncttuers ol Pride of Washington Threilisra, SeH- Feeders, Drapers and Machine Extras of Every Description, Repair Work a Specialty. Gatalcgjo Frit, WALLA WALLA, WASH. KlngG.BtaptM. Isaao K. maple. Staples Land and Emigration Co. Itoora , Worcester Hulldlnj. Timber and Mineral Lands Bought and Sold. Homestead and Timber Claims Located. Estimates of Tim ber Made by Competent Men PORTLAND, OREGON. BO YEARS' Trade Marks Desionb COPVniGHTS 4c Anrona snrll ig a skelrh and description may inlcklr ascertain our opinion fro whether an iivfliiilmi Is urotiablr natentuhlfl. t'mniuuhlra. tlmnulrlctlr confidential. Handbook on I'ateul aont free. OMcit aioncr fur ccurinir Datents. I'atnnts taken tlirovwri lluim A Co. rclr sjxrtal notUi, without charge, lu tbs Scientific Jftnericatn A handioiielr lllnttralnr weeklr, largest fir. dilution of nnr .tlcntiuo Journal. 'I'm ins. 13 a. leirt four months, II. Bold brail newsitealera. HUNNftCo.30'D'""'. New York iitwCh I Bc. Oft r BU WMtUUsiion, 11,0. '"flalLaflHaBflbM sv sV Av A A -. ifffift " l fc'i - fffc-fc. wt - w --T'- i .-.-m-. 111 iii.riiii. , . I ( tr&m&&j ; BLEL::-;i - " infi- 11