..T7 XT v . . ,. . ., ... !CHE .oUTOf AGrE, PORTLAND, GSSGON. miywii (jiff m -'ff yr:" ' I.BWA FEnUY KXCHANOK John Krcrson, Proprietor. Dealer in f'liolce Wines, Mquors anil Cigars. 10 Alblna revenue, corner Klver ttreet Alblna, Oregon. fPlIK 1IAVAKIA SALOON A. n. llUUUKlt, I'rop. Imported and Domestic Wine. Liquors andClgara, Welnhard's Beer. Phone Oregon Mack 1945 R. K. Corner Second and Oak Street, roUTLANO, OllEOON. pOKTLANO IIOM.INU MILLS Manufacturers of 1IAK IKON AND 8TKBL. N. K. AYKIt, Manager. Twenty-feecond and Nicolal Streeti. f C. NOON I1AO CO. Manufacturers and Importers o( 1IA08, TWINES. TENTS AND AW.V1NG8, FLAGS AND MININO HOSE. llsgclng Material. Canvas, Sail Making In all ttsllranchcs, Cotton Duck, Cordage, etc. J2-M N, Firat SI. and '.'UV'J1'2.2M.'J10 Couch St., POIITI.AND, OK. OI.AZIEU I1KOS. Club Rooms Second Floor Wine Rooms, Concert, Pool and Billiard Uall Oregon Phone Oram 71 243 Durnaldo St. . PORTLAND . OREGON. .. "M AYES A SHOUT ARTISTIC I'llOTOOKArilElfJ. New Studio Heventh and Waihlngtou Streeti, Or Dresser's New (Irocerjr. u KLD1N0 DUOS. Dealen In Diamonds. Watches, Jewelry, Silverware Spectacles, Etc. IIRPAIKINO A 8PECIA1.TY. ALL WORK WARRANTED. Third St. Hot. Pluc and Aili. Old Qold and Silver nought. Portland, Or. KIAOLE IIAKKRY. 'Phone Claj 214 II. A. lirammer, Proprietor. DREAD, CAKES, PIES, CONFECTIONERY. Ornamental and Fiincy Cakes to order. Cor. Twelfth and Ollaan Streets. mllK WESTERN LUMBER COMPANY Office: Seventeenth and FroutStreets. Portland, Oregon. D AY A HENDERSON All Kinds of FURNITURE- Practical Embalraers and Undertakers. Order by telegraph filled promptly. I'hono Black 47. Cor. lllaniette and 7th Sis. KUGKNK CITY. OREGON. MRIHKW HARDWARE CO. Wholesale and Retail Hardware. 8TOVE8 AND TINWARE. Willamette Street, EUUENE, OREGON QNOW FLAKE SALOON O. PETERSON, Prop. The Choicest Brands ot'WIncs, Liquors and Cigars. Prl at Rooms. 3M Burnslde Street, Corner Fourth, PORTLAND, OK2CQON. mllK EXCHANGE. George Sebeckl. FINK WINES, LIQUORS AND CIOARS. WEINHARD'S IIEER. 101 Third Street North. ilAIX AT Ml FIRST 8T, For Fresh Bread, Cakes and PUs Dally. A Fresh Line of Groceries, Teas, Coffees, Etc, MRS. E. N. BUCHANAN, Proprietress. CHARLES A. LUCAS, Attorney and Coun. selorat.LaT. Room 629 Chamber of Com. roerce. Practice In all Federal and State 'Court. Portland, Oregon. 3. ItovUer. N. Marquart SEVENTH A GLISAN KXCHANOE. Choice Wines. Liquors and Cigars. Sellwood llee-r. Phone Clay M'J. US N. 7th St.. Portland TEW YORK HAT CO. MANUFACTURING HATTKRB. Hat Dyed. Cleaned, Blocked and Trimmed, latest Style Hats In Stock and Made to Order. Union Hatter. Phone Clay 726. Hi Fifth Street, PORTLAND, OREGON SPRANGER'S ARCADE jo, 3a, 34 North Sixth Street, Corner'Couch. ...BILLIARDS AND POOL... Ladies' and dents' Reading Room E. H. SPRANGER, Prop. Oregon Phone Main 754. Columbia Phone 754 Portland, Oregon. Baggage and Omnibus Transfer ...COMPANY... ' Office 8. W. Cor. Fourth and Stark Ets. Telephone 538. PORTLAND, OREGON. Exchange Your Checks With Messenger ea Trains and Order Carriages or Coupes. Uapgape checked at resi dence to any destination. Branch Offices; Hotel Portland; United Carriage Co.. beventu and Taylor. L. tl. ADAMS, Mgr. QTEHNKEN A JULIEN- Wholralc and rcatatl grocers, 312-314 Burn, side street, corner Sixth, Portland, Or. Tele phone, Olegon Black 2932, Columbia 586. JOHN KKL.I.Y General Iurancr Agent, Fire and Marine. Scottish Union A National In. Co., Edlnburg and London; Western F. and M. AsMirance Co., Toronto, Can. '!) Third at., Columbian Bldg. c. R. MILLER. Oregon 'Phone Clay 762. PHOTOGRAPHER. 22" Washington St. Portland, Oregon. THE BULL SALOON. Nate Solomon, Mgr. Phone Ore. Main 617. 'Phone Col. 229. Hot Lunch served every evening from 0:30 to 1:00. S36 Washington Street. Portland, Ore. A RMORY CANTEEN. Aug. Eschlc, Prop. Northeast corner Tenth and Couch Bts, md Couch Sts. Portland, Oregon. Ore. 'Phone Hood 505. mllE TRANSCONTINENTAL HOUSE. J. J. Engelhardt, Proprietor. 773 Savlcr Street. Portlnad, Oregon i NDERSON A JOHNSON Dealers In FINE WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGAR". Gambrlnus Ligcr Beer on Draught. 187 Third Street. Phone, Blaek 063 Branch 328 Washington Street. Phone, North 336. Portland, Oregon. mllE TOTEM. First class In every respect. Headquarters for Ola Kentucky Homo Club Whiskey and Schlltz Milwaukee Beer. Family entrance on West Park St. 580 Morrison street. Phone, Hood 717. A. CLOSE, Manager. P. F. MALI. Cor. Commercial and Stanton Sts., Portland Ore. Wine, Liquors and Flue Cigars. Oregon Phono Pink 413. V. M. PRESTON. GROCERIES. Free delivery to all parts of the City. VM) l-nrrnlict; St., corner llatsalo. Portland, Or. 'Phono Scott 371. NEIL O'HARE. Oceanic Exchange. Choice Wines, Liquors ami Cigars. Free Lunch. Cor. Russell and Brendle Sts., Portland, Or. C. DAVIDSON. New and Second Hand Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Trunks, Valises, Jewelry and Tools bought, sold and exchanged. Highest prices paid for all kinds ol valuable goods, at 87 N. Third St. and 44 Third St., Portland, Oregon. 'Phones Clay 513, Green 477. Tailoring. Dyeing, Cleaning and Repairing done on short notice. A MERICAN BAKERY. Gus Mankcrts, Prop. All Kinds of Bread. Cakes and Pies. Home. mado Bread a Specialty. Satisfaction Guaranteed. 500 Williams Ave. Portland, Or. mllK TOTEM. First-class In every respect. Headquarters for Old Kentucky Homo Club Whiskey and Sclillti Milwaukee Beer. Family-entrance on West Park St. A. CLOSE, Manager. JJONTE OAKLO SALOON. Finost Wines, Liquors anil Cigars, Etc. Latent Hramls. HAGOBLOM CARLSON, Proprietor. Cor. Eighth and Gllsan Streets. Private Room entrancoou Eighth Street. T REEB BEK SUPPLIES SPRAY PUMPS 8EEDS SEEDi BUELL LAMUEKSON'S SON8 SEEDSMEN, 180-183 Front St., Portland, Oregon Poultry supplies Garden Hote Fertilizer! CALL AT 171 North Sixth Street, For the Latest Brands of Cigars and all kinds of fruits when in season. C. M. PENNELL, Prop. Call at 211 Third Stnoot for Fine Candies. Fresh Fruits every day. Tito very Latoat Brands of Ciirnrs. M. A. CLOW, I'rop. T HE CABINET RESTAURANT. George Jones, Proprietor. Open from 5 a. m. to 1 a, m. Private rooms for Ladles. Lunches put up for Travelers. Phone North 441. 232 Yamhill St., near Second c. P. JONES. CIOARS, TOBACCOS, CANDIES, FRUITS, NUTS, ETC. 1S3 Sixth Street, Between Glisau and Hoyt. Portland, Oregon piOR BARGAINS CALL ON II. 8. GOLDMAN, Dealer lu New and Secondhand Clothing, Gents' Furnlshlugs. llatt, Caps, hoots, Hho s. Blankets, Trunks. ValUe. Tools, Etc. Cast-OS Clothing bought and exchanged. GCj North Third St., bet- Davis and Everett. Portland, Or Telephone Brown 4S. s QUARK DEALING IS OUR MOTTO. NEW YORK LOAN OFFICE. Brora berg A Co., Proprietors. We buy, sell, trade or lend money on Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry and Articles of Eiery Des cription. Bargains in unrfdeermd pledges for cash or Installments, I'none Red 2ftid. No. ICO Third St., bet. Morrison and Yamhill, Portland A First Clan Market, WXARD, EHRMAN & CO, 64 Washington Street. DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF MEATS. Free delivery to all parts of the city. Oregon Grant 1411. Columbia Telephone 12a, A. E. SIEQEL,. Dealer in all kinds of STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES Butter, Cheese, Eges, Etc. Ham and Bacon a Specialty. Phone, Clay 534. 95 N. Seventh St NEW IDEAS IN DftESS. SPRING WILL BRING OUT MANY NOVELTIES. NckIIrc Attire Ilccoincs More Klnbo rnte Apparent Wustefiilncsn of Pres ent Methods of MukliiK Up Knnlilon able Costumes. New York correspondence; LABOU.VTION is Increasing in neg lige nttlre indeed, Is nlmost essential now to a satisfac tory garment. Not long ago anything .hut n comparative ly simple boudoir gown was graded as tnoro or less ex travagant finery, according to Its de gree of complex ity, but now it is possible to copy the costly ideas nt com paratively small outlay, so highly wrought robes and Jackets are the rule. A potent aid In much of this copy ing is the beauty and nbundauco of cotton fabrics made In Imitation of silk. The mercerlgluK processes have brought many handsome stuffs, and practically all M mm in diilt H aKwX,FVaTLS3ll " Tf 2ST JC3M- kStpLmi? NEWNESS AND LAVISIINKSS COMBINED. tho lighter ones have been made availa ble for house gowns, negliges and the like, nnd whllo not n few of these are worthy of really tine trimmings, there is uo end of Inexpensive garnitures thut will set them off nicely. White teu gowns nre stylish nnd are numerous in dnluty lawns and muslins, Valenciennes luces nnd insertions trim many of these. Some nre made witli Spanish flounces tucked or trimmed with lace, others liavo plain gathered rullles headed with embroidered beading, with delicate colored ribbons run through. The handsomo tea gown pictured hero was made with a Spanish llounce, and wns whlto Persian lawn, white Inco and white satin ribbon. Often the tea gown In Em plro stylo more or less distinct has hand- STYLES IN THE some lace garniture in bolero effect. This feature is to bo fouud la the most ex pensive grade og neglige dresses, a point worth remembering, since it Is a tlnlsh that can bo reproduced cheaply with com plete success. Sacques aud skirt negliges of finest lawns and embroidery and lace are very pretty. The sacques are short, In a loose back effect, and front fitting slight ly at tho sides. Soft liberty satin Is much used for this style of garment, and makes up beautifully, as It does, too, for tea gowns. The petticoat matches the acque, as a rule. New spring cloth dresses seem to have reached the limit of extravaganco both in methods of making aud trimming. Beautiful laces and embroideries are cut and slashed without regard to cwt, aud while such trimmings are handsome, the judicious observer can but regret their wastefulness. Medallions of lace aud embroidery are used, too, with almost reckless freedom. Gowns of belgo col ored all-over embroidery, trimmed with One lace ami insertion, as well as em broidery beading, oro offered for street wear. lu nil this richness, and in much more, there are, of course, many features uot of recent origin, though It should be said to the credit of designers, that most of the familiar Ideas have a new side up permost. For the gowns of the second of to-Jny's pictures, selections were made with a view to making a showing of out right newness. At the left is a cream landsdowno silk, with belt and collar of corn colored satin. Its employment of bands of embroidered points Is the fea ture that marks It ns of the newest. He side it is a gown whoso skirt wns alter nate panels of cloth and linen colored batiste embroidery headed with whlto embroidered beading. In the different ar rangement the picture Indicates, tho samo materials made up Its bodice. The last of this trio was all-over ecru lace, with whlto silk as foundation. Medallions of cream luce, jet ornaments and bauds of black and whlto passementerie trimmed It, a tucked white chiffon collar topping nil. Gowns consisting of n silk founda tion and lace or embroidery overdress nre tho very limit of extravagance, for the overdress Is made to bear all manner of free and costly ornamentation. Dresses for little girls and misses show many feutures indorsed by older fashion ionablcs. All dellcato tinted cloths nre used, with much lace nnd embroidery work. Skirts for misses of twelve to fourteen are gored and finished with stitching, embroidery or applique, nnd the Spanish llouncc is often seen. Bod ices are llnlshed with fancy yokes and haudsomo all-over lace collars. Gowns button In buck or front. Sleeves nre n all styles, tho uudcrslceve predominating and usually of soft, sheer material. Tho Iwlero for young folks has as uiuny va rieties ns for growu-ups. Lace collnrs finish ninny of them, whllo Htitchtng and bauds of black or bright velvet ribbon nro used frec'y. Circular llounces look well and are frequent. Usually they are llnlshed and headed with stitching. Sashes will be worn with wash dresses, and will be of dellcato shades or of hand some plaids and dresden effects. Shirt waists worn with jacket suits nro tucked and pleated, very little trimming being used. Four gowns of ns many sizes wero chos en as Illustrations of these styles, They SMALLISH SIZES. were, beginning at tho left, biscuit albat ross, cream lace aud white tucked silk; white brllllantlne and plaid silk; red cashmere, cream lace, red velvet ami red sutlu ribbon, and whlto lawn, nainsook embroidery and blue liberty satin. On the whole, red and biscuit shades lead all others. An odd dark blue Is seen now and then, but the dark shades are more for rough and ready suits. With wanner weather white gowns will bo many. Cashmeres and henrlettas are much used, and Bob Hoy silks are employed u great deal for trimming. Lawns, dimities, Swisses, muslins and nioussellnes are for summer, and will be elaborately tucked aud finished with Insertion, laces and ribbons. Plain white China silks aud pongees will be trimmed with lace nnd ribbon, but, as a rule, not elaborately. Green In all shades Is likely to be most fashionable for the unxi two or t!ire months. TACOMr, WASH., ADVERTtSINB. D KNABEL, 1V Proprletirot THE GERMAN BAKERY AND COFFER PARLORS. Freeh Bread and Cakes daily. Ornamcntat Calcs a specialty. Only thu best and purest material uuul in our Bakery. Bread delivered tree toany purt of the city. Telephone Park 781. 1117 l'Kclllo Avenue, Tacoma, Washlngtou. ROTHSCHILD & CO. Port Tonnscnd, Washington. SHIPPING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Custom House Brokers and Stovedorcs. Established 18r. Branch ofllces Tacoma and bcnttlo. ' JENTUGKY LIQUOR CO. Peter Snndherg, Proprietor. WINES, LHJt'ORS AND CIGARS. Sole agent for (lulncn' Stout and Buss' Ale, (Read Bros. Bottllugl. Established ltUI. Tele phone Main ATO. 1U0 Pnclllo Avcnuo; HOT Commerce St. Tacoma, Washington. TRY Frye Bruhn & Co. 1310 racltlc Avenue, Tacoma, Wash. Wholesale and Retail Butchers Meats furnished (or Railroads and Steamboat Lines. TKLKIMIONK 43. TACOMA CARRIAGE and BAGGAGE TRANSFER COMPANY. Office Wi Tenth St., Southeast corner of A. TACOMA, WASH. Hacks, Coupes, Carriages, Baggage Wagons At All Hours. Passengers and Baggage transferred from residences and hotels to and from all boats nnd trains. Hand your checks for baggage to our messengers, ulio will meet you on all incom ing trains and boats. First class Livery. Open aliiilghl. All rigs marked "T. C. ,1 11. T. Co." Grand Central Hotel. W, W, HARMON, Lessee aud Mgr. Headquarters for Lumbermen Miners and Tourists. First class bar In connection. 1211-121. Paclflo Avenue. TACOMA, Wash- Tacoma Trunk Factory. Trunks, Traveling Rags, Suit Casoa and Telescopes. REPAIRING DONE. 730 Pacific Ave. Tacoma, Wash. HUNT & IWOTTET CO. Dealers In General Hardware MILL AND LOGGERS' SUPPLIES. 1601-1603-1605 Pacific Avenue TACOMA, WASH. ...OLYMPIC... Steam Laundry 407 South J Street MICHAEL J, BJORN & LOUIS J. BJORN I'ltOI'llIKTOIIH TACOMA, WASH. PORTLAND UMBRELLA WORKS H ANDKKSON, Proprietor. Umbrellas and Parasols Made to Order, Recovered unci Repaired.' Canes Repaired. 190 Third St., Bet. Yamhill and Taylor. phone mack M. ....Portland, Oregon. W. C. HOLMAN. Dealer In Agricultural Implements Wagons, Buggies, Etc. 210, 212, 214 Front Street. Cor. Salmon, I'ORTLAND, ORKUON. Pendleton Roller Mills W. . 1IYKIIB, Proprietor. Daily Capacity 800 Barrels. Manufacturers of Blue Ribbon and Dyers' Beat Floar, Iiran and hliorts. Rolled Barley always on Hand, Pendleton, Oregon WALLA WALLA, WASH., ADVERTISINI. TftYAN 111108. tlaw Lively, Feed and Sale Stable. Iluhher Thcd HncLs a sperlalt'. Carriage calls altcmUd to night or dajr. Bouthuestcor. Second and Alder Streets. Telephone C7. WAI.I.A WAM.A, WA8H. T W. CQOKKltt.Y. Undertaker nnd General Funeral Furnisher. Emhalmlnc! a Hpeclalt.r. llsbcock's Prick Mock, )i First t?t. Telephone niack 891. WALLA WALLA, WA81I. McSride Bros. LIVERY STABLE. Rubber Tired Hacks a Specialty. Ba?gag Wagons. VALLA WALLA, WASH. Telephone 66. 124 E. Main St. HOTEL DACRES S. SIMON, Proprietor. Formerly Simon HoUSC Rates: $2.50 to $3.00. WALLA WALLA, WASH. Fine Furnished Roams Refreshment! - Cuba Cafe - ROBERT SCHULZE, Propr. ED. WHITEHEAD, Mer. 93-93 Fourth Stramt, Opp. Chamber of Commerce, POltTLAND OR DEMENT BROS. COMPANY. WALLA WALLA. Patent Flour: "White Spray" AND "Dement's Best" For Breakfast Food: WHEAT GRANULES" H. R. BECKWITM, Wholesale Agent, Portland. GILBERT HUNT CO. Machine Shop and Foundry Manufacturers of Pride of Washington Thret hera, Self Feeders, Drapers and Machine Uxtras of Hvcry Description. Repair Work a Specialty. Catalcgje Free. WALLA WALLA, WASH. Kins C, Utaplcs. Isaac K. Staples, Staples Land and Emigration Co. ilootn i, Worcester Dutldlni, Timber and Mineral Lands Bought and Sold. Homestead and Timber Claims Located. Estimates of Tim ber Made by Competent Men. PORTLAND, OREGON. SO YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marku nrsiaNS rnovninUTfl An. Anvonaifinillitf askstrli and description mas qulcklr airnrtnlu our opinion frvo whether an liirontloii Is probably umentabla. Coniiiiunlc. tiniisxrlctlrrmitldeiitlsl. Handbook on Patent sout (rue. Oldest alienor for securlutr patents. Patents taken turnuiili slunii A to, reculre special notki, without cbsrvo, In tho Scientific Americans A liandso-nelr lllustrstixl weeklr. Ijirvest rlr culatluii ut anr ilemlBo journal, 'terms, 13 a isirt four months, fL Sold brail newsdealers. sVssflHlBaBlBBBSBBBBUTPr' bbbbbIbbsbbbbDssKEb jjrmjra istrt (our months tiUNNACo. Ut ascn I Boa. a 3BIDroid.,,NfiWYnrK J v nn i. .tM 3 . V2 r w-a .i "M i ! ' :A v; &") , $ 5 r-vg -v , ca r bu wtbuitbu. jj, a i. .'J&ifo'A.' -., -t-vfJSSwll