iwiarwtawigPlPWI P1 W,"'JF'P www- v-T"r "Z7",r ' -to LvfJOKJjS.. - - - - - s- S&6'4tP . 5 Tit? jtsr i-M'.. The New Age i'l f!fs VOL. VI. PORTLAND, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 8, 1902. NO. 49. FIRST NATIONAL BANK "SffeSA DeilgaMTOd Depositary and Vlnmiolal Agant of tha United States. mrident, H. W. Coibett; CMhler, B. O. Wlthlngton) assistant cashier, J. W. Newklrkt second assistant cashier, W. C. Atrord. Letlere of credit Issued, arellable In Kuropo and the Eastern states. Blfht exchange itnd telegraphta transfers told on New York, Boiton, Chlosgo. Oraihi, 8t. Pul, Sin Francisco and the principal points lu the Northwest. Sight and time bills drawn In sums to lult on London, rarfi, BBrUn,rranklort-onith.Mln, Honr Kong. Collection! made on favorable termi at all acceulble polnU. LADD TILTON, BANKERS 5S3E KatablUhed In 1B9. TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Interest allowed on time deposits. Collections made at all points on favorable terms. Letters of credit issued reliable in Europe and the Eastern states. Sight exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Washington, Chicago, St. Louis, Denver, Omaha, San Francisco and various points in Ore gon, Washington, Idaho, Montana and British Columbia. Exchange sold on London, Paris, Berlin, Frankfort and Hong Kong. BAINK OF COMMERCE, BOISE, IDAHO. orriCKttSt n. F. OI.DKN, President: M. ALEXANDER, Vlro President; II. N. COF- FIN, Cannier; J. M. II AINL8, Antstant Runnier. lUKKUTOItxi Robt. Noble, Thos. Davis, II. F.UIilen, J. M. Halnri, J. E. Yates, J. II. Morrow, T. Kcgan, ,M. Alexander, F. It. Collin. Aevomttmmf Bmnkm. Flrmm, Oorpormtlonm mnd IndMdumlm Jtoeereaf an thmMm Llbmrml Tmrmm Conmtmtmnt With Sound Bulking. lack scHSra G0LD MNES und" INVESTMENTS BAKER OITY, OftEOOM. TEN YEARS EXPERIENCE IN THE EASTERN OREGON GOLD FIELDS. EXAMINATIONS AND REPORTS A SPECIALTY. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Walla Walla, Washington. (First National Hank In the State.) Transacts a General Banking Business. CAPITAL 1100,000. SUIIPLU8 $1000). MIVI.ANKKNY, President. A. II. REYNOLDS. Vice President. A. It. liURFOHD, Cashier THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK. Pendleton, Oregon. Capital, $70,000.00. Surplus and Undivided Profits, $60,000.00. RESERVE AGENTS First National Bank. Chicago. 111.; First National Bank, Portland, Oregon; Chemical National Bank, New York, N. Y. OFFICERS AND DIREOTOR8 Lvl Ankeny, President; W. F. Matlock; Vice President: C. B. Wade, Cashier ; II. C. Unerenay, Assistant Cashier; J. 8. McLeod, W. 8. Byers, W. F. Matlock, II. F. Johnson; THE PENDLETON SAVINGS BANK PENDLETON, OREGON. Organized March I, 1889. Capital, $50,000. Surplus, S55.000. Interest allowed on time deposits. Exchange bought and sold on all pri- slpal points. Special attention given to collections. W. J. Furnish, President; J.N. Teal, Vice-President; T. J. Morris, Cashier. i i TTTT -'V A Corra.HTxav t JM W BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBT V BBBBBWBBBBBBBBBm NEW LIFE TO i &?!" ffl5r5X Anchor Great Combination ol Strength and Beauty. "Tai Tta That Bursa." See Our Anchor Clamp Yon would be surprised It 70a knew how Utile It would cost you 10 fix up that old fence. Matter send (or some Anebor Clamps and Uprights, and a pair ol our pinchers, and make jrour old wire (ence look like a new one. ANCHOR FENCE looks so nice and Is so strong that farms rs sometimes think that It must be high priced. It Isn't, thon(h. cumt Bavoaa Uawa. Cattle, Sheep and FARM, RAILROAD Write lor Prices and Catalogue. Ageata Wanted In Every Town. Willamette Iron and Steel Works. Founders, Machinists and Boiler Makers,. PORTLAND, OREGON. OISICNERS AND BUILDERS OF... Marin and Stationary Engines and Boilers, Saw Mill, Logging and Mining Machinery, Roll Grinding and Corrugating Machinery, Power Transmission Machinery. We ere constantly developing Modern Machinery for special purposes, which ur ue te-date plant enables ua to build accurately and economically. BW OORBBSPONDENCE SOUCITED. fja LIMITED. Don't Ask Us About tho merits of our wares and work let them do tho talking. Tlioy aro good campaign speakers, by tho way, und havo inndo us many now frientlH. Won't you Join tho ranks? Everything electric, from a push button to a giant dynamo. Orders filled with electric Hpecd. Wire and wiring ; tolephono und telegraph instruments. Western Electric Works, 305 Washington St., PORTLAND, ORUQON OLD FENCESI Clamps and Uprights. Trs Old Faxes. Tni Axcnoa Fixes. Hot; Tight, u Nina Burs alter closing. AND LAWN FENCE. -sr The Portland Anchor Fence Co. 74a Nicolal St., PORTLAND, Oregon. EVENTS OE THE DAY FROM THE FOUR QUARTERS OF THE WORLD. A Comprehensive Review of the Important Happenings of the Past Week, Presented In a Condensed Form, Which Is Most Likely to Prove of Interest to Our Many Readers. Tho street car strike at Norfolk, Vn., remains unbroken. Tho Eastern states aro in the midst of nnothor enow storm. A candy trust, witli a capital of $5, 000,000, is tho latest combine. Miss Alico Roosevelt will go -to Cuba to visit General and Mrs. Wood. Door envoys called on tho president, but wero told by Mm that ho was una ble to help them. Canada will pass a Chinese exclusion inw similar to that before tho United States sonato at present. Tho house in considering a bill authorizing the purchuso of tho Giant Treo tract in California for a nationnl park. Hear Admiral J. A. Howell will bo retired tho 10th inst. Next to Admiral Dowoy, ho is the ranking ofllcer of the navy. 1'riuco Henry visited Niagara Falls and crossed over to tho Canadian sido, whore ho was welcomed by representa tives of Lord Minto. The power generated by one ad vcrtiting campaign imparts a mo mentum to trad but it mutt be remembered that such momentum is only temporary. The success of 'an advertising campaign depends on the care with which it is planned and the vigor with whkh it is executed. Profitable Advertising. A number of tho lenders in tho Bnr tolonu, Spain, riots havo been oxocutcd. Thomas J.'IIumoH, Republican, was elected to succeed himself as mayor of Seattle Suntos-Dumont will visit tho United States and give an exhibition of his fly ing machine. Tho diilicultios between tho National Cash Register Company and its em ployes havo been bottled. William II. Moody, of Massachusetts, iias been mentioned as a successor for Secretary of tho Navy Long. Mob of strikers in Norfolk, Vn., (rained possession of streets and hold thorn against pollco and militia. Frlnco Honry, boforo ho leaves tho United States, will bo presented with a Masoniu emblem valued at (10,000. Maryland legislature hns passed a law authorizing tho admission of wo men as practicing lawyers in tho stato court, Tho worst of tho flood in tho East is over. Boers killed, wounded nnd captured 032 British in a rocent fight. ropo Leo XIII celebrated the 24th anniversnry.of his coronution with great pomp. American horses woro praisod in a parliament papor on remount eorvico in South Africa. President Roosevelt will visit tho Charleston exposition to show that life action in tho Tillman case had nothing to do with feeling toward tho stato. Tho work of rescuing snowBlido vic tims at Tollurido, Col,, had to bo sus pended. Many now slides havo oc curred and hoavy snow fall continues. As a result of experimenting near Chicago, it has boon demonstrated that telegraph wires may bo used for tele phoning. It makes no difference if a telegraph messago is going over tho wire at tho same time. Tho end of the Boer war is again said to bo in sight. A tornado at New Vienna, O., de stroyed much property. five persons wero killod by the fall ing of a building at Cluvoland, O. The senate has agreed to tho confer ence report on the Philippine tariff bill. Three men were killed in a wreck on tho New York Central near Phllmont, N. Y. ' Princo Henry is on his Westorn nnd Southern tour. Ho will visit tho slto of the coming St. Louis exposition. A rebellion has brokon out in Kwang Si province, China. Missionaries and other foreigners havo been taken away under military escort. Officials in tho Philippines havo cabled Governor Tuft that tho 25 per cent re duction in tho tariff bill is not regarded as sufficient and asking him to use his endeavors to secure a moro substantial means oi relief. 8NOW FOLLOWS FLOODS. Eastern States In the Midst of Another Dt moralizing Storm. Nuw York, Mnrcli 7. Tho slcot storm which raged this afternoon was succeeded tonight, after a brief inter mission, by nnothor fall of snow. Tho bijow is dry nnd threatens to drift bad ly, t A forco of about 5,000 men is nt work on tho streets, which are glutted. A heavy mist which hung over tho river during tho rush hours tonight mndo navigation for tho ferries some what hazardous and there was a terrific crush on tho Brooklyn bridge, which fortunately was not attended by any acctdont. Tho situation nt tho grand central station had not improved much tonight. All trains aro arriving from three to six hours behind time. Telegraph eevice was further demor alised by the Btorm. Tho Western Union Company reported that it was losing wires in all directions on account of tho heavy snow which in tome local ities was followed by sleet. Between Wiiliamsport nnd Kaston, Pa., 20 miles of tho Western Union poles nro down. The train service on tho Now York Contrnl Railroad, which was disorgan ized by tho Moods, was further impeded by tho snow. Tho trains from tho West'nnd North wore in Dad shape. No attempt was made to run tho Ad irondack Kxpruisa. Tho Chicago Ex press, duo at 10 A. M., is stalled some where along the lino, with no means of roporting its condition or whereabouts. Tho snow stopped shortly boforo noon and was followed by Bluet. A total depth of six inches of enow has fnlleu. Tho Erio roadbed is washed out in many places botween Pnterson and Middletown. All through trains on railroads having terminals in Jersey City woro very into in arriving owing to tho storm. Many coal trains on tho Pennsylvania aro stalled nnu there is likely to be a scarcity f coal. CORONATION PLAN8. Services at Westminster Abbey Will Be Con. sldcrably Shortened. Now York, March 7. Dotails of tho coronation nro gradually coming up for royal decision, says tho London corre spondent of tho Tribune, nnd nearly nil the essential points will bo docidod bo foro tho departure of tho king for Paris and tho Riviera. Great efforts havo boon mndo to shorten the service nt Westminster Abbey. If tho ecclesias tical vutliorlties wero allowed to huvo their way, tho service would occupy flvoi or six hours, with an olllclal require ment that tho spectators should be in tlioir plnccs ah hour or two in udvanco. The Lituny will certainly bo dropped nnd tho musical part of tho service will probably bo curtalivd. Other changes aro proposed, but there is a tendency to magnify tho Im portance of evory detail. Tho abbey Mirvieo ami tho royal drive through the metropolis aro tho only fixtures. Tho day for tho naval review has not been announce!, nor that of tho gala night at Covont gnrdon, nor tho day's func tions nt Buckingham palaco. U8E NITRO GLYCERIN. Burglars Loot a Bank In an Indiana Town ol Cash and Bonds. WnBhington,vInd., March 7. While two citizens wero watching thorn, bur glars looted tho First Nationnl Bank nt Montgomery, r-oven milcB east of hero, early this morning, and escaped with 3,500 in money nnd (3,000 worth of government lxnds. Five explosions of riltro glycerin wero required to blow open tho snfo, and many people wero awakened by tho concussion. Two mon, who reside opposite tho hank, both wntched tho burglars work, hut gave no alarm for fear of being shot down by two of the cracksmen, who wero patrolling tho streets witli revol vers in their hands. Tho fifth oxpiosion toro tho doors from tho Bafo, and tho men quickly gathered up tho money ami bonds nnd ran to tho Baltimore & Ohio Southwest ern Railroad, whero tlioy boarded u handcar, abandoning it a mile west of tho town. After that no trace of them could bo found. Tho stolen Ininds are of tho coupon variety pnyablo to bearer, and can easily Iks cashed by tho rob bers. Tho bank la protected by 5,000 burglar insurance LONG 8TRIKE END8. San Francisco Ironworkers Make Slight Con cessions to Employes. San Francisco, Mnrcli 7. After con tinuing for OK months, tho strike of tho ironworkers of this city, inaugurated May 20 of last year, to enforce a de mand for a nine hour day, camo to a formal end today. Two thirds of tho unions composing tho Iron Trades Council have acted upon a recommen dation made by that body advising that the strike be prosecuted no longer, and havo voted to allow their members to return to work. Within tho next week, between 2,000 and 3,000 mon will bo employed. From good authori ty tho intimation comes that tho men accept slight concessions and complete a temporary settlement on the condi tion that tho National Federation will soon adjust working conditions in tho iron trades generally throughout the country. NEWS OP THE STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM ALL PARTS OF OREGON. Commercial and Financial Happenings ol Im portance A Brief Review of the Growth and Improvements of the Many Industries Throughout Our 1 hrlvlnj Commonwealth Latest Market Report. A largo cold storago building and ico plant will bo erected nt Tho Dalles. Bandon, in Coos county, has raised its quarantine against places outside of tho city. During February 32,800 acres of stnto land was Bold. Most of it was in the eastern part of tho state. Complete, returns from Wnseo county Republican primaries show that Moody supporters received 72 votea and Will iamson 34. Tho Democratic convention for Doug ins county has been called to meet In Rosoburg April 8. Tho primaries will bo held March 21). Fish Warden Van Dusun enys tho legislature will bu obliged to mnku some provision at its next session for increasing tho revenues of tho fisheries department If tho propoted work In connection with artificial propagation is continued. Tiio now tax lnw is having n good effect lu Linn county on payment of taxes. There is n universal desire among taxpayers to secure tho 3 per cent reduction. A largo forco in tho sheriff's oillco is kept busy day and night. At tho close of tho first II vo days of collotlons almost f 25,000 was taken in. . Several now oil wells are being bored in Malheur county. Tho businoss mon of Hnrrisburg havo formed a board of trado. Tho now Catholic church at Hubbard will bo dedicated March 0. Two now ono story brick buildings aro in course of construction nt Athena. The first 11 days tho Clackamas county sheriff collected $20,010.08 of tho 11)01 taxes. Samuel Englo, a Clackamas county pioneer of 1847, died at his 'homo nt Moialla, aged 70 years. Tho Milton Creamery Company lias declared its second dividend. Tho stockholders wero paid 5 per cent. The noxt meeting of tho Union County Tenchors' Association will bo held in Union some time this month. Tho county convention of tho Union county Domocrnts will be held April 3 in Union. Primaries will bo held March 27. Secrotary of Stato Dunbar is in re ceipt of many letters daily from persons in tho East, writing for information concerning Oregon. Prospecting of tho vein of conl on Lower Powder river, near Baker City, which was recently discovered, will bo gin in u short time. Samples taken near tho surface show a good value. PORTLAND MARKETS. Wheat Walla Wulla, 060050 ; hluestem, C000Kc; Valley, fll05c. Barloy Fowl, fl010.50; browing, fz020.50 per ton. Oats No. 1 white, fl. 1501.25; gray, f 1.101.20. Flour Best grades, f 2.803,40 per barrel; graham, f2.502.80. Millstuffs Bran, f 10 per ton; mid dlings, f21; shorts, f 21.50; chop, fl7.50. Hay Timothy, fl213; clover, f7.508; Oregon wild hay, $50 per ton. Potatoes Best Burbankn, f 1.101.35 percental; ordinary, 7585c percen tal, growers' prices; sweets, f22.50 per cental. Butter Creamery, 2527tfo; dairy, 1820c; storo, 1315c, Eggs 22iJ25c for Oregon. Cheeso Full cream, twin", 13 13c; Young America, 1416o; fac tory prices, llKc less. Poultry Chickens, mixed, f3.60 4.50; hens, f 4.505.60 per dozen, 10 12c per pound; springs, lie per pound f34 per dozen; ducks, f50 per doz en; turkoys, live, 1213c; dressed, 1510c per pound; geese, f07 per dozen. Mutton Gross, 4c per pound; dress ed, 77Kc per pound. Hogs Gross, 5c; dressed, 87c per pound. Veal 88K for small; 77tf for large. Beef Gross, cows, 3$i'4c; steers, 44)cj dressed, 67Kc per pound. Hops ll13o per pound. Wool Valley, 1316c; Eastern Ore gon, 812tfc;' mohair, 2121tfo per pound. MASSACRES OF MISSIONARIES Two Outrages Reported From the Interior of the Chinese Empire. Victoria, B. C, March 0. Report of two massacres of missionaries in China wero received by tho stenmor Empress of India, which has JiiBt ar rived in from tho Orient. In Kiang Su, two priestB woro murdered by a band of Chlneso, including soldiers, who attacked tltoir mission. It is statod that tho attack was mado in rovongo for tho deposition of tho son of Prince Tunn by tho dowager empress at tho request of tho foreign ministers. Tho magistrates of tho district being friend ly to foreigners, war nod tho mission aries, hut they wero attneked before they could got out of tho way. Tho other massacre took plnco in Kiang Si, n priest being attneked wliilo ho hlept nnd cruelly murderod. His body was mutilated, both hands bolns; cut off. His two sorvnnts woro also killed. Tho viceroy has sunt n troop to hunt for tho murderers. Two pirates of u band who had cap tured two junks in the West rlvor, nnd woro guarding tho prisoners taken in the raid, suffered n terrible death. Tlioy wero attacked by n band of out laws and tho pirates wo'o buried nlivo. Tho Kobe Hurald is authority for tho statemont that 200 fishermen from the village of Wugo woro drowned in a storm off tho coast of Mijlkan, Febru ary 17. Tho boats had gone n long way out, nnd being overtaken by the storm, woro lost. Only 13 out of mora than 200 flshormon from that ono vil lage returned, nnd thoy camo in on an upturned boat, l'loots from othor Til lages also suffered. A Tokio dispatch says that tho Brit ish subjects lu Japan havo docidod to ordor two silver vuses in commemora tion of tho Anglo-Japanese alliance, nnd to present ono oach to tho sover eigns of tho nlllod nations. Tho Brit ish consul nt Yokohama, who is the chief inovor in this matter, has nlrondy ordor&d tho vases, which nro about 2ft feet in height. Tho flags of tho high contracting powuis, tho torrltorios and seas of Great Britain, Japan, China nnd Corea, aro said to bo shown in tho design for those vases. Other Japan oho papers comment favorably upon the treaty. THE CHINE8E REBELLION. Vicerry of Canton Dispatches Troops to the Scene of Dlsturbunce. Hong Kong, Mnrcli 0. Tho rebellion in Kwang Si province is spreading rap idly. Signs of unrest aro already ap parent nt Kwelin nnd Nanning, the newly oponod rlvor treaty ports. Tho Canton viceroy has dispatched troops to tho scene of tho disturbances. Tho robots nro loIievi'd to bo ox-soldiers of Marshal Su, who woro disbanded on his promotion, Their propaganda, which lias spread far and wldo, includes the overthrow of tho Mituchu dynasty and tho helping of oppressed nnd needy Chinese. Tho French are also wild to bo secretly hlpiug tho rebels. French Officer Killed. Pekin, Mnrcli 0. Tho government lias ordered Marshal Su to resume com mand of tho rebellious soldiors in Kwang Si province. It is doubtful if ho will bo able to control them, ns it in necessary first to pay them ovorduo wages. Tho French legation hits re ceived n telegram saying that tho rebels havo killed u French ofllcer uoar the Tonquin border, Large Mine Sold. Vancouver, B. C, March 3, It is reported hero thut tho War Eaglo miue at RoHsland, ono of tho most extensive properties in tho Kootenny country, has toon sold to a company of L-ndon capitalists. No dotails of tho deul are given, except that tho ealo price ie about f 3,000,000. Extradition Papers Issued. Washington, March 5. Extradition papers woro issued at tho stute depart ment during tho day to Detective Ser geant Joseph Day, of Portland, Or., for Cliarlos and Frankio Savage, colored, now in tho hands of tho police in Montreal, Can., for tho ulleged thoft of f 11,000 worth of cut diamonds, said to huvo boon stolon from A. L. Lowouthal. For Punishment of Brigands. Constantinople, March 5. The United States minister, John A. Irish man, has presented a noto to tho porte regarding tho capture of Miss Ellon. M. Stouo by brigands, demanding the punishment of tho guilty parties. The porto, in replying, repudiated responsi bility and denies) all liability.