t'HJfl .Ef AGUC, POtlTJjAiNTJ, GHEGON. The New Age A. D. GRIFFIN, Manager. OfflCM, 345$ Hturli HI., lonroiil lllilic, I'lirllllllll, OlftRIMI. Entered at tlic pnMofllce at Portland, Oregon, 4 second class mailer. HUHSrillPTION. One Tour, I'nyHliln In Ailvuuca ,..7.00 Established I SOS. Published at 246 8tark Bt, Third Floor. SENATOR SIMON'S RETURN. Some people and pnperB arc Indulg ing In criticism of Senator Simon for leaving Washington at UiIb time and coming home to look after Ills polltlet.1 nnd other business affalrB. Hut he Is only doing what other Scnatoih In a similar position almost Invariably do. It must bo remombored that Mr. SI mon Ib only Borvlng hlfl first term, nnd that a fractional term; that a pontlBtcnt fight Ib being made upon him within the patty; that thin Ib "tho fight of his llfo," and on Ub Issue depcndB, probably, IiIb political fu ture. He Ib laudably ambitious, like everybody else elected to tho Sonnte ho wishes to bo roelcctd; to do bo ho considers It neceBBary to superintend at this critical Juncture his affairs In person. Tho late Senator Dolph, whom all acknowledged to bo a man of tho highest principles and the lit moHt political morality, did tho hmiio thing. So, on one occnBlon, did Sen ator Mitchell. So have a multitude of othor Senators and oven momlH-rs of the House of RoproBontatlviM on like occasions. It Ib no crlmo for n man to dcslic election to tho Sennte. or ro-clectlon; It may be, Indeed, a vory laudablo ambition; nnd, thlH ! Ing tho cnbo, a man would bo frollflh If ho did not ubo nil logltlmat'i nnd nocoBBiiry pcrBonal effortB to rfiirteed. At Jeaat, Kiich has been tho uthtoni. nnd, whether properly bo or not Son ntor Simon is not to bo censured for following the custom, moro than oth ors who hnvo dono tho flame. THIS KIRK INCIDENT. The Incidents connoctod with last Hundny'B Ilro have caused n good deal of comment, and thero Iiob boon .1 disposition In Homo quartern to give n polltlcnl bias to It. It Is ovon as sorted, or hinted, that bocaiiBo a pt llco otTlcor got Into an altercation with Mr. AlborB, who Ib a Gorman by na tivity, thoroforo tho "Gorman voto" will bo Democratic, or assistant-Democratic, this spring. In tho first place, It fleomB doubtful If tho police otricora vory greatly crrod, considering tho rlrcuniHtnncea under which tho Inci dent occurred; In tho second place, ovon supposing that one or two police office erred nnd exercised undue force, la thnt fault to bo charged up to Frosldent Roosovolt, or Governor Geor, or Sennlor Simon, or Congress.- mnn Moody, or Dr.-I'lummor, Blmply becniiBo theHo porHonB nro oftlelnlly promlnont In tho Uepubllcnn party? Aren't these critics becoming a little wild nnd foolish? Tho fncta probably arc that Mr. AlborB, aB wan natural to a man of IiIb tomporamont, wnH much excited, and IiIb actions nroiiBod ox eltemont In othors, and so n disagree able Incident rcHiiltod. Mr. Albera hltnHolf, nnd hla brothors, Boom, on cool reltectlon, to dealro to lot the matter drop, lloforo Juno they nnd otheVfl will havci almost forgotten tho Incident; or, If It Ib romembored, it will cut no flguro In local polltlcH au why, Indeed, should lt Most (lor-mnn-Amorlcnns nro RopubllcnnB. for their own good nnd sufficient reasons; nnd they nro not going to chnso after Grovor Cleveland or Hilly Hrynn be cause u few people got excited at n re. THE NEW AGE COMPLIMENTED. William H. LcwIb, a Boston Negro, born In Virginia, Is a lawyer who has The manager of The Now Age, in BerVed as n member of tho council his travels during the past week or ot tnat city, and will probably bn two, has rc'clved many compliments 0iectetl to the Massachusetts leglsla- on the position taken by this paper turo nt tno noU eioctlon. In favor of Itcpubllcnu harmony. Lead- Ing men of both factions have assured J T1C performances of Senators Till him thnt The New Ago was on tho man- anj McLaurln are not calculated right trnrk, and talked BonBC. Th5 to enhance tho popular estimation way to have harmony, when there arc of democrats aa Bcnators, though of opposing factions and Interests, Id for course there Is a difference In demo- the leaders to make mutunl conces sions not i'oi those of one faction to devote their energies nnd effortB to "dawn" or beat some prominent mnn cints. Ex-Collector of Customs John W. Ivcy Is still very .much alive, and of the other side who Is up and haa will be heard from In Oregon politics lnrgc and l.eavy claims on tho party, In the near future. He la one of Ore or at least u light to considerate treat- eon's best orators. ment. ) Few. If any, public or party men The fight for the nomination for who have been nUlvo In politics for congress centers In Tho Dalles, and a quarter of a century have made no Tlie New Age believes that Congress mistakes; no such mnn haa avoided man Moody will win. Now Ib, a good time to get a lot, if you have the price. Portland real estate Ib going up. Mr. Moody will almost undoubtedly bo triumphant, both In the convention and the election. Let tho Negro voters let the poli ticians know that the Negroes must be recognized. The Indications Increase that the straight republicans will win In the primaries. ...THE NEW MARKET... C. KETCHUM & CO. Dealers In ill kinds o( Fresh and Salt Meats, Bacon Lard, Sausages, Etc. Cor. Sixth and KlandemSls., Portland, Oregon Oregon Phone Clay 680, The fire last Sunday again demon strates the necessity of a flrcboat on tho river. Tho color of a person's Bkin doesn't necessarily Indicate the nature of his heart. ( '4',,V $ i 'jimtkjAaaWsw'vWssm i & .flHH ssrssssssssssssassHiBsBft-'Vi'ilifiil f maaaaaaaaaam ritfCj mgiv,i twj yLaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam. ' HMm The boiling of the political pot will bo watched and described by The New Age. We wan'TT6ele"c"ta legislative tic ket next time thnt Is true-blue Republican. Police CommlBsloncr D. Solla Cohen can be depended upon to do hla duty. When in Medford BTOP AT The New Nash Hotel FIRBT CI.A89 IN KVEItY PAIlTiCULAn. W. J. HAMILTON, Proprietor. A FULL LINE OF Electrical Supplies Lighting of Buildings, Stores and Residences arc and incandescent. Elec tric Power for Elevators, Pumps and all Kinds of Machinery. Portland General Electric Co. SEVENTH AND ALDER STREETS. Both ThorMs 355. If you want to read a straight R publleun paper, take The New Age. The republicans must put strong man for county clerk. up u Clntsop nnd Crook counties are but a small pnrt of the State. Register now nnd voto afterward, DREW TWO BLANKS. a. T. S. SENATOR JOSEPH SIMON. Hon. Joseph Simon camo to Oregon with his pnronts whon an Infant, nnd received IiIb education In tho public schools of Portland. Studying law, he soon becamo n very successful lawyer, nnd has always had a largo practice. Hecomlng Interested nt an early ago In politics, ho soon be camo locally piomlnent. He Iibb sencd four terms and was elected to"tho fifth term as a Stnto Senator from Multnomah County, and twice wa3 cleote.i president of the' State Scnnto. At tho leglalntlvo session of 1809, nfter It became evident thnt tho election of Hon. II. W. Corbett, whom Mr. Simon supported, wns Impassible, Mr. Slninn was elected to fill nn exist ing vncnucy In tho United StntcB Snntc, and tho unoxplred fractional term of four years, which term will expire on March , 1903. In all these capncltloB as student, citizen, lnwjer leglBlator and polltlcnl leader, Mr. Simon has been diligent, Intelligent, studious, faithful nnd Influential. Hla career well lllustratori tho possibilities of youth and young mon In Amer ica, whntover their rnco or religion, If they are Industrious, honest nnd capable Mr. Simon Ib a candldato for ro-electlon, nnd will probably bo elerlod by tho next Loglslnturo to h lcceed hlmBolf. antagonisms, tho Btroug, successful iBalah T. Montgomery, a Negro who mnn Is sure to mnko somo enemies, was born a slnvo, Ib recelvor of pub hut theso tire not reasons for throw-, He moneys nt Jnckson, MIbs., nnd Is ing fliich .i mnn down nnd jumping on him, or trying to do bo, nnd thus widening a party breach. filling tho ofllco as woll aa any white mnn would do. 81L1.Y INSINUATIONS. Our esteemed and powerful but not alwaya strictly loglcnl contemporary, tho Oregonlnn, Insinuates, If It does not positively doclnro, that the dnto of tho primary elections wuh fixed a weok enrllor than nocessary, nt tho dictation of that vague thing, the "Simon machine." This, It Intimates, wits done becnuao tho "Simon voters" will by that tlmo have all register d, while others will have neglected to register. Now, Isn't this a rather "thin" ncMimptlon? Don't tho "antl. Simon" voters road tho newspapers? Don't they know tho dnto, and tholr privilege nnd duty of registering, oh woll as tho adhorenta of Mr. Simon and hla friends ooT la not tho regte trntion open, ns It has been for wcoka already, to all voters eijually? Are any "Simon men" standing around tho County Clork'a office with guns or cluba to keep "antl-Slmon" voters nwny? Don't tho clerkB promptly nt tend to all voters, legally qualified, alike, regard leas of which faction or party they belong to? In fact, speak ing with all due respect for tho big dally uowBpapor, arc not theso Insin uations and tmpllod chargos some whut silly for a grout newspaper to ludulgo In, nnd beneath ltn propor dignity? State Senator Ilrownell, of Oregon City, will doubtless succeed himself, and eouie duy ho will go to congress. Oregon hna ono of tho moat efficient and experienced Burvoyor-gonornla In tho country, In tho person of Hon. Henry Mcldrum. Ho understands his business. GO AND REGISTER. The New Ago desires again to lm proB3 upon Its voting renders, ami particularly the Negro votera, the duty of registering. Tho primaries will bo Food and Dairy Commissioner J. W, held on Mnrch 15, which Is only Just Ralloy Is a vory busy man, nnd la do two weoka nwny. This Is time enough lug nn Immense amount of good work for ovorybody to register, If too many for tho city nnd stato do not put off that duty till tho last r hour, or day or two. It ought to bo Municipal Judge Camoron hns made nttonded to nt once, or nt the earliest n competent and faithful official, and opportunity. Don't wait till tho 14th, will doubtless bo continued In ofllco or 13th. If you haven't registered nl- if ho bo desires. Inrltatlnn Keache I the Wrong W," tntt H's Tnct Baveit Him. ISccmiHcthc notification wngon rnttlcd up to the door Just us most of tho gui'Hta of the evening had assembled, nnd cnrrled the host off to wntch his place of business burn, one line-looking young man In tho company kept him self out of the way as much na possible, his countenance showing that he was both bored and embarrassed, snys tho Detroit Free Press. This look attracted attention, but tho hostess herself wns at a loss and hastened to Inform her self. "This Is Mr. ?" as she extended her blind. "lllank. I wnnt to tbnnk you for your kind Invitation. I knew thnt our fath ers were acquainted, but I hnvo been nwny from Detroit since I wna a young ster. It was very kind." "You mean that your father nnd my husband nrc acquainted," but she look ed so pleased thnt he knew his pretend ed mistake had scored. "I can't qulto understand It. What nro your Initials, please'" "O. W. Not George Washington, but George Worthlngton, for I see there Is a mistake somewhere." "A very pleasant one, however. To bo frank with you, our eldest daughter Is engaged to a G. W. Blank. He Is not here, nnd she Is Inconsolable. Now you see It nil." "How awkward. Your daughter and I nre the chief Bufferern, I Imagine, for It will be ait easy thing to Bet matters right with my nnmesnke, whom I shall hunt up nnd congratulate. Of course I couldn't make my peaco with the dis appointed ono In her present frame of mind, but I've seen a very charming girl here whoso looks tell mo she, too, Is your daughter. Possibly I could en list her as a peacemaker." All of this was accomplished with a musical voice, a deferential manner, nnd one of those smiles thnt women go down before. He was Introduced, the little god with n quiver made a special case of It, and It Is settled that both of tho sisters will be Mrs. O. W. Blank. WEST COAST OYSTER CO. Importers, Planters & Dealers In .Eastern and Paoifio Coast Oysters. Hi 19th St., Opposite Exposition Bldg. Branch of Dart e A Immrl Driirr c.n . itninn Bqnare Market, Han KrancNco, Cat. Ovstcr ',8hi Irds,aii Francisco llajr and Oj-ttervlJlc, wnii'r imj. uj bla 1'lioue 618. noal. water llajr. Onion 1'liono South 481; C'olum rree ucmery. ..THE BROOKE DRUG CO.. Prescriptions Accurately and Care fully Compounded, Telephones Columbia 780, Oregon Itctl 1804 Proscription - Druggists 67 North Third Street PORTLAND - - OREGON Oregon Phone Union 34'. GRAND AVE. MARKET. Joe Iladura, Proprietor. leaf, Pork, Mutton, Veal ami Poultry. I will keep only the best and cholceu meats. Ulve me a trial and I nlll convlnu-you. 22 Grand Ave., N. I'OItTLAND, OlIE. "T Any lllia Any Quantity Any ntyU MACKINTOSHES, RUBBER AND OIL CLOTHING Itubber llooti and Shuas, Helling, racking nnd Hose. Largest and Most Complete Assortment ot all Kinds ot Rubber Goods. GOODYEAR RUBBER COMPANY I. H. PKAHK, President. F. M. BUEPAKD, JR.. Treasurer J. A. SHKPARD, Secretary 73-75 FIRST STREET, PORTLAND, OREGON. Columbia Brewing Co's Celebrated Beer. THE BEST IN THE NORTHWEST, Bottle Beer a Specialty. TACOMA, WASH. 3130-33 So. C Street. Telephone Main 339. THE H. C. ALBEE COMPANY ..-DEALERS IN.... Second Hand Machinery PORTLAND, OREGON. 260 Eamt Water Street. DRUNK THE FAMOUS 7r- For Sale at All the Principal Saloons Brmwery mntt Office On ThIHmmnth mnd Bui-nahhti Tmlmphanm Mumkmr 72. MmW rendy, nttoml to tho mnttor today or UiIb ovenlnR, or onrly noxt week. Lcti Negroes nro full-llodBod American tho polltlclnttB know thnt tho Negroes' citizens, and should both conduct of Portlnnd nro awake, and nnxlous , themselves and stand up for tholr to oxerclso the privileges of citizen-. rights aa such ship, Including tho electlvo franhciso. U. S. District Attorney Hall doesn't dlstluctly claim thnt ho personally toro down that fonce. Hut ho aided In tho result. Tho Iinltlmore Uepubllcnn Guide re marks: "Wo Republicans hnvo mado It hard for ourselves: yes, wo had tho Stato, and wo gave Is back to tho iKtmocrnts. wo had two United Perhaps thoro la no moro useful States Republican Senators, now we man In tho United States than Hooker hnvo but ono, nnd If wo arc not watch- T. Washington, n mnn with n dark ful and careful, two years henco, wo skin. will hnve none." I - Well, Oregon is moro solidly nnd' Yea- lt nmy l)o a warm struggle,. surely Republican than Mnrylnnd; yet thero Is no tolling what Republi can factional folly might result In. but tho little giant of Oregon politics will probably maintain his reputation, When tho county has a good, tried, capnblo Auditor, It would be poor pol- Kx-Collector of Internal Revenue and ox-Stato Senator Henry Dlack- man, of Heppner, has been In tho city t0 uxchango him for a new man this weok, Ho Is ono of tho popular democrats of tho stato, who is llkoly Thoro will not bo so many anti-Ro-to bo heard from In stato politics In PwoHciwb after tho noxt election as tho future, If his party over gets Into tny 5"Klno thomsolves to be, power or has a chance of bestowing 1 r: - fnvors. I Thoro will bo but two legal parties 1 In tho next election, republican and Hon. Henry A. Ruckor Is occupy , democratic: tako your cholo . ... 1 t lug tho most lucrative otllctal position of any Negro In America, being col Let ub stay by tho men who stayed lector of customs nt Atlanta, Gn , and by tho party whon It needed stalwart Ib giving entire satisfaction. and sterling supporters. A Joke with a IMouannt Enrtlnjc. Not a fow clergymen would be glad to bo the victims of such a practical Joke ns was recently played upon Rov. Mr, Unguium), the story of which ap pears In tho Oxford, Michigan, Lender. At tho tinniiiil meeting of tho Congre gational Church tho question of hiring a preacher comes up for discussion. At tho Inst meeting of this society, when tho subject was brought up, a good dencon nrosc, and Bald: "All thoso In favor of retaining Elder Ilngemnu for nnothcr year at the same salary will please rise." Not a person rose, nnd the minister, who was present, felt as uncomfortable aa possible, and heartily wished him self anywhere else. Then the good deacon who had put the question aroso again, and said, with a twlnklo of tho ey: "I see no ono favors that motion, so I will put It again In this way: All thoso In favor of keeping Rev. Mr. llngeman at an Increase of salary will please rise." Every ono got upon his feet. Then It dawned upon Mr. llngeman that ho had been tho vtctlm of a Joke, and a smile lighted his eyes aud the color returned to his cheeks. Some of his best friends had planned the surprise, aud tho little ache in 0 had worked to perfection. Longest Stone Arch Bridge. A long bridge Is under construction at Luxembourg, over the Valley of Tetruffe. This arch will have a span of 277 feet and a rise of 102 feet. In comparison, the longest existing stone arch Is that over Cublu John Creek, on the aqueduct near Washington, L). O. This has a span of 220 feet and u rise of 57Mi fat, and Is 101 feet above the water level In the creek. An arch over tho River Pruth, In Austria, hns a spnn of 273 feet aud a rise of M) feet. Tho bridge over tho River Dee, near Cues ASTHMA CURE FREE! Asthmalene Brings Instant Relief and Permanent Cure in ' All Cases. SENT ABSOLUTELY FREE ON RECEIPT OF POSTAL. (CHAINia " I ms vsratA YEARS There it nothing like AjthmaUne. It brings kutant rtllel even in the wont cues. It cure when all else falls. .-, , Th,ReY' P ?' YELLS, of Villa Ridge, III., iay "Your trial bottle of Aithmalene received in good condition. I cannot tell you how thankful I feel for the good derived from it, I wa a sJave, chained with putrid tore throat and Atthma for ten yean. despaired of ever being cured. I taw your advertisement for the cure ot this dreadful and tormenting disease, asthma, and thought you had ovenpoken yourselves, but resolved to give it a trial. To mv astonishment the trial acted like a charm. Send me a fuU-slze DOltiC We want to send to every sufferer a trial treatment of Asthma. ""ftSfe!0. til on nat cured Mr. Wells. We'll send it bv mail POSTPAID, ABSOLUTELY FREE OF CHARGE, to any sufferer who will write for it, even on a postal Never mini thoueb vou are desoairinp. hnwrvrr t,4 vvr.. -,u a ..1 1" ": will relieve and cure. The worse vour case, the more glad we are to send it. Do not delay. Write at once, addressing DR. TAFT BROS.' MEDICINE C0779 East J30lh St.,N.Y. city. Sold by all druggists. - ijvwj THO E' C' ATKINS A CO. Atkins Saws aro AlWayS lo Oomt mrmmoh, Aheadmm No. SO First Street, Portia, Ore. THE NELSON SHOE T twillf ,tnnn u-irntSttr nrinrinl'i 3r4 by only first-class mechanics. Every .,'.nyd"b.vS'Vf, pair guaranteed hand-made. Sd,et loot. THE NELSON SHOE Is made in Alligator, Asbestos Calf and Kip, French and Philadelphia Kip, Milwaukee Grain Top, Coun ters inside and out, and contains the best materials money can buy. Hand-sewed to order a specialty. the (ft t. Nelsoa Can Do It. OtTe bin a trial. Amamm amm THE NELSON. Repairing a Specialty, and done while you wait, and guaranteed to be up to date in every respect. ter, England, has a span ot 200 feet. Factory : 43 North Third St., PORTLAND, ORE. JET. .pr" . , , . ? iaU, jvJ.? n L. &aif f 'A$bbiLti . LJn.'f. " 'MJtol 'Its. .78