"""WMI THE NEW AGE, POllThAND. OREGON. A LBINA FERRY BXCHANOK John Kverion, Proprietor. Petter In Choice Wines, Liquors and Cigars. 18 Alblna avenue, corner Hirer street. Alblna, Oregon, qiHK 11AVARIA SALOON A. fl. UUIUIKR, Prop. Imported and Domestic Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Welnhard's Beer. Phone Oregon Mask 1945 ' P. E. Corner Berond and Oak titrcets, PORTLAND, OREOON. pOHTLAND ROLLING MILLS Manufacturers ol BAR IRON AND 8TBEL. N. E. AYKR, Manager. Twentj-fc'econd and Nlcolal Streets. "IV c- N'OON 11AO CO. Manufacturers and Importers of HAGS, TWINES. TENTS AND AW.VINQ3, KLAUS AND MINIMI HOSE. llagclnc 'Material, Canvas, Ball MaVIng In all Itallranchps, Cottun Duck, Cordage, etc. SWM N. First St. and 2I0-212-3M.216 Couch St., PORTLAND, OR. TLAZIER 1IROS. Club Rooms Second Floor VUuc Rooms, Concert, Pool and Billiard Hall Oregon Phono Grant l 243 Uurusldo St. PORTLAND OREOON. TIAYKS & SHORT ARTISTIC PHOTOORAPHER!. New Studio Seventh and Washington Streets, Or Dresser's New Grocery. B ELD1NQ 11ROS. Dealers In Diamonds. Watches, Jewelry, Silverware Spectacles, Etc. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. ALL WORK WARRANTED. 4.1 Third St. Ilct. Pine and Ash. Old Gold and Silver nought. Portland, Or. -CUOLE BAKERY. 'Phono Clay 214 II. A. Brammer, Proprietor. DREAD, CAKES, PIES, CONFECTIONERY. Ornamental and Knncy Cakes to order. Cor. Twelfth and Qllsan Streets. ! : mUE WESTERN LUMBER COMPANY once: Seventeenth and Front Streets. Portland, Oregon. D AY A HENDERSON All Kinds of FURNITURE-... . Practical Kmbalraers and Undertakers. Order by telegraph filled promptly. Phone Black 47. Cor. lllamette and 7th 8ts. EUGENE CITY, OREGON. MRIFPIN HARDWARE CO. Wholesale and Retail Hardware. 8TOVES AND TINWARE. Willamette Street, EUGENE, OREGON ONOW FLAKE BALOON 0. PETERSON. Prop. The Choicest Brands of Wines, Liquors and Cigars, l'rh at Rooms. 20 Burnslde Street, Corner Fourth, PORTLAND, 0R5G0N. nillK EXCHANGE. George SebeckL ITNE WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. WEINIIARD'S BEER. 101 Third 8treet North. riAM, AT 331 FIR8T ST, For Fresh Bread, Cakes and Pls Dally. .A Fresh Line of Groceries, Teas, Coffees, Eto. MRS. E. N. BUCHANAN, Proprietress. CHARLES A. LUCAS, Attorney and Coun-flor-at-IJiw. Room 629 Chamber of Com. rnerce. Practice In all Federal and State ConrU. Portland, Oregon. J. Boeder. N. Marquart SEVENTH Jt GLI8AN EXCHANGE. Choice Wines. Liquors and Cigars. Kellwood Beer. Phone Clay taj. 115 N, 7ih St.. Portlaud N SW YORK HAT CO. MANUFACTURING HATTKR8. Hals Dyed. Cleaned, Blocked and Trimmed, latest Style Hats in Stock and Made to Order. Union Hatters. Pnone Clay 726. 142 Fifth 8tret. PORTLAND. OREGON GRANGER'S ARCADE 30, 3a, 34 North Sixth Street, Corner Couch. ...BILLIARDS AND POOL... tLadles' and dents' Reading Room E. H. SPRANOER, Prop. Oregon Phone Main 754. Columbia Phone 754 Portland, Oregon. Baggage and Omnibus Transfer ...OOMPANY... Office 8. W. Cor. Fourth and Stark BU. Telephone 39. PORTLAND, OREGON. Exchange Your Checks Wkh Mmmfer so Trains and Order Carriage or Coupes. Baggage checked at resi dence to any destination. Branch Offices: Hotel Portland; Ualt4 ferriage Co., Seventh and Taylor. L. H. ADAMS, Mgr. TEHNKRN A JULIF.N- Wholesale and reatall aroeera. S12-314 Burn. aide street, corner Sixth, Portland, Or. Tele phone, Oregon Black 2932, Columbia CM. rOHN KRLI.Y General Isurancc Agent, Fire and Marine. Ecottlsh Union A National Ins. Co., Edlnburg and London; Western F. and M. Assurance Co., Toronto, Can. 82f Third St., Columbian Bldg, c. R.MILLER. Oregon 'Phone Clay 762. PHOTOGRAPHER. Z1V,4 Wsshlngton St. Portland, Oregon. THE BELL 8 A LOON. Nate Solomon, Mgr. Tlintie Ore. Main 617. 'Phone Col. 229. Hot Lunch served eery evening from 0:30 to 1:30. 336 Washington Street. Portland, Ore. A RMORY CANTEEN. Aug. Eschlc, Prop. Northeast corner lenth and Couch Sts. md Couch Sts. Portland, Oregon. Ore. 'Phone Hood COS. rnllE TRANSCONTINENTAL HOUSE. J. J. Engelhardt, Proprietor. 773 Savlcr Street. l'ortluad, Oregon 4 NDERSON A JOHNSON Dcalcra In FINE WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGAR". Gambrluu Itigcr Beer on Draught. 187 Third Street. Phone, Blaak 063 Bran eh 323 Washington Street. Phone, North 336. Portland, Oregon. mUE TOTEM. First class In every respect. Headquarters for Ola Kentucky Home Club Whiskey and SchtlU Milwaukee Beer. Family entrance on West Park St. 380 Morrison street. Phone, Hood 717. A. CLOSE, Manager. P. F. HALL. Cor. Commercial and Stanton Hts,, Portland Ore. Wines, Liquors and Fluo Cigars. Oregon Phono Pink 413. V. AT. PRESTON. GROCERIES KrecdolUery to all nartsof the City. 2G0 IirraLco St., corner Ilatsalo. Portland, Or. 'Phone Hcotl 371. NEIL O'HARE. Oceanic Exchange. Cholco Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Free Lunch. Cor. Russell and Ilrendle Sts., Portland, Or. C. DAVIDSON. New and Second Hand Clothing, Hoots and 8hoea, Trunks, Valises, Jewelry and Tools bought, sold and exchanged. Highest prices paid for all kinds of valuable goods, at 87 N. Third St. and 44 Third St., Portland, Oregon. 'Phones Clay 613, Green 477. Tailoring. Dyeing, Cleaning and Repairing done on short notice. t MERICAN BAKERY. Gns Mankertr, Prop. All Kinds of Bread. Cakes and Plea. Home- made Bread a Specialty. Satisfaction Guaranteed. M0 Williams Ave. Portland, Or. mUE TOTEM. First-class In every respect. Headquarters for Old Kentucky Home Club Whiskey and Hchllti Milwaukee Beer. Family entrance on West Park 8t, A. CLOSE, Manager. JONTE OAKLO SALOON. Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars, Etc. Latest Hranda. HAGGBLOM C A HI-SON, Proprietor. Cor. Eighth and Gllsan Streets. Private Room entramoon Eighth Street. TREES BEE 8UPPLIE8 SPRAY PUMPS SEEDS SEEDS BUELL I.AMUERSON'8 SONS SEEDSMEN, 180-181 Front St., Portland, Oregon Poultry supplies Garden Hoso Fertiliser! CALL AT 171 North Sixth Street, For the Latest Brands of Cigars and all kinds of frnita when in season, C. M. PENNELL, Prop. Call at 211 Third Street for Fine Candies. Fresh Fruits every day. The very Latest Brands of Cigars. M. A. CLOW, Prop. T HE CABINET RESTAURANT. George Jones, Proprietor. Open from o a. m. to l a. m. Private rooms for Ladles, Lunches put up for Travelers. Phone North 441. 232 Yamhill St., near Second c. P. JONE8. CIGARS, TOBACCOS, CANDIES, FRUITS, NUTS, ETC. 133 Sixth Street, Between Glisau and Hoyt. Portland, Oregon F QR BARGAINS CALL ON II. 8. QOLDMAN. Dealer la New and gecond-Hand Clothing, Gents' Furnishings, Hals, Caps, Hoots, htiois. Blankets, 1 ruuks, Values. Tools, Etc. Cast-Off Clothing bought and exchanged. (AM North Third St., bet. Davis and Everett. Portland. Or Telephone Brown 423. Q1 QUA RE DEALINO IS OUR MOTTO. NEW YORK LOAN OFFICE. Dromberg St Co., Proprietors. W buy, sell, trade or lend money on Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry and Articles of Every Des cription. Bargains in unredeemed pledges for rash or Installments, Phone Red Mod. No. ICO Third St., bet. Morrison sud Yamhill, Portland A First Class Market. WILLARD, EHRMAN & CO, 364 Washington Street. DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF MEATS. Free delivery to all parts of the city. Oregon Grant MIL Columbia Telephone 128. s: A. E. SIEOEUr. Draler in all kinds of STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES Butter, Cheese, EgC Etc. Ham and Bacon a Specialty. Phone, Clay 5S4. 95 N, Seventh St SLEEVES OF THE DAY. ALM08T "ANY OLD THING." 18 PERMITTED. There la One Requirement that Must lie Fulfilled, However! The Sleeve Must Not l'n IT Out Directly at the Shoulder. New York correspondence; EGAItD for be coming n o s s In alcoves will count much in forthcom ing spring gowns. There will be a large variety from which to choose, simple ones and elaborate ones, anil many that nrc striking for novelty. Tho latter will bo In great demand, of course, but their vnluo should not ho over-cstlmntcd, for becomlngnc8s is, af ter all, the fore most consideration. A new sleeve ad vanced for tho soft rich satins that nro coming In again for evening gowns Is the Charles I. model, which looks like a bishop, but Is tight nt the top anil very full when it reaches the wrist. The top usually is fitted with a hIccvo cap or band of some kind. Hut It Is hopeless to try to list tho permitted sorts. Anything will pass muster pro vided It does not puff out directly at tho top. Here tho sleeves must lit Hat. All kinds of fancy undersleeves anil puffs nro still worn, and tho fancy elbow sleovo SIMtINO STYLES ending In a scries of puffs Is worn. Trim ming of all kinds Is permissible, nud tuck ing, gathering and smocking are used a great deal. The long, tight dross sleeve ending In u point over the hand Is found now and again, but most women go In for a fancy sleeve of some kind, Ilishop sleeves arc used, but nrc not as largo around tho wrist. They lit more snugly and the tiny puff soems more dainty lu consequence. Dlouso basquo coats and tight fitting three-quarter jackets will be stylish for spring. They are found In all light cloths, zlbcllucs, Scotch tweeds and cheviots, ns well as In tho light-weight materials. Many are trimmed with stitched silk bands to match tho color of tho costumo, nd tlieso are very dressy. 1'rlncess gowns, which are numerous, are elabo rately trimmed, too, with narrow braid or stitched bands of silk and plain velvet. Iloleros remain and the skeleton boleros worn so much last spring will be revived. Theso aro trimmed with bands of silk, I M atfiHHMjifij m I fijjT Jar JrlltlsW 1 wHb90jT I I KV&rcv I I11B7 ' CvaTfDk) I II Ik yfll n 1 W?J yy3i I 9 rt I 1 Evas wi II f IV will w SET KOR SUMMER COPIES. velvet or stitching. Lace is put on a great many new spring cloth gowns, but not In such quantities as will be seen later on summer get-ups. Light trans parent cloths are tucked to a great ex tent and trimmed with medallions of cream or white lace and applique bands of the same. The goods 1 cut out to show the silk foundation, which is white to many cases. Some of these dresses are finished at the bem with several balMncb tucks. Not a few of the foregoing polnta, with some others, appear in the four spring street gowns the artist has put la her first two pictures. In the Initial picture Is one of the new princess suits, a biscuit slbcllne with narrow brown silk soutache trimming. Hands of the goods were fin ished with braid and gilt buttons. Over tho shoulders was drapery of white silk. Makers who follow closely imported prin cess models have them looso Iff front be low the bust line, but nccurato as to lit nbovo that and In the hack of the bodice portion, The latter sort is more striking ly now, but tho other is prettier and new enough, It would seem, for sensible wom en. Ono of the stylish blouse coats ap pears at tho left in the group. It was belgo canvns cloth, pleated, trimmed with beads of taffeta matching the goods In color, ami finished with n whlto silk front. Piping of talTeta appeared on trlplo collar and double basque. What in the spring fashions is styled the throe quarter coat Is shown by the next figure. This one was dull blue Scotch tweed, with cream lace collar and black velvet belt. A pretty use of colored volvet trim ming is shown lu the third of tlieso fig ures. The dress goods was delicate gray, light weight broadcloth, the velvet sago green. The trimming was hntulsome, a forceful argument for rcplnclng the abun dant and time-worn black velvet garni tures, by similar trimming of gayer hues. Three pretty housn dresses mnko up tho top row In the next picture. First comes a pale bluo silk crepe tie chine, trimmed with silver sequins, hemstitching, span gled lace, tucking nnd blue velvet. Next is n pole green collcuno cloth, with vest of white moire silk banded with black velvet, and a triple collar outlined with lace. Lnst Is a dress of crenm albatross, cream lace, whlto chiffon and pink velvet. By the time shirt waists are worn gen erally outdoors, It Is likely that the skele ton bolero in ono or all its forms will be very numerous. Though made simply, Its newer forms hnve n good degree of jauntluess, and from tho hands of really good tailors it Is a triumph of fit. Itcally IN STREET WEAR. when a girl buttons up her perfection "ukcl" jacket, It Is all she con do to wig gle her shoulder blades. Ono of theso garments Is shown here, tl was sketched In bright red cheviot and a darker red velvet. Silks had an off-season last summer, but seem likely to ho atop for the next six months. They certainly are plentiful and pretty, and then they nro being push ed, Foulatds aro unusually beuutlful. Silk gauzes for summer gowns are alno flue and make up handsomely. Qauzo Is not exuetly a new fubrlc, but It Iiiib bios soniml out lu new and varied colorings, charming designs and changed texture, and while it Is gauzy to the usual limit of transparency, It has an clement o( du rability that the old gauze did not pos sess. It will bo used noxt summer for evening gowns and for afternoon. A model simlen dress of it remains in to day's concluding picture. This pretty dress was white gauze figured with pink and corn colored (lowers. It was trimmed with cream lace insertion cluoy lace. and tinted A detachable lace lining for your muff, with frills of edging at either end, is th latest makeshift, and a very useful one, too, since In a moment you can transform a plain muff into a dressy one by uslag two pins. Ray leaves, laurel and oak with golden acorn are used for trimming fur toques, especially chinchilla. TACOMi, WASH., ADYERTISINI. D KNABEL, 1V Proprietor ot THE GERMAN BAKERY AND COFFEE PARLORS. Fresh Bread and Cakes dally. Ornamental Cakes a specialty. Only tho best and purest material used In our Bakery. Bread delivered free toatiy pnrt of tho city. Tclcnhono Park 791. 1117 Pacitlc Avenue, lacoma, Washington. ROTHSCHILD & CO. Port Tournscnd, Washington, SHIPP1NO AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Custom House Brokers nnd Stccdores. Established 1&8. Branch olllccs Tacoma and Seattle. K KNTUCKY LIQUOR CO. Peter SAtidbcrg, Proprietor. WINES, LltJUORS AND CIGARS. Folo Agent for Gulness' Stout and Hum' Ale. (iiena nrc. miming). KMAUUiiieu iwi. tc phone Main &W. 1140 Pacific Avcuuoi 1 Commcrco St. Tacoma, Washington. TRY Frye Bruhn & Co, 1310 Pacific Avenuo, Tacoma, Wash. Wholesale and Retail Butchers Meats furnished for Railroads and Steamboat Lines. TKLKPIIONK 43. TACOMA CARRIAGE and BAGGAGE TRANSFER COMPANY. . Ofllcc 102 Tenth St., Southeast corner of A. TACOMA, WASH. Hacks, Coupes, Carriages, Baggage Wagons At All Hours. Passengers and Baggage transferred from residences and hotels to and from all hoats nnd trains. Hand tour chocks for ImiiEiiL'u to our messengers, who will meet Jim on all Incom ing trains ami noais. rirot riims i.iery. upon aliiilKht. All rigs marked "T. C. ,ti If. T. Co." Grand Central Hotel. W. W. HARMON, I-emo and Mgr. Headquarters for Lumbermen Miners and Tourists. First class bar In connection. 1211-1211 1'aclflo Avenuo. TACOMA, Wash' Tacoma Trunk Factory. Trunks, Traveling Dags, Suit Cases and Telescopes. t REPAIRING DONE. 730 Pacific Ave. Tacoma, Wasb. HUNT & NIOTTET CO. Dealers lu General Hardware Mill AND LOGGERS' SUPPLIES. 1501-1603-1605 Pacific Avenue TACOMA, WASH. ...OLYMPIC... Steam Laundry 407 South J Street MICHAEL J, BJORN & LOUIS J, BJORN ritOI'ltlKTOHH TACOMA, WASH. PORTLAND UMBRELLA WORKS If. ANDKRUON, Proprietor. Umbrellas and Parasols Made to Order, Itecovered and Repaired. Canes Itepaired. 180 Third St., let. Yamhill and Taylor. Phone Illack ML ....POftlaild, OfOfOI. W. C. HOLMAN. Dealer In Agricultural Implements Wagons, Buggies, Etc. 210, 212, 214 Front Street, Cor. 8almon, POHTLAND, OREOON. Pendleton Roller Mills W. 8. I1VKR8, Proprietor. Daily Capacity 800 Barrel Manufacturers of Plae Ribbon and Dyers' Best Floor, Bran and Shorts. Rolled Barley always on Hand. Pendleton, Oregon WALLA WALLA, WASH., ADVERTISIIt. TiRYAN BROS. New Llvety, Feed and Sale Stable. Rubber Tired Hacks a specialty. Carrlac calls attended to night or dav, Southwost cor. Second and Alder Streets. Telephone 67. WAI.I.A WAI.LA, WABH. T W. C'OOKKRIA. Undertaker and General Funeral Furnisher. Embalming a Specialty. Rabcnck'a Rrlck fllock,,?! j First et, Telephone Black (91. WAI.LA VAI,I,A, WASH. McBride Bros. LIVERY STABLE. Rubber Tired Hacks a Specialty. Baggage Wagons. WALLA WALLA, WASH. Telephone 66. 124 . Main St. HOTEL DACRES S. SIMON, Proprietor. Formerly Simon HoUSC Ralest $2.50 to $3.00. WALLA WALLA, WASH. Fine Furnished Rooms RefreshmeaU - Cuba Cafe - ROBERT SCHULZE, Propr. ED. WHITEHEAD, Mgr. B3-B3 Fourth Sift, Opp. Chamber of Commerce. PORTLAND OR DEMENT BROS. COMPANY. WAU.A WA1.U. Patent Flour: "White Spray" AND ' "Dement's Best" For Breakfast Food: WHEAT GRANULES" H. R. BECKWITH, Wholesalo Agent, Portland. GILBERT HUNT CO. Machine Shop and Foundry Manufortnrcrs ol Prldo of Washington Thrcf hers, SctN Feeders, Drapers and Machine Extras of Every Description. Repair Work a Specialty. Catalogue Fret. WALLA WALLA, WASH. KlngC. Btsples. Isaac R. Staple. Staples Land and Emigration Co. Room 4, Worcester Uulldlng, Timber and Mineral Lands Bought and Sold. Homestead and Timber Claims Located. Estimates of Tim ber Made by Competent Men. PORTLAND, OREGON. DO YEARS' ,. EXPERIENCE Tradc Marks DcaioN COVRIQHT AC. Anrona ssndl if a aketrb and description mar uv lent frea. OMe.l scencr for securing patents. I'.t.nta taken tbrouirtt Muiin h Co. receln tfteui notUt, without charge, la tba Scientific Jlmerkan. A handsomelr Illustrated weeklr. T-araest rtr culttlon of anr sclemiaa lourual. Terms, S3 at jteari four months, L ttotdbjrall newsdealers. ijjjnjra m t A, s. -I 'J I si - 'THII .i&&: i '-' i 'JP .' s I .. .L.S 4 LAiOKbJ