-r- , v -- .1. 1C . vftTR - - KisaHl&fti. !.i ' vr t THE NEW AGE, POKT.LA.nW OREGON. I 7 f t RALPH HARDELOT'S MEDIATION BY WILLIAM At INTO vtf JJT UY VYIL,L,IAiH mill I U V GIIAPTKK I. Tlio Htato of KiikIiiikI in 1380. It wiih tlio reign of JUi'linnl II., ono of tlio mo-it (Upturned roi(,'i)H in Kngllpli hMory. Tlio timoH wore dark, nnd were grow ing darker, iIoiiiIh pitheritu; and lower ing on ovory hand, and, worn' than tliat, omiiiuiiM trcmorH beginning to iiinko tlii'iiiMjlvtH felt In tlio very lloor and foundation of cociuty Itielf. Tlio enrol, grown inoro and nioro intolora blo, woro aggravated by tlio general dln-troi-H, and thulr dfocoiitunt now became m Intense that it wan ready, at the slightest dlhtiirblng touch, to burnt into de.-triH'tivo tempest. Our etory eoneeniH tho fortune of n heroic spirit, who, liko many other, miv thu niiccliicf that was browing, hut, mi liko most, felt called upon to labor with all bin might to avert tho 5 ' .V "ST ' . ;n,n , l"l.unding Hlrlfo. Tho particular of .V I . I i i .. , ,i his htrango devotion and dauntlosH cn- thatltimdbeenpre.edo.l by . per 1 (kav(jr rocondl(J (1()I11L.stc mBmlKH oi unparaiiuieu iriiuiipji aim riuuuiji. Under Kdward III., in tho middle of IiIh long roign, l.ngiaud had been tho Unit nation in ritirope, and tho king's court bad beon on a corrc-poiidiiigK'uIo of miignillieniu. Ho had realized tho kingdom of tho fabuloun Arthur. Tho kJngM of Scotland and IVanio uoro jrin ouern together in bin capital; IiIh dominion Htretched literally from tho Orknoyn to tho Pyreneen; tho chivalry of Kuropo gathered to IiIh feasts and tournameutH, and Christian potentatoH in tlio Knit looked to him, aH tho II rut princo in Christendom, for aid agaiiiHt tho Saracoiiri. Hut u few rhort yearn, though they wHiiuhmmI no falling off in tho inagiiillceuro of tlio court and tho iiohlo.H. had peon n woeful decline in wo have gathered from old and neglect cd rhronicloH, and hero prcr-cnt to tho reader in tlio hope that they may teem to him iih they have seemed to ub not unworthy of preservation. Tho moHt heavily-burdened man in tho kingdom very much over-burdened an tho event proved was Simon Sud bury, Archhitdiop of Canterbury and Lord High Chancellor, lie wih head of tho Church and at tho t-anio time head of tlio pcculur admiulHtration; and both branched of cont-tituted author ity were objectH of bitter hatred and elatiioroiiH criticiHin. Ah primate ho had bin trouble." recalcitrant nionkH to bo browbeat, n pestilent heresy to suppress, illlllctiltlcs political nouer, Tho oxtmnsiou had between tho popo and tho clergy to ad' gone too far; tho Kuglish rule had been1 just, dllllcultieri between tho popo and spread over a wider surface than its j the government, jealousies between tho osMjntlal strength warranted, into u! higher clorgy and tho baronage; but, ill in m thin that tho parts could not ' grave an miiiio of tlioso troubles Mere, maintain their cohesion. In reaching over into Spain, tlio I Slack 1'rluco had JoohjiioiI bin hold on Aipiltaino, and fortress, after fortress, horo a littlo and there a little, Kdward'H inheritances and compiestH in I'rnuco had been lost. When the great contending parties paused for a short breathing space dur ing tho last three years of Edward's reign, there wax left to tho English crown, of all Its Continental posses hIoiih, only a few strong towns on tho northern and wostoru coasts. Tho war was renewed, but tho record was still of disappointment and disaster. Ill-luck combined with bad management against thu hiic(Oss of tho 1'uglisli arm's. Tho ttreat captains of tho prosperous time wore gone; John of Gaunt an invet erate bungler in matters of war was a sorry substitute for tho lllack l'riucu; and Kuolh'H, Calverloy, lrnrlstono and Trivet, though valiant men of their hands, did not, taken altogether, make up for the Ion of Sir John Chaudos, tho greatest general of tho ago, tho real hero of 1'olctiers and Auray and Najar ra, who had been slain In u mli-erublo hkirmisli. Luck generally goes against men when thoy play badly, and it weiiHxI an If tho very wind and waves had entered into tho conspiracy to bring Knglaud us low In her humiliation as within walled towns and fortresses, to hIiii had lately been high in her glory. ' removo to safe shelters all that could Itoliovlng expeditions, calculated to conveniently bo removed, to leavo tho arrive in the nick of time without a rest to tho mercy of thu invaders, and lay to spare, woro shipwrecked by to keep tho track of devastation as nar Morms, or detained in port, or beaten row as possiblo by hanging on their back by contrary winds. Indignities Hanks and cutting off adventurous ox that twenty years before woro never in ' cursion parties of plunder. No barbar tho dreams of the gloomiest prophets of ity of lire and sword perpetrated on tho evil had boeoiuu hard matters of' fact, j defenseless country had availed as yut wturn and urgent. Scotch cruihors to tempt the Sago King outofthls. cold chased Hits Muacks of Filey and Scar-1 blooded polity of endurance. Nothing borough from their llshing grounds, had been achieved by tho expedition to and 1'iuiu'li fleets ravaged tho Miuthern eo.ihts, incnaicd tho mouth of tho ThamcH, and actually, in tho autumn of, l.'I.HO, tho time when our story opens, had tho audacity to Mill up the great river, and hum and plundered as far as liravoM'iid. I he defomo of Loudon it ml fluid become a subject of serious con sideration a deplorable rovomt from tho time wJgn tho most pressing con cern for the huglisli government was tho maiiiteuam-o of tho border fort resses of (iascony. Meantime, as in all periods of great national roverro, discontent with tho management of affairs was loud throughout tho kingdom. Charges of incapacity, extravagance, woro freely iiiikio. 'I hat put l'arl lament In better humor to pay tho outrageous cost of tho war. Other debts were urgent, notably tho wages of tho fuw Kuglish garrisons re maining in France Calais and Cher bourg, and llrcfit and Hayouue which were a year ami a quarter in arrear. Thoy were co hemmed in that they could not, aH in happier times, maku up for thu want of pay by pillaging tlio country. lhu noble institution of national credit, whereby such bills might have been left to posterity, was as yet unde veloped. Tho ministers of Kiehard II. had no such rct-ource. J hu pawning of tho crown towels shows how very null- dishonesty, meiitary wero their methods of llnance. larger Minis The government had no choico but should bo noiessarv for tho oxchenuer to go onco more to Parliament. Thoir than had over Ih-oii heard of in 1M- hist reception bad nut been encourag ward's most prosperous days, nnd that ing, hut there -us no alternative. And yut there should bo nothing to show the money had to bo raised at onco by but frosh miscarriages and disasters, wan taxation from n people, who had pro monstrous and bitterly unintelligible, tested last timu that they really could It wont hard with tho groat ollliero of pay no more. Htato and tho minor collector of revo- It was a doiporato caso, but tho chan lino. Thoy wero accused of Intercept- cellor, trained in tho oxcheipier of tho Ing for their own mu tho money that pope, experienced indiplomaey,patient, bad Isjon raised for tho dofonso of tlio cautious, ami conciliatory, though near realm. Frotiuent changed wero tried, his wits' ond, diil not absolutely tie while affairs still went from bad to spalr. worse. Tho knights and burgesses, Ono of his predecessors, threo years Hiimiuoued to l'arliaineut again and before, had conceived, or at least pro again to hear tho same tulu of urgent n tax of so much a head on every per dangers followed by requests for larger ' mi In tho kingdom over tho ago of and larger supplies, grow re-tlvo, and, fourteen years. It had been com with all tho caro that could bo used in plained of, but it had boon fairly well thulr selection, could not bo kept from paid better tbanany form of hiibsldy ojuui (simplalut and remonstrance that had boon tried since, against "tho outrageous cost of warn1 Tho chancellor would try another that tho country could in no manner poll-tax, and modify tho obnoxious sustain." features of tho llrst. Tho llrt bad And iK'noatb the grumbling middlo, been uniform, fourpenco a bead from classes, far down among tho lower' lr and rich alike, and tho poor bad utrata of society, a lienor and moro naturally complained of such vquiillty. dangerous dissatisfaction and unret ll would aoid this grievauoo; tho began to spread and take hold. (Iriev- rich should aid tlio poor; an avenigo of imsed a new kind of lniHt, u poll-tax, ' throo gnmts should bo ralswl, but tho uncos of longer standing than ovon tho poorest should m askel for no moro outragootiH cost and tho ontragwus fall- than ono groat, while tho richot paid uro of tho wars with Franco began to bo us much as sixty, Besides, tho ago inoro acutely felt as the pressure nbovu should bo raised to Alteon, iucroasnl'tho pinch on tho musses bo-! What could bo moro reasonable? It low. Tho exasperation wan especially vas tho duty of oorylody In such a keen among that largo class of peasant . national crisis to contribute to tho Imputation which still remained in ar-, national defeiuo. ions forms and degrees of serfdom, sub- Tho plan was to cost tho unfortunate jcvt to Indefinite exactions from their chancellor bis bead; but io moro man lords and masters. Tho Imnbhlps and . could have thought of anything that irritations of their portion, which for. looked fairer or moro promising. Bouoratioii bad, under vurlous lilhi- IWsldos, bo was toglvo Parliament a .'r.uy wore light compared with tho dos- perato cares of tho chancellorship, at that time thodiiglicst of tho great olilces of state, as measured by tho weight and number of its responsibilities. There was not in those days tho same subdivision of duties that exists now among tlio king's ministers, and tho responsibility of ways ami meaiiH to re plenish tho empty treasury fell upon thu lord high chancellor. This huso necessity was tho problem of problems for tho government. To llud employment for tho restless Kuglish chivalry, and to give tho youngest of tho king's uncles, Thomas of Woodstock, Karl of Buckingham, a taste of tlio glorious game of war, a splendid expedition had been sent across into Franco early lit tho summer. Hut tho glorious gamo in coHtly; thu expenses wero not yet paid, nor wih there any money in tho treasury where withal to pay them. Tlio crown juweta wero in pawn. Further, Buckingham's expedition did not promise to bo a success. Tho French would not light, at least in pitched battle. This was thu pusillan imous policy of Charles tho Sago, which had rendered so many grand and gal lant expeditions abortive to keep choice between this nnd ono of tho older imposts. Further) ho put off tho evil day of submitting bis budget, nnd waited for a Biipremcly favorable moment when ho might summon tlio Commons and launch it prosperously. I The favorable moment for which ho waited was tho death of tho King of Franco. Charles tlio Sago, to whoso crafty policy tho dcplorablo rovcrscH of recent years wero attributed, bad puf fercd long from u mysterioiiH illness. Liko tlio illness of tho Black Prince, it was suspected to bo the effect of poison, and ono of tho incidents of it was an issue in tlio arm, through which it was believed thu venom of tho poison dis charged Itself. Georgo of Prague, tho physician' whoso skill had partially cured him nnd kept him alive, had warned tho king that when thu issue dried up, hu had only fifteen days left in which to arrange his affairs and pro vide for tho welfaro of his soul. Sudbury had taken measures to get thu earliest possible information of tlio appearance of tho fatal symptom. Ho know well, from tho temper shown by the Commons when last thoy wero asked for a subsidy, that thero was lit tlo cliauco of gutting anything from them unless something occurred to brighten tho prospects of tho Kuglish cause in Franco. It was tho policy of Charles that had undone them; his death would give them new hope, and could hardly fail to put the Commons in n geucrotiH mood. At hibt tho fatal favorablo moment arrived. In thu uutmun of KIHO, early in September, just after tho insult offered by n French lieottotho Thames, tho joyful news reached him that tho ! fatal symptom had appeared, and that tho King of Franco was on bis death bed. OIIAPTKIt II. Tho bearer of tho good tidings pro- sonted himself to Lambeth, where tho archbishop lay, moro than an hour be fore midday. IIo had ridden post over night from Dover to Grnvesend, and thence sailed up thu river with a favorable tldu; bis luck and speed had been such that, traveling day and night, hu had reached Ixmdon on tho second morning from IiIh start. Thoy kept early hours in those times; tho archbishop, after a close morning's work, had already dined and was pre paring to proceed to thu chancery at Westminster. It was his ctudoui to sit there at eleven. i Tho messenger wiih not held long in waiting for an audience. As soon as tho iircliblshop-chanccllor wiih informed of IiIh arrival from Paris, ho dismissed IiIh secretaries, ordered him to bo shown up, and received him most graciously. "Good-morrow, good fellow," ho said, in a stately fashion, raising him with tlio Hand wnicii tho messenger, had knelt to kiss; "what news from' Paris? You have ruado good speed I from thero, I doubt not?" I Tho messenger answered tho second question first, and then hesitated, glancing meaningly at tho usher who had shown him into tho chancellor's presence and who remained by tho door. "You may speak," said thu chancel lor. "Master Hardelot, my young cousin, is of my council." Thus authorized, hu delivered his message. "I am charged, sir," ho wtlil, "to deliver to you this ring, and to say that that has happened which you wot of." Thu chancellor's face did not betray tho joy ho felt at hearing what ho had waited for so long. He asked no fur ther questions. "You have dono tho king mi excellent service," ho said in a vol co of well-pleased greatness. "It will bo my euro (o seo that you nro fitly recompensed. You must bo fatigued. Reginald, cause thu cooks to providu at omu some meat for this gen tleman, and seo that a well-lighted chamber is made ready for him. Coma to mo when you have rested and wo will talk further of what you havo heard and scon in Paris." Tho messenger protested with all humility ami respect ami thanks for his graco'M comfortable words about present refreshment and prospu'tivo reward, that ho wiih ready at onco to aiiwsor to tho best of his power; but tho chancellor, who had heard as much as ho wanted, insisted on his taking needful reposu after his long and trying journey. (Tu Le cualliuiiil) KRIEQ A LEVY .WCOItrORATED.) GROCERS COFFEE AND TEA A SPECIALTY. SIM Vf aililngtoi' Street, Curnnr Tenth . TUY OUIt CELEBRATED COFFEE. , Moth l'lumri 838. I'OItTI.ANI), on. ST, CHARLES HOTEL TOHN GIBL1N, Prop. Flrit-ClftM Acrommndntlnnn nrnl Prompt erT Ice. LfirBcHnmpleQoonu for Commercial traveler. Phone 7. Cor. First and Washington Sts. Alt any, Oregon. WELL, I DON'T KNOW Mr. Johnson, you don't know WHAT'S GOOD If you have never tried ACME WHEAT FLAKES, We are headquarters for Ralson Health Club Foods. Grano, Acme Rolled Oats, Health Process Whole Wheat Flour. ACME MILLS COMPANY. 20-22 N. Front St. Phone 407. PORTLAND, OR. Loewenberg & Going Company MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN Stove Ranges, Hollowware and Household... Specialties... Handled by All First Class Dealers... Royal Steel Ranges Are the Best and Cheapest In the Market USiSwIe0nrAr0oVt PORTLAND, OREGON T. S. TOWNSEND CREAMERY GO. Jobbers ntnl nmauiactururs ot f.0- PEOISTCREO Fancy Creamery Butter AND Full Cream Cheese. Wo Prepare a Crcnni that will carry to Ohicauo in a Sweet Condition. Give Us a Trial Order. 44 SECOND STREET, Thone arut Msi, Portland, Oregon. L9m mJKSsWU ll (Emtmhllmhmtl 18&Z.) F.B. DALLAM & GO. Wbolciale Dealers In Itapltl 'IraiKlU "Folks lub Kot to re up In tie middlo oh do ulRltt to Rot ahead of my Pomp," announced Mrs. Joluisou to an Inter ested friend, as the two women liuug out thulr clothes on neighboring lines one Monday morning, "U you heard do way he llxed tint trilling mule ob ours yesterday, so we could ilrllie to tie sanctuary In peace aud quletuessi" "l.aV8 uo, I ain't heard nutlln!" said ,tliu other woman, eagerly. "My olo man and me, we uehlier got home from (.pending do day wld Susannah till most midnight." "Is dat so?" said Mrs. Johnson, who had been alive to this Mate of affairs, but wUhed to appear Ignorant. "Well, now, you kuow bow dat iiuilo ob ours has most destructed do dnshboa'd ob do cart cbery time we tried to ride to do sunctimryV Tho neighbor nodded, with two clothes-pins between her lips. "My Pomp." fntd Mrs. .Tolinson. proudly, "lias got tie contr.liancc ob Mr. ICdlMin or any ob dose luventlug pin sons, and he Just turned tie scat facing round bavkward, ami put tl.u trltllm; mule In backward, and set a ki'.kcl ob oats Just behind tie tl.isl.boaM, right lu plain sight ob dat mule, ami he douc push us .lions to tie t..iueiiury faster dan Pomp aud me ebber 'spected to rldo In all our day!" Secret Ivv Ymiui Indian. For many years tae Indians of the Ymiul. Mexico, gold country have sold gold to traders, but It has been Impos sible to determine how rlcU the deuoUu aro. : - t, , Wooden and Willow Ware Brooms, Brushes, Twines, Paper Bags, Tinware, Gran iteware, Eto. asa, aao, ssa Front st 8 an Frunclaoo, Dal. mne Tt Front St root, Portland, Orogon. mfiriranjpndrij yPKgM? Our Specialty FirsU Class Work. A Trial Will Convince. Oregon Telehone Orsnt 631 Columbia 651. COR. TWELFTH AND FLANDERS STS., AH Orders Promptly Executed. Portland, Oregon. Write for Catalogue. MAIL ORDERS FILLED PROMPTLY Zimmerman-Wells Machinery Co. Incorpornttd. Marine, Mining, Saw Mill, Logging, ,Wood Working, Hoisting and Trans mission Machinery. Engineers' and Loggers' Supplies. Agents A. Leschen & Sons Rope Co., Celebrated Hercules Wire Rope, R. N. Nanson & Cos Lu bricating Oils and Compounds. 41-43 SECOND STREET. PORTLAND, OREGON i THE ASTORIA CAFE. f JOIINbON A 1'AUSO.S', l'rop. Wines, Liquors and Cigars. JCopp's Pale Eecr Always on Draught. 1U Flxih Flrcet, ,, , n Hut. Morrison and Alder. Portland, Ore. Multnomah Market THEO. A. GODEL. Denier In Fine Meats and Sausages, alsotFish, Poultry, Oystors and Game. 5J2 Washington Sttezt. Oregon I'hoae Mala t33. Columbia I'bono C33 MUNO'f MA nKKT-WS North 18h fit. Colum bia I'lioiio ltu. Oiccoa I'lionu Cluy 678. Smoke the SCHILLER and STATE SEAL Cigars. Schiller Cigar Factory Manufacturer. Wliolnale aud ItoUII Dealer lu HAVANA AND DOMESTIC CIGARS Vlc,- Applies 94r filMf (K In all that pertains to this line We will supply you and fit up your borne or office with everything in electric light , ing, telephones, electric bells, etc., in t fdentllic and expert manner, at fair and reasonable prices. Anything in our line that you wish done satisfactorily, tcJe-, phone, send by mail, or call at Western Electrical Works, 305)6 Washington St., PORTLAND, ORE. Adamant... IF YOU ARE GOING TO BUILD OR REPAIR "THE PERFECTION Or; Wall plaster" Investigate THE ADAMANT CO., Phono North 2001. Office and Factory, Foot of 14th St.. Portland, Or. Telephone No. 1831 .Black. 281 Wftfliincton Street, N. W. cor. Fourth, 10RTLAND, Olt Hatters and Furnishers Sole Agents for KNOX HATS BUFFUM & PENDLETON 94 Third Street. PORTLAND, ORE. TheQUEEN MATTING Uniurp a ued tor Bars, Offices, Theaters, Stieet Cars, Churches, Dwellings, Steamers, Public Buildings, Hotels. IS A PERFECT FOOT CLEANER. Will last a L'fetime Will not Rust; Will nbt Kink, or Curl at the ends. Is an Ornament as we!l as Useti. T. O. ROGERS, City Sal Agent. 'PHONE OLAY 840. 205 Second Street. PORTLAND, OREGON "B -