MijjfJMMH J 0m ' "l i r TBUMWe i, f " ft i T JT ( s- Mt 'Tv -AMM ii'lWHWpKp. 'mn Vw. .., " .. - i 'a jppw.V;, ?; t . vtt A. ' . , V wj . J i .-."'W.iWMfU;jil)Wll,JMUU,i'llWWiOWtSiiA: Oj TBJfi "f AGE, POBTIiA.NI, OBMGOK. .'- fflr-1" "-w i "I f (if wWSP Tout It dls llus-Ilcrman &-v4$.i$.extz CIIAPTEIt XXI. "John D. Lloyd!" The words fell from the lips of not only the JucIkp mi the Ih'IicIi, but from those of ercrx lawyer within the linr. "John I). Lloyd I" echoed the voice of many In the court room, "Mr. Sheriff," Mid the Judge, "plnce a chair beside me and assist my old friend Lloyd to a position here, If the Lord has mercifully spared Ills life." Sheriff Cobb looked very Bloomy, but he obeyed the order of the court with alacrity. "Yen, Judge and friends," Bald Mr. Lloyd, an the Nherlff, after shaking hands with him, assisted him to the judicial bench, "the sen has given up It dead the asylum Its mental wreck. John I). Lloyd Is with you once aguln. Nor has he yet greeted his own family. He Is In the hands of the great detective." "I can well believe you, old friend," oald the judge as he grasped his wasted hand. "Hut If you have not visited your family, we must not long delay you." "Mr. Kellnrs hns miule tnc acquainted with the contents of the will, snld to be tliu banker's last and final one," sold Mr. Lloyil. "If such Is the case, and my name and that of my lost friend Elliott appear as witni'wtcs to the same, there has been a forgery committed." A gronii burst from the breast of Her man (Jrarcn. He sat the picture of ab ject terror a living, breathing wretch. Miss DcltoMcttu Hilt with pale face, dinging to the nrms of her companions. "Your names signed to the will consti tute the forgery?" asked the judge. "No, your honor, the signatures, I pre sume, lire valid; but In the body of the will Herman Craven was left' but the mini of live thousand dollars. I am told that the will now shows that llfty-llve thousand dollars was the banker's be quest to his nephew. There was no ad ministrator named In the will. A space was left vacant with the understanding tliut If I returned safely from my trip to Europe my name wax to be tilled In. At Mr. Ofltuxcltc's solicitation I had con sented to act, should I survive him. Neither was there a guardian named; but the understanding there was the same. He desired me to constitute that guardian and my name would have ap peared there but for my trip abroad." "Miserable wretch, what have you to say?" asked the Judge, turning his gaze on the features of Stephen Craven, "What can I say, judgeV" was the sneering reply. "Except that Kellnrs has got me dead to rights. I knifed the bunk er, and my delectable son there the Craven eownrd forged the will. That Is all there Is about It. A Craven need not die a coward I Die garnet He a game sport to the hut; (hut's my motto, and it's all I have to say," "Are I here any here who recognize this man as Stephen Cruveu, the man who married Alvlu Deltoiette's sister?" asked the judge,. "I do, your honor," said Attorney Dobbs. "I never saw him but once. The marriage was an elopement. MUh Delto sette was a Helmut girl, and this villain eloped with her from Hillsborough, where she was attending school. At Alvlu l)e Hoxettc's request I visited Richmond, to which place Stephen Craven at tlrst con veyed his bride, and there beggid his wife In nbnudon him ami return to her brother with me. She would not do so, how ever, nuil Stephen Craven, entering the house and surmising my object, ordered me out. I cannot be mistaken In the man." "No, you are right, old duffer!" cried Stephen, with another sneer. "This man Is a monster!" exclaimed the judge, shuddering. "No, no'. You are wrong, judge, wrong. I.nin nothing If not n dead game siort! Life Is a fane a Held In which wo each piny our part, then make our exit to be seen no more. There Is no hereafter. This is the end of life; that Is all, ami I will die as 1 have lived a dead game sport I Yes, without u fear for the pres ent or the future; but look at that livid, woe-begone picture! That is mj. miii. Ain't he a beaut? He denies his own father, now thut a day of peril Is at hand. He put up this job. He forged the bunk er's will and was too cowardly to remove his uncle from his path. I willingly aid ed him. Look at him! The bell-ringer or Wilmington, tils hand from the stair wuy pulled the wire thnt drew Hubert Campbell to the door, leaving the coast cle.ir for me. I thrust the blade of the sheath knife home, secured the bag of coin and ran upstairs and secreted myself. During the commotion Mow I secreted the gold where Hollars found it not an hour ago, Herman had provided me with u key to the attle, and 1 remained there three days and nights. When 1 took my departure I left the colli behind, beneath the hearth In Miss Deltosette's room. You have everything dead to rights now. What are you walling for? Why don't you get a move ou yourself? Ia-i Camp bell get out of that box uud put my sneaking sou uud myself la It! Do some thing!" "This mini must lw an Incarnate fiend!" exclaimed the Judge. "I'm a beaut, 1 am!" ejaculated the as sassin. "Hut I'm not n coward!" "(lenllemeu of the jury," said the Judge, turning to the twelve men In the Jury box, "the court instructs you to ren der u verdict of 'not guilty' In the ease of the State against Hubert Campbell, and no one can more regret than does the court the uufortuunte position In which an Innocent man has been placed, but through t!m effort of Mr, Hollars au hon orable name bus been vindicated uud the murderer of our old friend uud his ac complice are before you," "What say jou, gentlemen of the jury guilty or not guilty?'' usked the clerk, "Not guilty I" responded the foreman, lu a loud voice. A cheer went up that reaouuded through the bulldlug. "Order! Order In court!" cried the sheriff. "Hobert CampbVll, you are discharged from custody," said the Judgt. The young man arose to his feet, and with n happy smile on his countenance passed within the bar, where his first act was to grasp the hand of the great detec tive. "My preserver!" he cried. "May God bless you, Lapg Sellers!" "And he will," were the words that fell from the lips of the Widow Campbell. Iluttle Dcllosette had arisen to her feet as Robert approached. Her face was mnrble-llke In Its whiteness, and she had sat throughout the proceedings as one lu a trance. The effort had been too much, for her, and with the vord "HobertI" she fell for ward, to be clasped In the arms of the man she loved. Another cheer went up from the lips of the vast throng In the court room. ' "Order in court!" cried the sheriff. "Conduct your prisoners to thbox, Mr. Sellars," said the judge, "that (hey may be arraigned for a trial that will speedily follow. I Judge its duration will not be long." "First," said Sellars, "I will shackle this scheming villain," and with a pair of steel bracelets In one hand he reach ed towards Herman Craven, A shriek burst from the white lips of the bank president, and the loud report of n revolver followed it. Herman hud held the weapon concealed in his hand, anil It had been instantly di rected at the detective, but as unexpect ed as It had been, Sellars had readied the arm of the assassin in time fo divert the messenger of death from himself, and it found lodgment In the. bosom of Stephen Craven, who for a moment stood motion less, then tottered and fell forward to the lloor. Sellars had secured Herman's weapon, and ere the father had been raised to a chair hud him securely shackled. The ladies present screamed In terror, and the court room wns lu commotion, "Order In court!" cried the sheriff, who was bending over the form of Stephen Craven. The detective literally carried the man acled form of Herman to the prisoner's box, where he placed htm, shrieking, on a seat. "I'm done for!" presently gasped his father. "Murdered by my own son! The cur! It was your life he alined ut Sellnrs. Well, better bo. There will be but one victim at the hanging bee. I I might have escaped and carried hltn with me, coward though he be. Hetter so! Hetter so! It was a fatal shot, boy. I I huve nothing to regret no favors to ask. No, no, nothing. I die as I lived a a dead game sport!" And with Ills head on the sheriff's arm, the soul of Stephen Cra en passed before its mnker. "Court Is adjourned for the day," an nounced the Judge, and a half hour luter the court room was untenanted. The Iwdy of Stephen Craven hud been conveyed to the morgue. Herman Craven, the president of 'The Cape Kear Hank," occupied a felon's cell lu the county jail. John D. Lloyd had been accompanied by Judge Fowler to his residence, where there was Joy over the return of one who had long been mourned ns deud. Sellars was captured by the mother and sister of Hobert Campbell, and accom panied them home, Leaning on Robert's arm with the same purty wus also the joiing heiress, whose form still trembled with emotion. "I always distrusted Herman Craven," said Ilntlle, when the party were seated In the Campbell home, mid Aunt' Curo Hue hud placed before them au urn of tea, of which the good soul thought the ladles stood sadly lu need, "but I little dreamed of the villainy In his nature. In receiving him Into our home my dour fath er received " "A viper!" exclaimed Sellars. "nut un der the tutelage of Stephen' Cruveu he could not have been less." "Oh, dear ltnltort, how you must hnve suffered," said Ilntlle. "1 was never alaruied as to the out come, my love, from the time that our no ble friend Sellars assured me that I should not stand upon the gallows trap." "You could pay me no higher compli ment than that conveyed by those words," said the detective, grasping the young man's hand, At this time Arthur Dobbs and his father joined the party. "All honor to the man who bus vindicated u noble namo; unraveled a double mystery, and brought to justice n father and' sou, who for cold blooded villainy have uever been equaled in America!" exclaimed the senior niau, us he approached Sellars. "There wus one quality a man could respect lu the father, notwithstanding his villainy," ald Sellars. "Hravery. He was not a coward! In the character of Hcrmau there Is uot oue redeeming trult!" "Not one!" exclaimed the banker's daughter. "If he hud never entered our home, dear futher would not be In his grave to-day," ltefore the residence of Sellars two ne groes were seated on the grass, and they were happy Afrlcaus, to judge by up pcurauees, "I spec' you feel mighty proud now, Adam, tin' to-nlghty)ou Jos' 'bout make dat gal Cindy tiuk yous de debbel his self." "O'long, Calban! How I gwlne wtn dat gal, if she tiuk I's de debbel? I Is suah miff rwIiio blow my horu mighty hard. I's gwlne tell her 'bout my trp up to llaltlmore, on de 'ralroad wid Mara Lang, an' how I suys lu dat spress otUce 'Dat's de mau, Mars Lang." "Cl'lpng, nigger! You didn't do noth In'." "What you do? Now tell me dat!" "Adam, youN a fool! DIdden I keep dese yere two eyes on Herman Craven night and day? Yes, even wheu he was In he bed. Whar Is he now?" "Dat's so, Calban, You'a had mora sperience dan I is." "Now yo" talklu'l Say, .Adam, I spec yo misses will buy dat gal Cindy for you now, an' you ken mek her yo' lawfully wife." "(Jolly, Calban t Doea you rtckoa m?" "Suat I does." "Well, I gwlne hint 'roun' mightily, directly she get ober tratlou. I spec da hang Mars now," "Fer suah du hang hiin!" "Da earn hang he daddyl" "O'long home an' tell Hannah and Mil lie. I seed Unc Duke at do court house. You'ij a foolt What da gwlne hang a dead man fer?" With what he Intended as a withering look, Calban left his sable companion and entered the. house. At 11:45 p. in. on the ninth day of No vember, n terrible scene was enacted within the 'county Jail at Wilmington. Twenty persons the number allowed by law were gathered before a grewsome structure that occupied a position at the east end of the room of execution. The grewsome object was the gullows. uud when Sheriff Cobb approached from an Iron door that separated tlje room from U',? lowcr t,er of ct'"H' followed uy Jailer 1'llyaw and an assistant, who between them were fairly dragging long a white robed, shrieking Hgure, sailor over spread the faces of those' assembled. Two clergymen followed ihp nmln nr. tors In this fearful drama. The scaffold was reached. The frantic, shroudedform was bodily raised and car ried upon the platform. More, he was placed In a standing posture on the very center of the trap. "If you have words to speak, speak them now," said Sheriff Cobb. "Mercy! Mercy!" screamed the ob ject, horror-stricken wretch. "You all know I did not strike the blow!" The condemned man's hands were shackled together behind him with a leather strap while he was speaking, and his lower limbs were securely bound to gether with another. One of the clergymen stepped to the side of the trap and uttered a short, fer vent prayer, closing the same with the words: "Mny Qod have mercy on your soull" A wild wall broke from the lips of Her man Craven ns a knotted noose was pass ed over his heud. Another! Still .ninth- cr. Hut the lost, half miillled, came from beneath the black cup that now concealed his livid features. Jailer Fllynw was supporting the crim inal on one side, his assistant on the other. The clergymen had stepped back from the prisoner's side and the sheriff had dis appeared within a small enclosure to the left of the trap, nnd through which pass ed the rope thut held the trap in place. "Mercy! My (Jod. mercy! I will not die! I " The clock on the market tower sounded the first stroke of the hour of three. The blow of au ax resounded from the box that concealed the sheriff. The trap fell. The shrouded ficure fol- lowed It, leaving the jailer and his assist ant with their arms extended over a va cant space. The taut rope creaked. The body spun round nnd round. A movement or two of the limbs, nnd then a pendant figure, hanging lifeless. The murder of Alvln DcRosettc had been avenged, John D. Lloyd was appointed by the court us administrator of the late bank er's estu'.e nnd guardlon of bin daughter; but the term of his giinrdlanshlp was short, for on the twentieth of the follow ing June the fair heiress became the brldo of Hobert Campbell, and the same day saw sweet Jennie Campbell the wife of Arthur Dobbs. the young attorney. Tlie two weddings occurred at mlddny In the Deltosette residence, and a largo number of friends were there present; but tho one whose good wishes to both brides and grooms brought the most fer vent pleasure, It Is safe to say, was a certain detective, and tears filled the eyes of the two happy brides when they bade him good-by to start ou their wedding trip. "Mny your trip through life be as hap py as the one before you promises to be," said Sellars, "and may there be no thorns by the roadside." "That all here are happy to-night," said Attorney Dobbs, "is owing to the vlgi luuce of one man, and that man Lang Sellars, the great Southern detective, who fulfilled his pledge. Hobert Campbell did not stand on the gallows trap.", Sellars passed a hand before his eyes to hide the tears that had gathered as he turned away. And he thought what might have been had he not traced dowu the in u n with three names. (The end.) KRIEQ A i?A UNCOnPORATF.D.) GROCERS COFTEB AND TKA A SPECIALTY, 394 Washington Street, Corner T4nth TKY OUR CELEBRATED COFFER. Moth rhones 838. PORTLAND, OR. ST. CHARLES HOTEL TOHN GIBL1N, Prop. Flrtt-CISM Accommodations and Prompt terr ice. Large gumplo Qoonn for Commercial Travelers. Phone 7. Cor. First and Washington Sts. Alt any, Oregon. WELL, I DON'T KNOW Mr. Tohnson, you don't know WHAT'S GOOD If you have never tried ACME WHEAT FLAKES. We are headquarters for Ralton Health Club Foods. Grano, Acme Rolled Oats, Health Process Whole Wheat Flour. ACME MILLS COMPANY. 20-22 N. Front St. Phone 407. PORTLAND, OR. Loewenberg & Going Company MANUFACTURERSJlOF AND DEALERS IN Stove Ranges, Hollowware Household... Specialties... Handled by All Firat Class Dealers... Royal Steel Ranges Are the Best and Cheapest in the Market PORTLAND, OREQOH lMglEggaL tf to 233 Tmylor Strmot 199 to 194 Second 3trt T. S. TOWNSEND CREAMERY CO. Jobber and manufacturers of f0 " PEOISTCREO Fancy Creamery Butter AND Full Cream Cheese. Wo Prepare a Cream that will carry to Chicago in a Sweet Condition. Give Ua a Trial Order. 44 SECOND STREET, . Phono Grant H2i. Portland, Oregon. (Cmtakllmhrna 1B53.) F: B. DALLAM & GO. Wholcialo Dealers In Can Mnko Dlnmoiiils hr Dynnmlte. "DliiiuonilH Muilu liy Dynnnilto" Wooden and Willow Ware Brooms, Brushes, Twines, Piper, Paper Bags, Tinware, Gran- iteware, Eto. 232, 2SO, 228 Front St., Smn Franolaoo, Oml. mnd 71 Front Mrmmt, . Portland, Oromon. tmEncanJtaurirJri sm&- Our Specialty First-Class Work. A Trial Will Couvinc.: Ortfon Talebona Oraat HI Columbia 8U. COR. TWELFTH AND FLANDERS STS., All Orden Promptly Executed. Portland, Oregon. Write for Catalogue. AlAIL ORDERS FILLED PROMPTLY THE ASTORIA CAFE. JOUNBON & PARSON, Props. Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Kopp'i Pale Beer Always on Draught. 1M Flxtli Rrtcl, He i. MorrUou and Alder. Portland, Ore. Multnomah Market THEO. A. GODEL. would lie u tHcor hIj;u on n Joweler's window, lint queor tilings ate bound to pjne MfiatS 8(10 SftUSaRBS, llS0 Fish. Inippon In an iiko of electric furnaces n.ili-.. n...i... Lj n. ruuiui,.ujsiei5 mu Uaino. Zimmerman - Wells Machinery Co. Incorporated. Marine, Mining, Saw Mill, Logging, Wood Working, Hoisting and Tram mkslon Machinery. Engineers' and Loggers' Supplies. Agents A. Lcschen & Sons Rope Co., Celebrated Hercules Wire Rope, R. N. Natuon & Cos Lu bricating Oils and Compound. 41-43 SECOND STREET. PORTLAND, OREGON 'iSftlc. : lOppuE ono the. ouo liaud and liquefied hydro Ken on tho other. After close, study of tho South Afri can .diamond tlelds KcleutlHts formed the theory that dlnmoudM were made lu nature's laboratory from earbou llque tied by enormous heat and pressure, nnd dissolved lu Iron, from which they crystallized out In cooling. By calcu lation It wns found that his would require a temperature of about 4,000 desrees ceutlKrnde,(7,2:t2 degrees Fahr enhelt), nnd a pressure of in tons to tho square Inch. Molssan, of Paris, nnd other experimenters have produced crystals by Imitating this process na closely ns possible, but they were too Hinall and Imperfect to hnve nuy vnluo ns Jewels. Some other process must bo discovered whereby carbon and Iron can bo subjected to au enormous heat and pressure before wo can hopo to produce diamonds ou a commercial scale. In this condition Professor Crookes has suKKOsted to tho Hoynl Institution that "lu their researches on tho gases from tired gunpowder intd cordite Sir Frederick Able uud Sir An drew Noble obtained In closed steel cyl inders pressure as great as OS tons to tho square Inch, and temperature ns high ns 4,000 degrees centigrade." Hero, then, If the observations are cor rect, we have sutllcleut temperature nnd enough high pressure to liquefy carbon, nnd If the temperature could only be allowed to act a sutllclent tlmo on the carbon there Is little doubt that the artificial formation of diamonds would soou pass from the microscopic stage to a scale more likely to satisfy tho requirements of science, Industry nnd personal decoration. Chicago la ter Ocean. 512 Washington Street. Oregon rhotie Main 633. Columbia Phone 633 MM& In all that pertains to this line We will supply you and fit up your home or office with everything in electric light ing, telephones, electric bells, etc, In a tcientific and expert manner, at fair and reasonable prices. Anything in our line that you wish done satisfactorily, tele-, phone, send by mail, or call at Western Electrical Works, 305ju Washington St., PORTLAND, ORE. MUNCH MARKET-SOA North 16th 8t. Colum bla Phone 100. Oicjon Phone Uluy 678, Smoke the SCHILLER and STATE SEAL Cigars. Schiller Cigar Factory Manufacturer, Wholrsala and UcUll Ua)er lu HAVANA AND DOMESTIC CIGARS Adamant, IF YOU ARE GOINQ TO BUILD OR REPAIR "THE PERrTECTION OF WALL PLASTER" Investigate Phone North 2091. THE ADAMANT CO., Office and Factory, Foot of 14th St., Portland, Or. Telephone No. 1831 Mack. Mournful spectacles are seldom ranged In Ucra, r 281 Washington Street, N. W. cor. Fourth, V ORTLAND, OU Hb 'sksalalaiaA liaiaiaiaiaiaiaiiaiaiaiaiaiaV The QUEEN MATTING Hatters and Furnishers v SokAgenUfor KNOX HAT$ BUFFUM I PENDLETON 94 TMrd Street. PORTLAND. ORE. Unsurp sued tor iBars Offices, Theaters, Stteet Cars, Churches, Dwellings, Steamers, Public Buildings, Hotels. saiaiaiPsH SfsaiaiaiaiaiaH - JJ vIvmw9amBmmX M HfiJKfcifl IS A Will last i Ufetime Will not Rust; Will not Kink, or Curl at the ends. Is an Ornament as well is Useful. PERFECT FOOT CLEANER. T. C, 205 ROGERS, City Sale Agent. 'PHONE OLAY 94?. Second Street. PORTLAND, OREGON $