The new age. (Portland, Or.) 1896-1905, August 31, 1901, Image 7

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Few are entirely free from It.
It may develop so slowly as to cause
little If any disturbance daring the whole
period of childhood.
It may then produce Irregularity of the
stomach and bowels, dyspepsia, catarrh,
and marked tendency to consumption
before manifesting Itself In much cutaneous,
eruption or glandular swelling.
It is best to be sure that you are quite
free from It, and for Its complete eradica
tion you can rely on
Hood's Sarsaparitla
The best of all medicines for all humors.
Townc Sco Mint mnn? Well, sir,
ho landed in this country with his
bare feet and now he's got millions.
Browne Geo whiz I He's worso off
than a centipede, isn't he?
Tali signature li on every box of the gennlnc
Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets
tkm remedy that cores estld lm m day,
Phrenologist Your bump of do
Btructivcncss is very largo. Arc you
a soldier or a pugilist.
Buhjcct Neither. I'm a furniture
Will Be Well Done.
Cuticus What arc you
preparing to do this year?
Hayccdo (absent-mindedly) Sum
mer boarders, as usual.
t?IT Permanently Cured. No flta er ierroutne
si anrnratUr'iiiMif lr.Klla'tUrtNem
Bettom, Bwnd for PKBKfJ-J.Mtrialbottlcand treat
tee. Dl.B.U.KUKS.Ltd..VSIArchSL.Fhlladliaus,Pe.
A Suburbanite.
Mr. iBolato (of Lonolyville, on
evening train, embarrassed) You
may notico that nearly every suburb
anite is bringing out either a new
cook or waitress with him?
Mr. Brooklyn Borough (his
critically) You might call
"Cook's personally conducted
this a
sion's THIS?
We offer Ono Hundred Dollars Howard for any
euo of Catarrh that cnu not bo cured by Hall's
Catarrh euro.
F. J. CHENEY fc CO.. rrops.. Toledo, O.
We tho undersigned, bavo known F.J. Chonoy
for the past 16 years, and bellevo him perfectly
nom-abl lnallbmln is transactions and fin
ancial' ablo to carry out any obligations made
by uelr Arm.
Wholcsalo Druggists, Toledo, 'J.
V noloialo Druggists, Toledo O.
nail's Catarrh Cure is t.-kon.n'rnally,ac'tnn
Clreoily on tho blood and m.cous surfaoes of
thosyium. frleTCsperbo-tle. to'A by ei.
drug: tits. free,
Hall's Family I'll' r th bent.
Too Miny Wivet.
Mies Mukcahit It is my highest
ambition to marry some titled for
eigner. Mr. Jester Why don't you try the
Miss Mukcahit S-i-r!
Mtmmm thm Omumfi mnjl
War km Oft thm Old.
Laxative Uromo-Qulnlno Tablets cure a cold la
bnoday. .No cure, No Pay. Price ascents.
The Shirt Walit
Tho women claim their feelings hurt;
Thcy'ro kicking up a fuss,
BccaiiBo wo men adopt tho shirt
That first they stolo from us.
Doesn't Boast of It Now.
Noll Sho used to boast that sho
was ono of tho charter members of
the Woman's Suffrage- Club. Sho
doesn't appear to be so proud of it
Belle Oh I she's just as proud, but
you know, tho club was organized If)
'ears ago, and she niUHt have been at
east 20 when sho joined.
Slow Healing
swollen joints and inflamed glands often break out into offensive, slow healing
ores. A polluted blood is always a menace to health ; not only does it keep the
akin in a chronic state of inflammation, but every organ and fibre of the body
suffers from an impure and sluggish circulation. You never feel well, you are not
and never con be well until the system is relieved of its terrible load of impuri
ties. With the blood so contaminated, so deeply poisoned, ulcers, bolls and
ore of every kind are apt to become chronic and often develop into Caacar.
-iS"?!S? Kvf I I " t.lU with a aeT.ra sore 1.. am
often caused by jwverty of faom th. kBM to th- toot WM om. ,oUd lor
the blood and a weak and which was vary offensive. Z spent oyer ai.000
alow circulation, brought on
by long continued sickness,
malarial poisoning, torpid
liver, the use of mercury, or
whatever is calculated to de
stroy the vitality of the blood
and break down the constitu
tion. These old chronic sores
last sometimes for years, eat
ing into the flesh, muscles,
tisanes, and even down into
the bones, and are such a tax upon the 'system that it is hard for the patient te
recuperate, and a simple malady often proves fatal.
Nothing so quickly or surely restores lost strength and vitality to the blood aa
8. S. 6. Jt is an antidote for the severest forms of Blood Poison, as well as the
irritating humors that cause the eruptions and sores that sap your very life and so
greatly disfigure you. 8. 8. 8. is the only guaranteed purely vegetable blood puri
ler. It contains no mercury, potash, arsenic or other hurtful drug. It cleanses
the blood and purifies the circulation, thus ridding the system of the impurities
that keep the sores feverish and painful. At the same time your general health
improvea under the tonic effects of 8. S. S., and the skin becomes soft, smooth
ana healthy. If you are troubled with boils, carbuncles, sores or eruptions of any
sort, write our physicians all about your case; don't risk vour own judgment
when you can get medical advice from experienced doctors free. Book on Bloo4
and Skin Diaeaaaa to all who desire it.
Wholesale Boots & Shoes
87 and 89 First Street, Portland, Oregon.
Telephone, Oik 1391.
All Kinds Carried in Stock.
Frog Showers.
"A Cornell professor says that frog
spawn' can tie carried up in the at
mosphere and hatched out in tho
"By gum, you bet I'll carry an um
brella tho next time I go out."
Ilindicspped by Science.
"I understand that ho has long
been a student of political "economy,"
said the visitor.
"He has," said Senator Glucose,
and his economy in politics has kept
him out of office. He thinks he can
bo elected without spending a cent.''
Our Nation's Wealth.
Gold and sliver are poured abundantly
into the lun of the nation, but our inutcrlul
wealth ami strength is rntlier in iron, tho
most useful of all tuetnl, just as the
wealth of a huninu being lies In a useful
stomach. Ifyou have overworked vours
until it is disabled, try Hostetter's Stom
ach Hitters. It will relieve the clogged
bowels, improve, the appetite and cure
constipation, dyspepsia, bllousuest, liver
and kidney disease.
Easier Job.
Mrs CobwigRcr Poor
tried to
reform her
Mrs. Dorcas What is sho triyng
to do now?
Mrs. Cobwiggro To reform tho
Take Laxative Dromo Quinine Tablets. All
Srnggliu refund the money It It falls to cure.
1. W. Qrove's slgnatnre Is on each box. Sic
Water Drinkers.
Lady Bridget, did you givo tho
gold fish fresh water today?
Bridget Holy St. Patrick I Havo
tho oratures drank up tho wholo
bowl of wather Oi gavo thim yester
day? Plso's Cure for Consumption Is an infal
lible medicine for coughs and colds. N.
W. Samurl. Ocean Grove, N. J.. Feb. IT,
Esch In Its Piece.
Willie Pa, is thcro any difference
between a violin and a fiddle?
Pa Yes, my son ; If you licar it at
a concert or an opera it's a violin,
but when your next door neighbor
plays it it's a fiddle.
The Beit Prescription for Malaria
Obllls and Fever Is a bottlo of Grove's Tasteless
Chill Tonlo. It It ilmply Iron andqulntnoln
a tasteless form. No Cure. No Pay. Price COo.
Not Hungry, But
Young Bride Why, Charlio, you
do not seem to bo eating anything
this morning. And I got up curly to
mako theso biscuits for you.
Charles No, dear; I don't feel at
all hungry this morning, to toll tho
truth. Your biscuits aro very nico
indeed. By tho way, I wonder if
thoro are any of thoso dog biscuit left
that I bought for Nero Friday.
Mothers will find Mrs. Wlnslow's Sooth
ing Syrup the best remedy to use for' their
children during tho teething period.
"What do you think of that whis
ky?" asked tho host.
"Well," said tho guest, smaoking
his lips as ho sat down his glass, "it
reminds mo of a good story."
"Let's havo it."
"Oh, you misundorstand mo. I
merloy wish to imply that it's worth
When von take a rote's Taiteleii Chill Tonlo,
beeauie the formula Is plainly printed on every
bottle showing that It Is ilmply Iron and Qui
nine In a tasteless form. No Cure. Nr Var. Mc.
The Resson.
It's strango you members of
tho Vassar alumni
don't hold class
She Not at all. You may as woll
ask a woman hor ago as to ask her
what year sho graduated.
With rich, pure, strong Mood
one is never troubled with soraa
or ulcers. A cut or any injury to
the flesh heal in a few days,
nature supplvingthe healing
balm In the form of healthy, new blood; but when the
circulation is tainted with poisonous genua, humors or any
effete matter, a alight scratch or abrasion of the skin
becomes a festerine sore, tinv oimoles grow to be boils.
on two tripa to Sot Springs, an local physl
oiana treated sac to no purpose. X had about
decided to have nay lea a-nputaUd, when m
friend Induced ma to try . X began to
take your snedtolne, and lm the short apace of
aeven months It baa completely and thoroughly
cured me. My loar la a wltnesa today aa to what
0. 8. 8. will do when taken regularly. The sore
haa healed entirely and my health haa Improved
wonderfully. X have already trained 80 pound.
J. s. taxJkkt,
Bon 88. Winona, Xlaa.
Catalogue Furnished
Upon Application.
Comment on Everyday Matter by an
Orinltint Gcnlnp.
An Atchlnon woman hires her house
cleaning done and cleans notice for her
An Atchison boy who has been work
ing for two days is taking a week's
lay off.
An Atchison merchant who has four
newly married men In his employ, Is
doing all his own work.
An Atchison man who used to be a
mean husband, has reformed, and no
longer attracts any attention.
"Well," the women have a habit of
saying, after a marriage, "she finally
got him; but she didn't get much."
There Is a piano, an organ, a mando
lin, a guitar and a fiddle In an Atchi
son family which rents a sewing ma
chine. An Atchison man who has been mar
ried three times has pictures of all his
wIvcb, In their wedding dresses, hang
ing In his parlor.
If a man has a sleepless night, the
first person he sees next morning Is one
of thoso Cheerful Souls who talk of tho
beauties of the sunrise.
A sickly Atchison man for thirteen
years has heard his wife say, when she
bought a new dress, "Well, you may die
any minute, so I guess I'll get a black
An Atchison policeman says he
thought ho knew all tVe swear words,
but he learned some new ones recently
while listening to a woman abuse her
An Atchison father of five daughters
estimates that from the time his oldest
is 10 until his youngest Is thirty, will bo
27 years; that he will be kept out of his
parlor that long.
An Atchison girl who returned home
from college a month ago, and screamed
when her father said ee-meut for cem
ent, Is already sweet on n young man
who says "has went."
At a meeting of the Never Work Club
Inst night, made up of girls of 10, reso
lutions were passed denouncing the
mother of one of tho members who had
asked her to wipe the dishes that morn
ing. A girl who has been off to school
wanted to buy some new glassware.
"Why, papa," sho said, "wo can't offer
guests tumblers like these." "But wo
have done It," the old man replied,
"and no guest has refused yet."
It Is becoming a late style In Atchl
on for guests who aro Invited to a wed
ding to hang around on the outside of
the church Instead of going In. They
have a better view of tho bride this
way, can gossip more frecly.'and It Is
When a certain Atchison man was In
business he was so tired that ho dread
ed to see even legitimate callers, and
fixed up a scheme to keep out as many
as possible. He retired from business,
and now he Is hiring men to conio and
talk to him.
A farmer came to town to-day, In n
great rush, to buy binding twine, as
harvesting Is In progress at his place.
He met so many agents and solicitors
that at 3 o'clock this afternoon he was
still trying to get away from a life In
surance solicitor.
An Atchison girl Is convincing a
man that she has no use for her family,
and that when she marries him, they
will not be allowed In the yard. It is
the same old story: they will be
crowding him away from first table In
a month after the marriage.
Matadors Fear the Cows.
It will probably not surprise our read
ers to hear that most Spanish hull-fighters
object to lighting cowa. Tho real
reason may, however, ustbnlsh them.
A sportsmanlike objection to persecut
ing a femalo animal has nothing what
ever to do with It. Tho fact Is that the
average toreador Is sincerely afraid of
a cow.
And he has good reason. Tho cows of
the half-wild. breed used for the arena
are much quicker In their movements
than are the hulls. Their horns aro
more pointed ami more formidable;
they do not lower their heads to tho
ground, shut their eycH and chargo
like a locomotive, upon the rails, but
aro alert and rendy to follow every
movement of their persecutors. Their
warlike tnctlcs havo been adapted not
to blind, bovluo frontal attacks, but to
the strategy of active and cunning
beasts of prey, of which tho human
bull fighter Is only a feeblo mimic.
If these cheap Idols of tho Spanish
populace would face young nnd active
wild cows which had Just been robbed
of their calves they might, perhaps,
forestall the butcher, but they would,
at any rate, do something to earn their
laurels. PearHou's Magazlue.
Always Amusing,
nere aro a few mixed metaphors
worth recording. "You are," said a late
Lord Mayor of Dublin, In opposing a
municipal scheme, "standing on tho
edge of a precipice that will be n weight
on your necks all the rest of your days."
And this, ' attributed to nn English
clergyman: "The young men of Eng
land are the backbone of the British
empire. What we must do Is to train
that backbone and bring It to tho
front." A member of Parliament was
responsible for the following: "Even If
you carried these peddling little re
forms It would only be like a Ilea blto
in the ocean."
Patlerewakt'e Great Iove of Candy.
Paderewskl was formerly a great
consumer of sweetmeats, but when thU
amiable weakness becumu known to
his admirers he received such over
whelming supplies of bonbons and so
on that tho liking for confectionery
quite left him.
A useless life Is but a living death.
Always ask for tho famous General
Arthur cigar. Ksbcrg-Ounst Cigar
Co., general agents, Portland, Or.
Eveiybody smokes tho celebrated
Monogram and Pandora cigars. They
have no equal.
Call up Union 491 when in need of
anything in the fuel line. East Mor
rison Street Wood fc Coal Yard.
Tho A. D. T. Messenger Co. is tho
oldest and best scrvico of the kind in
the town. Headers of Tho New Age,
givo them tho preference.
Money to loan, on furniture, pianos,
or any good securities. Notes and
moraga'ges bought. S. W. King, room
45 Washington building.
C. A. Watson, Marino Drug Store,
88 N. Third street, Portland, Oregon.
Specialties: Flcckcnstein's Lung
Balsam and Celery Setlzer.
F. F. Johnson. Second hand goods
bought and sold. Stovo repairing
and upholstering. 182 Ihimsido
Street, west end of bridge. Portland,
Jno. P. Sharkey, manufacturer of
harness, collars, saddles and strap
work; importer of saddlery, hard
ware, whips, pads, etc. 60 Union
avo., Portland, Or.
Portland Transfer Saloon Chas.
0. Siglin, proprietor. Choice wines,
liquors and cigars. 321 Glisan street,
corner Sixth, Portland, Or.
French Dyeing and Cleaning Works.
All work done at very modrcato prices.
Dyeing and cleaning of all kinds of
ladies' and gent's clothing. Morn
ing cloth dyed in 48 hours. J. Dc
leau, proprietor, 455 Glisan street.
Armory Drug Storo, 81 Tenth
Btreet, northwest corner Tenth and
Everett streets, Portland, carries a
full lino of drugs, toilet article,
school supplies, cigars, etc.
Tho National Polico Gazette pub
lished by llichard K. For, Polico
News Standard, and all other sport
ing papers. Subscriptions taken by
A. W. Schmale, booksoller and news
dealer, 220 First street, Portland, Or.
Mail orders solicited,
TO THE DEAF A rich, ladv,
cured of her deafness and noises in
her head by Dr. Nicholson's Artificial
Ear Drums, gave $25,000 to his insti
tute, so that deaf people unablo to
procure tho ear drums may havuthcin
free. Address No. D 3381, Tho Nich
olson Institute, 780, Eighth avenue,
New York,
Call at 188 B street for fresh fruits,
candies, oigars. Tho latest brands.
Tho finest ico cream in tho city.
Fresh fruits of all kinds daily. II.
Dunstan, proprietor. Mr. Dunstau
was 10 years with Washington street
car lino and ho invites all of his old
friends to call and see him.
When going to Astoria tako a rido
on tho "Whito Collar Line," under
tho management of tho Columbia
Itiver fc Pugct Sound Navigation Co.
Steamers leave every morning in tho
woek at 7 o'clock. Tho best of service.
Ofllcc, Alder street dock. Phono,
Main 351; Columbia phone, 351. E.
W. Crichton, Agent.
Carl Hoobor. Furniture, uphol
sterer and carpet layer, llepairlng of
Furnituro a specialty. Draperies.
Mattresses mado over and returned
tho same day. First class work at
lowest prices. 200 Fourth St., bet.
Taylor and Salmon. Phono Clay 700.
Portland, Oregon.
Cold or hungry, call on us and we
will try and attend to your wants.
All kinds of coal, wood and feed.
Western Feed & Fuol Co., 154 North
Fifth. Phones: Oregon, Main 1018;
Columbia, 263.
For first class dental work and
prompt attention, go to tho New York
Dental Parlors, Fourth and Morrison
Beginning May 5th, tho evening
train of tho Astoria it Columbia itiver
Itailroad will leavo Uivion depot, Port
land, at 0:55 p.m., instead of 7 p.m.
PANY, 225 Pino street. Col. John
L. Poole. Qenoral agent for Oregon
and tho Pacific Coast.
Canadian Employment Agency, E.
T. McCroskey & Co., 220 Morrison
street, rooms 10 anil 17, Columbia
phone, 81; Oregon, Grant 231, Port
land, Oregon. Work of all kinds
always on hand. Skilled labor a
specialty. Help freo to employers.
Ileal cstato brokers.
Pays Claims on Sight Tho Wash
ington Lifo Insurance Company, of
Now York, has just paid tho claim of
Henry Davis, of Mcdford, Mr. Davis
secured his policy just ono week Iki
foro his death. Tho proofs of claim
arrived at the company's homo oflico,
July 2, 1001, and check in settlement
was sent to Mrs. Davis tho sarno day.
This company has not had a contest
ed claim in tho past decade, an envia
ble record. Tho Washington Lifo is
one of the strongest and best of all
the great lifo insurance corporations,
Its assets aggregato nearly $17,000,.
000; claims paid, over f 30.000, 000.
No other company in tho world offers
larger guaranteed cash returns at
maturity than thoso contained in
tho Washington Life's policies. This
company's 85,000,000 oflico building
in New York City is one of tho
world's finest structures.
Go and see J. A. Kotan for bar
gains in furniture, carpets, stoves and
picture moulding. Pictures framed
to order. New store. Now goods.
Lot us repair your old furniture
make it as good as new. Don't forget
the place, No. 89 North Third st.
Wo want your trade. Music half
price; musical instruments of all
kinds, cash or installments. II. H.
Wright, wholcsalo and retail dealer in
music and musical merchandise.
The Music building, 340 Wasighnton
street, Portland, Oregon.
Machine, gun and general repair
shop, Forstner fe Co., proprietors.
Steam engines, pumps, bicycles, lawn
mowers of all kinds repaired. Manu
facturers of the Forstner patent safety
gopher gun. Key fitting and saw
gumming. 05 First street, between
Oak and Pino, Portland Oreogn.
A. J. Armstrong, for many years
head cutter for Nlcoll, has opened a
tailoring establishment at 313 Wash
ington street. This house Is stocked
with a complete stock of up-to-date
goods. The cutting is dono by Mr. A.
J. Armstrong, well knoWn as a first
class cutter. Stylo and fit guaranteed.
Prices modorato. Good work and
honest doallngs.
313 Washington St.
The picturesque line and tho royal
one back to the homo of your child
hood Is via tho Northern Pacific.
You will ride over tho Rockies,
along Clark's fork of tho Columbia
and tho beautiful Yollowstono; skirt
ing tho shores of Lake Pond d'Orotllo,
through the famous Bad LandB of Pyr
amid Park and across tho wheat Holds
of tho Red river valley you go at
fifty miles an hour, and Bleep and cat
In perfect comfort aa the solid voBtl
buled train rushes along.
For detailed Information, tickets,
Bleeping car reservations, mapn of
routes, etc., call on or wrlto
Assistant Goncral Passenger Agent,
255 Morrison street, corner Third,
Portland, Or.
deduced Rates.
Aro now .in clYcct to Buffalo, New
Do you expect to attend the Pan
American exposition?
If so, do not buy your tickets until
you have investigated tho scrvico of
the Illinois Central Railroad.
Our accomodations aro tho best
that can bo had, our trains aro al
ways on time, and employes cour
teous and accomodating.
Through tourist cars from Paciflo
coast to Boston via Buffalo.
If you will send 15 cents in stamps,
to address given below, wo will for
ward you, by return mail, ono of our
largo 34x40 tinch wall maps of the
United States, Cuba and Porto Itico.
Any information regarding rates,
accomodations, scrvico, time, connec
tions, stop overs, etc., will bo cheer
fully furnished by
B. H. TKUMBULL, Coin'l Agt.
142 Third St., Portland, Oregon.
Tho tourist travel botweon tho East
and the Pacific coast has roachod
enormous proportions In tho last fow
years, and calls for a spocial class of
equipment. To meet this domand the
Pullman Company has Issued from Its
shops what it technically calU the
"Pullman Ordinary Sleepor." ThOBO
cars appear similar to tho regular
sleepers, being built on tho same plan,
but not furnished with tho samo ele
gance. Thoy aro equipped with mat
tresses, blankets, sheets, pillows, pillow-cases,
towols, combs, brushes, etc.,
requiring nothing of tho kind to bo
furnished by tho passonger. Each car
has a stove for making tea and coffee
and doing "light housokooping," and
each section can be fitted with an ad
justable tablo. A uniformed porter
accompanies each car, his business
bolng to mako up berths, keep the car
clean, and look after tho wants and
comforts of the passongorB. In each
of tho trains which aro dispatched
dally from Portland by tho O, R. & N.
Co, Is to bo found ono of theso "Pull
man Ordinary Sleepers." The car at
tached to tho "Chicago-Portland Spe
cial" goes through to Chicago without
change, and tho one In tho "Atlantic
Express" runs to Kansas City without
change, PassengorB In this car for
Chicago chango to a similar cur at
Much of tho first-class travel la
bolng carried In theso earn, tho rates
being lowor, and tho norvlco nearly
equal to that In tho palaco Blcopora,
For rates and full information, In
cluding foldors, wrlto to
General Passonger Agent, O. R. & N.
Co., Portland, Oregon. ,
Tuning, Regulating and Polishing
Old Pianos Made as Good as New,
Twenty yean' experience with 1I10 trading
firms of the country. Knabe; ilalnea Hroi.i
Conovcr: (.'dickering'. Not with any other
music boue In (tie city.
4?5)t Washington Street,
....Portland, Oregon
Private Jtooras
for l.llei.
Choice Wines, Liquors
and Cigars.
Oak Sample Room
Corner Twenty third.
IlEKItr rFLKlDKHKK, Proprietor.
Fortltnl, Ortgog
Notico is hereby given that the
undersigned Gcrtrudo Young has filed
her final account as administratrix of
the cstato of Fred Young, deceased,
with tho clerk of tho county court of
tho stato of Oregon, for Multnomah
county and that said court has sot
Tuesday, tho 3d day of September,
1001, nt 2 P M, for tho time and tho
court room of said county and court
in Portland, Oregon, as tho place for
tho hearing and settlement of said
final account. All persons having
any objections to said final account
are hereby required to mako and filo
tho samo on or befor said date.
Administratrix of the Estate of
Fred Young, Deceased.
Dated at Portland, Oregon, August
2, 1001.
First insertion, Aug. 3. 1001.
Lnst insertion, Aug. 31, 1001.
Attorney for administratrix,
rniiE TOTEM.
Klrit-clau In every rciptct.
Headquarters for Old Kentucky Home Club
Whiskey and Sehltts Milwaukee Uoer.
Katnlly entrance on Weit Park St,
A. CI.08E, Manager.
nALl. AT 831 FIRST BT,
For Froth Bread, Cakes and Tlss Dally.
A Frcih Line of Groceries, Teas, Corteea, Etc.
MKB. K. N. BUCHANAN, Proprietress.
83) i North Third Bt.
Boots and Shoes Mado to Order
Work Called for and Delivered.
All Work Guaranteed.
H. C. RILEY, Manager.
Portland, - - Oregon.
Front and Morrison Streets.
European Plan, 50c to $1.50 Per Day
American Plan, $1 to $2 Per Dai
J. C. PKNDEaAST, Chief Clerk.
fmrm, Frmlmht, Cxjsroaa, Dmllney
mntl fmrmmrm' Mprtng
Agrleulturml Implement A Btaymlwm
Mitchell, lewlm A Stave f Oo
Fhmt mini Tmylmr tm PoHlmnm".
M MM ' M M
Guaranteed $35.00.
1BOO Motmlm, $UO.OO lm $30.00.
Plrst and Taylor Sts., Portland.
Meeta every tccuml and fourth Monday at 8:30
p.m., (I. A. K, Hall. All U'IIIiik KnUliti, In
good itaudlnKt made welcome.
David Ookdon.C, C.
W. 1, WlirATON, K. of II. A H.
Meets every (lrt and second Wednenday at
8:30 p.m. at Odd Fellows Hall, llodney Nt.
IUviii Oorijon, W, M.
(ISO. W. ALCXAM(H,K.,biC'y.
Illltl) I.ODOK, II, A. P. A A. M.
Meeta every flrst and Hecond Monday at Ma
sonlo Hall, Main street, foot of Ilrnadway,
IlKNnr IUkeh, Act'g W. M.
, Q so. M. f.Ki,Hfl'y.
aOMiKN CITY I.OIK1K, J. U. O.of O. .
Meats every flrat and tccolid Tuesday at tholr
Hall on Kodney afreet.
Taos. Ksllum, P. H. W, C. f rwik, N, O,
Meets every lecond and fourth Thursday at .
Odd Fellows liall, Itodnuy ureel.
KiNMK N'AKruui, Worthy Matron,
Ciusinda Chump, Seo'y.
Meets every second and fourth Monday at
Matonlo Hall, foot of llroadway.
Fax nik VYAKrncLD, W. M.
Pollis, Sec'y.
Corner it It ami Hoback itreeta,
Hervlrei 11 a.m. and 8 p.m.i Sunday School, 1
p.m.) prayrr invrtlnv, Wednemlay evening
pm. All are welcome,
J, Cook Tavlos, Paitor,
- W "' '
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