(e . M V. 'r. ; - x ' ' 1 1m ' " - TOL. VI. x PORTLAND, OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNE 8, 1901. NO. 10 .' v-'"'' ' .- . I ! I . . , ,. . . " ! I i M 1 I L t ,.M I. .. """Mi FIRST NATIONAL BANK "RSZH!1 Doalgaatad Dapailtary and IMnnnolal Agant of th United State. Frealdant, H.W. Cor belts cuhler, B. 0. Wllhtmrton: Militant euhlar, J. W. Newklrki Mcond aiiUUnt eatliler, W. 0. Altord. , Itten of cradlt liaued, aTalUbla In Kurope and the Eaatern autei. 'Sight axebanta and Ulegraphlo tramftri aold on New York, Boaton, Chicago, Omaha, 8t. Paul, Ban Franclico and tha principal aolnu in the Northwett. .Sljht and time bills drawn In aura to suit on Loudon, farit, Berlin, Frankfort-on-the-Maln, lions; Kour. Collection! made on favorable termi at all acceailble polnti. PORTLAND ORKQON..M LADD TILTON, BANKERS XiUMUhed In USD. TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Interest allowed on time deposits. Collections made at all points on farorable terms. Letters ol credit issue) Tillable in Europe and the Eastern states. Sight exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Washington, Chicago, St. Louis, Don re', Omaha, San Francisco and various points in Ore gon, Washington, Idaho, Montana and British Columbia. Exchange sold on London, Faris, Berlin, Frankfort and Hong Kong. THE UNITED STATE. NATIONAL BANK Or POrtTLAKD, ORKOO!. Traniacti a General Bank Rnilnee. Draft luued Available in all etttea of the United 8tate and Europe. rreMnt........................ -...TYLER WOODWARD yice-Preilaeut,,........... .,.., .....JACOB KAMI! EVENTS OP THE DAY) FROM THE FOUR QUARTERS OF THE WORLD. CEBU NOT PACIFIED. Iiuurrccto Comprchcnilvc Review or the' Important1 Happening of the Pait Weak PrtMntae) In a Condtnud Form Which li Meet Uktly to Prove of Interut to Our Many' Readers. Bocr Cashier..- ,F. C. MILLER THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE With Which Is Amalgamated THE BANK OP BRITISH COLUMBIA Capital Paid Up, $8,000,000 l Reserve, $2,000,000 Transacts a Opneral Banking Business. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Account opcnul for uma of 111) ard upw ard, and Interest allowed on minimum monthly balance Rate on application. a-M WASHINQTON STREET. E. A. WYLD, Manager FIRST NATIONAL BANK Walla Walla, Washington. (Kint National Hank In tho Slato.) Transacts a General Banking Business. CAPITAL 1100,000. 8UU1LU8 100,l)0. LEVI ANKKXY. Preildent. A. H. nKYNOLI)8. Vlco rretlilont. A. It. nUUKORD, Caihlcr. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK. Pendleton, Oregon. Capital, $70,000.00. Surplus and Undivided Profits, $00,000.00. RESERVE AGENTS Fint Nut'mial Bank. Chicago. III.; Firet National Sank, Portland, Oregon; Chemical ? ilonal Bank, New York. N. Y. OFFICERS AND DIREOTORS-I. vl Ankeny, President; V. F. Matlock, Viro President: C. B. Wade, Cash(er; II. C. Huerensy, Assistant Cashier: J. 8. HcLeod, W. S. Byera, W. K. Matlock, II. F. Johnson. THE PEWDLETON SAVINGS ptnuueiuM, UHtuurt, w f Organize! March I, 1883 Capita, $50,000. Surplus, 65.000. Interest allowed on tlmo deposits. Exchange bought and sold on all prln lpal points. Special attention given to collections. W. J. Furnish. President; J. N. Teal, Vlce-Prosldont; T. J. Morris, Cashier. FRENCH & "COMPANY-, BANKERS TDK DAM.KS, OltlHlOH, TR AN 3 ACT A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Letter of Credit Imiel aTitlable In the Kaitern Plate. 8ghl Exrhange and Telegraph! Tran(f r old on Now YtrV,i'lilrro, 8t. LouU.tUu Kranrlito, Portlatnl. Ore., Bfattle. WiwJi. p-rniipnlctiiltinreKonandWaihlnEton. Collection made at all point oq farorable terma Bixiy iiruisn surrendered to a force. Senator Tillman lias v, ithdrawn liis resignation. ;' Tho English Derby raco was won by an American horse. The labor situation throughout Spain is in a critical condition. 1 Flro destroyed a valuablo library Another naval cadet has been dis missed from Annapolis for hazing. Fivo fishing boats, carrying 177) men havo boon lost in Iceland waters.'! Lato advices lroin Alaska say tho Yukon river is now open to a pointf below Dawson. There nro several thousand Ameri cans in South Africa fighting on 0110 lido or tho other. Tho driver was killed and three nassoiigors injured in n British Co luinbiii stage acoident. International survey places most valuablo mines in Mount Baker dis trict on Amorican side. . Immigrants quIToring from tubercu losis itrany form will notbo nlloived to land in this country. Tho Mexican government refuses to allow the removal of 11 numbor of nn-' tiquitics from tliat country, Tho delegates of tho Now York chamber o( commerce werp,lfai)iiictcd by tho Loudon chamber of eomm'(Trco. Tliero nro yet many rebels in arms in tho islund. of Ccbu. Jumcstown, Capo Colony, has been captured by tho Doors. Judgo Taft will bo tho first governor of tho Philinnitio UUntls. ' ' Tho Chineso omiKjror Jsplanning a isjjy v,. iHi1,:"Vr,jt'mt trjP.ta,?lroiHi,fpffextr.S..p Wirt 'MAlMMfcST4 SEATTLE. TACOMA. PORTLAND. SAN FRANCISCO, aXf XJ .13 Jb3 il Jbv Boots and Shots, Sundries and Oil Coining:. "Apsley" ...Brand "Hudson" ...Brand f9BBBBBBHBSBaeBeatf SaEsiW SrTITW. V m9(Bv aSBM BBBBaw' TaW wSBMai ALSO.... 'Qoodyear's India Rubber Glove Co." Celebrated line of Boots, Shoes and Druggist Sundries NOW is the time to place your order and get absolute pro tection. Wo guarantee the quality and prires, and give prompt service. DON'T place your order before you see us. Pacific Coast Rubber Co. 41-43 First St., Portland, Ore. JOHN A. fill AM. E. N. WHKKLElt, Manager, WM. MILLER, LA GRANDE, OR. DBAL8 IX OEAIX, BEET AXD JRTJIT LAXDI IX TBB BEACTIFOX GRAND RONDE VALLEY IN EASTERN OREGON After a eontlnnona retldence of orer 10 year In thl ramou Vallrf. and a clote atndr of tha fait accomplUhmanu and ifutura pilbllltle of It toll, and a pertonal knowledg of luell taate, I feel that uo on, eklng a home, will make any tnlatake in locating here. Your Correspondence la Solloltaei, and All Qus.tlona ....Cheaifully Anawerad.... Willamette Iron and Steel Works. Founders, Machinists, and Boiler Makers, PORTLAND, OREGON. DESIGNERS AND BUILDERS OF... Marin and Stationary Engines and Boilers, Saw Mill, Logging and Mining Machinery, Roll Grinding and Corrugating Machinery, Power Transmission Machinery. .' ara constantly developing Modern Machinery for special purposes, which our up to-date plant enables us to build accurately and economically. aV OOIIRISPONDENCK SOLICITED. -Sal Civil government will bo inaugur ntcd in tho Philippines July 1. Eight miners wero killed by an ex plosion in a Michigan coal mine, Tho cup defender Costutititm was dismasted in a squall during her trial trip. Chicago machinists demand that tho Employers Association shall dis band. Thrco persons wero killed and 113 injured, sotno fatally, in a train wreck in Georgia. Construction has begun on a Rail road from Grand Forks, 11. C, to Re public, Wash. Carnegie suys that England will yet appeal to tho United States for military help. Tho president and cabinet has de cided that an extra session of con gress is unuecessaiy, A now tobacco trust hat been formed to take over tho American utid Contintcnal companies, Twenty thousand acres of hoy and grain wero destroyed by firo near the town of Los llanos, Cal. ' Lord Kitchener's reports of tho re cent battle at Ylakfontein shows the British loss to havo been 200. Russia's casualties during tho Chi neso campaign wero 31 otlicers and C82 men killed or died of wounds. Tho city of Muttoon, 111,, was almost entirely destoryed, by firo. Tho property loss will .reach $75,OQO. Tho rebel general Cailles doubted that Aguiualdo had been cuntured, and sent u special servant to satisfy hmself. Von Walderseo bus started for Ber lin. Physicians give hope of Mrs Mc Kinley's slow recovery. Tho policy of tho United States and Russia is identical. Tho prune outlook in Oregon is favorable Jor a good market. Senator MoLaurin, of South Caro lina, withdraws his resignation, A new newspaper is existed to bo started in Seattle about October 1. Several thousand dollars wero found 'under a sidewalk in Mineral Point, Wis, A serious encounter occurred lo twecii French and British troops in China. Chicago employers agree not to try to settle machinists' strike until after Juno 11. As a result of a colliison in West Virginia two are dead and many oth ers injured. All railroads west of Mississippi river to tho Pacific coast are to bo consolidated. There is great uiucaiucss Eng land on account of scarcity of South African hews. Town Government An Still Maintained, Cobu, p. I,, Juno 0. Cobu for tho past year has not only failed to progress, but has in somo rsopects retrograded. A 'year ago ono could ftt least venturo outsido the metrop olis ot tho island with n fair chauco of returning unharmed. Today tho American who is rash enough to start into the interior alono docs so with a full knowlcdgo that it is at tho risk of his lifo. The United 8tates Philippine com mission came to Cobu to organize tho island into a provinco and found recognition by tho military authori ties of numerous practically insur recto town governments. This is justified by tho military commander of tho district, Colonel McCIorand, of tho Forty.fourth infantry, on tho ground that thoso semi-government towns nro conducted under the sur voilance of tho military detachments stationed in most of tho towns. Ac cording to tho testimony of a number of tho subordinate officers, neither tho amounts of municipal taxes col lected, what tlioy arc applied 'to nor 'any other details aro roportcd to tho post; commanucr. several tno towns havo no local governments, but it appears that about all pay tribute to Ute nativo political leaders. Most of itho leaders aro considered instirrccto at heart and somo of thorn openly Ucolaro tliomsolvcs. f" The island of Cobu is wholly free from any hiding places formed by standing timber, ami it lias altogether fsomo 1200 tropin f tho Forty-fourth and 10 regiments of infantry, yet General Maxilon, tho chief insurgent, continues to oporato with 200 rlllcs and somo scattering bolomcn, and mcanwhilo tho instirrccto politicians munugo to profit bykceping on the fence and snrrcntitouslv oncourairini: insurgent sentiment. Colonel Mc- demand says that he has had some corrt'spondenco with jnsurrecto lead ers, but could not iMMhlhlv Aceunt ikqir teriiu'brwSiAuWmen V miv.w mnlr&'-xm NEWS OE THE STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM ALL OVER OREGON. AecMsni to the Cup Defender Constitution Race Will B Postponed. Newport, It. I Juno 0. While dashing along in a good wiiolo sail breeze off Brontou's Beef lightship tliis afternoon, witli thfca lover tmilt set, tho big hollow steel mainmast on tho dofondcr Constitution collapsed liko a blow pipo through the midden breaking of tho starboard and win ward spreader. Tito mast broke oil only it few feet below tho spreader, about three-fifths of tho length of the mast above deck, and as tho top mast was carried away at the samo time, nono of the spars truck tho deck ex cept tho boom, and tho hitter only hit it light blows which did not injure tho hull at all. Nono of tho saile wore torn and all can bo used again. Fortunately thrpo scumen had just como down from tho masthead aftor taking in tho club topsail, but the wroekago swept overboard tho second mate. Ho was promptly hauled on board however, without sustaining anything inoro than a fow bruises. Tha Constitution will bo taken to Bristol whew another stcol mast is nearly finished. Tho yacht will be kjmmcdiutoly refitted, but it will tw a week or li) days before sho is ready to sail again, so that tho races scheduled oil" this port for June 15 and 17 will have to bo postponed. Commercial and Financial Happenings or Im portanceA Brief Review of of the Orowih and Improvemeuts of the Many Industries Throughout Onr Thrlvlna; Corn, monwulth Latest Market Report A nugget, valued ai $38. was found on Pino creek in Eastern Oregon. Sleet and snow fell at La Grando recently. No damage was done. Governor Gcer will deliver tho Fourth of July oration at BakerClty. Tho Bonanza mine, in Eastern Ore gon, yielded nearly $00,000 for tho May cleanup. Cattlemen in tho John Day district have oragnized for protection acainst cattle thieves. Tho extension of tho Similiter Val ley Bail road to Whitnov has been opened to traillc. Tho Lano County Veterans' Asso- citaion met in Eucoiio. Eiclitv members wero present. Tliero is strong ground for suspicion that John Stanley, who was found dead in Salom a few days ago, was murdered. An extensivo program was rendered at tho commencement of tho Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallis. Tliero wero .15 in tho graduating class. Cherries in Marion county aro fall ing oil' jirotty badly and appearances do not indicato as largo a yield hb ex pected, 'liio slzo and quality prom ses to lie good, however. POPULATION OF 8AMOA. On the American Islands There Are 6,100 Persons. Washington, Juno 7. In accord ance witli instructions from tho navy department, CommunJcr Benjamin F. Tilloy, tho naval commandant at tho United States naval station, at Tutuiln, Samoa, lies forwarded to Washington a report on tho popula tion of thoso islands of tho Samoan group under tho jurisdiction of tho United States. From tho most reli able authority in tho islands, ho has ascertained that tho population of Tutuila totals 4,000, and of tho Nanua groups, 2,000, including adults and children. In addition to tho native population there nro on tho islands approximately 100 whites. x Sinco his last report to the depart ment, Commnndor Tilloy has visited tho islands of Nanua aboard his sta tion ship, tho Almronda, and has found everything in a most satisd'o tory condition. The natives of these islands, ho says, exhibit much kind lier feeling than over before They havo voted a tax for tho payment of their officials and for other expenses of tho government. It is paid in copra. Tho rate Is about :i per ncati for overy inhabitant. This, says tho commander, is a very light tax, and is not in the least bunlensomo to tho natives, Tho abundant copra crop of tho islands is now being harvested and shipped, and Commander Tilloy is endeavoring to havo tho natives rcallzo fair prices for it something; very unusual in tho past. Cnmmaudor Tilloy reports every thing in tho island of Tutuila in ai very satisfactory state. HAZER WA8 CAUGHT. RAU.ROVD TO REPUBLIC. Contract for Construction Signed Canadian Pacific Connections. Spokane, Juno 0. Construction work will start tomorrow at Nelson, Wash., on tho Itopublia & Grand Forks Kailroud. Contracts were signed hero today. Georgo S, Decks A Co., aro tho contractors, and tho road, 4(1 miles in length, is to bu com pleted lly'November 1. It will con nect with tho Canadian Paoifia at Grand Forks, B. C, but tho promot ers say they nro iudcendcnt of all railroads, , Secretary Holland and Attorney Morris will leave tomorrow for To ronto to arrange for tho construction of a 500 ton smelter at Grand Forks. They say they have contracts for tho greater part of the oro output of Bo public for tho next two years. Asphalt Desposlt Discovered. New York, Juno 0. A cable mes age to tho Ecuadorian Association, which has offices in this city, an nounced tho discovery of vast depos its of asphalt- on tho island of 8a lango off 'the coast of Ecuador. Trin idad is now the chief source of the world's asphalt supply, which is con trolled by the trust. i; Ground has been brokou for the now PatteiHon school building at Eugene. About 100,000 pounds of .wool wib cold at Tho Dulles tho other day for 10 cents. Placer work in tho Weathorby and Durkeo districts, Eustcrn Oregon, is now in full progress, ... Sinus and cutworms aro dolntr no nn;amoirrit6rdaiaagBi.to.early'irar- uoum urounu uottngo urovc. I ho Oregon Tolophono Company nits a largo lorco ot moij employed at Dallas making extensivo repairs. Prepn rations for tho Eastern Oro gon Fourth of July colouration, to be held in Baker City, aro being pushed witli vigor. Tho hop yards in Linooln county aro looKing nno. tiio great trouble is to get a sulllcicut number of men to do necessary work. John A. Van Gross a student in the University of Orceon. has iust re reived notice thnt he has been nwunl. oil a scholarship in Yalo University. Albany col lego commencement cal ender Juno 14 to 10 provides uu elab orate program of orations, sermon receptions and reunions, Tho college is just closing its ;ilth year. A prominent mining engineer from Colorado is making a tour of tha sov cral mining districts of Eastern Ore gon in tho interest of a largo syndi cate of capitalists of that state, Portland Mrkct. Wheat Wullii Walla, COo. ; vol ley, nominal; bluestom, (ll02o. Icr bushel. Flour Best grades, J2.003.40 per barrel; graham, $2.(10. Oats White. I.82Jtfl.5 nor con- tnl; gray, fl.S0tjil.S2K lr cental. Barley Feed, $17(317.50: brewimr. fnatn.M) per ton. MillstuIVs Bran. $17 nor ton : midtl. lings, $21.50; shorts, $20.00; chop, Till. Hay Timothy, $12.5014; clover, f70.r0; Oregon wild hay, $07 tor ton. Hops 1214c. per lb. Wool Valley, ll13o; Eastern Oregon, 7(81 Io; mohair, 2021o. per pound. Butter Fancy creamery, 15 17c. ; dairy, 1.1$ 14o.; tdoro, 10 12c, per pound. , Eggs Oregon ranch, 1212J$c. per dozon. Cheese Full cream, twins, 12Jc; Voting America, 13J14o. per pound, II.. ..It... r-l. :!.... ...! 1 an m.-. j . 1 '" l m- ; rX'r?Cm Th. Country Passing Through Another of It. ....', T.0I-I-, ....... .., .v'V. IIV, Navsl Cadet Dlsmlsed From Annapolis Acad-a emy Convicted by Court Martial. ' Washington, Juno 7. Following ' tho example set at Wost Point, tho superintendent of tho naval academy has caused a cadet to bo dismissed for hazing. In this cobo, however, tho accused was tried by court mar tial and rogularfy ooiwiofo(l.Tlio Btatementin tno case muuo puunq--at tho navy department is is follows: "Tho court martial boforo which Naval Cadet Calvin Joy Crcassoy, fourth class, was tried Juno 3, con vened by tho superintendent of tho naval academy, pursuant to tho authority vested in hint by tho net of congress, approved Juno 23, 1875, having found tho speoilleatiou of the charge preferred against him proved, and that ho was guilty of tho charco. 'violation of tile net of congress, approved on the 23id day of June, 1875, to prevent hazing at tho naval academy,' whlqji recom mendation was approved by tho super inteudont, ho was dismissed from the academy accordingly." The details of the court martial aro not made public, but It is understood that tho disniisicd cadet was discov ered in the net of hazing another cadet in his room by compelling him to stand on his bond. It was sus pected that tho practieo might spread rapidly, so drastic and speedy action was ha( as a deterrent, COL. WEI8ENQURQER DEAD. A Philippine War Veteran and Officer In the Regular Army. Now Whatcom, Wash., Juno 0. Colonel J, J, Woisenburger, of tho First regiment of tho National Guard of Washington, tiled hero yesterday, ugod 40 years. Death resulted from cerebral meningitis, which caused tho sufferer muoli acuta agony. Col onel Woisenburger distinguished him self in tho Philippines, in which war ho served as ranking major in the First Washington regiment. His gallantry was on several occasions mentioned in tho dispatches, and General Merriam recommended him to Presldout McKinloy for promo tion Ho was given a lieutenant colonelcy in tho regular army, but soon resigned it, and returned here, when) ho took up the practice of law. He was city attorney of this city at tho time of his death, He was a native of Illinois. GRAVE TIME FOR SPAIN. pound; springs, $1,503 per dozen; ducks, $57; geese, $17; turkoys, live, 1012c; dressed, 14lbc. per pound. Potatoes Old, l)0c$1.10 per sack; new, 2c. per )ound. Mutton Lambs 45o, per pound gross; best sheep, wethers, with wool, $.254.50; dressed, 07o per pound. Hogs Gross, heavy, $5.75(36; light, $4.765; dressed, 7c. per pound. Veal Large, flW7c. nor pound: small, 78c. per pound. Beef Gross, top steers, $55.25; cows and heifers, $4.50(34.75; dressed beef, 77)o, per pound, Disorderly Periods. , Madrid, Jujio 7. Tho situation throughout Spain romaius critical. Nouiuui tranquility has been restored at Corunnu, lint tho Octroi offices are still occupied by gendarmes, and ar rests continuo to be mado. A general striko is threatened owing to a refusal of ono factory to employ 300 work men. The railway men havo strtiok at Vigo and anarchist excitement is rifo at Barcelona, where the "reds" met in defiunco of tho civil governor's prohibition and passed secret resolu tions. Scnor Gumazee, a Liberal leader, characterizes tho crisis as an exceedingly grave moment for Spain. ' - iuJL