esi&sg (f.MtMMill4N; ,i' , rt i nnvi "'T-'' ,it(T A JW -f . The New Age 1 - " Jc c ' " ' 1 VOL. VI. PORTLAND, OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNE 1, 1901. NO. 9. t . a" . J I v - "vi ?rTj'y Lf 1"'' ff ' "' f-"Cpi, S) C' V y i . '& y P. - FIRST NATIONAL BANK "Sgg&tf10' Dealgnatod Dapoaltaijr and Vlnanclftl Agent of the United Slatia. Fretldent, II. W. Cotbett) CMblcr, K. O. Wlthlngton) Militant cashier, J. W, Newklrkj second Militant cuihler, W. 0. Alvord. Letter! o( credit lumod. available In Knrope and the Eastern state. Bight exchange and telegraphic tramleri sold on New York, Boston, Chicago. Omaha, 8t. I'aul, San Francltco and the principal points In the Northweit. Sight and time bills drawn In tutus to iult on London, Paris, Berlin, Frank tort-otvthe-Maln, Hong Kong. Collections road ott lavorablo terms at all accessible points. LADD TILTON, BANKERS SEMC KeUtaltihed In 185t. TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Interest allowed on time deposits. Collections made at all points on favorable terms. Letters of credit leaned Mailable in Europe and the Eastern states. Sight exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Washington, Chicago, St. Louis, Denve', Omaha, San Francisco and various points in Ore gon, Washington, Idaho, Montana and British Columbia. Exchange sold on London, Paris, Berlin, Frankfort and Hong Kong. THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK Or PORTLAND, ORKOOM. Transacts a General Bauk Business. Drafts Issued Available In all cities of the United Btates and Europe. President. .. TYLKR WOODWARD VlCC I rMlQ6UMMMMS(l,MtIIM(MIIm.SIIlMllltSM(HHtMMMMIMlimttMMMItlMMJAC0fl KAMM Cashier ...F. C. MILLER THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE With Which Is Amalgamated THE BANK OP BRITISH COLUMBIA Capital Paid Up, $8,000,000 Reserve, $3,000,000 Transacts a Qeneral Banking Business. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Accounts opetud (or sums of fio and upwards, and Interest allowed on minimum monthly balance Hates on application. au WASHINGTON STREET. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Walla Walla, Washington. (First National Dank in tlio State) Transacts a Qeneral Banking Business. , , CAPITAL 100,000. flUIll'LUS 100,l0. LKV1 ANKBNV, I'rcildeni. A. II. ItKY.VOLDS. 'lce 1'resldcnt. A. It. nUKFOIlD, Cashier. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK. Pendleton. Oregon. Capital, $70,000,00. Surplus and Undivided Profits, 100.000.00. RESERVE AGENTS Fint Nat'onal Bank. Chicago. 111.; First National Bank, Portland, Oregon; Chemical Is tional Bank, New York. N. Y. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS 1. vl Ankeny, President; V. F. Matlock, Vice President: C. B.' Wade, Cashier; II. C. liuercnsy, Assistant Cashier; J. 8. Mcleod, W. S. Dyers, W. F. Matlock, H. F. Johnson. THE PENDLETON SAVINGS BANK PENDLETON, OREGON. Organize'' March I, 1883 Capita, $5C,00O. Surplus, 3 55.000. Interest allowed on time deposits. Exchange bought and sold on all prin cipal points. Special attention given to collections. W. J. Furnish, President; J. N. Teal, Vice-President; T. J. Morris, Cashier. FRENCH & COMPANY BANKERS THK DAT.I.KS, OIIKOON. ' TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESt. Letters of Crtdl tissue 1 available In the Kastern Plates, S ght Exchange and Telegraphls Transfer loldwi New Yirk,('lilr"UO. at. I.nul, Run Francisco, Portland. Ore , Brattle. Wvi!j. aa -vloii mints In OreKon aud Washlnston. Collections made at all points on favorable terma SEATTLE. TACOMA. RUBBER Boots and Shoes, Sundries and Oil Coining. "Apsley" ...Brand 'Hudson" ...Brand sv oTwmA iBvw &A NOW la the time to place your order and get absolute pro tection, We guarantee the quality and prires, and pivo prompt service. DON'T placo your order before yon see us. Pacific Coast Rubber Co. JOHN A. OKAM. I M,n, 41-43 WIYI. MILLER, LA GRANDE, OR. DEALB IN GRAIN, BEET AND FRUIT LANDS IN THE BK,AOTirOL GRAND RONDE VALLEY IN EASTERN OREGON After a continuous residence of over 10 years In this Famous Valler, andacloseatudr of the past accunsitllihmeuta and future posilbllltles of It soil, and a personal knowledge of lucll. saate, I feci that uo one, seeking a home, will make auy mistake In locating here. Your Correspondence la Solicited, and All Qus.tlona ....Cheeifully Answered.... Willamette Iron and Steel Works. Founders, Machinists and, Boiler Makers, PORTLAND, OREGON. DESIGNERS AND BUILDERS OF... Marine and Stationary Efiglnas and Boilers, taw Mill, Logging and Mining Machinery, Roll Grinding and Corrugating Machinery, rower Transmission Machinery. Wm are) constantly developing Modern Machfnery for special purposes, which our up to-dste plant enables us to build eccurately nd economically. mm- correspondence solicited, -mm E. A. WYLD, Manager T PORTLAND. SAN FRANCISCO, ALSO..., "Goodyear's India Rubber Glove Co." Celebrated lino ot Boots, Shoes and Di legist Sundries First St., Portland, Ore. EVENTS OP THE DAY FROM THE FOUR QUARTERS OF THE WORLD. A Comprehensive Review of the Important Happenings of the Past Week Presented in a Condensed Form Which Is Most Likely to Prove or Interest to Our Many Readers Tlio allied troops nrp preparing to leave Cliincso territory. A plaguo enso lias bcon discovered in n suburb of London. Another Negro fiend, hni been burned nt the stake in Florh A. Tlio battleships fired 11 snluto off Grants' tomb on Memorial day. Robbers blow an Ohio bank vault and secured 14,000. They escaped. Mrs. Eddy, tho Christian Science leader, has bcon sucdfor $160,000 damages. Governor of Washington has bcon naked to call a special session of the legislature. Lieutenant Townley's connection with tho Manila frauds is being in- (vc8tigatcd. Colonel Michlor, military Bccrctary to Goncral Miles, died at his homo in Washington. A rich Btriko of oil has been made near Olvpmiu. It is said to befof iimt class lubricating quality. A commissary sergeant in Manila, convicted of Htcaling supplies, has bcci) sentenced to three years' im prisonmont. A Missouri river freight boat con. taming a ton of dynamite was blown to pieces by tho explosion of the powder. Two men lost their lives. Tho property loss will bo very heavy. President Castro, of tho Venezuelan republic, has uddressod a message tc tho pcoplo of tho United States and takes occasion to scoro Minister Loomis, whom ho accuses of ucccptiug largo bribes from tho asphalt com. pany. Girl strikers in Now York made a riotous demonstration. Tliey handled non striking girls roughly, iind'stoncd tho building, bp"kinj! jjlnss windows. Tho polico arrested four 'of tho lead, crs, but lost one of them in 11 charge from tho strikers. Tho plaguo is reported to bo spread ing in India. Tho Cuban convention has accept ed tho Piatt amendment. Another Jack tho Kipper caso has been discovered in IxDiidon. Porto Mentis arc dissatisfied with tho Supremo court decision Tho Confederate Veterans' reunion has been opened 'at Memphis, Tenn. Duties collected on goods from the Philippines may have to bo refunded, Comor stono for tho now federal building at Snlom, Or., will bo laid May 31. China has agreed to tho amount of indemnity demanded by tho powers, but objects to tho interest. The 10 hour day law, ennctud by tho last Washington legislature, for females may not alVcct tho telephone girls. At n Nnshvillo, Tonn., university, n nntivo of China won tho medal pre sented to tho best orator in tho uni versity. Dig San Francisco machine shop proprietors still rcfuso tosigu tho new scale Almost all 01 tho smaller ones. havo signed. Tho editor of a German newspaper has violated tho Jaws of the United States by publishing a lmlf-touo por trait of u $10 bill. Advices just received from Hawaii report tho arrival there of a ship of Porto Menu immigrants, nearly starved to death. Tho vessel run out of provisions. Tho United States supreme court adjourned until the second Mmidny in October without disponing of tin Philippine cases, so tho treasury de partment will continue to collect on goods coming frdm thut country. Tho Chinese indemnity will be settled this week. Mrs, MoKinley is standing thr homewutd trip well. It is certain that all volunteers will lw started for homo beforo July. Danger of fcerioiis trouble lctwcci Franco and Morocco has lecn averted A fruight train on tho Great North ern ran into a car loaded with dyna mite. Tho battlo ship Oregon is to be thoroughly overhauled on her return to this country. A 13 .year old San Fruncihco boy was murdered in u most cold blooded manner by a butcher, Tho supremo court holds that the United States may levy duty on im ports from Porto Mco. In round numbers tho cstimato for tho civil government of tho Philip pines will bo 11,200,000. MAY GO SCOT FREE. Chance for til Condemned Murderers In Washington. Seattle, May 30. Thero is serious danger thnt every condemned mur derer in tho state of Washington will loon bo released from custody. Ac cording to Prosecuting Attorney WnlleriB. Hilton, of king county, tho Inst legislature, in passing a law providing that hereafter condemned murderers shall bo executed in tho penitentiary, instead of in tho county Jails, committed a serious blunder in not including a clauso providing for tho punishment of thoso condemned nt tho time tho law goes into effect.' That the consequences will bo the most serious to tho administration of justico is Mr. Fulton's fear. Briefly stated - tho construction placed upon tho law by Mr. Fulton is as follows: , Tho new law provides that, upon tho sentencing of tho prisoner, he shall bo dcliveicd forthwith to tho wnrdenof the penitentiary mid kopt by him' in "solitnry confinement" until tlio day of his execution. It is said that tho "solitary confinement" clauso contitutes an' additional pun ishment than that provided for nt tho timo of tho commission of tho crimes of tho men now in jail. Therefore, it is -.'nil o.x post facto law, nnd can notbo made applicable to the pris oners .now confined. Moreover, the now law, which is valid, insofar ns it relates o criminals to ho con demned in tho future, contain a clauso 'repealing by implication the old law, under which criminals have been hanged, and leaves apparently no avenue of escape", from tho fact that criminals now condemned must 'bo given thoir liberty. Mr.) Kill ton will try to induce Gov ernor ltogers to call a special session of the legislature to remedy tho al leged radical defect in tho law. lie says that n law can bo drafted which will cover tho points desired by the framers of the one passed at tho last session, and nt tho same timo make provision for tho legal execution ol tho criminals, who, under exist ine conditions, must, perforce, bo ro leased; MACHIN8T8 ARE CONFIDENT. Sn Francisco Strikers Expect to 'Reiumi Work Soon. Snn Francisco, Mny 30. Tho strik ing machinists report' that 22 shopt in this city havo signed tho union agreement. Several of the striken havo purchased small shops nnd be gun business on thoir own account. Tho machinists gonornlly express themselves as confident that an ad justment of tho differences with their former employers will-soon bo effect cd. Tlio Amalgamated Society of Engin eers has declared its sympathy with tho striko 01 the machinists, nnd levied an assessment on its members for tho strikers' benefit. More than 1,000 employes of tho Msdon Iron Works, who aro now out on strike, wore paid off yesterday after returning thoir tools, Tho men who worked at tho Union Iron Works will t receive their pay today. The metal polishers say there aro fivo union shops iu tho city. Tho marine paint ers, wlio wont out on strike last satur - day, nro nil at work, their demnnd for $3 a day having been granted. . ... Iu response to a demand that only union sailors 00 snipped on vessels belonging to tho Ship Owners' Asso ciation, tho hitter organisation has demanded that members of the Sail ors' Union go to sea only on associa tion ships. May Be Rimajnoli's Body. Dcrlin, May 30. Thy Lokal Xiuei gcr reports on tho authority of the Hilda Pest correspondent thnt there has just been taken from tho river I'M"", near mat city, 11 ueau 1.0 uy, , heavily loaded with chains, which the, Iluungrian polico firmly believe to be that of Itamagnoli, tho anarchist re- ported to hnvo been sent from Amor- x 1 a i t I t 1 t "u"" v,,u - ii. , Tho police of every country in Europe ( and America have been notified of the. ica 10 niuruer inu ucriuan emperor. discovery. Bear May Have to Give Up Trip. Seattle, Mny 30. It is possible that on account of tho machinists htriko tho repairs on the revenuo cutter Hear will not le completed iu timo to per mit her to proceed on her journey, norm. 1111s win iu-ccJiiniu inu abandonment of tho voyngo to Siberia, nnd the distribution of iivni "i ouv ruiiiui'rr now awiuung 1110. arrival of the Ilea r. In this event j 1 I f ! -..!...! !.!.... At.. Kiviiiuiium jiivuiiuii win ui pel led to spend tho winter on the Siberian coast. Withdrawal of Germans. Berlin, May 30, A dispatch to tho Cologne Gazette, says tho withdrawal Cftho German murines to Sing Tan has begun and that tho German quar ter of Pekin has been handed over to tho Chinese authorities experiment klly for a fortnight. MWS OF THE STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM ALL OVER OREGON. Commercial and Financial Happenings of Im portanceA Brief Review of of the Growth and Improvemeuts of the Many Industries Throughout Onr Thriving Com monwealth Latest Market Report Four whales in Yaquina bay wcro reported 0110 day last week. Arraugomncts nro being mndo for n Fourth of July celebration nt Durkec. Tho O. K. fe N. Co. bus a heavy now switch engine in tho Pendleton yards. Tho movemont of cattle from Hnr- noy county lor the summer is now under way. A sovoro frost nenr Vnlo a few nights ngo is reported to havo injured crops considerably. iwo car loads of 0110 mm two yenr old steers wcro shipped from Yaquina bny last week. Tho contract for carrying tho mail between Marshllold and North Dend will bo let July 1. Oliver P. Kaubb, aged 78, an old tiioncor, died at his homo near Coi ling tho other day. 1 Tho bridge at Nnshvillo hns col lapsed. 801110 live stock went down with it, but none wore killed. Tho new superintendent of tho Dadger initio in Susanvillo district has laid off n number of men, pend ing the making of improvemeuts. Tlin T.lni'oln p.mintv onurt will repair tho bridge across tho llig Klk ritornt YAM City nnd will construct 1 n bridge across tho Yr.uimi river nt Pioneer. Tho machinery for tho additional fivo stamps for tho Lucky Hoy mill in tho lllue Mvcr district has arrived at Springfield and will be hauled to the miiiu as soon as possilbo. Philomath will celebrato tho Fourth of July. The Hillaboro council has ordered GOO foot of huso. Sufficient funds havo been pledged for a Fourth of July colcbration at Jloseburgi Last week thoro was 00,000 pounds of wool sold nt Ulalock for 10 cents per pound. Two carloads of horses wero shipped from linker City to tho East this week by Susanvillo people. S L. Urooks, a stockraisor of tho Saudridgo, north of Imbor, lost his largo bam by tiro last week, The board of directors of tho limit ingtou high school havo decided to havo nine months' school this year. Tlio 12th annual convention of tho Washington County Sunday School Association will bo held Juno 0 nt Forest Grove. Tho Inland Tolephono Compnny has a crow of 111011 engaged in stringing extra wires between La Grande and Wallowa county points. Tho Deep Gravel Mining Company, incorporated, has assumed control of i"" l"" "' k ihhik-i.- iiuu'iimuu 1 owned by Wiiucr Uros. it Co., at I Waldo. ...!..! ... I ,.. Portland Markets. Wheat Walla Walla, 00c. ; val loy, nominal; bluestem, (ll02c, per bushel, Flour Host grades, $2.U0!M0 per barrel; graham, $2,(10. Oats Wliito.$l.:J.rl.-10 per cental; gray, if 1.3001. 32 tier cental. Uarloy Feed, $17 17.60; brewing, $17 17.60 per ton. Millstulfs llran, $17 per ton ; inidd lingS $21.60; shorts, $20.00; chop, tut FI'W , jliyTiniothy, f 12.fi0t3 14 ; clover. i1i7r,0. 0 ', wlId ,my i&1 ' r (0t Uoiis P'faiMc per lb Wool Valley, ll13o; Eastern nu 7in,i. nw.imlr ma.9.n Oregon, 7fllUu; t1Cr pound, Jmtter Fan anoy creamery, 16 110 17Jso. ; dairy, 13llc. ; store, 12'sC. per pound. Eggs Oregon ranch, 1212Jc. per doon, Cheese Full cream, twins, 13 13Kc. ; Young America, 13jllc. 1 per pound. j1()1H Poultry UIHckens.mlxed.Jf.i.fiUQ l ; !W.lH); dressed, llli!o. per pound; springs, $.'lf per douu; ducks, .ff)(i; geese, $07; turkeys, tllO'llii. IliffilVn- '"I "v""l dressed, llQUio. per imjUIIU Potatota Old, $Kg!.lS per sack; cnm-.ow, 2J4ao. per pouiiil. Mutton Lambs IK6c. uer pound gross; hest sheep, wethers, I with wool. $1,25 1.60; dressed, il7c per pound. Hogs Gross, heavy, 6.760; light, 1-1.7605; dressed, 77Jo. per pound. Veal Largo, 087o. m ioiiud; email, 7K8c. per jiound, Ucef Gross, top steers, $55.25; cows and heifeis, fi.60-l75; dressed beef, 8K8Jc. per pound WASHINGTON GOSSIP. United States Legation Guard In Pekln Pen. slon Sharpers Catch Returning Soldiers. Instruction sent to our representa tive nt Pekin, governing tho conduct of American troops which remain nt tho United States legation ns guard in that city, havo bcon acknowledged by General Chnlfcc. Tho force of 100 men will bo quartered iu tho Tcmplo of Agriculture and nt tho south gato of tho forbidden city. Tho force, which comprises company 1) of tho Ninth infantry, will bo under tho command of Major Edgar I). Kolierts, Ninth infantry, nnd the force will bo stocked with supplies to Inst until December 31, by which timo requisi tions will be mndo on Manila for sup plies for tho following six months. The reserve ammunition furnished the forco includes 100,000 rounds of rifle cartridges nnd 100 rounds of re volver shot for each authorized weapon. The instruction sent to Roberts cautioned him against any re laxation of military discipline and ad vised him that ho should consult fre quently with our diplomatic represen tatives and not when mosssary 111 con junction with tho other foreign com mand. Ho was also informed that ho might use force, if necessary, against tho Chinese in the protection of Ameripau interests, , Thero is considerable speculation about tho effect of Mrs. McKlnley's illnes on society iu Washington after her recovery nnd return. It is report ed thut two years ngo Mr. MoKinley was advised to lef it be known that his wife was 1111 invalid nnd could not dis charge tlio duties, of tho "first lady of tlio land." It is said that tlio presi dent favored tho idea nnd suggested it to IMrs. MoKinley, but that she re fused to entertain it for a moment, and that she has since rigidly per formed tho duties of mistress of the White Hone, nt considerable personal sacriflco nnd injury to her health. kAn investigation of tho practices of pension sharpers in San Francisco and their methods of annoying soldiers returning from tho Far East, has bcon started, by the pension bureau, nnd prosecutions mny bo expected in tho near future, according to tho oflloinls of the law division of tho bureau. Tho sharpers aro not nil representa tives of the large Washington pension law firms, but many of them aro, nnd their mothods are characterized as illegal nnd outrageous, They meet returning soldiers at the docks and often persuade them to file applica tions for pensions, even before they havo been discharged. Fees havo bcon, iu many cases, collected with out any service rendered, and tho sharper often threatens to take up his caso iu Washington and maka trouble for tho soldier unless ho paid tho fee. According to present plans tho 10,- 000 regulars who are to be brought back from tho Philippines iu tho plan of diminishing the military forco under General MacArthur will not begin their homewaid trips until after July 1. The first of the regulars to return will bo tho Fourteenth, Eigh teenth and Twenty third regiments of Infantry, aud the rourth regiment of cavalry. There is no law or constitutional provision to prevent President Mc- Kiuley visiting Mexico or uaiuidauur iui! Ids term of office if he i-o desires, although the precedents mo against it. iNovor has the president ol tho United States gone over tlio boun daries of tho country except on two occasions, Andrew Johnson and Sec retary Seward once crossed tlio suspen sion bridge to view the Niagara fulls from tho Canadian side. General Grant did tho same several years later. Gov. Charles II. Allen, of Porto Meo, lias presented to tho president thiough the state dcpuitmeut his (list annual report. The governor presM'H tho opinion that a scheme id colonial administration such us is found in the Danish, French aud English West Indies might bo safely instituted with variations dependent upon the future policy of tho home government, Surgeon General Sternburg of the in my repoits with gratification a de cided improvement iu the health of tho soldiers iu the Philippines. The death into has been rapidly decreas ing. Tho death rate from disease is much lower than in any other unity. FOREIGN TROOPS GOING. Withdrawal of the Allied Forces f"rom Chinese Territory. Tien Tsin, .May 31. Two Ilritish truiispoijs havo arrived nt Tong Iu to take tioops direct to India. An other trnnspoit will arrive today to take tho Ilelueh regiment to Wei llui Wei. General Voyron, the French com mander, expects, now that the evneu. utiou has been decided upon, thut Franco will countermand tlio nrdet holding her tioops temporarily iu China. He anticipates tho early ar rival of French transports. General Lome Campbell, tho Ilrit ish commander here, says tho inter national situation at Tien Tsin is bet ter than nt any time since tie arrival of tho troops. w. v4 -M 41 & J HMB'v?5flyittfjrftia 1 11 n will 1 iiTilaiMIH mi n - -- TO-.-- Ml. f Ah