- 6r& - - JALUiiJ.-..Uic JnNld 9tta!-. JLi - wjrirtH, S THE NEW AGE, PORTLAND, OREGOK. lie I nhvny sny wlint I think. Mho I notice you it re extremely reticent. Kliiff. "I hii)io.io rum brought you hero." renin rl-.L'il tho prison visitor. "Yes, iim'iim, mi' it patrol wngon," replied the prisoner. A Wisconsin nuWHpnpcr refers to n limit who WfiH Anight by an eight-foot cavc-lu of snow as "a little bit under the weather." She "Why do they always speak of 'the sad sua waves?' " He "I sup pose because they usually look blue." Harlem Life. Mrs. Keyboard Why do you always sit at the piano? You can't play a note. Old Stokes Neither can anyone else while I'm' there. "You ask for the hand of my daugh tcrl What expectations have yoti?" "Why none at all." "Neither has my daughter. Take her and bo happy." McCarthy "Old llrown declares you arc the most entertaining talker In tho club. What do you usually talk about In ids company?" McCormlck "Old Urown." lie And now, darling, when do you think we would better announce our engagi'int'iit? She Oh. there Is no hur ry, dear. Any time within the noxt twenty-four hours. Harper's Knzar. "Yes, she wouldn't Hpeak to the edi tor when she met him." "Had he of fended her?" 'I should say he had. Ills society reporter called her one of the last century's buds." Cleveland Plain Dealer. Only One Theory: "How In tho world did she ever come to marry a man with one leg?" "I don't know, unless It can be traced to her strong liking for dam aged goods that come cheap." Chi cago Times-Herald. Tourist-1 understand that you havo relics of the war for sale, my little mail? 'We did have." replied the boy, "but they have bought us out, an' tho swords daddy burled last week won't get rusted 'fore summer." Ifl.xposuro: "Where are you rushing so fast?" "Up to the health otllce to get vaccinated." "Kill lleen expos ed?" "Yep. Telephone girl this morn ing gave me the pest-house number by inlstake."-Cleveland Plain Denier. Diner "Come, tell nie straight. Is It any real advantage to a man who gives you a tip?" Truthful Walter "Honestly, I can't say that It Is; but It Is apt to go hard with the gentleman that doesn't tip me." Hoaton Trans cript. Awe-struck Visitor It must be very dllllcult to produce such an cxiiilslto work of art. Dealer Nonsense. Al moil anybody can paint a picture, but Minting a victim to buy It after It Is painted Is where the art cornea In, Tit-Mils. "What's nil that crowd of women over there at Uargen's?" "Shoppers I who read Murgon's 'ad. Hut that'll' mi unusually large crowd for so early In tile morning." "I know, but the 'ad'i said: 'Come early and avoid tho J crowd.' " Kx. Tainted: "1 hear you want to sell your dog. Pat. They tell me ho has a pedigree." "Shure. an' 01 nlver uotlel ed It, sor. Anyhow, he's uotliln' but I a puppy ylt. an' Ol'm thlukln"as howl he'll be afther outgrowln' It, Bor." ! Philadelphia Itiilletlu, I "What brought on these dyspeptic feelings which cause you so much trouble. I wonder?" "I haven't tho lightest Idea All I've eaten Is a fuw oysters and a broiled lobster, and a taste of Ice cream and all I've taken to ilrluU Is a glass of mill;." "I am sorry for you, my boy," said the old man, "I feel certain you are about to wed a woman that does not know how to cook," "It mljflit bu worse, father," answered tho young man "She has promised never to try to learn." Indianapolis Journal, t?miM of the feud; Mr, Meddergrass -"III Slociim an' Hill Hocoru ain't ipttiiMn' now," Mrs. Meddergrass "Do nlll What's up?" Mr. Meddor crass "HI claims his tb'mometer aver ages lilt degrees lowr'n Hill's In wint er an llfteen degrees higher In sum hut." Halllmoie American. Katnl Process: "liiissr.uiu has been going without his breakfast for a mouth, to reduce his tlcsh," said Twynu. "With what effect ?" asked Trlplelt. "He Is losing two pounds a week ami Is very much tickled over It." "Well, If he keeps on at that rate he'll be tickled to death," Detroit Kreo Press. "No, I can make you no contribution;! 1 don't believe In sending out foreign i missionaries," "Hut the Scriptures command us to feed the hungry." Tliot man of wealth shrugged his shoulders, "Well. I'd teed them something cheap er thin missionaries,' he rejoined, with tho l.msiucrle that characterUes his class.-Whnt to Dat. "Charley, dear," said young Mrs. Tor klus, "I am going to turn over a new leaf." "In what connection?" I'm going to iult being supersti tious I have always disliked to be gin anything on 1'rlday." "Yes. Ills very silly of you " "Well, your argu ments have convinced nus You know that new dress I was talking to-you tibout?'' ''Y-yes." "Well, I'm going to start out and buy the material ou Krlday, Just to show I'm not afraid." Washington Star, JACOB HAHK Successor to 1). Kunkcl A Co. N, K. Corner Hlxtli and Washington Bti. Tho very LoU Wines, Liquors and Cigars. c AFK KKA1Z August KraU, Proprietor. 122 Sixth Street, Corner Washington. Portland, Oregon. A LBINA FKHIIY KXC1IAN0K John Kvcrion, Proprietor. Dealer In Choice Wines, Liquors and Cigars. n 18 Alblna avenue, corner Hlver street. Alulnn, Oregon. rpiiE DocTon It. Harman, Proprietor. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigar. Lemps Deer on Draught. Phone, Columbia S3. 162 N. Sixth Street. Portland, Oregon. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. Throo hundred and twenty-seven acres of cholco land In a good farm ing section In tho Wlllamotto valley; 165 acres under tho plow, balance, in pasture and brush, all under now olght-rnll fenco, staked and wired; nicely watorod by1 springs and brooks; a good sovon-roam house, painted white; largo barn, 30 x 60 feet; four acres In orchard. This farm Is gently rolling and flno quality, 1 V4 miles from poHtolllco. This Is a flno stock ranch, and lies In shnpo,HO that thrco fam ilies can mnko a ntco homo each out of tho one farm; prlco, $G7G0, 2G00 cash, balanco In yonrly payments. VALLEY IlISAL E8TATB EXC, 9V6 First St., Portland, Or. JOSEPH H. HAWLEY Real Estnto and Loans, Has a few choico properties yot unsold at tho hard pan prices. A FINE CHANCE TO OET A HOME On installments and at a very low price in ....UNIVERSITY PARK.... University Park in going to bo onoof Portland's finest suburbs. Chamber Commerce, Portland. William Bagley REAL ESTATE.... NOTARY PUBLIO Oregon Phono, Rummell 602. OOR. OA WSOM AND FlMK MTS. University Park, Orogon. ...HOMESEEKERS... Call on The Valley Real Estate Exchange FOK IIUHINKSH. ItKHlPKNCK AND FAHM I'JtOl'Kltl'Y. 0)i? First fitmtt. PORTLAND, Ore OCCIDENTAL OIL COMPANY Of California WILL GIVE YOU 1 CHANGE At Ten Wells Now Borlngf, of Which You Can Have Your Choice. Writ; or Call For Plan. Room 2, Chamber of Gommerco PORTLAND OREGON. Pulton Market. ...ChOICE MEATS... 172 Third, cor. Yamhill, Portland, Ore. Phone, Oregon Main I). II. F. JONES, Proprietor. LOW MARGIN GASH GROCERY. 60S Washington Street. Kane) and Slajiledrooerles, Krvti forfeit niut Teas a Hpi'iUlly, Goods May lxkt, Trices ninny (until. FIIKK DKUVKUY. Tclephono Hood iVVS. QHAF A CO G. J. Hi t & Shoe Go. Manufacturers ot BOOTS ANl) SHOES I'lioue Oak 101. 1MJ Front Street. I'OUTI.ANl), OKK. BROWN & BERG. Tuning, Regulating and Polishing Old Pianos Made as Good as New, Twenty yearn' experience with the loading Arms ot the country, KnaUo; llalnes llrot.; Couuveri ChlcWerHiK. Not tolth any other lauslo ttuiue In the city, 495,a Washington Street, .Portland, Oregon BUSINESS LOCALS. Always suk far th fismi Oraml rtktu cigar. KsAmg tHMtQlgirO., fworal agents, JPartugsd, Or. Brtrybody smoke) the celebrated Monogram and Pandora cigars). The havo no equal. Gall up Union 401 vrhen in need ot I anything in the luel lino. Bait Mor , tei CwMn R7aa4 MaaI V..J A liua ouuoi ituuu w v.uat tuu, - The A. D. T. Messenger Co. it the old eit and best larvice of the kind in the town. Headers of the Nrur Age, gir tiwm the proforence. Mono? to loan, on furniture, pianos, or any good securities. Notes and mortgages bought. B. W. King, room I, Washington building. Oregon Butchering Company,' Fred Metzger, manager, dealers in all kinds f fresh and salt meats and flab, 410 Everett street. O. A. Watson, Marine Drag Store, 88 N. Third street, Portland, Ore. Spe cialties: FlackenaUln'a Lung .Balsam and Celery Seltzer. The Popular, 135 First, street, bet. Washington and Alder, Portland, Or., John Ecklund, proprietor. TeL Ore goa red 984, Columbia 608. For fine" fruits of all kinds' for the travellag puWit, call at 160 North Sixth street. Ice oream soda. Basket fruits for travelers. George Klaor pro yrietmr Don't wear bafgy trousera or shabby clothes. Wo call for, sponge. pres, and deliver, one suit of your olothlng each week, sew on buttons, and sew up rips for fl.00 a month. Unique TaiU oring Company, 247 Washington street, both phones. . Jno. P. Sharker, manafacu'rer of harness, collars, saddles and strap work; importer of saddlery, hardware, whips, pads, eta 68 Union are. .'Port land, Or. Portland Transfer Hnloon Chas. O. Sigllu, propriotor. Choice wines, liquors and cigars. 031 Glisan, cor ner Sixth, Portland, Or. ' French Dyeing and Cleaning Works. All work done at very moderate prices. Dyeing and cleaning of all kinds ol ladies' and Gent's clothing. Mourning cloth dyed in 48 hours. J.Deleau, proprietor, 466 Gliaan atrt. The finest plaoevin the city to obtain fist qualitv eigarsjj tobaoco and smok ers' article's is that of Rosenthal A Bodd, at 987 .and 387 K Washington street, between Fourth and 'Fifth. Give these genial dealers a call when you wish anything lu their line. Tele phone Main 76. Armory Drug Store, 81 Tonth streot. northwest corner Tenth and Everett tieetii, Portland, carries n full lino of drugs, toilet nrtiolos, school supplies, cigars, etc The NntlonnI Poltco Gazette, pub lished ly Kichnrd K. Fox, Police News Pfeinrinrd, and all other sporting pnpors. Subscriptions tnkon at A. W. Sohmalo, book'ollor nml nowsdealer, 330 First atroot, Pottlaud, Ore. M . ordorft solicited. For Xninn goods, Holding Bros., 46 N. Third streot, havo n choico selection of holiday goadti iu tho line of silver ware, pocket books, funoy jowelry, dia monds, umbrullus, gold and silver headed canes, watoboi, lockots, eto. Call and iuspect our stock. TO THE DEAF A rich lady, cowl of her deafness nnd noisos iu the head by Dr. Nicholson's Artificial Ear Drums, gavo f 26.00J to his institute, so that deaf people unablo to proonro the ear drums imiy have them free. Address No. D 3U81, Tho Nicholson In stitute, 780, Elithth avenue, New Yoxk On the Inside. of a collar, shirt or cuff dono up at this laundry means that you uxo all right, and that your linen looks as im maculate and of as smooth ami Que a finish at it it just came from the fur nishers, Comfort and satisfaction wo give you lu every piece of llueu that we launder, aud our prices are trifling for it. The Domestic Lauudry, J. F. Koblnsou, Pendleton, Oregon. NATIONAL, ' 1 Steam Dyeing and Cleaning Works orncB AND WOKKSi I2i SIXTH STREET. FHONH HOOD 803 lists Cltsued. Pjred, Pressed and Trimmed Ladles' Hrestts and Hiess Goods Hrtd all Col rs, or Well Cleaned. Gentlemen's lUothlng CUantd, Dyed aul Repaired. Ostrich Feathsrt CUatied qr Dyad all Colors and Mcsly Curled. lgegHKilr t 1 11 "" J lliri Jk SHERIFF'S SALE. In tho circuit court of the state of Oregon, for tho county of Multnomah. Ktutn of Oregon, plaintiff, vs. ltich ard Nixon, ns administrator of tho estiilo of .losRpli Leonard, deceased, all heirs of tho decedent (if ocy thero bej and nil persona interested in said estate, defendants. l!y virtue of n nocroo and order of snle (luly issued out of and undor the seal of the above entitled court in the above entitled caitHso, to tne duly di rected, nud datad tho 14th day of Jan uary, 1001, iu which decreco it was adjudged and docroed that tho stuto ot Oregon stand and bo soizod of tho following descnliod ronl property and vested with tho titlo thcroto, said real property being described as follows, to-wlt: Tho wott half of tho east half of the northeast quarter of Section thirty-two in Township two north of Bongo ono west of Willumetto meridian, contain ing 40 acres, and boing within Multno mah county, in tho stato of Orogon, and in which decreo it was farther ordered that the sheriff of Multnomah county, Oregon, bo directed to make sale of said real property to the hlghent bidder for cash. Now, therefore, by virtue of said decree nnd ordor of sale, and in com pliance with tho commands thereof, I will on Monday, tho 25th day of March, 1001, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M., at tho front door of the county court houso in tho oity ot Portland, said county and state, sell at publio auction, subject to confirmation by tbo abovo entitled court, to the highest bidder for U.. S. gold coin, cash in "land, all of the above dosaribed real property, nnd all tho right, title, and interest which Joseph Lonorad, do cossod, had on tho 4th day of March, 1807, or Itichard Nixon as administra tor of said estate since had, iu and to tbo abovo described real proporty, or any part thoreof, as in said doaroo directed Dated Portland, Orogon, February 21st, 1001. WILLIAM FRAZIEK, Shoriff of Multnomah county, Oregon. 525,000 OUR GRAND $25,000 ..Ornithological Contest.. Fomollililft ontlrtsly uuw and lntcrcstlns. Head what ynu are to ilo. You may act 1 1, WW. Our contest is tna'u who can inalcu the liirvunt list ot names lor kinds) o( birds from tho fol lowing 1 slot letters I TDOOOCCKQULIAPR TARIDGESPNIELV EBRDIMWADOHTL We will rerosnlco as a lilid anylhlur belong nif to too feathered trlbs.v hether It no a llci-, Crow, Binder, or any ntiicr stud. You can uio any letter as nianr times 10 muke a name as It aieais In tho Mat of letters above: for In. stance Woodi-orl, Hover. Snow Hint, etc. To any I er.niu who ran maku a Hit of 'IS or moru different names of lilnli-.we will ulvo aUolute ly KHKKa beautiful l'rlxu valuu tl,ww or less. BIG PRIZES AWARDED DAILY. When you havemado out your list till out tho line on tho bottom ot litis advertisement nd tend lo us with a Hlamped Addressed en teloix-, ittani of your countrv will do, then If von are aardcd a rlze you cmi If you desire Ket the lTlro by Ixconiltit.' ft mlncrlber to 77n ll'utn'in's W. rlii. We hall award a prise to every person who sends th" name ol 'iMIIrdi, nnd our Kilts will be as fo. lows! Kor the best list, rccclved.each day, sfaultl Watch) for the second best solution eiich day a beautiful Im ported Tea Hot: lor tho Siiven next best solu lion, each day, a Konrali Oaklh Diamond and Hubv Hlnir: for thettext bet solution, a Hold l'leee: ni d for all tther correct nolutlons, I'rliesoKiood Value. 'Ihese I'rlteswill be for warded dally, you will not have to watt a Inng tlmelnuneerialiity before you know there suit. Thero Is I o loment of lottery In our plan, It makes no dllferenro whether wo get j our solution latoor early In the day. All you need Is lo mall this Advertisement to us. Mild on tho day It roaches us. II your list Is tho best, yon nhrtll liuvd tlin Hold Wutoh or It sec olid best tlio beautiful Tea Hot. and so on. Wo Kitaranteo that wo will award yon a prlio 'I hero Is absolutely no opportunity lor decep tion on our part we cannot altord It. e want to cot l.WO.WO well satlstletl subscribers, aud for that reason we don't want you to send any money until yoil know exactly what prlo you havo ealucd by answering the pussies. As soon alter 4 p. in, eacli day as poulble, the ex. amliti rs will jttdee tho lists to the beat of their ability, and w 111 deilgnalo tho prizes. Wo will wrlloto touatouco uotllylug you what prist has been awarded you, then If you aro satis, tied, j ou can send yonr subscription to Tht Womnn't ll'uibl, aud your iirlio will go by re turn of mall carriage paid, To a person ot narrow Idi-as It seems Impossible that w should be able to make such a gigantic offer, but we havo tho money, brains and reputation, we know exactly what wo aro doing, and If we can legitimately gain a million subscribers bv litis grand Idea, we know that Ihls million of well pleased tuixcrlberscan be Induced lo rec ommend Tht ll'umatt's ll'o'M to all filends. thereby building up our circulation still further, Wc are willing to spend i5." In this i ontest In building up a ilg subscription list, and when this money l spent we rvservt tho rhiht to pitpllsli a notlnc-tlon that thi rontest has b.-t discontinued. Don't dela; until it is t o late. The contest will contlnui until July 1st, 1901. We give A Ilonus 1'rlieof 2!0. Indcpend eul of allotheis, to tho person who sends it tholll gotten up In the best and handsomes manner. Our Committee will deeldo and award prises dally, but the special SJ.V)prli will bo awarded lu Sei teinber, ltwi. Any bird's itamo found In thodlctloiiHrles accepted. WO MfTAJrF. The lt'owna's World" n lAorowjaly rellnbU ci'Cr." ear !"'"' '" tlo txattly at ue aitrtr. Ill', sl'iniir rrMnWM'v vt r rlo any Advtr tt'(no .tynl or duiiixn inaiiaj London or Jftu Vo k. Fame rl 1rtl Country, N. H.-Ho carelnl and prepay your letter 60, as we do not receive underpaid letters. Address: THK WOMAN'S WOlltU," llreiilford, London, W,, Kugland. BOYD & ARNOLD ...General Agents... Hamburg-Bremen Fire Ins. Co. Royal Exchange Assurance Orient Insurance Company No. 102 first Street, Near Stark. Strong's Photographs Superior In Style and FinlshjJ STtTDIO:, In GoodnougU Uutldin?. r. JU.HDHICKBEM PACIFIC TENT S AWNING CO. PRACTICAL SAIL MAKERS Flag nnd Yacht Smlim m Specialty OHKGON ritONE 043 ItKD 27 NORTH FIRST STREET PORTLAND, OREGON. STEPHAFS Evening Gownm Street Suite i Fancy Walmtm Tailor Mde Suite Riding Hmmlte, Bto. 289 Alder Street PORTLAND, OREGON ..TRAIINS STOP.. AT Wilkins' Eating House SO Minutes for Heals Lunch Counter In connection. Tho only Eat ing Home at Iho Depot whero you can get a First-Class Meal. fj' ROSEBURG OREGON WHEN YOU BUY Furniture, Carpets mid Stoves FOR HOUSEKEEPING Cut This Out and Oct a Reduction at I Henry Jennings. 173-174 Hirst Street. Picture Frames. Pictures. Art Materials v BERNSTEIN'S ART STORE 807 Washington street Ret. Fifth and Sixth PORTLAND, OREGON. GRIP ISIUH Cured in One Day by Using DR. CARVER'S COLD CURE Price 25 Cents Laue-Davis Drug Co., 3d and Yamhill RAZORS THAT CUT AT CUT PRICES OVERLAND WAREHOUSE GENERAL STORAGE AT LOWEST RATES Low Insurance Rates KELLEY-CLARKE CO. PORTLAND - OREQOIV. Columb'i Phone 700 Ore. Phono Grast 431 ; V Uiii onto is nfih !t, QTMKtF Uii.ii, w Vsim si "-T Portiand.Oregon OitTHOPEOJO S3.SO SHOE DRYER'S POPUIAR SHOE STORE 7 Tlrti, mmtwmOMkmiiil Phm. tend lor Catalogue DDA,,M.. ESMOND .. HOTEL. Portland, - - Oregon. Front and Motrison Streets. katbui European Plan, 50c to $1.50 Per Day American Plan, $ J to $2 Per Da OSCAR ANDERSON, Manager. J. C, rENDEQAST, Chief Clerk. ENTERPRISE SHOE CO. 83J North Third St.- Boots and Sboes Hade to Order Repairing Neatly Done. Work called (or and delivered. All work guaranteed. H. C. RILEY, MINMER. Headquarters for Capcn Co.'s Shoes L.W.CARNAHAK. President. C. II. OARDNER, Vice President. W. W. TKltRY, Treasurer. Portland Implement Co. JOHN DEERE PLOWS, HARROWS, ETC. . l FARM MACHINERY AND VEHICLES. 188-194 Front Street, Portland, Ore. USE LUCKEL'S Borax Soap For Washing; Flannels. Wilt Never Shrink Nor Harden. TRY ONE BAR AND BE CONVINCED. W. A. WISE DENTIST ...Room 614 THE DEKUM... PORTLAND, OREGON. Tel. Red 2844. r . "Jernjs Jificltiy gar iyCq, W& .THE ORTHOPEDIC. S3.BO Shoa Telophmtm etmvaM Arsnmrul X artIHe csln a reputation cr s mine (or ltel( rnkss th-re ba mrrit hfl Ind a ami no other shoe today ,on the marcrt lias calnrj wall lecrra4 reputation ol the P0MTLAHm, eMKVsMt. 1 - A