The new age. (Portland, Or.) 1896-1905, May 04, 1901, Image 7

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    -r- aaw
W'tW Iwimiwiih nyfrMwH
No other article used in the domestic
economy of the household has so many
enthusiastic friends among the house
keepers of America.
t No other article of food has received
such emphatic, commendation for purity
and wholesomeness from the most em
inent authorities.
The great popularity and general
use of the Royal Baking Powder
attest its superiority:
The "Royal Baker and Pastry
Cook" containing over Boo most
, practical and valuable cooklnr re
ceiptsfree to every patron. Send
postal cat J with your lull address.
, Gave lllm Tlmr.
"You linVcn't explained how you
camo to liuvo Mr. Smith's chickens
in your possession,' said tho judge.
"I'm trying to think, your honor,"
replied tho accused. "Give iiutimc."
"Very well," replied tho judgo
blandly. "Six-months."
Take Laxatlvo Hromo Quinine Tablets. All
druggists refund tho money It tt falls to cure.
g. W. Grove's slgnnturo la on each box. SAc.
The Source.
"As for tho olergy, they're a pretty
poor lot, " said a grumbling layman.
'Vm " rnfllrtinil flin lilaliir "amnn
of them aro poor indeed. But con
sider tho stock from which they comol
You sco wo have to mako them out
of laymen."
Tako flarfleld Tea for constlpa
tlini; It has this to recommend it)
It is made from health-giving
herbs and It snroly
"IIo has built what ho calls n Queen
Ann villa, but it strikes mo as being a
tawdry imitation, merely."
"Extremely, tawdry! Why, tho
roof doesn't leak, oven."
Stmmm thm 9mmmh a-naf
Work Otf thm Omlm
laxative Iiromo-Qulnlno Tablets euro a cold Id
no day. .Nocurc.No 1'ay. 1'rlco 23 cents.
Work on Longfellow Memorial.
Tho fund for a statuo for Longfel
low park, in Cambridgo, has reached
$810.44, and work will be begun on
tho meomrial early in tho spring.
Mothers will find Mrs. Wlnslow's Booth
lue Syrup the best remedy to use lor their
children during the teething period.
The Irony of Fate.
There is tho "irony of fato" in tho
fact tliat Hear Admiral Ccrvera got
his promotion to bo vico admiral in
advance cf cither Sampson or Schley,
whoso ships destroyed his licet.
When tie
Hair. fans
., accompanied by
mucous patents in
the mouth, erup
tion i on the skin,
sore throat, copper
colored splotches,
swollen glands, aching muscles
and bones, the disease is making
ranid headway, and far worse
symptoms will follow unless the blood is
promptly and effectually cleansed of this
bleat destructive poison.
S. S. S. is the only safe and infallible
cure for this disease, the only antidote
for this specific poison. It cures the t
worst cases thoroughly and permanently.
Vats swift f Irlstrf
lave leei Nd Wtf se. doctors, but
fit nw ffvv. hf, ,rMtment
did me no good ; I was settles; worse all the
time t my hal
ialr came out, uic
mouth, ray body
r came out. ulcers appeared n my
throat and moutb, my body waa aliaost core red
with copper colored splotches and orTenslee
sores. I suffered severely from rheumatic pains
In my shoulders ana arms. My condition couia
have been no worse ; only those afflicted aa I waa
can understand my sufferings. I had about
lost all hope or ever pcing wen again
I acciaoi to try - - i
but mutt confesa I bad
little faith left In any
medicine. After taking;
the third bottle I noticed
a change in my condi
tion. This was truly en
coursging, and 1 deter
mined to gie S. S. 8. a
thorough trial. From
that tlroeonthr improve
ment was rapid j H. S. 8.
seemed to htvc the dis
ease completely under
control; the sore and
ulcers healed and I was
all !
of the disorder; I hate ," " I
been strong and healthy everetnee.
fc. W. Smith, Lock Bos 6u, NoblesrilUIod.
kw Bs. Jgm is the only purely vege-
g sTsT table blood purifier
"j. m mknowa, is
iwiA IvPj L offered for proof that
WmW Heswr sssw' it contains a particle of
Mercury, potash or other mineral poison.
Send for onr free book on Blood Poison ;
it contains valuable information about
this disease, with full directions for sat!
treatment.' We charge nothing for saadsV
esl advice ; cure yourself at hosae.
... m-1
Beat Coustt Syrup. Tats Good. TJsa
Pa la time. Bold by dnnai.J .
Atold the Imitation powder. They
are sold client) because they are
made from alum. Hut alum Is a
poison dangerous to use In food
Chinese Era. ,
Tho "Chinese era" begins R. C.
2G07, with tho accession of tho Km
1 pcror Yao, who first devised a calen
dar for the Chinese dividing the yeni
into 805 days with an extra day every
fourth year.
1 do nut believe rise's. (Jura for Con
sumption bus nn equal Tor cniiplui anil
rolds, John V. llovnn, Trinity BprhiBs.
inu., feu. jo. uiw.
One Good Thing.
"Thcro is ono good thing about
this classical music," remarked Mr.
I Mcddorgrass. "You can start or stop
anywhere you want to without spoil
ing tho sense of tho music."
Little Liver Pills.
Must Bear Signature ef
Sea Fac-Simlle Wrapper Bclsw.
Tsry small aaa aa ar
to take as sagaa.
FOR iizimtts.
sSmnuuvsi tiger kmsuxatvm.
Beyond Hit Limit
"Do you ever havo moments, Mr.
Spoodlckins, when it seems as if you
couldn't think of anything?"
"Why, I nevah thought of that.
I I wondah if I do?"
Active man by large manufacturing houe;
S.V 00 In rash paid for 12 davs trial; promotion
and permanent position i( satisfactory. Ad
dress (J. II. 1', Co., 721 Chestnut fct., l'hilsds.
Dangerous Builnesi.
Tourist Why don't you offer a
reward for the desperadoes who
robbed tho bank here last week?
Sheriff Why, if they thought
therowus any money in tho county
treasury, they would como back und
rob that too,
Eiuipllcltr, strength and purity
comblmd in Garfield Tea, the
herb meillf Ine that cure, consti
pation and liter troubles.
Then He Swore Off.
IIo (producing cigaretto case) Do
ypu object to cigarettes?
She Not at all. I-don't blame the
cigarettes I only object to people
who smoko them.
This signature is on every box of the gaaulns
Laxative BromoQuiniae tiuu
Us resaady that carra a cala 1st eM slay
Shopman This matches your sam
ple perfectly, madame.
Customer It certainly does. It
couldn't be closer.
Shopman How many yards do you
Customer Oh, not any, yetl You
see, this is the first shop I have tried.
Apoplexy Frequently Attnck Its Vlc
tlim While 'Ihcy rMtiinber.
The frequent occurrence of apoplexy
during Bleep was Illustrated In the case
of Col. Albert 1). Shaw, lie had made
a patriotic speech during the evening
and had retired In apparently good
health. In his Instance thcro was a
combination of causes to bring about
tho result a bnnriuct, mental excite
ment, probable indigestion and n coin
cident lowering of vital tone.
In some respects the circumstances
were similar to those attending the de
mise of Henry George, who was like
wise stricken after forced efforts on
the platform.
Why the accident In question should
occur at a time when all the bodily
functions aro seemingly at rest Is ht
first thought somewhat dltUcult to ex
plain. When, however, the arteries of
tho brain become brittle by ngo the
slightest change of blood pressure (ls
often enough to prcclpltnto a rupture
of those vessels aud cause the escape
of a clot cither upon the surfaco or Into
the Bubstnuco of tho brain.
High mental tension, being always
associated with congestion, Is in Itself
an active predisposing cause of apo
plexy. This condition Is apt to con
tinue during n more or less troubled
sleep, and with an overtired nervous
system thcro Is less resistance to over
stretching of the cerebral arteries than
during the waking hours. Nature, In
stead of rebounding, simply succumbs.
The fullness of tho vessels Increases
until the final break occurs.
Generally the effusion -of blood Is
sufficiently largo to ho followed by In
stantaneous death, causing ono sleep
to pass quietly Into the other. As ovl
denco of this peaceful ending, It Is
often noticed that the patients aro
found as If In natural slumber, com
fortably lying on tho side, with bed
clothes undisturbed and with counte
nances perfectly calm. Now York Her
A fnctlon of n polltlcnl party which
Is uot nnd does not claim to be In Itself
a distinct political party Is, In Weaver
vs. Toney (Ky.), CO L. It. A. 103, denied
tho right to havo Inspectors nt an elec
tion. Information given to detectives In re
gard to larceny, Htntlug a suspicion,
with a reason therefor, that u certain
person Is a thief, Is held In Shlnglc
meyer vs. Wright (Mich.),' CO L. II. A.
120, to be privileged.
Repeal of an ordlnunco requiring n
license tax for carrying on the business
of real estate ngeute Is held, lu Den
ning vs. Yount (Kan.), CO L. It. A. 103,
not to operate retrospectively so as to
mako valid a coutrrtct by such an agent
which wits originally Invalid becauso
ho had not compiled with the ordi
nance. Nonresident holder of stock In a cor
poration Is held, lu Hownrth vs. Loih
bard (Mass.) -10 L. It. A. SOI, to bo
bound by the action of the court In ap
pointing n receiver for tho company
and determining the amount necessnry
to satisfy the statutory liability of
stockholders for Its debts, aud liable
to an action In his own State by a for
eign receiver to whom tho stntuto has
given legal tltlo to the funds to be real
ized from the stockholders.
Killing of a person on n railroad track
In open daylight on n straight piece of
road, where he could be seen for ICO
yards ahead of tho train which struck
him, Is held, In Ncul vs. Curollna Cen
tral Hallway Company (N. C), 40 L. R.
A. 084, not to mako tho ritlroud com
pany liable, although tho train was
running nt a prohibited speed aud
without ringing its hell, us required by
ordinance, or keeping a proper lookout,
whero up to tho moment ho wus struck
he could have prevented tho accident
by stepping off the track.
Lessons from Slierlouk Holmes.
Tho methods used by Sherlock
Holmes, tho great Uctlouul detective,
have so Impressed the authorities of
Masslllon, Ohio, that they have pro
vided tho pollco with hooks telling of
tho greatest achievements of Holmes.
The otilceru uro under Instructions to
apply the Holmes principles lu all cases
Accordingly, when It was reported
that a trunk had been broken open aud
f85 stolen nt John Stevenson's board
Ingthouso tho other duy, OJUcer Seaman
proceeded to Investigate along Holmes'
He found that the brass hasps secur
ing tho trunk lid had been severed with
a sharp Instrument. None was In the
vicinity. Tho landlord was asked If
ho had nn ax. IIo produced ono from a
coalhouHC, whero he sold ho alwuys
kept It.
Thcro were small particle of hraRs
on the blado and It Just fitted the eut
In the trunk. Tho otllcers argued that
If a robber bod committed the crime
he would not have lugged nwuy nn ax.
Therefore they decided It must have
been tho landlord. When they arrest
ed blm he was so amazed nt their Hue
of rensoulug that ho admitted his guilt.
Ho Is now in Jail. Pittsburg Tost.
Negro Colony at Cupo May.
A rival to Booker T. Washington's
Tuskogee lustltute Is to be established
on 1,400 acres of land ten miles north
of Cape May by Rev. J. W. Fist-burn
and his associates, who have assumed
th name of the Afro-American Equit
able Association. They bought the land
from State Senator Robert U. Hand
and have raised all but $400 of the Unit
nlstallment of the $14,000 which they
will pay for It. The association also
has In hand over $3,000 for beginning
the construction of un Industrial school
nrwl mnnufacturlnir tilant. Farms will
be allotted to colonists and only negzoea
wtU be allowed to do any woric
I'ecullnr llnnlnc of Ulu; Proportions
none by lrifitilu ClicuiUta.
There aie row people In this city,
say the Uieliiuond (Va.l Times, who
know their town Is becoming fa
aious ubiuail as a uiiuiufncturlug cenier
tor prep nations which. It is claimed,
ire destined to lighten the complexion
it the luv'to, nnd straighten his hair.
The mntuifiietiirers of these prepara
tions are doing a Uourlshlng business,
l'herc ate lu Itlchuuiud nt this time
avo firms winch ate dally shlpplug to
nearly nil pints of the world prepara
tlotm which ure guaranteed to straight
en the lull i- aud lighten the skin of tho
colored man
There are ninny believers lu tho rlr
ucs of the mysterious drug, and tnnny
try with the hope thnt they, like tho
"I'llzn (Jreon." In the famous rag-tlmo
oug will soon turn whiter. Tub firms
uunufnetttrlug these prcpnrntlousclnlm
that their business Is continually on tho
increase, and thnt their trade, which
naturally was largely confined to tho
Southern States n year or six mouths
3 go. has now reached more reuioto
quarters of the earth. The herfd of
sue firm stated that hts preparation
had recently bden Introduced lu several
lections of Africa, through tho agency
3f certain missionaries In that country.
rfl... m..... ...... .1 . .i
i m- uufciur- uuj- iiiese pieimrnuuiisr
freely hnd a customer once Interested
Is seldom lost, but continues to pur
shase the mysterious medicine, believ
ing, firmly lu the ultimate vindication
sf Its virtues. .
A few mouths ngo there were bit two
linns In this city mantifucturlug n hair
'trulghteiicr. They met with generous
iticcess: their business was seen to In
crease, and others, seeing their chance,
smbnrked in the compouiuliig nnd have
boon In a tlegree rewarded. The whiten
ing and straightening preparation Is
now. being sold lu large quantities In
Cuba ami Porto Itlco. A few day's ngo
a considerable shipment was mnde by
express to Capo Town.
Ottilia a Wife Thro nub Pretty Dining
I'oom Olrl'n Mlaiinp.
A few weeks ngo Miss Hthlyn Fisher
wns a dining room girl In a hotel In
Wllllnmsport, Pa., but she Is now Mrs.
Karl W. Uennlug, wife of a wealthy
manufacturer of Masslllou, Ohio, Their
acquaintance tinted from n mlBhnp In
the dining room, when Miss Fisher
MllS. KAltt. W. IIKNMWO.
upset a glass of milk over Mr. lieu
ulug while he wns nt the hotel.
Although confused over thcjiccldout,
the pretty waitress apologlzcd'so grace
fully that the heart of the stranger wns
touched, aud he decided then nnd there
to lay siege to the young woman's
heart. That he succeeded Is evidenced
by the wedding which has since been
solemnized. Mrs. Iltunlng Is 'i'i years
old nnd Is very pretty. She Is nn or
Kdwln A. Abbey to Paint Coronation
Fcene of Kins; Kdwnrd.
An exceptional tribute tins been paid
to Amerlcnn art by the action of King
Edward of Kngluud !u commissioning
1 Edwin A. Abbey, u
member of the Roy
al Academy of Eng
land, to paint the
coronation scene In
Westminster Abbey,
Mr. Abbey Is n na
tive of Philadelphia,
where ho was born
lu 1ftf2. IIo studied
nt the Pennsylvania
Academy of Flue
Arts and at 10 be-
crnii flrnii'hif. fnr
mm 0.. ..... .....a ,w.
k. a. ahukt. Harper's publica
tions. His work soon gained him a
wide reputation, his Illustrations for
many of Shnkspenre's plays being re
garded as models of their kind. When
lie had uttnlued fame as a black nnd
white urtlst he sought distinction us a
painter and Is now regarded as with
out a peer lu the Hue of historical
scenes. In 180U Mr. Abbey, who has
bis siudlo In (jloucestershhe, I'nghiud,
uus elected an associate of the Royal
Academy. Americans will be pleased
to know of the new honor that has
come to him a rare one Indeed for a
foreigner to attain when the occasion
Is considered. The canvas upon which
the coronntlon of King Edward U to be
depleted will be fifteen feet long.
The Gentleman's I'salni.
A render of the scriptures emphasizes
the fifteenth Psalm ns the gentleman's
PhiiIui, because It describes as among
the many who are entitled to be con
sidered as gentlemen "one who lead
eth nu Incorrupt life, spenketh truth
from bis heart, doeth no evil to his
neighbor, Is lowly In his own eyes,
keepeth bis word, even It be to his own
If you have a present to give n child,
give It to the oldest; ho will get It any
way and by giving It to him. you save
hltn the trouble of fighting for It.
The latest fashionable fad U not to
bare a fad.
fc 'TssiwBiiiiiiiiiiiiiHKirVP asmsmrJmu mma
500,000 Women
Have boon restored to health
by Lydla E. Plnkham'a Vege
table Compound, Tho In lot'
tors aro on Silo and provo t!tla
statement to bo a fact, not a
mere boasU Wlion a modi'
olne has boon succossful In
curing so many women, you
cannot well say without try
Ing ltte I do not Uoliovo It
will helm me."
Vegetable Compound
Is a poslttra ours for all those painful
Ailments of Women.
T will nilnl min Vi worst forms of
Femalo Complaints, all Ovarian troubles.
innammauon ana ulceration, miiing ami
Displacements of the Womb, and consequent
Gplnnl Weakness, and Is pcoullarly adapted
so tuo lyYinnya q i-ye
Your medicine cured mo of tsr-
rlble female llluens.
la. Oonconl fiq.. ltoilon, aims.
It has cored more cases of Backache and
Loucorrhooa than any other remedy the
world has oyer known. It U almost Infallible
In such cases. It dissolves and oxpeU
Tumors from the Uterus In an early stajre
ot dovelopinont, and cheeks any teudeuoy
to cancerous nuniors,
Your vrsatatila' Coinmiiind re
moved a Klbrold Tumor from my
wnmb after doctors failed to (It
toilet. A.I.oilinu,
Wesldale, Mnti.
Bearlng-down Feeling
Womb troubles, causing pnln, weight, and
hackaohe, Instantly relieved nnd perma
nently enred by Its use. Under all clrrum
stances It acts in harmony with the laws
that govern the femalo sjstom, and is as
-mrmlMi a watnr.
niaokKcho left me after taking
t. .miihiI liiltt. Vnur mftrilftlua
cured in when doctors fallsd.
3 Paris Hlock, (lorliam Ht., lxU, Mass.
Suppressed or 1'alniul Menstruations. Weak
ness ot tho Stomach, Indigestion, ltloathijr,
Flortdlngj. Nervous Prostration, Headache,
uenerai xjemmj,
i.i. . '
a grand niedloln. I am
thankful for the good it has deae
w. ,. .1 w . .
MV. ' - " .""
,u uaronna Are.,
Jamaica flaln (Boston), Mass.
Dizziness, Falntness,
Extreme Lassitude, "don't care" and
"want to bo left alone" feeling, excitabil
ity, irritability, norvousness, sleepleMtifss.
flatulency, molanoholy, or the "blues," and
backaoho. Thtme aro sure Indications of
Female Weakuoss, fcomo dorutiKtuiont Of the
I was troubled with Dimness,
Headaches, l'alntnesi, dwelling
limbs. Your medicine enred mo.
Jlits. BAiun K. lUKin.
lliKui-ort, Ms.
The whole etiirr, liownver, la to it In aa
Illustrated book which, coca tilth each hot.
tie, tho most complete treatise, on feuisda
complaint avnr uubllahctl.
Vnr liht vaara I suffered with I
womb trouble, and was entirely
cured by Mrs. rtnkliam's medicine.
Littleton, N. II.
Kidney Complaints
and IUckache of tlthtr lex the Vegetable
Compound always cures.
I The Tegttatile Cora
&.. or,U.eVt v;
mall, In form of I'ilU
or IOienges, on re
eslptof I.oo.
You can address In strictest confidence,
DU a. riNKUAH HKU. CO., Ljaa, Mass.
An Impossibility.
Col.Qlossyputc Alas, my son's ox
travaganco will bring my gray hairs
in sorrow to tho grave I
Daughter TNonseiiso, papa; you
know your dear old heud is liopelcssly
Walter Scott's Old Home.
"Abbottsford," Walter Bcott's
beautiful homo is to bo lot, with its
1,300 acres of shooting. Tho novel
ists family huve always found the
pluco an oxponsivo ono to maintain,
It is now owned by his great grand
daughter, Mrs, Maxwell Scott,
Features of s National Park.
Tho Vicksburg national park will
soon bo complete as far ns the acqui
sition of land is concerned, It will
comprise in ull 1,231 acres, It is
proposed to restore all military feat
ures that marked it in the struggle ol
"What's your man's specialty!"
asked tho mayor of Hot Dog.
"Mftili' horses," said tho advanco
agent of tho strong man.
"Well," said tho mayor, "I shore
admiro ycr gull for owiiiiV up to it,
hut I'll toll you beforehand thatlftiii'
hosses is a mighty unhealthy gumo
in this hero scciton,"
Another Leap ( Fame.
"My cousin Percy, tho poet, like
Jiyron, awoke the other morning to
find himclf famous."
"How did it happen?"
"A man who hud committed sui
cide had, when they found him, one
of Percy's pieces in his pocket.
Nearly every pajnir in town men
tioned it."
Title That Rooitvclt Prefers.
Vico President Itoonovcit prefers to
lis? called by tho title of "colonel"
rather than by that belonging to the
exalted civio position he now holds,
"I earned my colonoloy," ho sas,
"and tho other thing cume to me.,"
Wetted Advice.
"If you stay in Washington an
other year," his doctor told him, .
"vou will loso your health alto
gether." "1 nm not here for my health,"
coughed Senator Grnphtcr,
Tito 11 est Prescription, for Malaria
Chills nnd l'cvcr is n bottle ot Grovo's Tasteless
Chill Tonic. It is simply iron nnd quinine In
a tasteless form. No Cure, No 1'ay. Trice 60c.
Scientific Penetration.
"Professor, how did you como to
propose to mo in tho fnco of my con
tinued indilTcrcncc?"
"I proceeded on tho general propo
sition that whatever a woman seems
to bo she isn't."
nut 1i IHngnoils Was Wrong When the
111 ii oil Wns Kiirlchrnd the Symptoms
em Prttbyttrtan J umal, rhtUt , Pa.
After years of patient nnd intense
suffering, Miss .Gertrudo Gilbert, of
3201 Dauphin street, Philadelphia,
Pa., has. recovered her lost health,
nnd Ib today a rosy and blooming
specimen of young womanhood. To
a reporter sho guvo tho following ac
count of her case: ',
"I had been sick for n long time,
when a friend urged mo to try Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills for Palo Pcoiilc.
Provious to this tlnco doctors had
treated mo. They diagnosed my troublo
as heart disease, together witli con
sumption, nnd prescribed accordingly.
All this medical treatment did not
benefit mo in tho least. I was in a
terrihlo condition. Thcro was scarce
ly any blood left in my body. My
chief trouble was weakness, aud after
laborious efforts to got up stairs I
almost went into a faint uud on sev
eral occasions thought I was going to
"8o little blood had I that my cars
wcro almost transparent, ami my
complexion was as whito ns a sheet.
I can scarcely desoribo my senntions,
but after repeated treatment by my
physicians I became thoroughly dis
couraged. "It was at this timo that Dr. Wil
liams' Pink Pills wcro recommended
to mo, und I procurrcd a lix. Ucforo
I had llnishrtl it I began to feel tho
benefit to my health. This guvo mo
encouragement, and I began a sys
tcmntia course according to directions.
At tho end of the sovonth or oighthi
box, in addition to having a sufficient
quantity and a better quality of blood"
in my veins I was relieved of that
shortness ol breath and quick heart
action which had been my chief trou
blo. My appetito returned, and I was
enabled to do my daily duties with n
cheerfulness which I had never before
experienced. I always, as a prevent
ive, keep a box of Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills in my room. They aro all they
aro represented to bo, and to thorn,
and to them alone, do I owo my res
toration to health."
At all druggists or direct from Dr.
Williams Medicine Company, Schenec
tady, N. Y. Price, 00 cents per
box ; 0 boxes, $2.60.
Well Mtsnlnjt., Out
Puffer For goodness' sake I What'e
happened to my meerschaum pipe?
Airs. Puffer Why, dear, I noticed
it was getting awfully brown and dis
colored, so I put a coat of that whito
enamel paint on it.
I'lrnsNiit, I'MrttfOtU, I'otent.
Easy to buy, easy to take, easy In notion. easy
In resultn-t'ascareU Candy rittharilr. Ideal
liver regulnlor and Intestinal tonic. All drug
gists, 10c, Uic, Wc.
Didn't Need One.
"Clara, an indoor Hying machine
has been invented."
"Well, you needn't get ono, Clar
ence. You break enough brio a braa
now. '
now'B this:
We offer One Hundred Pnllnrs llerard for any
ease of Catarrh that can not bo cured by J I alia
Catarr '.-jjjjuy A co , j.ropi Toledo. O.
We tho niiderslgncd, liuvo known I'. J.Choney
(or the past IS years, and believe him por'cctlr
honorable in all biuln is transactions and fin
ancial! able to carry out any obligations mod
by tuelr flrra.
Wholesale Uruanlits, Toledo, 'J.
WauxMu, Kimun A Marvin,
Yinoleislo Irug--lits,'loledo, O,
nail's Catarrh Cure 1st ken nt'tnR
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