. "frLffH ajtiUmXjttiaB- PLai-srt-tf&sO.Iftj; . j ,' vi,r awiv: "jrL j; .j ' " '. ' ryr-w,tf gx.j2k!&; I Vj' a 2?i-iMJ'i"'-i''''- "i, " Wv r THE jsTSW AGE, PORTLAND, OREGON. iii'iiiiiMiiBwiiiiiwiiiiiiiiimi iiwi i mi ' UiHMHIHHiriMHHBBKaalVrAtlM JC JtfIII i 7i ' i Bar Fixtures and ..Billiard Tables.. IGK-BALKE Havc Re-established their buil oess in ' PORTLAND, at 49 Third Street. A full stock of Bar Fixtures, Bil liard and Pool Tables. Bowling Alleys and Supplies always on hand. EASY PAYMENTS. J. G. REDDICK, Manager. The Reliable Loan Office Pawnbrokers and Jewelers BARGAINS IlllllM '.UNREDEEMED. 'PLEDGES (1 U M i J t Money Loaned on All. Articles oi Value. PRIVATE ENTRANCE ON PINE ST. All floods Hold on IniUllineitts. 01 Third St.. Oor. Fine, Portland, Or. LAWRENCE BROS. Towel Supply Co. Towels furnlalicct lo Harbors. Doctor". Office! ml llil.tncKn Houses, IHu. Wo also Uo First Class Laundry Work. OKI'ICHi fourth mill Uoiioh Hi. i PORTLAND, OR. Oregon l'liono 120. Columbia I'tionotlO. Old Kentucky Club Whiskey Home ..AND.. Shaw's Pure Malt Blumauer Sc Hoch Wliolcmlo I,(iir A dinar Dealers 1 80LE AGENTS. UO Fourth Street EMPIRE Livery Feed and Sale Stable C. P. BARNARD, Prop. Saddle Horses, Single nud Double Hlgi At All Hours. Transient stork kIvcii tlin very lxst of care. Kate ulwajs reaionablo and satisfaction guar, autcoil. Phone Main 31. Cor. Rose aud Oak Sis. ROSEBURG. OREGON. EDWARD HOLMAN UNDERTAKER Fourth and Yamhill Sts. BOTH 'PHONES NO. 607 SENA G1INS0N, Ladj AnliUnt. .Merchant Hotel. COIINKU TIIMD AND DAVIS STIIKKTS I'OHTI.AND, OHKHO.N, I10TK1. IS NKWI.V KF.NOVATKD. ThW It tli. hett ecinlpi'i'l moderate rto hotel on tlu I'si'lne I'OA.I and hat all the com en. le nee. n( hliih rleed Imteln. Complete with , rlrt'tno light, and Ix'lli, and arte.lau water In. eajli loom. lUlli rinini mi eueli Hour, Klrvatoi I lor aei'oiiiodatlon ol Kiiet, (ate II and II.VI lieriU). MeaU'.'it'entt. Hpei'lal rate to lam. Ille. and theatrical partlea. Kreo 'bin to and I troii) all trnliu, ikx) loom. Only (our lilockl iioui i nion iiejvot. nre rroot iiniiainK. F. K. HILL. Prop. Electric Hotel OREGON CITY, OR. JACOB CASSELL, Prop, Strictly Flr.t.CluM, 1UU 1.00 l'.r ltwy Hud Up. Steam Heat, Electric Lights, Com mercial Sample Room. liUiiH, r1.n JjJf tf. W). TmfJWT.KO 7 ssTi rWaJI on i1tnnl7WiVHll7Mi7?IalTA -THE- Multnomah Trunk. Co. JIANUFACTUKER8 OP TRUNKS traveling bags sample cases Salesroom J 43-J 45 Sixth Street PORTLAND, OR. ...THE OLYMPIAN... 148 Fifth St., Near Morrison. BLUNDEN &. VELTON, Props. THE FAMOUS OLYMPIA BEER ON DRAUGHT ' Nevr Dulldlnir, New Fixtures, Cholco Ooori. w. I.. McRade, Seattle , H. Hamiltoh, Taioina. I LCCABE'ft HAMILTON .. STEVjEDQRES .. ! M PUGET SOUND) Also Honolulu, H.l. Km 3d Office: Taooma, Wamfi. C'l.lo A tM re u : McOAIli: GRACIE, BEAZLEY & CO. Agents 14 Water Street, Liverpool. KRIEG & LEVY (INCOIU'OltATKD.) cofp'ki: and tka A bfkoiai.tv. 31)4 WnaliliiBTtf.il Street, Cornnr Tenth Tll' OUIt CKi.KIIIlATKD COFl'KK. II0II1 I'liiiiina HUH. I'OKTI.ANI), Oil. ...OLYMPIC... Steam Laundry 407 South J Street MICHAEL J. BJORN & LOUIS J. BJORN ritomiKTOitti TACOMA, WASH. TROY LAUNDRY CO. Are noted for qua'lty of work and Prompt service. 101-6 B. Water St. Phone 6033. Portland DAIRY ASSOCIATION WHOI.KBAl.K A KKTAII. Cream and iVLUk. DEPOT 203 SECOND ST. JOHN P. HOFFMAN, Mgr. Milk Delivered to All I'artiol tho City. Oregon rhuiir. North 9011, i Baggage and Omnibus Transfer ...COMPANY... Ofllre W. Cor. Fourth and titark Bit. IVli-l'lionoMi'. rollTKAND, OHKCION, Exelunge Your Clucks With Messenger 1 rains and Urder uarruges or Loupes. lhipgagn cheeked at rest deuco to any deHtinution, llraneh Oniei'i llolrl l'ortland, I'nlted Carrmuo Co., Nnentli and Taylor. L. tt. ADAMS, Mgr. Tho Popularity of RED SEAL BRAND Hams, Bacon, Lard, Etc., Is Won on Merit. TRY RED SEAL BRAND. 56-60 E, Water St,, Portland, Or, 11 Willi I RISE OF GALVESTON. RUINS GROW INTO A NEW BEAUTIFUL CITY. AND Splendid Courage of Its Cltlsens, Aided by the Generous People of the Coun try Cottages In Pin en of Palncci. but Everybody Is Happy. Galveston correspondence: As nwful as was the destruction Hint came to this city In that drend Septem ber storm, splendid was tho conrntfo with which Its citizens undertook to raise It again from Its ruins, and most remarkable has been the progress of their efforts. In a few short hours $17,000,000 of property was destroyed and 0,000 lives lost. In a few brief months nearly one-third of the build ings destroyed have been replaced and 1,000 new people have conio Into tlio city. Of course, Galveston is not being rebuilt wholly by the efforts of the citizens themselves. They have had asslstanco from outside from all over the country. The donations to the gen eral fund amounted to $1,184,087.30, and besides these thcro were contrlbu- S TIIK KAST END AS tlonB tlirotiKli churcliPH, civic orKnuizn tloiiH nntl nHHOclntloim nmountlnt: to fully nn much more. It Is impoHslblo to obtnln exact flKurcn, liut tlio totnl donatlouH In khhh mid cnuli approxi mntcd f 0,000,000. lliilldlnu Commute:' Work. Tlio work of relief find rebuilding lino boon carried on by Hub-coininlttees of n goncrnl comiulttco. Of theso the lJulldliiR Connnlttoo lind a hard Job awaltliiK It. lioforo tho fltonn -whuro thcro wore by actual count 2,700 struc tures, not ono escaped dcHtructlou, Con sider tho fact that there vorou only thirty tornado Inmirunee policies In tho entire city and name Idea of tho fcnrfril and wldcHpread Iokh may bo realized. Tho llulldliiK Cointnltleo wiib allotted fino.OOO. It went about Its work In a very HyHtomatu: inunner; an applicant for iiHtdHtancu wan reinilrcd to (ill out a blank giving nil Information eoneernlii,' location, value, Incuuibrnuco, etc., of tho destroyed property, toRother with the Uiiauclal condition of the applicant. Tho committee met at .'I o'clock every afternoon to cotiHlder tho applications In each en no an InvcxtlKiitlou wax held, aud if tlio applicant wax found to have Htated tho fnctH correctly an order watt given for euoiiKh money to build a cottiiRO of thrco 12x11! rooms. Tlio first ten cottages cost tho committee $&U each, tho next $350 each, aud tho price wan gradually reduced, iih labor and material became cheaper, to $:U3 per cottage. In n great many Instances f -,nL'lumli ,I, . --j--- j T c srv: j S rtjssiiimT- wr . mfl r nlaswtassMsssssssstsT T!jrrwrF "r .jllliliini iiimiiwiii ! TTTl wzvk RIIwnIIIIi MH hsssaswiSBS sLvR mi xK MnlfiSlk Nil MIIHlsVjrwsuB) FM aw RnJaTll 17411 IsSstt'SsTllllwir-y TlfifnF!arTTasiiiasss S0fSSm3WmtmMWSnu 'TrVsCsasEf r T!P1. - BaC' - " fffL "tt TUB KAST KM) AFTER: THE STORM. parties would organize to build their own bouses, and In such cases $2.0 In cash was allowed for each building. Tho money disbursed to the people for cottages was an outright donation, and In each lustnnce where the property de stroyed by storm had been Incumbered by debt tho holders of mortgages wero required to sign an agreement not to molest tho owners of the new posses, ston for twelve mouths, The commltteo also disbursed funds for the repair of property partially destroyed, l'p to tho present time 1,073 new cottages !mv been built and 1,100 damaged ones re paired. Tho bill for construction amounts to $315,000, and for repairs $125,000, making a total of $140,000, with a balance of $10,000 on hand. Kal rtiM la uu4 Cuiiimuiilrntinns, Galveston has three terminal rail roads: The Gulf, Colorado and Santa Fe; Galveston, Houston and Northern (Southern Tactile); nud tho Galveston, Houston aud Henderson, Each of theso roads lost Its bridge acros the hay and several nillcs of track. Tho Southern l'aclflc was the heaviest loser. Tho damage to Its water font property was fully $00,000, while Its other property and equipment lu the city aud vicinity wcre Injured to the extent of $75,000 more. The Galveston City Railway operated forty-one miles of track by electricity, and whole blocks of this were washed away. The telegraph com panies have spent $50,000 repairing their lines since the storm. The largest Items of loss to goods In transit wcro 000 bales of cotton valued at $45,000, and'damage to grain In elevators to the extent of $50,000. The work of rehabilitation began at once, and was rushed forward with a speed that seems almost incredible. The first train entered Galveston from the main land In thirteen days. The whnrVcs were put Into condition to re ceive vessels, and cargoes were handled In little more than a week. The con nections wcro completed and water turned on after the third day. The city was partially lighted on tho sixth night after tho storm. Street cars were start ed In two weeks. Tho Morning News and the Evening Tribune Issued bulle tins for three days, and after that suc ceeded In getting the regular-sized edi tions through their presses. Itellglous Horrlces wcro resumed on tho third Sunday and the telephone wires wcro In working order In about thirty days. Business In all lines recovered from the hampered and congested stato of IT LOOKS TO-DAY. affairs with nn alacrity that wnx sur prising. Itetnll trade In Galveston lins been brisk since tho storm, for the rea son that everybody had to purchaso supplies of all kinds. Nearly all of tho money given to the poor from tho out side donations wns spent with tho lo cal merchants. Tho Jobbing trntlo got to its feet quickly and seems to bo In a thrifty condition. Despite tho fact that tho storm gave tho business of tho city n terrible blow Just at tho begin ning of tho busy season, the stilstfcs for tho year show that It quickly recov ered. A few comparisons with tho pre ceding year will speak for thomrfelves. Tho bank clearings for 1000 were $o2:,r0tt,n00. compnred with $333,800, 100 for 1S00. The totnl cash receipts at tho custom house for 1000 wero ?10U, 003. The tonnage tax amounted to $32,713 and the duties to $155,003. For 1801) tho total cash receipts wero $207, J50, tho tonnage tax $3S,13S and tho duties $155,570. Tho total exports of cotton throughout Galveston during 1000 amounted to 1,51(5.202 bales, com pared with 1.528.232 bales for 1800. Galveston's cotton receipts for tho llrsl four months of tho season 1000-1001 wero 1.220.5SI hales, compared with 1,2-10.578 bales for tho corresponding months of tho season lSO'J-1000. Dur ing 1000 82.JJ7-1 loaded cars wero han dled In tlio yards of tho Galveston Wharf Company, compared with 102, 382 loaded cars In 1S00. Tho following stntement of expendi tures In building since tho storm wns Issued several weeks ago, nnd while It is 11 splendid showlug tho work of Improvement from this tlmo forward will naturally progress much more rnp Idly on account of Improved facilities and tho gradual relaxation of tho fear ful pressure and dllllculttes under which tho ilrst stages of repairing wero accomplished: llullilinB and repairing homes. $S00,000 Wharves nnd shipping facilities 023,500 Church property 25,725 Mereautllo buildings 250,000 Public building, etc 53,000 Manufacturing plants 00,575 Municipal property 17,500 U. S. Government property., . lO.lOtl State property 10,000 Railroads, telegraphs, etc. ... 305,000 Total $2,258,000 Tho United States Weather Rureau has Issued a bulletin covering tho on tiro history of tho West Indian hurri canes, which says that the Galveston cyclone was tho severest and most de structlvo hurricane In tho storm nnuala of tho Western hemisphere-. At Galves ton It registered tho lowest barometer rending over reported, lu the United States, nnd blew at tho rato of 120 miles au hour. Jefferson Garden Saloon. DAVID Til OMAN, Prop. Wines, Liquors, Cigars. Welnhard's Beer. PHONE, BED 1818. FAMILY HES0IIT. Cor. Chapman and Jefferson 8ta., Portland, Or HISLOPIS Triumph Roasted Coffees The Mot 8rarklln,.Dellctons and Aro matic COFFKKH Kvor Placed on tills Market. Ask Your Grocer for Them ..Four Blends.. A FULL LINE OF Electrical Supplie. t Lighting of Buildiiijrs, Stores and Residence! t ' arc and incandescent, plec- ric rower ior elevators, Pumps, and. all Kinds of Macninery. Portland General Electric Go. SEVENTH AND ALDER STREETS. Both:Phonei3a5 BAR AND BILLIARD Furniture and -Fixtures 7 7 ROTHSCHILD BROS. Wfco'esale Liquor' Dealers. 22, 24; 26 First St Cor. Burnside, HOTEL OSBORN GLEAN, AIRY OUTSIDE ROOMS REASONABLE RATES Transient Solicited -HOTIP PHONES.. Travelers should tnke"S" Street Carat Union Donot aud transfer at Yamhill Street to Kasi Ankney Car, A. W. HEWETTT, Prop. GROSS, WEITZEH 8 LIPPMAN Manufacturers of HIES' TAILOR MI IIS Separate Skirts and Waists The Best Made Goods on the Pacific Coast 314 IMrat Htrenl, Corner Salmon, rOUTI.ANM. OltKUON. CHARLEY IDE PIONEER BIT Now on Johnion Street, Opposite Unlou Depot. LUNCHES PUT UP FOR TRAVELERS Oregon Made Umbrellas ..C. M. MEREDITH.. UMBRELLA MANUFACTURER Repairing and Recovering ol Fine 'Umbrella a Specialty. 313 Washington Street. Three doors above Olds A King PORTLAND, ORKOON, Bsssssssu'BsWHsssMsBaUassssssVKl 'HHaHHsssUHaslflan Union Depot ..Restaurant 173 Sixth St., PORTLAND, OR. Regular Dinner at Noon - 25c Lunch Put Up for Travelers. mWjfesriw , rtW 5j(r CWlXcl asssmasssl ' f DfcirlssSjBSsMaslSM i - i ' li E. H, M00REH0USE & CD. INCOKl'OltATKD. Wall. Pap or, Frame' and. Room Moulding, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Class, ' Irushes, Etc. - 305 "ALDER ST., Near Fifth, TS Doth Themes. Portland, Oregon. Xe.y.ANO SOAP AND CHfi r ". s r (mi Tvf fr ' Hatters Furnishers - 'Sole AgenU for' KNOX HATS BUFFUM & PENDLETON 94 Third Street. PORTLAND, ORE. (Emtahllmhmd 1883.) F. 6. DALLAM & CO. Wholesale Dealers In Wooden and Willow Ware Brooms, Brushes, Twines, Paper, Paper Bags, Tinware, Gran-. ' iteware, Eto. , 232, SSO, 22a Front St., Smit Franetoce. Out. stnsf 7T Front sirmmt. rmrtimnm, urm, 0on. Wrltefor Catalogue. MAIL ORDERS FILLED PROA1PTLY BAKING POWDER It is PUREST It Is CHEAPEST It is BEST U Ten All Kit CiUifiil Test Ueaij Ssck CLOtT ft DcTEKt, Portland, Or. ffmmm LIPPINCOTT'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE A' Family Library The Best in Current Literature 12 Complete Nqvcu Yearly MANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS $2.60 per year ; 25 ct. a copy NO CONTINUED STORIES EVERY NUMBER COMPLETE IN ITSELF BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks desiqns Copyrights Ac. Anrone sending a sketch and description mar qnlcklr ascertain our opinion free wnet&er an Inrentlon Is probablr patentable. Communlea. lions trlctljroonUdeotUl. Handbook on I'alenu aentfree. OUest Uinrr tar m.mrim. tl mm. ssyrialiulks, without cb.rje, I luinu luea lorousD jaunn Jk to. n . .:." -tt . ;. ". m .r "- . recelT Scientific JfmericaiK , in us A handsomely Ulnitrate4 wseklr. Tersest ctr cuUllon or anr iclentiae Inarnal. Terms. I) si rear; lour months, U fioM by aU newsdealers. MUNM Co.iB.New York UK rssssssssVsssssssssssssssTssssssssTassnssssssssssssssssssssssssLX w- V PORTLAND. OREGONyey 49 1 ' i . m' . T.MI J" & OOLDEN WEST fM jjjnjra h ..' . .xfea- iift'tr"' Jb - -J j-i Aik7.iu&2ij'?t&il