g g mi MrfdMtt- , - - I " r'-J'4rrrftfcVfitrtjV o.iii (itwwwmmjiaic i"HB js'JIV AGE, . PORTX AINU, OREGON. v. 4 ' 1 . v. C. A. STOKES LIQUOR CO. V WHOLESALE DEALERS. .PABST MILWAUKEE BEER f Bottled br Pabit Brewing Co. t Milwaukee, Wi. , 1130 Pacific Avenue TACOMA - WASH. The Unrivaled Piano mf the World KRANICH & BACH Established 1864. " Visit Our Wareroomsand Ee Oonvlcod. Many Other Stand ard and ReHahle Makes of PIANOS and ORGANS We SeH on Easy Tor mm No Largo First Fmymont Remmlred. Send Your Old Piano to Be Repair od by Reliable Workmen. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Cm Am yfHALE Music House M.O. MATTHIEU, Mnmn, 311 E. Alder end tie Un'on Ave. Salem Store, 142 Si ate Si. Any Alia Any Quantity Any Rtylfc MACKINTOSHES, RUBBKK, AND OIL CLOTHING Rnbbar Boats' and Shoes, Iteltlna;, Packing and Urn:. Largest and Most Compteta Assortment of all Kinds o( Rubber Goods. GOODYEAR RUBBER COMPANY B. H. MASK, Presldsnt. F. M. 8IIEPARD. JR.. Treasurer J. A. 8UBPARD, Secretary 78-76 PIRST STREET, PORTLAND, OREGON. RUSSELL S COMPANY BDII.DKRH OF Engines, Boilers, Saw Mills, Threshers. SWi - JAM l Mm ajHaaaaj UJmmmmammmmmmJf smsmmsmmm i -Jmkjmwt9kf im. It yo MBtoBaplat buying asachlnerjr, writ at for catalogue and pries. RUSSELL & CO. jk. H. AVER1T&. Manager. PORTLAND. OHECOW. E. O. ATKINS COMPANY mM$M wsWJ9mssmBssssssmmsZ: ifSfum $ Branch, iwumnmNJB LA GRANDE NATIONAL BANK ....LA GRANDE, OREGON... Cmpltml mnd Surplus - - - $72,000 THE METROPOLITAN BANK CAPITAL - - $50,000. rmCHOH BLOCK, TAOOMA, WASH. PHILIP V. CAE8AR. President TRUMAN W. ENOS, Vice-President 1 0. B. 8ELVI0, Cashier: JACOB K. VAKDERUILT, Assistant Cashier. ....BEMEHAL BAMKINQ IM ALL ITS BKAMOHES .... Interest allowed on deposits in Saving Department. Clrri'lur Letters ol Credit Issued on Jinn Knnc, China and Yokohoma. Japan; aUo Drafts and Bills of Exchange Issued on China and Japan and the principal cities ol Europe. Forelen moneys exchanged. Wm Hmvm Stmel.l FmollHImm tin- HmnOtlnw B.l Dumt mnd Bullion. THE Ha C. ALBEE COMPANY ....DEALERS IN.... Second Hand Machinery 260 Cast Water Street. COLLINS-PRESTON-WILSON CO SUOUESSOIl TO J'ATIUCK. MASTICK CO.. MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OF Harness, Saddles, Saddlery Goods THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF FINE AND MEDIUM GRADES OF LIGHT HARNESS ON THE COAST. 91-93 FRONT STREET, BETWEEN STARL AND OAK. ;,f,7u7P.,.'0" PORTLAND, OREGON DRUNK THE FAMOUS "XATeinlietrci's. Beer For Sale at All the Principal Saloons Brmwery am OMmm n:tf&ZlZLVS&?1"''' ESTABLISH 1SM1. ALLEN & LEWIS Shipping: Sc Commission Merchants ...WHOLESALE GROCERS... TO SAVE TIME ADDBES3 ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO THE COMPANY. 4S tm 4 S4r, Mik. . ST. CHARLES .HOTEL:. JOHN GIBL1N, Prop. First-Class Accommodations and Prompt serf- Ice. Large Sample (ooms (or Commercial Travelers. Phone 7. Cor. First and Washington St. Alt any, Oregon. .POHTLAHD, OREeOH, Maautmcfurtra of PACIFICO PERFECTION PACIFIC STAR INDHX CROSS CUT SAWS No. 60 First St. PORTLAND, OREGON. HtoemreHATEo iss7. POHTLAUD, BKEBOB. To Our Many Colored Readers. From nnd after tihd ditto those who dcatro to receive Tho New Ace must linvc a clenr record on its subscription books. Hereafter no credit will Iks extended to tuibscribdrs. Our effort to givo to the renders of this journnl ii bright, up-to-dnto newspnper, with its spccinl features for tho pcoido of our rncc, certainly deserves its recog nition. Having sent the New Age for two or three years to ninny colored people who professed inability to pay in advance, wo now feel that they should manifest their appreciation of this kindness by preparing to pay tip immediately. Do not wait for a sec ond notice, remit at oncu. I did not receive my paper hits week because I had not paid my sub scription. You must pay before you get another paper. Progress and Improvements at Clatsop Beach. Tho popularity of Seaside as a sum mer resort is evidenced by tho many improvements being made there for the accommodation of visitors during the ensuing season. Store than 11 score of new summer cottages arc cither completed or in courso of con struction and several moro. will bo added before tho season opens. Pat rons of this resort, which has all the natural advantages, will hail with de light the addition of a modern water nnd sewerage system, upon which act ive operations have lcgun nnd will bo completed in time to supply pure wholesomo water from a nearby moun tain stream to all of thoso who follow tho throng and appreciate the efforts of the promoters of a progressive sum mer resort. Many people who former ly spent thoir outings at other North west beaches nro now and have been permanent patrons of Clatsop beach ever since tho completion of the Astoria & Columbia River Railroad from Portland to Bcasidu. During the summer season this company hits made rates and olTcred tho public a train service, which for cheapness and convenience could not bo approached by the rival transportation lines. Tho railroad has not yet announced its rates nnd schedulo for tho season which is about to open, but they are preparing to handle larger crowds than they did last year; in view of this fact, it is only fair to presume that thoy will have hoiuo new advant ages to ofl'er to tho seasidcrs. , A perfect light means moro than n good light. It means a light that is brilliant and steady, one that gives little heat, no smoke, and no odor, and 0110 that costs but little to burn and needs but slight attention. Wouldn't you call a light like this a nerfwt lielit? If vnn I1111I mwli n light wouldn't you think it better than gas or electricity; wouldn't you say it hnd nil their advantages and none of their faults? Well, there is such n. light it's tho angle lamp nnd besides these points its throws tho light just !'"", mo typewriter wnii operates where it in wanted. It is a perfect with rapidity, and tho man who, bo siuVtituto for gas or electricity. 1 i"K clllcient in these respects, has also When stores, churches or houses aro ' knowledge of commercial require- lighted with it they look cheerful and attractive. Of course it costs more than poor, old fashioned lump-, but it saves its cost many times over in a year. It's cnean at any price. All styles from one burner up. Send for catalogue. Jackson L. Drown, Taylor street. 270 Stop your coughing by using Dr. Ny wull 's cough cure, tho only guar anteed cough remedy on the market. iut the same time, rapidly advanced in This cough euro is guaranteed to stop theso important respects. Thin col and euro tho most stublorn cough and CK0 j8 j mmqxx ll tho year, holding will euro consumption in its early day 'and night school, and tho success MllUM 11 IUKU1I 111 UII113 IIIKI Ill'COrillllg to directions. Protect your little children, when they have taken a cold by giving them the best remedy on earth for coughs and colds, Dr. Nywall'a cough enrol A few doses will break tho cold and savo the littlo ones irom sicJcnehs and perliaps death. Take no other. Orders taken and de livered by Richard Kuehne, -llJJfj North Third street, Portland, Oregon. Tho picturesque lino and tho royal ono back to tho homo of your child hood Is via tho Northern Pacific. You will rldo ovor tho n. -...- 1 UOCKIGB, along Clark'B fork of tho Columbia' and tho beautiful Yellowstone: skirt Ing tho shores of Lake Pond d'Orollle, through tho famous Dad Lands of Pyr amid Park and across tho wheat Holds of tho Red rivor valloy you go at fifty miles an hour, and sleep and cat In perfect comfort as the solid veatl buled train rushes along. For detailed Information, tickets, sleeping car reservations, maps of routes, etc., call on or write A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent, 255 Morrison street, corner Third, Portland, Or. SHORT Tliii.AiiMi.llJ(t.,flnl 7 I . miv v i.i. iv. .-.. ii.i..i, 1, IP, 11111u.1v ,ini iiivmih. .,'. ...i- ' W'l'llcptlc ami luirlict MRTtaelt! Ills. WE KEKJ" NONE 11UT0PH fcl'ECTACl.E ANU KVKOLAfefi KITH. Dr. J. H. Phillips, Optician, With A. N. Wright, the Iu.v Jeweler, W3 Morrison Street, near Fifth, Portland, OreKon. A T i Our Specialty meriranlpndru First.ciaSS I . "Ti3sw &" Work. 2m bswLmt aaaw COR. TWELFTH AND FLANDERS STS., All Orders Promptly Executed. Portland, Oregon. CITY NEWS C. A. Rlttcr, Society Editor. Wo shall know no favorites, and shall lio absolutely Impartial. To In suro publication, all local news must reach ub not later than Thursday morn ing of each week. T John Dearirig is improving nnd will bo nble to bo about iii a short time. Mr. F. D. Thomas, who has been confined to his homu for the past week has improved considerably. A full attendance of the members of the Afro-American Council is re quested for the next regular meeting to bo' held May 13. Now Northwest lodge, No. 21154, G. U. 0. of 0. l-, will attend dovino ser vices at the Ilethol A. M. E. church t;hc second Sunday in May. , The Afro American Council has urged it uinm tho colored citizens to take part in the parade to bo given in honor of tho visit of President Mo Kinlcy. A large number have signi fied their willingness to do so. The services at the A. M. E."1 Zion church next Sunday promise to bo of more than usual interest. On that occasion the music will bo furnished by tho Juvenile choir and Row E. I. Swan will preach his farewell sermon. It is exacted that his successor, Rev Wright, will be hero by that itmc. The entertainment to bo givon on May 7 at the O. A. R. hall for the benefit of the Hotel Portland brass band, deserves the patronage of the colored people of tho city. Tho organization numbers 15, who have went to considerable oxpeuso to equip themselves with instruments nnd pay for tho services of an instructor. A greeting to my childhood's home, To friends and brothers too, I send with many a loving wish from this Southern land to you. Though far away I'vo wandered, And your faces I cannot seo, Still in my heart is a deathless love. , That binds me close to thee. Written expressly for Tho New Ago by Mrs. J. O. Makioll (neo Ritter), Clyo, G. Behnke's Lswand Commercial School. Tho professional man, tho business man and tho active participant in any important lino of employment fully understand, i( they ho up-to-dnto in their quest for legitimate profit, tho great necessity of dispos ing qf tho cvery-day tasks with celeri ty, easo and accuracy. Thero is not a business onlco of any consequenco .anywhere in tho active world of trade, , commercial or professional, that can afford to dlspcnso with tho service of,tlu rnpld ami itccurato stcnogra-, incuts in every transaction. Tho remarkable popularity and suc cess of Professor Uehnke's Pcrnin Shorthand and Commercial college, in tho Commercial block, Second and Washington streets, in educating man and women in these special branches of equipment for business cmphasir.es this fact, together with that of tho business like manner in which stu dents aro instructed thoroughly and, is insured when such an able and thorough instructor as Professor Dchnkois at its head. Graduates from this college aro gen erous with their compliments to the school and their testimonials as to its iroficionuy 1 TI10 Pcrnin system of shorthand displacing all others. It is simple, has fow word signs and is employed with speed uuattainahlo in any other system. Stenographers of Portland, as elsewhere, are abandoning tho old , systems for this new, simple, perfect ' j lrnf,.--,ir Il,l.i.L-. .mil nlilillll iiiki iicuuriuu iiiciniHi, M(mo of ,,is Htcmt,Iro concerning Ihu phenomenal success of his college mid tho unprecedented popularity of tho Pcrnin universal system of sten ography. NEW TAILORINO HOUSE. A. J. Armstrong, for many ycara head cuttor for Nlcoll, has oponed n tullorlng establishment at 313 Wash 1 Ington street. This houso 1b stocked with a completo stock of uptoduto goods. Tho eliding is t'ono by Mr. A. J. Armstrong, well knoWn as a first- class cutter. Stylo nnd fit guaranteed. Prices modoratn. Good work and honest dealings. ARMSTUONO, THE TAILOR. 313 Washington St. ESSAY OIN FITS. lltxl.fif fl t, Tl. .a ......I Aa u.wl l.u.l lit... we uoht Keep t;m. A Trial Will Convince. Oregon Telehone (Irani Ml Columbia Ml. .ii . r 1 . MMLiay CHICKERING boston WEBER New york KIMBALL chicaqo , KIMBALL, CROWN AND BURDETTE ORGANS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL In New Music Block Entrance 351 WASHINGTON Street PORTI.AND, OR. THE DRESS AND CHARM OF GENTILITY f ) tflaSfff l rT aV 1 III klWrJdN 1(4 Ha vL sl 1 L-A5i w iiL I v I W sssLsf ' 1 1 KJg lcftauil I heal SALEM WOOLEN MILLS. C. T, ROBERTS, Manager. EXTRAORDINARY OFFERING OF LADIES' TRIMMED HATS ...AT.... $-495 -EACH,. Wo ilonnsnmn remarkable svlllnir In Hats slnro our nimnliiirnu Ihu I81I1 of liut iniinlli, as many 1'ortlaml Itullcs well know. v'o hail special titles n( trlmiiiol linu it l.'.in, ILOlaiul JV), nil ol which were rvmnrkahlo allies, but (union'! think with At u cr'iiiaU'il tho offer liiK'or tho present mlllnir miuiy n( which aiar to liirlli ilmilili' Ihu pticu iitkctl. Kviry If at we offer at II.VA Is new nmt neyer shown I diru no two alike. San ford & Edwards, S. W. Cor. Sixth and Washington Stfl. NEW LIFE TO IGV'""'..'; Anchor Qrest Combination ol Strength and llesnty, "Tu Tm That Dispa." ft Tna Old Fskcb, Ai " iHri"fc,a5(lftf Jxi." "s ZKfJZ-' -ir-,J,,f?, $., , ;.r'.rriis? See Our Anchor Clamp You would be surprised II rou knew howlltllult would tout ou to fix up that old fence. Heller send for imiiu Anchor Clamps and I'prishls, anil ' pair ol our pinchers, and mk ) our o d wire (emo look liitiu iiuw one. ANCIIOIl rEIIOi: looks so nlcn and Is so ktro'iu IhHt firmsrs tninetlmrs think that It mint be hUh priced, It Isn't, thoiuh. WZfaW Cuup Uirom UitNO. Cattle, Sheep FARM, RAILROAD Write for Trices and Cata'ogue. Agents Wanted In Every Town, Loewenberg & MANUFACTURERS 229 to 235 Taylor Street tSS to 194 Second Street Usansjl HI npatt&i Kl sy 11 BVstKlXiz PIANOS M s& Belongi without question to those whose clothing, by Its Style, Cut and Fit, bears the stamp of genu ine refinement. We give an air of distinction to those whom we. fit with a suit of clothing, and. by our arthtic method supply any physical defect that detracts from, the form. Our materials are re cherche and elegant. . . . . 85 Third Street. OLD FENCESI Clamps and Uprights. , Tun Anchor Finci.' nnd Hog Tight. It NKrtnRLii' alter closlnr. AND LAWN FENCE. TTMF The Portland Anchor Fence Co 74a Nlcolal St., PORTLAND, Oregon. Going Company OF AND DEALERS IN Stove Ranges, Hollowware Household... Specialties... Handled by AH First Class Dealers... Royal Steel Ranges Are the Best and Cheapest in the Market. PORTLAND, OREGON