rvVtnr, - " - w . - ' "'"wr$arfc9 THE M2W AGE, OPOHTLAND. OliEGOtt. v i .H nsPy 1 ..T,. ARSON A LONO- 15 NORTH FIFTH ST. Fine wines, llquon nd elgars. Olre us a call. fn At WOOD. ''REAL K8TATE AND PENSION ATTORNEY. .Room 10, Odd Fellowi' Building. PORTLAND, ORE. A1IUIANK8' BTANDARD 8CALE3. Fairbanks, Moris A Company, Flrit and Stark 8treets, Portland, 'Oregon. Telephone 84. ;pAXTON, UKAOII ft HIMUN Attornoys-at-Law. 610 Chamber of Commerce, Portland Oregon. ifTnHK IMPERIAL SALOON Liquors and High Grade Cigars. J. B. IIILDEBUHN, Prop. ' ' Fbone Main 213. Corner Can and Bhcrldan 8t ROSBIIURO, ORKQON. .,T J. KADDERLY, DEALER IN HARDWARE. . .. Stores, Ranges, Tin, Copper and Granite Iron-Ware, Crockery, Ulasawaro and .House "Furnishing Uoods. Jobbing promptly at .tended to. ' 41ia First St., cor. Alder,' Odd Fellows' Dld'g., 'PORTLAND, OKKGON. 'T)ORTl'aND LOAN '6FFICE " , It ' Dan Marx, Proprietor. '.'!.IIIgnestsFrIc Paid for Old dol& and SllTs'r. No. 74 Third Street, Near Oak '' TORTLAND, OR. Loans money on all kinds ot security. Unre. .-deemed pledges sold for amount loaned. J. D.WILD Jobbing and Retail Dealer In ' WINES AND LIQUORS . 182 Third Street, Opposlto Masonic Temple. Portland, Oregon. rpHE BAVARIA SALOON A. II. lIUltOKH, Prop. , Imported and Domestic Wines. Liquors ,j! and Cigars. Wclnliard's liter. I'honcOrecon Black 1915. , , iiB,B. (Corner Second and Oak Btrcets, PORTLAND, OREGON. )OJUCL;ANI). KOLLt KG'M I LL3 " A. , v, , Manufacturers of BAR IRON AND STEEL '' N. K. AYERJ Manager. Twenty-Second and Nlcolat Streets. TirEYKit 4 8CHILI.INQ FINE WINES , AUD I LIQUORS. , LA GRANDE, OREGON. TTKIWEIIT A. HALE. Mt. Hood. Columbia River and Northwest Views. ,, Portraits, Water Colors, Crayons, for the trade. V-Electric Light and Bromide Enlargements. mjiThlrd Street, Corner Alder. s PORTLAND, ORE. vi J C. NOON BAG CO. Manufacturers and Importers of BAGS, TWINES. TENTS AND AWNINOS, FLAGS AND MINING HOSE. Bsgclng Material, Canvas, Sail Making In all its Brandies, Cotton Duck, Cordage, etc. J2S1 N, First St. and 210-212.214.216 Couch St., PORTLAND, OR. .MURPHY 4 CO. . WINE AND LIQUOR DEALERS. , "rVelnhard's Deer on Draught, Hats' Alo, Gutn nets' Porter, Val Blatx Milwaukee Beer aud the Celebrated J, II. Cutter Wliltkey for Vmlly Use. 45 Third 8t , Bet Couch and Davis, floods Delivered Frco. TORTLAND, OR, pHOTO STUDIO 22i First Street, Bet. Salmon and Main, PORTLAND, OREGON. Photographs taken any slse or stylet also Photo Buttons made from life or any picture Out door viewing done, alto tlulthlng Kodak's for amateurs. Imtructlons In Photography. Cop) tng aud Enlarging. E. Kit A IT, Artist. milE OREGON MVERY, FEED, BOARDINO AND 8ALE STABLES. Columbia Phone 687. Oregon Phone Hood 581 IMBRIE & IMBRIE, Props. Special attention given to boarders., Our car. rlaget meet all trains, Cor. Sixth and Couch Streets, Portland, Oregon, A RLINGTO.V CREAMERY N. J. R1TTER, Prop. Wholsalee and Retail Dealer In MILK, CREAM, CHEESE BUTTER AND EGGS 267 Burnslde Street PORTLAND OREGON. TLAZIER BROS. Club Rooms Second Floor Wine Rooms, Concert, Pool and Billiard Hall Oregon Phone Grant 71 243 Burnslde St. PORTLAND OREGON. Tl AYES 4 SHORT ARTISTIC PHOTOGRAPHERS. New Studio Seventh and Washington Streets, Over Dresser's New Grocery, w E PAY GOOD WAGES To Goo I People For Good Work STAR LAUNDRY CO, No. 4 Gllsan EL, near Third. Ortgon 'Phone 77. OTSHNKKN A JULIKN- , Wholesale and rcatall grocers, 812-314 nurn side street, corner Sixth, Portland, Or. Tele phone, Oregon 1)1 ack 2932, Columbia 688. T HE OLD RELIABLE SEVENTH AND OLTSAN EXCHANGE. J. L. O'FARRELL, Prop. Bercnth and Glltan 8ts. PORTLAND, ORE. rOltN KKLLY General Isnrance Agent, Fire and Marine. Scottish Union & National Ins. Co., Edlnburg and London; Western F. and M. Assurance Co., Toronto, Can. 82f Third St., Columbian Bldg. K. Munson. E. Munson. THE ANIIEUSER ItUSCH-Flnelnnch every day. Best beer on earth. Fine wines, lln uors and cigars. 231 Morrison St., cor. Second, Portland, Or. THE ROYAL AL YOUNG, Prop. Deslcr In Wine. Liquors and Clfcara. DOS Irving Ht. ElectrloCars'to tho Door. One Block from Depot. Telephone Red 1885. Portland, Oregon. fTlIIE WESTERN LUMBER COMPANY Office: Seventeenth and Front Strectu Portland, Oregon. b: ROWN & M'CABE, 8TEVEDORE8 Fortland, Oregon. Correspondence solicited. , Ship's mall promptly delivered. Cable address Ilruwn. " milE ORIENTAL J. W. GRU8SI, Proprietor. S2S Washington St., Opposlto Imperial Hotel Drinks 10 cents. Beer Scents. A RMORY DRUG STORE I'uro Drugs and Chemicals, Toilet Articles Stationery, Confectionery and Domcstlo Cigars. Prescriptions a Specialty. N. W, Corner Tenth and Everett Streets, Portland, Oregon. T HE POPULAR 123 First Street, Bet. Washington and Alder Phono Oregon Red M Phone Coin ml) I a 508 JOHN ECKLUND, Proprlotor, !'. Portland, Or. n T 8. CLEANING AND PRESSING CO. Clothes Cleaned, Dyed and Repaired. Your'Clnthcs Sponged and Pressed for $1 per per month. Called for and doltvcred Phono Clay 003. ' ,411 Washington Stree Between Twcltth and North Thirteenth PORTLAND, OREGON. A INDAHL 8IGNS ',. Japanning. Tin Decorating j . , 270Jf,Alder Street .; TORTLAND, OREGON TIOME BAKERY AND 'DELICATE E8SEN D. B.LEAMINO. Prop. A Full Line of Fruits, Candles and Nuts Alwas on Hand. Nowly Opened at 207 Third Street Remember the place. Opposite Ta) lor Street Church. the TVAY A HENDERSON All Kinds of FURNITURE- Practical Embalmers and Undertakers. Orders by telegraph filled promptly. Phono Black 47. Cor. Vt lllametto and 7th Sts. KUGKNH CITY, OREGON. G RIFFIN HARDWARE CO. ' Wholesale and Retail Hardware, STOVES AND TINWARE. Willamette Street, EUGENE, OREGON -OELDINO BROS. Dealers In Diamonds. Watches, Jewelry, Silverware Spectacles, Etc. REPAIRINO A SPECIALTY. ALL WORK WAHRA.VIED. 43 Third St. Bet. Pine and Ash. Old Gold and Silver Bought. Portland, Or. p O. PICK Onice; 83 First, Between Stark and Oak Phones 500. Pianos and furniture moved and parked for shipping: commodnus tire proof brick ware bouts. Front and Clay Street. J. L. MARTIN & CO. M. V. Telephone 1252. Farms and City Property for Salp and Ex. change. Fire Insurance In the best Companies. Large tracts of Washington and Oregon Tim ber Lands bought and told, Htrlei attention given to care of property for non- esldents. 904 8)kes Block, 231 Hennepin Ave., Minneapolis, Mluuetota. Albert Feldenhelmer. Charles Feldenbelmer, Established IStS. A. & C. FELDENHEIMER. Jewelers and Silversmiths, Importers of I'reclnns Stones aud Art Goods. Cor. Third and Washington Bts., Portland, Or. HI. i. DRISCOLL & CO. Telephone. gX Hack, Livery and Boarding Stable. Ambulance f r hire on short notice. All Higa have Rubber Tires. COR. FIFTH AND PINE STS., PORTLAND, Oregon. l Jet"3 fRTErTIN w nrr'. mn. The school tenchcrs of Illinois hnve done a great work In the protection of birds, says the Chicago Tribune. They have aided and supplanted the work of the Audubon Society, and all tho other associations which are Interested In giving "our friends In feathers" n good chance. Five years ago few peo ple paid much attention to the native song birds. Their eggs wcro' stdlcn, ntni) tablk. their nests broken up, and the birds themselves wantonly destroyed. At present there arc more thnn 85,000 peo ple In the State who are actively Inter ested In preserving and fostering the birds. The State game commissioner, aided by the Audubon Society, has had post ed on the outside of every postolllce in the Stato a largo placard calling atten tion to the law which forbids tho kill ing or conllncment of native birds, and asking the assistance of tho' public in enforcing It. Under Its provisions there arc only four species of native birds Milch It Is lawful to keep In confinement. They are the crow, the crow blackbird, the chicken hawk, aud the Kngllsh spar row. Any person who kills nny other bird, or who keeps It In captivity or de stroys Its nest or eggs Is subject to a lino of ?.' and costs or to a sentence of ten days In Jail, or to both for each of fensp. Collecting of either eggs or birds Is allowed only "for scientific purposes, nnd every person engaged In It must comply with some onerous conditions. No person under 15 years old Is allow ed to do collecting under nny circum stances. A person of proper age who wishes to collect must first secure the Indorsement of at least two scientists of note; he must flic n bond for $200 In the County Court, nnd must, In ad dition, pay a license fee. As one result of tho work of the Au (IuIkjh society many people living In aud near Chicago have buen led to take au active Interest In the enro as well as the protection of blrdB. There are In Cook County several hundred "bird tables," which are kept up all winter MRS. ANDREW OARNEQIE. Wife of the Orcnt Altruist Ia u I'lill until rnpUt. Mrs. Andrew Carnegie, wife of the great philanthropist, has been his ablest helpmeet In all his projects to do good to Iris fellow men; It was, In fact, through his benevolent work that Mr. Cnraeglc met bis wife. She was Miss Louise Whitfield, daughter of John Whitfield of the Importing firm of Mill. A.NDItKW OAlt.fEOlK. Whitfield, Powers & Co., and she and her future spouse became acquainted through a philanthropic plan In which both were Interested. Miss Whitfield was an heiress In a small way. Hhe possessed 100,000, which she was using in charitable work. Sho had ulo beauty, good humor and good health. Tho king of the steel Industry had known her sixteen years before their marriage. After that happy event Mr. Cnrneglo's Immense fortune was at the disposal of his wife for her benevolent activities, and these, though obscured by her husband's prodigality, have been, nevertheless, useful and exten sive. Mr. and Mrs. Carnegie hnve ono yretty daughter. rilio Wasn't Thrown. The man who asks "Are you read ing?" when he tees some one io deeply Immersed In a book as to be entirely oblivious to outside surroundings, was walking along a country road the other day when a horse came dashing madly Into view. It was a powerful horse, n4vfwS$wVtfrffaVlviBBWj W- & i&Ll. THE DIRM by bird lovers. A "bird table" consists of n board supiorted between two branches of a tree; on Which are ex posed small dlsucB which are regu larly kept lllled with seed, while nbovo Is fastened a large piece of beef suet. Such a table will attract a whole host of birds, who will remain welcome vis itors nil the winter through. Among the birds which will be attracted by a "bird table" are blue Jays, nuthatches, chickadees, red-headed wodpeckers, downy woodpeckers, kinglets, gold finches and Uugllsh sparrows. It Is not likely, however, that the gold finch, which Is commonly known as the wild canary, will be recognized In his winter dross, except by those wh6 know that with the coming of cold weather he changes from a gorgeous black and yellow to a gray and dirty green. Kasler still than tho "bird table" ns an expedient for attracting birds Is tho setting up, a few boxes or tin cans to serve as nesting places. An ordi nary empty tin can If set up on tho top of n pole will serve as a nest for the pretty bluebird, which will spend nil his summer with you If only the English sparrows aro kept away. Within the last year or, two It has been note.! that the English sparrow has taken to living out In tho country lnnes and hedges as well as In streets, nnd alleys, It Is there, as always, a mean, domineering little bully, depend ing on Its great numbers to kill or drive nway nny bird which nppcars In Its vicinity or whose resident district It In vades. It has met one native bird, which so far from being frightened by tho noisy little "avian rat," finds It TIM UAN NKHT FOR lll.UKIIIHDS. only good snort to kill n dozen spar rows and hang them up to dry In thu sun. This enemy of tho Kngllsh peat Is tho great American shrike or butcher bird. Tho shrike kills the sparrows, dines daintily on their brains, and then Impales tnclr bodies on spikes In a thorn tree, A single shrike will do more to clear a district of sparrows than any number of artificial devices. und'on Its bnck a slim young woman swayed back and forth In unison with Its strides. Just before the runaway reached the man It swerved violently to one side nnd tho rider fell headlong to the ground, lay Inert for a moment, nnd then got painfully to her feet, holding her limp left arm with her right hand. "Did your horse throw you?" asked tho Inane man, as ho hastened to her assistance. Tho young woman pulled herself to gether with nn effort. Then "No: ho did not," sho replied, coldly. "I got oIT. That's tho way wo always get off In Georgia." Aud the Innne .voting man admits that ho felt like a fool. In 11 ItiifcinrsNlIko Way, Men of experience nre not anxious to glvo notes, as a rule, but there Is an old negro In Mount Pleasant who, says tho Pittsburg News, once Insisted on doing Hotind did It lu nn original way. lie had bought a cow from Captain Jordan. Iturgess, tho negro, hadn't the money Just then, hut Captain Jordan knew ho would pay, nnd told him to tnko the cow. That was too Inforniul to suit Hurgess. He knew that notes and other paperH of that sort passed between white men, nnd ho Insisted on a note In this transaction. Captnlu Jordan told him to draw up one to suit himself. When he presented It. it read: "I, Davy Hurgess, do hereby promise to pay Captain Jordan thlrty-IIve dol Inrs for the spotted cow when I has tho money to spare. "DAW WTRGKHH." "Now," ho said, "I'll Jes' keep ills en tnke tie cow," He put tho nolo Into his pocket and drove tho cow away. When ho was ready to pay tho thlrty-flvo dollars, he went to Captain Jordan with It. "Hcnh's yo' money," he said, count ing it out. "An' now, sail," he remark, ed, with considerable satisfaction, "dnt transaction may be consldehcd dosed." A, Georgia Jury recently brought in tho following verdict: "We, the Jury, find tho prisoner almost guilty," A man likes to feel that he Is loved a m woman likes to be told. g&jp- v.,.. I WELL, I DON'T KNOW Mr. Tohnson, you don't know WHAT'S GOOD If you have never tried ACME WHEAT FLAKES. Pe are headquarter for Ralson Health Club Foods. Grano, Acme Rolled Oats, Health Process Whole Wheat Flour. ACME MILLS COMPANY. 20-22 N. Front St. Phone 407. PORTLAND, OR. B. B. RICH 103 THIRD ST. PORTLAND HOTEL CIGARS O. M. Hofsteater PHOTOGRAPHER 165 1-2 THIRD STREET Between Morrison and Yamhill l'OKTI.ANI), OltKOIIN. Dr. Fred. A. Reisacher DENTIST Graduate ot the Northwestern UnUrrsItT Dental College. Flrst-Cliu Work and Prices Reuonibli 711 Dekum Dld'g, Cor. Third A Washington. r.OuTLAND, Or; Oregon 'Phone Oreen 491 A. IV. ALLEN aimpmnming Pi hmrmmalmt Pttonm, Ormgan Mmln 40B . OohtmUm 414. 16 th mnd Mm f hall Sim., 23rd mnM Smvlmn Sim., PORTLAND, OREOON. 444444444St04444444444 Do You Know the News ? Ten east hare It all (or r- . n. 50c rw gw m rvruMi Month Month I luThe lTntns:TliTam, of rortland, Oreion, It I Vie largest sts nlng news ppt publlibsa lu Oregeu) It contains all lbs mwi of the stele and ot the na tion. Try it for a month. A sample onpy will be mailed to ye tree. Ad dresa TUU 'I'tiT IT7.D A HIT a a au a s .1 .1 iVJivxvuSf X Portland, Oregon. ! Oregon Phone S7. Columbia Phone 887 ALBERS & SCHNEIDER CO. ...ritni'itiKToitH... U. S. MILLS A MEROHAN1 ROLLER MILLS Cnrnir Front and Main Streets Corner Ton t') uudlloyt Streets MHiiufi!tiiritr of Rolled Oats, Oat Meal, l'lakid Wheat, lluck wheat Flour, flraliHin Flour, It) 0 Flour, WI10I0 Wlient Flour, Cum Meal, ltu Meal, Hominy, Furlna and Hlvel Cut Wheal. omem 8I-!44!J front Ht., Cor. Main, I'OIITI.ANI), OK, Unruh & Shannon NATIONAL BICYCLES Work Called for and Delivered. All Repair Work Guaranteed. 'Phone Ua for Pilcea, .Ktc. 306 BAST MORRISON ST., Juki across thu bridge, 'l'hone Union H33. Portland, Oregon. T. S. TOWNSEND CREAMERY CO. Jobbers and manufacturers of Fancy Creamery Butter Full Cream Cheese. We Prepare a Creaiu that will carry to Chicago In a Kwcot Condition. Give U a Trial Order, 44 second sTunirr, rhone Crant 1421. Portland, Oregon, mltE WKLLIXOTON , ' OYSTER HOUSE AND SALOON. i Comer Sixth and Alder Sts. OHAHLES BOUVLUND. j Columbia l'hone 63 lOIlTl.AND, Oregon l'hone North 431. Oregon. milE OEM EATINO HOUSE '. MUS. rARKEH, Proprietress Meals 25 cents Tablo Board 14.0 ICO Sixth Street, North. PORTLAND . ' OREGON T J.IIARTZ WAU, PAPER Palnls, Plcturo Frames nnd Room Mouldings Phone Hood 645. 22S First Street. Portland, Ortgon W,,v 8UFKERT No Matter How Long Standing Or how many remedies tried, the GREEK RHEUMATISM CURE Will euro you. Call, write or phone L.T. LEWIS, Agent, 1&0J Sixth Street Q1NOW FLAKE 8ALOON O. PETERSON, Prop. The Choicest Brands ol Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Private Rooms. 280 Burnslde Street, Corner Fourth, , PORTLAND, OREOON. rtlLT KDOK SALOON W. II. MOON, Trop. Choicest Liquors and Cigars. Steam and Lager Beer, 80S Alder Street. Portland, Oregon. Phono South 231, )ACIF10 LAUNDRY CO. Main omco-40uml.4.!N. Ninth Street. Gentlemen's Work a Specialty. Orders Promptly Attended to, BOTH PHONES. PORTLAND, OREOON. J. COOK Dealer In CHOICE WINK.", LIQUOIta AND CIOAIIB .' No. 018. W. Cor. First aud 1'luo Bts. WEST COAST OYSTER GO. Importers, Planters A Dealers In .Eastern and Pioifio Coast Oystirs. 14J ISth fit., Opposite Exposition Dldg. Ilrancli of Darbee A Immel Oyster Co., Union Bijuare Market, Ban FrancUco, 1 nl. Oyster Ileds.Han Francisco Hay ud()stervllle.Hhoa. water Hay. Origon I'hono South 481) Colum bia l'hone Sis. free Delivery, Blue Point Oyster House L. T. LUWIS. lJOJi Sixth Street. Cor. Morrison, I'ortland, Or. All kinds of Mould Itelroshineuts. WKMJH ItAItEIIIT. Eastern and Olympla Oysters Served in Any Style. ORAWTIMH MAttDWIOHC. Oregon l'hone Hood 311. Columbia l'hone 467, 1'rlvate Hooms. riANOfl I'hono Hood 00 OHOANH THE FISHER MUSIC CO. 4M. KINDS Of Hold on Easy laments, with Free U-ssous. Old Instruments 'taken lu Exchango lor New Ones. Columbia aud Guitar Zithers, Music and Strings. Tuning and llepalrliig. MUSIC BCOKS AND SHEET MUSIC 54 Sixth St., Cor. Pine, PORTLAND - - OREGON 7.THE BROOKE DRUG CO.. Prcicriptioni Accurately and Care fully Compounded, TelephonesColumbia 7J0, Oregon Ited 1801 Prescription - Druggists 67 North Third Stroot PORTLAND - - OREGON SPRANGER'S ARCADE 30, 33, 3-i North Sixth Street, Corner Couch. ...BILLIARDS AND POOL... Ladles' and flcnts' Reading Room U. If. SPRANORR, Prop. Oregou l'hone Main 711. Columbia I'hono VA Portland, Oregon. Ask Your Dealer For WHITE SrUOTS I TIUMJE MARK. UfpJ TV. . .A'kilsVi'