'.A'- THE NEW AGE, PORTLAND, OREGON. TOPICS OF ) THE TIMES. John D. Rockefeller la learning to piny golf. Some of these dnys there will bo ii golf trust. When n. Texan fanner hasn't nny thing else to do, he goes Into his baek yard and digs an oil well. Sing Sing lias become Oslnlng, but the men confined there arc disposed to wonder "What's In a name?" If It keeps Padcrewskl from appear ing In public for n year, the death of his son will be very generally mourned. Since they can't give the Czar a good talking to other ways, his enemies seem to think a blowing up by means of a mine may be effective. The King of Portugal has got his crnown out of pawn. It Is believed that ho redeemed It In order to estab lish his credit for a larger loan. A burglar nrrestcd at 1 o'clock and sentenced nt 1! left him little time for consideration, so the Judge In giving him three years furnished plenty. Horosls, queen of woman's clubs, owns up to being thirty-three years old. Women do sometimes unblushlngly tell their ago when under classic Incen tives. It Is charged that brooms and dust ers are terrible Instruments for stirring up and spreading microbes. We dure not even have clean houses. A bas the microbe! Mrs. Nation says that tlio vote Is the best hatchet. This Is eminently true, and If It were cast more Intelligently nnil more righteously, there would be less lawlessnes of every description. Until science shall discover a remedy for Its ravages allegation that cancer Is caused by an niiltiiul parasite hardly more developed than protoplasm will not bring comfort to a generation grown sadly familiar with this dread malady. Nor docs the alleged discov ery account for the conviction In the medical profession that cancer may he developed by contusion even when tho tissues aro perfectly healthy. For eight crops corn, wheat, oats, barley, rye, buckwheat, potatoes and linycovered by the reports to the De partment of Agriculture, the farmers of the United States received almost two hundred million dollars inorw In 11)00 than they obtained for the same products In IBM). Uuckwheat aud Imr ley wero tliu only crops In tho list which showed n decrease In value, nud tho advances, In corn aud hay especial ly, made this dellelt seem slight. We quote tho statistics as n matter of rec ord. Twenty years' Imprisonment for tho student who killed the Itusslan minis ter of public Instruction Is relatively a light sentence when compared with Itusslan penal policy of the past. The c.ar's Judicial system has uudcrgono thorough reform within twcuty-tlvo years. Siberia was found to contain wealth so vast that It ceased to bo available for u mere convict colony. Iargo areas of what was deemed desert are now blossoming with noble farms developed by children of convicts, while other areas are yielding Incalcu lable mineral wealth. Only denim ny to-ilay Mtniuln between tlio Hultnn and liU Until oxiiuInIoii from KurotH', KiikIiuiiI Iiiih boon eHtnuiKI, and, moreover, Ik lxiwerleas to oxtcuil a lielpliiK liiind. HumsIii on tho eimt Htul Atutrlit on tlio went Htnmt remly to run!i In nnil enrvo Turkey In jileces nt tlio II rut iHiMnllito oiiporttinlty. If Iwtwevn them they could nntUfy the Knitter with bomoiRTeptnhlo territorial , or other udvuntitKo ho mlKht ho willing to keei liandH on and allow the hU-U man to Ih IIiiIhIiihI. lie Iiiih Ihvii a lonu tliniv-ioo lonK, H.'rlmp In dylnj;. At taut hla end seenw In hIkIH. While cii)ltul In this part of tho world contlnueH to Iki tlmld ahout Investing In electrical rallwayx wIiono utility Iiiih been completely dcmotiHtrntcd, Oer tunny In tiudertakliiR an electric road between Merlin and llitmhuri;, the trains to run at a npeed far exceeding uy hitherto attempted, (lermau ex pert declare a rate of l-'.l nilleu an hour feasible ami safe on tho proper pliliptueiit. They um less water In their capitalisations In (lerinaiiy and thereforo dare try to ilo moiv on laud. Kurfaco crossliiRs aro dlstippenrlni; In nuiope wherever electricity In tibtsi for traction. The Itoston Ailvertlser notes a grad ual chaiiKe koIiib on an repmls tho oc cupants of Massachusetts farms, All over the State farms are passing more uud more Into tho hands of new own ers, and these owners aro largely of foreign birth. In llrlstol County, for Instance, rorlugim.se farmers aro In the majority, while In Norfolk County most of tho farmers aro Swedes and Oreeks, The Advertiser says: "These Immigrants hcem to be fairly prosper ous, ami they may Ih able to make a success of fanning whero tho old own ers apparently found It linn! even to make a bare living." The typical Yankoo farmer of tho David Haruni and Josh Whlteoinh variety Is rapidly disappearing from Now Kngland, aud even the typical Yankee himself. There are a few survivors tn Marblehetid and rortsinouth, N, II., but they are mostly cafai'lng people. It Is doubtful wueth cr there Is n 8am Slick or Sam Law son now to be found from Cape Cod to Knstport. The New Kngland type of a century ago Is now hardly more than n reminiscence. A Cleveland Judge, commenting upon the "appalling" Increase In the num ber of divorces, says two-thirds of the eases are due to early marriages. Ills theory Is that the divorce courts are kept busy because so many young peo ple marry before they are old enough to form seiwlblo views of matrimony, and so he ndvlses youths and maidens to "go slow." While the advice may be good, the Judge's theory will not stand Investigation. Ilrldes and grooms are now a good deal older, on the aver age, than they were a few generations ngo. The Increase of divorce cases has been accompanied by a decrease In early marriages. A century ago, when divorces were rare, It was customary for girls to be married at the age of 10, and those who reached 18 without find ing a husband were looked upon as al ready beyond tho (lunger line of Bpln storhood. A young man was expected to marry about the age of 21, and It wns almost n necessity for h'lm to do bo., When he undertook to cultivate a farm he had to havo the help of a woman to keep house for him. There were no Jlnc bachelor apartments whero he could live aud board In com fort until he accumulated a competence and got ready to marry. Thnt was tho tlmo of early marriages, but only In raro cases did women seek divorces. The Increase of divorce suits by women Is due ehlelly to the fact that wives will no longer submit to treatment which they endured In silence a cen tury ago. A recent list of divorces granted to women on tho ground of "cruelty" throws more light on the sub ject than tho Cleveland Judge's re marks. One wife got n decreo on tho ground that her husband would not take baths, "thereby Indicting on plain tiff great inentnl anguish." Another wished to leave her husband because he" had accused her sister of stealing, while still another complained that her feelings had been hurt by her spouse's remark that he did not care whether she left him or not. One woman said her life was made n burden because her husband would not speak to her for months at a time, another objected to the man's practice of smashing dishes and crockery to relievo his feelings, a third complained that her husband forbade her to walk In public with her relatives, and n fourth snld her hus band sharpened an nx ami said ho wns going to cut her head off and did knock out two of her teeth. A case of n dif ferent kind Is that In which the plain tiff alleged that "tho defendant, for the sole purpose of harassing her, said he meant to suicide, aud did then and there drink a Imttte of paregoric, which said action of defendant sorely grieved plaintiff In body and mind." Fifty or n hundred years ngo .women did not sue for divorce on grounds of this kind and If they had dono so their suits would have been thrown out of court. They endured whnt could not be cured and took as a matter of course things which now send wives hurrying to the divorce courts. Women's standards have liccomo more exacting and their legal liberties greater. This will largo ly account for tho Increase In tho num ber of divorces. Cost oT ImunuhliiK n llMttloalilp. An otilclal of Cramp's Hhlpyard says that It costs from $1,000 to $8,000 to launch a battleship. "Tho building of tho ways fur tho ship to slldo down over Ih tho main Item, and then comes the KrcnHlng," ho said. "Every IncU of timber over which tho vessel Hlldi-s must be covered with n lubricant. Dif ferent linns uho different substances, but soap nud tallow fbrm tho main In gredients of them nil, At tho Cramps' wo use n layer of lecf tallow and n layer of soft soap, and taken altogether between ouo nnd one nud a half tons of the Htuff Is required to put a move on the average battleship. Tho tallow Is spread on tlrst, to the depth of about three lingers, and tho workmen use big Hat trowels to make tho surface as smooth as possible Then they pour over the soft soap, which Is Just thick enough to run, or about the consistency of tar. Ah a general thing, tho double coating answers the purpose admir ably, and the ship glides Into the water as If It was stilling on air. If It sticks, as has happened In a few cases, It Ih likely to spring some of the vessel's plates, and accidents of that kind aro so costly that nothing Is spared to avert them." Tlio limtlng Hurftiuo of Kettles. So compVutely has the Idea of the ad vantage to be gained by a greater heat, tug surface taken possession of tho minds of a fow Inventors, that they aro determined to ruu the corrugated Idea Into everything, One Invention Is a kettle with it corrugated bottom which will, It Is claimed, heat water much more ipilckly because It has mora surface. In view of tho fact that at least half of the time the kettles may stand upon the top of the stove, this Idea does not seem feasible, as In this ciit.0 there would be arches all through under the bottom, and the kettle would scarcely heat at all. XI mo to llo Contented. She 1 know wo have Iverythlng wo raly nade, but there's manuy a wan Unit's better off. He Ye hud bo satisfied. Ivorybotly tltot has their health mi' strlu'th an' Unit's nble to kick about whnt doesn't suit thlm stuid lw satlstled.Puck, Must Lettm llouaelioUt Art. Norwegian legislators propose that girls who do not know how to knit, sew, wash and cook shall be refused permis sion to marry. Daughters of wealthy men are not to be excepted. LEADING BUSINESS FIRMS OF EASTERN OREGON. (ALSTON 4 CO. Dealer! In V" Furniture, Carpets, Wall Paper and Shades. Ulidettakllig CJoods, LA GRANDE, OR. J. W. WISDOM & MM. Druggists and Apothecaries. Prcicrlpttom carefully compounded. Artlclci. Totlel Main Stitet, BAKER CITY, OR. m C. TAYLOR THE "HARDWARE MAN." Hardware, Stoves, Tin and Copperware. Lime, Plaster, Cement, Coal, Irou and Steel and Hydraulic Pipe. m Main Ftreet. PENDLETON. Oil. ;iTAIl HltKWERY CO. llrewcrs and Ilottlera of the Famous HOP GOLD BEER VANCOUVER, WASH. w. B. 1IOWMAN PHOTOGRAPHIC AND LANDSCAPE ARTIST Views ot All Description Specialty. Kodak Developing and Finishing Main Bt., Near Bridge, PENDLETON, OREOON. KOEPPEN'S PHARMACY... Everything that b kept in a modern and up-to-date drug store. Prescriptions and Family Recipes put up by competent nun, from pure drugs. JJM A, C, KOEPPEN &.BR0,, Manufacturing Chomists. 1 15 Court Street., Pendleton, Oregon. THE MINT SALOON O. L. MOXQUIMT, frtfh I1KST 1IRAND3 OF WINES AND UQUOHH IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC CIGARS.... Corner Depot Street and Jefferson Avenue, LA miUMOE, OR. The Leading FURNITURE DEALER And ' . j OP EASTERN OREOON IS ..M. A. RADER, Funeral Director nud Kmbalmer Lady Assistant l'KMII,KTON OHROON BAKER CITY IRON WORKS. IIIGGINS & HARDENBROOK, Props. Iron Founders and Machinists General Repair Work Specialty. Our Architectural Iron Work .ind Bridge Ctstlngi WltlTK FOK KSTIMATKS. Hotel Pendleton. 3ENDLET0N or; HENRY RUST Pacific Brewerv BAKER CITY, ORGEON. A. NEUBERGER DEALER IH Fine Whiskies and Cigars Headquarter for Mining and Commercial Mn. BAKER CITY OREGON 01 T HE CELEliRATKD COLUMIIIA I1REWERY AUGUST UUCHLER, Irop. This woli-knnwn brewery U now turning out tlio boat lleeriiml l'orlertast of tlio Cascades. Tlio Intent iimillanccA for tlio mnuufiictiiro of Rood healthful liver hare been Introduced, and only tho llrst-cliisJ" article will be placed on the market. East Second Street THE DALLE?, OH. MAYS & CROWE Wholesale A llotAtt Dealers In HARDWARE, STOYES AND TINWARE Farm Machinery, Implements, Wagons and Carriages. Iron, Steel, Coal and Blacksmiths' Supplies. Hardwood and Wagon Makers' Materials, Bicycles. Guns, Ammunition, and Sporting Goods, Etci. Z..F. MOODY THE BALLES, OR. General Forwarding AND Commission Merchant. Odlres and Warehouses at RAILROAD AND STEAMER DEPOTS .Wool handling our specialty. Grain bought and sold. When in The Dalles ..CALL AT- the BANK OAFL Next Door to tho First National Hank. Tho Only Flrst-Clais Placo In tho City. Choice Liquors, Wines and Cigars O. J. STUBUNO, Prop. The Regulator Line The Dalles, Portland S Astoria ... NAVIGATION COMPANY ... Through Freight " Passenger Line, Dilly Line of Steamm Between Portland, Vancouver, Cascade Locks, Hood River and All Points on the Washington Side. The 8teamera Dalles City nnd Regulator leave Portland every mnrnlni; (except Sunday) at 7 and The Dalles at 8 A. M.. arriving at destina tion In ample time for outgoing trains. rrmlghi Kmtmm'eimtly Ratluemtl. W. C. ALLAWAY, rten. Agent, Pootot Court Street, The Dalles. Or. Walla Wtlla, Wash., Advertising. McBride Bros. LIVERY STABLE, Rubber Tired Hacks a Specialty. Baggage Wagons, VALLA VALLA, WASH. Telephone 66. 124 E. Main St. HOTEL DACRES S. SIMON, Proprietor. Formerly SitTlOn HoUSC Rates: $2.50 to $3,00. WALLA WALLA, WASH. GILBERT HUNT GO. Machine Shop mil Foundry Willi Willi, WishiitH. Manufacturers of PRIDE OF WASHING TON Threshers, Self Feeders, Drap ers and Machine Extiro of Every Description. REPAIR WORK A SPECIALTY. Catalogue Free. II It All. ANJ WATKR r OREGON Sholt Line and Union Pacific Dm at TIME SCHEDULES Portland, Or. Aimiv Chleapo Portland Special 9:uOa. tn. via Hunt ington. t ' ' ' '. ..Atlatitlo Express 9. oo p. m. Tin Hunt ington Salt Lake. Denver, Ft. Wortli.Omaha, Kansas City, St. Loiils.Clilcagoand East. 4S30p. Salt Lake. Denver, Ft. Wortli.Omaha, Kana City, St. LuulsX'iUcuitoaiid East. 8:40 a.m. Pt. PkUl. Faft'Matf 6:00 n. m. . ,.vfa . Bpnkan WalU.Walla I wit ton.BpliWalie.Mlll. neapnlls.St. Paul, Dilllitlu ..MIltiMl kee,t:hlcagn&Ea4t 7.00 a. m. " OCEAN AND RIVER-SCHEDULE VltOU 1'OUTL.ANU. swp'.m. . All 'tailing dates subject to change For Fan Kranelico-f-alletery 6 days. 4:00 p.m. Dally Kx.HiuMay httsiu. in. hatiirday lo:w) p. in. Columbia Rlttr Mismsrs. 4;tKp.m. Ex. Uiiuday 'Jo Astoria and Way i.nmiiugs. Sipna.tn hx.Huiiilay ttlllsmslte Rim. Oregon City, New. licrg, Hitleiii, ludc iicinlviu'c A Way l.niidliigs. 4:Wp. m. Ex.Uunday 7:lH)a.in. Tun.. 'I Imr and tint. Willamette and Yam hill hltsrs. S:!M p.m. Mini., Wed. and Frl. Oregon City, Day- Ion, . way Land ings. 6:00ii. rn. Tucs., Thiir and Hat. Wlllsmelle fllter. 4-so p.m. Moil., Wed. and Frl. Portland to Corral. lis A Way Laud. Ingt. Lv. Rlparla 8:3.5 a.m. Dally Snake Rlvsr. Lv.Lewlston Dally 9 a. in. Rlparla to Lewlstou A. L. CRAIG, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or. V. A. BCHILLINO. City Ticket A cent. 2it Washington Street. ...THE. Pioneer Dining-Car Line sm &c& ...TIIK.. Yellowstone National Park Route TIMK OAIlll-HOnTr.ANI). ( For Tacdina. Seattle, Olympla.Uray's Harbor suit drum iifim points, Mxikalm. l.awlsiiin.Mos No. 12 Leaves 1;P. M. row, rnllman, drange. No.U Arrives 7:00 A. M. vine, Hiaioina. neioiia, llutte. fct. Paul. M I ii tic aiolls, Chlcaco, Wash. Iiikuiii H. !., I'lillauel nula. Kevr York. Iloiton ami all points east and soutiieasi. For Tacoma. Seattle. No. 4 Spokane, llutte, Ana conda, Hillings. Omaha, Kansas (.'It v. 8t. Louis. No. 8 7;S0 P.M. 11:00 P.M. IDenter and all points soutn aim soutneasu Throngh service. Dining cars. Pullman Ant-class and upholstered Tourist Sleepers. Unexeel ed accommodations. Ilaggage checked to destination of tickets. For full Information, tickets, maps ot routes and other Information, call on or write A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General I'sa.eiiger agent. 235 Morrison St., cor. Third. Portland, Or. PORTLAND RAILWAY CO. Can leave Portland. Corner First and Wash. ington streets, lor Vancouver as lotions: Vancouver 45 Minutes. A. M.-'fiiis, 7:03, 7:.:S3, :18, io:, I0:, lliSJ P. M.-V.MS. 1:03. 1:48. !:33. S-.18, 4:03, 4:48,5:33, 6:18. 110:4.1. 111:.M. (Uave First and Jef. fernon streets. 4 minutes earlier.) Ferry leaves Vancouver to connect with cars as follows: A. M.-a:45, vtsn, 8:1 :oo, 9:45, io:so, U:l5 1s:iom. P, M.-UMS. '.x. 2:15, 3:00, 3:t5, 4:30, 5:15, i:oo, Cars leave corner First and Washington streets for Woodlann as follows: A. M.iU.H S3. 6:iS.7:0;t,7:18. 7:33,7:48.8:03, 8:1, 8:33, 8:48.9:03. :l. 9:S3, 9:48 10:03, P. M,-l2:os. 12:18. 12:83. 12:48, 1:03, l:is, i:ij. iv, id, lui.v., iu;t.-, iiivu. lliio, li;&, lt:w. :, s:oa, a:t,2:.'vt,2:4.s, s:at. s:in,3:st. 8:48, 4 :W, 4:18, 4:43, 4i4S. 5:03, 5:18,5:33. &.4H. 6:0.1, ;N, 6:33, 6:48,7:03, 7:18.7:33. 7:48. 8.-03. 8118. 8:s:t.8:4, 9:3. 9:23,9:43, 1U.W, IU, 1V..4. IliVJ, iiiyii;s4. lToodlawu 80 Minutes. Cars leave Woodlawn for First and Washing. ton streets as follows: A M-5:tV6UU, '6:15, 6:30, 6:45,7:00. 7:15,7i. 8:00,8:15.1:), :4 9:00. 9:15.9:30,914. 10 SO, 10:15. 10:30, 10:45, UiOO, 11:15, 11:30. 1 1 -.45. 12:00 M. ' P. M.-l2:iVl2:so.i2:,l:00, 1:15.10,1:45.2:00. 2:15, 2:30, 2U5, 3. 3:15. IO, 3:1 4:00. 4:15, 4:30. 4 :4 aw, 5:i5,5so,'5:t5, 6:00! 616:sn, 6:45, 7:00, 7:1. 7:30,7:45, Siou 815. a:a.8:.io. 9:10, 9:so, 9 jo, 10:10, loiu, 10:50, tutjo. 11:30. Dally, except Pundavs. finally, exrept Wenesdays and Saturdayt. ldu.daT audfturJa)s orlr. V llAIIi ANOWATKU. ,:0M RIVER RAILROAD CO. w witii THROUGH PARLOR CARS DETWLEN Portland, Istorias Seaside Leaves Union Depot Portland For Mavger', Rain tcr.Clatskati lc Wcstpnrt, Cllftop, Astoria, Warren-ton.-Elavel, (.car hart Park and Sea side. Astoria A Seashore Express Dalljr. Astoria Exprat Dally. Arrives , Union Depot Portland 8:00 a. tn. 11:15 a. raj" 9140 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Ticket ofllce. 255 Morrison street, anil Union tepot, Portland. I J.iC..MAYV . den. Pass. Agent, Astoria, Or. 1 S&S? MvWgffi Firm SHAVER TRANSPORTATION CO. STEAMER GEO. W. SHAVER, Wilt leavo Portland, foot of Washington St., Sunday, Tuesday and Ihliriday evening at 5 o'clock, inrtauvic island, Ht. Helens, Usnlcs, I'rvr lainmi. .Mariuis, hainma, reur uuj Hauler, Ml. Coffin, Maygcr, Htvlla, Oak Poln Freeinaus, Mansanlllo,C'latakaulo and all wa uy. t. way HllUllli. M NORTHWESTERN LI Klght Train. Dallr between (It. 1'aul and Chicago, comprising Tlio Latest I'utlinitn HUepnra. l'rrrlrsa Dining; Cars, Llbritrjr nnil Obsrvslon Cra, res llecllnliia; Ohalr Crs. T11K TWENTIETH CENTU11Y TKA1N "THE NORTHWESTERN LIMITED" Kuns Erety Uajr ot tlio Year. The Finest Train in the World Electric Lighted Steam Heated TO CHICAOO BY DAYLIGHT. The nadter State Express, the finest Day Train llunnliiK HclMeetitit Paul and Uhlaxovls the Bliort Line. Councctlotis - fiom the West made Tla. The Northern Pacific, Great Northern and Canadian Pacific Railways This Is. also the best line between Omaha, 8t Paul and Minneapolis. All Agents sell Tickets via "Tb Northwest srn Line." W. H. AIR AD, deneral Agent: ' A. L. SISLGR, T. A. 148 Alder Street, 1'ortUml, Or.. Gb Villi .alTMrill BEST UIIVB TO St. Faol, Minneapolis, Dnlotb, Chicago, AMD ALL POINTS EAST. Through Palace and Tourist Sleeiiers, Dlnlm Cars (meals a la carte), liuff et, Smoking, Library For tickets and full information recardlnr Eastern trip, call at city ticket ofllee. Yii Third street. A. 11. 0. DKSNISTON. tilty Pass, and Ticket Agent. WHITE COLLAR LINE COLUMBIA RIVER & TIMET SOUND NAVI GATION CO. PORTLAND AND ASTORIA. Steamer Hercules takes the place of Bailey Oatiert. Leaves every morning iuthe week at 7 o'clock, except Sunday, Returning, leave Astoria eyery night in the week at 7 o'clock, except Sunday, Office, Alder street dock. Telephone Main (51. Columbia 'phone 351. E. W. CRICHTON. Agent. BARR HOTEL European anti American Plan. Furnished ii First-Qass. Style. New keBe,BwlytMlske4, two block! Utr. Onion depot all h Modem iBproveaemta, TS. ' to "r, centrally If KatM, $1 and $1.25 a Day. Mlac,BaUafc Cor. Slxtk anti OlUaa, PorUaaA. stSmKewSewswKswMwIKtKew