iHE mSSW AGE, PORTLAND, OREGON. Tlio painters nnd decorntors of Buf falo recently hnvo corao Into tho Broth erhood of Painters and Decorators of America. Lathers of New York won their fight for Increased wages. An attempt will be niado to thoroughly organlzo tho craft In Eastern cities. Tho Ilurcmi of Labor Statistics of MnHsnchiiHcttM has llscocrcd eight towns In which there Is neither a clcr gyman, a doctor nor a lawyer. Twcnty-ono thousnnd nix hundred women are now cng'jgcd In the pottery factories of Kiiglnnd as laborers, and last year 1,578 wero tho victims of lead poisoning. Colorado's State Federation of Labor Is negotiating with the Htato authori ties for a leaso upon a largo area of coal and mineral lands. Mines will bo opened and worked on tho co-operative plan. It may not bo generally known that Doumark Is tho best organized country In tho world. Itccent statistics show that 70.7 per cent of worklngmen and 21.7 per cent of the women aro trade unionists. Blxty-ono local unions were recently represented In Cleveland, Ohio, at a convention of the National Wood and Wlro Lathers' Union. Tho union was formed ono year ago at Detroit, when only four cities wero represented. Tho Clarmont Workers' Label Is now used by eighty firms, employing about 15,000 members, a gain of twenty-six firms In tho last year. Tho number of labels used In 1000 Is 70,744,000, an Iri crease of 3,244 over tho previous year. Tho annual report of Typographical Union, No. 0, of Now York City, tho largest trades union organization In tho world, gives Its gross receipts ns f 183, 801. KB, and places tho total expendi tures at $18(l,8M22. Tho organization has now nearly (1.000 members. Six hundred nnd eighty-eight strikes wero olllclnlly noticed during tho fiscal year. These Involved 213,100 membors of unions. Of this number 455 striken wero won, 74 compromised, 10(1 lost, and C3 aro pending. Tho number of persoim benefited wero 217,403. and 11,. 257 did not receive nny benefit. Tho contrnl bodies of Philadelphia trado unionists are Just now beginning to agitato tho question of a goncral t'onforeuco board composed of main hers from each of theso bodies, with tho object of bringing them Into closor and moro haimoulous relations with ono another. Tho council of tho Allied Ilulldlng Trades, the Union Labor League, tho United Herman Trades, tho Allied Printing Trades Council, tho Union Label Alliance, and tho Garment Workers' District Council aro all Inter ested In tho matter, and seem to bo Impressed with tho need of such a con ference board. C. DAVIDSON. New and Hvvimd Hand Clnlhiuir, llnnU and Hhoe. 1 rtilikH, Valises, Jewelry and Tool ImiiikIiI, old and oxclniiiKcd, llluhest rlct t aid for all kind ol wlimllo iroodr, at M7 J. I 'third HI. mid 41 Third Ht., Portland, Ort koii. I'liiinea Clay MM, drum 177. Tailoring. Dji'Iiik, Clon'.iltiB ml KvpalrhiKdouoou aliurt notice. THE ASTORIA CAFE. JOII.NMIN.V. I'AltMIN, l'ron. Wlnrs, Liquors and Cigars. Kopp's Pale Vttr Always on Draught. Ill Mxili Uriel, .. , ., Ih't.MurrlMiii and Aider. Porlliuul, Ore, K. II. (lOOMNll. T. .V.OAItllAlli:. I'ri'Kldcnt Vlio Pnnldont. ll.l.IS rihlllllt, Hmitiir) Oregon Mineral Water Go. lmoiiruti-d. CiiM'tidnnud WnKcr irlii Mlnornl Wnlir MiiuiifiirmrvrKol Huda Witter I'vliHi'lH, tiniuiii lit, IIIiioIiik, Me Jii first hired, Piirllaiid, OroKim America's Best Free Show . The . Fredericksburg Seventh and Aldor. New Novelties Every Week RYOMAN BROS. Tel. Hood K.M. Thistle and Fulton Bicycles (leneral HK'Klo Itupatrini; and Kuamellii),', lllo)cli) Hllles. 274 Oak St., cor. Fourth, Portland, Or. LABBE & REBE Manufacturer of Ice Cream and Confectionery OlWt HI'Kl'IAl.TYi WEDDINGS, SOCIALS, PICNICS AND HOME USE. IIIO WuHhltiutoii St.. Ixit. Fifth and Sixth IVIuiuMa M'Ikiiio 111. Oregon Thuno.Sotlli It. Froo delivery to any part of tho city, gjjjgjjhitotjk TACOB HAIIrT ' Successor to D. Kunkel A Co. N. K. Comer Sixth hl Washington St The very Lent Wines, Liquor and Cigars. c AFE KIUIZ August Kratz, Proprietor. l28lxth Street, Corner Wellington. Portland, Oregon, A I.BINA FEtUtY EXCHANGE John Ererion, Proprietor, Dealer In Choice Wines, Liquors and Cigars. 18 Alblna avenue, corner lttvcr street. Alblna, Oregon. rpHK POCTOH If. Harman, Proprietor, Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Iemrx Deer on Draught. Phono, Columbia 33. 1M N. Sixth Street. Portland, Oregon. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. Three hundred and twenty-seven acres of choice land In a good farm Ing section in tho Willamette valley? 165 acres undor tho plow, balanco In pasture and brush, all undor now eight-rail fenco, staked and wired; nicely watorod by springs and brooks; a good seven-roam houso, painted whtto; largo barn, 30 x 60 feet; four acres In orchard. This farm is gently rolling and flno quality, li miles from postofflco. This Is a flno stock ranch, and lies In shapo so that threo fam ilies can make a nlco homo each out of tho ono farm; price, G750, 12500 cash, balanco In yearly paymonts. VALLEY REAL ESTATE EXC, 9A First St., Portland, Or. J05EPH H. HAWLEY Real Estate and Loans, Has a few choico proportion yet unsold at tho hard pan prices. A FINE CHANCE TO O.ET A HOME On installments and at a very low prico in ....UNIVERSITY PARK.... University Park Is going to bo oneof Portland's finest suburbs. Chamber Commerce, Portland. Wiiiiam Bagiey REAL ESTATE.... NOTARY PUBUO Oregon Phono, Rummmll 602. mom. da wmom ao fimk arm. Unlvmrslty Park, Ormgon. ...HOMESEEKERS... Call on The Valley Real Estate Exchange roil UUHINKXO, UKHIDKNCH AND FAIIM I'.tO.'KltTY. 0jf First Street. PORTLAND, Ore. Of California WILL GIVE YOU 4 CHANCE At Ten Wells Now Boring, of Whl:h You Can Have Your Choice. Writs or Call For Plan. Room 2, Chamber of Commorco PORTLAND OREGON. Pulton Market. ...CHOICn MEATS... 172 Third, cor. Yamhill. Portland, Ore. Phone, Oregon Main 0. B. P. JONtlS, Proprietor. LOW MARGIN CASH GROCERY. 508 Washington Street. Fancy and Staple Groceries. Fresh Coffer and IV as a Kpeclalty, Goods alNa)best. Prices alwaya lowest, KHKK DKLIVKKY.' Telephone Hood 66H. QUAY A CO G. J. Hibhard Boot J Shoe Co. Manufacturer of BOOTS anh SHOES Phono Oak 401. 131),' Front Street. POUTlaND, OKK. 1 , BROWN & BERG. Tuning, Regulating and Polishing Old PUnot Made is Good u New. Twenty year' experlne wllh the leading Arms of the round). Knabo; Haines Uro.; rmiover; ChleUrlng, Not with any other music Uoiuo In the ell). t95)v' Wuhlngton Street, -..PortUnd, Oregon BUSINESS LOCALS. Always ak ft tk AtMVTMfar. mjrbody moket Um eeUbrated Monogram and Paadora cigar. They bare no equal Call up Union 401 when la need ot anything in the inel line. East Mor rison Street Wood ft Coal Yard. The A. D. T. Messenger 06. ii the old est and best service of the kind in the town. Readers of the New Age, give iWeaa the preference. Money to loan, on furniture, nluna. er any good securities. Notee and aertgagea feoaghL B. W. Xing, room 41, -VYaahlngten build ing. - .4 Oregon Butohering Coananr. Fred Meteger, manager, dealers is all kinds sf fresh and salt meats and fish, 41S Everett street. 0. A. Wfttna, Marina Drag Btort, 81 N. Third (treat, PortUnd, On. Spa claltiai: Flackeaxtaia'i Isaag Balwua ad Calory Baltaar. Tha Popnlar, If S Pint itraat, bet. Waihlngton aad Aldar, Portlaad, Or., John Ecklnad, propriatoi, TaL Ora goa rad 984, Coluabia 188. FcnrflBa-fraita'af all klada fertha travallag pakllo, call at 180 North liatk atraat. loa eraaaa aoia. Baakat fralta (or Iraralan. Gaoega Ktaar pro rlate .. Don t wear DaiR7 u iju olothaa. Wa call for, ponga. prew, and deliver, ono rait of yoar olotbing each week, aew on bnttoni, and taw up ripe for 11.00 a month. Unique Tall' oriog Company, 247 Wahingta ateeet, botb phonea. - Jao. P. Sharkey, aaafacurer ef harneH, collau, laddlea and it rap work; importer of saddlery, hardware, whlpa, padi, ate. 88 Onlaa are., Fort land, Or. Portland Tramfer Baloon Chae. O. Ilglln, proprietor. Uboioe winei, llqaore and olgart. 091 Gliean, cor nor Slatb, Portland, Or. Frenoh Dyeing and Cleaning Works. II work done at Tery moderate prices. Dyeing and oleanlng of all kiadi oi ladies' and Gent's clothing. Mourning cloth dyed in 48 hours. J. Daleau, preprleter, 468 dlisaa sU. The ineat place in the otty te btala fist quality cigaraj tobaoco and amok era' articles is that of Rosenthal A Badd, at 887 and 987 Washington atreet, between Fourth and Fifth. Give these genial dealers a call when yen wish aaythlag in their line. Tele phone Mala 78. , Armory Drug Store, 81 Tenth street, northweit corner Tenth and Everett stieets, Portland, oarries a full line of drags, tollot articles, sohool supplies, cigars, etc. The National Polico Gazette, pub llahod by Richard K. Fox, Tolice News standard, and all other sporting papors. Suhacriptions tnken at A. W. Bohmaio, booksollor nnd nowetlealer, 930 First street, Tottland. Oie. Mn . ordort solicited. For Xmns gooils, Delding Ilroa., 45 N. Third stroot, linve n oholco eolertlou of holiday goods in tho Huh of allvor ware, pocket books, faney jowolry, dia monds, umbrolhis, gold nnd silver bonded cuues, wntcho. loakots, oto. Call and inopoct our btook. TO THK DEAF A rich lady, cured of her deafness nnd noinos in tho hoad by Dr. Nicholson's Artificial Ear HruntH, gave $1!S,00J to his instltutb, so thut deaf pooplo unahlo to procure tho mr drums niny havu them (roe. Address No. D HUM, Tho Nicholson In stituto, 180, EiKhth uvontio, Now York On the Inside. of a collar, shirt or cuff done np at this lanndry means that yon ate all right, and that your linen looks as in maculate and of as smooth and fine a fluuh as if it just came from the fur nlshers, Comfort and satisfaction wa give you in every piece ot linen that we launder, and our prices are trifling for it. The Domestic Laundry, J. P. Robinson, Pendleton, Oregon, NATIONAL, Steam Dyeing and Cleaning Works orrioK AND WORKSl 21 SIXTH STREET. PHONE HOOD 803 Hat Cleaned, pjul, Preied and TrltnmrOJ Lad It. nreM'saud Dress floods Djred all Col re, er Well Uleaued. Qentleuen's rtothtnf Cleaued, Dyed and Kepalred. Ostrich feathers Cleaued or Died all Color and Nicely Curled. lAAAAA !! ii ! MsMMtahMOtfMOa., .faj.ltnaj. Or. jeu fnta ml lijer " '"' ff SHERIFF'S SALE. In tho circuit court of the state of Oregon, for tho county of Multnomah. Stnto of Oregon, plaintiff, vs. Rich nrd Nixon, n administrator of the estate of Joseph Leonard, deceased, all heirs of the decedent (if any there be) nnd nil persons interested in said estnte, defendants. Ily virtue of a rtocroo and order of sale duly issued out of and under the seal of the nhovo ontttlod court in the above entitled catisso, to mo duly di rectod and dntod tho 14th day of Jan uary, 1001, in which decreee it was ndjurigod nnd decroed that the state ot Oregon stand and bo seizod of tho following described real property and vostod with tho title thereto, said real proporty being described as follows, to-wit: Tho wott half of the east half of the northeast quartor of Section thirty-two in Township two north of Range one west of Willamutto moridian, contain lug 40 acres, and being within Multno mah -county, in the state of Oregon, and in whloh decreo it was further ordered that the sheriff of Multnomah county, Oregon, be directed to make sale ot said real property to the highetit bidder for cash. Now, therefore, by virtue of said decree and order of sale, and in com pllauce with the commands thereof, I will on Monday, tbe 25th day ot March, 1001, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M., at the front door of the county court house iu tbe city of Portland, said county and state, sell at public auction, subject to confirmation by the above entitled court, to the highest bidder for U. S. gold coin, cash in land, all of tbe ahovo described real proporty, and all the right, title, and Interest which Joseph Lenorad, de cerned, had on the 4th day of March, 1807, or Richard Nixon as administra tor of said estnte since had, in and to tbo above described real property, or any part thereof, as in said deoree di rected. Dated Portland, Oregon, February 21st, 1001. WILLIAM FRAZIER, Ghoriff of Multnomah county, Oregon. $25,000 OUR GRAND $25,000 ..Ornithological Contest.. FomothlUK entirely now and Interesting Head vrhat)ou aretodo. You inavget ll.uuo. Our cuntist Is to s -e who call make the Unrest Hit of name lor kinds) of birds fruni the fol lowing l'at of letters: TDOOOCCKQULIAPR TARIDGESPNIELV EBRDIMf ADOHTL. Wo will recognise as a blid anything belong, tng to tne feathered trlba, hetlier It be a iten, Crow, Hlnger, or any other kind. You can uio any letter as many times to make a name as it appeals in the. list ot letter above: for in. danco Woodcock, 1'lover. Know lllrd, etc To any arsons who can make a list of 24 or mora different names of birds, we will rIvo absolute ly KllKK a beautiful l'rUo alue tl.UUO or Ices. LBIG PRIZES AWARDED DAILY. H'h.n mil hivi mu a nut TOUT list nil OUt the Una on the bottom of ill's advertisement and send to us wllh a Stamped Addressed en tcIoik', atamp ot your country will do, then If you aro awarded a prise ) oil can If youdeslre get the prize by becoming a subscriber to 7A Wonuin'i W. rM. We shall award a prise to every person who sen Is tin name of Ul lllrd, and our gifts will be as fo lows: Kor the best list, r.cchtd each day, adold Watch: for the second best solution each day a beautiful im ported Tea Hot; for the een next best solu tion, each day, a Kourah Baklh Diamond and ltubylllnjr: for tho next best solution, udold Piece; aid for all ether correct solutions, Prises of (lood Value. '1 heso I'rlses will be for warded dally, you will not have to wait a Jong lime In uncertainty lefore you. know there milt. There Is I o element of lottery In our plan. It makes no difference whether wo get )our solution lale or early In the day. All you need Is to mall this AdvcrlUemont to us. and on the day It rouchesus.lf your list Is the lest, you sIihII huv tlie Oolil Wntoh or If sec ond best the beautiful Tea Pet. and so on. Wa guarauteo that wo will award you a prise Ihorolsabolutcly no opportunity lordecop Hun on our part we tannot afford it. We want to get l.WW.uuo well ratlslled subscribers, and for that reason we don't want )ou to ond any limner until ) on know exactly what prize you hiuo gained by answering the puzzles. A soon alter 4 p, in. each dy a possible, the ex. ainliu r will Jmlgo the lists to the best ;;f their ability, and w 111 designate tho prizes. o will wrltolo ou at once uotlfiing you what prize ha been aw aided )nu. then If ynu are tails lied, )ou can send )onr subscription to The ll'omnn's ll'mfif, and our prize will ko by re turn of mall carrlngo paid, To a person of narrow Idias it stems lmposlble that w should be able to make such a glganttu offer, but ne have tho moiie), brains anil reputation, wo know exactly what wo are doing, and If we can legitimately gain a million nbcrlbr bv this grand Idea, we know that this mil lion of well pleaseo ufcrilr can be Induced to rec ommend TUt ll'oinaii' Ifo'Jrt to all filond;. thereby building up our circulation Hill furilnr. Wo are willing to spend tis.iM In tlistoutct In building up a blir subscription list, and when thla mono) Is spent we resern tho rlKht to pnpllsh a uotlllcatlon that th contest ha Ul discontinued. Don't lclj until It Is t o late. 'Hie contest will contlnu until Jul) 1st, 1901. n , , . , . We give A Hniius Prize of liifl. Independ ent of allothei. to the person who sends ti the list gotten up In the best and handsome manner. Our t'ommlttie will decide and award prize daily, but the sinclsl t-'Mprlzs will lie awarded In be tember, 1901. Any bird's name found In tho dictionaries accepted. WHO WEAKC. Th "H'oiana's H'erW" thoroughly rtllabli ci'fir, tat liioxn to ifo rrurffy ns ve ailirr Wsv At Oipwr rtUobtWy vt rtfrto any Adier tiding Agtnt or butlntu wuh a London or .Vru )'o t, tVaMv,tsMtSSSSMIHSStMMt HlmMMIHWmMIM St Tt t . , i TW - --......Cbuttiry.., N. ll.-He careful and prepay your letter 6c, as we do not receive underpaid letter. Address: TUB -WOMAN'S WOULD," Brentford, Londou, W., Kugland. BOYD 4& AR1NOUD ...General Agent.. Hamburg'Brcmen Fire las. Co, Roys! Exchange Assurance Orient Insurance Company No. 102 First Street, Near Stark. Strong's Photographs Superior in Style and FinlshjJ STITDIOj (a Goodnough Buildizur. D. Dahh PRACTICAL SAIL MAKERS Flag and Yacht Sal la a Specialty omooK ruoxE 943 ukd 27 NORTH FIRST STREET PORTLAND, OREGON. STEPHAN'S Evening Oowna Sir act Suit Fancy Walata Tailor Made Suit a Riding Haulta, Etc. 280 Alder Street PORTLAND, OREGON .TRAINS STOP. ,.AT.. Wilkins' Eating House 30 Minutes for Meals l.unch Counter In connection. The only Eat tng House at the Depot whero you can get a First-class Meal. ROSEBURG OREGON WHEN YOU BUY Furniture, Carpets and Stoves FOR I!OU8EKEEPINa Cut This Out and (Jet a Reduction at Henry Jennings. 179-174 Mrs. atraat. Picture Frames. Pictures. Art Materials BERNSTEIN'S ART STORE M7 Washington street Bet. Fifth and Sixth Portland, omeaom. GRIP r. tlENDaicxiait PACIFIC TENT X AWNING GO Ififfiffll fSKIENI Cured in One Day by Using DR. CARVER'S COLD CURE A Price 25 Cents Laue-Davis Drug Co., 3d and Yamhill RAZORS THAT CUT AT CUT PRICES OVERLAND WAREHOUSE GENERAL STORAGE AT LOWEST RATES Low Insurance .. Rates KELEY-CLARKE CO. V PORTaUAIND Colomb'i PbcBe 700 Ore. Phoai Grut 431 Mi'i ORkSi l fiflh !t UHtff, m Um SI onTHOPtnin .J, Lm.nHMif --- mBmfs i " - " wmxaUdma Xm-i'JZjv' mtm4nlSmWWF W Li lis i aawr DRYER'S POPWAH SHOE STORE mi TkJ Mf ftalr mmti bead lor Catalogue. 9 ..ESMOND .. HOTEL. Portland, - - Oregon. ' Front and Moirison Streets. --. - assas RATKSI , 1 European Plan, 50c to $140 Per Day American Plan. $ J to $2 Per Dat OSCAR ANDERSON, Manager. J.C. PENDEOABT, Chief Clerk. ENTERPRISE SHOE CO. 83S North Third St. Boots and Shoes lade to Order Repairing Neatly Done. Work called for and delivered. All work guaranteed. H. Q. RILEY, NAMIER. Headquarters for Capen Co.'s Shoes L. W.CARNAHAN, President. C. II. OABDNEK, Vice ITesUftnt. W. W. TKKRY, Treasurer. Portland Implement Co. JOHN DEERE PLOWS, HARROWS, ETC. FARM MACHINERY AND VEHICLES. 188-194 Front Street, Portland, Ore. USE LUCKEL'S Borax Soap For Washing Flannels. Will Never Shrink Nor Harden. TRY ONE BAR AND BE CONVINCED. W. A. WISE DENTI5T ...Room 614 THE DEKUM,,. PORTLAND. OREGON. Tel. Red 2844. OREQOIN. ggSPcir '5 i PmtUnp.OrcooN .the mmTHmBHc. S3.80Sham Tmtmmkmmm mtmr Ml Arsument No article cln a reputation cr m nam for li-el i nirsa there be merit behind it and no other shoe today on the market has rained well itescrre.1 reoutatloa ottbe M3.xo sssnr Uu. HMtTLAam, , -.5' hi .4& X ;? fca ,''-V .1 -v - - L ''. 4, r m V i "V " ' t4 fflfS . "V.