The new age. (Portland, Or.) 1896-1905, April 27, 1901, Image 7

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    IPT jS9w 'WmattV-
- : uiM v.w. iKi
wn iNwmuimiaiwPiiii'iiiiwNitWTi nw i'o am wii' img -
"Mr. Bigglcson is quito a philan
thropist, isn't ho! 'J
'"Year" Ho always draws up tho
subscription papers other people are
asked to sign."
DamNnilfor More llatfleshlps.
W)ien the Secretary of the Navy rrceullr
demanded mofo battleship, Conuron onii
"slderwl Ills reoonliuenriatlous favnrahlv,
and authorized the construction of severitl
powtrfiihMirslilis. Protection Is whittour
seaports require, and .fortifications will
not adequately supply this. Defense ngainvt
all disorders ot tho ul(cslve organs, such
as dyspepsia, constipation, biliousness,
rheumatism and norvotisuess, is adequate
ly afforded hy that efllclotit reiuedv, Hos
tetter's 8tuuiifch Ulttera. Trv it, '
With Most People.
!; i,K 'Kansas City man 1ms issued n
pamphlet on tho "Mission of
Wealth.'' With all .respect to the
author, tho most troublo ' with most
people is tho onimissiou of wealth.
Yonr;guido and guard Js the famous
Orccon Hlood-Purlflen tested anil trim.
Uie it now.
t - '
Waited Thtis.,
He Thby say iho temperature in
. Florida has been about 75 all this
p'Shcj-Isn't, ,that aggriyating? To
' -think that thoy should have' 'tempera
turo like that Micro whero it's so warm
anyway .that thoy really don't need it.
PIso'a Cur cannot be too highly spoken
ui urn m cuukii cure. j. vr. u iirik
Tlllft Aa V Ullinaannll. 111....
RM, 323
...- .., .., M..I...KI.UVI., I4II(,
Has an Enviable Record.
Charles Bellamy has been a fireman
for, 16 year? on tho Chicago, Burling
ton A Qulncy railroad, and has nevot
.missed a trip. During that tlmo ht
has traveled C0C.840 miles, and burned
32,501 tons of coal.,
The Oast Prescription fur Haled
8 hills and Foror Is a bottle of Orovo'a Taateleti
hill Tonic It Is simply Iron and qnlnlne in
a tasteless form. No Cure. No Tay. Trice Mo.
River of Ink.
In Algeria a river., of ink is formed
by tho 'conjunction of two streams,"
ono of which is impregnated with
iron, 'and tho other, which drains a
peat bog, with gallia aeid. Tho mix
turo of tho iron and tho acid results
in ink.
(UIIFIKLD TKA, the medicine that
runnel tno
blood ai.d cleanse
the syskm.
brines good health
use It. It ts made
Druggists sell It.
to til who
from herbs.
' Where They Went.
Of 70$ ten dollar marked bills paid
on a Saturday night by a Massachu
setts manufactory to its hands, 400
by the following Tuesday wcro depos
ited in. tho bank by tho saloon kecp-
. : ,t
"I dart soneia ase at a Urn vr)lkut a
saoveMeat of tba liutraU, mil Iwliitf able to
biots them nicttit by iitlng- dot water Injections.
C-liroiilcnin(lolloii tor en years placed mo In
ItalilttrlbWeuiiDllluill durlnir llwl.tlnio I did er
rrthliiR I livard of but norcr round any roller: such
HnifUH until 1 began utlng UAbCAHarrs. I
BO li?o from rm lo Hire utiv(( a dajr, and If I
watrllil would lfs HUUUOror ech iiiomnutl It
Isauona rallar. Avi nut I.. Hunt.
IW9 1Iu.mII bl , Detroit, Allcb.
11.. i a. BFkM A
tmadi aWMreeawso
rUuant. PaUubl. I'onnt. Tail flood. Do
ood, Matarblckao, Wwaken.orUrlim.fOe, loo.
Wiien nmut Ciim. ttiim. aiwi, s r. ait
wl" VliUMT
Wettest IfeAtiVr
'JUJKaYlfffi P "-
R. L. Cate Predicts 150,000 PopuU
tlon and Says All Eyes Are
US PoteUd TWs Way.
Po7(land Is growing faiter'todarlhan at any
time In Its pat hlttor, aud url'l iiave a popu
lation of not lets than UO.iO) In 1M& I am
offering builuers and realdenre property tcdar
at prices that will pay JO per cent net In A
year. or adUresa
General Agent of the Hawthorne gaiate.
'faoae Oak K04, Ht Cbaaber of Cossraerca.
Springtime Resolution
Kmmtrny Cure
eta relief from llauor, opium and tobacco
bsblu. Band foe particulars to
bf taiM. M Si H, hriM, If.
Is bast tisae to enra Catarrb,
Bronchitis and Consumption,
Oar remsdr ts tnarantaed, 1 1.
'. u. ssoawiii.
W. I. WITH 1 61., luff, N. Y.
saMml 4AA&
H Beat Coosa Sjnip. f aMea QooSl Das H
M at Maws, 80U ay drusjUU. aTj
KBronterr ef the Applicant Salted
the Railroad Manager.
United States Itcvcnuo Inspector
William A. (Javett vouches for the ro.
lowing story of a well-known Southern
railroad man:
II M. Ilozlc. general manager of the
I. & Q N was universally considered
n good fellow by his friends In Texas
and elsewhere. A slight deformity
caused hi in to limp, aud tho brakrincn
on the road, with the quick ndoptticsa
which railroad men possess In giving
nicknames, promptly dubbed him "Old
One day Mr. Hoxle sat In his oQlcc
when a typical Texas "braklo" Btnlkcd
Inland stood with his hat pn lu the
middle of tho floor.
"I want a Job." said ho.
After a Utile tdlklug Mr. llaxfe stig-
posted that lils;maiiner was uhbecotn-
Ing, nml suggested that: be would give
i.i... ..'. .. i u-i , i.i .' ...
nun it iirucucui ii'ssuu in iiuw iu unit
for a position. n , .
' , "You tnk my seat." bo said, "and I'll
ksliow you how-ytbu onght to act."
j The braketnan'toolt'tlio general man
ngei's clklr nntt'Mr.TIoxlc stepped out
Into the ball. After giving a respect
ful knock, ho cnmotanndBtoodj.uncov
ered be'foro'his temporat-y superior.
"Well?" said that worthy,, -r
"I nm looklnlr'-or n'-lwsltlon'; sir."
said Hoxle. .,"1 have Jbrakedl.for four
years and' I' think t could fill a position
on tho. .International., yiiot can you
doftrtlno?" - - a
tThe tough brakeman leaned back In
hTrchair and stuck his thumbs hi tho
armholcs of his vest.. "Well. 'Old I'lat
wheel..' I'll Just glvo yon n Job," he
"It took mo off my feet," said Mr.
Hoxle in telling the story at a Gnlvea
ton banquet "But I laughed lu splto
of myself, and tbo applicant began
work on Che International n short tlmo
after that." "Detroit Frco Press.
Alliance lie t ween DlfTerent Peoples
Are Heliifttt to the Whole.
MaV Is nn animal and Darwin has
shown, that not only Is ho closely nkln
to other nulmnls, but that tho laws
which control the development of tbo
lower animals also control tho develop
ment of man. He has also huowu that
cross breeds of nnluinls 11 ro larger aud
stronger than either parent Vhou we
examine Into tbo origin of tho Kngllsu
people we find the ancient Drltons
flgbtlng aud mingling with the Itomuns,
nud subsequently with Ibu, PIcts.'Bcots,
Danes, Baxona nud Normans. For tnoro
than 1,000 years these various breeds
of men have croeaed and recroesed un
til 'they' have been molded' tntd that
homogeneous mass that wo know us
-Turning to the United 8tatcs, ,wo Und
thp fouudatlon.of a new nation laid
by thoratHrtHeatjand moat tcntertrl8lng
of these siimeHngllstimcn. They land
ed on tho then distant shore, conquered
tho wilderness, organized a new gov
eminent closely nkln to tho od nnd, In
vited the people of nil the world to Join
them. The Slavs, the Germans and
the Latins mingle together and In a fowl
years becomo neo-Anglo-Snxons, or
what may be more properly termed Anglo-Americans.
The evolution going on
In tho United States Is also going on In
Canada, In south Africa, In Australia,
In Now 'Zealand aud In other small
placea scattered around tho world.
Tnoro Is thus being formod, on n gl
gantlc scalo, a uew raco,of men. built
o'n the strongest lino on which It Is pos
sible to construct human beings. Iho
different sections of this new race bavo
a common languago nud literature, the
samo laws and customs, and tbo trend
of Industrial civilization gives them
Identical political Interests. Engineer
ing Magazine.
Revetmea of ttin Itlvlera.
A writer In a French paper nays that
every year thero aro 270.000 foreigners
who paaa from a fortnight to a whole
winter on tbo Ulvlorn. Every person
is supposed to oxpend on au averngo
a thousand francs, or $200, In tbe coun
try. In other words, tho foreign vis
itors spend In the country every winter
tbe sum of $54,000,000. TbU Is enor
mous. The English are put down aa
contributing one-third of this amount,
tbe French tbemsolvea contribute an
other third;. Germans, Belgians, Dutch,
and Itusslans do the rest. Nothing It
said about the Americans. Perhaps
they are -lumped up with the English.
From being quite a poor country when
it was annexed by France, Nice has
become-one of the behest departments.
j Tree as Pnrlfaera.
There Is nbthlng'like a tree to keep
air pure, remarks a scientist. Its
leaves decompose carbonic acid. The
volume of carbonic acid exhaled by a
human being In twenty-four hours Is
rousrbly estimated at 100 k-allona. If a
single tree of moderate size were grow
ing whore a dozen or twenty men were
sleeping, the purifying action of Its
leaves would Insuro the air being kept
fresh. .
His Name,
Tbe teacher of tbe Sabbath school
class spproached one little fellow who
was present for tbe first time, and In
quired his name, for the purpose ot
pjaclng It on tbe roll. "Well." said tbe
joungester. "they call me Jlmmle for
short, but my maiden name Is James.1
Christian Register.
Rots aad Tots.
The Datcb settlers st the Cape of
Good Ilope called the natives Hotten
tots because tbe Caff re language seem
ed to be a perpetual repetition of tbe
syllables bot and tot
A deadbeat can never understand
why bis credit Isn't good; be thinks he
Intends to pay.
Every misery a man nilssos Is a blessing.
Caused by an Impure Condition
ot thi Blood How It May
Bo Permanently Cured.
From tht Mirror, Jtanchnter, if. IT.
Although rheumatism-is ono of the,
most painful and dangerous 01 tno
many troubles which afflict mankind,
it can bo permanently cured if a prop
er course of treatment is taken. The
real cause of rheumatism is tho pros
enco of ncid in tho blood and tho
only euro is to purify, nourish and
strengthen this vital fluid. Tho best
specific yet discovered for this purpose
js Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Tal6
Pcoplo and tho number of cures they
lunu effected in cases of this stubborn
disease is wonderful Mrs. 8, D.
Lovolund, of No. 133 West Hancock
street, Manchester, N. II., w.ns cured
of a severe attack of rheumatism by
tho Hsu of this remedy. She says;
"Several years uro ono of my knees
kwus.ii!ijurid by a fall. About tho first
Ul Ulllll, 1DI7I, IIIUlllllUWSHl Bl'b IU UIIU'
nt last got so bad that I could nofei
bend my knee. It was very painful
and I was unable to movo about'. I
tried various remedieg, but not ono ot
mem roiicou mo in any way.
in viiu inner imrii ui aueubv.i
nearly three months after tho pain
und stiffness began, a friend, Mrs.
llothwell, of Everett, Mass., told me
of Dr. WilliuniH rink Pills for Pale
People. I willingly gave them a trial
and experienced relief in u few days.
I continued until I had taken throe
boxes and was nblo 0 bond tho kneo
and go up aud down stairs without
difficulty. I have sinco taken thp
pills a number of times, for other
troubles and always with good results.
"I havo recommended Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills for.Palo Pcoplo many times.
I havo not learned with what effect
they wcro taken, excepting in tho caso
of two of my relatives and a young
woman living in my family, each of
whom was greatly benefitted. I feel
that I ennnot say too much in favor
of tho pills."
Signed, MHS. S. D. LOVELAND.
Subscribed and sworn to beforo me
this 27th day of February,, 1001.
Seal Notary Public.
At all druggists or direct from Dr.
Williams Mcdicino Co., Schenectady,
N. Y. Price, CO cents per box; six
boxes, $2. CO.
Offered a Small Figure.
A fow daya since a popular attorney
callod upon another member of the
profsBslon and asked his opinion upon
a certain point of law.. Tho lawyer to
whom tho question was addressed
drow himself up and said: "I 'gen
erally got paid for what I know," The
questlonor drew a half dollar from his
pocket, handed It to tho other aftnd
coolly remnrked: "Tell mo all you
know and give mo tho change"
It Clouded .Her Serenity.
"Yes, sir, my. wlfo Is a truly good
woman. I know of but ono thing that
has disturbed her mind slnco eho
Joined tho church, last month."
"Somo question In theology?"
"Not exactly. It wbb moro eorlous
than that. Sho was riled because a
woman on tho noxt street, who owes
hor nn Invitation, fallod to nsk hor to
.1 Dutch lunch." Clovoland Plain
The First Rule.
New Boardor Can I get my meals
on tlmo
Landlady No; you will havo to pay
In advance. Ilarlom Life.
Unusually Lucky.
Wlgg Is ho lucky?
Wagg Lucky! I should say bo. Ho
says he can always light his pipe with
his last match. Cleveland Leader.
Out of Order.
"Why did't they permit Grump to
speak at tho citizens' franchiso meet
ing?" "'His liver was out of order."
Pittlnj Them.
Caller Whero is your mamma,
Ethel (who has been watching the
preparation of cherry pie) Why,
she's out in tho kitchen unbutton
ing a lot of cherries,
SUa4hig la Mis Own Ujhf.
"I'll never give you up, Miss Per
kins neverl"
"That's it, Mr. Hopkins, I'd be
afraid to marry such a determined,
obstinate man as you"
On the train.
When a traveler in the Grand
Duchy of Daden, Germany, wants to
send a telegram whilo ho is in the
train, he writes tho messago on a
postcard with tho request that it be
wired, puts on a stamp? and drops it
into the train letter box. At the
next station tho box id cleared and
the message sent out.
The Man and the Microbe.
At this point in tho fable tho Man
marveled greatly in tlut ho had not
met the Microbe long since.
"In what guise have you traveled,
pray?" asked the Man.
"Why, for tho most part in the
guys who didn't boil the drinking
water " replied the Microbe, candidly.
Of course, hygienic science was
destined to change all this.
"What do you mean when you al
lude to our friend as a hypercritical
"A hypricitical person," answered
Senator Sorghum, "is one who sub
jects things to unreasonable testa.
He is the sort of a man who will take
a speech that has made a hit and sit
calmly down and trv to parse it."
William Andrews dfark, Jr., tho fa
vorite son nud nnniosnko or thVHeW
tor from Montana, Is to wed Miss Fos
ter. She Is a daughter' 'of Ilobb ,V.
vroitl, l lUUUiaUD lUUKUVIIVr, uuuu-
iom'e Bnd w'lnSbmo and?he belle1 of
Butte. FortupoJluHetlV'Ciarkr.,
but turned her back on Foster,' both
bclhg'ploneer miners In Montana? Miss
loatpr brlnt,'? bcautyjb'ut no wealth
Jo flymen's aUar, but yoiing Clark has
abundance, and will Install his brldo
as mlstross. of a Fifth avenue mansion.
It Is asserted that Senator Clark Ijojscs
.to, conquer tbe Npw York sbcln) world
through Mb beautiful daughter-in-law
und the palace which Is to bo her borne.
Fchoot rnpll' Dlaalpntlona. c
Tanchers generally ngreu qn one
thing they say let night cuicrtaln
uientn, If they bnve lo occur In tho
school child's life, cotno on Friday", or
Saturday night, but do not let them
break In on study dnys. Ono touch er
tells 1110 she would much prefer It did
not occur at all, and sho points out as
her best student tho'rosy-fnecd, plnluly
gowned llttlo girl with her hair neatly
parted nndhanglugln a long brnld down
her back. "Not only my best pupil,"
She adds, "but my best girl; sweet-tem
pered, courteous, and kind to nil her
fellows, rich or poor. She l stmplo lu
her manners as In her clothes, nud Just
a gin, not a young lauy yet. you ohk
why?-.8lniply becuuso sho has n lovely,
wise, womanly mother, with the best
Interests of hcrvchltd and tho iniersts
oftho whole school nt heart, yet ho
Is ono of tho wealthiest women lu tho
city." Good Housekeeping.
Pome Pl(na of it (loml Toucher.
She will read professional and other
books, educational und other papers,
and magazines.
Sho will patronize public libraries
and rending rooms, and If her pupils
are sufllclcutly advanced she will In
llufnco theli reading along good lines.
Bho will attend punctually all teach
ers' meetings mid do her share toward
supporting tho coimty and State organ
izations. Sho will do a certain amount of call
ing on her children.
OccnBlonally she will be found tak
ing tbe chlldlrcn on a little trip to tho
park or iome of the younger ones to a
museum, and older pupils to certain
factories which afford entertainment
and Instruction. Thenc things will bo
a plcasuro to her. Tho New Educa
tion. "Getting It Down Pat."
Itevolvei? Oaly an f noh Lonjr.
Stephen M. Van, Allen, of Jamaica-,
Me., ancexpert shot wltb a rifle, c-r re
volver, has received as a gift tho small
est revolver ever made. It Is only an
Inch long, and Js perfect In every de
tail. It Is self-acting and the chamber
holds six cartridges. Tho bullets are
tbe size of the head of a largo pin. Tho
cartridges possess stiftlcleut power to
send tbe bullets through u half-Inch
pine board. Mr. Van Allen has tested
tbe little weapon and found It accurate.
' Vandal Depredations In Florida.
Because of the depredations of winter
tourists, ono of the most beautiful pri
vate places In Florida has Just tx-uu
closed to tho public. Ivies Imported
from historic places Jn Ijugluud and
Scotland were dug np by the roots; rare
Ssb brought at great expense from trop
leal seas were killed by; tbe throwing of
stones Into the pond and delicate stone
carvings were broken from the foun
tains and sun .dials,
CotUia Bpianlnff In Italy.
There are now lu operation lu Italy In
tbe cotton Industry over '.iO.OOU looms
and more than 8,000,000 spindles. Ital
Ian-mode cotton goods are now largely
exported, especially lo South America.
Adam had bis trials but ho uever hud
to face a fool Jury.
?Ji1lTJL' W'elW s'l
v r
The Duty -of
What sufferina; frequently roaalts
from a mother's Ignoranoo Or more
frequently from a mother's neglect to
properly Instruct her daughter I
Tradition says "woman must suf
fer," and young womea are so taught.
There Is a little truth and a great deal
of exaggeration in this. If a yotuig
woman suffers severely she needs treat
ment, and her mother should see that
she gets it.
Many mothers hesitate to take their
daughters to a physician for examina
tion : but no mother need hesitate to
write freely about her daughter or
horself to Mrs, Plnkham's Laboratory
at Lynn, Mass., and seouro from a
woman tho most efilolcnt advice with
out charge.
Mrs. August Pfaltgraf, of South
Byron, Wis., mother ef the young lady
whose portrait we here pttollsh, wrote
in January, IBM, saying her daughter
had Buffered for two years with irreg
ular menstruation had headache all
the time, aad pain in her side, feet
swelled, and was generally miserable.
She received an answor promptly with
advice, and undor date of March, 1800,
the mother writes again that Lydla E.
Plnkham's Vegetable Compound cured
her daughter of all pains and Irregu
larity. Nothing in the world equals uyiua n
Plnkham's great medicine for regu
lating woman's pooullar monthly
He'd Nit It Some Dy.
Scribbler Why do you Bend so
many stamps with your poems?
Scrawlcr Somo editor may bo hard
up somo day and swipo tho stamps,
Then ho would have to keep the
For Infanta and Children,
tlii Kind Yin Havt Always Boiglit
Bears the
Signature of
Hsdn't Ssmpltd It
She-Don't you think I
good mouth?
He It looks, all right. ,
invo a
his signature l on every box of tba gaaulns
Laxative liroroo-qiiininc Tabi.u
tbo rsmadjr that etirca n cold In om tlajr
Ai to Some Hsndwrltlnjf.
Fred Do you think a man's char
acter is shown in his handwriting?
Kate If it is, somo of thoni must
bo jterfectly dreadful.
Income Tax la Perils.
In Prussia an incomo tax is levied
on till whoso incomo exceeds $225 a
TakalAXatlre Hromo Quinine Tablets. All
Irngflsta refund tba money if It falls to cure.
a. w. ureva s signature is on eaca poi. -tx.
Bringing; It Back.
Glubberly Old man, do you over
havo any doubts about your lovo for
Castlcton Oh, yes; but when it
comes on I get down a stack of un
paid bills and look them over,
Mothers will find Mrs. Wlnilow'a Sooth
Ing Byrup the best remedy to use lor their
children during the teething period.
That Seemed to Be It
"Yes," remarked Bquildig, "I mado
myself u present of this music box on
my birthday." '
"Giving yourself aire, eh?" added
Sudden and Severe
attacks of
come to
tuanyof us,
but however
bad I be case
oeset rates
and deeply,
soot ba sod
tbe nerves
and briugs
a sure cure.
' afaHHrsr 'aatfaaaaaaW
H r "flt
w l
toft handedness is said to", bo Yery
common in, birds and .animals. -Parrots
scizo objects, with their left claw
by preference or exclusively. The
lion strikes with tho left paw, and
Livingstono stated as his opinion that
all animals nro left handed. The
parrot has been found to mako a
readier nso of tho left claw for climb
ing thun tho right.
11 .i . I
Successful Scientific E$ Sellers.
Danish eggs nro taking tho lead for
their good qualities', thanks to tlto
system of co-operation and selection
adopted by tho producers. Every egg
Bhcll supplied carries tho nnmo of its
raiser, and ns tho eggs aro all tested,
a bad egg is traced homo. Each
rniBcr must supply eggs thrico a week.
Tho central authority can reject an
egg Bovcral days old. Tho eggs aro
tested and sorted according to their
sizo by nn automatic machine. ,
Artificial Loln Chopt.
That our food will somo day .bo
built up chemically from nitrogen,
carbon and other ncccBBary elements
U a fascinating theory upon yJjitbh
most 8cicntitlu men look skeptically.
M. Ilcrthclot, however, is cited nsun
eminent believer, and ho is stated to
foresee both artificial meat and arti
ficial bread.
AatV BHti' for lazy ChlMrcn
In Guiania a child is slow ih'its
movements tho parents apply an ' nut.
to tho child instead of n whip to milko
it movo foster. This llttlo ant bites
moro oruolly than n mosquito nnd'its
bito is apt to bo troublesome after
ward. narflold Tea has Ion? been rec- .
ogiilieil as the greatest remedy
for bowel ami Itrer troubles) It
is made from simple hcrlx that
oura cbroulo coiutipillon.
Vaudeville. .. - .
"That girl has sura enough goo-goo
"Yes, and a cuckoo voice."
Taken at, His Word,
A. You cannot offend trio.
I com-
plctoly ignoro you, 1
D. Your ignorance troubles
very little,
The Proper Thine;. , y,
Mistress I hope 'I didn't disturb
you and your lover When I wont into
tho kitchen last night? "
Cook Not at. all, mum I Oi told
him you was my choppyronel
First Gavalior Tho king can do no
wrong I
Second Gavalior Ah, yea I And
what a wearisome lifo a king's must
bo, to be sure I
hows Trjiit ,..
We offer One Hundred Dollars Toward for any
ease of Catarrh that can not bo cured by Hall's
Catarrh Curu.
F. J. OIIKNKV A CO., Trope.. Toledo'; O.
We thoundersgnoil,liuvu kuoitn l'.J.Chouoy
for tUojiast IS ears, ami bollovolilm porfcctljr
honorable Inallbuiln si traninctloiu and fin
ancial) ablo to carry out any obllgnUoua mads
by tuolr firm.
Wist & Tntux,
WholeuUo DruitrclAts, Toledo, 0,
Waldiko, i:innam A M arvirt,
Wnoloialo Drug-lsts, Toledo, O.
nail's Catsrrh Cure 1st ken. lit rnally.aollng
('.Ireotly on tbo blood end m cous surfaces ot
tbesyticm, Trio Tfcpor bo'lle. Sold by aU
drugr liU. TestlmonUU free.
Uall's family Till- r tii'ist.
How She Knew.
"That horrid Maud has been gos
siping about me."
"Why, how do you know?"
"Shu kissed me twico when wo met
If mill Oon't Ton llrartha llaby Cry?
The only tafu mi-dlclne for acuit curd col In In
nurilng babies la Cavareti Canity Calbarllo,
Make mother's milk mildly purgrttlve. Drug. ,
gists,'. too.
That Was All.
"Your lovo letters," wrotoa Boston
man to his Now York fiancee, gently,
but firmly, "nro not couched in tho
cxactest English,"
"My lovo letters," replied sho, "aro
not for publication, but merely as a
guarantco of good faith,"
Laxative liromo-0.ulnlno lableta euro a cold la
ono day. Wo cure, No fay. Trlcoito peats.
A Prodigy.
Kind Lady Have you a father?
Hugged Iteggio Nope nuvvcr had
ono o' them.
Kind Lady And vour mother?
Ilngged Iteggio Nuvvor had nono.
Kind Ludy No brothers no sis
ters? ' r
Ragged Reggie Gosh, yes I I got
lots o' them,
j i . ., J.? . s
Not an Explainer,
"I'm afraid that you won't bo
ablo to explain your attitude in this
matter," said tho friend, doubtfully.
"I'm not going to try to explain,"
said Senator Sorghum. "Lifo is too
short to do anything but go ahead
and transact business. I can hire
people to do my explaining for me."
Can't Always Tell,
you serve lobsters
asked tho new arrival.
Well," replied tho waiter, "we 'aa
our instructions to discriminate as
much as possiblo among them as
cornea in to eat,"
Mexico Buying Horses.
Moxico is now purchasing cavalry
horses by tho car load in this country.
. 1
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