fPfftPillPIIPlsnP ISuSjS5S5!?55SS!S55!SS xtM-lt. " -HN4NwM''vMMMlkteWfHMA4 IfVj.J . J ft.4i?M-ttll,JriWJt $" THE NEW AGE, PORTLAND. OREGON. lMiM i i jwrnri i l"nrff- jLimamvzr:, Zvs&jmj,, Bar Fixtures and ..Billiard Tables.. Have Re-established their busi ness in PORTLAND, at 49 Third Street. A full stock of Bar Fixtures, Bil iiardvand' Pool Tables. Bowling: Alleys and Supplies always on hand. EASY PAYMENTS. J. Q. REDDICK, Manager. The Reliable Loan Office Pawnbrokers and Jewelers BARGAINS lllIilMt MINRBDEEMED, PLEDGES Money Loaned on All Articles-!" ' of Value. ' - PRIVATE ENTRANCE ON PINE ST. All Oaoile Hold on Installments. 61 Third St.. Oor. Fine, Portland Or. LAWRENCE BROS. Towel Supply Co. Towel fiirnMipcl to lUrberx, Doctor, Offices and llimlrirM llou.es, I'Ais. Wo alto do First Class Laundry Work. OrKItlKj Fourth anil (.'uuoh Hu. PORTLAND, OR. Oregon Phone 429. Columbia Fhone 410. Old Kentucky Club Whiskey Home ,.ANI) Shaw's Pure Malt Blumauer Sc Hoch Wholesalo I.lquor A Cigar Dcalora BOLE AGENTS. 110 Fourth Street EMPIRE Livery Feed and Sale Stable C. P. BARNARD, Prop. Saddle Hohcs, Single and Double Rigs At All limits. Transient Mock given tlio very lstol care. Rates nlwajs roasoiiablo nud satisfaction guar anteed. Phone Main SI, Cor. Rose and Oak Sts. ROSEBURG, OREGON. : EDWARD HOLMAN UNDERTAKER Fourth and Yamhill Sts, BOTH 'PHONES NO. 607 RENA S1INS0N, Lid, Alllltsnt. .Merchant Hotel. CORNKIl T1IIKD AND IHVIS BTHKKTfl l'OKIl.AND, OltKUON. HOTKt. IS NKWI.Y JtKNOVATKD. Thli It tli bed eiulpHd moderata rate hotel on I tie 1'acttlo CoaM ami hat all tho coiirtm. Ir una ot IiIkIi prlcfit hotfl. Complete with rlrctrlo llEhl.aml Ik1I., ami urtf.lau water in each room. Halli loom mi ech floor. Klemot lor Aivomoilathm ol kiu'.u Itatri II and 11. '.'I jicriUy. ,.Mrli''U'euU. Hpofial rates lolaiu. Illr. and lliratrlral partlr., rrt'u'bni to and from all train., ano room.. Onh' lnnr block! lioui Union Depot. Kir. I'root inilullng. F. K. HILL, Prop. Electric Hotel OREGON CITY, OR. JACOB OASSELL, Prop. Strictly nr.t.Cla.1. ItaUt ' I. 00 I'.r lr Hud Vv. Steam Hctt, Electric Lights, Com merci.il Sample Room. IssfkssW HflrissssssssssssssHjAdrBsssV MabTBjB -TUB- Multnomah Trunk Co. MANUFACTUItERB OF TRUNKS TRAVELING BAGS " SAMPLE CASES Salesroom UZ-U5 Sixth Street PORTLAND, OR. ...THE OLYMPIAN... M8 Fifth St., Near Morrison. BLUNDEN & VELTON, Props. THE FAMOUS OLYMPIA BEER ON DRAUGHT New Building, New Fixture, Cliolco floods. W. I,. McCam, Bctttlo. K. H. HAMILTON, Tacorna. - M'CABE & HAMILTON .. sxeVedOes .. (PUGE7 'SOUND Also Honolulu, Hm L Hrnad Office: Taoomm, Wamh. Cablo Addreisi McCAHE it GRACIE, BEAZLEY &, CO., Agents 14 Water Strut, Liverpool. KRiEG A LEVY (IKCOHVOIUTKP.) GROCERS COKFEB AND Tt?A 1 BTKOIAI.TV? P "' i Washington Htrae't, isomer .Tenth 394 THY OUIt GKi.KIIRATKD COFFKK. Until I'liones H.'IH. l'OKTI.ANI, Olt. ...OLYMPIC... Steam Laundry 407 South J Street MICHAEL J, BJORN k LOUIS J. BJORN I'ltOrillKTOItg TACOMA, WASH. TROY LAUNDRY CO. Are noted for cua'ity of work and Prompt service. 101-5 E. Water St. Phone 5033. Portland DAIRY ASSOCIATION viioi.i:hai.k a kktaii. .Cream and Milk. DEPOT 203 SECOND ST. JOHN P. HOFFMAN, Mgr. Milk Dolheri-il to All I'arts of the City. Orrgou l'lionn North 9011. Baggage and Omnibus Transfer ...COMPANY... Office 8, V. Cor. l'ourtti ami Stark Bti. IvU'plioilo&J). rOltTI.ANl), OltKUON. Exdunce Your Chrcks With Mntcnetr on Traliu and Ogdcr Carriagti or Coupi. BnKUito checked at rest ileneo to any destination. Urancli Ollli'r.; Hotel Portland: United .tl.tU WW bvrntli and la) lor. L. H. ADAMS, Mgr. The Popularity of RED SEAL BRAND Hams, Bacon, Lard, Etc., . Is Won on Merit, TRY RED SEAL BRAND. 56-60 E. Water St., Portland, Or. Ill . ON CRUSOE'S ISLAND. WHERE ROBINSON AND HIS MAN FRIDAY LIVED. lioaton Man's Visit to the Little Dot on the 3Iap of the l'aclfic Ocean Made Fantoua by the Caurul( rea of AlexunJer De Foe. John Burns, of Boston, has been on a Journey to Juan Fernandez, tho fa tuous Island home of Hoblnson Crusoe. He saw inuny of the places ou the Isl and that were frcauented by Alexander Selkirk, and where he fortified himself against real and Imaginary enemies. Mr. Bums took several pictures of tlio inoro notable places nud strolled about the Island, even climbing the high mountains. It Is a rockrlbbed, rather desolate possession of the Chil ian Government, 400 miles off tho Chil ian coast. 'There is a good little harbor on tho west side of the strango Island," said Mr. Burns, "and It is hero that the prosperous and contented Inhabitants nro located. The colony consists of eighty Germans and souio natives of Chill, ruled by Alfred Bodt, who Is Governor of Junn Fernandez, and re ceives $100 a month. "The bay Is pretty and alive with lob sters, mackerel, and yellowtall. The ycllowtall are from one to two feet long,, and, like tho mackerel, are fine eating. As for the lobsters, I do not believe there uro any liner ones any where. Thcro Is a small cannery- on tho island, whero some of the flsh are put up for shipment A schooner comes In every twenty days from Val paraiso and gets sotuo of tho fish nud lobsters, and nlso, when required, takes away some of tho wild game. Beyond the visits of this craft tho Island Ib ns lonely ns when De Foo wroto of It, or when It was the resort of the Spanish buccaneers. "I visited the largo cave whero Rob inson Crusoe made hlmsulf safo from savago barbarians, as lie supposed, when ho dlsrovorcd the footprints of Friday In the sands. Tho cavo runs back Into tho mountains for at least fifty feet. It docs not start from the water, but has Its mouth somewhat In land. It la largely grown over with bright green leaves and Is attractive oven to this day. Thcro nro other smaller caves near at hand. "Tho Island Is covered with wild goats, wild donkeys, and wild pigs. Tho natives, odd to relate, catch tho goats In the same way that It. Is report ed Hint Selkirk did. "Tho only fruit that I saw there were the fig nnd tho quince Tho tig trees are numerous nud grow from fifteen to thirty feet high. I think that almost any kind of fruit would nourish there. "Altogether tho Island Is a strange little principality, eighteen miles loug and six wide, with mountains reaching to a height of 3,000 feet. It Is pretty well watered, and Is greener nnd nioro attractive every way than I had ex pected to find It. Tho harbor and the little colony an tho shore are very pic turesque. Tho water Is as blue as In digo most of the time, nud this, com bined with a clear sky and soft air. and tho singing of birds, makes It a unique place, and altogether one par ticularly fitted for the hero of tho dis tant Island, who became tho themo of Do Foe's pen." PAUL JONES AND THE DUCHESS. Orent Cantti'ri Win Not to I'e Onttlono In l'rnich Cuiirte.y, The Ducliess'of Ghnrtres was an en- thiiHlitbt tu tho cause of Amcilcan lib I orty, and a warm friend of Its Kicnt ua t vnl champion, 1'iuil Jones, whom sho nlckuuiiicd the "Untitled Knight of tlio Sen." Tho Ducbcsg was a toyul I'tlu coss and u very grout lady, and Cap tnln Jones was a sailor, self-educated, and the hott of u Scotch bui doner, but In the exchaiiKO of gifts and compll incuts which, according to tho custom of tho day In France, attended their friendship ho was not to bo outshone. At a luncheon which Bhe gave Just before ho sailed from France In the Hanger, ou that famous crulso of his which cnrtietl tho war to tho very shore of Britalu, It was the good fortune of Paul Jones to sharo m a conversation touching a French unvnl engagement In which the grandfather of tlio Duch ess had boruo a conspicuous part, uud to defend a lid explain ills maneuvers ou that occasion showing a knowl edge of every ship and every captain engaged, uud winning on tho spot tlio anient personal adherence of Mine, do Ohartres. At tho close of tho feast she present ed to him a valuable watch which had been her grandfather's. Taken by stir pilse, tho American captain neverthe less accepted It with a grace that charmed tho courtly company, prom ising In return, If fortttno favored him, ho would somo day "lay au English frigate ut her feet." It was a daring boast, but in A. C. Huells' recent biography of Paul Jones It is related how ho kept It. Within two years occurred tho marvelous vic tory of the Bon Ilommo Hlchard over tho Scrapls, coucerulug which tho vic tor wroto tho Duchess a letter, ending: "Tho enemy surrendered nt 35 minutes past 10 p. in., by your watch, which 1 consult ouly to Ux tho moment ot vic tory." That wns a phrase to delight a socie ty that reveled In pretty phrases, nud tho Duchess wns amply Fatlsttcd, When Paul Jones reached Paris sho gave a grand bauo.net lu his honor. Jnst before it ended hp reminded her of her gift and his promise, A servaut was sent to his room nnd returned with a loug leather case, which tho Ducheo? took amid tho exclamations nud eager curlorlty of tho company, "Your rojol hlghnet.3 perceives tho Impossibility oMteeplng my promise la. kind," explained tho Knight of the Sea, smiling. "The English frigate proved to be a forty-four on two decks, and she Ib now at Lorlent with French colors flying. Tho toest I can do toward keep lug my word of two years ago is to place In your dainty hands the sword surrendered to me by one of the brav est of men the sword of Captain the Hon. Klchard Pearson of his Britannic majesty's lato ship, the Serapls." Youth's Companion. THE WORLD'S RICHEST MAN. Alfred Belt, Whose Kortnncl Kxceeda $1,000,000,000. Itumors from London say that an American lady Is to marry tho richest man in tho world. Tho lady Is Mrs. Adolf Landcnburg, widow of n Now York banker who was drowned nt sea a few years ago, and who Is said to bo ono of the most beautiful women In metropolitan society. Her privato for tune amounts to about $500,000. She is tull and stately, Is fond of fox hunting nntris a superb horsewoman. Slio has spent much time In London, whero she met her alllnuced, Alfred Belt, a Ger man. Mr. Belt's wealth Is said to exceed ten hundred millions. Ho Is tho brains and tho biggest part of the diamond trust, and Is the principal owner of the famous De Beers diamond mines at Klmberlcy and of tho gold mines further north. He Is a partner of Cecil Ithodes, but that astute Englishman Is only an incident in the' diamond line when compared with Bolt Ithodes uns. i.AwnnNBona. ALFRED nKIT. was a lato comer, and tho Ingenious German had nil but completed thn work of organization when Cecil put In his nppcaranco nt Klmberley. Mr. Belt Is 47 years old. Ills father was a well-to-do merchant in Hamburg twenty-live yenrs ago, and Alfred was a clerk In tho concern. About that time tho South African excitement began to grow Important, nud the Hamburg mer chant wns asked for largo credits by business men near tho diamond Holds. Alfred Belt wns then '23, shrewd, capa ble, cautious, and precocious. Ills fath er scut him out to South Africa to In vest Ign to the general state of business thcro and dctermlno whether tho trado demanded tho credits and whether tho credits were good. Young Belt saw and appreciated the situation. lie begau by buying up tho scnttcrcd and conlllctlng .claims. To accomplish this work ho was liberally backed by his father and his father's friends In Germany. Tho result was tho great Do Beers Company, which for ninny years has paid f per cent on its bonds nnd from 20 to 40 per cent ou its stock. It Is capitalized at $-10,000,000. Next came tho gold dis coveries, and here, too, Belt was tho llrst organizer lu the Held. Mr. Belt Is tlio poorest-looking rich man on earth. Ills clothes are so very plain ns to be almost shabby. Ho never discusses his trade with outsiders, but beneath his mild nud apparently dltll dent exterior Is a capacity for business misurpasscd by that of any man lu tho great commercial countries of Christen dom. Ills wealth has been estimated at $1,000,000,000, but this takes no ac count of tho few barrels of diamonds ho keeps stowed away for fear of low ering prices. IIo Would Not He lleutcn. "Talking about cxtruordlunry tilings," said one tlrst-class passenger to another on uu Atlantic liner, "1 once swallowed tho contents of eighteen eggs at a sit ting. That takes some boating." "Which I can give It," returned tho other, "On one occasion, let mo tell you, 1 got outsldo tho Inner moaning of no less than twenty-four eggs, sir; think of that!" "A hi 1 know I hnd a sort of pre sentiment that you would beat mo If I told my talo llrst. But aro you sure of thoso twenty-four eggs? I may not huvo heard you quite distinctly. It's a lot. you know." "Yes; nnd I did It, fairly and square ly. Twenty-four hens' eggs ut a single sitting." . "Oh, I see," said tho man who had spokeu first, nnd ho said it lu tho man ner of ono who has solved au Incom prehensibility, "hens' eggs! I thought you meant ostriches' eggs, tho same ns tho elghtceu I swallowed!" Modern Society. i Heady Start. A lecturer In a California town bad In his audience a lank young man who drank in every word with tlatterlug avidity, nnd whoso eyes bulged with delight at the pictures thrown ou tho screen. As the evening woro on, the lecturer got Into tho habit of looking nt this, entranced listener, nnd after a while had almost tho feeling that tho lecture was luteuded for him alone. This evidently was tho Idea which possessed tho lank young mau as well, for when tho lecturer said: "And now I will ask you to go with mo two miles Into the Juugle," he sprang to his feet. "Anywhere you say, mister," ho shouted, with kindling eyes, "If you can just hold on loug enough for mo to cut home nud get my gun!" When you get a new Job you nlways try for a time to please, and. work hard and Intelligently. Why dou't you keep It W? f -Jefferson Garden-Saloonr . DAVIp THOMAN, Prop., , 5 WIim, Liquors, Cigar. Welihari'i Br. 'PHONE, RED 1818. FAMILY RE80RT. Cor, Chapman and Jeffcrion Sts., Portland, Or H ISLOP'S Triumph Roasted Coffees The Moat Sparkling, Dellclons and Aro matic COFKKKS Kicr Placed on tlilt Market Ask Your Grocer for Them ..Four Blends.. A FULL LINE OF Electrical Supplie; Lighting: of - Buildingi, Stores and Residences t arc and incandescent. Elec-' trie" Power, for Elevators, Pumps and all Kinds of Machinery. Portland General Electric Go. SEVENTH ANO ALDER STREETS. " BohThona38& BAR AN'D BILLIARD Furniture and ' Fixtures 7 7 ' ROTHSCHILD. BROS- Wto'esale liquor Dealers. 22, 24, 26 First St., Cor. Burnside. HOTEL OSBORN CLEAN, AIRY-OUTSIDE ROOMS REASONABLE RATES . Transient Solicited .U0Til I'lIONES.. V ' ... ..-I, fc.l 1 Tmoleri should talo"8" Klrerl Carat ITnlnn Peiiot and traiufer at Yamhill bucet to Kax AnkneyCar. '-' AW.HEWETTT, Prop. GROSS, WEITZEH S LIPPMAN Manufacturer! of Separate SRirts and' Waists a The Best Made Goods on the Pacific Coast 1 Klr.t Street, Corner Stimuli, rOUTXANO, OKKOO.V. CHARLEY the mm mm 'Now on Johnson Street, Opposite "Union Depot LUNCHES POT UP FOR TRAVELERS Oregon Made Umbrellas ..C. M. MEREDITH.. UMBRELLA MANUFACTURER Repairing and Itecorertur ot Flue Umbrella a Specially, SIS Washington Slraal, Three doors afore Olds & Kins PORTLAND, OREGON, BBBIlfliiBBSnfliBBBBBBBBBBfiBV LADES MADE o Union Depot ..Restaurant 173 Sixth St., PORTLAND, OR. Regular Dinner at Noon - 25c Lunch Put Up for Travelers, E. H. M00REH0USE I CO: T ISCORl-OHATED. I Watt Papir, Frail u. Room MoiWIup, PaJiti, fill, VanisiM, tWi r IriSflis, Etc. 305 ALDER ST; Neir Fifti, "TT Bth 'fhonei., Portland, Oregon. cV.AND SOAP AND CHfi 'C w Hattprs and Furnishers Sole AginUfor KNOX HATS BUFFUM & PENDLETON r 194 Third Street. PORTLAND, ORE. (Emtmbllmhmd 1912.) F. B. DALLAM & CO. Wholualo Oealora In Wooden and Willow Ware Brooms, Bruslus; Twines, Paper, Paper Bags, Tinware, Gran- .iteware,Ete. S32, SSO, 228 Front St., SmnFrmnofBGO, Cat. -. . . ' Mf 71 Front Mr, V - . . . - l""' Ormmm. ,Wrlte for.Catalogwe. '" MAIJ. ORDERS FILLED PROMPTLY UMNCOJT'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE A Family Library Tin Best in Current Litwaturi 12 COMPLCTC NOVSLS YfARLY MANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS $2.00 rtn ykar ; 25 ct. a copy NO CONTINUED STORIES EWIRY NUMBCR COMPLCTE IN ITCLP -SO YEARS' - EXPERIENCE Tradc Marks DCBIQNB CAPVRiaMTSt Ac. ABTOste Mnnj a.katra as4 is.arlptt sear quickly aKcrtaln ear opinion frt bthr as tilTentlnn la probably patentabl. Commuulra. tlons itrlctlT rontdentlaL Haadboek oa Fal.ata snt f re. Ultet aranrr tor Moitfna-pat.nl. l'atema taken tbrooib. Mana A Co. Iaa(T Scientific Jftiericdit A handsomely Ulostralad wcaklr." Ianeetjrtr culaiton uf any wiwiuio too mil. Terms, ft) a jeart rnnr monios, tu BOiaejaJI nawaueaiua. L aMMac Xfe PORTLAND. OrtCOOH.'ey ssstssflksslHllaBSh iBlSlEuM rilSBBBH m OOLDEN WEST ?M 1 'BAKING I 1 POWDER I M It la PUREST m P it Is CHEAPEST P m It U BEST , m l$ ItToaAtiMttCUiS.dToMifon7lii M UiJ Clohst a Dktuu, Portland, Or. IrfiA .JpJM w W-tm tt "ewTeri ace, m F SU Wasaloajoa. D. C. . tfwajgisirtwiYrYfyTf?rrTT TTJj . if 1 4A.