vjrv-'njp 'W" 1 -& m ; teu- r ' t THE jx'STW' AGE, PORTLAJSTD, OBEGKXtf. f- .r i4 JL1 J TOPICS OF ) Talking of ll(rnrltH, Cnrncglc won't be In the back of the books as a public benefactor. A Pennsylvania limn estimates that Inco b'ii niarrlngc be bus eaten 4.'!,800 pics. An enviable life! An American (Inn has rocolvcd an or der from Africa for thrco hit nil red axes. And that's where Cheops origin ated, too. Many doctors assert that nobody ' ahould ever run. Perhaps the messen ger boy has got tho right principle of long life after all. Tenncssco entered the lynching col umn again recently. Its citizens were naturally Incensed becauso a jury bad cqulttcd a suspect. On the samo day that Mr, Carnegie gavo away ?5,000,000 Mr. Hockefellor "earned" $0,000,000 In dividends, but failed to give It away. That's one way money Is earned and spent nowudays. Justice Ilrowcr, of tho United States Supremo Court, said In a recent ad dress that he who calls a mob Into be ing cannot bo pronounced wholly guilt leu of that which the mob may do. Tho remark Is both seasonable and full of sound sense. Tho appointment of Gen. Chnffeo as major-general was the llrst Instance of a p'rIVatu attaining that rank In the regular army of tho United States. "I should know that Chaffeo was not edu cated nt West Point," commented a military visitor nt tho review of Ameri can troops In China last summer. "He Is so unused to full-drcHH uniform that lie has his siinIi over the wrong shoul der." It was true, and all the more honor to him for his success. A recent Importation of foreigners against which no cue will bo likely to take' exceptions, except, perhaps, tho natives they have come to destroy, bus been graciously received and welcomed by the iuaruutlnu otllcer of tho Califor nia State Hoard of Agriculture nt San Francisco. The newcomers are a con signment of tachlua llles from South Australia, deadly enemies of thu grass hopper tribe their wholesale exter minators, In fact, wherever found. They came as cold storage passengers, and with them came a large number of ladybtigs, for service In clearing tho orchards of red scale the pest of fruit growers. Tho German army has furnished an other terrible Illustration of what duel ing menus. An Infantry captain pres ent at an ollleer's dinner took offense at the Innocent but rough hurso-play of an army surgeon, and struck hlui. lie then retired to his iiuarters. In a little while two ollleers representing the surgeon appeared with a challenge, lleforo they could deliver It a brother of tho surgeon entered and shot thu captain dead, Ills excusu was that he aaerllleed himself to snvu his brother, the surgeon, who had a wife and chil dren, and could hardly hope to survive a duel with thu offended captain, a noted pistol-shot. Such an Incident must eomu home with peculiar force to the emperor, who has frankly com mended dueling In tho army as tho proper way for a soldier to protect his honor." There was a time when tho Ingollko reasoning prevailed In this country as to a war among Kuropcaii powers that, whichever killed the other, either way made our gain. Hut destruction any where In the world Is bound to be felt throughout the world, Tho loss cannot always Ihi traced, but It Is as certain as the taw of gravitation, A pertinent Il lustration has come In tho report of our consul, Mr. Fowler, at Uliee-Koo concerning the effects of the "boxer" trouble on our trade. Thu Imports of American merchandise at Chco-Foo for the quarter ending with June, MM), as compared with the same quarter of 18tH), showed an enormous Increase. After June 1ft too Imports ceased, Chee Koo saw uo armed hordes nor military movement, and, compared with other ports, was peaceful. Hut there were riots In tho province around about. The Yankee commercial traveler Is meeting dltlleultles In France, Ills luvcr.y and free manners outrage the tenderest feelings of the Frenchman, who shows only an agonised deslro to get rid of tho siuidhur that has attach l Itself to him. French business Is as courtly and effusively polite ns a diplo matic encounter. Customers In Paris enter a shop as If It were u drawing room. Thu tradesman and his clerks nro saluted with all tho ceremony of court procedure. Where this outward nnd ceremonial politeness Is so general, It Is easy to see that tho American drummer before he has "struck thu gait" would be at a masterful disad vantage. Ills manners have been slightly neglected In tbu hustle, to sell the goods, nnd his Ideas of court proce dure nnd diplomatic usage are at tho bmt what you might call haxy. As tho excessive politeness of a Frenchman In this country seems absurd to us, so the excessive luck of ceremony of tho Yankee drummer seems particularly agouUtug lit France. Tho commercial traveler, If ho Is to succeed abroad, will have to go to u commercial dancing school. An Indiana jury, In Its wisdom, has fixed tho valuo of u tduglo kltu at $1,G00. This verdict must not be taken1 as establishing nnythlng like a stand ard market prlco In this country for a commodity tho value of which may vary Intlnltely, according to circum stances nnd to the personal beauty of one of the parties to the bargain. A lover may swear a single kiss Is worth a king's ransom nnd nil tho world be side. On the other hand, and with net desire to be ungallant, It Is easy to Im agine a situation In which a kiss might be dear at any price. At certain church entertainments, where money was be ing raised for worthy purposes, a kiss has been sold at auction for as much as $100, which Is certainly it high llgurc when It Is considered that the kiss was sold to raise money .for the heathen, It Is a traditional belief that stolen kisses are the mveetcst They aro the dearest also In Indiana, for the ono for which the Indlanliiii had to tmv $1,500 was stolen. For several thousand years tho value of a kiss has Uuctuateil so constantly and so widely that any mod ern attempt to bring It down to n'flot- tied figure must prove worso than Idlo. Some nowspapers, In making a criti cal analysis of tho character of tho luto Benjamin Harrison, have reached tho conclusion that It was the quality of honesty chiefly that made him greut Ills purposes were" honest and he pur sued them with simple honesty. Ho was honest with himself nnd honest with tho world. Thus there was no Bwcrvlng from the truth for personal advantage, no compromising with false notions for political popularity, no tol eration of falseness In any particular. And other newspapers arc prone to de clare that this Is a sad commentary on humanity, when an example of plain honesty and duty well douo should prove such u shining mark. Yet It wus ever so. The sentiment, "An honest man Is the noblest work of God," was as truo at tho dawn of history as It Is now. Tho earliest moral teachings of nil peoples were efforts to Instill tho value of truth and honesty. Our llrst legend of slu Is tho dishonesty of tho serpent In tho Garden of Eden, Kve's dishonesty with Adam, and Adam's dishonesty with his God. We nro fond of talking of tho "good old times, when men were honest," but nobody knows when they were. In younger commun ities deception Is not so easy ns In older ones. Possibly In Puritan New Kuglnnd there was once a greater pro portion of honesty than now exists any wherethough that mny bo doubted but this wns an exceptional communi ty, brought Into being by a stern re ligious Impulse. When Puritanism wns nourishing most In New Kuglnnd, mor als were at a mighty low ebb In most of the world. Tho Greeks became tho most polished liars of the world long beforo tliey lwcumo Its most accom plished soldiers under Alexander. Tho ancient Persian did not know what the truth was, and his modern descendant, who sells us Oriental nigs, Is a tower of truth In comparison. Tho Itoman, who stood as the embodiment of cour age In tho ancient world, was n more lluent liar than the modern child of sunny Italy. Honesty In statesman ship, nnd even thu semblanco of hon esty In diplomacy aro very modern things. Thus, whllo It Is true that thu sterling honesty of this man has elicit ed wldu admiration, nnd while It Is true that this Is a snd commentary oil tho Imperfection of humanity, wo llud therein no cnuso for discouragement. When simple honesty elicits universal admiration from tho world, It Is some thing gained. When men renllzo Its value, It Is something gained. And If men shnll strive, however feebly, to emulate tho example much more will bo gained. Itmteoinliig Waste- Lauds. Tho magnitude of tho pluus which are being made for the reclamation of the arid lauds of tho West Is astounding even to tho American mind, so wldu 1b their scope and so costly will bo their currying out. Hut tho cost Is promised to bo little lu comparison with the re sults to bo uchloved. The plans Involve tho coutrol of rivers and tho utilization of tho wnter In tho Irrigation of terri tory of vnst extent. Storage reservoirs aro projected of n size that will make them equal to vcrltablo lnluud seas, and huge dams, constructed on the most ad vanced bcleutlllc prluclples, are to hold tho sens In place. Canals larger thau many of tho well-known rivers of Eu rope will carry tho water to the points whero It Is most needed, and a myrlud of cut-offs and side-canals and ditches will anally distribute It to a multitude of farms. Tho conversion of several thousand square miles of desert Into fertile country Is promised as the result of these elaborate plans should they bo carried out. That they are feasible In theory thcro can bo no doubt, but that they are practicable Is open to question, lias a Home for Htray Oats, An uptown woman In New York, the widow of n Supremo Court Judge, has devoted her attention to tho welfare of stray cats. She bus hud constructed a cugo thirty-two feet long mid teu feet wide, whero all homeless animals who are found In tho vicinity receive food and shelter. The neighbors cull It the "cat mission." The cage Is ttttetl with cushions aud has a bouse heated with hot-water pipes In ono end. A local milkman has tho food contract for this, asylum aud leaves u. large cau of milk dally for tho (innate. Over forty cats are being enrod for at present, nnd news of the lustltutlou Is spreadlug. llemcmbcr, Jane Smith, that when a friend repeats gossip you told her, she begins by saying In mi apologetic tone, "Jane Smith, who Is a big gossip, and whom I don't often quote, says so-and-so." The best place to get good, plain board Is at a plaulug mill. LEADING - BUSINESS fRMS OF EASTERN OREGON. i ' in ' R ALSTON CO. J Dealer! la Furniture, Carpets, Wall Paper and Shades. Undei taking Uoods.-" ' .' , ' i ' LA GRANDE, OR. r w. wisdom A Ou. ll Drugglsta and Apothecaries. Prescription carefully compounded. Toilet Article. , ''' Main Bticet, BAKER CITY, OR. T. C. TAYLOR , ,u THE "HARDWARE MAN." ii Hardware. Stoves. Tin and Coppcrware. Llin,.', Planter, GYmelit, Coat, Iron and Steel aud Hydraulic: Pipe, m Main Street. PENDLETON, OR. s TAK UllKWERY CO. "it . Brewer and Bottler of the Famous HOP OOLDBEER ' VANCOUVER, WASH. txr B. BOWMAN i PHOTOGRAPHIC AND LANDSCAPE ARTIST View of All Description Specialty, Kodak Developing and Flnlihlng Main St., Near Bridge, PENDLETON, OREGON. KOEPPEN'S PHARMACY... Everything that is kept in a modem and up-to-date drug store. Prescriptions and Family Recipes put up by competent men, from pure drugs.JiJM - A. C, KOEPPEN & BR0 Manufacturing Chomists. 1 15 Court Street., Pendleton, Oregon. THE MINT SALOON 0. L. MOJLQUI9T, Prop. BERT BRANDS OF WINES AND LiqUOKH IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC CIGARS.... C.nmr Tetint Rtreet and Jefferson Avenue, LAltAMOC, OR The Leading FURNITURE DEALER AND OF EASTERN OREOON IS ..M. A. RADER.. Funeral Director aud Embalmer Lady Astltlaul, 1'KMH.KTON OHKQON BAKER CITY IRON WORKS. U1GGINS & HARDENBROOK, Props, Iron Founders and Machinists General Repair Work Our Specialty. Architectural Iron Work ,iDd Bridge Castings WHITE roil ESTIMATES. Hotel Pendlefon. PENDLETON OR. HENRY RUST Pacific Brewery BAKER CITY, ORGEON. A. NEUBERGER DEALER IM pine Whiskies and Cigars Headquarters for Mhrnf and Commercial Mea,,. BAKER CITY . - OREGON 01 mUE CELEtmATKD.COI.UMIlIA BREWERY AUOUBT BUCHLER, frop. Thl well-known brewery la now turning out the best Beer and Fortertaal ot the Caacudcs. The Idlest npplianccs for the maiiltfncturo of good healthful Beer hate been Introduced, and only the flrat-cliis article will be placed on the market.- East Second Street THE DALLES, OR. WAYS & CROWE -s Wholesale; A Retail Dealers In HARDWARE. STOYES AND TINWARE Farm Machinery,. Implements, Wagons and Carriages. Iron, Steel, Coal and Blacksmitju' 4 , Supplies.. (jl Hardwood and Wagon Makers' Materials, Bicycles, Guns, Ammunition, and Sporting Goods, Etc Z. F. MOODY THE DALLES, OR General Forwarding AND Commission Merchant. Office and Warchomc at , , RAILROAD AND STEAMER DEPOTS Wool handling our apeclaltr. Grain bought and sold, When in The Dalles CALL AT--.. the BANK CAFL " Next Door to the Firat National Bank. The Only Flrit-Clai Place In the City. Choioi Liquors, Wims and Cigars O. J, STUmUNQ, Proa. ; the Regulator Line The Dalles, Portland & Astoria ... NAVIGATION COMPANY... Through Freight mnti Pmssmngor Lin, Daily Line of Steamers Between Portland, Vancouver, Cascade Locks, Hood River and All Points on the Washington Side. The Steamer Dallea City nnd Regulator leave Portland eery morning (except Sunday) at 7 ami Tho Dallea at a A. M.. arriving at destina tion In amplo tlnio for outgoing train. Frmlght ttmfm mrmmtty Kmtliiomtt. W. C. ALLAWAY, den.' Agent, Foot of Court Street. The Dalle. Or. Willi Willi, Wish., Mrirtlslk?. McBride Bros. LIVERY STABLE. Rubber Tired Hacks a Specialty. Baggage Wagon. ALLA VALLA, WASH. Telephone 66. 124 E. Main St. HOTEL DACRES S. SIMON, Proprietor. Formerly Simon House. Ratal )2.S0to.00. v ; TALLA VALLA, TASK. GILBERT HUNT GO. Iiehiie Ship ul fiiisfj Willi Willi, Wiskrfttw. Kantshcttsrers of PRIDE OF TASKING TON Threshers, Self Feeders, Drap ers aad Machine Extkw ot Every Description. REPAIR WORK A SPECIALTY. Ctalofu Free BY JtAII. AND WATER. yC j- .J a- OREGON Shorj Line and union Pacific Dinar TIME SCHEDULES Portland, Or. ARRIVE Chicago Portland Special 9:wla. m. yla .Jlnnt li.gtun. Bait Lake, Denver, Ft. Vtnrth.Omaha, Kaneaa City, . St. Lonl,ClilCagoand East. - . 4:30 p.m. , Atlantlo Kxpreu O.uup. m. via Hunt ington 1 t'alt lAkc, Denver, Kt.-Wnrtlf,Onil', Kansas City, St. Ioilla,CitlcRgoand .East. . , , 8:40 a.m. i 7:00 a. m. St. PkUl ' Fat Mall 6:uo p. m. v'a Spokane Walla Walla lwla toii',Spokalie,M!li; nenpnll,St. Paul, Diilntli. Mllwau- , .,kee,ClijcagoilKast ..OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE. KHOM 'rOItTLAND.' ". ' I -JO p.m.' All ailing ' datea aubjeel to change For San Francisco FallcYcrjr ft day. 4:00 p. Dnllr"' Kx.Hiuidajr MIIIU.Ill, fraturdny 1U:UU p. III. Columbia- Rlntr aUamtr. To Aalorlaand Way I-aiidlng. 4.oop.rn. Kx. Sunday fi;Pua.m fcx.tiuudar. t - ' ' Mlllimtlle Rlvar. Oregon city, New. berg. Salem, Itiile tivuiiviire A War Landing. 4:R0p. m. KxHunday 7:00 a. in. Tin.. Tliur. aud Hat. Wltlimitl and Yam hill Kliart. i . Oregon City, Dar lon,.ti Wajr-Laud lng. 3:30 p.m. Mon., Wed. and Frl. 6:00 a.m. Tut., ThHr. and Sat. WlllamttU Rlvar. Portland to Corral, lia A Way laud ing. 4:30 p.m. Mon.Wed. and Frl. Lt. Klparla 8:a.mr Snake filter. Klparla tq Irrliton Lr.Lewlatoa Dally 9 a.m. . A. L. CRAIO, General I'auenger Agent, Portland, Or. V. A. BCIIILLINO, City Ticket Agent. ilA aldington Street. ,.T1IK., Pioneer Dining-Car Line TIIKi Yellowstone National Park Route TIME CtltD-POUTXAND. rur i.tuiii.. rc,,,v, Olympia.llra) ' Harbor and b( ulh llend points, 'jxikaiif . Iwliloii.Mo. If m h 1a jt4 m Ca a 1 1 1 a No. 12 Leave 1.43 P,M. cow. i unman, t, range, ville, Ml.-oiila, Helena, flutte, bt. Paul, Minne. No. 11 Arrives 7.-00 A. M. aioiia, uiiicapn, wain inutoii I). !.. Phlladel pit In. New York, lloaton anil an poiuia caai anu outheaat. For Tacoma. Feattle. No. 4 11:30 P.M. Spokane, Untie, Ana roiitla, lllllliigt. Ornalia, Kanaaa City, fit. Umli, Denver and all potnta No. 8 7:30 P. M, aouin anu aoumeaii. Through lerrlce. Dining cur. Pullmsn flrtt-clas and upholilered Tourlat Sleeper. Unexcel'ed accommodation. Baggage checked todeatinattonof ticket. For full Information, ticket, snaps ot routes and other Information, call on or write A. D. CHARLTON, , Asalitant General Passenger agent. ttSMorrtaon St., cor. Tblrd. Portland, Or. PORTLAND RAILWAY CO. Cari leave Portland. Corner Fl rot -and Wash ington street, for Vancouver a follow: ' Vancouver 45 Minutes. A. M.-'eiW, 1:03, 7:4. 8:33, 9:18. 10:03, 10:, ' ' ii:sa ' P. M.-l!iil8. 1:03.1:48.2:33,3:18, 4:08, 4:48,8:33, 6:18. I10:4.t.U;ja. (Leave First and Je. feron street. 4 mlnptes earlier.) Ferry leave Vancouver to connect with car as follows: A. M.-:5. 7:30, 8:l 9;0O, 9:43, 10:, 11:15 i::ou M. P. M.-n:5. 1:30. 3:13,3:110, 3:i5, 4:30, 3:15. ;00. 6i4J,jll:iu, Cars leave corner First and Washington streets for Woodlann as followa: A. M. 6:18.6:33.6:W,7.-03,7:18, 7:33.7:48.8:03, 8:18, 8:33, s:ts. 9:03, 9:is, 9:33, 9:48. io:aj. 10:18, 10:st, 10:48. 11 :0J. u :)8, II :33. u :s. P. JC.-13:08, 12:18. U-.S3, u:, i:03, 1:18,1:33, l:4S. sw, 3:18.2:38.2:48, sot; 3:i; 8:83, 8:48, 4:03, 4:18,4:43,4:48.5:03,5:18,3:33, 6,48;;03,f;l, 6:J8, :,7:W. 7:18. 7;3a! 7:48, 83. 8:18,8:33. 8:48, 9:3. 9:23,9:43! 10:08, 10:28. 10:43, ll;oo, lira Ui43. Woodlaw SO Minutes. Cars leave Woodlewn (or First and Wuhlng. ton atreeta as follows: - A M-5:4J, .), ilS.HaO. 6:45.7:09, 7:11,7:45, 8:00,8:15.3:30, f.l 9;00. 9:15.9:30,9:43, Wm. li-CU M ,:iS' ll! ":l,:30 P. M.-W:15, ii:'so. 12:4.1, 1 :00. 1 :15, 1:30. 1 :45, 3:00, 2:15, 2:30. 2:45. S:oo. 3:15. S:bO,3:i.5,4:uo, 4M5, 4:30. 4 :it, 3:00, 5:15, 530, 5:4V :0o! 615,nHV:45,70. 7:l 7:30.7:43, 8M0, 815. n:30. 8:.v. 9:io. 9:30, 9 M, io:io, loioj 10:50, iir;lO. 11:30, ' Oallr, except Sandavs. tl'ally, except ni-day and Saturdavg, tVtedutadara and gaturdara orly. wGprMbfl H k wiw BT MAIL AND WATER. A STORU&COH 'i Two Sill Paget Ins Dally WITH nt THROUGH PARLOR CARS BETWLEN -.J Portland; Astoria? Seaside Iicares For Mayger. Ilaln. Icr, ClatsJtanie Westport, Clifton, Astoria., Warren, ton, Flavel, dear, hart Park and Sea side. Astoria A Seashore Kxprcs Dally.' Aatorla Express Dallr. Arrive Union Depot Purtlaud Union Depot rortiana 8KX)a,m. 7:00 p.m. .U:15a.tn. i 9:40 p. td. Ticket office, 255 Morrlaon street, and Union atepot, Portland. J. 0.' MAYO, Ocn. Pass. Agent, Astoria, Or. iBtfflssr&MFi w. SHAVER TRANSPORTATION CO. STEAMER GEO. W. SHAVER, Will leave Portland, foot of Washington Bt.. 9unilny,Tncday ami Thursday evening 'at 8 o'clock, for bauvlc Island, HU, lfclcnr, Oank-, Deer Island, Martina, Kalama, Neor City, Kanlcr.Mt.Comn,. Mayger, Stella, Oak Point, Freeman, Matiimilllo.Claukaule and all. way landing. I KORTHWESTERN LINE Klght Train Dally between Bt. Paul and Chicago, comprlalng That Latest riilliiiatn 8ltpri, ,t - l'eerlt- Itlnlns; Car,' J J Llbritry Mint Obaarvatlon Cure, Free Iteollnlng Clialr Car. TIIK TWKKTIETH CENTURY TltAIN "THE NORTHWESTERN LIMITED" Runs Every Day of the Year, The Finest Train In the Worlrf1 Electric Lighted Steam Heated TO CHlCAqO BY DAYUQIIT. Tlie Dadrer State Kxpresf . tho flnret Day Train Running Ilctwccn St. Paul and ChlcKgoTla the short Line. Connections from the West made via. The Northern PaclOc, Great Northern and ' Canadian Pacific Railways Thla Is alio the beat line between Omaha, St Paul aud Minneapolis. All Agente sell Tlckets.yla "The Northwest, srn Line." . Vf II. MEAD, Oeneral Agent. A. L. SISLER, T. A. 148 Alder Street, Portland, Or. . BEST UIINE TO St. Paul, Minneapolis, Dnlnto, Chicago, AMD ALL POINTS EAST, Through Palace and Tonrlat Sleepers, Dining: Cars (meals a la carte), Iluftet, Smoking, Library For tickets and full Information regarding; Eastern trip, call at city ticket office. KX Third street, A. 11. C. DKNNISTO.S', City Pas, and Ticket Agent. WHITE COLLAR LINE COLUMBIA RIVER b FUOET SOUND NAVI GATION CO. - PORTLfNli AMJ ASTORIA. - . u i " i . Steamer Hercules takes the place of Bailey Gattert. Leaver every morning Inthe week at 7 o'clock, except Sunday, Returning, leave Astoria every night In the week at 7 o'clock, except Sunday. Office, Alder street dock. Telephone Main 851. Columbia 'phone SSI. E. Vf. CRJCHTON, Agent. BARR HOTEL Europun and American Plan. Furnished it First-Gass Style. NiwkotaM. newly faralfc4, two blocks from UBlost depot ail tke aseder IsaprovesmeBts, Bre-strcol, kot said eol water, eentrally lo cated. lata!, 91 ui fl.XS a Day. Meeds Mc, Balkan. aVaHHassSasssBasBHsaHHaBSSBslsBS Cor. Mxta 01VMLB, PsirUaai. '.&.. I ....,' i MJlL.7Li&!.tJtt lK jiL- iafi i, ia'jStfijj.k? ' fe -'