THE WEW AGE, rOBTLAND, OREGOtf. N i V-S III ll Bar Fixtures and ..Billiard Tables.. Have Re-established their busi in PORTLAND, at 49 Third Street. A full stock of Bar Fixture, Bil liard and Pool Tables. Bowling: Alleys and Supplies always on hand. EASY PAYMENTS. J. Q. REDDICK, Manager. The Reliable Loan Office Pawnbrokers and Jewelers BARGAINS, KWW.UnKKUfcfcBfcU, PLEDGES Money Loaned on All Articles of Value. PRIVATE ENTRANCE ON PINE ST. All GooiU Bold on Installment. 81 Third St.. Oor. Fine, Portland, Or. LAWRENCE BROS'. Towel Supply Co. Towel (nrnlnliod to Ilarber. Doctor, Ofllcel nd IIukIiicm llonpci, Kto. Wo alto do Klrt Clan laundry Work, orFlOKj aTourth Mini Couch Hi PORTLAND, OR. Oregon Phone 429. Columbia I'lione 110. Old Kentucky Club Whiskey Home .ANI) Shaw's Pure Malt Blumouer & Hoch Wholesale, l.lquor A Cigar Dealer BOLE AGENTS. 110 Fourth Street EMPIRE lifer; Feed and Sale Stable C P. BARNARD, Prop. Saddle Horses, Silicic mid Double Riga At All Hours. Transient itock Riven Hie very beat at care. Rate always reasonable and taliitautlon guar auileed. Phtie MiId SI. Cor. Rose and Oak Sts. ROSEBURG, OREGON. EDWARD HOLMAN UNDERTAKER Fourth and Yamhill Sts. I BOTH 'PHONES NO. 507 RENA I1INI0N, Itey Aulitint. .Merchant Hotel. CORNF.K TII1KD AND DAVIS STREET l'OHTI.ANI), OHKOOM. 1IOTKL 18 NKWI.Y HKNOVATKD. Tht li the bet equipped mode rata rate hotel a the Tactile Coaat and ha all the couren. tenoe of hlch-prleed hotel. Complete with Irctrlo light and lollt, and artrilan water la eh room. Hath room on each floor. Klevatot or accomodation ot (tiled. Kate II and 1 1. II erdar. Mvaliv'¢. tlpeclal rate to lain. Ilea and theatrical parlle. Free 'bin to and from all train. auo room. Onlr lour block! Jroa Union Depot. Fir Proof llulldlug, F. K. HILL. Prop. Electric Hotel OREGON CITY, OR. JACOB CASSELL, Prop, Strictly rirtt-OUM. Kti Sl.OO I'.r Day and Vp. Steam Heat, Electric Light, Cot merdal Sample Room. -THE- Multnomah Trunk Co. MANUFACTUHKnS OK TRUNKS TRAVELING BAGS -'" SAMPLE GASES Salesroom 143-145 Sixth Street PORTLAND, OR. ...THE OLYMPIAN... 148 Fifth St., Near Morrison. BLUNDEN fie VELTON, Props. TIIK FAMOUS OLYMPIA BEER ON DRAUGHT New nulldlng, New Fixture, Cliolce Good. W. T. McCabr, Boattlc. K. H. Hamilton, Tacoiiiii. M'GABE & HAMILTON .. STEVEDORES .. PUCET SOUND Also Honolulu, I, Km ami Oftlcm: Tmoomm, Wamft, Cable Addrcn: McOAIIK GRACIE, BEAZLEY & CO., Agents 14 Water Street, Liverpool. KRIEG & LEVY (ISCOUI'OUATKP.) ja GROCERS COFFKK AND TKA A Hl'KCIAl.TY. .'1114 WimIiIubioii Htrret, Comer Truth TIIV OUIt CKI.KIIKATKI) COFFKK. Until riiiiiie H!IH. roilTI.ANI), OK. ...OLYMPIC... Steam Laundry 407 South J Street MICHAEL J. BJORN & LOUIS J. BJORN I'ltOI'ltlKTOIIH TACOMA, WASH. TROY' LAUNDRY- CO. Are notrd for qua'lty of work and Prompt icrvlcc, GENTLEMEN'S WORK fl SPECIALTY 101-6 E. Water St. Phone 6033. Portland DAIRY ASSOCIATION WIIOI.KSAI.K A UKTA1I, Cream and Milk. DEPOT 203 SECOND ST. JOHN P. HOFFMAN, Mgr. Milk Delivered to All J'art ot the City. Oregon IMiuim North !JOll. Baggage and Omnibus Transfer ...OOMPANY... onic 8, W. Cor. Fourth and Mark 8l. Telephone &39. rOHTI-AND, OHKllON. Exchange Your Clucks With Messenger on Trains and Order Carriages or Coupes. il'igKAga checked nt real deuco to any destination. llranch Onlci': Hotel Portland: United Carriage Co., betenth and Taylor, L. II. ADAMS, Mgr. The Popularity of RED SEAL BRAND Hams, Bacon, Lard, Etc, Is Won on Merit. TRY RED SEAL BRAND, 56-60 E, Water St., Portland, Or. HI . 4-f H"l-M-H4-H"H"l"i"H"H"H t H tfE QYCLOE SEASON Vagaries of a nnr A Sat-" IIV,C3 rtic iixV. of the 7y iIS. Sg5- l44JH''MH"M-M' The months or April ntul Mny usiinlly cover tlio time when' the cyclone lias Us Inning In thu central vntleya of tlio country. Tlio records of recent years ihow Hint nt about tbc llrxt of Mny tlio cyclone Hcitaon In nt Its height, nlthotiKh some or the frightful storms have uot occurred until n mouth later. Scientists hnve struggled with the cy clone problem for ninny yearn, but much of the mystery surrounding Its origin Is uuexplnlned; nlso the reasons of the prodigious power It exerts upon objects In Its path. They ngrec, how ever, on one thing, und that Is the name. Cyclone, they nay, Is n misnomer, the correct designation being tornado, but the people who have aerially wrestled A WESTERN CV with the uiouster nnd have seen It toss ing their residences nbout lu midair call It n cyclone, and cyclono It will be. Hclentltlcully tho cyclono Is tlio atorin Hint sweeps over tho South Atlantic Ocean, with a dlnmeter of from 100 to 1,000 miles. Tho tornado travels In much smaller form, but lu its reduced dimensions It has all tho concentrated energy of tlio ocean storm. The dlnmeler of the tor seldom more than 100 ynrds aud frequently much less than Hint. It him been known to travel Btralght along a country road for more than n mile, wrecking everything In Us path, but not Injiiriug tho fences on either side. Tho diameter of this tornado could not have been moro than 80 or UU feet, but Its power was almost beyond belief. Hut tlio curious freaks worked by tho cyclono of the Kalians variety commauil moro attention tliun Its trenieudous force. Ou ouo occasion the roof or uu eight-room house wus lifted bodily, car ried UOO yards, hair way Into a grove, where It seemed Impossible that It could have passed between tho trees, nnd left lying tint, but upsldo down, In a vncant spot Just large enough to re ceive It. Occasionally tho side of a Iiouho Is curried nway and couverted Into kindling wood, while tho rest of tho edltlco Is quite unlujured. In one lustnnce, lu Iowa, hair n double Iioubo wns shnttered to bits, while tho other hair and the hall wero quite un touched, even the carpet on tho hull lloor remaining uusolied, and tho paper on tho wall allowed neither spot uor scratch. In another, the porch or a Kansas house was cut away as ueatly as though with nn ax, a queer contract being aeeu In a third ease, where tlio house wns destroyed nnd the porch left standing Intact. In Nebraska the second story of an eight-room house was tukou off aud the tlrst wiu left, so little shock bclug given to the building by tho violent re moval of the upper half that the clocks on tho mantelpieces were uot disturbed, aud continued to tick us usual. A still more curious freak was played by tho wind In a Kansas dwolllng, A double house, with a hall In tho middle, stood facing tho direction from which tho cyclone wus approaching. When the storm was seeu tlio residents took refuge lu their cave aud listened to hear the full of their home. A terrible crash was heard, aud they, of course, sup posed that tho house had gone. Ou emerging they wero surprised to see the house Btandlug as before, but were al most paralyzed with astonishment to Und the northeast wall of the dlnlug room, which was ou tho opposite side of tho house from the direction the storm came, hud been blown out, the furniture, tables, dishes aud all other contents had been carried off and crush ed to atoms, aud no other damago bad resulted to any part of the building. The cyclone which devastated Sher man, Texas, stripped nearly all of the dead of clothlug, and from the feet ot every corpso tho shoes had been wrenched. This Is a common trick of cyclones, but scientists cannot fathom It. In many Instances the shoes disap pear, being either torn to fragment, so WE& i.r the Monstrous Disturb- J llnnvnlninnkla Cnmn T uiiCApiaiuauiw oumw Queer Things Cyclones Have Done. ns not to bo recognlr.nble as footwear or carried off to considerable distances and dropped In plnccs vhcrc. If found nt nil, they excited little comment. In several Instances, however, the shoes hnve been found close to the bodies of the dead and lu n condition Hint Indi cated very powerful electrical action. Some years ago n shoe was taken from the ruins cnused by n Kansas cy clone, and Its condition cnused no lKtlo wonder. It hnd been ripped from the foot of n tunn who wns killed. The strings were gone nnd the upper por tions, from ankle to sole, were cut Into tolerably regular strips from a quarter of halt nn Inch In width. The sole seemed nt first glance Intact, but a CLONE AT WOKIC. closer examination showed that this portion wns pierced by n uumber of small round holes. They were the holes where the metal nails or lacks had been; the latter had disappeared, melted by the electricity. Sometimes theso remarkable effects nro produced without visible Injury to the body or to the clothing that re mains on It, n circumstance quite uu explainable with our present knowl edge. When tho clothing Is removed It Is generally uot found, being prob ably p-ut Into Indistinguishable rags, but when It or portions of It uro left tho wind treats It lu the most whim sical manner. In Iowa, lu 18S3, nil the clothlug but tlio coat was torn from the body of a man. this garment re maining almost Intact: In Kansas a body was stripped of all save u collar nnd cravat. LOVE VAULTS FROM A CIRCUS MAN'S HOME. Peter Sells Is not tho only circus man who has seen Cupid lu his net. of turn ing NomerHiiultH. Walter I.. Main has sued bis wire for divorce. Ho is ono of Ohio's best-known showmen nnd lives lu a magnificent home nt Geneva, but Mrs. Main refuses to sharo It with him, and Is lu California. Shu was Florence Damon, a young school teach- W. U. MAIN AMI HIS WirK. er of Trumbull, Ohio, which was also Main's home. At tho time of their marriage, In 1887, Main was a poor emiutry lad, whose uatural bent was the training of aulmuU, ponies aud dogs. Tho year before ho had been ou tho road giving performances In a small, round-top tent, aud had met with enough success to eucourugo him to launch out again lu a similar enter prise. Ills wife made aud was lu charge of the wardrobes, aud took tickets at the teut entrance. Main made half a mllllou In tho business In fifteen years. Up to 1800 Mrs. Malu traveled with her husband, who can not uuderstaud her present actions. Weather WIU "What make your hands bo cold this morning, dear?" "Ob, I aupposc I should call It 'win ter'a ley grip,' since I've been shakluj; with the cold."-Judge, Jefferson Garden Saloon. DAVID THOMAN, Prop. Wines, Liquors, Cigars, Welnhard's Beer. PHONE, RED 1818. FAMILY RESORT. Cor. Chapman and Je (Tenon Bti., Portland, Or HISLOP'S Triumph Roasted Coffees The MoM Pparkllng, Dellclona and Aro matic COKFKKH Kver Placed on thl Market. Ask Yoilr Grocer for Them ..Four Blends.. A FULL LINE OF Electrical Supplier Lighting of Buildings, Stores and Residences arc and incandescent. Elec tric Power for Elevators, Pumps and all Kinds of ' Machinery. Portland General Electric Go. SEVENTH AND ALDER STREETS. Both phones 3S5. BAR AND BILLIARD Furniture and Fixtures 7 ROTHSCHILD BROS. Wfco'esalc Liquor Dealers. 22, 24, 26 First St., Cor; Burnsido. HOTEL OSBORN CLEAN, AIRY OUTSIDE ROOMS REASONABLE RATES Transient Solloltmd -DOTH PHONES... Traveler thonld taVc'S" Street Car at Union Deiiut and tramfer at Yamhill titreet to Eaat AtiVney Car. A. W. HEWETTT, Prop. GROSS, WEITZEH I LIPPMAN Manufacturer of v LADIES' TAILOR Ml SUITS Separate Skirts and Waists The Bat Made Goods on the Pacific Coast 914 Flrat Hlrsrt, Conmr 8tmn, fOltTLANI), OIIKQON, CHARLEY THE PIONEER RESTAURANT Now on Johncn street, OppoIt Uuton Depot. LURCHES PUT UP FOR TRAVELERS Oregon Made Umbrellas ..a M. MEREDITH.. UMBRELLA MANUFACTURER Repairing aud Recovering ot Fin Umbrella' a Specially. 319 Waihingtou Btrcat. Three door a bore Old A King P0 ItTLA N D, 0 REQOH, Union Depot ..Restaurant 173 Sixth St., PORTLAND, OR. Regular Dinner at Noon 25q . . 'i aflfltiHAfltvlhiM' Luach Put Up for Travelers. I 1? W vft , E. H. M00REH0USE & GO. INCOKPOItATKD. Wall Paper, Frame and Room MoiMlRgs, Paints, Oils, Varnlshos, Bias:, Irushas, Etc. 305 ALDER ST., Near Fifth, Both 'I'lione. Portland, Oregon. VAND SOAP AND CHgX Hatters and Furnishers Sole Agents for KNOX HATS BUFFUM & PENDLETON 94 Third Street. PORTLAND, ORE. (mtmkllmltl 18B2.) F. B. DALLAM & GO. Wliolrnale Dealer In Wooden and Willow Ware Brooms, Brushes, Twines, Paper, Paper Bags, Tinware, Gran- iteware, Eto. 833, 930, asa Front St., ttmit Frmnalmem. Oml mum 7f Front Mtrm Portland, Oro, Write for Catalogue. MAIL ORDERS FILLED PROMPTLY BAKING POWDER It is PUREST It Is CHEAPEST It Is BEST U Ira in ltd CitlifUl Tcur Ueatr Biei CuauT a Drruu, Portlan J, Or. UPPINCOTT'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE A FAMILY LIBRARY Tie Best in CunHt LitKitwi 12 Complctk Novels Ycarly MANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS $2.60 pen year ; 25 era. a copy NO CONTINUED STORIES EVERY NUMBER COMPLETE IN ITSELF BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Desmns COPYRMHTSAC Aktod MnMag a akaleai and alaaoiptlon mar aulcklr uoarula oar opinion fr hihr as iDTtntlon la probably patantatilaw CommnDlc. UonMrtctireonSdnlUL llaadtiookoa Patent) ant (raa. Ifldaat asaacr tor acrtiipaUnta. latou takaa umxub. Hum A Co. raoalT tottiat notka, wllboM cam, la Ua SckKtinc JlMertciii; AkaadomlrMtaamt4lr. Tarsaat ctr. cnUtlon or any aeiantwe tnaraal. Term. M rear t ttoldbrallDawtdaalan. Mfe PORTLAND, OREGON. fM GOLDEN WEST M m J!itlJllM "im1' in m mtmf 'yyy11'' 'V"