ftWFSZ EfffXX iam UbwiUmi mn msfta THE isEW AGE, rOBTIiAJID. OKEUON. x- ; C. A. STOKES LIQUOR CO. WHOLESALE DEALERS. PABST MILWAUKEE BEER Bottled br Pabst Brewing Co. .Milwaukee, Wis. 1130 Pacific Avenue TACOMA - WASH. The Unrivaled Piano of the Wort KRANICH & BACH EstallJshod 1864. s Visit Oar Warerooms and Bo Oonvloed. Many Other Stand" ard and Reliable Make of PIANOS and ORGANS We Sell on Ec my Terms. No Larze first Payment Remulred. Send Your Old Piano to Be Repair od by Reliable Workmen. Satis faction Guaranteed. C. A. WHALE Music Houses M. O. MATTHIEU, Mngr. 311 E. Alder and tie Un'on Ave. Salem St aro, 142 Stite Sf. Any Him Any Quantity Any Stylo MACKLNTOSHES, EUBBKR AND OIL CLOTHING Rubber nnots and Short, Uniting, rucking and Uoie. , Largest and Most Complete Assortment of all Kinds ot Hubbcr Good. GOODYEAR RUBBER COMPANY ft. H. FKASK, Proildont. F, M. BllKl'AlllJ, JK Treasurer J. A. 81IR1'AKU, Becrctar? . 73-75 FIRST STREET, PORTLAND, OREGON. RUSSELL A COMPANY BUII.DRRB OF Engines, Boilers, Saw Mills, Threshers. It you BOBtemplftte buying machinery, writo us for catalogue and prices. RUSSELL & CO. A. H. AVERILl. Manager. PORTLAND. OREGON. E. Ga ATKINS .V . s rWAnu, i Branch, wsEmbWmVm0 IEEwksW mfmwWMsmwRlewW? LA GRANDE NATIONAL BANK ...LA GRANDE, OREGON... Capital mnd Surplus - - $72,000 THE METROPOLITAN BANK CAPITAL - - $50,000. FltEMOH BLOBK, TAOOMA, WASH. PHILIP V. CAKHAIl. President; TKUMAN W. KNOS, Vice-President; 0. B. 8KLVI0. Cashier: JACOB II. YA.SDKIUill.T, Assistant Cashier. ....BEMBtAL BAMMIMB IB ALL ITS BHABOHEB .... Interest allowed on deposits In Paring Department. Clrcnbir Letters of Credit Issued on HoneKonp, China and Yokohoma. Japan; also Drafts and Bills ot Exchange Issued on China and Japan and the principal cities of F.urope. Foreign months exchanged. IV Hmvm SpMilml FmoHHtom for HmittHlns Bmlil Burnt anil BuHten. THE H. C. ALBEE COMPANY ....DEALERS IN.... Second Hand Machinery 2SO East Water S(r set. COLUNS-PRESTON-WILSON CO SUCCESSOR TO PATRICK. MAHTICK CO. MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OF Harness, Saddles. Saddlery Goods THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF FINE AND MEDIUM GRADES OF LIGHT HARNESS ON THE COAST. 91-93 FRONT STREET, BETWEEN STARL AND OAK. Oregon Phone Mln07... DRUNK THE For Sale at All the Brmwmry mmef OfSmm ESTABUeHCB ISB1. ALLEN & LEWIS Shipping: Sfc Commission Merchants ...WHOLESALE QROCEKS... TO SAVE TIMK ADDKKSfi ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO THE COMPANY. 49 f M4 Ermt Bttvt, BmHm. ST. CHARLES HOTEL IOHN GIBUN, Prop. Flrst-Class Accommodation and Prompt serf ice. Large Bnmple Cjooms lor Commercial Travelers. Phone 7. Cor. First and Washington Sis. Alt any, Oregon. COMPANY dti Main Aornn sr warn m kftnifi svsraak.OTvrw i Mamufacturtrs ot PACIFICO ' PERFECTION PACIFIC STAR INDEX CROSS CUT SAWS No. GO First Sta PORTLAND, OREGON. PORTLAND, OREGON FAMOUS 7 Principal Saloons B Tin VX mmtlBmrmmkfmatrmmlm w 1SS7. PSBTLAKB, BBEBBB. T Negroes at Clerical Work in Na - tional Departments. COLORED MEN IN OFFICIAL POSITIONS Pisces Which Progressive Members of Our Race Have Made for Themselves In Con. fldentlal Service. New York levelling Tost. A lawyor who advertised tho other day for a stenographer and type writer wbb much Surprised to rcceivo application in one day from four young colored men who were sand wiched In among tho thirty-thrco other applicants, twenty of them young women who overran his ante room, flowed into IiIb prlvnte ofllco, and kept him for Just six hours from doing a stroke of business. Tho col ored men who applied, ho said, wore clean-looking mulattoes of most pro possessing appearance, nnd in man nor far more respectful than tho white ones. As to their qualifica tions In the matter of speed and ac curacy of work, ho saw llttlo difference- between white and colored; but ho engaged a young white man, ho ndded, becauso ho thought it was tho most natural and easy thing to do. The incident led a reporter to find out whether there wore many negroos engaged In this city in clerical posi tions, Buch as typewriters, stenog raphers and privato secretaries. Tho first ofllco visited was that of a trans continental railway company in Droad street. All three elevator men In tho building were negroes; so was the man who stood guard over the exec utive offices of tho company, nnd snvod them from countless interrup tions during tho day. So was tho stenographer nnd clerk to the genornl purchasing agent, The last of theso was nbout 24 years old, very light In color, nnd of most pleasing address. "How did you get this place?" ho was asked. "Hard work and sticking nt It," ho said. "I started In nn errand boy, became nn office boy, and then workod nights in a school which taught type writing and shorthand. T.uon whon I beenmo proficient I boldly asked for a place, and got it. I havo been hero ever slnco, and tho gontlomon who havo buslncBH with this ofllco treat mo Just bb If I wbb white perhaps they are a llttlo more consldornto than thoy would bo to many whlto mon I have seen behind typewriters. Know many other young colored mon in ofllcos? Yes, a great many, probably fifty within n fow blocks, if you count stenographers, clerks nnd ofllco boys." It used to bo said that no ono could over sco tho into Collls P. Hunting ton, president of tho Southern Pacific Company, unless Mr. Huntington's colored privnto secretary so willed It, nnd this modest man had often to dony his master to soma very Import ant men, but always so polttoly that no offonse was convoyed. Slnco Mr. Huntington's death his secretary has continued In tho employ of tho com pany, but lately ho hns takon up his headquarters In tho Huntington resi dence whore ho acts as confidential secretary to Archer M. Huntington, tho ndoptcd son of- tho lato millionaire. "Is Mr. Gould In?" wnB asked tho other day at the ofllco of Gcorgo Gould In the Western Union build ing. The answer camo that ho was, but that his privnto sccrotary would havo to bo seen boforo access could bo gained to Mr, Gould. Whon the socrotnry appeared ho proved to bo a young mulatto, becomingly modest, and yet dotormlncd that no ono should sco Mr. Gould unless his business was of Importance, and Mr. Gould appar ently lets him bo tho Judge of that. It was Raid ho has three times ralsod tho young man's salary for his faith ful work, us secretary and "gonoral protector from cranks." Tho cases cited nbovo aro some what exceptional, but thoro has boon in tho last fow years a .most marked increase in tho number of colored mon tulmltted to tho schools toachlng type writing, bookkeeping and shorthand, and consequently In those employed in clerical positions In business houses nil over tho country. To Our Many Colored Readers. Prom and nftor this dato thoBe who desire to receive Tho Now Ago must havo a clear rocord on Its subscrip tion books. Hereafter no credit will bo extendod to subscribers. Our ef fort to give to tho readers of this Journal a bright, up-todato newspaper, with Its special features for tho poo pie of our raco. certainly deserves this recognition. Having sent The Now Ago for two or threo years to many colored pcoplo wno proteased innmi ity to pay in ndvance, wo now fool that thoy should manifest their ap preciation of this kindness by pro paring to pay up Immediately. Do not wait for a second uotlco. Remit at once. The Pelton Armstrong Co,, a now lumbering corporation, has purchased tho logging oporatlonB of II. B, Arm strong and J. D. Yeon on the Alok aman river, Wash., investing In tho two purchases about $100,000, thus showing faith in tho lumber future of this coast. The largo assortment of now, fash ionable and tasty suitings shown by tho Salem Woolen Mills Store Is a credit to our home Industry and should receive our patronage. See ad. in another column. Cold or hungry, call on us and we will try and attend to your wants. All kinds of coal, wood and feed. Western Feed & Fuel Co., 154 North Fifth. Phones: Oregon, Main 1018; Columbia, 2C3. THE COMPUTING SCALE COM PANY. 225 Pino street. Col. John L. Poole. Genornl agent for Oregon nnd tho Pacific Coast. For first-class dental work and prompt attention, go to tho New York Dental Parlors, Fourth and Morrison. an a u OITV NEWS ' C. A. nittcr. tfocletr Editor. We slmll know no favorites, and Mint 11 lie absolutely impartlnr. To in Buro publication, all local news "must reaoh us not later than Thursday morn ing of oach week. . The 1'hyHs Wlicutly Critic Club is tho'lntcat thing in our midst. Its ob ject is the intellectual development of tlio members. The A fro-American Council will give an entertainment the last of May for the hcnelK of tho Chas. Sum tier monument fund. New Northwest lodge No. 2554, G. U. O. of 0. 1-'. and Household of Ruth No. 8-1-1 will attend tho Bethel A. M. E. church on the second Sumluv in May. the occasion loing tho annual Thanksigving ktiuoii. At the Paul I Lawrence Dunbar Literary Society the debate on the subject "Shall Capital Punishment Ho Abolished" was spirited and interest ing, attracting a large audience. New olllcers are to be elected at the next meeting, On the 2(th inst a honelit concert will bo tendered to Hew K. I. Swan in tho Zio'n A. M. K. church, Thir teenth and Main streets. An excel lent programme has been arranged. Tito admission has lieeu placed at 15 cents. Ah Rev. Swan expects to leave for the Kast the middle of May, it is hoped that all of his friends will take pleasure in being present in on this occasion. One of tho most successful social gatherings was tho surprise tendered Mr, and Mrs. llcnjauiin Ouylo last Tuesday evening, when a number of their friends took tho house by storm, coming loaded with various refresh ments. They proceeded to make themselves at home and entertained their host and hostess in a royal man ner. Among those present were: Mr. and Mrs. lleiijamiti GayJe, Mr. ami Mrs. V. L. 11. Pltimmcr, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Hitter, Mesdames S. West, 15. Lee, K. Gray and It. Williams; Messrs, A. II. Foster and Thomas Johnson. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. State of Oregon for tho county of Multnomah. In tho matter of tho catato of Lucy Knapp, deceasod: Notice Is horoby given that tho undersigned has been nppolntod by tho county court of tho stnto of Oro gon, for tho county of Multnomah, administrator of tho estate of Lucy Knapp, deceased, and all porsons aro horoby notified to present any claims which thoy may havo against tho said ostato. with propor vouchors, duly verified, to tho undersigned, at room 71C. Chamber of Commerce Portland, Oregon, within six months from data of- tho first publication or tins notice DWIGHT P. KNAPP, Administrator of tho Estate of Lucy Knapp, deceased. Dated, March 29, 1001. Dato of first publication, April C, 1001. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice is horoby glvon that I havo filed my final report and account as administrator, with tho will nunoxod, of tho estate of Oliver Van Duzor, decoasod, In tho county court of tho Btato of Oregon, for tho county of Multnomah, anJ Monday, tho fith day of May, A. D. J 001, at 2 o'clock P. M. nnd tho court-room of said court, In tho county courthouse, In Portland, Oregon, havo beon appointed by said court as tho tlmo and place for tho hearing of objections to such final account and tho sottlomont thereof. DAVID M. DUNNE. Administrator as aforesaid. Dated April 4, 1001. Tho picturesque lino nnd tho royal ono back to tho homo of your child hood Is via tho Northorn Pacific. You will rido over tho Rockies, nlong Clark's fork of tho Columbia nnd tho booutlful Yollowstono; skirt ing tho shores of Lako Pond d'Orolllo, through tho famous Pad Lands of Pyr nmld Park and across tho wheat Holds of tho Red rivor valloy you go at fifty miles an hour, and sleep and eat In perfect comfort as tho solid vostl buled train rushes along. For detailed Information, tlckots, sleeping car reservations, maps of routes, etc., call on or writo A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passonger Agont, 255 Morrison street, corner Third, Portland, Or. NEW TAILORING HOUSE. A. J. Armstrong, for many years head cutter for Nlcoll, haB opened a tailoring establishment at 313 Wash ington street. This house Is stocked will, n enmntntn Rtnck of UD-tO-datO goods. Tho cutting is done by Mr. A. J. Armstrong, won Known ub a uri class cutter. Stylo and fit guaranteed. Prices moderate Good work and honest dealings. ARMSTUONO, THIS TAII.UK, 313 Washington St. K. K. (SOODINO. T.A.OAItBADK, rri'sldi-nt. Vice rrt-sldviit. WILLIS FIHIIKIt, Herniary. Oregon Mineral Water Co. Incorirfiratrd. Cascade and Wolfer bprlnxs Mineral Waters. Manufacturers ol Bod a Water. Kxtraru, Amtnrmla, lllneluir, Ktc. 31& First Street, I'ortlaml, Orrifon, O. DAVIDSON. New and Second Hand Clothing, II00U and Shoes. Trunk, Valises, Jewelry and Tools bout-lit, sold and exchanged. Highest prices I aid (or all kinds of valuable km!'. at 87 N. Third 81. and 41 Third St., I'ortland, Oricon. Cleaning and Repairing done on short notice.' PULLMAN ORDINARY SLEEPERS. Tho tourist travel between tho East and tho Pacific coast has reached enormous proportions In tho last fow years, and calls for n special class ot equipment. To moot this demand tho Pullman Company has Issued from its shops what It technically calls tho "Pullman Ordinary Sleepor." Theso cars appear similar to tho regular sleepers, being built on tho samo plan, but not furnished with tho samo ele gance. Thoy nro cqulppod with mat tresses, blankets, sheets, pillows, pillow-cases, towols, combs, brushes, etc., requiring nothing of tho kind to bo furnished by tho passenger. Each car has a stovo for making tea nnd coffco nnd doing "light housekeeping," nnd each section can bo fitted with an ad justable table. A uniformed porter accompanies each car, his business THE DRESS AND CHARM OF GENTILITY SALEM WOOLEN MILLS. C. T. ROBERTS, Manager. EXTRAORDINARY OFFERING OF LADIES' TRIMMED -HATS ....AT.... sf6-4a95 iS'! tt'o've ilcnio MMiin ri'inarkubln svlllni; In tint since our opening on tho IHIIi of lit in on III, a innnv i'ortlnnil Indies well know. We'vo had spcelul sales of trluiliiod lints at $i.D.1, SUtt anil f.V).-, nil ol which were rumnrkahlu values, but iiik inr 1110 present selling nmny 111 union nppenr id ne worm unuiiiu too pi Kvery lint we offer nt ll.l'.'i Is new nnd never shown I elore-no two nllke. NEW LIFE TO !ft".V" ur,ffi,'; Anchor Qreat Combination of Bttongth and Beauty. "Tut Ti That Binds." "Cn-7S3Swt.?--r See Our Anchor Clamp You would be surprised II you knew how llttlo It would cost you to IU up that old fence, liettcr sund for some. Anchor Clamps anil Uprights, ami h pair ol our plncherr, nnd msku ) our o'd wire fence look Use n new one, ANOIIOIt KKNC'K looks so nice and Is so stroiiir Hint formers sometimes think that It must be high priced. It Isn't, though. Cla-mp Uiron Uiino. Cattle, Sheep FARM, RAILROAD Write for Trices and Cala'ojue. Agents Wanted In Kverjr Town. Loewenberg & MANUFACTURERS ttSSf&JZZdVtreVt spSswsaslaajssis I lit- I s, . . '.I being to mako up borths, kcop tho car clean, and look after tho wantB ami comforts of tho passongors. In each. of tho tratnB which nro dispatched dally from Portland by tho O. R. & N. Co. Is to bo found ono of theso "Pull man Ordinary Slcopors." Tho car at tached to tho "Chicago-Portland Spe cial" goes through to Chicago without chango, and tho ono In tho "Atlantic Express" runs to Kansas City without chango. Passongors in this car for Chicago chango to a similar car at Granger. Much of tho first-class travot la being carried in theso cars, tho rates being lower, and tho Borvlco nearly equal to that In tho paiaco sleepers. For rates and full Information, In cluding folders, wrlto to A. L. CRAIG, Gonoral Passongor Agont, O. R. ft N. Co., Portland, Oregon. , Belongs without question to those whose clothing, by its Style, Cut and Fit, bears the stamp of genu ine refinement. We give an air of distinction to those whom we fit with a suit of clothing, and by our artiitic method supply any physical defect that detracts from the form. Our materials are re cherche and elegant 85 Third Streets uuilun't think wo hnu uvcrciiinlcil the ofTer- Sanford & Edwards, S. W. Cor. Sixth and Washington Sta. OLD FENCESl Clamps and Uprights. Tiik Old Fkkce. TlIK ANCHOR FENCB. :fc ' tm 3fe and Hog Tight, it Nkvsk Hum alter closing AND LAWN FENCE. ,, , 11 iM "-5jt;. ,-4:in,-tvTa -4- The Portland Anchor Fence Co. 74a Nlcolal St., PORTLAND, Oregon. Going Company OF AND DEALERS IN Stove Ranges, Hoi low ware Household... Specialties... Handled by All Flrst Class Dealers... Royal Steel Ranges Are the Best and Cheapest In the Market PORTLAND, OREGON I- F 1 "m r swrifi irr!xzBasztremiX2Xzfr ..-jL'fr.J. r" ,--,-,. - y. - irJ ,Xjk& 4w' , i inffl .) 1 ' fc' tt"5J pSSSm