THE NEW AGE, PORTLAND. OttEGON. r il . ,C If V. TOPICS OF ) THE TIMES. Thcro tuny ho fights ngnlimt nhortnr hourn, but H'h only n question of time. Forest fires from locomotlveH nre Rcrloufl, but It In claimed nnotlier dan gerous HtnokeHlnek Im tho elgnretto package. Tho inoRt prominent fact established ns a rcHiilt of Admiral Snnipson'H ro cont letter seems to be that IiIh futliur wns n tlltch-dlKgor. Tho report Is Hint tho Kaiser's wound will lenvo ft (IlNflKiirlng Hear on his cheek. Hut this can be retouched out, In the photographs. People In Texas nro complaining of bolng killed by lightning. You hiivo to know how to dodge quick If you play nround whero lightning has decided to strike. An Knstem collcgo profecsor recently lost the prize In a spelling bvu Iiociuiho he failed on the word "unctuous." It was evidently too slippery for his tongue. It Is prnhahlo that Tolstoi can stand it if the church can. Kccleslastlcal au thorities ran hardly do anything to de tract from tho popular belief In the sincere charity of tho great Itusslan writer. First, n young man thinks he can cap tivate all the good-looking young wom en he meets. Those are his salad days. Later on ho succeeds In becoming "best man" to one of them. Those are his solid days. That KhkIIhIiiiiiiii who says the col lego uullls a mini for the struggle of llfo has probably been diawlpg his con clusions from aspects presented by the football, tabasco sauce and spread eagle reports alone. ".Mr. Cnniegle," says Itussell Hugo, "Is a very generous man, and I com mend him for It." One of Mr. .Sage's most noble trails of character Is never to permit himself to show the slightest Jealousy In the matter of generous giv ing. The London critics arc (hiding all sorts of faults In Mr. William Waldorf Aster's new book of stories. It ap pears that 'his refusal to permit tho salo of his book In the United .States is not nay more of n deprivation for us than we had supposed. Nowadays the burglar, sneak-thief or footpad gets along all right as long as his operations do not bring him In con tact with those of the opposite sex. If there Is a woman In the case the riilllau Is Inevitably held (III assistance comes, mid he Is landed In Jail. The American woman of the twentieth century Is i great Institution, What do we not owe to that muscle-creator, the bargain rush! Military statistics Indicate the con stant decrease of Illiteracy In (icruiauy. Out of 117,1)17 men who went Into the army In the military year of ISIlll-lllllo, only 187 men -less than an eighth of 1 per cent-were Illiterate; and of the r,(lll who entered the navy, every one could read and svelte. Tills it remark able showing of the extent to which education prevails among 'the people, and iiImi shows an Improvement over former conditions, There Is a Justice or the peace In Pennsylvania-,whu deserves a banquet nutl a monument. The other day u wlfe-beatcr.accompaulcd by his bruised mill dlsllguied helpmate, was hauled before the "squire." The brute laughed In the face of Justice and called the magistrate upon the honored bench a vllo mime. The later had his coat off in u second, vaulted to the tloor, and In less time than It takes to tell tho slory hud the wlfe-beater's nose distributed nil over hi speaking countenance, both of his eyes closed, several teeth rattling around tho courtioom and tho culprit begging for mercy. That Is ex ttctly the sort of Justice to presldo over tho trials of wife-heaters. May his tribe over Increase! Komo one recently declared that lynching, like murder, Is growing to be a national habit. There Is certainly oino ground for Hie assertion, When the tlrst burning of a negro at tho stake in i'nrlH, Texas, was announced, two or three yenrs ago, a wave of Indigna tion swept over the whole country. Several burnings have occurred sluco then, and the latest ones have hardly attracted public notice, Halite Crutch Held, a colored woman, was lynched near Home, Tenu., because It was sus pected she had stolen $U.'5 from a pocket-book, Sho mid her friends de clared she found the pocketbook and kept the money, Tho mob did not know whether she had stolen It or fonud It, As she bad the money, that wns suf ficient cause for lynching, and Hie cow nrdly savages seized her, carried her to a bridge, shot her, and threw her Into the river, When a uioh kills n woman In this Inhuman manner upon meie suspicion of a crime for which In every clvlllred community Imprison ment Is comUlored ample punishment, It Is time to ask the question, "Is lyuch lug becoming n national habit V Of nil KngllBli writers uu current h lit leal topics Henry Norman has the broadest and best-Informed mind In so fur ut least ns travel and n cosmopoli tan spirit nre concerned. In vlow, theiefore, of Itussln's present position as to China uud the East, and her ap parently determined stand for domin ance in Manchuria, this extract from nn article by Henry Norman In Scrlb ner's Is suggestive: "It has been point ed out Hint the sea alone stopped the CoHsnckA in the seventeenth century, mid when they got to work again In the nineteenth the Itusslniis crossed the I'aclllc nnd pitched on to within a few miles of San Francisco long before tho tlrst 'prnlrlo schooner' sailed over tho plains. Tho map of Asia Is a Russian stepladder; the Urnls, Western Si beria, Eastern Siberia, Dalkalla, Kam chatka, tho Amur, Manchuria; the steppes; Khiva, Turkestan, the Merv oasis, Hoklinra, Samarkand; these arc the rungs sho has climbed. Persia, Kashgnr, Afghanistan, India Itself unless a mightier forco than herself bar tho way, her foot will be there, too, In the fullness of time. The 'half south' in hef courso is bIiowii by tho gradual descent of her naval base In the far Kast; Petropaviofsk, Nlkol- nlofsk, Vladivostok, Port Arthur. If you would understand Itusslu, and In terpret tho forecast aright, tho march of great events, never forget that, for her, eastward the course of empire takes' its way; that as the sap rises, as the sparks fly upward, ns the tides follow the moon, so Russia goes to the sunrise and the warm water. This Is what the history of Siberia strikingly Illustrates, nnd It Is from this point of view that tho great Siberian railway derives Its chief slgnlllcance." The rod as an educational nnd cor rective agency In the public schools has been sustained by two Chicago Judges. A few days ago Prof. G. Stanley Hall, In addressing a mothers' club, declared that Dr. Spank Is still ns Indispensable In n well-ordered home where children are being reared as lie was In the days of lien Kranklln. The "new education," I It Is true, Is relegating the rod to the limbo of obsolete things. The hlen of restraint or correction has no place In the real up-to-date theory of child- training. From the schools this "new education" Is spreading to the homes. It Is based on the notion that the nature of a child must not be curbed. He must be permitted to follow the tendencies of the child nature, unhampered by rules or chastisement. A generation of young hoodlums ami rowdies Is the Inevitable result of this theory when curried to nil extreme In the home and In the school. Its baneful consequences are already perceptible In towns where It has been systematically followed out In the public schools. It breeds disre spect for authority, contempt for law, and general disregard for the peace and good order of a community nnd for the rights and feelings of others. Its fruits are seen In wanton destruction of property In the suburban towns, whero the police nre few nnd far ho tween, and where boys nro not sup posed to need police surveillance. In these towns 'they enjoy nil tho advan tages of the "new education." Itecognl Hon of authority lies at the basis of nil rational training, whether In tho home or the school. It Is elemental In any proper scheme of preparation for citi zenship. Itehlud this recognition of authority Is the fear of punishment. Without punitory law there would bo no civilization. This docs not mean that children should be punished with un reasonableness or brutality. The rod Is not always the best form of punish ment. Neither should the natural ex pressions of the child nature be ruth-lu-wly crushed. Hut the punitive factor In child training must not be abolished. If all disciplinary measures are to be abandoned In the rearing and educa tion of children, government will soon become a farce for behind all govern ment Is respect for authority. HIDDEN TREASURE. llettcr tliuu Cuptulu Ktild'a-It Wat Found. Ono of Now York City's most famous, liostb In tin' early days of this coutury was John II miter, of Hunter's Island, which Is now a part of IVlhiun Hay Park. In tho tine old mansion still stiuulltiK ou It, which ho luillt, in 1S07, ( ror a country nonio, una in ins town house ut 7 State street, ho entertained In ti lavish ami snluuUhl manner, guth. erliin often ns many us forty guests at u time around his table, Tho silver that helped to make thcto banquets princely was us famous In Its day as Its owner's good cheer, and there wns a story connected with It, too. When John Hunter's father, Hohort Hunter, who was a nephew of tho Colo nial Governor of that name, nnd a man of wealth, caiuo to this country, he brought with him among his baggage an old trou strong box, which he kept lu tho State street home. At his deatti, his sou, John Hunter, knowing nothing about it, and considering It too clumsy uu article to be given house room any longer, packed It off to a storage ware house, with a lot of other stuff. It lay there for years forgotten, till dually the storage-keeper, taking n faucy to It, usked Mr, Hunter If. he might have a. Mr, Hunter consented, but decided to have a look Inside of It tlrst. The key to It was not forthcoming, mid a lock smith was sent for to force It opeu. Within were rows of etinvns bags. Mr. Hunter picked up one of them; It fell to pieces, and Spanish silver dollars rolled over the tloor. The chest was full of silver pieces, Mr, Hunter sent them to a silversmith and had them made Into the service that Is still to-d.iy one of the finest In the country. Theie was a plateau for the middle of the table soven feet long, and every guest seated about It was served exclusively from sliver dishes. New York Com mercial Advertiser, lilfo Insurance) lor Ilotcl-Koopnra. Germany has u life Insurance asso elation of hotel-keepers which In seven years hua uald over $300,000 to the families of members. LEADING BUSINESS FIRMS OF EASTERN OREGON. E ALSTON A CO. Dealers la Furniture, Carpets, Wlt Taper nd Shade Undertaking (Joodi. LA ORANDK, OR. f W. WISDOM A VU. Druggists and Apothecaries. Prescription! carefully compounded. Toltet Articles. Main Btrcet, BAKER CITY, OR. T. C. TAYLOR THE "HARDWARE MAN." Hardware. stoves. Tin and Copperware. Lime, Piaster, Cement, Coal, Iron and Btet-1 and Hydraullo Pipe. m Main Street. PENDLETON, OR. OTA It llltKWEItY CO. Brewer and Bottlers ot the Famoua HOP UOt.D DEER VANCOUVER, WABH5- AV. H. BOWMAN PIIOTOOItAI'ltlR AND LANDSCAPE ARTI8T Views ot All Inscription Specially. Kodak Pet eloping and Finishing Main St., Near llrldge, PENDLETON, OREGON. KOFPPEN'S PHARMACY... Everything that is kept in a. modern and up-to-date drug store. Prescriptions and Family Recipes put up by competent men, from pure drugs.... A, C, KOEPPEN & BRO Manufacturing Chemists. 1 15 Court Street., Pendleton, Oregon. THE MINT SALOON O. L. MELLQUI8T, Prop. HKST IIKANIIS OF WINKS AND LIQUORS IMPORTKD AND DOMESTIC CKIAIW...- Corner Depot Street. and Jefferson Avenue, LA BRAHDC, 0. The Leading FURNITURE DEALER AND OP EASTERN OREOON IS ..Ml. A. RADER.. Funeral Director ami Kmbalmer Lady .Utlklaut, I'KNDI.KTON OHEOON BAKER CITY .IRON WORKS. HIGG1NS & HARDENBROOK, Props. Iron Founders and Machinists General Repair Work Our Specialty. Arcbltecturtl Iron Work ...and Bridge Castings WIIITK FOB ESTIMATES, - Hotel Pendleton.. PENDLETON OR. HENRY RUST Pacific Brewery BAKER CITY, ORGEON. A. NEUBERGER DEALER IN Fine Whiskies and Cigars Headquarters for MJakf and Commercial Mcsu. BAKER CITY ORKON i Lending Business Finns of The Danes T HE CELEBRATED COLUMBIA DREWERY AUGUST BUCHLElt, Frop. This well-known brewery la now turning out the best Ileer nnd Porter east ol tho Cascades. The latest niipllanrcs for tbo manufacture of good healthful Ileer hare been Introduced, and only the firat-cliiss article will bo placed on the market. East Second Street THE DALLE?, OR. MAYS & CROWE Wholesale A Retail Dealeri In HARDWARE. ST0YE3 AND TINWARE Farm Machinery, Implements, Wagons and Carriages. Iron, Steel, Coal and Blacksmiths' Supplies. Hardwood and Wagon Makers' Materials, Bicycles, Guns, Ammunition, and Sporting Goods, Etc. Z. F. MOODY THE DALIES, OR, General Forwarding AND Commission Merchant. OIllccs and Warehouse at RAILROAD AND STEAMER DEPOTS Wool handling our specialty. Uralu bought and sold. When in The Dalles CALL AT the BANK CAFL Next Door to the Pint Natlonat Dank. Tho Only Flrst-Class Place In the City. Choice Liquors, Wines and Cigars O. J. STU BLIND, Pro. The Regulator Line The Dalles, Portland & Istoria ... NAVIGATION COMPANY ... Through Freight mnti Passenger Lute, Daily Line of Steamers Between Portland, Vancouver, Cascade Locks, Hood River and All Points on the Washington Side. The Steamers DallesCltynnd Regulator teave Portland every morning (except Sunday) at 7 and Tho Dalles at 8 A. M., arriving atdestlna tlon lu aurple tlmo for outgoing trains. rrmlftrt Hmtmrn Bttly Hmuomtt. W. C. AI.I.AWAY, (leu. Agent, Coot ut Court Slnxt, The Mallei, Or. Willi Willi, Wist., Mnrtltli(. McBride Bros. LIVERY STABLE. Rubber Tired Hacks a Specialty. Baggage Wagons. VALLA WALLA, WASH. Telephone 66. 124 E. Main St. HOTEL DACRES S. SIMON, Proprietor. Formerly Simon HoUSC Katcat $2.50 to $3.00. WALLA WALLA, WASH. GILBERT HUNT CO. Machine Shop and founiry Willi Willi, WisiiigtiM. Manufacturers of PRIDE OF WASHING TON Threat, Self YtUn, Drap er and Machine Extire of Every Descriftioa. REPAIR WORK A SPECIALTY. Catalogue Fre. BY RAIL AND WATER. mm Oregon Shot line and union Pacific Ditriar TIME SCHEDULES Portland. Or. ARIttVK Chicago Portland Bpcclnl 9:u0n. m. Yla Hunt ftiRton. Bait Ijikt, Denver, Ft. Worth.Omaha, KfinuM I'll), Ht. I xhiIi, Chicago niid Kait. UDOji.ra. Atlantic Expreu 9.00 p. m. vlii Hunt ington Bait T.alie, Denver, Ft. Wortli.Utnalin, Knn-m City, Ht. LonKChicRt'oanil Kait. 8:40 a.m. St. 1'i.ul Fal Mall 6:uu p. m. via BpoLano Walla Walla lwti-ton.bpokuiie.Mln-nr-npnlli.Ht. I'alll, llllllltll, Mllwmi- kee,Clilcj-o.lEa-it 7.00 a. m. OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE I'ltOM rOltTLANU. I-Wp.ra. All Mlllng Oaten mbject to clianife For 8n Francisco ball every A daya 4: to p, m. Dully Kx.BiinOay t-:Kj n. in. t-rUimUy 1u:(hj p. in. Columbia Rlur tttamm. To Ailorlaand Way (.finding!. 4.00p,m. Kx. Uiinday 6:0t) a. m kx. Sunday Wlllamitlt Dltir, 4:30 p.m. Kx.Bunday Oregon City, New. nerg, puieiii, iiiuo-iiemfem-o A Way Landing!. 7:tK) Tuva., Tlmr. and Ht. Wlllimtfle and Yam hill lilttri. Oregon City, Day. ton, .ti Way t.nntl- Ink's. .l:: p. in, Mun., Wed. and Frl. 6:00 a. in. Tuei., Tlmr and Sat. Wlllimitte Rlttr. I'orllaiid to Corral, lit ,1: Way HaikJ. Ing. 4:80 p.m. Mon., Wed. and Frl. Lr. Illparla S:M n. in. Dally Snali Rlttr. Illparla to 1-cwliton I.v.tA3lton Dally 9 a. m. A. L. CRAIG, General 1'anctigcr Agent, 1'ortUnd, Or. V. A. 8CIIII.MNO, City Ticket Agent. &VI Waihlngion Street. ...T11K ... Pioneer Dining-Car Line ..TIIK. Yellowstone National Park Route TIMK CAIUI-l'OHTI,.VNll. r.if ,-vwill. rVBMIVil Olympla.Oray'i Harbor !.-. n-Ama 11a m . . I a ana riiiin iicnn pouiii, SixiLane. l.ewl!ton.Mo- No. 12 I .eaten Uttl'. li' cow, I'ullman, Orange.' No; 11 vue. ji iioi ua. iieivna. i.,i.... Untie, bt. l'aul, Mlntie.' , " ,, aK)ll, Chicago. Waiti-i A. M. Iiigion (i. '-., rnuauei plila, New York, lloiton and all potnti eatt and toutheait. For Tacoma. Heattle, No. 4 lt-.SO P.'M. ronda.Illllliigi.Omalia. "-s Kama City. Bt. Iiiita. 7:30 P. M. ... -..! ..'l ienvrr aim an poiiu.. toiitn anu toutneaii. Through tervlce. Dining cart. Pullman tlnt-clasi and upholttcred TourUt 8Ieepen. Unexcered at-commodatloai. Ilaggage checked todettlnatlouot tickets. For full liitormatlon, ticket!, maps ol routes and other Information, call on or write A. D. CHARLTON, Aulitant General Paaienger agent. iii Morrliou St., cor. Third. Portland, Or. PORTLAND RAILWAY CO. Car. leave Portland. Corner FIrit and Waah logton ttreeti, tor Vancouver as follow! s Vaucouvar 4Q Minutes. A. M.-':18, 7:03, 7:4), 8:M, 9:18, 10;03, 10:iS, P. M.-l.'tia, 1:03. 1:48. 3:33, 3:18, 4:0S, 4;U, 5:33, :1, 110:43.UrJ3. (Leave First and Jet ferion streets, 4 minutes earlier.) Ferry leaves Vancouver to connect with cars as follows: A. M.-'6:45, vtso, S:l 9:00, 9:45, 10:30, 11:15 P, M.-iJtW. ls'so. 8:t5,3:C0, 3:5, 4:, 5:15, :00, 6ti5,ll:iu. Cars leave corner First and Washington streets for Woodlawu as follows: A. M. 7:03,7:18. 7:33,7.48.8:03, 8:18, 8:33, 8;i8. 9:03, :i8, ::t3, 9; is. 10:03, 10: in, 10:., io:ts, U:0i 11:18, U:33. n:4S. P. M.-12:03, was. 12:33. 13:48. 1:03, 1:18,1:33, lit, 2:03. 2:l(i,2:&i,2:4S, 3:ai, 3:18,3:33, 3!4, 4!03, 4:18,4:43,4:48.5:03, 5:18,5:33, 6.48. 6:03, SilK. 6:33. 6:48,7:03,7:18,7:33, 7:18,8:03, 8:18,8:33, 8:ts, 9:'3. 9:88, 9:43, 10:03. io:33,lO:43,u:o3, ilr83tU;43. WoodUwu ilO MlniiUS. Cars leave Woodlawn for First and Washing. ton streets as follows: A M-5.4V6:, ;, -J0, 6:45,7:00, 7:15,7:45, 8:00.8:15.8:su, $:l 9:00, 9:15.9:30,9:45, 10:00, 10115, 10-M, 10:45, ll.-W. lUtb, 11:30, 11:45,12:00 51. P. at.-l8:l5. 12:30. 12:45,1:00.1:15, 1:30,1:45,2:00. 3:15,2:30,2:45,3.00. 3:15. 3:90,3:15,4:00, 4:15,4:30,4:4 S.-OO, 5:15.590, 5:45, :oo, 6:15, :si 6:45, 7:00, 7:1 7:30.7:45, 8:00, k1S.k:3u,8:.V). 9:10,9:30, 9;i0, 10:10, km, io:W, 411:10. 11:30. 4 Daily, except Sundays. 4Ially,icpt Weneays and Satnrdaya. (Wedntadays and Sturdays ouly. BY RAIL AND WATER. ASTORM&COLUMBI. VaaVaaWV im straight Passenger iraii Onii WITH THROUGH PARLOR CARS nETWI.EX Portland, Astoria Seaside leaves for Maygern, Italn. lrr,Clntskau lc We.tport, Clifton, Astoria, Warren ton, I'lavel, dear, hart Park and Sea side. Astoria A 8eashoru Express Dally. Astoria ExprsS) Dally. Arrives Union DeKt Portland Unliin DeKt j'ortianu 8:00 a.m. 11:15 a.m., 9:40 p.m. 7:00 p. m. Ticket olUce. 255 Morrlion street, and Union depot, Portland. J. i. MAXU, Oen. Fasa. Agent, Astoria, Or. SHAVER TRANSPORTATION CO. STEAMER GEO. W. SHAVER, Will leave Portland, font of Washington St., 8umlay, Tuesday and Thursday evening nt a o'clock, tor i-auvlo Island, St. Helens, Canli-s, Deer Is'aud, .Martins. Knlnma, Neer City, Hauler, Ml. Conlii, Maygcr. Htcllu, Oak Point, Freemntis, Maucnulllii,C'latskatilo and all way landing. THE NORTHWESTERN LIKE Klght Trains Dally hetweon St. Paul and Chicago, comprising The Latest 1'ulliuaii Hlrepers, I'eerUss Dining; Cars, Library nnd ObservMtlon Cara, Kr Iteolluliic Chair Cars. THE TWENTIETH CENTUKY TUAIN "THE NORTHWESTERN LIMITED" Huns Every Day of the Year. The Finest Train in the World Wsmm uicuii ii uigmcu uiaaiii nuiiieu -tsX TO CHIUAtlU IIV DAYMQHT. Tlie nadger 8tate Express, the finest Day Train Running lletween Ht. Paul aud Chicago via the Uhort Line. Connections from tho West msde via. The Northern Pacific, Great Northern and Canadian Pacific Railways This Is alio tlie best lino between Omaha, 8t Paul and Minneapolis, All Agents sell Tickets via "Tho Northwest ern Line." W. H. MEAD, Oenernl Agent. A. L. SISLOR, T. A. 14H Alder Ntreet, Portland, Or. fe. BEST UIINE TO St. Pan), Minneapolis, Dnlotb, Chicago, AMD AIL POINTS EAST. Through Palace and Tourist 81eepers, Dining . Cars (meals a la carte), Buffet, 8raokln j, Library Cars. For tickets and full Information regarding Eastern trip, call at city ticket ornre. Vii Third street. A. 11. (!. DKNNISTON, City Pass, aud Ticket Agent. WHITE COLLAR LINE COLUMBIA niVEH 4 PUdET BOUND NAVI. OAT10N CO. PORTLAND AND ASTORIA. Steamer Hercules takes thn place ot Bailey Oatiert. Leaves every morning tilths week at 7 o'clock, except Sunday. Returning, leaves Astoria every night in the week at 7 o'clock, except Sunday. Office, Alder street dock. Telephone afala 51. Columbia 'phone 351. E. W. CRICHTON. Agent. BARR HOTEL European anJ American Plan. Furnished ia First-Class Style. .Nswhoase, newly faraUh4. two Hocka from Union depot Jtll lh sao4rn Inprovaaaenta. lira-proof, not a4 co!4 watar, caatraU le aatad. atM, $1 aai 91.2S a Day. afada)to,Balkal(, SHs1sBBBSsSsBBHsBHsBIBSBBSSSBlsBISBBaB!BlllS C. SlzU a QllMui, Fertlui. vp