The new age. (Portland, Or.) 1896-1905, April 20, 1901, Image 1

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New Age.
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NO. 3.
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V Jir LwZT
"trip' 'Pj)' ' j up..,,
' f "c Jtjraiisr- '
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Designated Dapoattary and IMnanelnl Agent of tha United States.
.Trsstdent, H. W. Corbett; cuhicr, B. 0. Wlthlngton; assistant cashier, J. W. Newklrkf ssoond
atslstftnl castder, W. C. Alrord.
Latter of credit luued. ayallable In Kurope and the Eastern state. Sight exchange and
telegraphic transfers told ou Now York, Boston, Chicago, Omaha, Bt. l'aiil, San Francisco and
the principal points In the Northwest, sight and time bills drawn In lumt to suit on London,
Paris, Berlin", Vrankfort-oii-lhc-Maln, Hong Kong.
, Collei'tlons uiado on lavorable tortus at all accessible points.
Interest allowed on tlmo deposits.
Collections made t all points on favorable terms. Letters of credit Issued
Mailable in Europe and the Eastern states.
Sight exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Washington,
Chicago, St. Louis, Donve', Omaha, San Francisco and various points in Ore
gon, Washington, Idaho, Montana and British Columbia.
Exchango sold on London, Paris, Berlin, Frankfort and Hong Kong.
Transacts a General Bank nitstness. Drafts Issued Available Id all cities of the
United Etates and Kurope.
President ......... - ........ TYLER WOODWARD
Vlof-I'rritdeut - - JACOB KAMH
Cashier jr. O.MILLER
With Which Is Amalgamated
Capital Paid' Up, $8,000,000 Reserve, $,ooo,ooe
Transacts a General Banking Business.
Accounts opened tor sums ol 110 aril upwards, and Intercut allowed on minimum
monthly balance. Hates ou application.
- r.. . .. -.
Walla Walla, Washington,
Transacts a General
CAl'lTAl, 100,00().
I.KVI ANKKNY, President. A. 11. KEYNOI.DS.
Pendleton, Oregon,
Capital, 70,000.00. 6nrplns and Undivided Profits, t60.000.00.
BESERVE AGENTS First National Bank. Chicago. III.; Firt National
Bank, Portland, Oregon; Chemical National Bank, New York, N. Y.
---OFFICERS AND D1REOTOR8 T. vi Ankcny, President; W. F.Matlock,
' Vice President: O. B. Wade, Cashier rH- O.Hiuereney, Assistant Cashier; J. 8.
McLcod, W. 8. Byers, W. F. Matlock, II. F. Johnson.
Organized March I, 1880. Capital, 50,000; Surplus, S63.600.
Interest allowed on time deposits. Exchange bought and told on all prin
cipal points. Special attention glvon to collections.
W. J. Furnish, President; J. N. Teal, Vice-President; T. J. Morris, Cashier.
Lattsrs of Credit Usual available In tha Kastern States. B'cht Exrhanza and Tfllegraphli
TiatiittM K:d on Nw Yi r., t'hlc.Ko. St. lul. Pan Frsnrlscn, Port land. Ore., Brattle, WnnS..
s -nUiui poll-ts In Oresuu and Washlnston. Collections made at all points on aTorabls terras.
Boots and Shoes, Sundries and Oil Cothin.
NOW is the time to place your order and get absolute pro
tection. We guarantee the quality and prices, and give
prompt service. DON'T place jour order before you see us.
Pacific Coast Rubber Co.
?".hbM; I . 41-43 First St., Portland, Ore.
AfWr a oon tlaoons rssUane of orcr 10 years In this Famous Vatltjr, and a eloaa study of tha
pat -ccorat'lUhwsuW au4 lutura pslblllttss of Itsioll, aud a personal knowUdg el lt elU
u, 1 tool mat bo o-, stsklng a -oms, will na.a any nUtaks In locating hara.
Your Correspondence la Solloltaot, and All Qus.tlona
....Cheerfully Answered....
Willamette Iron and Steel Works.
' ' Founders, Machinists and Boiler Makers,
Marin and Stationary Eftglnaa and Boilers.
Saw Mill, Logging and Mining Machinery.
' Roll Grinding and Corrugating Machinery,
Power Transmission Machinery.
We ere constantly developing Modern
e . . .. . . e&
UT UB tO-te pin enBi - " u" fcvM,..y ,wiinnwii
In 185t.
- - -- mm-r --j -
(First .National Hank In tho Htato.)
Bnnkino RncJnn;.
BUltl'I.US lOO.tOO.
Vice Trcslilont.
A. .nunronn,c-.hlcr.. ;nt. Tho hml0 , f00t wido
-L,..i do i....i i i .i i. .i.
Glove Co."
Celebrated line of
Boots, Shoes and
Druggist Sundries
Machinery for special purposes, which .
I. nil 4 a-Birehtu ! -a wv l k 1 1 t
-C5 JZ5 JElj .JrO
Items of Interest From All Paris
of the State.
ii 1
A Brief Review of the Growth and Improvtv
ments of the Many Industries Through
out Our Thriving Commonwealth.
A tclcphono lino is to Iks erected,;
rum flnlil Hill In Cmannnt. fllk'
mt ..-:i -r xru.,i,.-,n ,- .in-:,ivHDU8lness assoclato of doccasod, dl
Tho council of Mitchell has decided covorcd tho body n9 a rcault of n V,B
10 lint, in a system m wiuvrwurK-.
Thn I.nnn mil n I v emirt is advertisements to nsccrtaln his condition, fin
ing for. bids for tho construction of a
iirMirnni Lnnmo. '
bridgo at Loranc.
S. L. Bennett, a farmer living north
of Mcdford, lias ordered a 2,000 gallon
tank for his windmill.
A salmon was caught near tho Main
street bridge, 1'enUlcton, .recently,
that weighed nenrly 11 pounds. t
rri.- ..-...!-.. .. .ii.nirv nf
Siunmervillo has, begun. . The hr dgo
irovuinmn,nuum .. w"J
A now steam saw mill is being
built on Stukcl mountain, about hulf
.. . . -,. ..
wiy ttweon Kmnmtn
V1 !r rl.w 1,.,"lV0 ,l c"I)llcity of 1000 the expiration of his term In congress,
to 25,000 feet. no wn8 0ioctod to tho lowor houso
Bomo young miscreants piled Ompty from tho Dtiluth district as a iiomo -
boxes nt tho croHsing of two of Rose- crat, In 1892, and served ono term.
burg's nrinolnil I streets and set flro tp,. secured tho position of auperln -
H- about 1:!10 in tho morning.
l JHIU ill I 10 moming. J
.u,ii,.,i iNrommi A ti'
Hinted, l'iremcn and cm
1 out, bclioving 0110 of tho
mK i)iao resti
I cn. turned 1
'main business blocks to Ihj on lire,
.lit; Aii'nuiuut.'n jiwiuiiiutiuii iv. iiri" i
l"ltn Tln.iillilltnn Dnnl.ithijiSinn I T ! .
..t!r... m.. ........ l...u M( (1......
iamiaSinohileep and there I - Jjo'
miming 1(5,000 inches of water.
.company expects to havo water on.ft
'number ortho homestciidH beforo next'
lall. Tho tlitchis Hiirvovcri Rcvcn and
a half miles.
Lawton Tho Lawton Townslte
Company has boon reorganized. ,
Grants Pass Tho Josophlno coun
ty court has oxtondod time for pay-
mnnl nf tnvna tn Tiitirt t !
Grants Pass Tho Southern Pad
Company bad its repair crew workl
on tho brldco across llocuo river la
wcok. ft
Pilot Rock A Pilot Rock corw
spondont writes that It is foared the
rocont cold weather seriously injured
mo trim crop in that section.
Island City Williams Bros, sold 136
head or hogB to Kldlo Bros., of Island
Cltv nt 1G40 nor ion nmm.ia Thi 8 Bomownat concornou ovor mo uu-
Is tho Ill-host ?ato ro,ihc inr -om'nMny In bringing about a final adjust-
is tho highest rato rallied for some mJnt nd nE0 on tho cimcnt ,0poits
u.-- w t .mi. . ,
i" i w,'k.,nB0,n; ,nt WcB
n PnMn iri m x Wulkor'-,i
ii.r0!0 , 1Jlov.ntor. , Campany, 62fJ0
nnilniw bi.Z if ii In "t1
nni- i ..oh 1BUlUon " l,a,u 0 c"t
L ' , . . )
Pendleton John Dradblirn tOOk to
.-ciiuiuiuii iwo wagon loaus or z nR by without any dolay attributable
sacks of wool from ChorleB Cunnliig- to China, so far as I havo hoard, and
hamB homo ranch abovo Pilot Itock.yot without donnlto prospocts of
Tho wool was from thoroughbred bringing tha nogotlntions to n close,
owos and tho 22 sacks weighed 8600' This unsoitlod condition Is vory in-
pounds, 'A inriniiB tn China, but It also is an
Tin. 11m. . .
Salem Oregon Christian Endeavor-,
urn uro iuuhuib lorwaru wun muoii
onthuslnsm to tho 14th nnnunl rnh.
Tuiiuun, which win uo uoiu at uaiem China nro vory largo, out tnoy nnvo -lo.ouu.ouu, in i-onruory, ihuu. rros
May 16-19. Tho convention will open been falling off owing to tho unset-1 ent gold holdings of tho Imperial Dank
with tho evening session, Thuisda')' tied condition of affairs, and tho trade of (lormany nro 1130,000,000, and Us
ovenlng, closing Sunday evening, ( 'b seriously menaced. Tho samo totnl of gold nnd Bllvor combined nover
Toledo A coramlttoo of tho Toleac may bo said of many othor branches ran nhovo $222X00,000. Tho Unltod
flro department Is Investigating the
prouauio cost or a systom of
works and a storngo loservolr
hill oast of tho city. Another
ica is iiEurinR on tno cost or mo. en
glnes ,ond n third la Investigating
k-n1- n-.l I..I.I... iJ'
hooks nnd ladders.
Wheat Walla Walla, CCUW
Valley, nominal; bluestom, BOQ.nktt
DUSllOl. f
Flour Best grades, 2 703
barrel; graham, 2 GO.
Oats Whlto, 1 25 por cental
gray, $1 2001 22. por cental. yfet
Barley Feod, $1C CO017; browlug
16 50017 per ton. Jgi;
Mlllstuffs Rran, $1G per ton;fiV
dllngs, 21 CO; shorts, $17 CO; 'oltir
$16. 4Sf
Hay Timothy. IWftlZ 50: cIwnii
79 50; Orogon wild hay, $Cgr
-120Hc per pound; 1899
Wool Valley. 3niHci EasterS
gon, 012c; mohair, 20Q21eul
pound. t
Butter Fancy creamery, 20 f? 22 14)
nniry. initisc; store, lojpi.ej
pound. am
Ega Orocon ranch, )3i3Ucj
Poultry rlrkois. mlxod. JltfMl
hens, J5Ji5 50; droned, 114J13ki
nm.nrlr ftnrlnna 47 nnn .
ducks. rid!; geppe. $67 per
turkeys, live, 1012c;
i&c per pouna. iji
Cheose Full cream, twlns,fl
13.0; Young America, 1314e-
pound. Ml
Potatoes Old, BOfffCOo por
now, 2'.0,2c per pound.
Mutton Lambs, 10llc por
gross; nest sheep, 8; wethe:
ewes, it &u; aressea, TAffl
Hogs Gross, heavy, 5 756
it loupa; aressea, 7c per nou
Veal Lai go, 7c por pound:
8080 per pound.
Beef Cross, top steers, 59f
I cows onu nciiem, i ovzm lb;
beef, 7Qic per pound.
Ex-Congressman Baldwin 8hot Himself
at Seattle.
SEATTLE. Wash.. Anrll 18. In a
I fit of despondency over business ro
vin II. Baldwin. ox-congressman from
Minnesota, and ox-state Buporlntendcnt
of Indian affairs under President
Clovoland, this afternoon ended bis llfo
by self-destruction. Tho ox-congress-man's
body was found lying on his
bed in his apartments at 2018 Fourth
nvenue, with a bullet hole through his
brain nt 7:30 o'clock tonight, and
from the condition of tho body it is
estimated that death had occurred
fully two hours bofore. Tightly gripped
In his hand was a 38-calibcr Smith &
Wesson revolver.
D. McKlnley. a friend and n former
body as a result of a visit
nnl.l in llm nv.fnn rnuamnn'a nVinrf
. ,'M.Y W fcl.U JA .V Uftl O0. .... .. .. W
taring the room, McKlnloy spoko to
his frlond, the out lnoof whoso body
could bo seen In tbo darkened cham
ber. Receiving no response ho sum
moncd assistance, only to find that
Baldwin had sent a bullet crashing
through his brain, and lay in a pool
of blood, which had accumulated upon
the bod clothing, and which was yot
flowing freely from tho wound in his
right tomplo.
1l- tl Tl-Muilr, h w,- f.fl
".ft. JJS'lS'thVe.M
yoars of ago, canio to this city about
threo ymr8 ng0 from Dui,,th, Mnn.,
nftor having relinquished his position
as Minnesota Buporintondpnt of Indian
nffnli- in iltlnl-i nfTln. lin wna nn.
'tondontof Indian affairs n fow months
"" - ............ ... ............
Inter, nnd was ono of tho fow CIovo-1
innit nnnnlntona who roftisod to roBlun
ZXUarhlnmonhi Prosldont
Immediately after his arrival bore,
lit- Tlnlflwln linimmn Intfirontpil In
Alaska enterprises, ard Bpont a n;
,s dorablo nort on of hs t mo In thnt
- Ilo'acnulred m J interest in
'schooner Abblo Morris, which
-ftm) noflP foundorlnir In n storm at
Nomo last summer. Tho vcbbo! waB
raa-n,i hv n tnir whlrh nn znd hor for
(salvage, and tho rosultlng litigation,
1 . as i jl. a
wniqn is yoi penning in tno cu rw,
. wbs ono of the mattors which It Is
suppoaeu coniriuuiuu 10 iuu uueiiuuu
eaey ws4a!r .which Mr. Baldwin was la-
Minister Wu Urfles That Some Con
sideration Be shown.
WASHINGTON, April 17. Tho Chi
neso minister was at tho state depitrt
mont today In conferonco with Sec
rotary Hay, on tho stutiiB of tho ne
gotiations nt PoKln. Tho minister
Is somowhat concornod over tho do-
I that tho Indemnities roach n vory
largo iiguro, which, ho foars, will bo
boyond tho ability of China to meet,
Mlnlstor Wu said In response to In-
(julrlcs on theso subjects: ,
..Wo nnvo ueon uccuutomed to hoar
that China was vory slow. Hut In this
nna mnnv k-nla nml mnnllm nrn en.
UW 1.1..... ,w. ...... ... .j
Injury which nffocts tho wholo world,
Tako, for instanco, tno cotton inuus-
irv At rim Hnnth. ' Tim HhlnmontB to
of trade, In fact, tho commerco of ull1
.and what tho commercial world needs, 1
' l -1-1. 111... n.l .., .UHiilln unilnn.
watoi-- tho commercial nations oi Kuropo. ns increased (0,iau,uuo witnin tlio pnsti", ; ',,"" " "'' !,' "; ". ",",' A" "'.'.
on tlici woll ns Amorlca. Is Injuriously nlfoct-, 12 monthB. In April. 1899, thoy bnroly ,". ?'?" "J'"'1.,0' A"tor.ln' ,9.r:' oa
commit 'ed by the po I leal uncertainty or oxcee.icn ,. 78.000.000. ,, against the, ?-VV'n !.?. .Vini.
conditions in uiunu. vimt. wu nuuu, uuu,uu.uuu now noiu. i-oiinniry 10.1 . r "..."
IIS OlUUllliy, Uilll CU.t.u tiUliUfc uvi,' -uv,m..
standing of what coudltlons aro. .
"As to tho question of indemnities,! No Longer Needed.
I receive little dlroct information. Hut j in(innn,)0lB. Ind., April 19. Gov
I regret to see from somo of tho ornor j)Urbn has recelvod n long lot-
puuiisnoa ropoits uiai mo nuiii in-
domnlty Is reaching a very largo sum.
.. . ,.i i. i i.i .i.n. m.l. I
u Biioui. uu uuruu in imii.. ui.ii. v...... .
horsolf has Buffered losses throi igh ,
tho recent disturbances which wl I
ran nli tr mnnv mllllniiR. fttirl mr Vtll(!ll I
reach to mnny millions, and for which
she can not hope to rocoivu indem
nity. So thnt, if tho claluiB of tho
powers nggrogato $314,000,000, as I
seo stated, it probably would bo an
under estlmato to sny that China's
own losses would roach twlco thnt
I amount, say 1600,000,000. In tho ng
grogato, China will bo shouldering n
j burden .of colossal proportions, and
mis win coinu iimir iuu luuiuij tiim
pnsscd through a most trying expo
. Effect of Sale of Thurston Courthouse
for State Capitol.
. OLYMPIA. Wash., April 18. Conso
'ouent upon tho state's purchase of tho
'Thurston county courthouse, the com-
I mlsaloners of this county aio laboring
'to select a slto for a now building,
and discussing plans as to tho co&t of
tbo new structura. Many propositions
1 1 liuvo uuuu nuuiiiuicu iu iuu uuiu.
nm nr inn oirora mane uuin:c in
! the form of business buildings already
orecieu arm now uccuineu. u ia v
poctcd that tho (mention will bo dull
nitoly settled this week.
Anotner matter or a similar naturo
that is causing considerable Interest In '
this cltylB tho location of tho post- j
omco. 'ino postomco is now in mo
SthUn'wbUJl:,H mlferrfoiinri'
hi.' pAnVraiiv thnu-ht thA fiootofnco
lt IS generally thought the postomco
will go consiuerauiy lurtnor uown
I town. Into tbo businoss district.
mm Dira up
The Boiler Exploded and Killed
Four People.
Two Bodies Cannot be round Disaster Oc
curred In Midstream Near Victoria,
Was a Portland Stumer.
VANCOUVER, B. C, April 19. By
tho explosion of tho boiler on tho
rlvor Btoamer Ramona this nfternoon,
four personB wore killed outright and
six others seriously injured. Tho dead
tncludo two women who woro passen
gors on tho steamer and two dock
hands. Of tho Injured, tho purser and
tho mato will probably die.
The holler explosion occurred in
midstream whllo tho steamer was en
routo from Now Wostmlnstor to Fort
Langloy, tho latter being a farming
settlement about 25 miles from this
city. By tho forco of tho explosion
Mrs. Morrison and Mrs. Ballllo, who
woro returning from Now Westmin
ster, woro blown into tho river nnd
woro drowned before aid reached
them. Tho bodies of both women
havo boon rccovorod and aro compar
atively frco from bruises or burns,
t,int doall wnB (luo to
drowning. The remains of tho two
deckhands, Phlpps nnd Mack, havo
1lot1,bccn,oul - 1'ursor Power was
i"!,y BJ?I',od " escaping stonm, and
1 M ita , M aynard was also terribly
1 1"10,,,1 Thy .wero taken to Now
Wntn,i,.qtl.p - , nr , :. -,,
woisminster ami aro now in tho city
hosp tnl, but nro not expected to Bur-
vivo. Tho Injuries of Fireman know -
i" nro not B0 levero nnd ho Is ox -
I ,,u "uv uu iiu iiu in o
' Pf ctod to reepver, aB nro nlso tho In
I Jio namona wn
Bionmoi or about 300 tons. Sho wiib
10 mi oldTbut her boiler .
having been put In hiBt summer. Sho
wns valued at 25,000. On her fatal
trip today alio had only flvo paBson'ho Danish
gers, tno iwo womoil Who woro
i drowned and tho threo Indians who
I .n- lintrinl
woro burned.
Largest Amount Now HeW. by Any.
.- -. iMiiiutUii i.lth'.iwM. ;arA
stisri:7'"v:": "
'WV YUKK, April
Tho Evon-
Jng Post says:
I "Todny'B summary of tho Unltod
Statos treasury's report of yostorday
nftornoon shows that tho govern
ment's nggrogato gold holdlnrts for tho
JrA niffSni0 h,Bt,ory yo Itt"8otl tho
'uuv,uuv,uvu llllllli. 1 IIU UXIICl IOIIII
was JC00.278.COO, of which $2,078,-
w mm nuiii iiKuinai coruuraios in
tho hands of tho outBldo public and
tlCO.000,000 a resorvo against out-
DC3 waB hold nKiilnst cort flratos In
stanuing unltod HtntoB notos. tho Iml-
anco bolng fieo nsBotfl. This Is tho
largest amount of gold now held by,
nny slnglo flnnnclnl Institution In tho
world, nnd It Is tho largost ovor hold ,
by any Institution with ono oxceptlon'
tho Imporlal Uank of Husola which ,
in Knhrunrv. IRflR rnlnnil lla Intnl linlit.
ingB to 6ao,30t,000. At preaont, how-
ovor, tho nusslnn bank holds only
$371,(00.000. Tho Ilank of Franco
now holds 1472,271,000, Its high roc
ord bolng 1479,244,000. tho 4th of this
month. Most of this cold Is held
--- , --. ... ..h .w..a. .w...-
against outstanding notos. Tho Hank
oi nngianu noioa sitia.iou.ouu gold,
and tho hlirh rocord of ltn hl'ntnrv wnn
States treasury's gioss holdings linvo
189G. thoy toaclied tho low lovel, 94
tor from Secrctnry Hoot. In which n
r..n ,.vi,iH. u ...,i. . ....
w-,.... ....,.. . iiiiiuu . niu mun
ronnoctod with tho dlsrhnrgo of Itus
B0 ,,, HBrr,Hon ttom tho nrm-( 8oc,
rotnry Root sayB that ho. nftor a con
..!. n.. . . ..
ferenco with tho presldont, directed
tho dlschargo of Colonel Harrison, and
thnt Adjutant Oonernl Corbln simply
acted In his official capacity In Issuing
tho orders. Hy Inadvertence' tho dls
chargo was mndo to tnko effect Do
rombor 1, Instead of Dorombor 16, a
mattor which tho secretary rogrnts,
Mr. Harrison's sorvlrcs woro dls
ponBed with, tho socrctary nfitos, bo
cnuso thoy woro no longer ncodod, and
for no otjtor reason.
ii - i i i .I,, mi,
An Arizona Feud
Phoenix, Arizona, April 19. Sheriff
Kd. neelor of Apacho County, woll
known throughout tho southwost,
was ambuHhcd and killed in a' light
over a month ago, News of tho bloody
fight has Just reached hero. ISegler
fell moi tally wounded by a volley from
behind a Htono wall. At first it was
believed thnt Ueelor was tho victim of
cattle-rustlers, against whom ho had
mado n long ami bitter ware fa re, but
later It developed that thoy wore
friends of a muri whom Heeler had
killed who hud sworn to avongo his
Chile Will Protest.
I Vn nflMlnA n.ll An.ll Ifl HUt.
. "",r:.S"""," , ,". ".
! th Chean mlnlH?or ,n j,uonofl
.. .,. -.,.. i m,i
-,n-t "- Invasion of Chilean
lorr,wrr Dy cituonB oi Argentina,
Th h b VnalonH in Bono
do . imima ftm, Er)Crftn- neur
Punta Arenas.
-- - -.----. ,-- - -. -, --.-.-.. -- --.
Department to Spend $5,000,000
Board Appointed to Prepare Plans.
NEW YORK, April 19. A special
to tho Herald from Washington says:
If tho plans of tho navy dopartmont
aro adopted by congress, n 15,000,000
naval station will bo established at
Olangapo, Sublg Bay, Luzon.
Upon tbo recommendation of Roar
Admiral Endlcott, chief of tho bureau
of yards and docko", Secretary Long
has appointed n board, consisting ct
Roar-Admiral Taylor, civil onglneors
Wolcott nnd Mcnocol, to meet at tho
Now York navy yard for tho pur
pose of preparing tho plans and esti
mates upon which congress will be
urged to net.
Tho board of' which Rear-Admiral
Romoy was president only soloctcd
tho site for tho projected station, leav
ing tho dopartmont to dotormluo upon
Its oxtont. Tho dry dock to bo built
at Olangapo will cost' nt least 1 1,000,
000, and tho shops and tools nro ex
poctcd to cost 14,000,000. It is tho pur
poso of tho dopartmont to urgo con
gress to net expeditiously In order that
tho work of repairing men-of-war can
be dono In American yards. At this
tlmo tho smaller vobbcIr nro ropatrod
nt Cavltc, but tho larger Bhlps are
sent to Hong Kong for docking and
Important repairs. Work at Hong Kong
Is oxpenslvo, and Bocrotry Long bo
Haves tho monoy spont In nn English
port should bo distributed among
American workmen.
Two Qovernments Nearer Agreement
Than at Any Previous Time.
COPENHAGEN, April 19. Tho gov
ernment Is earnestly considering the
omnium in utwnunuy uyiiniuuiuiB ma
,., Hnmnwiint modified nronrmnl
rcconi "oniownai niouiucu proposal
. with regard to tho sale to tho United
'Stntcs of tho Danish West Indies,
which is conBKieroii UKoiy 10 loau 10
a satisfactory tormlnntlon of tho no-
0-cnl , , nro of tho
..,..,.... ...... .... ..... .
, opinion that tho two government.
iro now nenror an ngreomont than
thoy huvo boon ut any previous tlmo.
government ridicules tho
reiterated reports published In Eng
lish papers that peremptory communi
cation regarding Uio salo of tho islands
havo been received from tho United
States, and tho officials are much
Impressed with the cordiality, and
frlendlltwaathat aMuUftlt4tUte--:-;
government hM'sHow tkrotha-t'tlwis-
negotlatlons. .-' u, "f
Loomls Did Not Say It.
Now York, April 19. V. B. Loomls,
United States mlnlutor of Vonozuola,
was n passengor on tho Rod D lino
stoamor CnrnciiB, which arrived to-
night from Ban Juan. When scon on
board tho vobsoI, Mr, Loomls refused
o say nnythlng regarding tho Vono-
zuolaii iiiatterH, oxcopt that President
Cautro Boomed to bo llrmly uoated
unuiro soomea to bo llrmly uoatod
when ho loft Vonimiola. When nskod
If ho Intended to return to Vonozuola
I he said ho did not know, as ho had not
glvon tno matter u thought. Mr.
LooiiiIb, howovor, In roply to uuestloiiB,
Bald that It was untrtio that ho had
nxtiriinHdil llllllHnlf roilicillntr flnnnriil
.- - ............ ............ .. .H..vs...
Castro's uttltudo townrd Amorlcaus.
nor had ho said anything about
General Andrndo.
Northwest Postofflces.
Washington, April 10. A postofflce
has boon ostubllshed in Ollllnm couu-
ty, Or., to bo known ns Alvlllo. Allen
McConnoll has boon appointed post-
niuator. Tho now olllco will bo sup
pllod from Condon, 12 miles to the
An olllco tins also been ostubllshed
od posttnnstor.
Tho postofllco nt Ilndleyvllle, Lane
county, Or., has boon moved threo
rmartors of a mllo southeniit, and
I Mary A. ICmorson appointed posl-
Gorman Tarlif War With Hnytl.
Ilerlln, April 19. OllleJnl Htatlstlcs
published by tho Helehsaiizelger re
garding the foreign trado of 1000
within tho Gorman tariff union show
linpoits aggregating C, 0-12,000,000
marks, ns against 6,781,000,000
marks for 1809, and exports aggre
gating 4,763,000,000 marks, as agalnut
4,3118,000,000 marks In 1899,
A tariff war with Havti Iiiih now
'formally boirun. Tho IlundoBruth has
continued tho Increased duties upon
coffee, cocoa uud dyo woods fiatu
Our Interest in Cores.
Washington, April 19. Neither tho
KuhhIiiu authnrltlos nor the bfato de
partment officials huvo tecelvod any
word concerning tho reported Husso
Japaneso negotiations relating to
Corea. Thoru Is no Indication, how
over, that tho United Ktaten feels any
concern, for about tho only Interest
this government would have In tho
matter Is that of keeping our coin
morco with Coroa unobstructed.
British Columbia Gold Rush.
Vancouver, n. 0 April 18. Another
gold rush Is causing some excitement
In tho boundary district of llrltlsh Co
lumbia, During tho past fow days.
Hock Creek and Its tributaries have
on co more attracted plucer gold hunt-
ors to stake claims. In tho early 00a.
tho Rock Crook placer diggings yielded
largo returns, ana, tho revival of mln-
Inir la thn rflHint nf rnrai.t iml.l .lla.
-vPinH iinu, hn whi.
,. - ., - ,,. - . - ---,-,-,. v-.-w Hav-vvaw flWW
.nf rfrflriunn Innl(1o fnnntv lUnuli
bar, on this creek,