-wvt -'Jg -K ir"' -- ..M, U6J, msto . -. vwf'fc-e -' "MI ?' THE NEW AGE. PORTLAND. OREGON. L -v . 1 i "S. & ALL COME IN LAYMS HATS, CLOAKS AND GOWNS ARE MADE THAT WAY. Fonic Iloaittlful txnni)tei of llio Ap pllcntion nf Till. Ktylo of Drc.it Adornment Arc Shown In Picture of New York I'nililoiin. Now York correnpoinlrnce: A'J'H. clonks nml KowiiH are liflux mndi' on thu Inyor enko iliin. Tins Ki'iicrnl ill on Ih not iiuw, but tliuri! urn iimiiy now tli'vi-lnp- IIU'lltM of It In till! S l r I 11 K fllHlllllllM. Tlio WiiHliIiiKton iU linti cHpucinlly, llllH lll-CII Ht't'll 111 one form or anoth er nil winter, but now that HpriiiK luitH nre iimler con Hlileriition nml tluit ho ninny of tliuiu me of the lint or der, the layer lint eotneH to linvo u liUeile.tH to n plate of buckwheat cakes nerved in n wreath Of I'OHCH. This Is not meant to belittle Hiich headgear, for u very hiiiiiII proportion of It Is ho odd as to Kcem freakish, Not a few layer coalH were worn In winter, mnt now, thonuli IIkIiIit KanneiitH are ileinnndeil, Ihls prln ciplo Ih continued, the layers nppeiirliiK I'llO.M Til 10 I.ATIONT NIIOWINf'H usually at (lie hem, rather than about the shoulders. In gowns the scheme Is carried out on cither s'drl or Jackets, more linen on Inith, Hie jacket opens to show edge on edge that leads limill.v to a waistcoat, and I lint in turn iity ,be two or three deep. The skirl appears Jo be three or four on top of one another, ns the cutting of the various edges and their different depth show. As for sleeves, there Is the outer mid the under, mid each ina.v nIiow at least double edge. The collar Is a series of layers, the top edge mounting high, or if it's a latter-day military nlTalr, It appears lo be u series of straps, one on lop of the other, Ho leros are made apparently 'three deep, so that the lop one is hardly more than u little scallop under the linns, The chief dilTerence between these new H'licincs ami their forerunners of winter Is that the newer ones nre, on the aver age, more complicated, and cMiggcrulcd expressions of the fashion nre fur more numerous. In some examples there Is not, except in the upper half of the skirt. rfT SrillXU MODELS a kiiiKlc bit of the tfootlx that ha a H)Uttro foot of area, and the kowu put In tho accouipan.lnK hiiihII picture constitutes moderate treatment. Its Kood wax bis cuit mistral cloth, lMpim; of crluuon velvet Untitled IU layers, mid beneath the bolero wan a twdlco of white tulTeta polka dotted with rod, which the lower kk'ovu mulched. Not only has tho layer e " " hmiM r.m& PjM Sm mW h I l0 ! OF scheme Increased In Intensity, to put it that way, but it tins extended to Itcmi of dress that did not show It In winter. All skirts Marc towards the edge, and that Hare In helped along In vnrlotis wnys. A skirt slashed from the hem to nearly the knees allows the rnlllliiK of nn under skirt to escape In chnrinlliK HulUiicss, and some skirts are not only suddenly shaped to Hare, but nru trimmed with row on row of overlapping; frills, A pretty no tlon Is row on row of tulle scalloped lloiincliij,' in various shinies of one color. Such llounces nru set on a cloth skirt with uood effect. Another trentment iikiu to this Is pictured at the left In tho next Illustration, and consisted of mi nn )llitio of rose pink chiffon in roses mid folium put on ulle green albatross cloth. A series of tucks or of shaped bauds fast ened only at the upper edge also helps toward the desired Hare. This In shown In the other full-length figure of this pic lure, where n series of tucks did the trick. Striped blaek and white velvet edged this bolero, which was finished with silver ornaments. This Is as much as explaining that Its cashmere was of the royal blue shade, so generally nre blue and silver being mated. Krom approval of very narrow belts to Indorsement of girdles ho wide that the bodice is much reduced In she is n jump that has been taken by fashion's leaders. Girdles like that of the last gown men tioned nre made over elaborate wired ami boned fritmework, and can be bought al ready shaped. The girdle laces on, the material being draped over. It Is held In place by stitching and often Is allowed to overlap, that a buckle may seem to fasten the belt and that nil trace of the under lacing may be hidden. I'anne vel vet, satin-and various Persian materials nre used, mid broadcloth, scrolled close ly in gold or finished with Persian em- -t4 OF SIC I UTS AND MII.MXI-.UY. lirnldrry. N worn fur Kirilllnit. Usually iIiitc tiro iiiiiIi'I'mIccvch nml collar to mulch. A ilNtluctly different trim of Klrilli! effect Hint In IneroiiNlnj; In niiin-1 . : .: V , , ,. ,, , hen la Hint which I u with tho skirt, I'100'8' J rt'nd- carries n full lino ot An cMimpIo of tliN npi.eiir in tli Ho.ite.l ruK t0,1t artiolos, school supplios, Mkiiio the nrtUt mitx here. ().vnter col- j cigars, oto. oreil Krciimlluu wnx over lavender Hllk In It. 11 holcro of lavender velvet trimmed ' Th0 National Polico Gazette, pub with cream luce toppliiK It. IlBn0(i by Mellaril K. Fox, Polico HimiRli this Ik tin. thin, when women Kow ptn,lr(l, ami all other sporting tire I'oimlilerluir Mlilrt wiiInK there iim '. e,,i,,i,,un. f..b., nf a u ...any new wi.IhU that ileimiud iitteutiou. ' ?.tt V" S"!' oils taken nt A. W . I'll., tit 1. hIiiiwii here were, hi the upper , row, Ili'Nt, corn colored miiUMxcllmt tafTotn, , iitieiy iiicKeii 111 tue yoKe portmii nun nil- lulled with liliiek velvet mid black nllk 1 - ' utivt's; secintl. pluk niercerlr.e.1 mull, j For Xmns goods, UoUIIiir Bros., 48 with liuutf r' Kiecn velvet bolero, and ( N. Third street, havo a cholco soloctlcu with rutllcx or the j."i1h nml white cl.ir- of holiday goods iu tho lino of silver run riieliiiiK fur trliuinliiK; mid third, I ware, pockot books, fnnoy jewelry, dla while iilhutnmH embroidered with Koldm0nds, umbrollas, gold nnd silvor 1. ml white Hllk, whit.) embroidered Hllk hnA,u, .,. ivntoling. lnoknbi. ntn. Klviiu; iiuderHleeveH, The left hand walHt of the lower two whk pule crepe de chlnei It wax cut low n.ul trimmed with talis FANCY WAISTS. and Ivory white laeo.applliiuo. The othvr was Persian panuo silk dashed with black velvet. 1'opyrliiUt, 1901. Ilrltlah KiulKration, Grvitt Hrltaln loses on an nrerago ISO peoplo u day by emigration. business locals; Alwai Mk for tkt fMM Gtnaral AHkar dr. IsWf -(tawi Olfir Oo. , ftMktral ftg-t nfA. Or, Mrtrjbodr nmoktm tho celebratftd Monogrm and Pador cigar. They haro no equal. Gall up Union 401 when In need o! anything in the inel line. East Mop riaoa Street Wood & Coal Yard. The A. D. T. Messenger Co. ii the old est and best senrlce oi the kind in the town. Readers of tho New Age, give thfem the proferenoe. - Money to loan, on furniture, pianos, or any good securities. Notes and mo'rtgngoa bought. 8. W. King, room 45, Washington building. Oregon Bntoherlng Company, Frod Metzger, manager, dealers in .all kindi of fresh and salt meats and fish, 410 Everett street. C. A. Watson, Marine Drag Store, 88 N. Third street, Portland, Ore. Spe cialties: Fleokensteln'i Lung Balsam and Celery Seltzer. ' The Popular. 19S First street, bet. Washington and Alder, Portland, Or., John Ecklund, proprietor. Tel. Ore gon red 084, Columbia 608. For fine fruits of all kinds for the traveling public, call at 100 North Blxth street. Ice oream soda. Basket fruits for travelers. George Klser pro yrletor Don't wear baggy trousers or shabby clothes. We call for, sponge, pre, and deliver, one suit of your olothing each week, sow on buttons, and sew up rips for $1.00 a month. Unique Tail oring Company, 247 Washington street, both phones. Jno. P. Sharkey, raanufacurer of harness, collars, saddles and strap work; imporlor of saddlery, .hardware, whips, pads, etc 60 Union ave., Port land, Or. Portland Translor Saloon Chas. O. Elglin, propriotor. Choice wines, liquors and olgars. 831 Giiian, cor nor. Sixth, Portland, Or. Frenoh Dyeing and Cleaning Works. All work done at very moderate prices. Dyeing and cleaning ot all kinds ol ladies' and Gcnt's'clothlng. Mourning cloth dyed in 48 hours. J. Deleau, proprietor, 460 Qlisan strC The finest place in the olty to'obtaia flut quality cigursJJ tobacco and amok ers' artioles is that of Rosenthal A liudd, at 887 and 287 K Washington street, between Fourth and Fifth. Give these genial dealers a call whtn you wish anything in their line. Tele phone Main 70. Armory Drug Storo, 81 Tenth stroot, northwoit corner Tenth and Everett f onn aio, uosKsuimr ami uoniueaior, yyu firm stroot, roiuaua, uie. Aia 1 ordcra solioitod. ....,.... ....., ....,-.., .. ,., ,. Call and iuapect our stock. TO THE DEAF A rich lady, cored of her deafuoiia nnd uolsos iu the head by Dr. Nicholson's Artificial Ear Drums, gavo $26,00.) to his institute, so that deal peoplo uimblo to procure the ear drunin may have them free. Address No.D 3BS1, The Nioholson In stitute, 780, Eighth avenue, Now York' On the Inside. of a collar, shirt or cud done up at this iauudry meaus that you are all right, and that your lineu looks as im maculate and of as smooth and fine a fiunh as if it juit came from the fur nishers, Comfort and satisfaotion we give yon in ovory piece of lineu that we lauuder, and our prices are trifling for it. The Domestic Laundry, J. F, Itobiusoti, Pendleton, Oregon. NATIONAL Steam Dyeing and Cleaning Works orncK AND WORKS) 121 SIXTH STREET. PHOMB HOOD MS 1UU Cleaned, Dyed.'Preued and Trlmmtdj Ladle' PrMti and Iri floo.1. Dyed all Col ors, or Well Cleanod. Uentlemea't Clotblnc Cleaned, Dyed and Repaired. Oitilch fcatheni Cleaned or Dyad all Color and Mealy CuclL SHERIFF'S SALE. In tho circuit court of the state of Oregon, for tho county of Multnomah. State of Oregon, plaintiff, vs. Rich ard Nixon, ns 'administrator of the estate of Joseph Leonard, deceased, all heirs of tho decedent (if acy thero bo) nnd nil persons interested in said estate, defendants. l!y virtue of a flocrco nnd order of snlo duly issued out of Hnd under tho seal of tho above entitled oourt in the above entitled causae, to mo duly di rected and dntod the 14th day of Jan uary, 1001, in which decreee it was ndjudj-od nnd docroed. that tho state ot Oregon stand and bo seized of tho following described real property and vested with the title thoroto, said real property being desoribod ns follows, to-wit: Tho wait half of tho cast half of tho northeast quarter of Section thirty-two Lin Township two north of Rango ono west of Willamutto meridian, contain ing 40 ncros, and boing within Multno mah county, in tho state of Oregon, and in which dacroo it was furthor ordorod that tho sheriff of Multuomnh county, Oregon, bo directed to ninko sola ot said real property to tho hlghont bidder for cash. Now, theroforo, by virtuo of said docreo and order of snlo, nnd in cdm plinuco with tho commands thereof, I will on Monday, tho 25th day of March, lOUl.nt tho hour of ten o'clock A. M.i nt tho front door of tho county court house in tho city of Portland, said county nnd state, roll at public auction, subjoct to confirmation by tho nbovo entitlod court, to the highost bidder for U. S. gold coin, cash In laud, nil of the above desoribod real proporty, and all tho. right, titlo, and interest which Josopli Louorad, de ceased, had on tho 4th day of March, 1807, or Ricliaid Nixon ns administra tor of said ostnte siuco had, in nnd to tho nbovo described real proporty, or any part thereof, as in said dooroo di rected Dntod Portland, Oregon, Fobrunry Slat, 11)01. WILLIAM FRAZIER, Sheriff of Multuomnh county, Oregon. $25,000 OUR GRAND $25,000 ..Ornithological Contest.. Fomethli'iK cnllrtly lei nml Intercatlncr. Itcnil wliAt you nru to tin. Yen mn'KUt l,uuo. Our CDiiU.t Ii to i e who cm. make t'ie lurve.t Hi' nf nnmca tnr klmbjuf blnla Irum the lot lowing 1 it of U'ttvu; 7DOOOCCKQUL1APR TARIDGESPNIELV EBRDIMWADOHTL Wo U rerrKiitze nn n bliJ aeyihlng belong. 'iiKtu the ft'H.tuTeil irlbt, liellicr It bun llui, Crow, Hii.Kt'r, or nny oilier klml. Yo I ran mo any letter hi inuiiy llini-i 10 mnku n iihiiiu hi It nppent In the llt of U'licii nbove; for In. tmncn WootlcocV. Plover. Ki.otv Jllrri. vte. To anr jerKiim lio enn uinko a Hut of 'J4 or morn different uanua of blrdK.wc will Kltenb.olule lyFJiKKabcMi.tlful l'rliu ali.c It.uoo or lew. BIG PRIZES AWARDED DAILY. When you havemndo out your Hit fill out tho Hue on tho Imitomof tbli advt'rtlMmcnt anileii(lloujHl.li a Htnmped Addrencil en. elo.H', tnnii of yo.tr co.intrv will do, then If aniloiir Klfti will bom to !): 1'nr tho bent Hit, received ench day, ndold Watch! (or tho iecui.il bet volution ench day n beautiful Im ported Tea Set; for the men next belt loin tlnna eneli dav. n Koi.rah Bakll. Diamond and Ituby Itlmrt for thu next bet (olullon, a (lold I'leeu; hi d for all other correct xoiutloni, I'rlce. nf llooil Value. Tl.eiu I'rltei will be for. Tl.eiu I'rltei will br for-1 warded da'ly, you will not have to wait a ling nine tin iiieeriainiy oe.oru yon anuw iiiuru ult. There Ii i o element of lottery In our plan, It makes no different.! whether wo get your koliitlon Into or early Iu the day. All you need Ii to mall this Atherlliemeiit to in. and on .In. ilnv It reaehel iu.lt vo.tr Hit Ii the belt. yon hull liuvn the Hold WhIoIi orlfiec oiid U'it tho beautiful Tea Hot, nnd o on. We K.iaraiitvo thnt we will nwnrd you a prlio 'Ihue linbtolutcly no opportunity fordeccn thnt on our tutrt we cannot afford It. We want tOK'et 1,100. WO well fatlitled i.tbicriberi, mid for that reaiott we don't want you to tend any inoiirj' until you know exactly what rrlie you lme Knlned by aiiiwerllie the piunlei. A lotui alter 4 p. m. ench day u pqtalble, the ex ninlni rs will Ji.iIro thu Hit to the best of their ability, and will drtlKiinln the prliei. We will w rile to yoiiatqnce uotlfylUR you what prize ha been awarded you, then If yntt are latli. tied, you can tend your subicrlptlon to The Woman' i W'mUI, and your prlie will go by re turn of mall carrlige ald. To a perion of narrow Ideas It leemi Impossible that we hnuld be able to make such a Klgantlo offer, but we hnve tho money, bralmand reputation, we know exactly what we areilolnn, and If we ran ICKltlmately Kaln a million iiibtcrlbersbr thli arainl Idea, we know that this million of well plenied mibscrlbers can be Induced to rec ommend Thf H'dwiuu' UorU to all (iteildi. thereby bi.iidiiiK up our circulation itiit ttirllier. We aro wIIIIiir to ipeud 1,.0 In ilili i ontekt In building up a Vlixmbscrlptlou JUt, mid when this money l spent we rcierv the rltiht to pupllstf a notlllchtlon that thi contest has !. dlicoutlnued. Don't delay until It Is t o late. The contest will continue until July 1st, 1001. We slvo A Honni I'rlieof .','. tndepend ent of allutl.ei. to the porion who lends Ii thell.t Kotteu up In the belt and hnndiomes manner. Our Committee will decide and award prlin dally, but the iihcIpI roprlz will be awarded In tertember, 1001. Any blrd'i name loiltid Iu tl.odlrtloiiHiUs accepted. WHO itrJir. The "Hiiwna's H'orM" it n thoroughly rtltabU enncri,f ta t loi fo tto txaelty at vc adrrr. liif, .lif'totir rtltnbUl'y'ut r.rfo any Adeer thing Agent or Iuiinm man of London or .Yru lo 1. .Vamr. - Strt Toirn Cvunty.. N. 11. He careful and prepay your letter 8c, as we do not receive underpaid letters. Address: TIIK "WUHAN'S WOULD," llrentrord, Lundou, W., Kuglanil. BOYD & ARINOUD ...f!entTl Agenti... Hamburg-Bremen Fire Ins. Co, Royal Exchange Assurance Orient Insurance Company No. 102 First Street, Near Stark. Strong's Photographs Superior in Style and Finishjj STtroiOi you aru nwurueii a pruu you tun n voiti.ci.ro net tlie prliu by Inruiiilnea lubicrlber to VAi ll'omnn'i W.rf.l. Wo khi.ll award a nrlze lo tvi'rv ner.oii who Mil li the i.an.o of 'Ii Hlrdn.. r. flKNDRtCKS! PACIFIC TEN? S AWNING PRACTICAL SAIL MAKERS Ftmgm and Yacht Smltm a Specialty OltKClON 1'IIONK 943 ICED 27 NORTH FIRST STREET PORTLAND, OREGON. STEPHEN'S Evening Gownm Street Suite Fancy Walete Tailor Made Suite Riding Habits, Etc. 289 Alder Street PORTLAND, OREGON ..TRAIINS STOP.. ...AT.. Wilkins' Eating House 30 Minutes for Heals l.uncl. Counter In connection. Tho only Kat ii.r Home nt tho Depot where you enn get a First-Class Mcnl. ROSEBURG OREGON WHKN YOU UUY Furniture, Carpets and Stoves roil IIOUSEKEEI'INQ Cut This Out and Oct a Reduction at Henry Jennings. 173-174 Klrat Street. Picture Fames. Pictures. Art Materials BERNSTEIN'S ART STORE 807 WaihliiRton street Ilel. Fltlli and Sixth PORTLAND, ORCebM. GRIP Dial linn Cured in One Day by Using DR. CARVER'S COLD CURE Price 25 Cents Laue-Davis Drug Co., 3d and Yamhill RAZORS THAT CUT AT CUT PRICES OVERLAND WAREHOUSE GENERAL STORAGE AT LOWEST RATES Low ..Insurance KELLEY-CLARKE LESSEES , PORTLAND Columbia Pbcne 700 Orf. Pboaa Grtit 431 Uiii m i iiftii :i, LiniNlif, M Mm SI SCw. Q$& Elected LamSdpyCq. CTiA. v UUIf - TvT "-aiT" W i ' -! -i&Ee' ORTNOPEWO S3.SO SHOE DRYER'S POP Ul Alt SHOE STORE mi rJmf Stntmt, Mmm0im Pf-m. PRTLAm, ACSe9. teuJ (or Catalogua. .. ESMOND .. HOTEL. ' Portland. - - Oregon.' Front and Moirison Streets ItATKSl European Plan, 50c to $1.50 Ptr Day American Plan, $1 to $2 Per Da? OSCAK ANDKttSON, Manager. J. C. rENDEQABT, Chief Clerk. ENTERPRISE SHOE CO. 83J North Third St. Boots and Shoes Made to Order Repairing: Neatly Done. Work called for and' delivered, guaranteed. All work H. G. RILEY, MANAGER. Headquarters for Capcn Co.'s Shoes L.V.OAnNAHAN. President. C. Il.dAUDNKIt, Vice I'reildcnt. W. W. TKKKY, TroMurer. Portland Implement Co. JOHN DEERE PLOWS, HARROWS, ETC. FARM MACHINERY AND VEHICLES. 188-194 Front Street, Portland, Ore. USE LUCKEL'S Borax Soap For Washing; Flannels. Will Never Shrink Nor Harden. TRY ONE BAR AND CONVINCED. BE W. A. WISE DENTIST ...Room 614 THE DEKUIVL. PORTLAND, OREGON. Tel. Red 2844, .. Rates CO. OREOOINL Kks yTnjaJJfncltygaih- rA. ' "WSSl -N..A1. Portiand.OrcgoN .the enruopemtr. S3.SO Sham Tlmmlm C.'mv MBM Argument No arll-!t Kfn n reputation tr nime tor ll-clf tm Ih re h mrr t hl lnl t and no other abo tixlav on lie ,nrkei limralnnt v'n Ificrvel renutatlom oltba In Goodoough BuUdln?. w WtMS-w" rtiii'ia.fc ""WOTwnia'arnv.frrwi,Wi"Tnrwinw