.- THE :NEW AGE, PORTIjAND, OREGON. The Worst Part of It. De Jones I hear your firm dh charged you. Bmythe Yob; but I wouldn't mind that so much if they hadn't added In tuit to Injury. De Jones How bo? Smythc They advertised for a boy to fill my place. Chicago News. Tim Twentieth Ontnrjr. The twentieth century bejrnn Jnnuarv 1M, 1001. ni il will end with 2100. People did not hecin p reckon time from A. )i 1, but united until uliont the WO year of the ChrtMlnii era. People who begin to tnkn the great henlth restorative, Jloftettcr'o Btoumch Hitters, linintdlutcly nftcr the first outbreak of dvppeprla, innlnrln, rhen nintisitt, roiiMtiiiatloii, nervousness or kid jiey trouble i 111 date their cure Immediate ly from then. Naturally. Fuddy Did you over notice that most of tho black-faced artists are Irishmen? Duddy Nnturally. An Irishman is right at home in Cork. Boston Trans cript. Spring Cleaning You aro mado awaro of tho neces sity for cleansing your blood in tho spring by humors, eruptions and other outward signs of impurity. Or that dull headache, bilious, nau ccous, nervous condition and that tired feeling aro duo to 'tho satno cause weak, thin, Impure, tired blood. America's Greatest Spring Medi cine is Hood's Sursapariila. It makes tho blood rich and pure, cures scrofula and salt rheum, gives a clear, healthy complexion, good appe tite, sweet Bleep, sound health. For cleansing tho blood tho best mcdicluo money can buy is Hood's Sarsaparilla It is Fcculiar to Itself. American Commission at Parle. Tho cost of tho American commie aton nt tho Paris exposition was nonrlyj fl.ooo.ouu. All dtrsaicd conilltloiii of Hie Mc. mi Hint ikln tire benefitted by tho wetl known remedy, (Jiutltld Teit; It nurltlt-s tlio bloounnd clears tlm complexion. Good Subject Makes Qood Talker. McCarthy Old Brown declares you aro tho most entertaining talker in tho club. What do you usually talk about in his company? McCommick Old Brown. Harlom !,lfo. bw This ilrnaturo Is on erery box ot the cenulno Laxative Bromo-Qnininc twou lbs remedy that riirr n coltl In one day It Wouldn't Do. Baron Munchausen had Just writ ten a letter to a frlond. Ho closed with a nourish, "yours truly," and signed his namo. Then, with a melancholy smile, ho erasod the word "truly." "It would only movo him to dorlslvo laughtor," ho Bald. Chicago Tribune Il-eil Mm Itnl l'ln?r Hanger! Kcd plninlri. blntchrs, bnll, sores aredancer llgnals of torpid Iher, polMincd blond, Ca carets Candy t'Mtliartlo Mill save ou. All arugglits, Iuc,g3e,n. Amending 8hakcspeare. Her Escort Ise awful fond ob music, 'specially dance music. Miss Snowflnke So'a I. .Doan' day lay dat music am do food ob lub? "It am do very chicking an' watah nllllon ot lub." Puck. Poison Oak Poison ivy are among the best known of tho many dangerous wild plants and shrubs. To touch or handle them quickly produces swelling and inflammation with In tense itching and burning of the skin. The eruption soon disappears, 'Ihe-euf-ferer hones forever: but almost as soon as the little blisters and pustule3 appeared tho poison had reached the blood, and will break out at regular intervals and each time in a more aggra vated form. This poison will loiter in the system for years, and every atom of it must be forced out of the blood before you can expect a perfect, permanent cure. sss Natirc's AitlMe FOR Nature's NUhs, I .. ai1 ouft far PMci-m HjA- Vnlttm Ivy, and all noxious plant. It is com posed exclusively of roots and herbs. Now is the time to get the poison out of your system, as delay makes your condition worse. Don't experiment longer with salves, washes and soaps they never cure. Mr. R. M. Marshall, bookkeeper of the Atlanta (Ga.) Cas light Co.. was poisoned with I'oUon Oak. He took Sulphur, Arsenic aud various other drujrs. and applied eiteriuuly numerous lotions and salves with no benefit. At times the loiionsauu valves -win nu kiivw. . ...- ... swcllinp and Inflammation was so severe he was almost blind, l'or eight ears the poiwn would break out every season. Ills condition was much Improve I after taking one bottle f 6. S. S , and a few bottles cleared his blood of the poison, and all evidences of the disease disappeared. ") People are often poisoned without knowing w hen or how. Explain your case fully to our physicians, and they will cheerfully give such information and ad vice as you require, without charge, and we will send at the same time an interest ing book on Blood and Skin Diseases. THE HftfT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, 8A. st Oouca 8f run. TaatasGood. UseH la tana. Bold ty dreaH'"- M A NEW TRICK WITH MATCHES Here Is n match trick which Just now is puzzling a good many people In En gland, says the New York Hernia: "A" says to "B": Hero nro twenty Ave matches. Now let each of us take awny, In rotation, not more thnn threo nt n time. You may bcglti. Whoever gets the last match loses." "All right," Bays "B, "I'll begin." And now they take them nwny as follows: "B" '. 1 3 2 3 32 "A" 3 12 112 This makes twenty-four, no thnt tho Inst mntch falls to "H.". It will be seen that "A" each time tnkes nwny, a num ber of matches which, ndded to those taken by "B," makes four, and as twenty-live Is one In excess of n multi ple of four "B" ennnot help losing. But tho lnttcr docs not know It, plnyB again, loses again, and makes "A" be gin. "A" begins: "A" 3 2 3 2 13 "B" 3 12 3 1 This makes twenty-four, and "B" loses. "A" simply operates so thnt 'as soon ns posslhlu tho number of matches from which "B" hits to tnko shows one In nddltlon to a multiple of four, and from then on ngttln takes nwny n tut tu ber, which, added to thoso taken by "B," mnkes four. Of course, tho total number of mntchca Is not restricted to twenty-live, It mny bo 21), 37, 73, 101, etc., but must almost bo one In excess of n multlplu of four. MfflSi r Tho manager of a St. Louis manu facturing company, Mr. M. V. Kellcy, has given tho results of his experience in theso words: "In advertising, us In everything else, persistency will wlu. I've tried It. I know It. There Is uot an 'article of any merit whatever that cannot be sold through advertising aud tnko the Held over products that are not udvcrtlbcd." A Ohjcago merchant of experience places more stress on tho constancy of the advertiser thau on tho striking charucter of tlio advertisement. Ho declares that "tho 'nd.' thnt It always on tho tiring line, through thick aud thin, In season and out of season, Is the 'ad.' that will win Its share. In tho dlvlv Ion of trade. Tho 'ad.' that Is run at In tervals must enter the ljsts each time is a new competitor." In all Its all-pervading Inlluenco ad vertising seems to be like t.io trufcts, which, according to Mr. Bryan, "we en, rouuter from the cradlo to t grave." Certainly publicity promotes tho miIo ot rvery commodity Tor which umu has aio during Lis lifetime: but its powe'r is a stimulator of demand Is not limit ed to such articles. A Boston company which mnkes tombstnucj and monu ments ha, built up an enormous bttsl-cos- in Sew Eudnvd by persistent ad vertising In the newspapers. Philadel phia Record. A notable evidence of the progress of aowspaper advertising lias becu pro vided bv tho book publishers. Until recently theso publishers, like some oth er business men, considered that '( wits essential to their dignity to avoid any thing striking In tho wordlug and the Ijpo of their advertisements, and in deed, to advertise only In n very lim ited way. All the publishers and sorce bankers, Insurnnco men and otters have discovered that to do the largest mount of business it Is necessary to do a large amount of newspaper adver tising, and to word their "mis." so as to arrest attention. Up-to-Date. Poetlcus I have hero a companion poem to "The Man with tho Hoe." Editor What Is it. called? Poetlcus "The Woman with tho Ax," and I've dedicated It to Mrs. Nation. Chicago Chronicle. Nine out of ten men who get Into business trouble, finally credit it to re fusal to let well enough alone. Th aJtroBomer Is a space reporter. '"aLaVHsW UY Mrm. Watmon'm Message. Ska tmilm mU auf taring woman how aha waa cured ot Ovarian Inflammation by fEuLH "Dbah Mrs. PrrxnAM: When I wrote to you n few montha go I had been Buffering from iuflammntion of tlio ovaries and womb for orer oiehteen months. I had a continual pain and orextem in nry baelcand aide. I belie vo my troubles were caused by overwork and lifting some years ago. Lifo was n drag to me and I felt lilm giving np. I had several doctors, hut they did mo lilUo guod. I bognn to useLydiu E. Pinkhnm'a Vogotablo Com pound four montha ago and am in bettor health today than I have been for year. All my paina aro gono. Your vee.etnble Compound has mado me woll. I recommend it to all suffering woinen,r lla, 8. J. WATSOlf, Hampton, Va. When thre l one remedy that In sure, and humlrcds of thousand of women know from ex perlenee'hs reliable, le It wise to experiment with untried and comparatively unknown medicines? RHARn a son who letter is 'the Key to the Situation. First Detective How did you man ago to discover tho scandal in their family closet? Second Dotectlvo Woll, you boo, I had a sxclcton key. Smart Set. XOV KNOW WHAT VOU AUK TAKINO When vou tako Clrore's Tattoleis Chill Tonic, becatuo tho formula Is plainly printed on every bottlo showing thnt It Is Imnlr Iron and Qui nluo In a taitclesi form. Ho Cure, No l'ay. toe. The Last Resort. Clara Ho was hearbroken, desper ate nd ready for anything when I rejected him. Maude What did ho do? Clara Ho said ho was going to sco you. QregonJjioooPurifie Composition of Sweetbreads. Elsie (aged 3) Mamma, I want to ask you a Borlous question. Mamma Woll, what 1b it, dear? Elsie Aro tho sweotbreads mado ot loaf sugar? Mothers will Hud Mr. WIikIoiv'h Month hip Syrup the beet reined v to use lor their chlldh'ti during thu teething period, 8erum for Diphtheria. During a rncont epidemic of dlph thorla In uptown on tho Hudson, 205 caeca wero treated with sorum, and among theso thoro woro only two tenths. Uiopm thm OoubH mntl Work Off tltm Cold. Laxative Ilrnmn-Qulnlno Tablets euro a cold In ooo day. No euro, No l'ay. l'rlco 2a couti. The Meaning In a Squeak. Qus do Smith Thoso now boots of yours squeak awfully; perhaps, they ain't pnll for yet? Johnny That's all nonsense. If thero Is anything In that, why don't my coat, and vest, and my trousors, and my hat squeak, too? Exchange. rTS PrtuniiUr Cured. No flU or iierTOiMncm llle) fUrnri'lT'.ii.Kriir.Kiniflrrt Nert IlMtnrrr. tiiirrPHKKtJ.OOtlUttliIUFat. Us. Ua.n.11 Kl.i.Lia,.MIAriliat..l,lillJ.IliU.l'. Passing Fare. Street car conductors aro never beautiful. In fact, they aro not even passing faro. Philadelphia Record. Force of Habit. Would-Bo Suitor I deslro to pay my addresses to your youngest daughter, sir. Havo you any objections? Druggist My youngest daughter la already engaged, young man, but I havo another daughter Just as good. Somervlllu Journal, Your Clulile and Ouardli the famous Oreson Wood Purifier, lea ed and true. Uwiiiiok, Aluminum Bridges for Cavalry. Tho Austro-Hungary war offlco has recently tried with success bridges of aluminum for cavalry. Thoy aro tho Invention" of CaptalnB de Vaux and do Vail, and are easily carried on wagons. totWOtJiWCHKJtKiOCJOOOOOOOCHWtt JKf SUMMER I Beware 01 mem g 2 Thfre are two afflictions which 2 El 9 perhaps give the most pata W ! V and trouble, vizi g IB 1 Sciatica f 4B1 B n V HKfaHaaBaaaaal Lumbago !HflB X goto aisaoio ana aipptc, x 5 WTl lniiSI 111 fi X totbelrbtsicur. 5 We hare deposited with the .Nation it City 0a k. a-aaaaw 0 t vnn. or Lynn, Ijooo, fhlch rlll be raid to anv ner. can find that the above tentlmonlal not genuine, or was nubllihed l.tfora uuimiuiii iv -.Tint, n rcvin, ciiiiikiiu. I.Vnt K riMKHAM MRDICtNB CO. Woes of a Wife. I "Oh, that I Bhould havo married a. funny mnnl" she walled. "What Is tlio matter, lovoly doar?" askod hor most Intlmnto frlond. "Ho came homo and told mo ho hnd a Buro way to keep Jolly from getting moldy nt tho top, and when I asked him how ho said turn it upsldo down." Boston Travolor. """ - - . aarflcld Tea U an oxccllpnt mcdiilnu In tulo In the spring! It produces a healthy action ot the liver; It cleanses tho system aud purities tho blood. . Restoring a Medieval Castle, At Hohkonlnsburg, In Alsace, tho remains of an early tnodloval castlo 1b to bo restored by tho kntscr nftor tho manner in which Plorrofonds wns rebuilt by tho architect Vlollot le Due for tho Empress Eugenie. Tha Itast Prescription for Malaria Chills and Fovcr It a bottlaof a rove's Taitoleu Chill Tonic. It Is simply Iron andqulnlnoin a tasteless form. No Cnro. No l'ay. 1'rlco M)o. Little Alice's Description. Littlo 3-your-old Allco stood watch ing hor mother baking pancakes. Aftor a fow moments' Bllent observation alio eald: "Put on back, turn over on stomach, then cat." Plfo'n Cttro for Coimunptlmi Is nn Infttl-1 llhle ntcdli'iiia for rouphs mid cnlils.-N. ' W. 3AMUr.i,. Ocean drove, N. J., Feb. 17, Not Completed. Mrs. Darling You told mo boforo wo woro married that you had an In como of Vil.000 n year. What has bo como of it? Mr. Dnrllng Can't tell you until I got nn I to ml zed bill from your dress maker. Donvor Nowb. TO CU11K A COI.D IN ONE DAT Take Laxative Jlromo Qulnlua Tablets. All druggists refund the money It It tails to cure. U. W. Grove's slsnaturo It on raoh box. S.V). Knew the 8ort. Eleanor's Mothor You do Elonnor a great Injustice, my dear. Sho Is not Idle, only delicate She has no powor of onduranco. Eleanor's Father Humph! I know all about hor powor of onduranco. It's the kind that'll let hor danco all night In bIiocb two sizes too small for hor, and mnko her too tired tho next dny to dust tho parlor. Now York World. SEAFARING MEN -A-' vunui tub ui Its rB f ItffJ nil wis int. muuu vi WiW)$ BRNP OILED CLOTHING IT WILL KEEP YOU DRY IN THE l Wettest weathm LOOK rOO ABOVE TTAOE flAtt ON JALC EVERTWHERe catalogue:) free SHOWING PULL ChNE OP0ARMENT3 ANDHAtt A.J.T0WER CO.. B03T0N. MASS. M Is best Hire to eure Catarrh, llrnnchltl aud Consumption, Our remvdy I Kiiarautevd, II, I. O. Ilux lt7.'l. ,W. H.SMITH ICO., Buffalo, N.Y. YOU DO YOUR PART which Is, send us jour addrct), and WE'LL 00 OURS Which t, tell you tree how to male money Ian in tne 'resni yrrai rauinu tvui ciriMeum oil loim Write Immediately to Haulers and Hrokeri Oil Co,; J W llrl ner 0 ..financial agents, ZI3 1 oininerc ai uiocx, ruruami, Lire. Deeiai ageuis wauieu iu ercry lown. V. r. N. D. o. is-iaot. WUES wrltlur U advartUara sttaasa aaaatlaa this payer MA QIN a ivTff il x n litUW w . WU&l WJ "2wt3nC-? THE ilOKE WAS TURNED. A Man Who Ulnae I a Pit nnl Fell In It Himself. "Jt didn't turn out ns Jones figured," said the talkative man with u grin, "lie invited me to pay him n visit nt his summer home In the country, and I accepted without any Idea of what ho had In Btoro for mc. No sooner hnd I arrived than ho Informed me thnt ho had mo booked to net ns Judge of n baby show that was to take place tho following day. I laughed at him, mid told him thnt I would have to be ex cused. But ho pointed out the fact that I had been ndvertlsed to net, and that It was now too late to withdraw; so I consented, although with a good many misgivings concerning tho out come. "Well, when I stood up on tho pint form, and saw twenty-seven proud mothers holding ns mnny babies before me, I anno nenr losing my nerve nnd bolting. However, I took n brnco nnd told them to form in lino and mnrch past mc. They did and the sight made mo dizzy, nnd for tlio lifo of mo 'I couldn't tell a white bnby from n col ored one. To catch my breath nnd gain tlino to collect my thoughts, I told them to march nrouiul once more, tho result being that I wns more rnttlcjl than ever. I wns about to ask them to parade onco moro when I saw Jones grinning nt mo from the fenr of the hall, aud I realized the hand that he had hnd In getting mc Into the pres ent situation. Like n llnnh, I saw n way out of tho trouble, nnd n chtinco to even up matters with Jones nt tho Bnmo time. Clcnrlng my thront, I ad dressed tho expectant mothers ns fol lows: " 'I hnvo naked you to pass before me moro ns n mutter of form than mis doubt concerning tho, winner of .UiIb contest. Thnt tho babies are all dears I think yqu will agree wlt,h me, nnd 1 also think you will concur with my Judgment when I utato.tlmh there" IfT one baby hero so much prettier than tho rest ns to place It In u chine of Its own, and to (lint bnby It Is my duty to nwnrd tho prize. But to save the heart burnings of the other ltiotlierM I think It best uot to publicly announce the winner nt this time. If the mother who holds tho winner nt thlH Instnut In her nrniH iinil she knows to whom I refer will call at the homo of Mr. Jones to-morrow morning ut 8 o'clock she will bo nwnrded thu prize she so Justly deserves.' "Then I left nnd caught the 11'rHt train for home. I gather from the hoiih what warm aud Incoherent remarks that Jones has made in my hearing hIiico that there was n wildly exciting time when twenty-seven fond mother called In a bunch to demand tho prize thnt I had awarded. Jones refiisen t6 tell how It ended, but ns ho appears afraid to go back I rather Imagine thnt tho end Is not yet." Detroit Free Press. IDEA HAD A FATAL DEFECT. I'loii of 11 ti Inventor t 1 liw.irt the Kit terprlalnir llurul ir. "I ran across a queer old relic In my lino of business recently," said a Htifu and lock expert who Is In tho city to see tho carnival. "I was prowling around n machine shop In a town up In lown trying to hud n lining that 1 needed, when I happened to notice n sheet-Iron box which seemed to have onco been entirely covered with glass tubes attached to thu surface by ce men t. All of tho t lilies wero broken, mid most of thciii were itilHslng, hut thu general iirniugciueiit could he ens lly traced mid thu contrivance lin pressed mo at once with a hciiku of fa miliarity. 1'rcneiitly 1 remembered about It. It wns nil that was left of tlu one-time famous 'uncHthctlu wife,' an Invention which ought to hnvo been sponsored by u society for thu preven tion of cruelty to burglars. Tho Idea of tho thing wns that any cutting or drllllngthrough thu outer casing should releasu certain chetnh-nls which would promptly stuplfy everybody In rnngf of their fumes. Iu tho morning the owner would ilnd his valuables liitnci and could Hliuply call 11 tlruy nud'paek olf the unconscious burglars to Jail. "Willi such n device It wits not nec essary to Iiiivii iiiiihhIvo steel wnlls, and tho model which I chanced to resurreel was intiile of ouc-clghth-luch sheet Iron. The Inner box wns entirely mir rounded with glass tubes about the (llnuictur of u lend pencil and lllled al ternately with two chemicals which wero supposed to produce stupefying gas. when they came Into contact. There was u thin outside casing, and the theory was that any effoit.to break in would necessarily fracture two or more of tho fragile glusscH, It seems Incredible, but several prominent capi talists became greatly Interested In the scheme and stood ready to back it with unlimited means until actual tents liunlly convinced theju of Its grotesque Impracticability. How the model ever drifted to tho Iowa machine shop 1 couldn't tlud out. It had been there for years and was probably part of tho plunder of hoiiio forgotten Junk sule. The only other safe I know of lit to rank with thu 'anesthetic' as a freak was one designed by an Inventor In Washington. It was circular In shape, with n pivot at the bottom, and at night time thu plan was to connect It wrth 1111 engine belt aud spin It like a top. Tho inventor was very much In earnest and made a largo working model. Ho admitted modestly thnt the safe could only he used 'where steam power was available.' What would pre vent the burglars from throwing on tin l)elt ho didn't stale." New Orleans Times-Democrat largest Cur pot In tint World, The largest carpel In the world lx In (Vlndnor Castle. II Is -10 feet Iu Incuilth aud contains r8,810,(NK) stitches. The weaving of It occupied Iweuiy-elght men fourteen mouths. WAS TORTURED An Indianapolis Woman's Sworn Stat' ment of the Way in Which She Was Saved Pi 0111 Death. From tho Indianapolis Nowb. Mrs. Mary K. UurnB, of S05 Hia watha street, Indianapolis, Intl., Is Ut-' lag evldcnco of tho wonderful powers ot Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People, the remedy thnt cures whora nil others fall. For years sho en dured nil tho toitureB of Indigestion, nervousness and fomnlo weakness, ft complication of troubles that flvo phy BlclnnB confessed their inability to cure. Hor story Is well worth tho at tention ot ovory woman. Sho says: "My Illness commenced after my first child was born. I was so wnnk and nervous thnt It seemed I would novor get strong. For twelvo yonra I doctored for fomnlo trouble, com plicated with nervousness nnd Indigos tlon. My stomach was so weak that for days at n time I could cat nothing but broad nnd milk. I was also troub led with palpitation of tho heart and wns often bo miserable thnt I could not lo down. Five doctors prescribed for no, nnd I took mnny kinds of modi clno without being benefited. One day I saw Dr. Williams' Pink Pills advertised In tho pnpors nnd I de cided to give them n trial. I did so and had not finished tnktng tho first box whon I know that I was getting bettor. "You can tmaglno the relief I folt whon I found that aftor years of suf fering I wiib being cured. I continued taking tho pills, nnd tho fomnlo troublo cntlroly disappeared. Dr, Williams' I'hik Pills for Palo Pcopla did moro for mo that! It was claimed thoy would do. Since I first took tho pills I hnvo not needed a doctor nor any othor medicine; thoy hnvo restored my health, strength and happiness. "MR8 MAIU K. DUItNS." Subscribed nnd sworn to. boforo ma this 10th day or October. 1000. GUOitOlO II. SWAN, (Seal) Notary Public. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Palo People aro sold by nil denlors, or will bo Bont postpaid on receipt of prlco, GQ cents n box, or six boxes for 12.0 (tiles' nro novor nold In bulk or by tho hundred), by nddrosulng Dr. Williams Medicine Company, Schnncctndy, N. Y. Another Victim. "My father," said tho uwcot young thing, "Is u gold hug. Aro you?" "No," replied the young mnn. "I bo long In tho molnnooHto plclpes class." "Hood gracious)" shu oxclatmod, "What's thnt?" "That," ho hastened to explain, with tho aid of n practical Illustration, "Is .ho scientific name of the kissing bug." The Truth Forced Home. "I'm nfrnld," sho slghud, "that I'm getting old." "Why'' ho nBkod. , "Whon I go to tho grocery now tho clerks don't nearly break their necks trying to boat ono unothor In getting my ordors." Chicago Times-Herald. To Play "Shopping." Tho lendor sayB: "1 wont shop ping this morning, nnd everything I bought began with A. From tho gro cer I bought (points to a player and waits for rosponso), from tho drug gist (points to unothor), from tho dry goods store, from tho bukor," ottv Tho responses must ho given quickly, tho penalty Is to tako tho placotf tho louder and start unothor ltttor. For Keepo. Ascum 80 you've got n political situation? Do you expect to keep It? Ilnfforty Faith, I do, so, an' what's moro, I Ixplct It to Knpo mo. Phila delphia Press. A Delicate Matter. "No," said Miss Cnyoono, "I don't think I should euro to voto, Publlo affairs aro too dllllcult for mo." "Vou used to say thoy woro vory simple." "I havo changed my mind. It seoma to bo nlmost ns hard to determine whom you should snub In politics as It la In Hoclcty." Washington Star, Not a Confiding Nature. Mr. Johnslng I don't Ilka dat Farm er JoneB. Ho'b too 'splrlous. Mr. Jackson What's ho dono now? Mr. Johnslng Ho'h dono gono nn' put n six-foot bnhb-wiru fonco nroitn' his melon patch. Now York Journal. How It Happened, Miss Klttlsh Major, Is It truo that onco during tho war one of tho enemy died to savo your life? Major Uluntly Yes. "How noblol How did It hnppenT" "I killed him." N. Y, World. Would Still Be a Puller. "Charlie," said a visitor to a bright littlo a-your-old, "aro you going to bo a dentist llko your father and pull people's teeth whun you grow up?" "No, sir," replied Charllo. "I'm go lug to bo a lawyer llko Uncle Georgo and pull people's logs." Standard Wants Japanese Oil. Tho Btnndnrd Oil Company has or ganized the .International Oil Com pany, with 110,000 capital, at Yoko hama, Jajfiin. Tho purposo of tho now corporation Is to control and develop tho Jnpaneso oil Holds, Biliousness have used your Tuluable CANC'A Itlt'l'M and and them iwrtrcl. Couldii t do tuhoui thtwn. 1 huu uvul ihvm (orfcome time 'or ludiifcsiion and bllloiimn sn mid urn now coin- Sielely cured. Kecoinmtnd them, touvtry one. iico tried, you will nevur be without them la the Istnllr," Entr. A. Maui, Albany, N. Y. CANDY 1 m m tAinKiiii CATHARTIC TRAOI MMM aiaWTiase Plsatant. I'alatabl. i'ouni. Taste Oood. De flow. Jrer Blcasu, Weaken, or Orlpa.lOc.UcHw. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... UtrlUe limtit tw)n, CVUms. Bulfttl. TrS. m Hfl.TO.lAn ?'." L?Ar7tyr'",d .r M' -ww pw vn HM w VVKS IUWW Ul