. .. sfiSasaCT"r- :;r-r-'--r "? ."r.. .., v . THE jsW-AGE, PORTIiA.ND, OREGON. IWmMT i! BmTii I 'ITst Tgjipiip s aa2SSffiilJc jEjTaW .. . V l ( -t JP ,. , V Bar Fixtures and ..Billiard Tables.. Have Re-established their busi ness in PORTLAND, at 49 Third Street. A full stock ol Bar Fixtures, Bil liard and Pool Tables. Bowling Alleys and Supplies always on hand. EASY PAYMENTS. d. G. REDDICK, Manager. The Reliable Loan Office Pawnbrokers and Jewelers fo BARGAINS iS ...IN... W .uniitutbaitu, PLEDGES Money Loaned on AH Articles ol Value. PRIVATE ENTRANCE ON PINE ST. All Giioit. Holil mi IlisUllnnints. 01 Third St.. Oor. Pino, Portland, Or. LAWRENCE BROS'. Towel Supply Co. Towels fiirnlslipil to llarhor. Doctors, Ofllcel ami limine IIiimtc, i;tu. Wo also do First Class Laundry Vork. Fourth mill CiVunli Hts. PORTLAND, OH. , Oregon l'liono 129. Columbia Phone 410. Old Kentucky Club Whiskey Home ,.AND.. Shaw's i Pure Malt Blumauer & Hoch Wholesale l.l(iuir .1 Uigur Dcalors BOLE AGENTS. 110 Fourth Stroet EMPIRE Livery Feed and Sale Stable C. P. BARNARD, Prop. Saddle Horses, Single anil Double Kltfs At All Hours. Transient stork given the vrry lot ol rare, Kates always rvanoiiublo and .atlslavtlou guar auteed. Ptioao Main 91. Cor. Rose and Oak Sts, JIOSEBURG, OREGON. EDWARD HOLMAN UNDERTAKER Fourth and Yamhill Sts. BOTH 'PHONES NO. 507 KENA S1INS0N, Lidj Anlllint. IIIR1H irfTiira Ulilt TSfc J z GKm I yii mi mimwMM I .Merchant Hotel. i COUSF.lt TIMID AND DAVIS bntKKTB I'lMlTI.ANIt, OHKOIIN, JIOTKI. 13 NKWI.V KENOVATKD. Till) Is tlio tet eiulli'd moderate rslo bote on tlie I'm'ltlo OokhI and lm all lite conveu. lem-es ol lilKb-rlced hotel, t'omideto with eltctilo light, ami liolls, and nrlriUu water In each room, luth loom on each tloor, Klevatoi tor accoinodallou ol kuc.U Kates it mid ll.'.'l lu'rd.y. Meals V. vents. Cinfelal rates to lam tiles and theatrical lrlle. Frco'tus to and Irumall trains. IllW looms. Only lour blocki from Union Depot. Flr Prool Uutldlni;. F. K. HILL, Prop. Electric Hotel OREGON CITY. OR. JACOB CASSBLL, Trop, Irlotlr Vlrst. Class. .( 1,00 'r ly anil Vu Steam Heat, Electric Ughts, Com merclal Sample Room. W4XrZmm.W, frAir?fl!wAly -TI1E- Multnomah Trunk Co. MAXUFACTUKKIM) OF TRUNKS TRAVELING BAGS SAMPLE CASES Salesroom 143-145 Sixth Street PORTLAND, OR. ...THE OLYMPIAN... 148 Fifth St., Near Morrison. BLUNDEN & VELTON, Props. TIIK I'AMOCH OLYMPIA BEER ON DRAUGHT New iliillUIng, Now Fixtures, Cholco Goods. V. I MtCAIIK, Hon t tie. K. H. IIAMII.TOS, Tiicunui. u'mm? ft uiMtrrrnM I 1U UflUli U JlHUillJlVll .. STEVEDORES .. PUGET SOUND Also Honolulu, H. L Koad Oftlcoi Tacoma, Wamlu Outdo Addrvta: McCAIIi: GRACIE, BEAZLEY & CO., Agents 14 Water Street, Liverpool. KRIEG & LEVY UXronivii.lTKlh) GROCERS C'OI'FKK AND TKA A HI'IICIAI.TY. 304 Wiisliliigtou Hlri'nt. Corner Truth TltV OUIt CCI.KIIKATKI) COKI'KK. Until IMiuiir. H.'IH. roUTI.ANI), Olt, .-..OLYMPIC. Steam Laundry 407 South J Street MICHAEL J. BJORN & LOUIS J. BJORN ritormirroits TACOMA, WASH. TROY LAUNDRY CO. Arc r.ot:d for qu.'lty of wo.'k and Prcmpt service. tOt-5 E. Water St. Phone 5033. Portland DAIRY ASSOCIATION I WIIOI.KS.M.K A ItKTAlI. j .Cream and Milk. DEPOT 203 SECOND ST. I JOHN P. HOFFMAN, Mgr. I Milk Delivered to All Parts o( the City. Orcmi I'liuiiK North 'JOll, Bane and Omnibus Transfer ...COMPANY... Oltlco ft V. Cor. I'linrlh ami Stark 8ts. Tlediono.vn. POUTI.ANI), OHKdON. I Exchange Your Check With Mcsstnger on Trains and Order Carriac" or Coupes. UKKHO I'hcckwl at reat tiunco to ntiy tieaiiniuioii, llrauch Ottlccs lintel I'ortlandi United Crrlsso Co., ciitl and Taylor. L. II. ADAMS, Aljjr. Tho Popularity of RED SEAL BRAND Hams, Bacon, Lard, Etc., Is Won on Merit. TRY RED SEAL BRAND, . 56-60 E. Water St., Portland, Or. uliiil HNG I f v CARNEQIE RANKS AflONG PHILANTHROPISTS. These are the amounts donated for liberal persons: anilrew Cnrnctfle ........................... ...... ...... .... utu.je ituuoay John I), Rockefeller (approximately) Henutor nnd Mrs. Leland Btuuford (approximately) Here In a list or Mr. CarneRlo's donotloni: Jscw ork libraries 3,2U0,UO0 i-iiinuuiK I'uu.iuu ,auu tl bratles 0,000,000 Atlanta library luo.ooo Atlanta library , 20,000 Canton library MJ.UOO l'ertli Amboy library IW.OOO Youkers library CO, 000 Tu co in a library 75,000 Oreeuvllle U.) library 15,1)00 Sydney (N. 8.) library 1S.O0O Newcastle (l'a.j library.... 40,000 Ottawa (Out.) library 100,000 Oloveiurlile library SS.oon l'ort JervU library 0,000 Houth Ht. Joseph (Mo.) li brary 25,000 Montgomery (Ala,) library.. 60,000 Ashtabula iO.) library 13,000 Ciirnt'Klu Institute, I'ltts- litiric 3.000.000 Carr.iKlu Institute, l'ltti- bur t 1,000,000 Carneitlo Institute, Al.t- ithouy .tno.000 Ilutuuatcuil Institute 100,000 Johnstowu Institute iiVO.UOU Ilraddock IiiNtltute COO.000 Kalrlleld (O.) library 40.0U0 i;iiiuesne iiisiiiuic t Ilelleviie Medical College. (Ireeiishurg library rittsuurtf observatory .... Carnegie (l'a.) library (00.000 70,000 C0.0OO 20.000 210,000 250.000 60.000 i;ciitinuri;ii library Kdlnbiirgli Technlc leal Bclioul Ay" library r.o.ooo Htlrllnir library 30,000 Alien ilvcn library o.uoo Jedburgh library 10,000 Invernem mirary h.uim Wick library 15.(jno I'eterlicail library ,8,000 Dumfries library 60,000 Carnegie Institute, I'ltts- . Imn 1.750.000 1'ubllu library, Washington 50,tHl0 Illrmlnaliam (Kng.) Unlv'ty 250,000 l'olyti'clinlo library, LouH- n iil 123.000 Public library, Atlanta .... 125,000 Dunfermline, Scotland .... 100,000 Grand Total ABOUT WEATHER KITES. The Takltiu of Meteorological Observa tions nt n Ore it Distance. In 1805 I'rof. Willis h. Mooro, tlio present chief of tho Weather Uureiui, decided lo underlnUo by means of kites tho most comnloto mirvey of tho upper nlr. .Tho jilnn ndoptetl, wna to equip with kites n Blven number of stutlans ritoK. w. r.. mooiik. tllHtrllnitetl over the United States, nud to iiinko dully nHcenslons, setidlnjr up itiitonmtlc lnstruincnta to tho nearly uniform height of a mile, If possible, the object belnjr to securo a record of the meteorological conditions In tho nlr Hurller experiments mndo In tho Weathor Htireau nud elsowhero hail demonstrated tho possibility of hsIiib kites for such a purposo, but much ro innlned to bo dono to bring tho whole kite npparatus to that stnto of elllclency rctiulred In securing n successful execu Hon of so dllllcult an uiulertnkliig. While tho Weather Htiretttt has boon doing this work of dnlly observations n inlle high above tho enrth, Independent kite iuii'ouhIouh hnvo been made by sev eral prlvato Individuals, the mast Im portant of which In tho United States are tho nscenslons mndo nt the liluo Ulll Observatory, near Hoston. Tho results from a Blnglo station of this sort servo to show only the chniiRO In atmospheric conditions as tho kites pass- up or down through successive strata; or, If tho kites are kept contin uously nt n Hxcd elevation, tho obser vations show tho ehango In conditions from hour to hour. Tho modern scientific kite Is a far inoro elllcleiit structuro than any of tho well-known toys, but Its construction Is correspondingly complicated, nnd, In most cases, somowhnt more than tho average mechanical .skill and facilities aro required to build one. Tho Illustra tion of thoklto printed herewith Is of ono of those used by tho Weather Bu reau In Its aerial work. Ouo of tho baud reels employed at klto stations has a large drum, contain ing between two. and threo miles of ttno steel piano wire, Joined In' one length. The greater part of this often Is carried out by the klto In making a high ascen sion. This wlro Is the llghest. nnd, rel atively, tho finest and strongest mate rial known for the purpose. Tho un. wludlng of tho wire under tho pull of the kite Is controlled perfectly and eas ily by a brake The Instrument sent up with the kite ooo'ss1bbv5bi'' THK MKTKOUO.OHAI'lt. FIRST public purposes br America'! moit S21.80S.25U ...... ..... H.ITCO.UUU 8,000.000 '.... 20,000,000 titate College, Itcllefoute. l'a S100.00O Mueolu (Neb.J library 75,000 VI. Wayne (lud.) library... 75,000 Munclc (Hid.) library CO.000 Matlon (Ind.) library 50,000 Ft. Worth (Tex.) Ilurary... 50,000 Oakland (Cal.) library 50,000 Htetens Institute, Hobokca 50,000 CounelliTllle, l'a 50,000 McKeesport, l'a 50,000 Houston, Texas 50,000 Hedalla, Mo 60,000 IJnloutown, l'a N... 60,000 Davenport, Iowa 50,000 Sandusky, Ohio i 60,000 Tyroue, l'a 50,000 Diiluth, Mum 50,000 Dallas, Texa 50,000 Kast Liverpool, Ohio 60,000 Hteubcuvllle, Ohio 60,000 San DW'Ko. Cal 50,000 AlteKheuy, l'a 26.000 Uakmotit, l'a 25,000 Oklahoma City 2".o0 Tucson, AH 2000 Crawfordsvlllo (Ind.) library 25,000 I'eru (Ind.) llbrury 25,000 Newport, Ky 20,000 Wabash (Ind.) library 20,000 Madison (Ind.) library 20,000 X. X, I. Women's Club, Ilenlson, Texas 17,000 ttlalrsvllle, l'a 13,000 Portland (lud.) library .... 15,000 Washlnaton (lud. I lllirarr.. 15.000 AlaiuLda Cut t - 10,000 Zooloir.col Oardeus, N. Y... 6.00D iiaxe'wood, l'a 4,000 Caledonian Club, N. Y. City .752 uauns, Texas ..... Hcaboanl Air Line Kasttiort, Mo Oil City, Pa Illue Itaplils, Kan.. 1,000 1,000 GOO 500 600 1.000 Monieflore Iloinu Hrracuso library Upper Iowa university.... Cooper Unlo S..... Itlchtnond Fri-n Mbrnrir 2fo,noo 223.000 300,000 100,000 Carneglo Laboratory 50,000 Covington (Ky.) library.... 40,000 21,803,232 to securo tho nutomntlc record of tho conditions of tho nlr Is called n meteor ograph. It Is a complicated and remark ablo affair, and, withal, light, weighing only about twenty-ono pounds. Tho sheet on which tho record Is produced Is wound around tho cylinder seen nt tho bottom of the llguro. A clockwork lnsldo tho cylinder cnuses It to rovolvo nt a slow nnd uniform rate of ono revo lution In twelve hours. Four different meteorological condi tions tiro recorded by tho four pens or this Instrument. Tho pen on tho right traces a Hue on tho paper which shows tho humidity of tho air, tho pen bolug actuated by a strand of human hairs stretched Inside the long tubo seen nt tho top of tho flguro. Theso hnirs lengthen when subjected to moist air and shorten In dry nlr. The next pen toward tho left traces ft lino upon1 tho Tecord shoot which shows tho pressure of tho nlr, tho pen bolug nctunted by tho gong of Ilvo round, thin objects seen botweon tlip pressuro and humidity pens In tho fig ure. Tho next pen traces a lino showing Iho temperature of the nir, which acts iiiiou n special form of thermometer contained within the long tubo at tho top. When tho Instrument Is attached to tlW klto the wlud blows directly through this tubo, thoreby acting strongly jipon both tho thermometer and the luifr hygromoter Inside. Tho pen nt the extreme left Is de signed to rceordV electrically, tho veloc ity of tho wind. I-'or this purpoao a small anemometer Js fixed to tho klto and connected to tho Instrument by wires. Tho pen makes llttlo marks ou TANDAIIU KOHM WEATHER KITE. tho record sheet corresponding to every two miles of wind movement. Tho Weathor liurenu kites attain an altitude of n mllo nnd u half in some cases, nnd frequently reach 7,000 feet In height. When Hying at an elevation of from 5, 000 to 7,000 feet one of tho Weather Bureau kites, supporting 1U Instru ment, will pull from 00 to 80 pounds, If not more, and from 8,000 to 10,000 feet of wlro will bo out. The great importance in meteorolog ical studies nud weather forecasting of such observations as can be obtalued by means of kites Is appareut. These give the conditions prevailing in the free atmosphere, ofteu In and abovo the clouds themselves, at poluts far re moved from tho disturbing effects of great cities, forests, tho earth's surface, etc. In fact, observations thus obtained aro characteristic conditions of great masses of the atmosphere, and when determined regularly and completely they afford far more exact and prob ably earlier indications of lmportaut forthcoming atmospheric chauges than tho most elaborate observations taken at the surface. The tops of our highest bulldlugs, after all, are only an luslg ultlcant distance up lu the free air, and all surface conditions always are mod ified as a result of the actual contact of the air with the earth and the Imme diate effect of tho latter upon adjacent portions of the air. Oil In Fishing Boat. The fishermen of Iceland now regular ly carry oil lu their boats to smooth the waves, which enables them to contluuo at work in weather that before they would not have dared to face. A good way to do reform work Is to lead such a clean, useful, sober life that others will try to follow your example Jefferson Garden Saloon. ., ' DAVID THOMAN, Prop, Wines, Llquois, Cigars. Welnhard's Beer. PHONE, ItED 1818. FAMILY ItESOIlT. Cor. Chapman nnd Jefferson Sts., Portland, Or' HISLOP'S Trinmph Roasted Coffees The Mot Rrsrkllne, Delicious and Aro- matlo COFFKKH fcver Placed on this Market. Ask Your .Grocer for Them ...Pour Blends.. A FULL LINE OF " Electrical Supplie. Lighting; of Building's, Stores and Residences arc and incandescent. Elec tric Power for Elevators, Pumps and all Kinds of Machinery. ! Portland General Electric Go. SEVENTH AND ALDER STREETS. Both 'Phones 385. BAR AND BILLIARD Furniture and Fixtures :.' '.' ROTHSCHILD BROS. Wholesale Liquor Dealers. 22, 24, 26 First St,p Cor, Burnslde. HOTEL OSBORN CLEAN, AIRY OUTSIDE ROOMS REASONABLE RATES Transient Solloltmd .UOTII 1'HOXKS... Trsrelers ihonlil takes" Street Carat Union Deiiot and transfer at Yamhill Street to Kast AnVney Car. A. W. HEWETTT, Prop. GROSS, WEITZEH S LIPPMAN Manufacturers of LHDIES' TAILOR MUDE SUITS Separate Skirts and Waists The Best Mad Goods on the Pacific Coast 214 Flr.t Hlreet, Corner Salmon. l'OUTI.A.ND, OKKOON. CHARLEY I PIONEER REUANT Now on Johnson Hlreet, Opposite Union Depot. LURCHES PUT UP FOR TRAVELERS Oregon Made Umbrellas ..C. M. MEREDITH.. UMBRELLA MANUFACTURER Repairing ami Recovering ot Fine Umbrellas a Specially. 31S Washington Street. Three doors above Olds .t Ktng PORTLAND, OREGON, Union Depot ..Restaurant 173 SlxtKit., PORTLAND, OR. Regular Dinner it Noon - 25c j DHi&tnisB lr8nifir5HJssiBv!i C g T T'?i W B1rt' I Lunch Put Up for Travelers. ' frW E. H. M00REH0USE & CO. INCOlU'OltATKD. Wall Paper, Frame and Room Mouldings, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, Brushes, Etc. 305 ALDER ST., Near Fifth, TZI noth 'l'honcs. " Portland, Oregon PORTLAND, OREGON Hatters and Furnishers Sole Agentt for KNOX HATS BUFFUM & PENDLETON 94 Third Street. PORTLAND, ORE. (m(Mblluhed 18B2.) F. B. DALLAM & GO. Wholesale Dealers In Wooden and Willow Ware Brooms, Brushes, Twines, Paper, Paper Bags, Tinware, Gran- iteware, Eto. 237, aao. 228 Front St.r ana 77 Front wtrmmt, Portland, Ormgtt. .Write for Catalogue. MAIL ORDERS FILLED PROMPTLY gSSsg&g .3j.s:.;;in;?j.'C3'J-au GOLDEN WEST BAKING POWDER It Iff PUREST It is CHEAPEST It Is BEST I! Tea Am Itrt SiUilil Tmlfair 8k Closset ft Dcrituj. VortUnd. Or. LIPPINCOTT'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE A Family' library Tht Btst in Current Litiraturi 12 CoMiHxrc Novels Yearly MANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS $2.60 pen year; 25CTS.AC0PY NO CONTINUED STORIES EVERY NUMBER COMPLETE IN ITSELF 50 YEARS EXPERIENCE Trade Manns Designs Copyrights Ac. Anyone ..tiding a iket rb and desarlptloa soT I qaicsir ascerum our opinion ire wneiner an Inrentlon Isprobablrpat.ntablo. Communlnu tlonsstrialjrcoiilld.ntua. lIumbookonPateDU ..nt fr.a. Oldest .sener for .efuriiur tMienl I'.t.nu token throucb Muna A Co. rclT Scientific flnKrkan. AhaadeomtlrUrastratMl sreaklr. ljrMt dr cniauon or .nrsnenuug lournai. 'icrau,ti yuri fourmonUs,L boljbyall nesdcalc -tljyffisF' Cflfisssssr- .iawjSSiT-j':jirtTW t--a gi liBSSST '5IIpttL hmH M 1" "HM Tl asssssssssssV'lssssssssft AV.ANO SOAP AND CHfy ,wy iiiiii mm im .1 I mmWM ijjnjra WBLVBEXSmSL wmmm&a