THE NEW AGE, PORTLAND, OREGON. ', - S f. r i V" P C. A. STOKES LIQUOR CO. WHOLK8ALE DKALKKS. PABST MILWAUKEE BEER Bottled br rbt Brewing Co. Milwaukee, Wis. 1130 Pacific Avenue TACOMA - WASH. The Unrtvalel Piano of the World KRANICH & BACH Estal Halted 1864. Visit Our Warerooms and Bo Oonvloed. Many Other Stand ard and Rollablo Makes of PIANOS and ORGANS Wo Soil on Ecay Torms. No Larie First Famont Remulrotl. $?.'' "IF Old Piano to Bo Repaired by Reliable Workmen. Satisfaction Guaranteed. C. A. WHALE Music House. M. O. MATTHIEU, Mnpr. 311 E. Aldor and 116 Un'ox Ave. Sale m St yro, 142 t ito Sf. Any Site Any CJum.tlty Any Sty l MACKINTOSHES, RUBBMt AND OIL CLOTHING Ilublmr rtnoti and Sliot-a, Helling, Packing mid Iloan. Largest and Moat Complete Aarortmctit of all Klndi of Ilubber (looda. GOODYEAR RUBBER COMPANY k. H. PEASE, rreildent. F. M. BilKl'Altl), Jit.. Treasurer 3. A. SIIKl'AHO, Secretary 73-76 FIRST STREET, PORTLAND, OREGON. RUSSELL A COMPANY BUll.DKKB OK Ermines, Boilers, Saw Mills, Threshers. " rf, T1" If yoa Bonteinplnto buying machinery, writo ns for catatoguo and prices. RUSSELL & CO. A. H. AYER1LL. Manager. PORTLAND. OREGON. E. C. ATKINS SxpAipED $ Branch, SSawkwemmmm. LA GRANDE NATIONAL BANK ...LA GRANDE, OREGON... Capital antl Surplus - - $72,000 THE METROPOLITAN BANK ' CAPITAL - - $50,000, mEMOH BLOCK, TAOOMA, WASH. . HUMP V. CAE8AK, J'retldent; TRUMAN W. KNOP, Vlce-1'reildent; 0. B. 8EL.VI0, Cariiierl JACOU II. VANDKUBILT, Aulttant Caililer. ....OEMCRAL BAMKIMO I. ALL ITS BRANCHES.... Interest allowed on denoilti In Paving department. Circular Lcttera of Credit luurd on llnnir Kim?, China ami Yokohnma. Junan; alto Dralti and IIIIIioI Exchange limed on China and Japan and the principal cities o( Europe. Foreign moneyt exchanged. Wm Hmwm Special Fmollltlam tor Handling Cold Duai and Bullion. THEH. G. ALBEE COMPANY ...DEALERS IN Second Hand! Machinery 260 East Water Straet. COLUNS-PRESTON-WILSON GO 8UCCK8SOU TO I'ATItlCK, MAHTICK TO. MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS ' OF Harness, Saddles, , Saddlery Goods THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF FINE AND MEDIUM GRADES OF LIGHT HARNESS ON THE COAST. 91-93 FRONT-STREET, BETWEEN STARL AND OAK. Oregon Phono Mulu4t7... DRIINK TUB FAMOUS "ATeiniia,:rcaL's Beer For Sale at All the Principal Saloons Brmwmry antl Oftlcm EMTABUSHEB 1SM1. ALLEN & LEWIS Shipping A Commission Merchants WHOLESALE TO BAVK TIME AOPBES9 ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO THE COMPANY. mmm.4MtmM4Femmtatrmmt.aUHM. FeHTLAMB, MKFMMM. ST, .CHARLES HOTEL IOHN GIBLIN, Prop. Flnt-CltM Accommodations and Prompt tcrr- Ice. Large Sample Qoomi tor Commercial 'travelers. Phone 7. Cor. First and Washington Sts. .Allaay, O.'Cgor. COMPANY .PORTLAND, OREO.ON. Manufacturers of PA CI PICO PERFECTION PACIFIC STAR INDEX CROSS CUT SAWS' No. GO First St. PORTLAND, OREOON. PORTLAND, OREGON 0ti TMIHmmmtM mutt Burn him Mtrmmtm Tmlathanm Mumhar 79. tmeemroBATEB msi. GROCERS... A FENCE THAT 18 A FENCE. How to Build It Substantially, to En ' dure, and, Considering Its Per manency, at Minimum Cost. Have you any conception of tho ag gregate cost of tho lences of the United StateB? Would you bollovo it If you wcro told that It reaches tho astounding total of $5,628,892,1607 Well, this figure is tho official esti mate. We get it from tho government records. Much of this grand aggre gate Is made up with the cost of the construction of cheap fence which, any man with experience will agree, is tho dearest fenco for tho farmer to build. Tho Portland Anchor Fenco Cam- pony, a now local enterprise of ex tensive proportions, is prepared to help tho farmers to reduce this tre mendous drain upon their resources and at the same tlmo to enable them to construct fences of remarkable en during character, and thus econom ically, at tho smallest possible cost. That is certainly just what the farm ers want; -not only. tho. farmers, but all others who need foncos, gates, trco guards, offlco railings, stall parti tions, wire grills, arbors, elovator en closures and for ovory other purposo In that line. "Tho Anchor Fonco," In tho first plnco, is pre-eminently tho best wlro fenco In tho world. It required only a brief experience after Its Introduc tion to establish that fact beyond all question. It has been awarded tho first premium at every exposition whore It has been entered In competi tion with other wlro fences; besides this, It ha"S received tho unqualified endorsement of the best and most In telligent fenco .men in tho United States and Canada, and It has been adopted both on public and private grounds wherever Introduced. There Is not a small, weak or twist ed wlro used In Tho Anchor fenco con struction. It Is of nil largo wires, nnd tho Anchor Clamp makes a rlvct-tlght Joint. Both wires nro slightly crimped when tho clamp Is closed on them, leaving no possibility that tho wires may spread In any direction. Tho Anchor clamp, or " Clamp Pinchers," Is nil tho tool you need for building tho Anchor fonco. They nro vory simple In their application and mako an absolutely rigid Joint. It docs whnt other tics protend to do makes an Immovnblo anchor; It prevents sag ging wires; It provents Injury to stock; It makes a fenco that stock cannot break down; it can uo usou for making now or ropalrlng old fences. But tho charactor and quality of tho Anchor fonco, ub a whole, cannot bo fully npproclatod without being ex amined cnrefully. Tho best way to do that Is to go to Tho Portland Anchor Fonco Company's hcadqunrtors, at 742 Nlcolnl street, this city, and seo for yourself how It Is dono nnd what It is after It Is dono. If you need n fonco or anything olso In tho lino handled by this company, thoro Is whoro you will buy It hereafter. ARE YOU INTERESTED IN OIL? An Absolutely Safe Plan on Which to Invest, With Guarantee Against Loss. If you oro Interested In oil nnd In tho development of tho oil resources of tho country (ns you ought to bo), tho Occidental Oil Company can en tertain you with description of ono of tho best plans over concolvod and put Into practical operation. In tho first plnco, tho Occidental Oil Com pany was organized about n year ago under tho laws of West Virginia, In' order that tho stock might bo fully paid up and nonassessable. Its cap ital stock consists of 600,000 shares at a par valuo of $1 per shnro. It owns 11,000 ncres of land In woll-known oil districts in Korn county, whoro tho oil sands .are saturated 10 to 18 per cent with rich fuol oil. Tho Occidental Oil Company will hnvo nothing to do with nsscssablo stock, besides which It ngroos to place a specified. sum of monoy In tho bnnk as n guarantee of Its ability to carry out Its contracts. Tho Comblno Plnn of tho Occidental Oil Company, In which ton companies organize a combination of Interests In the development of oil lands for tholr mutual aid and security, makes suc cess doubly sure and renders Impos sible the question of failure. ThlB plan has proved vory popular, as under It tho investor takes no risk or loss. Full Information In detail nt room 2, Chamber of Commorco block, Port land, Or. For Oil Development Purposes. Tho Archuleta Oil Company havo placed a limited amount of their (..aaiifv atntlr nn nnln nnd nfTnr this first authorized Issuo at a vory low price for one week. On' April IB tho price will be advanced. This company Is composed of conservative business men, who first thoroughly Investigated tho flattering showings before proceed in., d.rihnr with It Thnv linvn aatla- fled themselves, and conscientiously bolleve that they aro offering one of tho best Inducements to conservative Investors. Petrolum oil of good qual ity Is alreday there. Sinking a well will demonstrate In how great quanti ties It exists there. Tho officers of tho company aro: President. J. II. Hobblns. president First bank of Sump tor; vice-persldent, Hugh McOuiro, president Pacific Paper Company; treasurer. T. N. Stoppenbach, secre tary Pacific Paper Company; secre tary. J. H. Hawloy, Oregon manager W. N. B. Loan Association. Stock can bo purchased and all Information ob tained at the offlco of tho company. J. H. Hawley, secretary, No. 2 Cham ber of Commerce. . NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice Is horeby given that I havo filed my final report and account as administrator, with tho will annexed, of the estate of Oliver Van Duzer, deceased, in tho county court of tho state of Oregon, for tho county of Multnomah, and Monday, tho 6th day of May, A. D. 1001, at 2 o'clock P. M. and tho court-room of said court, In the county courthouse, In Portland, Oregon, have been appointed by said court as the time and place for the hearing of objections to such final account and the settlement thereof. DAVID M. DUNNE, Administrator ao aforesaid. Dated April 4, 1901. j or i Ma General Information Concerning the Afro'Amertean. TXKEN FROM OUR VARIOUS EXCHANGES Showing the Progreii of the Various Ufttt of Human Endeavor Being Accom plished by (he Race. A colored woman at Youngstown, O., has sued a young white lady of that city for $20,000 Tor alienating tho niicction or her husband. Parts of Professor Council's Chat tanoogn speech have been nlnccd bv a Northern college In a work on "Fo- ronslc Declarations for College Sttt dents." A numbor of prominent citizens of Ohio havo employed Attorney Albert Whlto, of Louisville, Ky., to make an argument for them In a suit to n title to land valued nt J100.000. Thero nro 12 colored women In tho Old Folks' Homo nt Philadelphia, who are more than 100 years old. Ono of them Is 130 years old and Is said to bo tho oldest woman In tho world. Louis P. Kcnsey, n whlto mnn, left his J1700 estate to Elizabeth Por ter, a colored woman 84 years old, who was for many years employed as cut tor for Danlol Coombc, tho tailor. Tho colored woman was his housckeopor for 27 years. Ills only relatives wioro Blstor nnd nelco; ho gavo each $100. PCforo he died ho sntd he Intended to rownrd his old faithful colored ser vant. Burgin, Ky. Mllledgovlllo, a small village a few miles south of hore, has como to the front with n suro-enough glass cater. Ills nnmo Is Chnrlcs Wooldrldge, color blnck, ago about 25. and ho devours lamp ch'mncys nnd carpet tacks with coso and Impunity. Ho has attracted tho attention of pco plo for miles around, nnd has dumb founded tho physicians by his to markablo feats. James G. Brooks, private messongor of Omaha's mayor, Inherits n fortune Mlchnol Ferrell, an Irishman, .took a fancy to tho boy for his bright nnd honest disposition, nnd legally adopted him. After receiving a common school education, tho boy was put Into tho mayor's ofllco by his adopted father, whoro ho proved himself useful, Mr. Farroll owned n largo ranch In Dn kota, and whllo there last month at tending to affairs ho suddenly died. Small bequests wore made to sovoral Catholic Institutions and a few friends, tho remnlndor of his proporty and $10,000 In cash being willed to his adoptod son, James G. Brooks, Tho 'first Southern negro congress will bo held at Jackson, Miss., July 1 to j, 1001, Inclusive. Mississippi has granted this congress her representa tive hall, and as a stato, Its rank Is of groat loyalty, loyal to Its subjects and mnklng education and Its commercial lntorcst n success with prosperity. This congress will meet for tho pur pose of the common good nnd wolfnrc of tho negro nnd Caucasian races, for tho ponco nnd harmony of our states, especially thoso of our Southern homes that tho races may bettor un derstand each other, thnt prosperity may flow and tho commercial Interest of our BtntcB may grow; that tho high est mark of Christian civilization mny exist throughout tho land nnd coun tries. All matters portalnlng to tho race will bo discussed In a conserva tive mannor. The Elleford Company at Cordray's. Tho Elleford Company nnd Josslo Norton will open a brief season at fnnlmu'o Mintitnr nnmmnnrlnir RtmrinV evening, April 14. Few companies nave toured mo rncinc coasi which bonr such an enviable rocord as tho Elleford Company. William J. Elle ford, the manngor, Is an old-tlmo Bhow man. As a manipulator of road enter prises ho has but fow equals, nnd his career oxtonds over n profltnblo field of many years. Mr. Elleford brings with him a company of picked artists nnd n ronnrtnlrn of tho latest Eastern Buccosses. During tho company's stay in this city thoy win presoni two iuii ular comedy-dramas "The Amorlcnn Girl" and "Mrs. Partington nnd Her Son Ike." Both plays aro notable for their brightness nnd humor. "Tho American Girl" will bo presented Sun Anv nvnini Anrii 14. Mondtiv. Tues day and Wednesday of tho week fol lowing, togethor witn a unuiruay mm Ineo. "Mrs. Partington and Her Son Iko" will supply tho humorous mnto- rlnl tnr tho nthnr nlirhts. OinbrnclllR Thursday, Friday and Saturday oven-i Ings. NEW TAILORING HOUSE. A. J. Armstrong, for many ycnrsl head cutter for Nlcoll, has oponod a tailoring establishment nt 313 Wash ington street. This houso la stocked with a complete stock of upto-dato goods. Tho cutting 1b dono by Mr. A. J. Armstrong, well known as u first class cutter. Stylo and fit guaranteed. Prices moderate Qood work und I honest dealings. ARMSTRONG. THE TAILOR. 313 Washington St. Tho picturesque lino and tho royal ono back to tho homo of your child hood Is via tho Northern Pacific. You will rldo aver tho Rockies, along Clark's fork of the Columbia and tho beautiful YellowBtono; skirt ing the shores of Lake Pond d'Orelllo, through the famous Bad Lands of Pyr amid Park and across tho wheat fields of tho Red river valloy you go at fifty miles an hour, and sleep and oat In perfect comfort aa the solid vestl buled train rushes along. For detailed Information, tickets, sleeping car reservations, maps of routes, etc., call on or wrlto A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent, 2B5 Morrison street, corner Third, Portland, Or. i CITY NEWS C. A. Ulttcr. Society Kdltor. Wo shall know no favorites, nnd nIiiiII bo absolutely impartial. To in suro publication, nil local news must reach us not lator tlntu Thursday morn ing of each week. Social Events for the Ensuing Week. Under this head wo will bo glad to notlco nny gathering of a social nature If notified of tho same. Mr. Frank Dlshmoro spent n few days In the city this week. Mr. Henry Thompson has resigned his position nt Watson's restaurant to accopt one with Mark L. Cohn. Friday, April 19. Regular mooting of sowing circle nt tho Bethel A. M. E. church, Tenth and Davis streets. Thursday. Regular mooting of tho Paul Lawronco Dunbnr Lltorary So ciety at tho A. M. E. Zlon church, Thirteenth and Main streotB. Tuesday evening, April 16. Regular meeting of the Golden Link Social Clr clo at tho Mt. Olivet Baptist church, Seventh nnd Evorctt streets. B. F. Soabrooks, formerly pastor of tho Bcthol A. M. E. church of this city, hnH chargo of n church of tho Bamo denomination nt Atlantu, Ga. At tho Bothel church, tho Easter ex ercises took place nt 2:30 P. M., and at tho A. M. 13. Zlon nt 8 P. M. A nout sum was raised nt both churches for missionary purposes. Mr. Benjamin Gnyles, who served as steward on tho transport Thyra, ar rived In Portland ovorland on tho nth Inst. He oxpocts to spend two or three weeks on shoro. EXTRAORDINARY OFFERING $4.95 f 1 Vt Ion Miinn rmlarkHliloH'llliiK In llnt ulnco our opi'Mlnir on llio Itttli nl Intt mimlli, ai mnnv I'nrltA'iil Imlli'H well kniiw. VtVo IihiI ocII mlin nf trliniua I Inttmit I J in, ll.tlniiil t'.') tll n which wm' rt'innrkalilo vmIiick, Intt wi don't ihltik tvolutvo iivcr i'iIiiiIm1 tho otter liitf (or the i-ri'H'nt nt'lllnu ninny of which nppeiir tn h worth douhlo tlio ithc HLid. I vt) lint wo offer iUJI.MU new und ni-vrr hon lofott no two iillke. Sanford & Edwards, S. W. Cor. Sixth and Washington Sts. NEW LIFE TO OLD FENCES! Iff.W u.WK Anchor Clamps and Uprights. titi-i'!1 --iTT ; . . .jr -tnm.iav1 pi "-" .1 "rnArqifc Great Combination ol strength and Deadly, "Tns Tis That Binds." if.C.''"" ?. ' '.rTr.-" ,5 - . y, -, ;. "',;.yh' See Our Anchor Clamp You would lifl mrprUcd 11 jou knew liowllttlnlt muiiIiI tout )ou in fix tip that old fence. Holler nonil for fiiinu Anchor (!ain and I'prlFliti, nnd pair f our idmlicr, ntnl nmku)ouru d wlro fenco look llkoa new duo, ANdllOlt KKWK look 1 o nlro and la tn utriniK Hint firmur" nometliiifs think that It n.utt to high priced. It liu't, though. Cattle, Sheep and FARM, RAILROAD Write for Privet and Ctta'ojue. AKtiiU Wauled In hvery Town. Loewenberg & MANUFACTURERS 229 to 235 Taylor Street tSS im 104 Seoond Street CLixr llKroxB Uiino. 'u ;' ' p. , 11 H W SaklmU Wi'ftfWf9lMiMfl m W mrr MmTi WtUJ t On Wednesday, tho 10th Inst., tho social season was opened by a danco given at Caledonia hnll by tho Sllvor Star Social Club. It was n eolect nffnlr, admission being strictly by In vitation, nnd tho assembled party, fresh from tholr lontcn devotions, par took with rollsh ,of tho opportunity offered them to enjoy themselves, nnd when tho hour enmo that tho sounds of "Homo, Sweet Homo" floated on tho nlr, reluctantly bndo ndlett to tho scono nnd wended their way homo ward. Easter Sunday, though threatening nt Intervals during the day, passed without rain, thus removing tho fenr from many of sovon wet Sundays, and allowed tho feminlno part of tho con gregations thnt crowded tho various edifices of worship to display many new nnd' becoming designs In milli nery. Tho exorcises nt tho various churches woro appropriate to tho oc casion, and tho children acquitted thoniselvos In a manner that showed' tho results of careful and persistent training. ADMINI8TRATOR'8 NOTICE. Stato of Oregon for llio county of v Multnomah. In tho matter of the cstato of Lucy Knapp, dorcaRod: Notlco Is hereby given that tho undersigned has been appointed by tho county court of tho stato of Ore gon, for tho county of Multnomah, administrator of the estate of Lucy Knapp, doccused, and nil persona nro lieroby notified to present nny clnlniR which thoy may hnvo against tho said cstato, with proper vouchers, duly vorlflod, to tho undersigned, nt room 716, Chnmbor of Commerce, Portland, Orogon, within six months from (Into of tho first publication of this notice DWIOHT F. KNAPP. Administrator of tho Estnto of Lucy ' Knapp, docoaRcd. ' Datod, March 29, 1901. . Onto of first publication, April 6, 1901. OF LADIES' TRIMMED HATS ..EACH.. Tint Old Fskci. THE ANC1IOU rXNCI. Hog Tight, it Nkvih sun after cloilng. AND LAWN FENCE. The Portland Anchor Fence Co. 74a Nlcolal St., PORTLAND, Orogon. Going Company OF AND DEALERS IN Stove Ranges, Hollowware d Household... Specialties... Handled by All Flrst Class Dealers.,. Royal Steel Ranges Are the Best and Cheapest , in the Market PORTLAND, OREGON V -t-