The new age. (Portland, Or.) 1896-1905, April 13, 1901, Image 4

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The New Age,
A. D. GRIFFIN, Manager.
Oltfon Talephon Oak 801.
BsMassl at the Postofflcc at Portland, Orcf on,
MHNil elm matter.
iTmti FayabU In Admnc
The nation's present experienced In
Culm and Porto Rico will not have
been entirely In vain If they bring the
Kovernmcnt ofllclnlB to n realization
of the practical value of the quality
known nB "tact." According to the
latcBt advices from Porto Rico, the
peoplo of that Uland havo been ruf
fled considerably by tho American gov
crnor'H administration of tho taxation
lawB and his abrupt course' in follow
ing policies and making appointments
legnrdlcss of popular sentiment. In
Cuba, whore tho United States seems
destined to secure nil that It needs In
tho way of supervision of foreign rela
tions, tliero Is similar needless fric
tion. It Is declared on good authority
that tho Cubans, If approached prop
erly, would havo been willing to grantl
tho United States substantially all
that It desired. As It Is, they are In
clined to resent the manner In which
these tormfi wore forced upon them.
Ho fnr as tho phraso "shlrt-sleovo
diplomacy" applies to tho policy of di
rect and straightforward dealing, it
han been UBcd with excellent results
In recent international negotiations.
Hut Bhlrt-sleovo diplomacy need not
bo bad-mannered diplomacy, and In
negotiating with tho depondent Island
em tho government Ihib mado dllllcul
tleu for ItHolf simply by tho folluro to
oxcrclmi a little tact.
In dealing with a weaker people,
who can bo forced to accept a policy
if they should happen to refuse to ac
cept It, It would seem to bo eminently
wIho to win their acceptance rather
than to compel It. It Ib lack of Bym-
pathetic regard for tho Islanders' Ben
tlmontH and possible prejudices thnt
tins hampered much of tho govorn
inent'ii recent work nnd Ib likely to
obstruct It still more In future.
hack of tact in the Philippines, in
Cuba anil In Porto Rico haH beon re
sponsible for no small part of tho na
tion's recent embarrnssmont.
who sought a sequestered mountain
fastness for safety, while his soldiers
fought for that peculiar kind of Inde
pendence which would give to their
secluded commander tho crown of a
monarch under which they would bo
slaves, expressed his Btirprise to find
tho Unltetd States government bo
grand and great, bo patient nnd for
giving, nnd Immediately signed his
name to a manifesto In which ho ad
jured alleglanco to nil ltho govern
ments of earth except that which held
him a prisoner, adjuring in Imprcs
slvo languago his followers to lay
down their bolos and sharp sticks and
nccopt tho sovereignty of Undo Sam.
A great head has this modern
Washington who Bought a hiding placo
In tho brnmblcs or tropic swamps
when ho heard tho enemy's guns go
off. Drnvo lender ho who seckB tho
mountain top to escape tho shot and
shell of his pursuers whllo ho com
mands his helpless subjects to fight
on to tho last ditch and then fight to
their final doom. Tho "Aunties"
ought to ho proud of tho Bubllmo
charnctcr of their half-aavngo demi
god. And yet Agulnnldo, by his last
act, although dono In prison, has
shown n degrco of diplomacy and tact
and broad intelligence superior to thnt
of tho superannuated simpletons who
tried despcrntoly to rend tho country
with tho cry of brutal oppression in
tho Philippines.
Is a case In point. It Is qulto as Sense
less as its wholly meaningless name.
If there is anything essentially hu
morous In "initiating" nn unsuspect
ing friend by asking him for 11 cents
and then refusing to return tho chango
Reason She Wished Him t Amiim
Mia Gridiron Toss.
"Well, what now?"
The Hon with long mane and mucl
ernvlid Ills illfmntirnvnt n iuilntr Intnts
duo him from the amount ho turnB ru,,ted from his sporting sheet.
over, It is not to be discovered. Even "Tom, I wish you would put on your
the practical Joker's humorous expla- football pants."
nation that it is a .matter of principle "W"t for?"
with a "Buffalo" never to give change' ",p,1??8e "?" ,, , .. ,
, .. .. ,. . Without another word he left the
loses Its savor after it has been re-, roonl. Whcn he returncd uls llmha
pcated several hundred times. Tho wore Incased In white pads,
vncun which tho crnzo hn.n Ernlnri. ia. "N'nu- -our pIhh tirntorWnr Tnm
" ' " I "- " --"I
peclally on Kb recent revival, is there
fore all tho more a curious subject for
tho psychologist and sociologist. Per-
haps it Is Just becauso of tho patient attached It to his person.
senselessness of tho proceeding that, "Now your shin gunrds."
"Sec hen
"It Is no trouble. There It Is under
the table."
I ue usneii out a yellow object and
No donbt tho stockholders of the
HI vol Oil company will be pleaeed to
know tbut tho company is drilling on'
well No. 1, and havo pasted the first
oil sands, with oil. Stock can he had
for 60 cents per share. They own
their land, and nil! make for the
stockholders many times their invest
meut. Mail orders will receive prompt
iittentiou, and parties interested are
iuvitud to call at tho company's office,
loom 1, iltiltnomnh block, Portland.
They refor.' by permission, to Mer
chants National bank, Portland; K.
W. Godfrey, stamp department, post
oflicej 11. J. Martin, druggist, corner
Washington and Sixth.
it evokes an unwilling grin oven from
Its victims. The Joko may Ho In tho
"They are right In thnt corner."
pointless. It is a Joko on itself. Tho
growth of tho craze, however, must
bo attributable to something else
partly, perhaps, as to a curious the
ory as to what constitutes good-fellowship.
Springtime has opened with n burst
of sunshine thnt makes nil nature
smile Joyously, It excites activity In
ovory form of life nnd encourages tho
business community to don appropri
ate nttlro and to manifest nnow ac
tive- ovldcnco of Its existence. It in
spires alertness In ovory nvcnuo of
tralllc and gives vigor nnd animation
to tho movements of trade.
Along with tho ndvont of this grand
est of all our Wchfoot seasons coma
the homeseckors from the East and
Mlddla West nnd from tho South, as
Well. This throng of Immigrants In
creases as tho season advances, and
wo already have ovldcnco thnt tho
The chief difllculty encountered in
the effort to find a suitable namo for
the Lewis and Clark centennial cele
bration in this city in 1905, in which
two continents aro interested, Ib to
select a phrase sufficiently strong and
comprehensive to cover tho real pur
port of tho affair. It will bo an an
niversary celebration of tho courago,
valor, foresight and cntcrprlso of that
bravo party of men and women, led
by tho peerless pathfinders, Lowls and
Clark, who openod tho valleys and
wilderness of tho West to tho sunlight
of civilization; nnd It will nt tho samo
timo properly commemorate tho pa-
tlonco, indtiBtriousncss nnd courago of
thoso who followed them and mado
this grand Pacific empire to blossom
us tho roso.
tills aro all following a irlvnn crazn
population of tho state will bo aug- , ft Btrong ,ncontlvo t0 mnny n man
to tnko It up. Tho "Duffalo" mania
will weur Itself out, but not bo long
as any Initiated "Buffaloes" can find
unoxploltcd territory to work In.
Tho Joint doclslon of tho circuit
Judges of this district holds that the
new net creating a county bonrd ,to
consist of County Judge Cako and
Commissioners ShowerH and Mack,
thereby destroying tho olllclal placo
now held by Commissioner Steele, Is
constitutional. Thus Is Commissioner
Steele legislated out of olllco. It Is tho
constitutionality of UiIh now law which
Mr. Steele proposes to test In tho su
premo court. Ho holds that election
to olllco by popular vote for a stated
term of servlco ought to bo regarded
tut an net of tho sovereign people,
which, oxcopt for cause, no party, of
flclal organization or.leglslatlvo body
can destroy at will.
mented this year us never boforo
the history of Oregon.
In addition to this, extensive prep
arations havo beon planned for tho
substantial development of our ma
terial rosources oxtoiiBlvo beyond tho
mensuro reachod at this early period
of any now yenr In tho history of tho
state. Not alone will this bo In tho
matter of mines, oils, railroads, fish
eries and enterprises of that class, but
It will Include nil of tho Industries In
which men nnd women may engngo
for Improvement, comfort nnd prollt.
Tho year 1U01 Is destined to mark n
now era In tho advancement of tho
leading 'Interests of our great commonwealth.
If n Innnil ntt 4l.m.. .. 1 .... u. ut. It
fact that as a Joko It Ib so hopelessly" , u , , . i"""-1" wui.e
... ..... .... she watched him.
" "Oct those nrm gunrds, Tom."
"I hnvc not the time to "
"Then I will get them nnd assist yon
In putting them on."
She had the gunrds on his arms be
fore he had time to protest.
"I guess I might Just as well submit.
What next?"
"Here Is tho rubber to shield your
"Is this nil?"
"Don't forget your ear protectors."
lie adjusted the last of his armor nnd
waited further orders. She mussed his
hair with her hand to make him look
nil the more formidable.
"Whnt now?"
"Tom, do you know the little woman
down tho court. The one that comes
up-to scrub every Saturday?"
"Well, her husbnnd Is on another
bender. He's up In bed now."
"lie ought to lie nt work."
"Well, the .Inst time he went on a
spree he snw sights. Not snakes, but
big demons with long hair nnd strnngo
"Did. eh?"
"So she snyc And, Tom, If ho sees
nny more of them It will frighten him
Into signing the pledge."
"Well, how Is he going to see them?"
"Look In tho glass."
"What "
"Yes, I mean you must go tip In his
room. One glimpse of your wild hnlr,
rubber noxo nnd ears and unnatural
size will make him swear oft for life.
Soon after ho sees you glvo that awful
college yell. It may enusc hm to Jump
out of the window, but It will euro him.
Will you do this?"
"Well, I guess 'not! What would tho
team say If they heard their cnptnln
was scaring drunks?"
And he -rushed out to remove his
gridiron togs. Chicago Dally News.
Wo want your trndo. Music half
price; musical instruments of all
kinds, cash or installments. II. II.
Wright, wholesale and retail dealer in
music nnd musical morchnndUo. Tho
Musio building, 040 Washington street,
Portland, Oregon.
'rACOB 11A11N
Successor to D. Kunkcl & Co.
X. K. Corner Sixth nnd Waihlngton Sts.
Tho very beat Wines, Liquors nnd Cigars.
August Kratz, Proprietor.
1J2 Sixth Street, Corner Washington.
Portland, Oregon.
John Ercron, Proprietor.
Dealer in
Choice Wines, Mquors and Cigars.
18 Alblnn nvcnuo, corner Htvcr street.
Alblnn, Oregon.
Now Is the Time to Travel.
If you aro going East do not pur
chase your ticket until you havo se
cured rates from tho Illinois Cent
ral 'railroad. Travel over a lino In
position to glvo you good servlco nnd
quick time, and you will save money.
Wo enn do both. Our rates aro as
low as other lines, and bur servlco
Is excelled by none.
If you aro going to send East for
your family do so now whllo rntcs aro
low, but before depositing monoy for
their tickets como In and see us, or.
address B. H. TRUMBULL,
Commercial agent Illinois Central
Railroad, 142 Third street, Portland,
Will 'nrnlfh Tlinl -, Government or State
Fcrlp. S hool, Deeded or Claim Lands, mill
sites, logging, wood and tie chances, nr muni
cipal bonds help )ou some way. Write us,
J. L. MAHT1K A CO., 601 Oregonlan ntdg.
Splendid Itnnclie. with or without timber; 80
to 0,000 acres and up.
11. Hnrman, Proprietor.
Kino Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Lemps Ilccron Draught.
t'honc, Columbia 33. 1C2 X. Sixth Street.
Portland, Oregon.
Three hundred and twenty-seven
acres of choice land in a good farm
ing section In tho Willamette valley;
165 acres under the plow, balanco In
pasturo and brush, all under new
eight-rail fence, staked and wired;
nicely watered by springs, and brooks ;
a good seven-room houso, pntnted
whlto; largo barn, 30 x CO feet; four
acres In orchard. This farm Is gently
rolling nnd flno quality, 1 miles from
poBtomco. This Ib n flno stock ranch,
and lies In shapo bo that threo fam
ilies can mnko a nice homo each out
of tho one farm; prlco, $5750, $2500
cash, balanco In yearly payments.
9 First St., Portland, Or.
In tho mnln, however, It may bo ro
garded ns another Indication of tho
strongth of tho Inltlntlvo tendency
among human beings. There nro fash
ions In fads and JokcB nB woll as In
clothes, and tho knowicdgo that n con
siderable number of his fellow-mor
A prenchor of tho hard-shell variety,
declaiming from a Mississippi pulpit
n few days ago, referred to n rocont
lynching of n negro In thnt community,
nnd snld: "It may not havo bocn es
tablished beyond all doubt thnt liar-
Tho circuit JudgoB, however, doclaro. tnon whs guilty of tho' revolting crlmo
lu their decision thnt "no legislature ( for which ho was hemped Into etor-
Tho Portland summer carnival
proposition appears to bo .materializing
In a substantial way. Thoro Is no
doubt of Its success If competent mon
nro delegated to manage It. Plans nro
already bolng developed In a way to
assuro us of this result. The Elks'
carnival lust year set tho pace.
Runyon's Restaurant.
353 Washington Street
Drnlor in all kinds of
Butter, Cheese, Eggs, Etc.
Ham and Bacon a Specialty.
Phone, Clay 584. 95 N. Seventh St
Elnborato preparations nro bolng
mado for tho reception of President
McKlnley nnd party on May 22. Now,
If wo can Induco tho weather rogu-of whatever might come. "If it hi
lator to pack his Infernal machine nnd a BC,TI ?' .""j!.1'0" n .l""8
. ' como to school with me, 1 could tell y
hlo away to tho mountains about that
time of tho month, everything ought
to pass off serenely.
has powor to fix for futuro legislatures
any limit of powor." "To hold a pub
lic olllco Ib not necessarily to possess
n contract right which cannot bo Im
paired by Btibsequeut legislation. Gen
erally tho public can removo nit In
cumbent and tho Incumbent can nt any
time resign nt his pleasure." It also
holds that It Ib competent for tho leg
islature to abolish a public offlco, to
shorten or to longthou tho term, or to
Incroasu or decrettBO tho compensa
tion of tho Incumbent.
Mr. Steelo'a friends, however, bo-
nlty, but tho treatment ho received
whllo, morely undor suspicion ought
to servo as a warning lesson to others
of his rnco that this species of crlmo
must cense If It requires tho sacriflco
of tho life of ovory negro in tho South
to stop It. If giving them their liberty
be only an oxporlmout, tho cost should
bo tnxod to thorn."
Tho "minister of tho gospel" who
uttered thoso words la both a fool and
u knave. Ho Is a daugorous blnthor
sklto who ought himself to bo re
strained of his liberty. Ho is a brazen
Somo Connecticut Iron fnundrymen
struck becauso tho foreman Insisted
on bolng addressed as "Mister." Tho
king of England Is not tho only mnn
who has troubles about matters of pub
lic formality.
Even tho yollow Journals of America
haven't tho courago to roproduco tho
cartoon of President McKinloy for
which tho Dlscusslono of Havana,
Cuba, was recontly Btipprossod.
Tho United States lndomnlty claim
against China Ib only 125,000,000, and
It may bo reduced to half that before
wo obtain n final sottlemont.
Hove that they havo discovered In this I hypocrite lu his profession nnd a vile
act an elomont of jivll polltlct which
should by no moans bo permitted to
umbarrnas or othorwlso disturb the
public sorvlco thus disordered by it.
They clnlm that, in tho ubsenco of
cnuso for' Mr. Steelo'B removal, tho act
Is destructive of tho very purpose It
apparently sceka to promote.
Commissioners Showers and Mack
will probably tako their placo ta
members of tho now board without
further rebellion against tho Judgment
of tho court.
sinner nt heart. Ho condones, In one
sonteuco, tho crlmo of assassination
which his brethren committed In bru
tally destroying a neighbor's life, and
in tho next ho utters n threat against
tho life of ovory nogro In the South.
Were over such wicked words ut
tered from n colored preacher's pulpit?
Ib there tho least modicum of Chris
tianity In such sentiment?
It Is this sort of vicious harrnnguo;
this encouragement of outlawry, this
J. Pierpont Morgan hns gono to Gor
many to form n trust, but thoro Ib no
reason to supposo that ho will Incor
porate in Now Jersey,
Tho first patent mcdlclno company
thnt Induces tho czar, of Russia to
write In prntso of Its ncrvo tonic will
have u good thing.
Wo haven't hoard much lately about
tho concort of tho powors. This .may
be duo to tho fact thnt thoy nro out
of tuuo.
Columbus, Ohio, scorns to havo tho
Hctioo! Hoys ntt II roinrt r.
It looked like rain, unil naturally be
had on n pair of light siloes ami carried
no umbrella. The 'car stopped ou the
fur side of (Jliurd avenue mid u joung
lady got in. She bowed, and sat dowu
beside the Sunlit Mi'i who iccogulKcd
lu her a school teacher friend.
"What do you Hi til; of this beastly
weatherV" queried he, tllsgruuccilly.
"Is It going to rain, or Isn t It?"
"I cau't tell you to day," answered
tho young latly, smiling nu acceptance
vv civ
lu u very few iuIuiium with absolute
certainty. It'll sound funny to you,
but It's true. 1 havo noticed thnt you
can always tell what tho vvetlluT Is
'olng to do by tho children. They're
ivgulnr barometers. If there's golug
to bo a storm they get tcHtle.?, and 1
havo tho hardest kind of work to con
trol them, Partlcuhuly the boys. Thu
girls aren't so bad, but there seems to
bo somo mysterious quality aLoiit ap
proaching rain that always ulTccts the
former. I've got so now I dou't blame
them, becauso I don't believo they cttu
help It. So you see," she concluded, ns
shegot out at Chestnut street, "ch Idivn
have their tises, nftcr all." Phllndol
phla Inquirer.
II. ANPKKSO.N', Proprietor.
Umbrellas and Parasols
Made to Order, Recovered and
Repaired. Canes Repaired.
190 Third St., Bet: Yamhill and Taylor.
'I'liono mack mi Portland, Oregon.
Real Estate and "Loans,
t 'lias a few cholco properties yet
unsold at the hard pan prices.
On installments and
nt a very low prlco in
University Park is going to bo
oneof Portland's flnoat suburbs.
Chamber Commerce, Portland.
Shell Fish
and Tamales.
Open All .N'lglit. Prlvaio Itooms for I.d let
Telephone Clay 657.
No. ioo Third Street,
....Portland, Oregon.
Wiitiam Bagtey
Oregon Phono, Ruauell 602
University Park, Oregon.
Cull on
The Valley Real Estate Exchange
nja' First Street. PORTLAND, Ore.
Fifty thoiiBnud warriors in tho tribes
of the Phlllpplna Islands wore killed
lu their rebellion ngnlust tho authority
of tho United States throughout tho
archipelago boforo Agulnnldo hub cap
tured. Thoy fought by his order and
at his command. Onco in tho custody
of United States officials, however,
tho "AuutleB"' modem George Wash
ington, tho young and determined lend
er of tho Insurrection, tho stripling
extraordinary exhibition of cold- on democratic mayor-elect who Is not
hearted brutality that Incites tho) '"K montloned for tho presldoncy
Southern .mobs to burn nocroes at tho . ' 1 JIM.
stake for pastime. Such public utter
ances are Intensely moan, cowardly
and wicked, No one less than n crim
inal himself could speak thoih.
Somo crazes which occasionally
spread over the country aro appar
ently Inexplicable on any ordinary the
ory of tho tendencies of tho human
mind. Tho present "Uuffalo" crazo
Dr. Gutltng, tho gun man, has In
vented an Improved plow. Ho must
think that things nro going to tako a
now turn.
west Lodge, No.
2554. G. U. O, of
O. P.. meets at
2059 Second street, rorner of Salmon,
first nnd third Tuesday of each month.
All Odd Fellows in good standing are
cordially Invited. F D. THOMAS,
K. WATSON, P. S. N. G.
Tho tourist travel botwoon tho East
and tho Pacific coast has' reached
enormous proportions In tho last fow
years', and calls for a special class of
equipment. To meet this domnnd tho
Pullman Company has issued from Its
shops what it technically calls tho
'Pullman Ordinary Sleopor." Thoso
cars appear Blmllnr to tho regular
Bloopers, bolng built on tho samo plan,
but not furnished with tho same ele
gance Thoy nro equipped with mat;
tresses, blankets, sheets, pillows, pillow-cases,
towels, combs, brushes, etc.,
requiring nothing of tho kind to bo
furnished by tho passenger. Each car
hits a stovo for muklug tea and coffee
and doing "light housekeeping," nnd
ench section can bo fitted with an ad
justable tablo. A uniformed porter
accompanies each car, his business
being to make up berths, keep the car
clean, and look after tho wants nnd
comforts of tho passongora. In each
of tho trains which aro dispatched
dally from Portland by tho O. R. & N.
Co. is to bo found ono of these "Pull
mnn Ordinary SleoporB." Tho car at
tached to tho "Chicago-Portland Spe
cial" goes through to Chicago without
chango, and tho ono In tho "Atlantic
Express" runs to Kansas City without
chango. Passengers In this car for
Chicago change to a similar car at
Much of the first-class travel Is
being carried in those cars, tho rates
being lower, and tho service nearly
equal to that in tho palace sleepers.
For rates and full Information, In
cluding foldors, write to
General Passengor Agent, O. R. & N.
Co., Portland, Oregon. ,
Second and Morrison Sts.
MMtWINF-1, 1.10,1'OKS
415 Ollsan Street, Corner Teath
366 Pine Street, Between
Third and Fourth...
Of California
At Ten Wells Now
Boring;, of Which You
Can Have Your Choice.
Writi or Call For PJan.
Room 2, Chamber of Commerci
Pulton Market.
172TJiird. cor. Yamhill. Portland, Ore.
Phone, Oregon Main ft.
B. F. JONES, Proprietor.
608 Waihlngton Street,
Kancy ml Stable Groceries. Kreh
Cofttn anil Tea a Specialty. G001H
alMajsbeit. Prices aJwajriloM est.
Telephone Hood 668. GIUP A CO.
G. J. Hibbard Boot S Shoe Go.
Choice Wines,
Liquors and Cigars.
Family Rooms.
EsUbllshtii Jan. 1. 1889.
Incorporate Jul 8, 1881.
Portland Coffee ind Spice Gi.
For the Trade Only.
Tea, Coffee, Spices, Baking Powder,
Extracts, Etc.
OUR SPECIAL BKANnS: Spices. Acme. Mult,
nomah; liklntr I'oMilere. Deltaiiee, Doubla
Quick ; Coffee, Royal Mend; Sugar, xxxz Bar.
mm. Aah awtaf jSwmjt.
mntAmm, mtmmmm.
Manufacturers of
I'hone Oak 401.
131,' Front Street.
Tuning, Regulating and Polishing
Old Piano Made u Good a New.
Twenty years' experience with the leading
firms ul the country. Knabe; Haines Ilros.;
Couorer; C'hickering. Not with any other
music house in the city.
495.j Washington Street, .
.Portland, Ortgoa
- v i.