THB NEW AGE. PORTLAND. OREGON. r a. ' if t ST - Vs ev V r ., . ;ij. 'J J-' P - at.,?' -8" 1 T ARSON & LON0- 15 NORTH FIFTH BT. Fine wines, liquors and cigars. Glvd id a call. A. WOOD. REAL KSTATE AND PENSION ATTORNEY. ltuom 10, Oild Fellows' Dulldlne. PORTLAND, ORE. tjumiunks' standard scales. Fairbanks, Morso A Company, Flrat nnd Stark Street). Portland, Oregon, Telephone 81. pAXTON, 1IKACII te HIMON Attorncys-at-Law. MO Chamber o( Commerce, Portland Oregon. niUE IMPERIAL SALOON Liquors nnd High Qrnde Cigars. J.S. IIILDU11URN, Prop. I'lione MaIii 213. Corner Can nnd Blicrldan St ItOSKUUItO, OREGON. T J. KADDURLY, ' DEALEIl IN HARDWARE. Stoves, lunges, Tin. Copper nnd Oranlto Iron-Ware, Crockery, tllatswaro nnd Homo Furnishing Oooils. Jobbing promptly at tended to. I4MIJ Pint St., cor. Alder, Odd Fellows' Bldg., PORTLAND, OREGON. PORTLAND LOAN OFFICE Dan Minx, Proprietor. ...Illgneat Price Paid for Old Gold nnd Silver...' No. 74 Third 8lrect, Near Oak rOUTLAND, Oil. Loans money on nil kinds of security. Unre deemed pledges aold for amount loaned. T II. WILD Jobbing nnd Retail Denier In WINES AND LIQUORS . 132 Tlilrd Street, Opposlto Masonic Temple. Portland, Oregon. rpHE HAVARIA 8AI.00N A. II. nUROEIt, Prop. Imported and Domestic Wines, Liquor and Cigars. Wclnliard'a llecr. Phone Oregon Mask 19 IS. 8. E. Corner Second and Oak Btrecti, PORTLAND, OREOON. PORTLAND ROLLING MILLS Manufacturers of IIAR IRON AND BTEEL. ' N. E. AYER, Monagor. Twcntr-Eecomt nnd Nlcolat Street!. M EYER & 8CIIILLINO FINK WINE3 AND LIQUORS. , " -V kv. :: LA QRANDE, OREOON. H KRHERT A. HALE. Mt, Hood. Columbia Hirer and Northwest Views. Portraits, Water Colors, Crayons, for the trade. Elcctrla Light and Jlromldo Enlargements. mjJThlrd Street, Corner Aider. PORTLAND.'ORE, VI 7 C. NOON IIAO CO. ' , Manufacturers and Importers of DAG8, TWINES. TENTH AND AWNIN08, FLACJ8 AND MININO IIOSK. JlRgelng Material. Canvas,. Sail Making In all flsllranclivs, Cotton Duck, Cordgt,vtr, 82-31 N, Flrat St. and 210-212-211-210 Couch St., . PORTLAND, OR. c. MURPHY & CO. WINE AND LIQUOR DEALERS. Velnhard'i lecr on Draught, Ils' Ale, Ouln ness' Porter. Vnl lllatz Milwaukee l)eer and the Celebrated J. 11. Culler WhUltuy for Family U.e. 45 Third St , Ret Couch and Davis, floods Delivered Free. . PORTLAND, OR. pHOTO STUDIO 225.; Flrat Street, Hot. Salmon and Main, PORTLAND, OREOON. Photographs taken any alio or style; also Dioto lluttons mado from lite or any picture. Outdoor vising done, aUo iliiishliig Kodak's for amateurs. Instruction in Pliotogrnphy. -Copying and Enlarging. K. KRAFT, Artist. milE OREOON LIVERY, FEED, HOARDING AND SALE STADLES. Columbia Phone 087. Oregon Phono Hood SSI . IMHRIE A IM1IRIE, Props. Special attention given to boarder. Our car. rlages meet all trains, Cor. Sixth and Couch Streets, Portland, Oregon. A RLINGTON CREAMERY N? J. RITTER, Prop. Wholsalee and Retail Dealer In MILK, CREAM, CHEESE IIUTTEK AND EGGS 2C7 IHinisldo Street PORTLAND OREGON. pLAZIEU BROS. Club Rooms Second Floor Wine Rooms, Concert, Pool and Billiard Hall Oiegon Phone Grant 71 213 Burualde St. PORTLAND OREGON. H AYES A SHORT ARTISTIC PHOTOGRAPHERS. New Studio Seventh and Washington Streets, Over Dreiser's New Grocery. w E PAY GOOD WAQES To Goo 1 People For Good Work STAR LAUNDRY CO., No. 264 GlUan St., ner Third. Orefon 'Pbone TO. OTKHNKKN A JULIEN- Wholcsale and reatatl grocers, .112-314 Hum side street, corner Sixth, Portland, Or. Tele phone, Oregon Black 2932, Columbia 680. T HE OLD RELIABLE 8EVENTH AND OLISAN EXCHANGE. J, L. QUARREL!,, Prop. Seventh and Ollian Sts. PORTLAND. ORE. TOIIN KELLY Geucrnl Isurnnce Agent, Fire and Marlnci Scottish Union A National Ins, Co., F.dlnburg and London! Western F. and M. Amurniice Co., Toronto, Can. 8J Third St., Columbia,)! Bldg. K. Munson. E. Mtuison. alHK ANIIEUSER BUSCH-Flne lunch every day. Rest beer on enrth. Kino wines Ho nors and cigars. 231 Morrison St., cor. Second, Portland, Or. THE ROYAL AL YOUNG, Prop. Dealer In Wines, Liquors nnd Clgnrs. 308 Irving 8t. Electric Cars to Hie Door. One Block from Depot. Telephono Red 1885. Portland, orvgun. milE WESTERN LUMBER COMPANY Office: Seventeenth and Front Streets. Portland, Oregon. B ROWN & M'CABE, STEVEDORES Portland, Oregon'. Correspondence solicited. Shlp'a mail promptly delivered. Cable address Brown. milE ORIENTAL J. W. ORU8SI, Proprietor. 328 Washington St., Opposlto Imperial Hotel Drink 10 cents, llecr Scents.. A RMORY DRUG STORE Puro Drug and Chemicals, Toilet Articles Stationery, Confectionery and Domestic Cigars. Prescriptions a Specially. N. W. Corner Tenth and Everett Streets, Portland, Oregon. T HE POPULAR 125 First Street, Bet. Washington and Alder Phono Oregon lt,ed 0.U Phono ColumblaMft JOHN ECKLUND, Proprietor, Portland, Or. IT 8. CLEANING AND PHE99INO CO. Clothes Cleaned, Djcd and Repaired. Your Clothes Sponged and Pressed for $1 per per month. Called for and delivered Phono Clay KW. 431 Washington Strco Between Twcltth and North Thirteenth PORTLAND, OREGON. 1 INDAHL 8ION8 Japanning. Tin Decorating 270Jf Alder Street PORTLAND, OREOON TIOME BAKERY AND DELICATE ESSEN D. II. LEAMINO, Prop. A Full Lino of Fruits, Candles nnd Nut Ala) mi Hand. Newly Opened at 207 Third Street. Remember tlm place. Opposite tho 'Injlor tilrcot Church. rvAY St HENDIJIUSON All Kinds of FURNITURE- Practical Embnlmcrt nnd Undertakers. Order by telegraph tilled promptly. Phono Black 47. Cor. Willamette and 7th Sts, EUGENE CITY, OREGON. riRIFFIN HARDWARE CO, Wholesale and Retail Hardware; STOVES AND TINWARE. Willamette Street, EUGENE, OREGON pELDINO BROS. Dealer In Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, 8llvcrware bpcclacles, Etc. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. ALL WORK WARRANTED. 45 Third St. Bet. Pine and Ash. Old Gold and Silver Bought. Portland, Or. n o. pick Olllce: 83 First, Between Stark and Oak Phones 590. Pianos and lurnlluru moved and packed for shipping; coininrxlnim nre p'nof brick ware, hous. Front and Cla) Striei, J. L. MARTIN & CD. M. V. Telephone 1J52. Farms and City Property for Sato and Ex change. Fire Insurance in the bent Companies', Large tracts of Washlnglon and Oregon Tim ber Lauds bought Mid sold. Strict attention given to care f property for non.-esldeuts. 201 8)kcs Block. 251 Hennepin Ave., Mluueapollr, Miuuetota. Albert Feldenbelmer. Charlei Feldeuhelmir. Established )8b8. A. & C. FELDENHEMER. Jewelers and Silversmiths. Importers of Precious Stones and Art (Joed. Cor. Third and Washington bt., Portland, Or. M. J. DRISCOLL & CO. Telephone, j gJf.K Hack, Livery and Boarding Stable. Ambulance ( r hire on short notice. All Rigs have Knbber Tires. COR. FIFTH AND PINE STS., PORTLAND, Oregon. JUDGE DISCREDITS Chicago Jurist Sets Aside mony of "I am averse to accepting the decision of the Jury as dual In this ease, espe cially bo as that decision was based largely upon tho testimony of women. The testimony of one written ddcuiueut Is of more weight as evidence than tho oral testimony of a dozen wltuessei", particularly when women are con cerned as witnesses. Though women are undoubtedly upon a hlghr moral plane than are men they arc not as reliable upon the witness stand. It seems that women nre of n moro imag inative nature than men, nnd, thotigli It Is no doubt unintentional, they come to believe ns true what they at ilrst only Imagine nnd maintain their belief In spite of all evidence ngalnst it." Upon tho grounds cited In tho fore going statement or personal opinion Judge Arba N. Waterman, of Chicago, ijnorctl the verdict of a Jury and gram cd n new trial. Judge Waterman, reluctant to nccept the (hiding of the Jury ns llnal, did not enter tho Judgment lu accordance with the verdict nt the. time tho latter was given ami after some rellectlon decided (hat the defendant, havlug been denied lustlce, was entitled to n now trial beforo less susceptible Jurors. The members SANTA TERESA, The Wonder.'ul MnKitcttc Hoaler.nnd Heroine of A cxlco. Santa Teresa, the Mexican Yaqul ho rolne, now lu Kurope, Is said to bo pos vessed .of remarkable heallug itower, by which alio has performed miracu lous cures on person nllllctcd with alt kinds of diseases. She was accused of exciting tho Yaqul Indians against the Mexican government, but made her cs capo Into the United States. Sho drift ed to California, whero sho amazed ninny people by her wonderful healing power. Teresa 1h 28 years old. Sho was born at Slnnlon, of Spanish (in cest ry. Slio discovered her power to heal when n little girl. Her llrst cure was of an old woman, one of whose legs had Iwen rendered useless by par- SANTA TKIlUSA. alysls. Teresa rubbed tlie member ,n few times nud every yinptom of the malady disappeared. Sootj after this sho was attacked by an Insane young man, whom she struck In the head In defending herself. The blow from her hand sobered tho man, nnd a fow gen tlo rubbings entirely cured him. At San Francisco Teresa mot the family of Charles Owens, a wealthy merchant, to whom sho was Introduced by O. 1', Roscncranz. The little son of Mr. Hosonernnz had been suffering from blindness nud pnrtlal paralysis, anil It Is alleged that ho was completely cured by tho hands of tho Mexican senorlta. When Mr. Owens and tils family de cided to go to Europe tills spring they Invited tho young herolno-healer to ac company them. Sho will display her powers on tho continent. Fl RST GAME OF OHESS. It Euppooed Orljtlii'und Pome of It Fatuous Votiirlef. Among the most antiquated of games la chess, which tho oldest Persian and Arabic nuthorltlen utnto to be of Indian origin. Wo tlud tho gamo specifically referred to In Sanskrit llteruturo i!00 years before the birth of Christ. Enthusiasts todny might deem the methods then In vogue somewhat prim itive, the board usually called an "eight square" to distinguish It from the board on which parchlsl or hack gammon wus played. In the earliest known attempt nt romance In Indian literature the "Harsacarlta," thero Is a punning passage, which reads: "Under this monarch only Dees: quarrel In collecting dews ((lues); tho only feet cut off are those In meter; only chess boards teach the position of the four members." That was written In the first half of the seventh century. There Is a Persian tradition to tho ef fect that an Indian sovereign sent a Perslnn monarch the game of chess be tween 631 nnd 670 A. D. Iy way of re turning the compliment the latter King sent tho former the gamo of ward or backgammon. The gamo was introduced to tho Flowery land ns comparatively recent ly as the sixth century (A. D.). It was probably first known In Spain In the tenth century, for in the eleventh we already find It 9 popular amusement. At the beginning of tho twelfth It be gan to bo known in this country, ns well as In France and Germany; nud It unfortunately has to bo recorded that at the closo of tho century It had he- come a favorite gambling gamo all over the continent of Europe. Many men who have figured prominently in tho pages of the world's history were pas sKrKft mmKKp 1 1'Vi'"' 'dJ" WOMEN'S EVIDENCE a Verdict Secured by Testi hair Sex. JUDOK AIII1A N. WATETUIArf. of women's clubs and even his asso ciates on tho bench denounced Judge Waterman's slurs on tho sex. Tho state Uiont catiRod a scnsntlon, nnd both women and men of national reputation assert that Judgo Watermau has uindo a serious mistake. sionately fond of tho gamo. Perhaps tho most noted example of this was Louis XIII., wtio, though ho hated games of chanco so much that ho would not nilow them to bo played at his court, was nevertheless so amazing ly keen on chess that ho played oven while riding In his carrlnge. It Is interesting to record lu tills con nection that each man was provided with a pin nt Its foot which, being stuck Into n padded cliesa board, resist ed tho Joltings of tho roynl vehicle John Frederick, Elector of Hanover, proved that tho ruling passion watt strong in death. He had been mado prisoner In 1617 by ChnrlcH V., nnd was playing chess with Ernest of HruiiHwIck, ills fellow captive, when ho got the news that ho was condemned to die. He merely mado a few remarkH on tho Irregularity of tho Emperor's proceedlugsnud coolly went on with hU game. On winning It ho expressed his keen satisfaction; then ho botoolc him self to tho religious cxcrclso befitting one lu his unenviable situation. Lon don Express. IlontliiK n Avtilnnuho. Ono of the most oxcltlug Alptno ad ventures on record wnB Mr. Tuckett'H raco with an avuluucho on tho Elgcr Glacier In 1871. Ho wns ascending tho glacier with two friends nud n guide. Say b Travel: Tho glacier sloped somowhat Bteoply, and on tho upper pnrt, above tho climb ers, a mass of loose, freshly fallen snow luxl collected. Suddenly tho tra velers heard a thundering noise, and perceived 11 lingo mass of snow and Ico sliding down toward them. Thoy could only try to reach thu rocks nt tho sldo of tho glacier, hoping to tlo so beforo the avalanche should sweep them nway, Through the kucc-tlccp snow they ran for their lives. "I remember," snld Mr. Huckctt, "be ing struck with the Idea that It seemed iih If the avalanche were suro of Its prey, and wished to piny with us for n while. , At one moment It let us hung Ine that we had gained on It; nud tho next, with mcru wantonness of vindic tive power, it suddenly rolled out a vast volume of grinding blockH and whirling snow, as If to show us that It could outflank us any moment It chose. "Nearer and nearer It came, Its front n mighty wn'c about to break. It alin ed straight nt uh, swift, deadly, Implac able. Tho next Instant wo saw tin more. A wild confusion of whirling snow nud fragments of ce. a frozen cloud, swept over us, entirely conceal ing us from one n not her. Hut still wo were untouched, nud still wo ran. "Another half second, nud tho mist parted. Thero lay the body of tho mon ster, whoso head was still careering nway ut lightning speed far below us, motionless, rigid, harmless." Powerful O una for tho Ilrltfsli Nnyy. Without any fuss or advertisement some of the most powerful gnus of tho time nra being prepared for tho Iirltlsh navy. Tho gun In question Is the new D.-'-lnch, which is to "bo carried by tho armored cruisers now being built. A feature of tho gun Is that It is being placed In u hydraulic mounting, this In Itself being n big advance over older methods. A big steel hood nlso en closes tho gun's crew, who work In an Impenetrable shell of armor. When mounted lu the Crcssy, for which the gun described Is Intended, no part be low tho bottom of the hood will bo Seen above deck. This hood is six Incites thick in front and four Inches thick In tho rear. Admission to its Interior Is obtained through n narrow door, which closes an nperturo only Just wide enough for a man to squeeze through. Tho hood weighs about 60 Uiih, tho gun Is at feet long, has n rango of 16 miles, and will also be used In coast defense. MumIo ttoviim. Euthuslatlc Admirer of Slg. Paz zauiano (who has been pounding away for nearly half an hour) "What an artist, Isn't ho? Such verve! Such fin ish'." Fair American (bored)-"Well, I'll ni low the verve's there all the time; and I'm Just praying the fiulsh'Il come soon." Punch. Geographlo Center. If tho world be divided Into land and water hemispheres, London Is tho cen ter of tho laud nud New Zealund of tbt water. (flatty WELL, I DON'T KNOW Mr. Totuuon, you don't know WHAT'S GOOD If you have never tried ACME WHEAT FLAKES. We are headauarten for Rabon Health Club Foods. Grano, Acme Rolled Oats, Health Process Whole Wheat Flour. ACME MILLS COMPANY. 20-22 N. Front St. Phone 407. PORTLAND, OR. B. B. RICH 103 THIRD ST. P0KTLAK0 HOTEL CIGARS O. M. Hofsteater PHOTOGRAPHER J65 J-2 THIRD STREET Between Morrison and Yamhill rOHTI.ANI), OHKtJIlN. Dr. Fred. A. Reisacher DENTIST rdut of tho Northwestern Untorrsttr lnul ColUge. First-Class Work and Prices Reasombli 711 Dekum Dld'ff, Cor.Thlrd A Washington. rOUTLAND, Or. Orffon 'Phono Qren 491 A. IV. ALLEN Dimpmnmlng PhmrmmoM Phone, Oragon Main 403m Oolumhlm 44. 16 th mnd Mmrmhmll StB., 23rd and Savlar St; PORTLAND, OREOON. , : ; Do You : w " '1 " Ir nAiu 4h MaiiiA O : imiuw mo news i Tou d hT It all (or "or..... Ciist cr.... 50c Month Month InTh Krtnlnr TUfrm, ot Portland, Orf on, It I tti lr(t ventni nuns ppr I'Ubllilied in Ortgom It contain ill th uw ol th stt ud ot tli na tion. Trr II for a month. A samDla X copr will b matUJ to yea Ir. id- THE TELEGRAM, Portland, Oregon. 1 f Orwon I'Iioiib .V.7. Columbia Dions 3C7 ALBERS & SCHNEIDER CO. ...I'JlOI'ItlKTOItH... U. S. MILLS St MEROHAN1 ROLLER MILLS Corner Front nml Main Htreols Cuinor I'oii th anil Hoy tritri'uti .Muinifnoturni of Itnllril Oals. Oat Meal, I'laVtd Wheat, lltirlt. wlival Hloiir, (Ira'iHin Flour, Itjo Flour, Wholu WhuHt Flour, (.'urn Mrnl, It) u iltal, lloinlny, Furlua ami titt-vl Cut Wheal. omont ViX-'iVt front Ht., Cor. AIhIii, I'OllTt.ANI), OH. Unrtih & Shannon NATIONAL BICYCLES Work Colled for and Delivered, All ltcpnir Work Gnnranteed, 'Phono Ub for PiUob, Etc. 306 BAST MORRISON ST., Just aero the bridge, 'I'hone Union us, Portland, Oregon. T. S. TOWNSEND CREAMERY GO. Jobbers and manufacturer of Fancy Creamery Butter AM - Full Cream Cheese. We Prpara a Cream that will carry to Chicago In a Kweet Condition. Glvo Ub- a Trial Order. 44 SECOND STREET, Phone Oram ii2i. Portland, Oregon. mttE WELMNOTON OYSTER HOUSE AND SALOON. Corner Sixth and Alder Sts. CltAllLES BORYI.UND. Columbia riione A3 Oregon Thono North 431. PORTLAND. Oregon. milE OEM KATINO HOUSE MRS. l'AUKEK, Proprietress Meals 25 cents Tablo Board $1.0 1C9 Sixth Street, North. PORTLAND OREOON T J. HARTZ WALLPAPER . Paints, Plcturo Frames and Room Mouldings Phono Hood Ml. KSJf First Street. Portland, Orceon WHY SUFFER? No Matter How Long 8tAtidlng- Or how many remedies tried, the aitEEK RHEUMATISM CURE Will euro you. Call, write or phono L.T. LEWIS, Agont, 150' Sixth Street QNOW FLAKE SALOON O. PETERSON, Prop. , Tho Choicest Ilrand ot Wines, Liquor and Cigars. Prlrato Rooms. 2(0 Durnstdo Street, Comer Fourth, PORTLAND, OitKQON. riILT EUQE BALOON W. 11. MOON, Prop. Choicest Liquor nnd Cigars. Steam and Lager llecr. 808 Alder Street. Portland, Oregon. Phono South 231. pACIFIO LAUNDRY CO. Maln'Oftlco 10 and 42 N. Ninth Street. Gentlemen' Work a Specialty. Order Promptly Attended to. 110TH PHONES. PORTLAND, OREOON. J. COOK Dealer In CHOICE WINES, LIQUORS AND CIOAR8 No. 01 H. W. Cor. First and Pino St. WEST COAST OYSTER GO. Importers, Planter A Dealer In .Eastern and Paoifio Coist Oystirs. 14J IVth fit., Opposlto Exposition Illdg. Itrauch ol Darbeo i Immcl Oyster Co., Union Square Market. Han, Cal. Oystir lleds.Han Francisco llav and OyslcrTllle.Hhoal water Hay. Origon Phono 8011th 481) Colum bia Phone 618. Ftoo Uellvory, Blue Point Oyster House L. T. LEWIS. lJ4Blxtli Street. Cor. Morrison, Portland, Or. All kinds nt I.lmilrt Refreshments. WKI.HII RAREIIIT. Eastern and Olympla Oysters Served in Any Style. . ORAWFIMH MANDWIOHE. Orceon Phono II00.I 311. Columbia Phono 417. Private Rooms. PIANOS Phono Hood 809 ORQANS THE FISHER MUSIC GO. ALL, K1M..1 OF Bold 011 Easy l'amcuta, with Frro Lesson. Hid Instrument Uken In F.xt'hKiixu (or Now Ours. Columbia and (lullar .fibers, Music and Hlrlngs., TiiiiIiik and Repairing. MUSIC BCOKS AND SHEET MUSIC 54 Sixth St., Cor. Pine, PORTLAND - - OREGON ..THE BROOKE DRUG CO.. Prescriptions Accurately and Care fully Compounded, , Telephones-Columbia 7(0, Oregon Red l&AI Prescription - Druggists 67 North Third Street PORTLAND - - OREQOH SPRANGER'S ARCADE 30. 33, .14 North Sixth Street, Corner Couch. ...BILLIARDS AND POOL... Ladles' and Gents' Reading Room E. II. SPRANdER, Prop. Oregon Phone Main 714. Columbia Phono 7.l Portland, Oregon. Ask Your Dealer For IMH-----MMMMHa? MARK. Up wmmmmwmmmmmmmmimimmmammtmmmimimmmamwmwmmmmmmmr 1 J . VI '! i JJWnlWniiini - - Ik-AWyW --4&M