MkA IKUMUUaMi' '.uwitCA & ..!-. -. Vlwv.. .t,lwv.n4 .aIk.!.'.. J Uk.. THE JwTW AGE, PORTLAND, OREGON. SPJEUNG'S NEW HATS. VERY DIFFERENT FROM THOSE WORN LAST YEAR. I-eft'Orcra Will Not I'aia Muster Un lea Completely Clinnued Tlic Flat lint (-'till Hetnlna It 1'opiilurlty JSoteB on New Vurk Mode;. New York corronpondcncpt O Al K T I M E S upriiiK fiixlilmis In millinery iii'u ill- rui'ii'd Willi HO imicli eollHl'llTll- (Ion for women who iniiHt practice ecoiumiy, that the pretty Imtn of thu previous Hprlng or nntiiinii will )UHH muster without Kruiitvr cliunjro ISJ"AViWV!n. ",l,n ''ftn ',0 CIIIHU" U?MVlilV'5iN ,.,1 iiu riMinviilliiii. Kuril Ih not tlic thin yonr. Still ouu HllllpO of hut tlmt wnH fiiHh loniiblu nil winter will continue. It Ih the tint Hort, which In pmiciike, illie or p)ti' form linn lieen worn In velvet, chilli, fur nml tulle, with trliiiinliiK "f flowers. TIioiikIi Mnt hntM lire to he very iiumer oiih, that fnct Ih not to he iinpleiiHiiutly nppiirent, Iiccikiho they me to bo of so TYPES OK COM many sons. Their range Is suggested by the examples chosen for tint nccoinpuny lug IHtiNtriitlons, The first model of the second picture was u modified lint hat of green leaves finished with huge nastur tiums nnd a knot of orniige ribbon. lit iienth this Is a side-tipped hat with brim uf fancy white straw, Mat crown of pule blue clillTim banded with gold bice, mid trimming of pink IiIohhoiiis. Aerost the picture from this Is no outright piiucake tdinpe In laced butler colored straw, Its double brim filled with while tulle, pink roses nnd foliage. (Julie different from these are the lint hats of the ue.M Illus tration. I'lrsl collies ii golden blown Mraw, Its brim faced Willi a fold of brown velvet, pink erysaulhemums and pink and mode lall'cta trimming It. Then there are In Ihe lower right-hand corner of the picture three draped lulls eluiiv cterl.ed by Maine. The first wns white tulle upplliiued with black Jet. lie- ANOTIIKU UMTMTKIt iienth thl is a biscuit colored twisted straw nud silk alTalr, the brim edged with a b.niil of gold and fiuUhed with pink apple blossoms, The Inst draped ex ample wns mode chlll'on wreathed with bright red Mowers and foliage. Here, Mircly, Is ample suggestion of variety In (Initios, besides, a draped hat need not be Hat, nor does Ihe multiple brim necessitate that characteristic. An entirely new notion shows a lint with veUet-bouud straw brim and crown fouu dates. Several "brims" of Hitched while taffeta aie wired In careless curves. On ono nldo the Mk brim lift so far spurt that the crown is hidden, Straw hats show double edged brim, a fold ot velvet being set between the edges, itometlnies the lower edge Is bent down, and elaborated Into a series ot convolu tions that set close to the hair aud that M V" A mm W VVtcT few 4W' lift the lint on (lint slilc. For rlrnpco. huts the various fibers so popular Inst year renppunr, hut Inst senson'H drnpery lint looks a ineok nnd uncertain experi ment beside the sweeping folds and moimtliiK curves of this sprlns's model. Does the maker dip n limbic spoon into n howl of chiffon, rIvo n sweep, a turn, ii toss in the uir, n flnnl swirl, and then lirestot triinsfix the result nt tho very in stant of transition? It would seem so. There are nrtlsts who hnvo pictured sen nymphs under the very edge of a down curling wave from which tlic fonm al ready illtiKs free; well, apparently tlmt lot of nrtlsts hnvo taken to limiting hats, for the "edge of n wuve" trick appears In tho new millinery, mid oven tho more simple of the draped hnta testify to un admirable nicety of touch. Of tills grade wns tho lint shown in to-day s Initial pic ture, n dainty mnss of white chifTou top ped by sliver gauze spnnglod leaves nnd yellow blossoms. Another model of the siime general character wns the second lint of the first large picture. Here the materials were fancy biscuit colored straw, nnd black chiffon, red roses set ting these off. The beauty and lightness of curves nnd folds in such lints mny ho relieved only by n single great buckle, or perhaps by n sudden turn of folds Into n knot that tnkes the place of n buckle. Often n curved quill feather, or n pair of them, is caught In n fold, ns In the, plum colored tnlTeta hat pictured here; or sometimes 'a spray of flowers has similar use. Ah n rule the drnpery mounts from the head Hue, but sometimes it is set on the foundation of n low curved brim. Flowers have been used freely nil win ter, but spring lints trimmed with them will not hick freshness, Tho rose still i kT ji triH ! l j 'COaSiV,I'Lw- "wn WTr; ISO IIEADWEAH. triumphs, ami a grent many lints still nro to present conspicuously n big ovctr grown rose, with foliage falling off the brim nbovu the pompadour. The term outing hat becomes n very loose one; that Is, It is applied to the se verest possible fells of the walking order, and to other hats so complex that their relation to outing standard Is of the faintest. Of this classification was the heavy black straw shown In tho upper right hand corner of the second picture. Its brim was edged with black velvet, mid Persian scarfing and white coiiuo feather trimmed it. And in the center of this picture was another outing model, in fancy black straw, trimmed with a many looped bow of crimson velvet and a long gold buckle. In the very simple outing hats are new notions that will be especially welcomed by those who dread to make an early choice of a trim med hat. These simple hats change from OV SAMPLES. season to season, of course, but seldom radically, so are a wise Investment, Pelts of the walking grades are all soft, the) crown I more roomy than last year, and Is punched Into various dents. Very few show these dents made permanently, i (iray, black anil drabs are the colors. Brim, ns a rule, are unbound, though a I few are bound In bright Itomnn plaid.! Tliey are very swagger, though hardly pleasing for city wear. Copyright, 1001. Nates an Hprlnir Styles, Only narrow widths of velvet ribboni will be used this season. Pongee with lace to match will create many very smart summer toilettes, French poplin Is promised us as a sum mer erase, whllo alpaca lu colore will 1 scarcely less popular. w business locals: Al?! Mk U tht twin Gtoml Artkwretfu. 01 r0., gal H'Btf JZS&kS Or. . Brerybody moket the celebrated Monogram and Paadora cigara. Ther baro no equal. Gall np Union 491 when in need ot anything in the lnel line. East Mor riaoa Street Wood & Coal Yard. The A. D. T. Messenger Co. ii the old eit and best service of the kind in the town. Roadsrs of tho Now Age, gir tWem the preference. MonoT to loan, on furnltnre. ntannn. or any good securities. Notes and mortgagee bought 8. W. King, room 41, Washington building. - j Oregon Bntoherlng Company. Frod Metzgor, manager, dealers in all kindly of freeh and salt meats and fish, 410 Everett street. I O. A. Watson, Marine Drug Store, 88 N. Third street, Portland, Ore. Spo oialtlcs: Fleokcnsteln's Lung Balsam ' and Celery Seltzer. The Popular, 13S First street, bet. Washington and Alder, Portland, Or.. John Ecklund, proprietor. ToL Ore' gon red 034, Columbia 008. For fine fruits of all kinds for the traveling public, call at 100 North Sixth street. Ice cream soda. Basket fruits tor travelers, George Kiser pro prletor Don't wear baggy trousers or shabby clothes. We call for, sponge, press, and dellvor, one suit of your olothlng each woek, sow on buttons, and sew up rips for $1.00 a month. Unique Tail orlng Company, 247 Washington street, both phones. Jno. P. Sharkey, manufacurer ot harness, collars, saddles and strap work; importer of saddlery, hardware, whips, pads, etc 00 Union are., Port laud, Or. Portland Transfor Saloon Chas. O. Blglin, proprietor. Choice wines, liquors and cigars. 831 Ulisan, cor ner Sixth, Portland, Or. Frenoh Dyeing and 'Cleaning Works. All work done at rery moderate prices. Dyeing and cleaning ot all kinds of ladies' and Gent's clothing. Mourning cloth dyed in 48 hours. J. Deleau, yroprlater, 4SQ Gllsan strt. The flnrst plaoe in the city to obtaia fist quality cigars tobacco and amok era' artioles is that of Rosenthal St Dadd, at 987 and 387 Washington street, between- Fourth and Fifth. Give these genial dealers a call when you wish anything in their line. Tele phone Main 70. Armory Drug Store, 81 Tonth street, northwest corner Tenth and Everett Heats. Portland, carries a full line of drugs, toilot articles, school supplies, cigars, oto. The National Police, Gazotte, pub llflhod by Kiclmnl K. Fox, Polieo News Standard, and all other sporting papers. Subscriptions taken At A. W. Schmalo, booksollor anil nowsdealor, 930 First stroot, Toitlaud, Ore. Ma . orders solioitod. For Xmns goods, Holding Bros., 40 N. Third stroot, Imvo i ohoico seloctlcu of holiday goods in tho line of sllvor ware, pookot books, fancy jewelry, din monds, umbrollas, gold nnd sllvor hoaded canes, watohos, lookets, eto. Call and inspect our stock. TO THE DEAF A rich lady, cured of her deafness nnd uolsos in 'the head by Dr. Nicholson's Artificial Ear Drums, gave f L'O.OOJ to his instltuto, so that deaf people unablo to procure the ear drums may have them free. Address No. D 83P1, Tho Nicholson In stitute, 780, Eighth avenue, New York On the Intlde. of a collar, shirt or cuff done up at this laundry means that you are all right, and that your Uuen looks us lm maculate and of as smooth and flue a finish as if it just came from the fur nishers, Comfort and satisfaction we give you in every piece of llueu that we launder, and our prices uro trilling for it. The Domestio Laundry, J, F. Robinson, Pendleton, Oregon. NATIONAL, Steam Dyeing and Cleaning Works oirricB and vroRKti IS, SIXTH STREET. PHONE HOOD 803 Hats Cleaned. Died. Pressed and Trimmed! Ladle' Dresses aud Dress Goods Dyed all Col a s, or well I'ltauea. uenucmons i ioimu Mnra, tiyea ana Ktpairta. usiricu reamsrs .4ud r Dyad all Colors and Nlcsly Curls4. SHERIFF'S SALE. In tho circuit court of the state of Oregon, for the county of Multnomah. State of Oregon, plaintiff, vs. Rich nrd Nixon, ns administrator of the estate of Joseph Leonard, decensod, all heirs of tho decedent (if acy there bo; and nil persons interested in said estate, defendants. Ily virtue of a nocrco and order of sale duly issued out of nnd undor the seal of the above entitled court in the ntiovo entitled catisse, to mo duly di rected nnd dated tho 14th day of Jan nnry, 1001, in which docreee- it was nd judged and docreed that tho stato ot Oregon stand and bo soizod of tho following described real property and vested with tho title thoroto, said real proporty bolng described ns follows, to-wit: Tho wott half of tho east half of tho northeast quarter of Soction thirty-two in Township two north of Raugo one west of Willamutto morldian, contain ing 40 acres, nnd bolng within Multno mah county, in tho state of Oregon, I f, .1 .1 ... ilnMMin ,fr ...MM ...,,., UUU UJ VV1JIUII UDbiDU lb .TUB lUlfclJU ordered that tho sheriff of Multnomah county, Oregon, bo directed to make salo of said real proporty to tho lifghont bidder for cush. Now, thoroforo, by virtue of said docroo nnd order of sale, nnd in com pliauco with tho commands thereof, I will on Monday, tho 2Cth day of March, 1001, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M., nt tho front door of tho county court house iu the city of Portlnnd, said county and Btnto, cell nt. public auction, subject to confirmation by tho nbove entitled court, to the highest bidder for U. S. gold coin, cash in 'land, nil of tho nbovo dosoribod real property, and nil the right, titlo, nnd interest which Josoph Lonorad, do cessed, had on the 4th day of March, 1807, or iilchnid Nixon as administra tor of said estnto siuco had, iu and to tho abovo described real proporty, or any part thereof, ns in said docroo di rected, Dated Portland, Orogon, Pobrunry 21st, 1001. WILLIAM FRAZ1ER, Sheriff of Multuotnnh county, Oregon. $25,000 OUR GRAND $25,000 ..Ornithological Contest.. FoniothliiR entirely now slid Intercstlnir. I)..-. I '...I... ami . ... .It. V.,.1 mri. ttl.t .1 IMHI Our ciintfit It to s o who cmii nike the liirKot ll.tnf n.ltina ftli Ulllifaltif lilrila frutll tltn Int. lowing I st of letter. : VDOOOCCKQULIAPR TARIDGESPNIELV EBRDIMWADOHTL V wilt tercaniti' u it 1)1 id fttivihlnr belnnir In Ii tlie Itfttlierecl trim, u neuier u ikj nci, Crow, MIliKvr, or any other kind. Yo.i ran mo nr letter nuiir time, to innko a llftino si ll - - -.---r .. .. .. . appeals In the list ot Icitvis above: for In., Iiatico nooocucB, novcr. dhoiy nirti, viu. in any rernnni who can make a 1 1 t of 23 or mora different names ot lilru, we will uho abtolute !y KUKK a beautiful I'rltu aluo 11,000 or less. BIG PRIZES AWARDED DAILY. When' yon have rr.ailo out yotirlUt fill out the line on (ho bottom ot ill's advvrllicment and hhiiI lo us with a tUampvtt Addronol en. velonr, stamp ot your country will ilo, then If roil are awarded a prlio you can If you deilre Ket tlie prliu by bcoiiilii?anibcrlber to Tim Woman' t V rfd. We Miutl award a prlio to every pcrion who .cnU tin1 name n( i Illrd., and our sift" will bvasfo liwa: Kor the best Hit, received each day, atlotd Watch; for tho leeond tw.t nolutlnii eiicli day a beautiful lm ported Tea Hot; for tho soven next beat solu. tloiu inch day, a Konrali Haklli Diamond and Ituby Itltur: (or thu next be it .olutlon, n (lold I'leco; M d for all otlier enrtect aolutlont, I'rlsra of (lood Value. These 1'rlies will bo for. warded dally, yon will not wait a long lime In uncertainty U'fore you know tho re sult. There Is I a element of lottery In our plan, It make no difference whether we Ret onr (olutlon latoor early in the day. All you ii..,., I i in mull tlil Adverll. rinent to ill. and on the day It roaches tin. If your lilt li the belt, you aliitll liHvn llin ll XVulcli I OUU Uvll IIIO lieailllllll ira rvi.niiu u un. u Kiiarantee that we will award you a prise 'iliere Uabiolutely no opportunity for decep tion on our part we cannot afford It. We want tone! l.MiO.OOO well ralLMed tubicrlberi, aud for that rea.on we don't want you to .end any inone;- until you know exactly what prlie you hae Kalnrd by aiuwerini: the puiilei. As soon alter 4 p. m, each day as po.nlble, the ex. amlui r. will Jiidno the Hits to the belt of their ability, and will dcilgnate the prises. We will write to ion at once notifying you what prize ban been awarded you, then If you are sails lied, you can send your subscription to Tht llVmnn'i lI'mM, and our nrlie will ko by re turn of mall carrlase paid. To a person of narrow Ideas It seems Impossible that we should be able to make sucn a KiRantio oner, but we liavo the money, brains and reputation, we know exactly what we are dolnic, and if we can legitimately Kaln a million subscribers by this srand Idea, we know that this million of well pleased sulucrlberscau bo Induced to rec ommend Thr U'uikmi'j It'orld to ull fltend. thereby bulldiiiK un our circulation stilt further. We are wIIIIiir to spend iVO0 In thlsiontrst In biilldluKiip a Wu subscription list, and when this money Is spent we rcserrs tho rliiht lo pupllsh a notification that thi contest has Ih-vi discontinued. Don't dela) until It Is tio late. The contest will coutluui until July 1st, l'JOl, We Clvo 'A lloniis I'rlieof l-VO, Independ enl of all otheis, to the person who scuds It tho Hit Kotteu up iu the best and handsomes. manner. Our Committee will decide and award prises dally, but the spcclnl JAVlprlu will be awarded In Scrtemtier, 1901, Any bird'i name louud lu the dlctiouurl' s accepted, WHO WAlt. Tht "Woman' World" U a thoroughly rtlMU CHWri-, tar kuouu to ilo (jartty at ire adifr Uir. .UMour rtltbll(iy ft rrirto any Advtr tt'tng Ayat or Luiiixn man oj London or .Ycu lo t, Samt -. - Tuu-n ..- .Country. N. H. IU careful aud prepay your letter 6e, as we do not receive underpaid letters. Address; THE WOMAN'S WOULD," Urenlfurtl, London, W, Kuglauil. BOYD & ARNOLD ...General Agents... , Hamburg-Bremen Fire Ins, Co. Royal Exchange Assurance Orient Insurance Company No. 102 First Street. Nr Stork. Strongs Photographs Superior in Style and FiniahjJ STiJDIOt In Goodaough BuiltUa;. D. Dahm PRACTICAL SAIL MAKERS Flmgm and Yacht Satis a Specialty OIIEOON 1MIO.NK 043 ItED 27 NORTH FIRST STREET PORTLAND, OREGON. STEPHAN'S Evening Gowna Strmet Suits Fancy Walatm Tailor Made Suits Riding Habits, Etc. 289 Alder Street PORTLAND, OREGON ..TRAIINS STOP.. AT Wilkins' Ealing House 30 Minutes for Meals I.unch Counter In connection. Tlio only Kat Iiir House at tho Depot whvro you can uet a First-Class ileal. ROSEBURG OREGON WHEN YOU IIUY Furniture, Carpets and Stoves FOH HOUSEKEEPING Cut This Out and Oct a Reduction at Henry Jennings. 17a-174 First Street. Picture Frames, Pictures. Art Materials BERNSTEIN'S ART STORE 807 Washington street Hot. Fifth ami Sixth PORTLAND, OREGON. GRIP f, fJCMDRICIMI!' PACIFIC MX III CO . (ifflllfH Cured in One Day by Using DR. CARVER'S COLD CURE Rrice 25 Cents Laue-Davis Drug Co., 3d and Yamhill RAZORS THAT CUT AT CUT PRICES OVERLAND WAREHOUSE GENERAL STORAGE AT LOWEST RATES L,ow Insurance Rates KELLEY-CLARKE CO. .... LESSEES .... PORTLrAIND Colunb't Pbone 700 Ore. Phom Gnat 431 Mil. m-A n fifth ;t. LtoirdiTi M Mtiiiu St, OMTHOPEOfO slstNf' v CLESTffiKLA 'w -- srssr:ar - "ftBmUAa aaawaawSmaaaamM .BlSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSaBrVVBlBlSSSSFM Sm BfasSBBBBBBBBBKldv aH Ml StAmmr Ihr 1 1 " mxmAar LUtYOfX FOmAW SHOC 9)7 Tlc4 9tit, bend for Cataiuf ue .. ESMOND .. HOTEL. Portland, - - Oregon. Front and Motriion Streets BATKS! European Plan, 50c to $1.50 Per Day American Plan, $t to $2 Per Dt OPCAK AKDKRSON.Msnsger. J. C. I'ENDEOAST, Chief Clerk. ENTERPRISE SHOE CO. 83! North Third St. Boots and Shoes Made to Order Repairing; Neatly Done. Work called for snd delivered. Alt work guaranteed, H. C. RILEY, MANA6ER. Headquarters for Capcn Co.'s Shoes I.. W. CAUNAHAN, President. . lt.UAUDNEH, ylco 1'restdcnt. W. W. TKUKY, Treasurer. Portland Implement Co. JOHN DEERE PLOWS, HARROWS, ETC. FARM MACHINERY AND VEHICLES. 188-194 Front Street, Portland, Ore, USE LUCKEL'S Borax Soap For "Washing Flannels. Will Never Shrink Nor Harden. TRY ONE BAR AND BE CONVINCED. . W. A. WISE DENTIST ...Room 614 THE DEKUM... PORTLAND, OREGON. Tel. Red 2844. ORBQOIN. My jjenqsienytM. m& iw P6rtland,Orck) .THE ORTHOFEBtC. $3.Q Shorn Tmlmmkmmm mtmv i Argument No article Kiln- a reputation cr a name for iu! i nlesa there be merit h nd it and no other shoe today on the market lias gained well deserrsd reputation ot ths 33.SO SHSE FQMTLAAW, PL t:i i