- r-w, ta' "?'; : J .t. THE .HEW ACE; , PORTLAyD. OREGON. 1 ! r jBT"aTw1'":t';'?f,r Age. A quarrel rocontly occurred between two maiden ladies. Bald tho younger one! "I wonder It I shall lose my locks, too, when I get your age?" Tho older one You may bo lucky If you do. Tlt-BIts. She Was Reassured. Teddy Won't you como and see our now baby? Old Maid Tjachor Yes," dear, when your aunt Is better. Teddy Oh, but It ain't catching! Smart Sot Albert EJward's Cigars. Tho Prlnco of Wales pays at tho rnto of 1,7G0 rer 1000 for his cigars. These precious weeds nro sevon Inches long. His Points. FlrBt boy Ib that a good house dog? Second boy No. "Good bird dog?" "No." "Good for rabbits7" "No." "Knows somo tricks, perhaps?" "No." "What Is it good for?" "Nothin only to tnko prizes at shows." Now York World. Quite Right. "'Ho said it was a beastly Are." "Ho was right. Tho flro was at the zoo." Boston Trantcript The 8oft Answer. Jeweler (enthusiastically) I assure you tho watch is worth twico tho money. It's worth 10 guineas if It's worth a penny. Customer I should hnrdly say that. Jowoler (warming) You doubt my word? Customer (consulting his own watch) I mean to say it's a Ho on the faco of It. Tho thing's an hour Blow. Judy. Piclflc. "Pcoplo ought to civo us moro credit for our efforts In tho direction of poaco," said tho distinguished China mnn. ' "But you go nhcad and do as you chooso!" "Yes. But aftor wo havo dono so wo aro tho first to scizo tho ollvo branch of diplomacy and do our boat to convert what might havo been a disgraceful Bcrlmmngo Into a lolsurely and dignified law suit." Washington Star. Costly. Tho Duko of Manchester Is a flno Investment for a father-in-law. At lanta Constitution. She Worried. Nlpp My wlfo worried all last wcok for fear I should dlo. Tuck Woro you sick? Nlpp No, but my llfo lnsuranco pol icy ran out and it was sovoral days bo foro I got,. It renowed. Philadelphia Evening Bulletin. Cooking School, for Doctors. Frau Hedwig Hoyl has started a cooking school for doctors In Berlin. Doctors from Franco, Russia' and Italy, as well as Germany, havo already taken tho courso, and It Is reported that branch schools of tho samo kind aro shortly to bo established In all .tho capitals of Europe HTOMACII TItOUItl.K? You need not surfer (torn It another it ay. "QHU" rIvc Rroni'it nd continuous relief and needy euro. 'oillctliiK. Ti 111 )KickBe free. O.K8TBI.LY, 420 I'arroli Building, San Francltco, Cal. CLAIM -NTS FOR DP? TXJ2ITrVJ II WU.lt In lllTUia If BKKFORO. Wnhlng'on, D. C. thov will re I eclve quirk repllen. It. Mil N. If. Vols. Staff 20th Corp, rrost'cutlng clalmi ulnro 1878. MONEY FOR SOLDIERS' -HEIRS- Heirs of Union HoMlern trim homttcaded lex than ICO arri a before June -'.', 1874 (no matter If abxniloiied), should address 11KNKY N, COIT, WMhliiBton, I). O. PIJ.-lldN: TESTED IIHDTROI Springtime Resolutions tiYki: Koeley Cure Sure relief from liquor, opium and tobacco habits, Send for particular to Kiiley InstltHti, 3(4 Sixth St., Pirtlud, Br. For Catalogues THINGS.. Pk Address M. J. WALSH fMlAtm YOU DO YOUR PART which U. tend u joursddre, knd WE'LL DO OURS Wliiin i, icllyou tree how to make money fut in the rrveni great I'actfle Coast petroleum oil boom Wrlu Immediately tn Kanlera and Broken Oil Co.; J. W. Ilelmer fc C .. financial events, 313 Commercial Jllock, Portland, Ore. jayHpeflal agents wanted In erery town. eiTLEI'SMIIOUTEiflOOKE A guaranteed Cure far Catonk aad OeunHlH. 11.00. D Lock Box 14ft. 1.H.UITI4M., Iirfik, l.y.Mp'i iifeg5gafCr Cjj) MANTELS, " 'V m GRATES 9LsltisssssssssssrV1 Beat Coach Byrop. f Coot Vm H M tatlma. Sola by dnnr;BM- CHAT ACROSS OCEAN. AN ITALIAN ELEOTRICIAN'S WON DERFUL INVENTION. Wilt Make It Poitlb'e for t'a to Have ' Conversation with Our Kin lteyonJ the Bca Without the Medium of Cables. Great things arc promised for tho new century by O. Marconi, the author of wireless telegraphy, says the Now York Press. Beforo the first Christmas lu the twentieth century he will, he de clares, havo England nud America on speaking terms without the aid of sub marine cables. One big pole erected at Southampton and another lit Motitnuk Point will, he Bays, be all Hint Is need ed. The cables which uow connect Eu rope with America will, If Marconi ful fills his promise, become as obsolete as tho stage coach became when tho rail road came in. Tho optimistic clcctrl- w o. MAncoxt. clan Is confident that he can establish telegraphic communication between the eastern nud western worlds by his system at a hundred-thousandth part of tho cost of laying a cable nud main taining It. Mnrconl says ho has discov ered a method of controlling tho sound waves so that the messages from con tinent to continent will be Unshed back and forth close to the surface of the ocean over tho wholo dlstnuce. Heretofore tho curvaturo of the earth has presented a dreaded dllll culty to bo overcome In tho transmis sion of wireless messages over long distances. Marconi's new control of tho sound waves, It Is asserted, hnB ob viated tho dllllculty. How It Is done Marconi does not explain that Is his secret but he. says that lie Is confident ho has found n method of doing It. He contends that tho masts erected nt Moufauk Point and at' Southampton need not bo higher than n New York "skyscraper" In order to mnkc the working of tho system effective. He has Invented n now nppllaucp by which ho says ho can lengthen tho air waves to nn almost unlimited extent. A Commercial ltovoMitlo-t. If Mr. Mnrconl can fulfill his prom ises, whnt a revolution there will be, In the commercial worldl Tho millions Invested In cables would become lost capital, for no ono would uso n cable at the rates charged for messages when for a fraction of tho cost he could tele graph by tho wireless system. It not only costs millions to mnnufnc tnro and lay cables across tho Atlan tic, but keeping them In repair costs hundreds of thousands of dollars. Cable ships' are kept In commission all tho time, and thoy find continually something to do In the way of repairs WWKLKS8 TKl.ROHA.riir AT SKA. on tho great oceanic telegraph Hues. Ilcpalrlng a cablo Is a work of skill, scleiice and money. A defect In tho cable having been located by means known to the telegraph experts, the cable ship steams away to tho part of tho ocean where tho dllllculty Is and drags tho cablo with Its grappling Irons. When dually tho cable is picked up the repairs are mado and it Is again deposited upon the oozy bed of the sea. The Initial expense and the cost of maintenance make it expenslvo to talk with Europe, but It does not cost much to erect two poles and buy a Marconi outfit. It Is obvious that If the great Italian keeps his promise the cost of talking with the old world will be trlfltug compared with what It Is now. The United States Is now preparing to lay a cable across the Pacific Ocean from tho California coast to Manila. If Marconi can make his promise good of telegraphing without wire across the Atlantic, then there would bo no need for laying the cable. The wireless sys tem could be used and all the tremen dous cost of establishing cable commu nication obvlaled. Tho distance from Montauk to Southampton Is over 3,000 miles. From San Francisco to Hono BiLSijflk it Ia' aW jlT I n IV wAwAmKI - k 5lE?BBw-sfi ?9VEk&9flate9Cii lulu I only 2,000 miles. From Hono lulu to Manila It Is about 4,000 miles. If that Is too great a distance over which to operate the wireless system then a, way station might be establish ed on Wnko Island, a little piece of property something more than half way over to Manila from Hawaii, which the United States owns. In fact, the possibilities of the sys tem, If Mnrconl keeps his promise, nro nlmost infinite. Tho War Department of the United States has been for some time experimenting with wireless tel egraphy Independent of Mnrconl, whoso system, tho officials thought, did not meet the requirements of the service. So successful has tho signal corps been that now all the forts around New York nro connected with each other by a wireless system, which Is constantly being experimented with nud Improved. Tho weather bureau, also recognizing the ndvantnges which would result to navigation by the es tablishment of a wireless electric com munication between vessels nt sea and exposed points on our lakes and sea coasts, nud also between islands along the coasts and tho mainland, has mado n systematic Investigation of tho vari ous systems of wireless telegraphy. The progress mnde has been eminently satisfactory. New appliances have been devised by the bureau experts for tho transmission of signals and receivers havo been constructed that arc prob ably more delicate than nny heretofore mnde. 'Messages havo already been sent nnd received over fifty miles of land which presented a rough and hilly surface conditions most unfavorable to the transmission of electro-magnetic waves. Marconi also promises that before long ships nt sen will bo able by tho uso of his system to coiumiinlcntu with tho Bhorc. Navies are now experiment ing with his system and consldcrnbli success has been obtained. Meantime. In England they arc trying to telegraph without the use of wlro from Dover to Hclglum. It looks ns If In a short time n message might bo scut around the world without tho uso of wires, nnd that all the parts of tho earth and tho sen would be In telegraphic communi cation with each other. Deserts; moun tains, oceans, time nud space all seem to be dissolving beforo tho ndvnnce of science. Tho world could not desire n better Christmas present for 1001 than the fulfillment of Marconi's promise. A LAND OF MILK AND HONEY. Some of the Kcmnna Why Oktnlmmu's Claim for Htntvhoo.l la Vnll I. Oklahoma means Beautiful Land. It Is easily ono of tho wonderful sections of our wonderful country. Only a doz en years ngo It was given up to the Indians and formed n part of the In dian Territory; but on Aprl, 221 1880, It was opened to settlement by tho procla mation of President Harrison, and In ono day 00,000 peqplo rushed upon It. Tho same day a national bank was opened and Its modern history begins. Heboid the contrast since that time! Tho census of 1000 shows n population of :tl)S,2-ir, nud In addition theru were .',027 Indians not taxed. So here we have a great state springing from prac tically nothing to a population of over 100,000 within ono decade. That does not begin to tell tho story. Tho taxable valuo of tho laud Is uow nearly ? 100.000,000. Within two years four great grain nud cotton crops have enriched tho state, ami the deposits lu tho banks have Increased moro thnn 100 per cent. Tho people havo built 800 churches and established nearly 201 newspapers. The population Is described as a su perior one, thoroughly American nud progressive In Its enterprises. Tho benuty of tho country Is drawing more nud more pcoplo to Its coflucs. It has an a vera go elevation of 1.500 feet; Its cllmato Is delightful, nud, to quote n re cent writer who visited tho country, "It Is not nu unusual thing for a wheat farmer In Oklahoma at tho close of a good season to realize enough money from the sale of his product to moro thnn cover the entire valuo of his farm and tho Improvements upon It." It was considered that cotton would not grow north of Texns. During tho past year Oklahoma's cotton crop! brought nearly $0,000,000 to her people, Saturday Evening Post. A ltutle Prince. It has not always been wlso to look to n roynl court for tho etlquetto of po llto society. Witness this quotation from tho "Counters Potocka," a recol lection of Princess Cznrtoryska, an in cident of tho court llfo of Joseph II., at Berlin. Ono day, at tho end of dinner, sho re lated that sho had known Prlnco Kau ultz, who had a varied reputation, nud Incidentally ono for Impudence. Hav ing lino teeth, ho ntteuded to them without tho slightest regard for his guests. As soon as tho table was clear ed his valet put n mirror, a basin and brushes beforo him, nud then nud there tho prince begau his inornlng toilet over again, Just ns If he had Lecn alone In his dressing-room, while every ono was waiting for him to finish to get up from tho table. "I could uot suppress my astonish ment," says Countess Potocka, ''and nsked the princess If she, too, had wait ed. " Ycs, alas!' she replied, 'I was so put out of countenance that I only re covered my senses at tho foot of tho Btnlrs; but later on It was different. I complained of the heat, and left the table at dessert' " Precaution. "What are you doing for that baby?" "I'm simply avoiding all the advice ray friends have given me Harper's Bazar. It Is now up to Mr. Markham to write a poem about "Tho Woinuu with tho Ax." Buffalo Express. ADJT. QEN. CORBIN. Rose front a Loo, Cabin to 11U Present Post of Honor. Adjutnnt General Corblu, who has now reached the grade of major gen eral lu the regular army, was born fifty-nine years ago at Bntavla, Ohio, in a log cablu which Is' still stnndlug. He entered the Civil War a second lieu tenant lu the Eighty-third Ohio Volun teer Infantry, July 28, 1802, and has risen by merit through all the grades to that of major general of the regu lar establishment. He was honorably discharged from tho volunteer service On March 20, 1800, with tho brevet rank of brigadier general for meri torious service. Gcu. Corblu's early ancestors were Virginians, nud he Is a distant rclntlvo of Col. ltlchard Lee. His grandfather wbb scrgeaut of tho Virginia Hue tn the Revolution. Ills great-grandfather moved to tho mouth of tho Mnumce Hlvcr In Ohio nud later settled In Clermont, Ohio. Gen. Cor blu's father Is still living, nt tho ago of 80. Tho Adjutnnt General Is tho Instru ment through which tho Chief Execu tive nnd tho Secretary of War act. He daro not usurp a Bluglo function dele gated to his superiors. Ills duty Is to carry out In letter and spirit their or ders. Ho must bo capablo of advising when his ndvlce Is nsked; he must be iin absolute master of details, and must 1?o able, to answer questions relating to tho army with accuracy. ' When war clouds gather It Is the busiest olllco or tho Government. I To cnll to the field 2B0.000 men, arm I nnd equip them In sixty days and nt- ' tend to tho Innumerable details, as did Gen. Corblu during tho recent war with Spain. Is n task bo gigantic that none hut a man of extraordinary ability and I physical strength could till the place. I And now ho l& prepnrcd to enlist, drill, nrm. equip nud dispntch 100,000 men of n regular army 7000 miles. Grant. when Secretary of War, wrote of Qen. Corbln: "Mnde major for gallant nnu mirInrloim service nt Decatur." Ho I was also highly commended by Gens. Glllnn. Weed, Housseuu, A. Meuowcii. McCook and Haggles, and Gen. Mer rltt'a Indorsement wns, "Well worthy and fitted to be the head of the adju tant general's department; can be ; trusted with Important duties.'' j Gen. Corblu's personality Is striking. Imnglno n mnn 0 feet -I Inches In I height, erect, soldierly, weighing uboui 250 pounds, but carrying very little ' Hiinrr(liiniiH flesh and vou have the outline of tho adjutant general of the army. Ills complexion Is olive, eyes brown, nose aquiline, and the Hues of his mouth well chiseled. Ho wears a mustache nnd nn Imperial. Ho can say "No" without the quiver of nn eye or tho flutter of n muscle, nud no one can sny that ho was over knowu to lose his nerve In a crisis. Hlinplo Country Living. A man mny enjoy bounding health, and know very little about tho cause of his happiness; nnd alas! a mnn mny suffer all tho woes of dyspepsia, and hnve- no certain knowledge ns to tho cnuso of his misery. "I'm n confirmed dyspeptic; that s tho reason I look bo old," said Mr. Col- lander, gazing nlmost enviously nt tho red-bronzo faco of IiIh former chum at college, who had dropped down from tho country Into Mr. CollnndeVs city olllce. "Whnt you need Is slmplo country food, mnn," said his old friend, clap plug him heartly on tho , shoulder. "Como nnd visit, my wlfo nnd me on tho farm for a whllo, and we'll set you up. It's rich city living that's too much for you. Now tako breakfast, for In stance. All I havo Is two good cups of coffee, a couplo of fresh doughnuts, a bit of steak with a baked potato, some fresh biscuit or mtilllns, nnd either grlddle-cnkes or a piece of plo to top off with. What do you have?" Tho city man looked at his red-cheeked friend, who stood waiting for the confirmation of his idea. "A cup of hot water and two slices of dry toast." ho responded, soberly, "But If you think a slmplo diet llko yours would help me. I will make one moro a'ttompt to be a healthy man." A Forehanded Ijover. "Shnu't we elope, George?" "Yes If you think It will plense your father. Financially I'm not prepared to get him down on me." Serum for Diphtheria. Durlngnreceut epidemic of diphtheria In a town on tho Hudson 205 cases were treated with serum, nud amoug these there were only two deaths. KniKhtly Warfare of Old. Medieval knights often took a volun tary oath that they would never spare tho llfo of an enemy. It Ii Impossible for a woman to find a pet name to apply to a man that U ridiculous so long us she meuus It. Nature supplies a uimi with charac ter, tie must furnish his own reputation mmbHbbwP j apjt.-okn. coiiiiin. WIDOW GOT THE VERDICT. One Kflectof Too Cloeclr Croii-lixnm Inlttu an JrUh Wltnea. "Never eross-questlon nn Irishman from tho old sod," advises one of the foremost railroad attorneys of the age. "Even If he does uot think of nu an swer he will stumble into some bull that will demoralize tho court nud Jury, nnd whenever a witness tickles n jury his testimony gains vastly lu Its Influ ence. "Yes, I'm speaking from experience. Tho only witness who over made mo throw up my liauds and lenvo tho court room wns n green Irishman. A section hand been killed by nu express train and ids widow wns suing for damages. I had a good case, but made the mis tnko of trying to turn tho main witness Inside out. 'In Ills quaint way he had given u graphic description of the fatality, oc casionally shedding tears and calling on the saints. Among other things he swore positively that tho locomotive whistle was not souiulcd until after tho whole train had passed over his de parted friend. Then I thought I had him. " 'See here, MeGlnnls,' Bnld I, 'you admit that tho whistle blew?' " 'Yls, sor; It blowed, sor.' " 'Now If that whistle sounded In time to give Michael warning the fact would he lu favor of the company, wouldn't It?' " 'Yls, Bor, nnd Mike would bo tlstl fyln' here this day.' The Jury giggled. " 'Never mind that. You were Mike's friend, nnd you would like to help his widow out, but Just tell mo now whnt earthly purposo there could bo for tho engineers to blow that whistle after Mlko had been struck.' " 'I preshttiuo that the whlstlo woro for the ulxt man on the thrnck, son' "I left and tho widow got all hIio nsk ed." Detroit Free Press. GGNLRAL LOLllS BOTHA. General Louis Botha has been,, su premo conimnnder of the burgher forces since the death of .loubcrt n year ago. Although the youngest or the high officers who hnve taken part In tho con tllct with the British, Botha at 110 Is tho ablest column nder tho Boers hnvo turn- (IKN. 1IOTIIA. ed out, with tho possible exception of Do Wet. He had no military experience beforo tho present war, but ho roso from the rank of private to that of com mander lu chief within six months nfter taking the field. Ho wns formerly a member of the Transvaal Parliament and an old friend nnd neighbor of Lu cas Meyer. After Kruger's departuro for Europe he nllled himself with Do Wet, both swearing to continue tho war so long ns they could find a following of five men. Ho Needed a Cluuigo. Tramp What! Turkey again! Mad am, ain't you g6t(uo roast beefV MuK'iunliuouN Infant. He Is the cousin of a chubby 4-year-old whose home Is lu New York. This little man has also been started up In the way ho should go. One day when ho visited somo relation by the nnmo of Jones. He wns not treated Just as his highness considered fitting, and ho re sented It for u time. But when prayer time came he relented enough to framo this petition, which he tacked on to the end of the second prayer: "Please, God, bless papa and mamma, nud grandpa, and grandma, and oven the Joneses!" Lewlstowu (Me.) Journal. Dlxeusea that Kill Animals. The three diseases which kill off tho great number of caged animals are rickets, "lumpy Jaw" and tuberculosis. They nro caused In tho main by tho wrong food being given, want of sun light and poor ventilation. An animal In tho wild statu when It kills Its prey first drinks Its blood and then devours Its organs. Tho lean meat Is eaten last, If at all. But for somo reason It has hitherto been tho custom In zoological gardens to prepare the food by bleed lug the animal uud removing all tho fat 0 MTs'yml't Ready to Use. Wife "Why do you buy such a lot of stamps at once?" Husband "So there'll bo a fow that won't get stuck togothor." Whnt Will IteiMimx or Vhlnn? Nouo can foresee the outcome of the quarrel hctvifeii foreign ponors over tho dlvlMoh of Cliluu. It is intc-pcxting to Match the going to pieces of this undent but unproyrfFMVe mer. Many propla lu America arc also going to piece hvcauno of d.xsprpMn. coii.tlntloii, blood, liver nud Mniiinrhdiicnyi"), Wo urn living loo fnt, but strength, vlgoruiid pood heiillli citn ho retained If we Ucop oll'unil euro tho nhova diseases wlih Hosteller's Sinnmcli Hitters. Plenty of Time. He And now, darling, whon do you think wo would better announce our engagement? She Oh, thcro,ls no hurry, doar. Any tlmo within tho next 24 hours. Hnrpor's Bazar. SAW DARK SPOTS A Victim of Biliousness and Indama- tory Rheumatism Tells How He Became Free Prom Disease. A recommendation that Is not basod upon oxporlenco Is without valuo but In tho following lntorvlow tho roador will at onco rccognlzo tho forco of nd vlco that is tho 'result of personal knowledge Mr. Nod YorkcB Hnwloy Ib a travel ing mnn whoso homo Ib nt 102G W. Boon Ave, Spoknno, Wash. Ho hnB rocontly had an oxporlenco of moro (.inn goncrnl Interest nnd In nn ln torvlow with a reprosentntlvo of tho Spokesman-Kovlow, of Spoknno, he said: "In Juno, 1800, I boenmo bilious and subject to dizzy spells, I hnd no np potlto, my heart seemed to flutter at tlmoB nnd bent Irregularly, and dark spota neomed to float beforo my oyos. This continued for nbout six months. During that tlmo I wbb troublod with lamoncss In my back and pains over my kidnoys. I wbb under n physl cinn'a enro and ho told mo my troublo was biliousness nnd Inflammatory rheumatism. I wan In bod for over four weeks nnd did not soom to bo getting any hotter. "Ono dny I Baw an ndvortlsomont tn which It wns stated that n caso simi lar to mino hnd boon cured by Dr. Wllltam'a Pink Pills for Palo Pooplo. I procurod somo of tho pills nnd with In two weeks tho Inflammatory rheu matism which Intel bocomo very nc cuto and caused mo tho moat lutonso sufforlng, was onttroly cured. "You will thoroforo rontlzo tnat I am a firm uollovor In Dr. Wllllam'u Pink Pills. Thoy cured mo nnd I am bo Buro thnt thoy will prova equally vnluablo In other cnsoB that I havo recommended thorn to a groat many pooplo." NED YEIIKK8 HAWLEY. Dr. William's Pink PIUb for Palo Pooplo aro an unfailing Bpoclfic for such diseases as locomotor ataxia, partial paralysis, St. Vitim' danco, sci atica, neuralgia, rheumatism, norvouo headache, aftor-offoctn of tho grip, pnl pltntlon of tho honrt, palo and sallow complexions nnd nil forma of woak , ncss olthor lu malo or fomalo. Sold by all dealors, or sont direct from Dr. Williams Modldno Co., Schonoctndy, N. Y., CO conts pur box, or six boxoa for $2.C0. Neglected His Dullness. A KnnsnB. City physician wont In Southwest Missouri for n day's Bhoot Ing, nnd on his return complnlnod to his wlfo that ho had killed nothing. "Hum thnt's what you got," Bho vol unteered, "for neglecting n day'B bus iness." KnnsnB City Star. VOU KNOW WHAT YOU AUK TAKING Wlun vou talcn (lrnvo's Tiutolcu Chill Tonlo, became iho formuln l tilalnljr tirititixt on every bottloihowlnirtliat It 1 slroiily Iron and ()uf. uluo In a tmeuM form. No Cure, No l'ay. toe. baslly Adjusted. "Pardon mo," Bald tho busy man to tho lnsuranco agent who had forcod hlB wny Into tho ofilco, "but I nm not prepared to talk to you today." "Don't lot that worry you," replied the Insurnnco ngont, "I'll do tho talk ing." Philadelphia Press, In tlir rliur Ink OarrloM Tea. This uninlii f il llirli Mulli'liie pur Iflu tho Llmiil amlKlvt's new and vUoio ti life id avmvins ilojilct cil 1))' tliu irldK ttluu-riva.on. A Matter of Hearing. Suburbanite You' vo got a now baby at your house, I hoar. Tnwnlto Groat Scott! can you hoar It away out th'tro In tho suburbs? De troit Frco Press. I am unto I'Imi's Cunt for Coiniininlloii aiivi-d my lift- three years imo,- Mas Tiiom, JtoiuiiNH, Maple kirct-i, Norwich. N, Y., Fob. 17, 1M0.J Avoiding the Rush, Politician Toll mo tho best wny to got out of politics, Turn prohibitionist. "Oh, thnt'a vory Btiddon; I want to get, out gradua.iy." Smart Bet. Tho Hast I'resorlptlou fur Malrtrlat Chill and fever I a bottlu of drove' Tastolei Chill Toulo. It lssltniily Iron and quinine lu a taiU'lcs form. No Cure, NoTajr. 1'rlcu Wo. Just the PatlentTor" Him. Young Dr. Fresh Hero comes that Mra. Towlor. PoBltlvely thoro Isn't tho first thing that alls hor. Old Dr. Bugo Kvldontly you aro Just tho mau for hor caso. Boston Transcript. Now iliat the ulutnr eann I jail, It In well In i Iran u the ' Msit-in anil 1'iirly tlm IiIoimI with (iardil ri,.'-Hii Hcrli Mi'dlUnu that brings koim hvallli, Woman's Way. "A woman usually thinks her hus band perfect." said tho yoitvg man. "Yes," unsworod Slrlua Barker. "Ho may bo 'a perfect donkey' or a 'porfoct boar' but ho'a perfect." Indianapolis Press. Carter's Ink Wit for school home and offlcu. K coU no Hiore than poor Ink, Always ask for Carter's. Gets Rich In One Week. At a sale of crown milling lands ro contly held In tho Klondlko a man named Dawson purchased a claim on Gold Bottom for $1. Ho Immediately began digging, and next day struck a rich streak. Boforo tho week wan ended ho hnd been offered 1 10,000 for the claim, but refused to sell ut that figure.