-T H .Si . THE NEW AGE, PORTLAND, OREGON. Bar Fixtures and ..Billiard Tables.. Have Re-established their busi ness in PORTLAND, at 49 Third Street. A full stock of Bar Fixtures, Bil liard and Pool Tables. Bowling; Alleys and Supplies always on hand. EASY PAYMENTS. J. G. REDDIGK, Manager. The Reliable Loan Office Pawnbrokers and Jewelers BARGAINS ,..IN. .UNREDEEMED. PLEDGES Money Loaned on All Articles or Value. PRIVATE ENTRANCE ON PINE ST. All OooiU Hold on Installment!. 01 Third St.. Oor. Pine, Portland, Or. LAWRENCE BROS'. Towel Supply Co. Towels furnlidicd to llnrbcr. Doctor", OniccS nd Dimities lloiiDcK, I'.to. Wo also do First Clan Laundry Work, OKI'ICK; Fourth mill C'uiieh Bts, PORTLAND, OR. Oregon I'hono 429. Columbia l'liono 410. Old Kentucky Club Whiskey Home ,.ANI).. Shaw's Pure Malt Blumauer & Hoch Wholesale I.I(iior A Cigar Dealer SOLE AGENTS. 110 Fourth Stroot EMPIRE Livery Feed and Sale Stable ' C. P. BARNARD, Prop. Saddle Horses, Single and Double Rigs At All Hours. Transient ttock Riven llio very best of caro. Hates always reasonable and tntisfm'llon unar antcud. Phone Main Si. Cor. Rose and Oak Sts. ROSEBURG, OREGON. EDWARD HOLMAN UNDERTAKER Fourth and Yamhill Sts. DOTH 'PHONES NO. 507 REN S1INS0N, Lady Atllllsnt. llfriiiiiMlvMti"lilluMiiil .Merchant Hotel. COKNKK TUMID AND DAVIS BTHKKTfl I'OKTLANI), OltKUON. JIOTKI. 18 NKWI.Y KKNOVATKD. Till li the belt equipped moderate rato hotel on the Tactile Cot and ha all the oonren. tences ot hhih-prlred hotel. Complete with eleetrlo lUhlsand belli, and artesian water in each room, Hath room on ooh floor. Kleratot lor accomodation ot Rtiesta. Itates l and 1 1. 'J I ferilay. Meals laconls. Special rates to lam lies and theatrical parties. Free-'tun to and iromall trains. 300 rooms. Only lour blocks (tout Union Depot. 1'lrs Proot Unlldlng, F. K. HILL, Prop. Electric Hotel OREGON CITY, OR. JACOB CASSELL, Prop. trletlr rirtt-Olass. ! 1,00 l'r lr nnd Up. Steam Heat, Electric Lights, Com. mcrclal Sample Room. &m wwmw6 NfcE&SJ" -THE- Multnomah Trunk Co MANUFACTtMKItS OK TRUNKS TRAVELING BAGS SAMPLE GASES Salesroom 143-145 Sixth Street PORTLAND, OR. ...THE OLYMPIAN... 1.(8 Fifth St., Near Alorrlson. BLUNDEN St VELTON, Props. THE I-'AMOUS OLYMPIA BEER ON DRAUGHT New Iliilldliifr, Nov l'lxturvx, Choice Goods, W. I,. McrMUR, Heiitllu. K. 8. ltAMIt.TOX, Tncoinn, M'CABE & HAMILTON .. STEVEDORES .. PUGET SOUND Also Honolulu, JH. I. f'oad Of fleas Taooma, Wttmlr. Cubic Add rots: McCAIIK GRACIE, BEAZLEY & CO., Agents 14 Water Street, Liverpool. KRIEG & LEVY (WCOItVOHATMK) GROCERS COFI'KK AND TKA A HPKOIAI.TY. Wimltliiirtiiii Htreut, Corner Truth THY OUK CKi.KIIItATtil) COITKK. an i Ilolh I'lioima H.'IH. I'OUTI.ANI), Oil. ...OLYMPIC... Steam Laundry 407 South J Street MICHAEL J. BJORN & LOUIS J, BJORN l'KOntllCTOItS TACOMA, WASH. TROY LAUNDRY CO. Ate r.otfd for qoa'ity of work and Prompt scrvire. 101-6 E. Water St. Phone 5033. Portland DAIRY ASSOCIATION WIIOI.KSAI.K A HKTAK. .Cream and Alt Ik. DEPOT 203 SECOND ST. JOHN P. HOFFMAN, Mgr. Milk Delivered to All Purls of tliuClty. Omuou l'liiniii North iltlll. Bane and Omnibus Transfer ...COMPANY... Oillco B. V. Cor. l'ourlh mm Stnrk HU. Telephone 689. POMXANI), OltKUON. Exchange Your Checks With Messenger on Trains and Order Carriages or Coupes. HagKitno cheeked nt real doiico to any ilootlnntion. llraneh Ollleos! Hotel Portland! I'nltcd C'urrliiKO Co., Seventh and Taylor. L. II. ADAAIS, Mjrr. Tho Popularity of RED SEAL BRAND Hams, Bacon, Lard, Etc., Is Won on Merit. TRY RED SEAL BRAND. 56-60 E. Water St., Portland, Or. II! AN ARCTIC JOUJR.NEY. SWEDE'S SUCCESSFUL VOYAGE TO ICE-BOUND REGIONS. Nnttirnlln'n Mtiko n Northern Trip of UiiiinmuI Length Kind ait Arclilpela Ui Never lieforc llxplorc 1 Summer on the I'.aut Couit of Greenland, A narty of Swedish naturalists under thts kuut of Uuslavo KoltholT made a northum voyitgu of mole than usual length last Hiiiniiiur for the purpose of studying tho fauna In arctic waters and lauds. They started In it little ves sel from the northern const of Norway on June -1, and four days later they ar rived nt the ley coast of Spitsbergen, where they visited some of the deep Herds and clusters of Island:). Then they steamed far northeast to the wa ters between Spitsbergen and Franz Josef Land, where they reached the southwest coast of I'rlnec Charles Is Innd, which, It will be remembered, was visited for the ilrst time two years ago. They found there an urehlpelugo of considerable extent which had never been explored. They procured a great deal of Information about this almost unknown region, and the account o? It which they will publish Is expected to bo very Interesting. They were disap pointed, however, In not tlndlng any more relies of the lost arctic aeronaut, Audree. Ono of his buoys had been picked up In the neighborhood of King Charles Island, and this was believed to bo the likeliest place to tlnd other ob jects that might throw light upon the fate of tho explorer. Then the party steamed on their way to the coast of Kast Greenland along tho edge of tho polar lee. They found tho great lee pack Impenetrable, but they kept on westwnrd, clJso to the lco edge, as far as thelslaud of Jan Mayen. This Is the bleak arctic laud that will always bo famous as the placo where In tho seventeenth century a largo party of whalers spending tho polar winter perished to it man of scurvy. Tho record they left of tho tragedy was nearly complete, for It was brought down to within a day or two of the time when the last survivor probably died. Hero tho explorers found tho pack lco stretching away to tho west as well as to tho north. They wero nblo, however, to push Into It and slowly pick thelrwas westward. Iloreund there wero great hills of lee, where the pres sure had piled the pieces high. The lco was everywhere covered with n thick layer of snow, anil their description of It shows that It was old polar lco that perhaps had been slowly drifting south ward for many mouths. Tho expedition dually reached tho Hast Greenland coast at Mackenzie bay on July ai. They found tho ground en tirely freo from snow, and under the summer sun a good deal of vegetation had developed. On Aug. U, after studying animal life on sen and land for some days, the vessel entered Franz Josef (lord, though seven days beforo It had been completely blocked by Ice. In a week nil tho Ice had entirely dis appeared, They remained In tho tlord until Aug. 2:i, mid secured tho unusunl prize of two young musk oxen, which they took home with them to Sweden, This Is probably the Ilrst time that live specimens of tho musk ox have been carried to civilized lauds, though the at tempt has several times been made. Mr.Kolthoff says that last season was a bad lee year in tint neignnoriioou or Spltzbergeu and Uaer Islands. On the other hand, the east coast of Greenland. which Is frequently locked with lco all through the summer, was almost freo from this Impediment to exploration. VALUABLE SECRET. One Family lln I'urnUlicd HtninpCnn eclcra for Hlxty-llvo Ye urn. Since 1&I5 all tho machines by which postage stumps are cancelled ami enve lopes marked with tho name- of tho post otllcc, tho date, etc., have been made by ono family. In tho year named the Postmaster General entered Into a con tract with licnjainln Chambers, a citi zen of Washington, to furnish a dovlco by which postage stamp might bo can celed so that they could not be used again, and, although there have been a multitude of competitors on several oc casions, that contract has been renew ed year after year for slxty-tlve years with Mr. Chambers, his sou, nnd his grandson, who huvo a secret process by which the dies arc made of malleable Iron and carbonized Into steel at a cost of from 50 cents to $'-75 each. It Is certainly the only government contract, and probably the only contract In tho United States, that has been renewed o often and continued so long. Tho de partment buj'H about $-'5,000 worth of new cancelers every year. Hlds are ad vertised for annually, and every now and then some ambitious manufacturer who thinks he has a good thing offers a proposal, but the Chambers family are Invincible. They have Improved the de vice until It Is now almost perfect. The stamper Is a circular cast-steel box (with a screw thread), one end of which Is closed, and Is provided on tho outside with a square shank to secure It to the hardwood handle. Tho cover of the box Is a disk of steel. A portion of Its thickness enters the box by means of a screw thread around Its periphery of almost twenty threads to tho Inch. This permits of a space between the In ner face of tho die and the bottom of the box, while the remaining thickness of the disk forms a tlauge with the edge, which Is coarse milled, so that the disk may be turned with tho hand or a wrench. On tho quter face of the disk are characters of tho body of the cylludvlcal die. These combine the marking and the canceling devices, ono being ou ono side of the disk, Inclosing the uauie ot the poatotUco In a circle. There are three slots for removable type, for months, dates, hour, and half hour. Diametrically opposite the cir cle Is the canceling device, the sldo of which Is parallel with the edgo of tho disk. Any required number or letter Is cut In relief In the center, while three grooves are cut Intaglio. The remov able types arc of steel, and have on tho ends opposite their faces projections from their outer edges, so that when Inserted In the slots the projections can be clamped and held In place. Until 1880 Captain Chambers manu factured tho cancelers here In Wash ington, and he Is still required to main tain a repair shop In the neighborhood of The Postolllco Department, but he moved his factory to Northumberland county, Virginia, on n log of laud at tho mouth of the Potomac, where he has a little village composed exclusively of einiloyes nnd -their families. No ono can enter his grounds without permis sion, and those who have been tlicro say It Is quite an Ideal little village, safe from spies of competitors who would like to get tho contract away from him. Washington Correspond ence Now York Tribune. THOMAS KEARNS. Tho I.ntcit b'llver KIiik to Kntcr the United Htntes Hcniitc. Though ho represents a comparative ly unimportant State, Thomas Kcirus, the now Senator from Utah, will be one of the most conspicuous figures In tho upper house of the Fifty-seventh Con gress. Ills great wealth is responsible for his election to tho Senate. Like his colleague, Clark, of Montana, ho has wrested a fabulous fortune from tho mines of the West, after tasting the bit ter cup of toll and privation for many years. Horn In Now York In 1802 ho went to Ncbraskn as a young man and worked on a farm. He dug potatoes and drovo n freight wagon. It occurred to him that lu tho Ulack Hills of Dakota ho AK.VATOH THOMAS KKAltNI. might 11 iid a fortune and thlthor ho went. Hut ho failed to strlko It rich and went to Utah In 1SS:I. In tho fa tuous Ontario mine lu Park Ulty ho went to work with pick and shovel. Kroiu tho savings out of his weekly wages he accumulated enough to buy himself a copartnership, with several others, lu a claim near tho Ontario mine. They met with success. Other claims on adjoining laud was purchased and tho whole combined Into the Silver King mine. Its product of silver, gold, copper nnd lead last year amounted to an oven ? 1,000,C100, of which one-fourth went to Senator ICearus. He Is now worth about ?.",0OO,00O. Kearns Is exceedingly geenrous. Not long ago ho gave $50,000 for the estab lishment of an orphanage In Salt Laka City and he also gave $10,000 toward the building of a new Catholic ca thedral In the same city. He Is now building a marble palaco In Salt Lake City, which will bo one of tho ilncst lu the country, In marked contrast to tho dugout which was his Ilrst Nebraska homo and tho humble cabin which shel tered him durlug his early career lu Utah. AVnllod In. Whllo excavating for a cellar In Ma rietta, O., a fow hundred feet from 1 10 famous Mound Cemetery, tho work men dug Into a mound builder's grave, which was supposed to bo two thou sand years old. Tho grave was cover ed with three layers of heavy stones with threo Inches of Hue white sand between each layer. When the third stone was raised, tho bones of a large man wero discovered. In the bones of each hand wero solid copper axes. The bones crumbled ou exposure for an hour. Largo bits of charcoal were found In tho grave, as wero tho bones of wild animals supposed to have been deer. Tho gravo was walled lu ou all sides, aud also tho top and bottom, with heavy stoues. The boly of the mound builder sat In an upright post tlou. with tho hands lu a position as If supporting tho body. Tho gravo was two nnd a half feet wide by two and a half feet long and Ave feet deep, and tho stones surrounding It were easily broken with the lingers, as they wero very soft. Not There. A farmer once wrote to a distinguish ed scientific agriculturalist, to whom he felt under obligation for Introducing a new variety of swlno: "Hespectetl Sir: I weut jeaterday to the cattle fair; I found several pigs of your species. There was a great varie ty of beasts, and I was very much as tonished nt uot seeing you there." The people who have plenty to eat aud drluk and wear, and who are com fortably housed, do a terrible lot ol grumbling when a plu scratches them. Jefferson Garden Saloon. DAVID THOMAS', Prop. Wines, Liquors, Cigars. VKelnhard's Beer. 'PHONE, ItKD 1818. FAMILY JlKSOltT. Cor. Chapman and Jefferson SU., Portland, Or H ISLOP'S Triumph Roasted Coffees Tho Most Sparkling, Dellctona and Aro matic COKKKKS Kvcr Placed on this Market. Ask Your Grocer for Them ..Four Blends.. A FULL LINE OF- Electrical Supplie. Lighting; of Buildings, Stores and Residences arc and incandescent. Elec tric Power for Elevators, Pumps and all Kinds of Machinery. Portland General Electric Co. SEVENTH AND ALDER STREETS. Both 'Phones 385. BAR AND BILLIARD Furniture and Fixtures 7 7 ROTHSCHILD BROS. Wfco'esale Liquor Dealers. 22, 24, 26 First St,, Cor. Burnsido, HOTEL OSBORN CLEAN, AIRY OUTSIDE ROOMS REASONABLE RATES Transient Solicited M.1IOTII PIIOSE8. Travelers should tako "8" street Car at Union Dei.iit and transfer at Yamhill tilrcct to Ka.t Anient)- Car. A. W, HEWETTT, Prop. GROSS, WE1TZEN & LIPPMAN Manufacturers of " LADIES' TAILOR MI SUITS Separate Skirts and Waists The Best Made Goods on the Pacific Coast ai4 First Street, Corner Salmon, I'OUTI.ANI). OltKOON. CHARLEY hie pin mm Now on Johnson Street, Oppoilta Union Depot. LUNCHES PUT UP FOR TRAVELERS Oregon Made Umbrellas ..C. M. MEREDITH,. UMBRELLA MANUFACTURER Kepalrlne d Recovering of Flue Umbrellas a Specialty. 319 Washington Street. Three doors above Olds & King POUTLANU, OHEGON, fwrnoj or fSSsrrv "-o Ash y3rmw.R5t3 Union Depot ..Restaurant 173 Sixth St., PORTLAND, OR. Regular Dinner at Noon - 25c Luach Put Up for Travelers. ' IW. E. H. M00REH0USE & CO. INCOItl'OltATKI). Wall Paper, Frame and Room Mouldings, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, Brushes, Etc. 305 ALDER ST., Near Fifth, Roth 'Phone. Portland, Oregon. Hatters and -Furnishers Sole Agents for KNOX HATS BUFFUM & PENDLETON 94 Third Street. PORTLAND, ORE. F.B. DALLAM & CO. Wholcsalo Dealers III Wooden and Willow Ware Brooms, Brushes, Twines, Paper Bags, Tinware, Gran iteware, Eto. 232, 330, asa Frohf St., a mn trmnoimco, tiai. mnd 11 Front Strt, Portland, Oregon. Write for Catalogue. MAIL ORDERS FILLGD PROMPTLY BAKING POWDER It Is PUREST It Is CHEAPEST It Is BEST U Tea An llet Citlilil Teur Xesir Bui Clossxt ft Drrus, Portland, Or. LIPPINCOTT'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE A Family library TM Bast In Current Utiraturi 12 Complete Novels Yearly MANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS $2.50 per year; 25 cts. a copy NO CONTINUED STORIES EVERY number complete in itself 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks DCSIQNI Copyrights Ac. Anrona sending a skat eh and description mar Colour asrutun our opinion fre w UM lather an Inrentlon Is probably pilenubia. Community- ttons strictly confident 1U. J 1 1 and book an Hal enta ibe ntr utner for ecurinjf dais fauata Ukan through Wunu A Co. ivcIt nt ire, uiaeat eney lor securinjfpaicnu. ytctai motlc, without cures, la to SckMlifk Hinericdit A handsomely Illustrate! weekly. T-anreat etr. mbftllan of UT lntlB6 lournj nai. Terms, W a ri lour moniua, ai. bom cyan mwuin. .- - - r -T . - ".. r -. Mt.vufe.T, new Ton XqANP SOAP AND CHitX PORTLAND. OREGON, er M GOLDEN WEST ffl J.T lJvT m jyTwra ess M , Vraiatatton, D. C, ifSrmnlMW ir