& THE NMW AGE. PORTLAND. OREGON. JS TV- C. . STOKES LIQUOR CO. WHOLESALE DEALERS. PABST MILWAUKEE BEER Bottled br Pabst Brewing Co. Milwaukee, VI. 1130 Pacific Avenue TACOMA WASH. ST. CHARLES HOTEL IOHN G1BL1N, Prop. First-Clan Accommodations and Prompt err Ice. Large Sample Qooms (or Commercial Travelers. Phone 7. Cor. First and Washington Sis. Alt&iy, O:cgfon. DE NEWSPAPER MAN. The Unrivaled Piano of tho World KRANICH & BACH EstaLfehod 1864. Vlmlt Our Warerooma and Bo Oonvlcod. Many Other StcnJ mrd and ReHablo Makes of PIANOS and ORGANS We Sell on Ei ay Terms. No Larie first fajmont Requlrod. E?Ji?r olJplo to Bo Repaired by Reliable Worknton. Sa tls fao Hon Guar an teed. C. A. WHALE Music House M. O. MATTHIEU, Mnjjr. 311 E. Alder and 116 Un'on Ave. Sale m St yro, 142 t He Sf. Any Blia Any ntmntllr Any st MACKINTOSHES, RUBBHIR AND OIL CLOTHING IlMhber Itoota and Shorn, Helling. Packing and lint. Largeat and Mom Complete Assortment of all Klndi of llubbrr Good. GOODYEAR RUBBER COMPANY ft. H. PKABE, Proildcnt. F. M. BltKPAltD, JH Treasurer J. A. SltKl'AKU, Becrctary 73-75 FIRST STREET, PORTLAND, OREGON. Who is it dat runs as fas' as a deer, Wid his pencil and book in his ban' To de Bceno of a battle, to peep and to peer? No ono but do newspaper man. Who i it when fyah breaks out in de night, Will go on de col corner and stan' He look at de fyah den write on his book No ono but tho nowspapcr man. Who Is It dat stirs up dese politics, All obbor dls here land. And causes your eye to git In a bad fix? No ono but tho nowspapcr man. Who is it when lubbers so lubblng and kind. Half way 'grccs to JIno han' In han' Who Is it finds out if they changes dey mln'? No ono but tho nowspapcr man. Who is it forglt mor'n you'll ebbcr know, And knows mor'n you ebbor can? And will still bo laming when Uabe'l Bhall blow? No ono but tho nowspapcr man. Dcsslo Jacobs. DOKonma General Information Concerning the Afro-American. TAKEN FROM OUR VARIOUS EXCHANGES Showing the Progress of tht Various LImi of Human Endeavor Being Accom- plished by the Race. Governor-elect White, of West Vir- glnla, hos Just appointed Professor w. S. Starks, of that Btato, as stnto librarian. This Is tho first appoint ment oi its Kind evor given to a col orcd man in that stnto. 8TATU8 OF THE NEQRO. RUSSELL COMPANY -BUILDERS OF Ermines, Boilers, Saw Mills, Threshers. If you contemplate buying machinery, write us for cataloguo and pricci. RUSSELL & CO. II. AVERILt. Manager. , PORTLAND. OREGON. C G. ATKINS COMPANY .PORTLAND, OREGON. Manufacturers of PA CI FI CO PERFECTION PACIFIC STAR INDEX CROSSCUT SAWS jjHp PEPAiREf, $ Branch, No. GO First St a LA GRANDE NATIONAL BANK ...LA GRANDE, OREGON... Capital and Surplus - - $72,000 THE METROPOLITAN BANK OAPiTAl - . $50,000. raCMOH BLOOK,"TAOOMA, WASH. PHILIP V. CAERATt, Preildcntj TMIMAN W. ENOS, Vlce-Preildenti 0. B. BELVIO. Caahferl JAC'Oll II. VANDERBILT, Aulitant Caihler. .... OfMGfeU. BAMKUte IB ALL ITS BRABOHEM .... Interest allowed on deposit in Bavlng pepartraent. Clrrulnr Letters of Credit Issued on lions Konir, China and Yokohoma, Jaiiaiij aWo Drafts and Iltlla of Exchange luued on China and Japan and the principal elite of Korope. Foreign money exchanged. Wm Hmvm Smomlml FmoHUImm far HmntHIng Belli Burnt anaf Bullion. THE Ha Ca ALBEE COMPANY ....DEALERS IN.... Second Hand Machinery 2SO East Water Straet. PORTLAND, OREGON. COLLINS-PRESTON-WILSON CO SUCCESSOn TO PATRICK. MA8TICK CO. MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OF Harness, Saddles, Saddlery Goods THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF FINE AND MEDIUM GRADES OF LIGHT HARNESS ON THE COAST. 91-93 FRONT STREET, BETWEEN STARL AND OAK. Oregon 1'hono Main 47... An Impartial Writer Tells of the Vir tues and Ambitions of our Race. Tho question of tho stntus .of tho negro In tho United States Is yearly becoming n moro and .moro important cnc. No doubt tho American ncgrti of todny would viow with amusement, If not with positive rldlculo, tho gross practices and senseless superstitions of his savage, fetich-worshiping pro gncltors in Africa. By enforced con tact with tho whlto men (themselves onco savages), the negro hnB learned much. Whllo It Is unfortunntoly truo that ho has adopted many of tho vIccb of tho whlto raco, it is equally truo that he has appropriated many of Its virtues as well. To those who would frown down tho American negro, it is well to suggest something In his behalf. It should Ic remembered that tho black man "tho Imago of his Maker cut in ebony," ns ono writer says did not voluutnrlly seok his homo in America. A cruel nnd forcible expatriation was tho precursor of his ndvont horc. Whntover ndvancemont ho hnB been ublo to make from orlginnl savagery, has been duo to his own efforts, coupled with his environments. When ono conoldors tho hnndlcnps undor which tho American negro Is born, tho mnrvel la not that ho hnB ad vanced wonderfully, but that ho has advanced nt all. Professor William Drapor, In his "History of tho Amer ican Civil Wnr," which appeared In 18G7, rings n truo note In defenso of the black man. Ho sold: "Tho American negro has unlvor- sally abandoned tho nbject paganism of his forcfathors, nnd has becomo not merely nominally, but In spirit, n (lovout-Chrlstlan. It cannot bo said of him that ho is lncapablo of lovo. Too often has ho worn himself out in rodccmlng from slnvory tho wlfo of his choice Undor circumstances tho most unfavorable, ho has attained correct Ideas of conjugal nnd paternal rolatloDB. Essontlally religious, his trust In tho Justlco of God' has never wavered. In his dnrkest days and sorest trials ho han (Irmly expected In pntlonco tho coming of tho Inevita ble hour that would proclaim him free. Ho has approved him self n truo soldier, truo to tho su premo authority of tho country In which Provldonco has cast his lot." Tho prophecy modo by Professor Draper nearly 35 years ago Is bolng fulfilled. Tho nogro'B clvlllzntlon hna not been mcroly superficial, but In teriorly. Ho bus evolved boyond tho stago of Imitation ho comprehends, thinks, fools, acts like tho whites by whom ho Is surrounded. Ho has steadily dovolonod Intellectually. wherever ho has had opportunity. Even under legal prohibitions of for mal education ho hnB Btonlthlly ad vanced. Ho praya nnd ho proachos with an onrncstnoBS and oloquenco often touching In its simplicity. Tho "whlto man's burden" with tho colored raco should not provo an on erous, but a pleasurablo ono. When over tho negro shows a desire to hot ter his condition, ho desorvos every encouragement. Tho cruel wrong dono tho slaves by tho whites In ruth lessly tearing tham from their homes, should bo, as it Is being, atoned for. It is a hopoful sign for tho futuro of tho negro that ho Is quick to profit, through hla own efforts, toward his uplifting. It is tho duty of tho whlto man in tho present to reach out a helping hand to his colored brother. It is an act of atonement for the wrongs of tho past. It is hard to prophesy tho ultimate destiny of tho Amorlcan nogro. Ono thing Is certain ho will continue to advance. It seems that Deity has ordained it. Tho handwriting is on tho wall. "Tho Moving Finger writes; and hav ing writ Moves on; nor all your piety nor wit Shall lure it back to cancol half a line, Nor all your tears wash out a word of It." Race prejudice in "Dixie Land" against the nogro will not soon dlo out. if ever. Porhaps tho latter may eventually bo forced to mlgrato. Pro fessor Draper long ago declared: "Ho will not linger In a country of frosts if he bo permitted to have ac cess to one of warmth; and hence It Is not likely that tho futuro history Now York City. Booker T. Wash ington tonight announced that as n result of tho mooting held Inst Mon day ovonlng In this city by tho Arm strong association of tho Tuskcgco in stitute, ;zo,FjO0 una been given or promised, Including $10,000 from Mrs. C. P. Huntington, which mny bo UBed for tho endowment of tho institution. Townrd the I2C.000 for current ex penses necessary to bo secured before tho gift of $10,000 promised by women of Drooklyn !s nvntlablo, 13,S00 have been received. Tho negro has mado considerable advancement In his ability to con tribute worthily to literature Thoro aro in tho library, of congress 1400 titles of works written by negroes. Many . of theso books aro on tho shelves nnd nro frequently called for by readers. ' J f t CITY NEWS C. A. Kitten Society Editor. Wo shall know no favorites, nnd nliall be absolutely impartial. To in Buro publication, nil local news must roaeh us not later than Thursday mora iug of ouch week. Mrs. .Tosoph Prcscott is visiting frlondB In Seattle. An eccentric old Virginia colored man who died nt Lccsburg recently wns found to hnvo $1200 to his credit lit tho Pcoplo'B National bank in Mnstlnsburg, W. Vn. For years ho hna received a ponslon; not n cont hnd been spout. Ho was burlod In tho pottor's field nt his own request. Poems by two colorod poets np ponred, for iho' first time In tho Amorlcnn Verso, published at Chicago. Tho Western university nt Quln daro, Kan., hnB Increased in tho last year not only from a standpoint of students but financially as well. In Northwestern Kansas In Gra ham county, tho county nttornoy Is n negro; tho ex-county, nttornoy, who Is nlso a negro Is tho most patronized lawyer In bald section. Tho lending business men, profess ors, lawyers and doctors in Llttlo Hock hnvo organized n business mens league. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. H. Hitter have gono to Scattla to rcsldo permanently. If you nro not otherwlso engaged, you can pnss a ploasant ovonlng each Friday nt tho sowing clrclo nt tho Bethel A. M. E. church. Mr. Qeorgo Nowsomo has accepted tho position of assistant Janitor at tho postofllco, vlco William Dolds, ro-signed. Mr. William Holds has resigned his position ns assistant Janitor at tho postofllco nnd nccoptcd a position nt tho Hotel Portland. Mr. Lawrence Jewell, formerly of this city but lately of Now York City, has returned to this city nnd nccoptcd a position at tho Hotel Portland. dored In n manner calculated to pleaso tho most critical audience. Tho pro grammo was: Bass solo Hov. Mr. Collins. Hocltntlon "Tho Illnck Man's Bur don," Mrs. Robert Perry. Instrumental duet Mr. Frooman and Miss Dcatle. Recitation "Tho Frightful Cow," Mrs. Russell. nccltatlon "My Hnnds Worried." . Miss Cole. Recitation "Yo Call Mo Chief," I Miss L. Perry. I Singing by tho congregation, after which refreshments wero sorved, nnd In pleasant social hour passed Bwlftly awny. Portland, Or., April 5, 1001. Editor Now Ago: Now that our flnanclnl policy Is settled, Oregon puts on her working clothes nnd tuniB to business. In common with other west const states, alio hna soil, climate and nat ural resources unsurpassed In any cllino, nnd presents todny a raro com bination of agricultural, mining, lum bering, dairying nnd fruit-growing In terests, which with hor soml-troplcnl cllmntc, nnd rich soil insurcB n fnturo that Is difllcu.lt to ovorosUmato. With nil theso nnd a hardy enter prising population, snliibrlouB nlr, puro soft water from mountain streams and consequent vlgorotiB health, hor people look only one olo mont of phcnomunnl success. nicst by nature with rich mines Miss Hazel Watson, who has been suffering from n sovoro cold, hnB com pletely recovered from tho snrao, nnd Is again nblo to entertain her frlonds jUHt now tnklng on now llfo nnd en- Willi VUUUI BUIUUUUIIH. A former student of Tuskcgco who received a certificate from tho black smithing division did $1215 worth of business nt his trndo last year. PULLMAN ORDINARY- SLEEPERS. Tho tourist travel botwoen tho East and tho Pacific coast has reached enormous proportions in tho last fow years, and calls for n special class of oqulpmont. To moot this demand tho Pullman Company has Issuod from Its shops what It technically calls tho "Pullman Ordinary Sloeper." Theso cms appear similar to tho rogulnr alcopors, being built on tho same plan, but not furnished with tho sumo ele gance. They nro equipped with mat tresses, blankets, sheets, pillows, pll-low-cases, towols, combs, hrushcH, etc., requiring nothing of tho kind to bo furnished by tho passenger. Each car has a stovo for making ten and coffco nnd doing "light housekeeping," and each section i-n ho fitted with an ad justable table. A uniformed porter accompanies each car, his business being to mko up borths, kcop tho car clean, nnd look after tho wants and comforts of tho rnssongorB. In oach of tho trains which nro dispatched dally from Portlund by tho O. II. & N. Co. Is to bo found ono of tboso "Pull man Ordlnnry Sleepers." Tho car at tached to tho "Chicago-Portland Spe cial" goes through to Chicago without chango, and tho ono in tho "Atlantic Express" runs to Kansas City without chango. Passengers In this car for Chicago chango to n similar car nt Grangor. Much of tho first-class travol is being carried In theso cars, tho rates being lower, nnd tho sorvlco nearly equnl to that In tho palaco Bloopors, For rates and full Information, In cluding folders, writo to A. L. CRAIG, General Passongor Agent, O. R. & N. Co., Portland, Oregon. . Messrs. Harry Miller and Ed. Bnl mcr, who mado n trip to Manila on tho transport Thyrn, returned to this city Inst Monday. Mr. Hnlmor has resigned from tho sorvlco of tho United States In order to look after his oxtonslvo mining Interests In Alaska. torprlBo with choicest forests in kind nnd quantity In tho known world, sugnr beet and wood pulp fac tories, grazing and shipbuilding nnd commercu expanding to nil tho Islands and continents of tho Pacific, and ninny and varied lines of manufac turing and human activity which enn only bo hinted nt, Hho lacks but ono thing what all now countries lack . ., , , ' capital to carry on hor enterprises. , I'-xtrn PropnrntlonH have boon mado Portland, tho metropolis. Is n city by tho Ifforont churches for services of nn.000, grown up In n fow yonrs. on Luster. Iho Hothol A. M. 13. nn,i wtu Us suburbs has 100,000 poo church will hold BorvlcoB at 3 P. M.. i0 nn,j jH Br0wlng ns novor bofon. nnd tho SSIon A.M. E. church nt 7:30 Though 90 mllen up tho Columbia P. M. At both sorvlcos tho innln rlvor from tno sea, Bho hns ono of part of tho services will bo In tho tho finest. If not tho finest harbor, liniidB of tho children, nnd no pains niim, on t)l0 continent, where oconn-liiiro- been sparod by thoso In i charge KK vessels rldo nt nnchor nnd lond of tho Bnmo to excel nnythlng that has nn, ,m,m,i froin ,, for nlI mrtH of been nttemptcd horotoforo. j tho world. VpshoIh lond ns high ns 3,000,000 feot, board measure, of tho Tho will of David Hitchcock filed products of hor forests, and nlso In tho probate court In Hoston, Mass., whout, stock nnd dairy produco, fruit In which ho loft $100,000 to tho Wollesloy female somlnnry for tho piirpoRo of establishing scholarships for young women, specifying that no Roman Catholics or colorod persons should get tho bnnoflts of tho same, shown that whllo a man may ho gen orntifl, ho mny nt tho snmo tlmo bo so narrow-minded that tho limitations placed upon his acts destroys most of tho good that .might have como irom tho sumo, PUK1 LAIND, UKfcUOIN'of America will present tho spectacle mm I of his physiological modification; It r---.- rw-tM- --. A -- .-. ' i will bo the narrative of his geo- DRIINK THIS FAMOUS graphical redistribution." This hns I not yet como about, but It may do so sooner than one knows. Above all things, let tho whlto man apply the Golden Rule to his dark skinned brother, for, as he measures, so shall it bo measured to him again. CHARLES E. SAWYER. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notlco Is hereby glvon that I hnvo filed my final report and account ns administrator, with tho will annexed, of tho estate of Oliver Van Duzor, deceased, In tho county court of the stato of Oregon, for tho county ofj Multnomah, and Monday, tho Cth day of May, A. D. 1901, at 2 o'clock P. Jrt. and tho court-room of said court, In tho county courthouse, In Portland,' Oregon, hnvo been appointed by said court as tho tlmo and placo for the hearing of objections to such final account and the settlement thorcof. DAVID M. DUNNE, Administrator ao aforesaid. Dated April 4, 1901. Rev. John Jasper, who dlod at his home on James street In nnltlmoro Inst week, was a fair samplo of many of tho clergy of tho early part of tho nineteenth century, both whlto nnd colored, mon who, whllo uneducntod, woro earnest and slncoro, putting their own personality Into their work; mon who If monsiu-ed by tho results nttalned would far overreach tho most of our collogo-bred ministers of to dny. Rov, Jasper dlod nt tho ad vanced ngo of 90 years, and until n shoro tlmo of his doath wns able to carry on his llfo work. Rov. Jnspor was ono who bellovcd In tho letter nnd word of tho Dlblo, and ncqulred world-renowned reputation through n sermon of his, entitled "Tho Sun Do Move." and .manufactures for all parts of tho world. Tho KuHt has capital seeking investment. Oregon wants It on gilt odgo securities at (I, 7 and oven 8 per cont. Tompornturo nt Portland, Oregon, for December, January and Fobrunry nvorugos 41 degrees Fahrenheit; hnB boon known to go to two degrees bolow zoro on ono or two occnsldt In tho Inst fifty years. For months I of Juno, July and August tho average temporaturo Is 05 degrees. Tho writer know llttlo of tho "Wild nnd Woolly West" until sovon months ago, but has found In tho West, de velopment, law, order, progress ami civilization which totally overthrow his proconcolvod notions of tho coun try, and will answer questions that Bpaco hero docs not permit. If asked. J. I. MARTIN. Portland, Or. NEW TAILORING HOUSE. Tho apron nnd necktlo soclnl given Inst Wednesday ovonlng at tho Hothol A. M. E. church was well attended, and tho following programmo was rou- A. J. Armstrong, for mnny yonrH hoad cutter for Nlcoll, has oponed u tailoring establishment at 313 Wash ington street. This house Is stocked with a complete Btock pf up-to-date goods, Tho cutting is dono by Mr, A. J. Armstrong, well knoWu as a first class cutter. Stylo and fit guaranteed. Prlcoa moderate. Good work anil honest dealings. ARMSTRONG, THE TAILOR. 313 Washington St. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. For Sale at All the Principal Saloons Brmwmry aruf OfMcm Om ThlHmmnlhmmJButmUmaitmlm Tmtmjhmmm Burnt IB. KBTAMVUMHE 1BB1. IBBBBrBBATEB 1SB7. ALLEN & LEWIS Shipping: & Commission Merchants ...WHOLESALE GROCERS... TO BAVB TIME ADDHEM ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO THE COMPANY. . 4Btm4 Frmat Strmot, BmHk. P9BTLAHB, BRtSBB. BROWN & BERO. Tuning, Regulating and Polishing Old Piano Made as Good as New. Twenty year' experience with the leadlnt; flrmi of the country. Knahe; llalnet llrot.; Conover; ChlrkerinK. Not wlih any other muilc lioine in (he city. 495J Vashiogtoo Street, .Portland, Oregon. State of Oregon for tho county of Multnomah. In tho matter of tho estate of Lucy Knapp, deceased: Notlco Is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed by tho county court of tho state of Ore gon, for tho cpunty of Multnomah, administrator of tho estate of Lucy Knapp, deceased, and ull persons aro hereby notified to present any claims which they may have against tho said estate, with proper vouchors, duly verified, to tho undersigned, at room 71C, Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Oregon, within six months from date of tho first publication of thlH notice. DWIGHT F. KNAPP, Administrator of tho Estate at Lucy -Knapp, deceased. Dated, March 29, 1901. Date of first publication, April C, 1901. Loewenberg & Going Company MAJWFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN Stove Ranges, Hollowware and Household... Specialties... VBrV'ttL B533S13 229 to 233 Taylor Street IBS to 194 Seeond Street Handled by All First Class Dealers.,. Royal Steel Ranges Are the Best and Cheapest in the Market PORTLAND, OREGON " ""l "" "W" "i'l ! nfc CT i. ..' i .&, jr , . M&LJ. ..-,, ';.Ai4jii',..-if .