w THE. jsEW AGE, PORTLAND, OREGON. fr -i . fy -r &f .; T ARSON & I.ONO- 15 N0IIT1I FIFTH ST. Fine wines, liquors and elgars. dire us a call. m A. WOOD. IlEAL KSTATK AND PENSION ATTORNEY. Hoom 10, Odd Fellows' lliilldlne. PORTLAND, ORE. TMIRIIANKB' STANDARD SCALES. Fairbanks, Morse A Company, First and Stark Strcotf, Portland, Oregon, . Telcphono 84. TAXTON, IIKAOII A SIMON Attorneys-at-Law. .610 Chamber of Commerce, Portland Oregon. mllK IMPERIAL SALOON Liquors and High Grade. Cigars. J. B. H1LDEI1URN, Prop. Phono Main 215. Corner Cass and Sheridan St ROSERURQ, OREOON. T J. KADDERLY, DEALER IN HARDWARE. Stoves, Ranges, Tin, Copper and Granite Iron-Ware, Crockery, ulaiswnro and Homo Furnishing Goods. Jobbing promptly at tended to. . 141-143 First St., cor. Alder, Odd Fellows' Oldg., PORTLAND, OREGON. PORTLAND LOAN OFFICE Dan Marx, Proprietor. ...Highest Prlco Paid (or Old Gold and Sltyer... No. 74 Third Blreot, Near Oak PORTLAND, OR. Loan money on all kinds ot security. Unre deemed pledges sold (or amount loaned. . X D. WILD Jobbing and Retail Dealer In , WINES AND LIQUORS 132 Third Street, Opposite Masonlo Temple. Portland, Oregon. .mUE BAVARIA SALOON A. II. DUROER, Prop. Importod and Domestic Wine. Liquor and Cigars. Welnhard's flour. Phono Oregon Illnck 1013. 8. E. Corner Second and Oak Streets, PORTLAND, OREGON. PORTLAND ROLLING MILLS Manufacturers ot BAR IRON AND STEEL. N. E. AYER, Managc'r. Twcnty-Fccond and Nlcolat Strcots. TtrEYER b SCIIILLINO FINE WINE3 AN!) LIQUORS. LA GRANDE, OREGON. TTERRERT A. HALE. Mt. Hood. Columbia River and Northwest Views. Portraits, Water Colors, Crayons, (or the trade. Electric Light and Bromldo Enlargements. 132$Thlrd Street, Corner Aider: PORTLAND, ORE. ,-iy 0 N00N "AG co Manufacturers and Importers of HAGS, TWINES. TENTS AND AWNINGS, FLAGS AND MINING HOSE. Ilagciug Material, Canvas, Sail Making In all itsllianches, Cotton Duck, Cordage, etc. 82.34 N. First St. and 210-2I2-2I 1-216 Couch 8t., PORTI.AND, OR, a MURPHY & CO. WINE AND LIQUOR DEALERS. Welnhard's llcer on Draught, llass' Ale, Guln ncss' Porter. Val Mats Miluaukeo lleer and the Celebrated J. H.CulterWhltkcy for Family yo. 45 Third St , BetJL'ouch and Davis. floods Delivered Free. PORTLAND, OR. pHOTO STUDIO 22ia First Street, Itet. Salmon and Main, PORTLAND, OREGON. Photographs taken any slza or style; also Photo Mutton made from life or any picture. Out door viewing done, also iluiiliiux Kodak' (or amateurs, instructions in Photography, Copying and Enlarging, K. KUAIT, Artist. mllE OREOON LIVERY, FEED, BOARDINO AND SALE STABLU8. Columbia Phone 687. Oregon Phone Hood 581 IMBRIE & IMBRIE, Props. Special attention given to boarders. Our car. tiages meet all trains. Cor. blzth and Couch Streets, Portland, Oregon. A RLINGTON CREAMERY N. J. RITTER, Prop. Wholsalee nd Retail Dealer In MILK, CREAM, CHEESE BUTTER AND EGOS 267 Burnslde Street PORTLAND OREGON. pLAZIER BROS. Club Rooms Second Floor Wine Rooms, Concert, Pool and Billiard Hall Oregon Phone Grant 71 243 Burnslde St.. PORTLAND OREGON. H TJ AYES & SUORT ARTISTIC PHOTOGRAPUERb. ' New Studio Seventh and Washington Streets, Oyer Dresser' New Grocery, w E PAY GOOD WAGES To Good People For Good Work STAR LAUNDRY CO- QTMINKEN A JULIEN Whole-ale and realall grocers, .M2-314 Rurn Ide street, corner Hlxth, Portland, Or. Tele phone, .Oregon Illack 32, Columbia 586. T UK OLD RELIABLE BEVENTH AND GLISAN EXCHANGE. J. L. O'FARRELL, Prop. Beventh and Glisan Sts. PORTLAND. ORE. rOIIN KKLLY General Isurance Agent, Fire and Marine. Scottish Union fc National Ins. Co., Edlnbiirg and London; Western F. and M. Awmranco Co., Toronto, Can. K! Third at., Columbian llldg. K. Munson. E. Munson, 1111 K ANHEUSER HUSCH-FIno lunch every day. Rest beer on earth. Fine wines, liq uors and cigars. ZM Morrison St., cor. Second, Portland, Or. THE ROYAL AL YOUNG, Trop. Dealer In Wines, Liquors and Cigars, SOS Irving St. Electric Cars to the Door. Ono Illock (torn Depot. Tclephono Red 1&&5. Portland, Ortgou. mllE WESTERN LUMUER COMPANY Ofllco: Seventeenth and Front Streets. Portland, Oregon, B ROWN & M'CABE, STEVEDORES Portland, Oregon. Correspondence solicited. Ship's mall promptly delivered. Cable address Ilruwu. mllE ORIENTAL J. W. GRUS8I, Proprietor. 328 Washington St., Opposite Imperial Hotel Drinks KXccnts. Rccrft cents. ARMORY' DRUO STORE ro Drugs and Chemicals, Toilet Articles Stationery, Confectionery and Domestic Cigars. PrcKcrlptlons a Specially. N. W. Comer Tenth and Everett Streets, Portland, Oregon. T HE POPULAR 125 First Street, Ilct. Washington and Alder Phone Oregon Red 934 Phono Columbia 5G8 JOHN ECKLUND, Proprietor, Portland, Or. FT 8. CLEANINO AND PRESSING CO. Clothes Cleaned, Dyed and Repaired. Your Clothes Sponged and Pressed for II per per mouth. Called (or and delivered Phono Clay 008. 451 Winning ton Strco Ilctwcon Twelfth and North Thirteenth PORTLAND, OREQON. A INDAUL GIONS .. Japanning. Tin Decorating 2T0Ji' Alder Street PORTLAND; 'OREGON '' TIOME BAKERY AND DELICATE ESSEN D.II.LEAMING, Prop. A Full Lino of Fruits, Candles and Nuts Alua) on' Hand. Newly Opened at 207 Third Street. Remember thu place. Opposite the Taylor Street Church. D' AY & HENDER80N All Kinds of FURNITURE-. Practical Embalmer and Undertakers. Orders by telegraph filled promptly. Phono lllack 47. Cor. Willamette and 7th Sts. EUGENE CITY, OREGON, G R1FFIN HARDWARE CO. Wholesale and Retail Hardware. 8TOVE8 AND TINWARE. Willamette Street, EUGENE, OREGON pELDINO BROS. Dealers In Diamonds. Watches, Jewelry, 811vcrwaro Spectacles, Etc. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. ALL WORK WARRANTED. 45 Third St. Ret. Pine and Ash, Old Gold and Silver Bought. Portland, Or. I 0. PICK Ofllce: 88 First, Between 8tark and Oak Phones 590. Pianos and furniture moved and packed (or shipping: commodou tiro poof brick ware, houss. Front and Clay Btr.ei. J. L. MARTIN & CO. M. V. Telephone 1252. Farms and City Propurty for Salo and Ex change. Fire Iiuuranre In the best Companies. Large tracts of Washington and Oregon Tim ber Lands bought and sold. Strict attention given to care of property for nnn--esldeuls. 204 Sykcs Block. SM Hennepin Ae., Minneapolis, Mlunetota, Albert Feldenhelmer. Charles Feldenhelmer. 1 Established l&u. A. & C. FELDENHEIMER. Jewelers and Silversmiths. Importers of Precious Stones and Art Ciocds. Cor. Third and Washington Bts., Portland, Or. M. J. DRISCOLL & CO. Telephone, j gd.V Hack, Livery and Boarding Stable. Ambulance f r hire on short notice. All Rigs havti Rubber Tlrea. COR. FIFTH AND PINE STS., PORTLAND, Oregon. QALUSHA A. QROW, OLDEST MAN IN CONORESS. iTkvb X ssssssssssssssssssssl Asssssssssssl mHwV i I Congressman flnlUHhn A. Grow, tho oldest member of Congress, celebrated a golden jublluu the other day. It Is Just llfty years ago since liu Qrst becamo a member of the national legislative body. In thu last half century ho tins been elected nnd re-elected to Congress twclvo times, being defeated one In 1801! when a gerrymander threw him Into a now nml strnngo district. Previous to that lie had served six terms, three ns a Free. Soil Democrat nnd three ns n Ho publican. At one of these elections nrovlous to his c.no defeat ho received every vote cast In his district, there being no opposition. Ho was .Speaker of tho Hoiiho during the llrst two yours of the Civil Wur. When he entered Congress In 1851 ho was the youngest member. In his third and fifth terms liu wan chairman of tho Important commltteu on territories. In 1801 ho was chosen one of tho two mombers-utdurge for the State, nnd has since been re-elected with Increasing pluralities, once with n plurality of 207,410, tho largest over given n candldnto for nny olllco In nny Stuto. Mr. Grow was bom In 1823 In Susiiielianiin County, Pa. His father died when ho was 3, nnd his primary education was received nt winter school nftcr tho farm labor of the summer was done with. Later ho was enabled to attend Amherst College, and gradiuitcd from that Institution In 18-14. Ills homo Is at (llenwood. Prom 1871 to 1870 ho was president of tho International and Great Northern Hallroud. SETTLER'S CABIN STILL STANDS Unlit of Lou In 18 in, It Shelters) To day Its l'Irat Occtipnnt. A quarter of u block from tho Plntt County CourthotiBo In Montlcello, III., lu tho center of n bustling city of 0,000 pooplo Htniula it quaint old log cabin. It wud built when thcro were but threo houses In tho town And la to-dny tho home of n woman who moved Into It whllo wolves and bears wero plentiful In the wIldcrnoHs around. Tho cabin was built In 1845. Aunt Anna HouHPlman lives In Itntul It haa been her homo slnco 18-17. All tho furiilttiru Is tho same as when alio moved In. There Is n bed with cords In placo of a spring mnttrcsH, nn open flro- HOME OP MIIS. IIONSHLMAN place with andirons and a crano for cooking, nil Juat ns tho settlers had them when Illluola was still a frontier State. Mrs, HotiHelmnn Is ns remnrknblo as her home. Nlnely-llvo years old, slio atlll does all tho work of tho house. Sho prepares tho meals for herself, two sons and a grandson nnd seems as well and strong us tho nvcragu woman of no. Her two sons have a fruit farm Just outside of Montlcello and could provide a much better homo for their mother tlnu1 tho cabin, but she wants to stay where she has lived so long nnd so they nil live there, In tho stylo of Ufty-flvo years ago. Hlch business blocks have- growu up around tho cabin. lawyer Ilnrrcd from Thcao Countries When Yucatan was llrst colonized by tho Spaniards Charles V., lu the ordin ance which accompanied tho appoint ment of tho llrst Governor, explicitly stated that no lawyers wero to bo per mitted to land from Spain or nnywhero else. This lay was dated 1520. Three years later un equally stringent pro vision wns uiado ngaluat lawyers bo coming Inhabitants of the new colonies of Peru and Chile. Tho object of these laws wns frankly stated as tho preser vation of the new countries from the strlfo and trouble which would certain ly follow their advent. Up to 1871 thero were statutes lu force which pro hibited lawyers from sitting lu tho llrltlsh Houso of Commons, but they had long become obsolete and were re pealed In thnt year. Tho Htrulght Ticket. The professor's eyes twinkled above his evening paper. "My dear," he said to bis wife, "I fear that habit Is strong- ;ifllJsP,s3Ss 'SfAtrTTZHSkmBmSTVL ua9asBsWsViVVn9r7nw!' II JsKzmfl ci thnn'prlnelplo with you RuffraglstH." "What do you mean?" demanded Mrr Professor. "Why, hero Is nn Item from n West era paper which asserts thnt it receu local election lu Colorado, where, ar you may know, equal HiilTrago right prevail, tho tellers found n dozen ot moro cookery recipes In n ballot-box." "They wero voted by mlBtakc, Pip surol" returned Mrs. Professor, stoutly "They ought to count Just tho same. Tuesday Is nn awfully busy day, nny way. And I am Just an suro na I enro to bo that when men first 'began to go to tho pools they made mistakes lu tho ticket, too!" Tho professor's oycH twinkled behind his paper, but he replied with tho per- IN MONT1CELLO, 11U1LT IN 1815. feet gravity of ono who has been Ihrlco refined lu domestic tires, "Without doubt, my dear." HmhIiionh liolliro I'leiisuro. An English commercial traveller, for whose pushing Americanism a Liver pool paper vouches with great en thusiasm, started out after a country order. Happening to nrrlvo at tho vlllago on the day of n festival, he found tho shop of ids customer closed, and learned that the man himself was at tho cel bratlon a mile out of town. At once lit set out for the spot, mid reached the ground JtiBt In time to seo his shopkeep ercllmh Into a balloon procured for spo clal ascensions. Tho man of trado was equal to tho oc casion. Ho stepped forward, paid his faro and climbed Into tho car. Away went the balloon, and was hardly above tho tree-tops when thc-commerclnl tra veller turned to his astonished victim, nnd raid persuasively but triumphantly; "And now, sir, what can I do for you In calicoes?" Keutfiitlous) Hentciioea. The principal advautngo of being married Is that only one person has a right to find fault with you. If pcoplo knew how to sympathize with us we should let them. Fortunately they don't. Wo nil begin by being round pegs In square holes. Some of us make over the hole, and most of us make over ourselves. Homo can do neither. These say fato has a splto against them. Half truths inako whole troubles. It Is tho easiest thlug in the world for a man whoso wife la fond of him to get whatever he wants to eat. WELL, I DON'T KNOW Mr. Johnson, you don't know WHAT'S GOOD If you have never tried ACME WHEAT FLAKE& We are headquarters for Rakon Health Club Food. Grano, Acme Rolled Oats, Health Process Whole Wheat Flour. ACME MILLS COMPANY. 20-22 N. Front St. Phone 407. ' PORTLAND, OR. B. B. RICH 103 THIRD ST. PORTLAND HOTEL CIGARS O. M. Hofsteater PHOTOGRAPHER 165 1-2 THIRD STREET Between Morrison and Yamhill IMUlTr.ANI), OltKGON. Dr. Fred. A. Reisacher DENTIST Ortdukta of tbe Nflrthwtstorn Unltrrsltr DsnUl ColUge. First-Class Work ind Prices Reasonabli 711 Dokum Bid's;, Cor. Third A Washington. rOKTLAND, Or. Ortfon 'Phone Oren 49! 4. IV- ALLEN Olmpmnmlng Phmrmmoimi Phono, Oregon Mmln 403m OolymUm 414. 16th mntlMmrmhmllStm., 23rd mntl Smvlap Sim; PORTLAND, OREOON. I Do You A SMslsslHsHssslMslsV I Know the News ? You osn ksiv It sJl for Per CfT Per Month 0UC Month Z InThs iTsnlnfTsUirtm, of Tortltnd, I OrsgoQ. It Is th Urgsst efenliiK nsws Z pspr published In Otsgoii: It contains A u ins nsws oi a un na oi ins ns, I tlon. Trr II for t month. A ssiapls I ropjr will b Billed to yon free. Id- THE TELEGRAM, Portland, Oregon. t.tttt Oregon Phono 867. Columbia PlumoSTJ UBEBS & SCHNEIDER CO. ...I'ltOI'ltlKTOIlN,.. U. S. MILLS A MEROHAN1 ROLLER MILLS , Corner I'ronl ami Main Htri'fls Corner Kniutli mi illloyt Streets MniiiifHtiirr f Hulled Oats. Oat Meal, Flak id Wheat, Ilnrlc wheat Flour, Omhaiii Flour, ltu Flour, Whole hunt Flour, Cnrii Meal, Ityo Meal, llomluy. Farina ami Htvel Cut Wheal. Odloel 4I-4'J KroiitHt., Our. lUIn, 1'OJtTI.ANl), Olt. Unruh & Shannon NATIONAL BICYCLES Work Called for and Delivered. All Kepair Work Guaranteed, 'Phoue Ua for l'rlcea, Ktc, 306 EAST MORRISON ST., Just across thu bridge, Phoiro Union ua. Portland, Oregon. T. S. TOWNSEND CREAMERY CO. Jobbers and manufacturers of Fancy Creamery Butter AMI Full Cream Cheese. We Prepare a Cream that will carry to Chicago in a Hweet Condition. Give Ua a Trial Order. 44 SECOND STREET, 'Phono Oram lt'Jt. Portland, Oregon, rjUlE WfLUNGTON . ' r OYSTER HOUBE AKD fALObk.' . . . Corner Sixth and Alder Sts. i CltAHI.ES UOUYLUND. Columbia Phono 63 rORTLAND, Oregon Phono North 431. ' Oregon. mllE OEM EATING HOUSE i MRS. PAUKEIt, Proprietress Meals 25 cents . Tablo Hoard lib v 1C9 Sixth Street, North. PORTLAND OREQOH T J.HARTZ ,WAUPAPER Paints, Picture Frames and ltoom Moulding Phono Hood M3. 22Si First Street. Portland, Orcf'on WHY BUFFERT ' ' No Matter How Long Standing; Or how many remedies tried, tho OREKK RHEUMATISM CURE Will euro you. Call, write or phone L.T. LEWIS, Agent, 150Jf Sixth Street QNOW FLAKE SALOON O. PETERSON, Prop. Tho Choicest Rrands of Wines, Ltquora and Cigars. Prlvalo Rooms, SM Durnslde Street, Corner Fourth, PORTLAND, OREOON. i i rilLT EDQE BALOON , W. Hi MOON, Prop. Choicest Liquors and Cigars. Bteara ' and I.agur llcer. SOS Alder Street. Portland, Oregon. Phono Bouth 231. )AC1F10 LAUNDRY CO. Main onico-tO and il N. Ninth Street (letitlomen's Work a Specialty. Orders Promptly Attonded to, DOTH PHONES. PORTLAND, OREOON. I COOK Dealer In CHOICE WINKS, LIQUORS AND CiqARS No. 01 B. W, Cor. First and Pino Sts. WEST COAST OYSTER CO. Importers, Planters .Dealers In .Eastirn and Paoifio Coast Oysttrs. 1J IStlrBt., Opposlto Exposltlou llldg. Ilranch of Darbeo A Immet Oyster Co., Union Bfiuaro Marknt. Ban Francisco, Cul. Oyster lleds.Han Franclscu Hay andOystorvllto.Uhoal water Hay, Orison Phono Bouth 481; Colum bia I'huiio 618. Freo Dcllvory, i Blue Point Oyster House L. T. LEWIS. ltQ Blxth 8lrevt. Cor. Morrison, Portland, Or. All kinds of Liquid Itelreihmeuts. WF.IJill RARF.II1T. Eailtrn and Olympla. Oysters Served In Any Style. fJHAWriSH SANDWICHES. Oregon Phono Hood all. Columbia Phone ASH. Prlvato Itooms. PIANOS Phono Hood 809 ORUAKB THE FISHER MUSIC GO. AM. KINDS Of ..MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS.. Bold on Easy Pajmeuts, with Freu Lessons. Old Initriiiiitinis '1'akeii In Kxchaneu for New Ones. Columbia and (iultar llliorii, Music and Strings. TuiiIuk and Itepalrlng. MUSIC BOOKS AND SHEET MUSIC 54 Sixth St., Cor. Pine. PORTLAND - - OREGON ..THE BROOKE DRUG CO.. Prescriptions Accurately and Care fully Compounded, Telephones Columbia 760, Oregon Red Ki Prescription - Druggist 67 North Third Street PORTLAND - - OREOON SPRANQER'S ARCADE 30, 32, .14 North Sixth Street, Corner Couch. ...BILLIARDS AND POOL... Ladles' anil dents' Reading Room E. II. SPRANOER, Prop. Oregon Phone Main 7M. Columbia Phone 7Jt Portland, Oregon. Ask Your Dealer For MARK. mmmwrm9 v myMswsitsiisTwiwiw!Hii i II .- , ' , No. 3M Glisan St., near Third. '' 9tH on Thone 77.