THE NEW AGE. PORTLAND. OREGON. TOPICS OF THE TIMES. Atlvlco to heroes mid statesmen: Wlicn nbout to wrlto a letter, don't. Don't tnlk nt random. Mnko every thing you nay lilt the mark or nave your ammunition, 601110 men use Sunday na a sort of sponge to wipe out the bIiih they com mitted during the previous nix days. Among other things, has Mrs. Nation smashed that old proverb about Its be ing dangerous to fool with edged tools? In tho last hundred years Turkey has lost nbout half of Its territory. This looks as If somebody had been using tho Ottoman to walk on. Tho powers wntit to mnko progress In tho Klowery Kingdom, and this de capitation business Is supposed to bo one way of getting n head. "Kidnapers arc bound to bo caught In tho long run," says tho Itoston Her ald. Let's see when were tho kidnap ers of Charley Hobs caught? ManlVi harbor Is to bo Improved, though it Is admitted that It Is much less dangerous than when Admiral Dewey sailed Into It tho tlrst time. Ah to tho lash for 11 wlfo beater, why not tlo him up securely and let the In jured wife give him a good touguu lash ing In tho presence of all the neigh bors? A woman has brought suit for di vorce 011 the ground that her husband refuses to eat her pies. Still, she would rather bo a real widow by tho pie route. . Only IJ.'WU new books were published In thu United States last year. How ever, pcoplu vainly looking for some thing new to read can always fall back gu tliu maga.lnes and newspapers. Emperor William may Import the American hen to (Jermauy, but will the time over comu when the politics of that country will permit of our election roosters appearing In the public prints there? A Vauderbllt descendant has proved capable of something more than spend ing ancestral money. It may yet bu fashionable for hereditary American wealth to have brains and disposition to use them. "Young Corueel's" tlrebox hows soiiio Inventive power beyond tho muru talent of devising new dissi pation. A Voninii whoso husband bunt her rvgularly onco a day for forty years has at last appealed to the police. It seems that there was a point where oven a patient, loving woman could stand It no longer and the head of the household tried It once too often when lie started to tnko his dally exercise on tho llrst dny of thu forty-llrst year. A cooking school for doctors has been established In Merlin, and among the numerous attendants are physicians from several countries besides tier many, llraueh schools are to bo open ed In other Kuropeau capitals. The medical man needs to be it good nurse. He ought 'to bu able to apply the prin ciples of wholesoniu cooking likewise, If need be, In preparing delicacies for tho sick room. A supervision by tho doctor, himself competent to cook what lie orders for the patient, would turn many a kitchen Into a serviceable addi tion to his equipment. "I a 111 no longer young," snld mi Alaska pioneer the other day, "but I expect to live to see a continuous Hue of railway from New York to St. Pe tersburg by way of Bering Strait. In fact, work on one of the connecting links will be begun within a year." Tho lino ho referred to will extend from Tort Vahle. on tho sea to the Yukon river at the mouth of the Tanaua, rrom this point another road Is project ed to Nome, aud If that should be built, n railway across the strait to Siberia might become at least a possibility. If expanding trade should demand such n road, neither the engineering nor the financial dllllciilllc would bo Insur mountable, it Is an Interesting thing to speculate about, at any rate. It Is not only thu rural resident from up tho creek that buys gold bricks. Sometimes Important salcx of this sort of merchandise are made to wise ones who dwell In cities. A certain "pro fessor" of fortune telling appears to hnvo done a particularly neat piece of gold-brick work In an Kastern city. Ho has been telling some of tho social lights or that town that his Insight Into tho future would lu wonderfully sharp ened If he were allowed to sleep over night on Jewelry ltclouglug to his cli ents. Ho Intimated that the larger thu (luuutlly of precious metal ho had to sleep on, tho better ho could foreensr future events. Ono of his clients was tho wlfo of a well-known manufac turer, who willingly gave up her Jew elry ami what gold coin she had In the house. Tho next day the professor had left town, Ills Inspection of the future was perfectly satisfactory to him. "I would Joyfully, many n tlini'," tmld a famous (ringer the other dny, "ex chuiiKe nil my luititlc ovatlona for my mother'H knowledge how to proimru a palutuhle. meiil." Nevertheless, bo fuHhlonnlile luive eullimcy and use hold subjects become, thu. "my motif er pics" have formidable rivals In "my daughter's doughnuts," Even col leglate straws show which way the wind blows. Themes recently chosen for senior theses In several lending women's colleges Include "The Ser vant Problem," "Household Econom ics" and "Foods In Kelatlon to Intel lect and Sanity," mid stand In marked contrast with the poetic and platitudin ous graduating essays of only n genera tion ago. To be "a good housekeeper," said Shakspoare, "goes as fairly as to say . . . . n great scholar." To-day, as never before, the two accomplish ments walk hand In hand. Tho mollifying Inlluenoo of death, which Is so often felt In private family relations has been manifested on n largo scale, Internationally, since the death of Queen Victoria. The English pcoplo have been often Irritated by the German Kaiser. Ills commercial and naval schemes have seemed to them to bo aimed against England. Ills message of sympathy to President Kruger, after the Jameson raid, still rankles In their memory, and nioro than onco they hnvo tnken offense nt some Impulsive thing which ho lias snld or done. Hut when, an soon ns ho knew that 'tho Queen was seriously 111. ho left the scene of the festivities with which the 1'russlnu bicentenary had Just been celebrated, and hurried to tho denth-chaiubcr nt Osborne, they were profoundly moved; all tho more so because ho waived otllclal formali ties, mill Joined tho waiting family group simply ns the grandson of tho Queen, The same lullucuce was felt elsewhere. Thero was no discordant note In tho world-wide expression of sympathy. Tho French and Itusslau Journals, which are npt to bo critical. If not hostile, toward England, Joined In tho tributes to tho Queen. American Journals were ns cordial ns If thero never had been any Alabama claims or Venezuela dlfllculty or Alaskan bound ary or other vexatious question be tween tho two countries. Under the reciprocal kindliness thus Induced, English Journals began to suggest that perhaps too much had been made of annoying amendments to tho liny I'auncefote treaty, nud that It might bo well to concede to tho United States the disputed points. So It cmuu to pass that the good Queen, who has all lur life striven for pence, In her death ex erted a strong Intluciico In the smile di rection. It would be a misfortune If the pas sion for "getting on" should narrow our educational Ideals nud substitute the man of facility In affairs and the expert for the man of broad culture and tho man of freed Imagination. The movement In colleges mid universities to Introducu "practical" courses niny sometimes appear to bo tending In that direction, but It Is rather to bo regard ed as an effort to give young men and women a better 'introduction to certain typical, phases of actual life, says a Chicago Tribune editorial, mid to af ford them In certain lines that special ized preparation for particular occu pations which, to a degree at least, can be more economically attained In mi Institution than otherwise. The School of Economics and Political Science In tho University of Wisconsin hns re cently announced certain modified nud enlarged courses, Including one on "Public Service mid Diplomacy" and another In "Preparation for Journal ism." Olio of this country's greatest (Mlltors onco expressed the opinion that no one could bo "prepared" out of hand for Journalism; aud yet It Is evident that not only general culture but famil iarity with certain lines of Information aud thought furnish the Journalist mi Invaluable background for his work. Training for public administration mid for diplomacy Is even more obviously 11 great present need lu this country. Our easy theory that the duties of public life can, under our simple system, be met by tho ordinary citizen, Is largely chargeable with our pernicious prac tice of "rotation In otllce" and with the lack of vigor and eltlclency In much of our public life. The action of Ma ill son University Is n part of a general move ment during the last ten years among American Institutions of higher learn ing, the valuable effects of which, though not conspicuous as yet, are bound to be Increasingly felt ns goes on. time When Thomas Hinga. When Tliomna glues his nightly lays, Ills hearers know the pain It brings To hearts as dead for fulsome praise Ho cures not nor whose soul he wrings, Iteneath tho moon's bewitching rays, Ills voice it soars, ns It had wings, And ninny u llst'ner guerdou pays, SVhen Thomas slugs! Yes, as tho cadence loudly swings From off the woodshed, windows rIs And neighbors hurl till sorts of things Unheeded bootjacks are bouijueta When Thomas slugs) Hiunll Horseshoes. Horni'shoea weighing nn ouuco encu and Just it trltle lurgcr tlmn h silver dollar were turned out In a California shop recently They were mado for a Shetland pony 0 months old, and small fa. its ngv. It Is far better to havo larg feet thou a aiuall understanding. .10iaW'X Wiam awl:I - - 'r?,ioCTAfe-QaaLalaB mMtk ULUMMaViMaTv iZaaW-K,aaH 'IBiHljfimBaKrir'aaafl 3lasrW3ii LEADING BUSINESS FIRMS OF EASTERN OREGON.' ' f ft ALSTON & CO. Dealer! In Furniture, Carpels. Wall Paper and Bhadet. Undeitaklng Uoodi, LA GRANDE, OH. J. W. WIBDOM & to. Druggists and Apothccarlei. Prescription! carefully compounded. Artlclca. Toilet Main Sttcct, DAK BR CITY, OK. T.c- TAYLOR, THE "HARDWARE MAN." Hardware. Stoves, Tin and Coppcrware. Lime, Plaatcr, Cement, Coal, Iron and Steel aud ltydraullo PJpe. m Main Street. TENDLETON, OR. s TAR RREWERY CO. Ilrcwcra and llotttera of the Famous HOI' GOLD IIEKR VANCOUVER, WA8H. w. H. HOWM AN PIIOTOURAIitlC AND LANDSCAPE ARTIST Vlens of All Description ScclaH)', Kodak Developing aud Finishing Main St., Scar Ilrldgc, PENDLETON, OREOON. KOEPPEN'S PHARMACY... Everything that is kept in a modern and up-to-date druc store. Prescriptions and Family Recipes put up by competent men, from pure drugs.. ., A. C. KOEPPEN & BR0 Manufacturing Chomists, 1 15 Court Street., Pendleton, Oregon, , i THE MINT SALOON O. L. MELLQUISt, Prop. IIKST BItAMH OK WINKS AND I.UIUOKB LMPOUTIID AND DOMESTIC CIGARS.... Comer Depot Btrcct and Jcfferaou Aomie, LA OHAMDC, OK. The Leading FURNITURE DULER I AND OP EASTERN OREGON IS ..M. A. RADER.. Funeral Director and Embalnicr l.iidy .UsUtunl. I'KMiI.KTOX OltKOON BAKER CITY .IRON WORKS. HIGG1MS & HARDENBROOK, Props. Iron Founders and Machinists General Repair Work Our Specialty. Architectural Iron Work s ...and Bridge Cistlngs WUITK FOIt KST1MATKS. Hotel Pendleton. 3ENDLET0N OR, HENRY RUST Pacific Brewery BAKER CITY, ORGEON. A. NEUBERGER DEALEK IN Fine Ulhiskies and Cigars Headquarters for Mining and Commercial Merw aAKERcrrv OREGON II T HE CELEBRATED COLUM11IA BREWERY AUCIU8T nUCHLKK, Prop. Thin well-known brewery la now turning; out the brat Beer mid Porlercaat ol the Cnxciidca. The Intent iippllancca for the tnauufnuturo of pood healthful Beer have been Introduced, iind only Die flrst-clnes article will be placed 011 the market. Eaat Second Street THE DALLES, OR. MAYS & CROWE Wholesaln A Retail Dcalcri In HARDWARE. ST0YE3 AND TINWARE Farm Machinery, Implements, Wagons and Carriages. Iron, Steel, Coal and Blacksmiths' Supplies. Hardwood and Wagon Makers' Materials, Bicycles, Guns, Ammunition and Sporting Goods, Etc Z. F. MOODY THE DM.LES, OR. General Forwarding Commission Merchant. Olllcca anil Warehoum a at RAILROAD AND STEAMER DEPOTS Wool hnnilllhg our specialty. Urnlu bought nud void, When in The Dalles CAM. AT.- the BANK CAFE Next Dtor t? tho First National Hank. Tho Only Flral.Class Placu In tho City. Choice Liquors, Wines and Cigars O. J. STUBUNO, Prop. The Regulator Line The Dalles, Portland & Astoria ... NAVIGATION COMPANY ... Through Freight mr.a Passenger Line. Dally Line of Steamers Between Portland, Vancouver, Cascade Locks, Hood River and All Points on the Washington Side. The Stciimcra DnllutClty and Regulator leao Portland utery morning (except Humliu) at 7 mid The Dallcx at A. M., arriving at deatlua Hon lu amplu time for uulgolug tralna. Freight Hmtmrn Oromtty Kmduomtl. W. L AM.AWAY, fion. Agent, Foot of Court Street. The Dalles, Or. Walla Walla, Wash., Advertising. McBride Bros. LIVERY STABLE. : Rubber Tired Hacks a Specialty. Baggage Wagons. WALLA WALLA, WASH. Telephone 66. 124 E. Main St. HOTEL DACRES S. SIMON, Proprietor. Formerly SllllOn House. Ratest $2.50 to $3.00. WALLA WALLA, WASH. GILBERT HUNT GO. Machine Shop and Foundry Willi Willi, Wisittn. Manufacturers of PRIDE OF WASHING TON Threshers, Self Feeders, Drop crs and Machine Extlres of Every Description, REPAIR WORK A SPECIALTY. Catalogue Free IIT It AIL AND Vf ATEB. akpw BMaMai lasSmm M OREGON Shot line and union Pacific DSTASrt TIME SCHEDULES Porlland.Or. Annua Chicago Portland Special 9:ooa. m. via Hunt ington. Bait Lake, Denver, Ft. Uortli.Omahn, Kaunas City, St. Lnuls,Chlcagoaud Kast. 4:30 p.m. Atlantic Express 0.00 p. in. via Hunt ington fait Lake, Denver, Ft. Wortii.Omalia, Kanas City, St. Ixitila.Ciilcutfuaiul Eaat. 8:40 a.m. Ft. PbUl Ka-t Mali G:on n. m. v a Spokano Walla Walla 1wls-ton,Hpoknlie,.MIu-lienpnlls.Hl. Paul, Diilntli, Slllwau kcc.l.'hlcagoAKaU '7:00 a, m. OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE I'ltOM PORTLAND. ."JO p.m. All falling datei subject to change For Pan Francisco ball every 6 daya. 4:00 p. m. Dully Ex. Sunday MUun.m. hnturdiiy 10:00 p. in. Columbia RUsr Ittamtrs. To Aalorla aud Way Landings. 4.00 p.m. Ki. buiidajr G:Wia.m hx. Sunday VUllamtU RUsr. Oregon City, New berg. Hrtloin, tnde- 4:30 p.m. Kx. Sunday pvuiiuuru n way i.aniiniKa. 7:0Oa. 111. Una., Iliur. and Hut. Willamette and Yam S:30p. m. Mini., Wed. and Frl. hill num. Oregon City, Day. ton, A Way l.aul inga. 0.00 a in. Tnea.. Tlmr and Bat. WMamalls RUsr. I'nrllatid lo'Corval. Ila A Way Land ings. 4 -so p.m. Mon., Wed. and Frl. I.r. Illparla 3;aa.m. Dally Snake Rlrtr. I.Y.LcwIston Dally 9 a. m. Itlparla to Lcnlaton A. L. CRAIO, General Paaaengcr Agent, Portland, Or. V. A. SCHILLING. City Ticket Agent. 2VI aahlngton Htrcet. ...T1IK... Pioneer Dining-Car Line ..TIIK.. Yellowstone National Park Route TIMK ClU)-POltTI.ANIl. For Tacoma, Sealtle, Olympla.Grajr'a llarhor anil N uth llciitt points. -nKui. i.ewiaiou,.Ma row. Pullman. Ilrance- No. 12 Leatea HUl'.U, No. H Arrlvea 70 A.M. vllle, Mla-oula, Helena, llutte, bt. Paul, Mlnue- lou, untcavo, ian InRlou D. ., Philadel phia, Kcw York, lloaton anil all -points e aai and southtaat. For Tacoma. Eeattle. No. i Spokane. llutte. Ana- rninla. lulllnca. Omaha. No. S 7:30 P.M. U:so p.m. Kanaat Cltv. Hi. Inili.i Inenvtr anu an pninia aouth and toutheaat. i.; - --..;- . -. . Through aervlce. Dining- cara. Pullman rUtt-cluM and upliohtered Tourlat Rleepera. Uuexeel ed acconunodatlona. llaKKOge checked todeatluatlonot ticket. For full Information, tlcketa, mapa el routes ami other Information, call on or write A. D. CHARLTON, Aailatant Oeneral Paascnger asent. 2.V5 Morrlaon St., cor. Third. ' Portland, Or. PORTLAND RAILWAY CO. Car- leae Portland. Corner Firat and Wash ington streeta, for Vaucoueraa follows: Vancouver 45 Minutes. A. M.-6:18, 1M3, 7:18. 8:S3, 9:18, 10:03, 10:48, 11:33 -1 1 . 1 P. M.-r.:!8, 1:03. IMS. 3:33, 3:18, 4:03, 4:48, 4:S3, :18, 110:43, ll :J3, (Uave Flrat and Jet (erou atreeta, 4 mtnulea earlier.) Ferry learea Vkncouter to conuact with cars aafollowa: A. M.-'OilJ, T.V), 8:1. 9:00, 9:43, 103, U:U P. M.-12:4J. isso. 3:15,3:00, 8:45, 4:S0, 5:is, 8:00, o;u, ii;iu. I Cart leave corner Flrat and Washington atreets for Woodlawn aa followa; 1 A. M.,C:l8,d.S3.,6:t8. 7.1)3,7:18. 7:13,7:48.8:03, 1 a;in, c;u,b;9. v:vu, :ii, :w, ;i iu:m, ', iu;.n, ju;w, n:iu. n:in, ii:st, ;. P. M.-12:tU, 1-:18. Vi:S3. 12:48, 1:03, 1:18,1:33, 1:41,2:03, 3:18,2:33.2:18. S:ai, 3:i8.3:S3, 3:48,4:03, 4:18, 4:43, 4:48. AU, 6:18, 5:33, A,, ::u, 6:48,7:03,7:18,7:33, 7:48.8:03.8:18,8:33.8:48, 9:-S. 9:23, 9:4i, 10:03. 10:23. io:iS, 11 W3, 11:23 $11:43, Waoillawn SO Mlnulea. Cara leavo Wocllawn tot Flrat and Washing ton atreeta aa followa: A M-5:45,'6), '6:15, 6:30, 15:45,7:00, 7:15,7:45, 8K. 8:15. 8:30, :i 9:00, 9:15. 9:30, to :4.i I0:oo,io:i5.i03o,io:43,ii:00,ii;i5,ii:so, 11:45, 12:00 M. ' P. U.-12:13, U:3O,2:43,l:0O.l:13, 1:30,1:45,3:00. 2:15,2:30,2:4.3:00. S;&, 3:.o13:tV4:00, 4:l 4:30, 4:, 5:00, 5:15. WO, '3:4V :0o! 6:15, 6:so, 6:45,7:10. 7:15, 7ls0.7:4 8:0u, 15. a:Su. 8:.lo. 9:10, 9:30, 9.30. 10:10, 10:30, 10:50, ,u:io. 11:30, ' Dally, except fitimlara. IDally, except Weueolays and Saturday!, JW edmadaya aud Saturdaya only, BT BAIX ANDWATJBR. AST0RU&C0LUII1 A RIVER RAILROAD CO. x Si! with THROUGH PARLOR CARS BKTWLEN Portland, Astoria Seaside Leaves For Mavgera, Rain ier, Ulatskanle Weatport, Clifton, Astoria, Warren, ton, Flavcl, dear hart Park and bca aldc. Aatorla etc Beaahore Kxprcaa Dally. Aatorla Kxprost Dally. Arrives Union Dopot Portland Union Depot rornanu 8:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. 11:13 a.m. 0:40 p. m. M Ticket oftlce, 255 Morrlaon atrcct, and Union depot, Portland. J. c. Mayo. Gen. Pass. Agent, Astoria, Or. SHAVER TRANSPORTATION CO. STEAMER GEO. W. SHAVER, Will leave Portland, foot of Washington 8t., 8unily, Tuesday ami Thiirailay evening nt 5 o'clock, for r-auvlcM Island, Ht. ficlcna, Oaples, Deer Is'nml. Martina, Kalamn, Necr City, iiniucr, .mi. cuiiiii, .iiaygcr, mona, uait roint I-recmans, Mauianlllo,Clatskanle and all aj y ( ii u in it; THE NORTHWESTERN LINE Klght Train Dallv heiHoon St. Paul and ChlcaKo, comprlalng The T.nteit I'lillinnti Slnepera, l'errlraa Dining Cara, Library mill llbaervntlon Can. Fr Itecllnlug Chair Cars. THE TWKNTIBTH CEN1UHY TUAIN "THE NORTHWESTERN LIMITEO" Huns Eveiy Day of the Year. The Finest Train in the World Electric Lighted Steam Heated TO CHICAOO flY DAYMailT.' ' lhe Iladier fitato Express, tho flneat Day Trln Ituunlng lli'twecn Kt Paul ami Chlcxgo via the Hhorl Line. Connections fioai tho West made via. The Northern PoclOc, Great Northern and Canadian PaciGc Raijways This Is aho lie beat lino between Omaha, St I'anlaud Mlnnrapolla. All Agenis sell Tickets via "The Northwest ern Line." W. H. MGAD, (General Agent. ' A. L. SISLOR, T. A. : 148 Alder Street, Portland, Or. GflEAT art BEST UIINB TO St. Paul, Minneapolis, Dolatb, Chicago, AN All POINTS EAST. Through Palace and Tourlat Sleepera, Dining; Cara (meals a la carte), Buffet, Smoking, Library For tickets and lull Information regarding Eastern trip, call at city ticket office. Vii Third atrvet. A. B. 0. DKN.Nl.sTO.V, City Paaa. and llckat Agent. WHITE COLLAR LINE COLUMBIA IUVEK & PUOET SOUND NAVI GATION CO. PORTLAND AND ASTORIA. Steamer Hercules takes tha place of Bailer datsert. Leaves every morning luthe week ar 7 o'clock, except Sunday. Returning, leave Astoria every ulght In the vreek at 7 o'clock, except Sunday, Omce, Alder street dock. Telephone Hairs 151. Columbia 'phone 351. E. W. CRICIITON, Agent. BARR HOTEL European ami American Plan, Furnlslied in First-Class Style. Ntwfcoase, nearly faralshad,two block Irons Union depot all the modern Improvements, fire-prool, hoi ad cold water, centrally lo cated. UtM, $1 sad $1.21 a Day. MsVUate,Sataa1isw Gr. Slxtk as Qltoaa, PrtUH. sflHHHaVHHaBHaHHHa'' '.C3c . ' 4f'.v v V, & ,v 1 v - s . ' ."