ttr THE NEW ACKE. PORTLAND, OREGON. &' 1 f f in ' i i WASH MESSES DRAG AN INNOVATION NOT POPULAR AT PRESENT. New IilcnH IJlfiplnycJ In Mirly Bprltiji Cloth Continue Alntle with Short Kton Jacket Cut Down nt Neck mid Short at Holt. New York correspondence: UHT think of It! Separate skirt of duck, denim, itiikIi, cotton, burlap mill tliu llku arc of trull lilt' IciikIIi, Mini tit front nml nt hIiIcs llicy swc'L'p. Wlmt ciin liu uitllcr anil harder to hold up than a wuhIi akin? Ami wlmt could ho tu o r u ilNiiHtroiiM Until to trail a wash skirt, which caimut he lint-died hut must ko to the till) to he cleaned? Uli lews they wear llieni t Ill'IIIHcl VfM, t ll O IminilrcHHi's of tin1 cominc; HUtnniir tuny rejoice. Ah for oth er women, they are In (hint and iinIics, Thecc HklrtH ate made clone at hips and front, and HpritiK rnmi the waist at the hack with a few loose pithcrx. Knitn the knees the skill springs at ft out and shies, this effect helm; often helKhtened hy a OI.OTII SUITS KOK limped Houncc, which usually Is narrow In front ami widens towards the hack. Often Its upper edge Is scalloped or icrollcd. The cr.ixe for stencil mid cut out work continues In wash goods. Skirts of blue duck are trimmed with cut-out hnuds of white duck in nc rolls or conven tional tlgures. In many cases shaped panels elaborately perforated are ued, Flat punier hip pieces of white linen Hnhorntcly cut out me a feature of a red denim skirt. Mine mid red are thus used, and green and blue. The sepaiMte wiihh skirt, with shirt waist, Is evidently rolug ttt be n very popular early hcasnu wear this jenr. In respect to the excessive length theie HINTS AS TO JACKKTS iceiiis to be little difference between wash ikirts that go with shltt waists, ami mure dtwwj nUlru for which a fumy silk waUt Is to be tho accompaniment. Short witlstM will appear, of eouioe, but they're not to bo among the dre-snps even for ordinary outing wear. Why designers thouUI think that these new fancy waiMs should be in especial demand I hard to understand because shirt waists and wntots of that general order made from diaphanous stuff will be fanciful and pretty enough. Hut the waists are of fered in many attractive designs, mid wown are not to bo blamed If tliey take them up. A sample of these wnUts ap pears In the first picture. Nile green wiihh taffeta was its material, green silk embroidery finishing the edges. Under tleevcs, collar ami trout were white lawn, the latter finished with black velvet Many white shirt wttlstf will be quite ns complex ns this, and there nrc'to be not n few notions In them. Consequently the shops nru milking tremendous sales of the sorts women have been wearing. Shop pers should bo a littlo careful because only the more expensive waists are fitted over the low straight corset and there is danger of n very poor lit. The new things are luttitly bishop sleeved. Many early spring cloth gowns nre made with short ctou cut down at the neck to show n yoke, and short tit the waist to nIiow a high, shaped bodice belt. As a rule, though, the clou stands well out at the edge from the belt. It Is not worn over mi under bodice, but is attach ed direct to the top of the belt, or the belt Is made on n sleeveless lining bod ice that serves ns foundation. Shoulders mid upper sleeves of the eton nre usually dote. Cloth dresses for enrly spring often are trimmed with straps of stitched white linen, duck or plaid gingham. Tito effect of the hitter Is very smart. Two diesses of tills general character nre shown In the next Illustration. The left hand one was biscuit nlbatross. Stitch ing showed on skirt and jacket, nud on the latter ns piping of red cloth. The remaining trimming was white ptquc cm hrohleicd In red, the tiny yoke being white lawn. The other gown was elec tric blue cashmere. Its baud trimming was silver soutache, and the bodice was silver gray tafTela, The sleeves of these two dresses give a bare hint of what Is coming between hand and elbow. A mighty to-do Is Am In tlovllng sleeve nov elties, and the display of the output Is to last all spring mid summer. There N a sudden revival of the postll- KAKLY SIMUNU. Ion hahlt-back coat. It cannot ho Ignor ed mid inmiy women who at first said ruefully, "How ugly!" tiro considering getting one. The shield front that was so fashionable last season has been sud denly transferred to tho back with good ert'ect, The luivk panel is tho width of the shoulders and tapers from there to a rounded postilion tub below the waist. An etoti scalloped up at the sides, with such u buck, Is a novelty. Kton nru made without collar or levers, and If the plainness Is relieved nt all it is by a laid back baud collar. Thesu bauds are be ing still used a lot. They look well In front, but are ugly nt the shies and cut the neck line badly. Two other Ideas ANO AIUM.IHl) THI.MMINfi. in bolero nre shown In the Inst of to day's ph-tures. The first was sketched in pale gray satiu-fnceil cloth, mid was trim med with Klher passementerie. With It were tx white chiffon bodice and n deep bodice belt of metal gray velvet. Tho other was white broadcloth trimmed with gilt embroidery nud combined with black and- white velvet. Mnterials for such gwwns are almost endless. New weaves of silk and wool are pretty for dressy tailor suits, whip cord holds the exclusive lead for strict outing and tailor, and it Is easy to spend a lot of money for the better qualities. Loosely woven homespuns uro popular. Copyright, 1001. Patents on explosives have been la BUttl to tho uuinber'of 500. ' r. II kndrickbi D. tuitu PRACTICAL SAIL MAKERS Flag and Yacht Sails a Specialty OttKOON I'MONK 043 UKt) 27 NORTH FIRST STREET PORTLAND, OREGON. STEPHAN'S Evening Gowns Street Suits Fancy Waists Tailor Made Suits Riding Habits, Etc. 289 Alder Street PORTLAND, OREGON ALL ..TRA1INS STOP.. .AT.... Wilkins' Eating House 30 Minutes or Moils l.uni'li Counter In connection. Tlie only Kat Ink House nttliu Depot where you enn get a Flrit-t'lusi .Mcttl. ROSEBURG OREGON vih:n you hoy Furniture, Carpets and Stoves FOIl ItOUSKKKKl'lNtl Cut Tlila Out unit (let a llnltictlon at Henry Jennings. 172-174 rint Struct. Picture Frames. Pictures. Art Materials BERNSTEIN'S ART STORE 807 Washington street Del. Fifth and Sixth PORTLAND, OREGON. GRIP TEN? S AWNING mm, i Cured in One Day by Using DR. CARVER'S COLD CURE . Price 25 Cents Laue-Davis Drug Co., 3d and Yamhill RAZORS THAT CUT AT CUT PRICES OVERLAND WAREHOUSE i GENERAL STORAGE AT LOWEST RATES Low Insurance .. Rates KELLEY-CLARKE CO. LESSEES PORTLAND Columb'i Phone 700 Ore. Phoua Grant 431 Uila H!it, US fifth Ltuairf, m Uif j Si, t "as nTVSk-i S S7. JISe kMc Jltfuafa'j t if5&?wrwz --wm,,;u i. yyww - i ,rv ORTHOPEDIO $3.80 SHOE DRYER'S PQPUlUi SHOE STORE 87 Third Strvrt, Ssfwean Oak an J tend lor laialogu. ..ESMOND .. HOTEL. Portland, - - Oregon. Front and Morrison Streets. KATKSt European Plan, 50c to $1.50 Per Day American Plan, to $2 Per Dat OSCAH ANDKKSON, Manager. J. C. PENDEGABT, Chief Clerk. ENTERPRISE SHOE CO. 83J North Third St. Boots and Shoes Made to Order Repairing; Neatly Done. Work called for unci delivered. All work guarantied. H. G. RILEY, MANAGER. Headquarters Tor Cnpcti Co.'s Shoes L. W. OA UNAtlAN. t'lfslilcnt. C. It. OAKDNKH, Vice I'rcMdcnt. W. M Ti:KKY, Tioasttror. Portland Implement Co. JOHN DEERE PLOWS, HARROWS, ETC. FARM MACHINERY AND VEHICLES. 188-194 Front Street, Portland, Ore, USE LUCKEL'S Borax Soap For Washing: Flannels. Will Never Shrink Nor Harden. TRY ONE BAR AND CONVINCED. BE W. A. WISE DENTI5T ,Room 614 THE DEKUM... PORTLAND, OREGON. Tel, Red 2844. OREQOIV. eitrjajlficflygair nmCDi fV Portiand.Oregon- .rue ot:,wopsp;( . $3.!Sa S.'-Gf . Trtaiftotia Cjsy SQ3 'g imeni -Nil ur ' o gMi k rvputitlou r a li mi for li-tj'f .! t ii r l4 inr h"' liui i and no other shoe tintar i'U ti e market tis val'inl n ljCve.l reputation Ottl.0 PORTLAND, OlXCOff. business locals; Alwars Mk for the rtfcvr cigar. Xsberg 4kui Cigar 0. , gaunt agents. PortUgMl. Or. Brerybody smokes the celebrated Monogram and Pandora cigars. They haro no equal. Gall up Union 401 when In need ol anything in the inel line. East Mor rlcoa Street Wood & Coal Yard. The A. D. T. Messenger Co. ii the old est and best service of tho kind in the town. Readers of tho Now Age, give them the proforenco. Money to loan, on furniture, pianos, or any good securities. Notes and mortgages bought S. W. King, room 45, Washington building. Oregon Butohering Company, Frod Metzgor, manager, dealers in nil kindi 61 fresh and salt moats and fish, 415 Everett street. G. A. Watson, Marino Drug Store, 88 N. Third street, Portland, Oro. Spe cialties: Fleckcnstoin's Lung Balsam nil Hnlnv KnltvAi Tho Popular, 135 First streot, bet. Washington nnd Alder, Portland, Or., John Ecklund, pionriotor. Tel. Ore gon rod 934, Columbia fi08. For fine fruits of all kinds for the traveling' public, call at 160 North Sixth etroot. Ice cream soda. Basket fruits for travelers. George Kiser pro prietor Don't near baggy trousers or shabby olothes. Wo call for, sponge, prosr, and deliver, ono suit of your olothing each week, sow on buttons, and sew up rlua for $1.00 a month. Uiiiquo Tail oring Company, 247 Washington street, both phonos. ' Jno. P. Sharkey, manufacurer of harness, collars, saddles and strap work; importor of saddlery, hardware, whips, pads, etc 65 Union avo., Port land, Or. Portland Tronsfor Saloon Chas. O. Biglin, proprietor. Choice wines, liquors and cigars. 331 Glisau, cor ner Sixth, Portland, Or. French Dyeing and Cleaning Works. All work dono at very modurato prices. Dyeing and oleaning of all kinds of ladies' and Gent's clothing. Mourning cloth dyed in 48 hours. J. Delcau, proprietor, 466 Qlisan sUt. Tlie finest place in the city to obtain list quality cigarsjj tobacco and sraoic ers' articles Is that of Rosenthal S findd, at 387 and 287tf Washington street, between Fourth and Fifth. Give these genial dealers a call when yeu wish anything in their line. Tele phone Main 76. Armory Drug Store, 81 Tenth stroot, northwest corner Teuth and Evorott ..,..., Tortlonrl .n.rl.g n full llnnnl atieets, lortiana, carries n lull lino 01 drugs, toilot nrtiolos, school supplies, cigars, oto. The National Pollco Gazotto, pub lished by Richard K. Fo;, Polico News Stundnrd, and all other sporting papers. Subscriptions taken nt A. V. Sohmalo, bookseller nnd nowedenlor, 330 First stroot, Poitlaud, Oio. M . ordors solioitod. For Xmns goods, Holding Bros., 45 N. Third stroot. Imvo a oholcn selection nl hnlMnv onniln Iti thn linn of uMvnr. I 01 noiiuay goous in tno line oi sinor- I ware, pouKat uoukb, niuoy joweiry, ma monds, nmbrollus, gold and silvor headed canes, watobos, lockets, oto. Call and inspect our stock. TO THE DEAF A rich lady, cured of hor deafness nnd noisos in the head by Dr. Nicholson's Artiflolal Ear Drums, gave ?25,00J to his institute, to tbut deaf people unablo to proouro the ear drums may liavo them free. Address No. D U381, The Nicholson In stitute, 780, Eighth avenue, New York On the Iruide. of a collar, shirt or cuff done op at this lauudry means that yon ate all right, and tbut your linen looks as im maculate and of as smooth and One a finish as if it just came from the fur nishers, Comfort nud satisfaction wa give you in ovory piece of linen that we Inuuder, and our prices uro trifling (or it. The Domestic Lauudry, J. F. Robinson, 1'eudlotou, Oregon. NATIONAL, Steam Dyeing and .Cleaning Works OFFICE AND WORKSi I2J SIXTH STREET. PHONE HOOD 803 Hats CUaned. Ped, Pressed and Trimmed Ladles' Dresses and Dress Goods Dyed all Col ors, or Well Cleaned. Gentlemen's Clothlug Cleaned, Dyed uJ Repaired. Ostrich Feather Clsaued r Dyed all Color and Nicely Curled. I SHERIFF'S SALE. I In tho circuit court of the state of Oregon, for tho county of Multnomah. State of Ori'goif, plaintiff, vs. Rich ard Nixon, as administrator of the ostnto of Joseph Leonard, deceased, all heirs of the decedout (if ncy there be; nnd nil perrons interested in eaid estate, defendants. I ily vhtuo of n nocroo and order of Ualo'ilnly iHPued out of and under the seal of tho aliovu outttled court in the nliovo entitled cniieno, to mo duly ill rectod nnd datod tho 14th day of Jan uary, 1001, in which decreee it was adjudged and dqcroed that tho state ot Oregon stntid and bo solzod of tho following described real property and I vestod with thu title- thereto, srtiil real property being described ns follows,' to-wit: Tho west half of tho east half of tho northenst quartor of Section thirty-two in Township two north of Rango ono west of Wllliunutto mcrldtnn, contain ing 40 ncros nud being within Multno mah county, in tho state of Oregon, nud in which docreo it was further ordered Mint tho sheriff of Multuoinnh county, Oregon, bo directed to muke sitlo o( said runl proporty to tho highont bidder for audi. Now, theroforo, by vlrttio of said docreo nud order of imlo, nnd in com plinuco with tho commands thoreof, I will on Monday, tho 25th day of March, 1001, at tho' hour of ten o'alock A. M., at tho frout door of tho county court homo in tho city of Portland, snid county nnd stnto, foil at publio miction, subject to confirmation by thu nbovo entitlod court, to tho highest bidder for U. S. gold coin, cash in 'mini, all ot tho nliovo described .real lroporty, nnd nil tho right, titlo, nud iutrrost which Joseph Lenorad, do ceased, had on tho 4th day of March, 1807, or Riehnrd Nixon ns administra tor of said ostnto, siucahad, in nud to tho nbovo described roal proporty, or any part thoreof, as in said decroo di rected Diitod Portlnud, Orogon, Fobruory L'lst, 1001. WILLIAM FRAZ1EK, Sheriff of Mnltuoninh county, Oregon. $25,000 OUR GRAND $25,000 ..Ornithological Contest.. FoniHliltiK Qtitlri-ly new ami Interesting. Itciul wlmt on nre toitu. Yr.u trmyKut l,ww. Our content It to u who can ninke tlie lunrent llitut tiHinet Wr k(mla)o birds (run tho tot lowing I it ol letter: TDOOOCCKQULIAP'R TARIDGESPNIELV EBRDIMWADOHTL We will rocrRnlio m a tiltd nnylhltiR bclnnc tiiR to tno frnthereil irlb),lietlier It ben Hot , Crow, HImkit, or any oilier kind. Yo i enn lite any letter an many time, to make a name a It appeaii In tliu lint ot Ictteti auocs lor in I itancu Woodcock, J'loer. Snow Hint, eto. To an i e.-.nn ho ran make a lut of 'IS or tnoro different iiiunes of bird, vo will Rloitohtte- ly 1-KliK n Lcalttliui rnzo attie i,vuu or nil. BIG PRIZES AWARDED DAILY. When you have marie out your list fill out tho line on ilia bottom of this adverlLcmcnt and tend to us with a Htanicd Adrircatcd on volopc, msmpof your eoutitrv will do, then If von are awarded a iirlie you can if yimdcilre uuttliu iirlzo by bicoinltii; a subscriber to Tn I U'iimkim's W. rW. Wo Flint I award a nrlzc ti every person who mil. thnaineof 'iMlrd, and our Kills will be as fo ljws: lor tho best 1M( n.t,clvCll eftCj, dy, ndoid Waich: for tho 'second host solution euch day a beautiful lm- and our Kilts will be as fo ljws: luirti'd Tea Set: for tho sown next bvid sultt. tlotisiaeh day, a Kourah riaklli Diamond and Ituhy Itluir: (or tliu next bet solution, a Gold Piece; at d for all other correct solutions, I'rltesof (iiiod Value. These I'rlzes will bo (or. warded da'ly, yon will not have to wait ling time tnuiieertali ty before you know thu re sult. There Is i o .dement of lottery In our plan. It makes no difference whether we Ret jour solut luu lalu or early In the day. All on need Is to mall this Advertisement to us. and on the day It reaches us. If your list Is the best, you .hull liuve thn Hold iViitali or If sec ond best tho beautiful Tea Set, and so on. We Kuarunteo that we will award you a prize 'Ihore Isabiolutely no opportunity for decep tion on our part we cannot afford It. Wo want to i:e l,lou,uou well mulled subscribers, and 'or 't reason wo don't want yoil to solid any moner until you know exactly what rrlzeyou hao enlncd by answerlliR the nuzzles. As soon alter 4 n, m, each day us possible, the ex. amlm n wilt Judre the lists to the best of their ability, and will designate the prizes. We will write to ) on at once notifying you what prize has been swarded jou, then if you are satis tied, )ou can send your subscription to The W'umnn'i World, and lour prize will ko br re turn of mall carriage paid, lo a person of narrow Ideas It seems Impossible that we should be able to ntakesttrti a glKantlo offer, but we have the money, brains ami reputation, , we know exactly what we are doing, mid it we can legitimately gain a million subscribers bv this grand idea, we kuow that this million of well pleased subscribers can be Induced 10 rec- I ommeud The Woman'! World to all ftlends, I thereby building up our circulation still lurtnir. e are wining to spend f.'5,iw in this toutest In building up a big subscription list, and when this money Is spent we reserve the right to pupllsh a notification that thi contest has bt-t discontinued. Don't delaj until It Is tro late. The contest will contlnui until July 1st, 1801. We ce A Jtonns Prize of V'O, lndepend ent of allotheis, to tho person who sends Ir the list gotten up In the best and handsomes manner. Our Committee will decide and award prizes dally, but the special J.'ti prize will be awarded In September, 1901. Any bird's name found In the dlctntnartei accepted. WHO MC ART. The "H'oman's H'orW" t$ n thoroughly rellablt enmrn, t a't tnoun la tlo exactly at we adxer tlie. At In our ttllnbtlliy vie TfJirto any Adier ti'iHg ,lgent or tuiliHU London or .Yfu l'e X. Same. Strttt, Tuwn., ..Cbunf'y. N. n. He careful and prepay your letter 6c, m we do not receive underpaid letters. Address; THK "WOMAN'S AVOIU.D," llrentfurd, Loudon, W., Kuglaud, BOYD & ARINOL.D ...General Agents.. Hamburg-Bremen Fire Ins. Co. Royal Exchange Assurance Orient Insurance Company No. 102 First Street, Near Stark. Strong's Photographs , Superior in Style ana Finish.. STiIDIO: In Goodnougb Buiidine. yv tfWj" JL1& i, J iMT; n- ', s