The new age. (Portland, Or.) 1896-1905, March 30, 1901, Image 7

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    " 'V'h' &'''"'.'
"V iP vi
Are 2400
Disorders Incident to tho human frame,
of which a majority arc caused or pro
moted by impuro blood.
Tho remedy is simple
Take Hood's Snrsapnrilln.
That this mcdiclno radically and
effectively purifies tho blood Is known
to every druggist, known to hundreds
f thousands of pcoplo who themselves
r by their friends Iiavo experienced
Its curativo powers.
Tho worst cases of scrofula, tho
most agonizing sufferings from salt
rheum and other virulent blood dis
eases, aro conquered by it, whllo
those cured of boils, pimples, dys
peptic and bilious symptoms and that
tired fooling aro numbered by millions.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Will do you good. Begin to tako It today.
As It Seemed to Her.
Mr. Cmbman I never was a Jury
man but once, and then tho jury was
out all night.
Mrs. Clubman How you must have
enjoyed It! Boston Courier.
Jttmmm thm Omumh mnm
Work Off thm Omit.
Laxative Dromo-Qulnlno Tablet! cure a cold In
ono day. No euro, No Far. Price 24 cent.
Supremely Restful.
"I wonder If thore's any lazier occu
pation than fishing."
"Well, yes looking at people fish
ing." Brooklyn Life.
X offer One Hundred Dollar Howard (or any
ease of Catarrh that can not bo cured by Hairs
Catarrh euro. . M
Wo the underalirned. have known F.J. Chonor
for tUe past 19 yours, and bellevo htm perfectly
lonorable In all buitn i trt "ctlona and An-
anclall-r able to carry out any ,.i'-,itlons made
by their arm. v,
Wholcialo DrustrtsU, Toledo, 'J.
Walbiko, Kinnan & Marvin,
Vf noletalo Drujr-liti, .Toledo, O.
nall'f Catarrh Cure la t.-kcn.n::rnallytactln(;
t.lreotly on tho blood and m com lurfacei of
tho.yitcm. 1'rlo Tlcpor boulo. Bold by all
drugr titf. Testimonials free,
Hall's Family 1'lU- r th-best.
A Reminiscence.
"Ono tlmo," romarked "Wragson
Tatters, "I got Into a soft snap."
"Did yor, honest?" Inquired Perry
Patetick, "what was it?"
"A poor olo watchdog dat hadn't no
teeth left." Philadelphia Pross.
Of Particular Interest to Thruhermtn and
Russell & Co., of Portland, Ore., the
largest dealers in maohinery on the
Pacific Const, have just issued at con
siderable expense a neat and veiy eora
plete account book for up-to-date
thresheimon, eto. The books are tor
free distribution, and all people who
want them should writo immediately
IT) Russell & Co., Portland, Ore.
Choice of Letters.
"I think I shall adopt letters as a
profession," observed tho party with
tho bulging brow,
"Typewriting or sign painting?" in
quired tho sardonic person. Balti
more American.
When you take Grove's Taateleit Chill Tonic,
because the formula li plainly printed on erery
btxtlosliowinfrthat It la simply Iron and Qui
tune In a tasteless form. No Cure, No Fay, 60c.
Kitchen Necessities.
"Cook, do wo need any necessities
IVr the kitchen?"
"Yes'm. I'd like a Roman chair, one
of them Venlshun lanterns an' some
moro pillars for th' cozy corner." In
dianapolis Journal.
Scrofula is but a modified form of Blood
Poison and Consumption. The parent
who is tainted by cither will see In the
child the same disease
manifesting itself in
the form of swollen
glands of the neck and
throat, catarrh, weak
eyes, offensive sores
and abscesses and of
tentimes white swell
ingsure signa of
Scrofula. There may
. be no external sums for
a long time, for the disease develops slowly
in tome cases, out the poison is in tue
blood and will break out at the first favor
able opportunity. S. S. S. cures this wast
ing, destructive disease by first purify lag
and building up the blood and susaulatiag
and invigorating the whole system.
J. M. Seats, I is Public Square. NaafeTtllcTeaau
eaya t "Tea years ago my daughter fell and ct
her forehead. From this wouod the aland a
the aide of her face became ewoltea and burstcd.
Some of the best doctor! here and elsewhere
attended her without any benefit. We decided
to try a. S. 8., and a few bottles cared kcr en
tirely." 4bw jjssk ss makes new aad pur
sm. r m blood to nourish aad
strengthen the body,
LLlk.l and is a positive and
WkW mW V safe cure lor Scrofula,
It overcomes all forms of blood poison,
whether inherited or acquired, and no
remedy so thoroughly and effectively
cleanses the blood. If you have any
blood trouble, or your child has inherited
come blood taint, take 8. S. S. and get
the blood in good condition aad preveat
the disease doing further dasaage.
Send for our Tree book aad write oar
physicians about your case. We make ao
charge whatever for medical advice.
I SaUma, sioU t anwstt. I
y fcif.r Sj
Observations on Commonplace Thine
by the Atchison Globe Man.
A new girl's popularity Is as short
lived as that of a bride.
Marriage Is a. good denl like gam
bling: everybody who plays, loses.
A genuine whist crank prefers a
whist gamo without prizes or refresh
meuts. When a married couple do not "get
along," It Is a sign thnt they never pnid
the preacher.
So many are going to the devil ns to
cause some wonder If ho has new In
vitations out. '
Don't abuse tho men; abuso nature.
It was Intended that men should bo
the Jays thnt they are.
When It rains on a reception, tho
women who nro not Invited feel that
tho Lord Is on their side.
It is tho polite thing to sny of n girl
whose hair Is rough that she dresses It
in the chrysanthemum style.
Doesn't n man have to work hard
enough with his head nil day without
sitting up Into to play whist?
Pcoplo nro always willing to hear a
local elocutionist for the first time,
thnt they mny mnko comparisons.
Every one who visits a great deal, Is
a gossip. This can be set down ns a
rulo, nnd everyone measured by It.
When a pretty girl comes to town,
tho town girls say, "Yes, she Is awful
ly nice, but "and then roast her for an
Whnt n soft snap teachers qf geogra
phy nnd history must hnvo had before
America was discoverer, and her wars
had been fought.
A woman doesn't put tho photo
graphs of tho friends she likes best on
the mantel, but those that tako 'tho
prettiest pictures.
Somo people have a reputation of be
ing great whist players becauso they
frown and look deeply preoccupied In
playing tho game.
Always remember thnt If n mnn
knows where you can mako a dollar,
ho will not tell you about It: ho will
go after It himself.
More than half of the mnn who make
money, lose It In middle life, by Invest
ing lii schemes. Only ono schenio In
fifty pays expenses.
It Is easy for a woman to bo original
simply by not claiming when some
thing happens to her that she dreamed
It was going to happen.
If pcoplo use all the new fanglcd
bread and butter plntes, knife rests,
etc., which aro tho crnzo now, there
will 'not bo room on the tablo for a
man to put his elbows.
Every day tho telegraph relates how
somo old husband was poisoned by his
young wife, and every day old men
coutlnuo to get In front of tho engine
by falling In love with young girls.
"Use your own Judgment," nn agent
said. to a man ho was trying to work.
"I have no confidence In my own Judg
ment," tho man replied. "I bavo tried
using my own Judgment, and it failed
, It 1b related thnt nn Atchison man
murmured "I hoc angels," when on his
denth bed recently, nnd that IiIh wife,
who was attending him, said through
her tears that It was tho first compli
ment ho had pnid her since they were
No visitors nro welcome In any plnco
'of business except on rainy days. A
business mnn mny not say much when
visitors como In when ho Is busy, but
neither docs a woman sny anything
when a caller drops In and stays till
tho dish water Is cold.
Tho young men nro crowding a now
pretty girl so hard she doesn't get tlmo
to eat on Sunday. However, she will
have opportunity to eat threo full
meals a day, nnd sleep between times
without Interruption In u few weeks.
Tho young men are very fickle.
In ono particular no stovo docs what
Is advertised for It Pictures of a new
stove always represents a woman with
n white nporn on nnd her hair curled,
tho plcturo of neatness, engaged In
cooking tho meal. As we said before,
no stovo docs all that Is advertised
for It.
A Quaint Epitaph.
Tho following epitaph Is over a grave
In the Cnrollno Islands:
Sacred to Wilm. Collls
Boat Steerer of the SHIP
SaINT george of New BED
ford who By the Will of
Almighty sod
wus slvlrllicry Injured by a
off this Hand on
18 March 1800
also to
Pedro Snbbanas of Guam
4th MaTB drouwned on
the SAME Date, his
Back broken by WHALE
Boston Transcript
German Interests In Africa.
Tho German protectorato In east
Africa has a coast line of 020 miles, an
area of 384,000 square miles and In
cludes a portion of Zanzibar. The pop
ulation Is estimated at .000,000 na
tives and about 1,000 foreigners, most
ly Germans. The country Is being
rapidly developed, for the German gov
ernment Is encouraging commercial en
terprise and immigration by bounties
and subsidies.
A Mean Trick.
"Microbes attack tbelr victims when
they are worn out"
"That's so; we read about them nntll
we are dead tired, and then they take a
mean advantage of us." Indianapolis
The wtoe man always goes slow when
be la is a hurry.
Passing of Yellowstone Park.
It Is pnid tliut tlio geysers which have
made this tmrk tuition, nro gradually de
clining. Till brill: to mind the fact, that
decline Is I lie law of the world. Health is
the most prerloii. oeslon in tho world,
nnd too great cure cannot be given to It.
In the MiriUii. vott fhoitld renew your,ltnlfr.e,vottr blood and nerves
with tho hot of nil medicines, Ilotcttcr'
Stomach Hitters, it also cures stuiuach
disorders. Try It.
Late Realization.
"I now realize," said the pig, ob
they loaded him Into tho wagon,
bound for tho butcher's, "I now reallzo
thnt overeating tends to shorten life."
Indianapolis Press.
The to are a (treat mnny remedies
but there In one Ul UK for a
poor complexion; that Is Garfield
Ten, which enrea bv ptirlfylnir the
blood, thus removing the cause.
Tables Turned,
"The first tlmo I tried to smoko a
clgnretto it .made mo awfully Blck."
"You aro getting oven now."
"I don't seo how."
"Why now they mako ovorybody olBe
sick when you smoko them. Tho
lie Itrnutlful t
A clear, clean complexion Is tho foundation
of all beauty. Caicatcts Candy Cnthurtlo make
and keep tho skin snft nnd velvety. All drug
glits 10c, 2.", 50c.
Jarring Mrs. Von B.
Mrs. Von Blumor My children havo
been to school now two terms nnd
havo made scarcely any progress.
Mrs. Wlthorby How sad I And It's
such a good school, tool Detroit
Free Press.
riTft Psnnuienllir Cured. No fits or ntnrotifiicsi
rl 19 anrnmiU'unftlr. Kline's Great Nrra
KMtntf r. Hnl tor FR K K S'J.OO trUI Iwttle n;l treat.
U. Ma.B.ll.Ktm.Ltd..WIArchBl,Phlldtlphla.ra,
Disgusted Passenger.
"No, sir," sain a passongor on a
steamship to tho captain, "I am not
sea sick, but I am disgusted with
tho motion of tho vossol." Ohio
Btato Journal.
I do not behove Plso's Cure for Con
sumption has an equal for coughs and
colds, John V. Hoyicr. Trinity Springs,
Ind Feb. 15. 1000.
But It Is Worry All Around.
As a rulo n woman's dress worries
othor women moro than It pleases tho
man who has to pay for It. Kansas
City Times.
A Prosperous and Popular Sin Francisco
Among the Initttutlons Identified with the
frowth and dcreloiuoent of Hon Kranclico,
(Id's Uuilness Cmleio holds a roiiiplruoua
place. Doth as a bualnesa etiterprlso and ao
educational Institution. It has torn qrer alnee
Us organisation, nearly forty yt-ara ago, ex
tremely popular and eminently surcraiful. It
la In the clasa of ttioao solid and fiitiatantlal In
atltutlnna In which a city takes pride. citluna
point to It as ono of tbo old reliable ami thor
oughly progreaalTe eataullahuu-iits, an Institu
tion with a dcflulto purpoio and au uotiues
tinned status. .
In connection with commercial education
tho name of lleald's la a household word nu tbt
I'aclBc Coatt and throughout tho couutry at
large. In Ita own fleld of effort It la ss widely
known ss Stanford or Urrkeler, for It enrolls
students from the four quarters of tho globe.
In 16U0 over county In California but four had
atudents In Ileald'a Iliulheas Collogo. Tho four
not represented wero 1M Norte, Lasion, orsngu
and Ventura. The reglitnr of the college shows
that In 1SOO students were enrolled from thu
following Statea aud Trrltorles outalda or Col
Ifornla; In many rases theru were sorcral rvu
rvaeatatlrea from each) Nersd. lows, Waab
lngtnn, Oargen, Montana, Colorado, Utah, Idaho,
Arlsona, Kansas, Mtasourl, I'ennsylTanla, Now
Jrraoy, Vermont. Virginia and New Mexico. In
1U00 atudenta camo directly to tho achool from
Mexico, Canada, Japan, the nawnllan Itlumli,
Yukon Territory, Siberia and Central America.
Knrollmeni were also mado from Kngland and
Ita largo body of alumni constitute a moat
formidable promoting force, and thn steady
growth of the college ran be attributed largely
to the commndlng rolce of theae thouiands of
graduates, who know whereof tbey apeak.
For full Information write to the college for
IDo ou.pare catalogue anu couece journals.
Address K. V. Ilcsld, I'mldcnt, 2t Poet
street, fitn Francisco, Cal.
The 8ecrot of It.
Ann Eliza Thore goes Mary Mo
loney. Sho's ih' styllshcst dressed
girl of any of us.
Maria Jano An' small wonder. Her
missus is th' samo slzo 's hor, 'n em
ploys th' best modalst In th' city
Philadelphia Bulletin.
The Beat Prescription for Matarla
Chills and Ferer Is a bottle of Qroro's Tastoleis
Chill Tonlo. It Is simply iron and quinine In
a tasteless form. No Core. Wo ray. ttlcetOo.
Entitled to Half Rates.
Beggar Pleaso give a poor old
blind man a dime!
Citizen Why, you can seo out of
ono eyo.
"Well, then give me a nickel."
Chicago News.
For Infanta and Children.
Thi Kind You Havi Always Bfvght
Bears tho
Signature of
Officer of Gas Company But don't
you know wo can't afford to glvo you
good gas at any such price as that?
Consumer WJiat aro you giving us
now, hot alr7 Chicago Tribune.
;! Two Big Pains M
seem to be the heritage of the
human family everywhere, vis;
bat there Is one sure aad
prompt car for both, tU:
I St Jacobs Oil
Oor. Kloner Qnve a Stable Hoy a Tip
nil He In Now eulthy.
Li. Schrclber & Sous have filed suit In
the United States Circuit Court nt
Ulchmond, Vn., against Lola Moore
Xewman nnd lier husband, Walter J.
Newniau, to collect $1,000, alleged to
bo due them by the Newmans.
The story back of the suit concerns
tho desire ofa man who left a town In
Virginia a penniless, friendless boy ami
returned linvlug money with which to
feed the robins.
The Newmans live near Somerset,
Orange County, and aro now building a
magnificent couutry estnte. Mr. New
man was the poor boy, and he Is now
spending money la a way that hns sur
prised all Orange County out of three
years' growth.
Tho story of Mr. Newman's success
rends like a romance. It was told by
ono of the lawyers representing the
complainants In the suit. It Is saltl
that when he left Oraugo Cotiuty Wal
ter Newman was an humble stnbio boy.
lie mado his way to New York and
found a friend In tho late Oovernoi
Flower. It Is a wcll-kuowu fuct that
when Flower was a potent fnctor In
tho business of making great fortunes
In Wall street ho would take any friend
of his who desired It aloug with hint
on a great money-making venture and
turn him from n poor man Into a rich
one. This was Newman's luck, says
tho story told by tho lawyer. He was
"put onto a sine thing" in the market
by Mr. Flower and gathered In $18,000.
With this ns a starter he was Boon very
wealthy. A good part of his money was
Invested In copper mines In North Car
ollnn, n?d It has paid well. Then the
stable boy went back to Ornngo Coun
ty and bought up a 1,500-ncro piece of
land, had lakes constructed In It,
streams gurgling music to him, trees
and (lowers and hills and little dales to
delight him.
The old-timers gazed and stretched
their necks and declared him a wonder
ami gathered around his wonderful
place and watched tho mansion and the
handsrtmo stables aud servants' quar
ters grow under the workmen's ham
mers. It Is also said of Newman that
ho always kept a special train wnltlng
for him nnd that ho never bothered io
write letters In the usual way; ho tele
graphed them. Schrelher & Sons wero
contracted with to build an Iron fence
with ornnmentnl gates around tho prop
erty. They now claim that after pre
paring tho mntcrlnl their contract was
broken. There had been somo delny,
which the complainants claim was not
on their part, nnd the Newmans de
clined to hnvo the work completed. The
claim against them Is for $4,00J, nnd a
lien against tho property nenr Somur
set Is asked.
Prince Mobninraed AU Ml ran Paid to
lie Under Knealnn Influence.
England will hardly bo pleased at tho
news thnt tho future Sliuli of Persln,
Prlnco Mohammed Alt Mlrzn, hns ap
plied to tho Czar of
Itussln for n tutor,
and that n Russian
scholar, S. M. Slmp
snl, lias been sunt
from St. Petersburg
to Teheran, the Per
sian capital, to under
tako tho Instruction
of tho Prince for the
next threo years.
Tho p'.nclng of tho future Shah under
Ilusslnn Uillueuco Is especially slgulll
cant In view of tho fact that tho present
Shah Is not expected to live many
years, oven If ho does not nhdlcato his
throne within tho next fow months.
Several times It has been reported that
the Shnb had become Insane, but he lias
so far been ablo to hold his power with
out serious difficulty. Tim Crown
Prince hns sixteen brothers of roynl
descent, besides others whoso mothers
are not of the royal clan, nnd as tho
law of primogeniture does not neces
sarily hold in Persia, It Is posslblo thnt
ho may need some strong outside Influ
ence to uld him In securing possession
of the throne at tho death or abdication
of his father, In addition to holding
tho key to British Iudln, on which Rus
sia Is supposed to havo designs, tho
Shah Is tho possessor of a prlvato for
tuno of more than $200,000,000, most
of It In tho shape of precious stones,
which are kept In glass Jnrs so thnt ho
mny keep closo track of It and cut off
a few heads If tho Jnrs lose top much
of their contents nt any time.
lie hike Papa.
A local gentleman of prominence has
becomo famous for his wonderful self
conceit. Ho thinks Mr. Is a little bit
nicer and brighter and more moral
than any other man In the city. Ills
wlfo hns circulated a story about him
that almost breaks his heart.
He was teaching 'tis little boy to
pray, and the llttlo follow, pursuant to
his father's words, had requested the
blessing for evoryone.
"Pray for llttlo boys like yourself,"
said tho parent. "Ask that they may
grow np llko your papa."
And tho llttlo boy prayed thnt all boys
should grow up to be great men llko
bis futber.LoulsvlIlo Commercial.
"MUtreas of H eraelf."
A man has no moral right to sit on tbo
edge of a tiled hearth uud balance a
Sevres plate (not to be matched for love
or money) on his knees, yet this was
what a famous Illustrator did till ho
dropped It.
"What havo I done'" he asked, al
though the proverbial "thousand
pieces" wero plainly visible at his feet.
"ilerely destroyed a plato which Is
quite In a great artist's line," returned
bis hostess, with a smile that even her
husband afterward admitted was fur
too fine for every-day use.
A man dislikes attention until It Is
about to be taken away from him.
He 7 Posepcd of Orent Wilt Power
mi t Muny cc tttitlUhittentn.
From one who wns lntlmntely con
nected with him lu his youth I learn
that his chief characteristic Is earnest
ness, added to great will power. What
ever ho docs, no matter how trivial, Is
attacked (lusethe word advisedly) with
such force aud such determination thnt
It Is Invariably carried to a successful
Issue. For Instance, all the world
knows of his collection of coins, but
few hnvo heard of Its origin. One day
when n small boy he wns playing in
the garden of the Qulilmtl, and found
a Plus IX, penny, with which ho rush
ed delighted to Queen Margherltn. She
explained what It was, and Incidentally
told hi in about others more Important.
From that moment he began to collect,
nnd he has now become one of tho
greatest numismatists In the world. It
Is the snme with swimming, He learn
ed quickly, and reached such perfection
thnt It wns his custom to Jump from a
man-of-war Into the open sea, have his
swim, ami return without help.
Other accomplishments are music
nnd pnlntlng. Queen Mnrgherltn, who
Is exceptionally fond of music, seeing
her husband so Indifferent to It, de
cided that her son must play at least
the piano, If he had any talent nt all.
Masters were procured when he was a
small boy, with the result that ho Is a
very fair pianist, and sntlsfles oven
the critical tnstc of his mother. Of
pnlutlug ho knows less, but can dash
oft a very respectable sketch, showing
verve, but a hick of knowledge of color.
But, above all and before nil, tho
king Is a mnn of will, nnd, try as ho
mny, no ono can turn hltn onco his
mind Is mndo up.-Ilomo Correspon
dence Pnll Mnll Gnzctte. '
Encceeila King K1 ward a Ornn 1 Mas
ter of the Vreetnnsona.
King Edward VII. has ceased to be
Grand Mnster of tho Order of Freema
sons, which ofllco ho held nu tho
Prince of Wales. Thts Is In conform
ity with tho courfle adopted by tho
Inst Prlnco of Wnles on his becoming
Regent nnd afterwards Qeorgo IV. An
especial Grand Lodge has elected tho
Duke of Counnught as his Majesty's
It Is Interesting to uoto thnt only
three predecessors hnvo stood botweeu
thu Into Grnnd Master and tho Inst
Prince of Wales who filled thnt ofllce,
namely, Lord Itlpon, who held thu po
sition from "1870 to 187-1; tho Earl of
Zetland, who occupied It from 1814 to
1870; mid the Duke of Stihscx, 1811! to
18-13, who succeeded tho Prince Regent,
Ills Prophecy Cnma True.
Edward Wlgglesworth, "Mollis pro
fessor of divinity at Cambridge," in a
little pamphlet published lu tho porten
tous year of 1770, must havo had a cor
rect Idea of thu prosperity of this couu
try during tho century Just closing, ns
ho predicted that tho population of tho
"British American colonies" lu 1000
would bo 80,000,000.
Included lu this cstlmato was Nova
Scotia, now thu Dominion of Canada,
which with Its lust recorded census re
sult of 4,800,000 added to the 70.000,000
of tho United States fulfills almost to
the letter tho accuracy of thu Wiggles
worth prophecy. And this somewhat
remarkable forecast wns not bused up
on any species of guess work, but upon
a well defined nud clearly constructed
mathematical theory, which, reduced
to plain words, can bo best described In
tho language of Kb author:
"Tho British-Americans hnvo doubled
their numbers In every period of
twenty-live yenrs from tholr first plnn-
Taking this statistical fact ns a basis
for his calculations tho Harvard divin
ity professor constructed a system of
reckoning tho Increase of n country's
population which history has shown to
be ns correct as his method was simple.
Assuming that tho 1775 population
was 2.GOO.00O Mr. Wlgglesworth esti
mated 0,000,000 for 1800, 10,000,000 for
1825, 20.000,000 for 1850, 40,000,000 for
1875 and 80,000,000 for 1000, and the
record of tho United States census since
Its initial taking In 1700 shows sub
stantially theso figures, ns follows:
Census of 1800, 6,308,000; 1825 (1820),
0,033.000; 1850, 23,101,000; 1875 (1870),
38,058,000; 1000, with Canada, 81,000,
000. National Mngazlne.
Matrimonii!! Ilariralna.
A Customer (In tho completodepnrt
ment store) I notice so many couples
taking tho elevator for tho thirteenth
tloor. Why tiro
Tho Ribbon Clerk They nro taking
advnntugo of the special offer In thu
matrimonial department. Rev. Mr,
Splicer Is performing ceremonies to-duy
at half price. Brooklyn Life.
Every mau makes the mistake of
thinking he can fool his wife as easily
as he used to fool his mother.
Love never finds a burden too heavy
for it to tackle.
Vhy a Womstffs
to Ablo to Help Sick Woman
Wlion Doctors fell,
IIow gladly would men fly to wo
man's aid did they but understand a
woman's feelings, trials, sensibilities,
and peculiar organic disturbances.
Thoso things aro known only to
women, nnd tbo aid a man would givo
is not nt his command.
To trcnt a case properly It is neces
sary to know all about it, and full
information, mnny times, cannot bo
given by n woman to her fnmlly phy
sician. Sho cannot bring herself to
toll everything, and the physician is
Mas. O. It. CnAFrBLb
t m constant disadvantage. This !
why, for tho pttBt twcnty-flvo years,
thousands of women havo been con
fiding their troubles to us. and our
advlco haa brought happiness and
health to countless women in tho U.S.
Mrs. Chappell, of Grant Park, 111.,
whoso portrait wo publish, advises all
suffering women to use Lydla E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound, aa it
cured her of inflammation of tho ovaries
and womb she, therefore, speaks from
knowledge, and her uxporienco ought
to give others confidence. , Address Mrs.
Pinkham'a Laboratory, Lynn, Moss.
Too True.
Nodd Irow do you llko youi
country home?
Todd It's a groat place Tin
only drawback is that I can't soil It
Harper's Bazaar.
Th BVIilenen la furnished by tha See
retary of tha llonrd of Trade of
Wellshura;, New York, anil
Citniiot Ho Doubted.
The popular Bocrotary of tho Wollsv
burg, N. Y., board of trado Is Mr. W.
J. Ditlton, and his Htntomont to a ro
portor regarding ono of tho most Im
portant events of lib llfo curries with II
the greatest weight, it Is unusual for a
porson to bo nflllctod from childhood
with rhoumatlsm nut it is ovon
wonderful that thoro Is a romedy bo
oxnetly BUltod to tho tra'.mont of thin
stubborn dlsoaso thnt ono hundred
doses wero sufllclont to orndlcate
u In a enso of twonty years' stand
ing, Tho proof that such a romody
Is within tho reach of ail rheumatic
Btiffcroro Is found In Mr. Dalton'a own
words. Ho says:
"I had boon troublod with rheuma
tism nil my llfo, oven when n boy,
It nttackod mo In tho legs, arms and
shoulders. Tho pain lu tho lattor
was particularly sovoro. I, of course,
took mcdiclno for It, but did not
obtnln ponnnnont rullof, Ono day
about threo yearn ago while rending
a nowspapor, I saw nn advertisement
of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale
Pcoplo and determined to glvo thorn
a trial, I had takon but three boxaB
of tho pills when tho troublo, which
had boon my nflllctlon from child
hood, entirely disappeared.
"About a your lator I had another
attack of rheumatism which was
brought on by working In a damp
placo. I romomuorod well what Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills for Palo Pcoplo
had dono for mo, so I Immodlatoly
purchased some. Strangely onougb,
Just threo boxes ngaln cured mo, and
I hnvo boon entirely froo from rhou
mutism ovor elnco, I havo told a num
ber of peoplo about Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills for Palo Peoplo, and they
havo takon them with most bono
ficlal results."
(Signed) W. J. DALTON.
Dr. Williams' Pinic Pills for Palo
Peoplo aro sold hy all doaloro, or
will bo sent postpaid on rocolpt of
prlco, CO conts a box, or six boxes for
12.50, by Dr. Williams Mcdiclno Co.,
Hchonectudy', Now York. Bo suro
you get tho gonulno; aubstltutes never
cured anybody. Look for tho full
name on every package
What he had Heard.
Tommy I'm glad I don't live out In
North Dakota.
Arthur Why?
Tommy I have heard that they,
havo thrahslng machines out thore.
Somervlllo Journal.
The remnrkalile aucrecs of (larfleld
Tea, thugrrst II Kit II euro for C'ou.
stlpatlnn ami Kick Headache, Is
due to Ita Iu'hIIIiIuI actluti on
all thu UlKetth e uri'aiii.
His Philosophy.
She I wish I could bo us contented
as you.
He Oh! I ain't contonted only I
don't think It's worth whllo to worry
about it." Puck.
This signature fs on erery bos ot the genuine
Laxative BromoQuinine Tablets
lb rawed that ecures) n cll lot mmm mmj
In the Affirmative.
The body of tno latost mysterious
disappearance having been found at
the bottom of a creek, we pause long
enough to ask whether tho mybterloua
disappearance ought not to stop dis
appearing, Philadelphia Inquirer.
-, i